git A Study Note Richard Kuo

Git studynotes

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Page 1: Git studynotes

git  A  Study  Note  

 Richard  Kuo  

Page 2: Git studynotes

What?  Why?  How?  When?  

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What  is  git?  

•  Free  open  source  soDware  version  control  tool.  

•  Created  by  Linus  Torvalds  In  2  weeks  for  managing  Linux  code.  

•  GitHub:  soDware  hos3ng  site  -­‐  On  16  January  2013,  GitHub  announced  it  had  passed  the  3  million  users  mark  and  now  hos3ng  more  than  5  million  repositories.  

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Why  git?  

•  Distributed.  •  Full  history  repository.  •  No  network  requirement,  work  offline  at  anywhere  and  any3me.  

•  Small  foot  print  and  fast.  •  Flexible,  accommodate  any  workflow.  •  Pseudo  industry  standard.  

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Object  Database  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYnOwPl8yCE  

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4  Object  Types  

•  Blob  (content)  -­‐  Header  -­‐  File  content.  

•  Tree  (directory  lis3ngs)  -­‐  Header  -­‐  For  each  file  or  directory  

-­‐  File  permission  -­‐  Object  type  -­‐  SHA-­‐1  -­‐  File  /  Directory  name  


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•  Tag  (meta-­‐data  of  a  commit)  –  Name  –  Tagger  –  Date  –  Commit  hash  –  …  

•  Commit  (snapshots)  –  Author  informa3on  –  Commicer  informa3on  –  Commit  message  –  SHA-­‐1  of  any  parent  commits  –  SHA-­‐1  of  the  tree  that  the  

commit  points  to  

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GIT  Object  Model  

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Git  Commit  

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hcp://www.technovelty.org/linux/git-­‐workflow.html  Crea3ve  Common  BY-­‐AS-­‐NC   11  3/1/13  

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GIT  Expressed  in  UML  hcp://utsl.gen.nz/talks/git-­‐svn/intro.html    

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3  +  1  Areas  

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Important  Concepts  

•  Manipulate  graph.  •  Track  contents,  not  files.  •  Object  name  is  hash  code  which  generated  from  its  content.  

•  Immutable  objects,  move  reference  pointers.  

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Credit:  hcp://nvie.com/posts/a-­‐successful-­‐git-­‐branching-­‐model/  Crea3ve  Common  BY-­‐AS-­‐NC   16  3/1/13  

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References  •  Books  and  tutorials  

–  Git  Immersion  –  Cheat  Sheet  –  A  Visual  Git  Reference  

•  Workflow    –  Commit  policy  –  A  successful  Git  branching  model  

•  Credit:  Patrick  Hogan  for  Images  for  slides  5,  7,  8,  10  about  objects  database.  

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Backup  Slides  

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