Giving Advice How do they feel? She feels great

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Slide 2 Giving Advice Slide 3 How do they feel? Slide 4 She feels great. Slide 5 He is confused. Slide 6 She/He is excited. Slide 7 He is bored. Slide 8 He feels fine. Slide 9 He is angry. Slide 10 She has a nosebleed. Slide 11 He has a bruise. Slide 12 He has a black eye. Slide 13 He has a rash. Slide 14 She has a cut. Slide 15 He has a runny nose. Slide 16 She has a bump. Slide 17 He/She has a blister. Slide 18 She is nervous. What should you do when you are nervous? What should you not do when you are nervous? You should take deep breaths. You should not hold your breath. Slide 19 He is upset. What should you do when you are upset? What should you not do when you are upset? You should tell someone why you are upset. Try not to take it out on someone else. Slide 20 He is scared. What should you do when you are scared? What should you not do when you are scared? You should tell someone what you are scared of. You should not hold your beath. Slide 21 She is tired all the time. What should you do when you are tired all the time? What should you not do when you are tired all the time? You should go to bed earlier. You should not stay up late. Slide 22 She has a fever. What should you do when you have a fever? What should you not do when you have a fever? You should get some rest. You should not go play outside. Slide 23 She tired all the time.She a fever. ishas VS. Tired describes her.Fever is a thing. Fever is a noun. Tired is an adjective. Slide 24 He has a bad stomachache. What should you do when you have a bad stomachache? What should you not do when you have a bad stomachache? I suggest that you take some medicine. Try not to go swimming. Slide 25 He has a headache. What should you do when you have a headache? What should you not do when you have a headache? Try to get some rest. You should not listen to loud music. Slide 26 She has a sore throat. What should you do when you have a sore throat? What should you not do when you have a sore throat? You should drink some hot tea. You should not sing at a . Slide 27 Game time! We are going to play the Hotseat Conversation game! Slide 28 1: I have a sore throat. 2: You should drink some hot tea. Round 1 Slide 29 1: I have a headache. 2: Try to get some rest. Round 2 Slide 30 1: I have a fever. 2: You should not play outside. Round 3 Slide 31 1: I am tired all the time. 2: You should go to bed earlier. Round 4 Slide 32 1: I have a stomachache. 2: You should take some medicine. Round 5 Slide 33 1: I have a headache. 2: You should not listen to loud music. Round 6 Slide 34 Final Round! Slide 35 1: I have a fever. 2: You should get some rest. Final Round! Slide 36 Game Over!