Glens Falls, 13th June, 1825

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  • 8/12/2019 Glens Falls, 13th June, 1825



    LetterRanger Family


    Glens Falls Paid/ 8

    June 15th


    Betsey Ranger


    Long Island


    Glens Falls 13th

    June 1825

    Dear Betsy

    I sit down to inform you that we are all as well as usual. and I hope these few

    lines will find you in better health than when you left here we received your letter on the 10th

    June inst. which informed us of your good success on your journeyIt is the hand of over-ruling

    Providence that has carried you safe to your journey's endMay the choicest of Heavenly

    blessings rest upon you and the union and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you wherever

    you areI hope you will not trouble yourself about any of us at home we are dependant on God

    for life and hearth and every thing we enjoyour friends are as well as usual William Ferriss'

    wife has been very sick but she is getting better their son William died last wensday after being

    sick five days give our respects to all of our friendstake good care of yourself and not expose

    your health by too much fatigueMary Dickinson sends love to youthese lines in haste from

    your affectionate ParentsParsons & Naomi Ranger

    N.B Write soon after receiving this as we feel very anxious to hear from you and all the rest of

    our friends


  • 8/12/2019 Glens Falls, 13th June, 1825


    Dear Sister

    I have not much to write to you at present that's new only the Quakers are trying

    to get that money for you from the Payers's I think there is some prospect of getting it by the

    time you arrive at home David is working with Father this summer Maria Seaman's husband

    arrives here = we were much pleased to hear that you was not homesick and had a pleasant

    journeyif you are contented I think your health will be better aunt Sally's health is about as it

    was when you left homeI have got me a new frock I thought you would like hear all the up our

    little Villageyour affectionate sister Mary

    Dear Sister

    I intended to have written to you immediately on receiving your letter but have

    had so much to do for a few days past that I could not 'till now.I Therefore add a few lines to

    those written by Mother & Mary which I have just now copied off as you will perceive it is in

    my handwriting

    Let us knoww sister how you are situated in your visit among our-friends on the Island If

    you become discontented you must visit oftenerprevail on our friends to take you from place

    to place if some of them neglect you should = let us know all that transpires relative to you while

    you are therewe hope to see you improved in health when you return home may God bless

    you Sally says she had nothing particular to write to you Caroline's complaining to youI

    cannot write much, people are coming in so much for goods and the mail soon going out Write

    immediately on receipt of this as soon as convenient you will soon hear from us again

    Your Dear Brother

    Samuel Ranger