Global Innovation Expert Program content Vienna including faculty from EUROPE: LONG HISTORY AND SHORT FUTURE? Europe is a diverse continent, many cultures, languages and small and large countries cope with each other. Regarding research and innovation there is a common ground. Europe at large is perfect in engineering but weak in disruptive innovation. New business models of global innovation regions like Silicon Valley find a perfect market in Europe and hardly any competition from local companies. EUROPE IS THE MARKET FOR OTHERS From the top ten of the biggest smartphone companies there is just one from Europe, actually it is Alcatel-Lucent on the tenth and last place. Eight of them are from Asia, including newcomers like Vivo, Oppo or Xiaomi. There is no need to have decades´ long history to be able to dominate worlds markets. It is not the big ones who dominate smaller ones. It is the fast ones that dominate the slow ones. DIVERSITY AS AN ASSET Despite all horrors Europe has to face in hardware and service industry from Asian and US competitors, there is a solid basis of high education levels, established social systems and motivated and skilled workforce. If Europe can develop its system into using the engineering capacities for change and entrepreneurial mindsets, no other region in the world will be able to challenge it. IN THE VIENNA PROGRAM MODULE AMONGST OTHER THINGS WE SHOW: – How does open innovation influence the development of new products and fosters cooperation between formerly competitors? – What are the options of fallen giants to evolve out of their ashes? – How can the existing plantlets of entrepreneurship be developed into strong trees that pursue success in future markets? – Is there an old economy or do we just not see the changes that are ongoing in large industries? Shanghai Oct 22 / 23 Shenzhen Oct 25 / 26 2018 Cape Town Mar 08 / 09 San Francisco Sep 24 / 25 Nairobi Oct 18 / 19 VIENNA >> Sep 10 / 11 www.innovationorbit.com | Innovation Orbit e.U. | Maurer Lange Gasse 25/4/4, 1230 Vienna, Austria | [email protected] | Status April ´18

Global Innovation Expert - Innovation Orbit - Education: Program€¦ · “Industrial Innovation in Transition” project. This project was a European wide exercise covering eleven

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Page 1: Global Innovation Expert - Innovation Orbit - Education: Program€¦ · “Industrial Innovation in Transition” project. This project was a European wide exercise covering eleven

Global Innovation Expert

Program content Vienna

including faculty from

EUROPE: LONG HISTORY AND SHORT FUTURE? Europe is a diverse continent, many cultures, languages and small and large countries cope with each other. Regarding research and innovation there is a common ground. Europe at large is perfect in engineering but weak in disruptive innovation. New business models of global innovation regions like Silicon Valley find a perfect market in Europe and hardly any competition from local companies.

EUROPE IS THE MARKET FOR OTHERS From the top ten of the biggest smartphone companies there is just one from Europe, actually it is Alcatel-Lucent on the tenth and last place. Eight of them are from Asia, including newcomers like Vivo, Oppo or Xiaomi. There is no need to have decades long history to be able to dominate worlds markets. It is not the big ones who dominate smaller ones. It is the fast ones that dominate the slow ones.

DIVERSITY AS AN ASSET Despite all horrors Europe has to face in hardware and service industry from Asian and US competitors, there is a solid basis of high education levels, established social systems and motivated and skilled workforce. If Europe can develop its system into using the engineering capacities for change and entrepreneurial mindsets, no other region in the world will be able to challenge it.

IN THE VIENNA PROGRAM MODULE AMONGST OTHER THINGS WE SHOW:– How does open innovation influence the development of new products and fosters cooperation between formerly competitors?– What are the options of fallen giants to evolve out of their ashes?– How can the existing plantlets of entrepreneurship be developed into strong trees that pursue success in future markets?– Is there an old economy or do we just not see the changes that are ongoing in large industries?

Shanghai Oct 22 / 23

Shenzhen Oct 25 / 26


Cape Town Mar 08 / 09

San Francisco Sep 24 / 25 Nairobi

Oct 18 / 19

VIENNA >> Sep 10 / 11

www.innovationorbit.com | Innovation Orbit e.U. | Maurer Lange Gasse 25/4/4, 1230 Vienna, Austria | [email protected] | Status April ´18

Page 2: Global Innovation Expert - Innovation Orbit - Education: Program€¦ · “Industrial Innovation in Transition” project. This project was a European wide exercise covering eleven

