Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism

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  • 8/8/2019 Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism


    Statement by Former Senator Sam NunnCo-Chairman, Nuclear Threat Initiative

    on the Bush-Putin Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism

    July 15, 2006

    This is a significant breakthrough in global efforts to keep nuclear weapons and materials

    out of terrorist hands. I commend Presidents Bush and Putin for this initiative, whichshows a strong commitment to preventing nuclear terrorism -- the greatest threat we face.

    The hardest step for terrorists to take to detonate a nuclear weapon is getting their hands

    on nuclear material. This is the easiest step for us to stop. Every subsequent step in theprocess --making a bomb, smuggling it into the country -- gets easier for the terrorists and

    harder for us. That's why the chain of nuclear security is only as strong as its weakest

    link. With nuclear weapons materials in more than 40 countries, global cooperation iscritical.

    The success of this initiative will depend on:

    Continued high-level leadership, focus and engagement like what we are seeingfrom Presidents Bush and Putin today;

    An expansion of this coalition to make it truly global and comprehensive and toalso include security of all nuclear weapons programs, and

    Support from legislatures around the world to provide funding and support todramatically accelerate this work.

    All the right words are there, and these statements are very encouraging to those of us

    who have been in this arena for a long time. As we have seen in the past, there can be abig gap between words and deeds, a big gap between pledges and programs, and a big

    gap between goals and accomplishments.

    These gaps must be filled by determined, focused leaders. Presidents Bush and Putin

    have chartered the course now every day, every week, every month for the rest of theirterms in office, they must assign clear responsibility and demand accountability from

    their respective governments.

    I am pleased to see the emphasis on the important role of the International Atomic

    Energy Agency, which will be an essential part of this effort. I also support the

    announcement by Presidents Bush and Putin that our two nations will engage in an effort

    for the development and expansion of nuclear energy to include cooperation on a seriesof steps to assure that all countries in compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation

    Treaty will have access to nuclear fuel and technology.

  • 8/8/2019 Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism


    I also commend Undersecretary Robert Joseph, his team and their Russian counterpartsfor their role in creating this initiative.

    The world is in a race between cooperation and catastrophe. Cooperation made a big stepforward in St. Petersburg today.

    CONTACT: Cathy Gwin

    202-270-5942 (cell)

    [email protected]