Global ImageProducts- Marketing Plan Created by Emily Wheare (Marketing Divison)

Global Imaging Marketing Plan V1

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Global ImageProducts- Marketing PlanCreated by Emily Wheare (Marketing Divison)

Page 2: Global Imaging Marketing Plan V1

Mission Statement;Global Image Products was established in 2011 with a vision to provide the photographic industry with a product range that is both usable and cost efficient.

The business philosophy recognises that clients are our most important asset and it is imperative for our company to provide a stylish product range focusing on quality, service and a price you will be supportive of. The directors are committed to sourcing new and exciting products on a regular basis and will leave no stone unturned in its endeavours to provide our clients with the support they deserve.

Emily will be redesigning the Social Marketing Campaign based around these Social Media Platforms;

-Facebook-Youtube -Twitter -Blog Platform.

Our main objective is to increase impressions and in-bound traffic towards the Global Imaging Products and increase revenue and knowledge of the company.

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Market and Market Share:

In order to understand the position of Global Image Marketing, we need to analyse where the company sits in the Market.

Marketing is sharpening its focus on the ‘D’ word; Digital photography. Just 10 years ago, people were considerably less aware about Digital Photography as well as the charming opportunities that it could provide.

The market for digital photography is estimated at AUD 40.3 billion by the year 2016, registering a growth of 5.0% annually. The digital photography market with its complementary products like cameras, lenses, printers, storage cards, digital photo frames, and photo editing software, accounts for more than AUD 35 billion. Hence its complementary products generate more in revenues and provide an opportunity to become huge business.

Digital media has changed the face of digital photography, photo sharing sites, blogging sites and networking sites, thus creating big business for the digital photography market. Internet is affecting daily lives of consumers and becoming a necessary evil; digital photography is one among them.

This market can be broken down into segments such as:

1) Digital photography products :

Products can include photo processing equipment, interchangeable lenses, camera cell phones and many more.

2) Digital photography applications:Applications could include photography software, photo looks, photo processing etc.

SWOT ANALYSISStrength:-Networking sites are continuously redesigning their photo sharing section to give consumers a rich and exciting visual experience. -Rising interest in photography as a hobby could be another leading factor.

Weakness:-Cost of professional studios compared to online stores.

- Online Photosharing

Opportunties:-Wireless Cameras will drive photography into newer markets. Digital and video cameras will rapidly evolve into network devices, creating fresh opportunities for wireless operators, manufacturers and film suppliers.

Threats:-Applications such as Instagram having their own print your canvas website thats cheaper than professional studios such as GIP

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The 3 Growth Pillars;

Grow and Improve Industry Connections and Capabilities1) Establish an industry owned and representative organisation to;

-Connect and Share knowledge with current industry players- Build Capicity to achieve business growth

Create Product Innovation and Difference:2) Create a formula of innovation of unique clusters and Unique Selling Points-Develop premium and differential products-Improve system and system processes

Promote Global Imaging Products as a Premium:3) Actively promote GIP in this sector by-Re-establish a brand-Postion the Unique Selling Points

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Social Media Marketing;

Global Image Products needs to make communication with it’s customers the first priority, ideally we would redesign and re-construct the Social Media Marketing Plan based on increase inbound traffic to the website.

Blog:Social Media Marketing Techniques can’t be structurally sound unless the company blog is on a Sub-Domain which is linked to the website under Analytic codes and Search Engine Optimisations (SEO’s) such as blog.globalimagingproducts.com.au which would come up in the same google search as the company website.

The blog will also serve as the base of the Social Media Marketing where we would upload the videos and share the videos via posts with shorten links provided by ow.ly

Search Engine Optimisations:This will allow Global Image Products to track and review it’s natural/organic searches (not paid/ not advertised searches). We would have to create short, unique and custom tags such as

<meta name="description=" content=“Global Imaging Products provide the photographic industry with a product range that is both usable and cost efficient.in">

This would allow customers to find us in related searches such as;- Photography Products

-Cost Efficient Photo Products- Photography Range - Photography Imaging Equipment Melbourne

This will also suit the new website by allowing a more-user friendly navigation. Search Engine Optimisation coding.

Google Adwords: Google Adwords uses keywords or phrases you choose that can trigger your ad to show on search and other sites. For Global Imaging Products we would focus on- Imaging Products Melbourne

- Melbourne Photography- Photography products Melbourne - Professional Photography Equipment

- Photography Equipment Melbourne

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Adwords can also appear on other websites that google owns or has shares in such as- Facebook- Youtube - Twitter- Sunday Morning Herald.

Google can also automatically determine where your ads appear by matching your keywords to websites in the Display Network, whether it be local or national scale.

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Social Media Platforms;

Facebook: Facebook will be used for general feedback as well as a visual medium to share photos and videos of the company, trends and website posts. Instead of paying for Facebook advertising, we can boost posts. Normally, the first boosted post is free then its boosted based on length of boost. This normally is between $5-$30 compared to advertising where we would have to spend $8 a day to be in reach of Melbourne, VIC.

The views of the boosted post can be tracked via Facebook analytic tracker.

Youtube:In this day, people like to watch tutorials, how to’s and DIY videos on youtube. This can be our unique selling point. There ain’t that many DIY or tutorials for photography equipment or photography trends such as double contrast imaging. This will allow us to be involved in many markets and it also allows people to ask questions in real time, thus creating a connection with your audience.

Instagram:Instagram is a hobbyist photographers dream. Photography is the 3rd most searched tag. However there is little in the #photographyproducts search. Also all photos with a “Velenica” or “Hefe” filters are the most popular because they add a natural light to the image/ video.

Our Instagram profile would look something like this:

Username: GlobalImageProductsName: Global ImageProductsWebsite: www.globalimageproducts.com.auBio: Smaller and condensed version on the website. Tags: #globalimageproducts, #melbournephotography #photographyproducts #photographyequipment

Blog:As mentioned earlier, the blog will be run as a sub-domain. We will use the blog as our main platform to upload and share content. A blog is a good marketing tool because we can use it as a visual and informative platform. Video sharing and informative posts are the two most popular types of post.

Global Image Products will have both informative posts (what’s trending, thoughts/rants) as well video content (how to, DIY and tips/tricks) this will allow our readers/viewers to learn and ask questions whether they are a professional in the industry or if they are a hobbyist.

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Example Instagram Layout

Example Facebook Advert (Right Column)

Suggested Page Global Image Products_________________________________________

Australian Supplier of Professional Photographic Presentation Products,


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Global Imaging Products will need to determine a value for the advertising and promotion of the business digitally. It will have to factor in expenses, advert fees for major platforms (Facebook& Adwords) and allocated spending for reaching the ideal target market and the time of day we post. In order to correctly gain financial revenue, we would also have to consider seasonal variations.

This table is based on confirming a traffic increase of 10% per 3 months. Global Image Products total spend would be $1850 annually. If we reached our 10% goal we could gain 10-15% profit per quarter or almost 45% profit after costs. Our Oct-Dec would be highest seasonal spend because of Christmas period and increase of buying products and hobbyists using the site to buy products for the summer period.

Marketing Platform

Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec

Facebook Advert 240 240 240 350

Facebook Boost Posts

10 (per fortnight) 10 (per fortnight) 10 (per fortnight) 20 (per fortnight)

Google Adwords 40 (per month) 40 (per month) 40 (per month) 60 (per month)

SEO 25 (per fortnight) 25 (per fortnight) 25 (per fortnight) 40 (per fortnight)

TOTAL COST 430 430 430 560