Lecture details faculty Status April ´18

Program Vienna 10. / 11. Sep 2018

Mathias BeckETH Zuerich

Mathias Beck is a Senior Researcher at the KOF Swiss Economic Institute and lecturer at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at the ETH Zurich. He is working in the field of public and private innovation policies. His main research areas also cover the effects of new technology such as digitalization, the mobility of R&D labor, and strategic R&D alliances. He has received his PhD in Management and Economics from University of Zurich, and his M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering, Economics, and Management from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

The secret of Switzerland’s successThe lecture analyses the Swiss Innovation System and its position in an international comparison. Whether you look at the EU Commission’s Innovation Union Scoreboard, the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index or other data, Switzerland is always to be found among the top-ranked countries. We will look behind, what is Switzerland’s success as an innovative nation. The fact that the public sector does not seemingly engage in innovation or industry politics in the narrower sense makes it even more mysterious what is behind the secret of Switzerland’s success. Innovation happens in the private sector. Innovative firms identify market potential and develop markets. In a workshop driven environment, we will also develop an innovation plan in small groups for generating and managing innovative projects within an organization. We will pitch our results and discuss them in the plenum.

Rita FaullantUniversity of Southern Denmark

Rita Faullant is an associate professor at University of Southern Denmark (DK), at the Centre for Integrative Innovation Management. She holds a PhD in marketing and was habilitated (venia docendi) at Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt (Austria). Her research centres on open innovation, user integration and crowdsourcing for new product development, business model management as well as individual and organizational creativity.

Open Innovation and New Business ModelsOpen Innovation has become an important way to integrate external knowledge for new product development (NPD). In contrast to closed innovation, open innovation promotes the knowledge flow across an organization’s boundaries, in order to develop better products in shorter times and at lower costs. The lecture discusses various forms of open innovation and shows new ways of customer interaction and user integration in NPD. We discuss relevance, advantages and challenges of open innovation. Furthermore, the integration of external actors in the internal value chain also promotes the emergence of new business models. We analyze cases of open innovation and business model innovation.

Nikolaus FrankeVienna University of Economics and Business

Nikolaus Franke founded the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Vienna University of Business and Economics (WU) in 2001 and has been serving as its Director since then. He earned his doctoral and habilitation degree at University of Munich and spent several semesters as Visiting Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He earned many awards for teaching and research in the last 16 years.

Entrepreneurship, Innovation ManagementEntrepreneurship and Innovation requires systematic analysis, creative thinking, and a sense for strategy. We train these capabilities in a set of interactive short case studies that unlike HBS cases can be understood immediately and do not require preparation. Participants will work in small groups on the case, present their ideas for solutions, upon which the “real” solution will be revealed. The ensuing discussion allows seeing the “big picture”, linking it to the participants’ business experience, and drawing practical conclusions.

Erkki OrmalaNokia, Aalto University

Erkki Ormala is Professor for Practice and Innovation Management at Aalto University in Finland. He graduated in engineering from Helsinki University of Technology. Prof. Ormala worked as a research engineer at the Technical Research Centre of Finland and was a visiting scholar at Stanford University. He spent many years as Vice President in the Nokia Group and chaired international expert groups on evaluation and innovation policies.

Industrial Innovation in Transition what about PolicyThe lecture will cover the industrial innovation development of the last decades in Finland including a comparison with other European and international innovation ecosystems. A special focus will be on the “Industrial Innovation in Transition” project. This project was a European wide exercise covering eleven EU member countries and funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program. The science, technology or corporate-driven innovation paradigm has been challenged by a new open, human and eco-system-based collaborative innovation paradigm since the 1990’s. The project aims to create a holistic understanding of the current best practices in the most innovative companies for an updated best practice documentation in the changed industrial innovation environment.

Alfred WaldhäuslContinental AG

Alfred Waldhäusl has more than 30 years experience in leading positions in the automotive industry, focusing on sales, business development and innovation. He holds an Automotive MBA from the Vienna University of Technology and the Slovak University of Technology of Bratislava. Part of occupation is managing projects in strategy, growth development and partnering. His current position is “Head of Strategic Business Development & Transactions” for a Continental Business Unit.

Perspectives of innovation in large corporationsThe lecture deals with the subject how large corporations foster innovation in order to achieve growth and operational excellence. It will provide insight into Continentals innovation process and landscape as well as the deployment within specific initiatives and daily live. It touches also related areas like start up’s, entrepreneurship and business models.

www.innovationorbit.com | Innovation Orbit e.U. | Maurer Lange Gasse 25/4/4, 1230 Vienna, Austria | [email protected] | Status April ´18