GISmon Sw Man e305

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  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    PD Power Diagnostix

    GISmonitorPartial Discharge Monitoring

    Software Manual

    Rev. 3.05

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring

    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521



    Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1

    II GISm o n i t o r Software ............................................................................................................................... 1


    Detailed Data of a Sensor ...................................................................................................................... 2

    II.2 Alarm and Warning Event Lists ............................................................................................................. 3

    II.3 Status Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 4

    II.4 Analysis Function ................................................................................................................................... 5

    II.4.1 Zooming and Shifting of the Graph ................................................................................................ 5

    III Configuration of the Software ................................................................................................................ 7

    III.1 Project Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 7


    Creating and Positioning of Sensors ..................................................................................................... 8

    III.3 General Setting ...................................................................................................................................... 9

    III.4 Rack Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 10


    Device Settings .................................................................................................................................... 11

    III.6 Alarmsettings ....................................................................................................................................... 13

    III.6.1 Alarm Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 13


    Alarm Output Configuration .......................................................................................................... 13

    III.7 Load and Save a Project ..................................................................................................................... 14


    Password Request ............................................................................................................................... 14

    Copyright 2014 by Power Diagnostix. All rights reserved. No part of the content of this manual may be

    reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any other means without the written permission of the publisher.

    Product and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    I Introduction

    The GISmonitorsoftware visualizes the current readings of the partial discharge sensors of a GIS and indi-

    cates alarm events or error messages. The main panel of the software shows a schematic of the GIS with

    the position of the individual sensors. Each sensor is linked with a specific input channel of a GISmonitor.

    The GISmonitorcollects and stores the data of each connected sensor. This data is then read and analyzed

    by the GISmonitorsoftware and presented to the user in a variety of different visualizations.

    II GISmonitorSoftware

    The GISmonitorsoftware starts up in the Single Line Diagram. The sensors are visualized by colored hori-

    zontal and vertical bars as shown in the figure below:

    The schematic of the GIS is a drawing file, which is loaded by the software, whereas the sensors can be

    positioned in the software individually. Sensors can be created, positioned and removed in the Edit Mode.

    The configuration of the schematic and sensors is provided by Power Diagnostix during commissioning.

    You can change the sensor colors in the Sensor/Colormenu. Default settings are green, yellow and blue for

    appropriately working sensors of different phases. Black or grey sensors indicate false initiation or no con-

    nection to the related GISmonitor. In case the connection between the GISmonitorand a sensor is lost, an

    orange flashing frame will appear around the associated bar. In case of a warning the sensors color will turn

    to orange, in case of an alarm to red.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    II.1 Detailed Data of a Sensor

    Double-clicking on a sensor displays a panel which shows the last trending data and the last values of this


    On the upper left hand site the name and the associated rack of the sensor is displayed. The Last NQS

    Valueand Last Qp Valueof the trending file are shown as well as the set alarm levels. On the upper right

    hand site the last stored pattern is displayed. The graphs beneath show the NQS and Qp trending values

    for the last three days of the trending file. This time interval can be set by selecting the Options/Trending

    Graph/Displayed Trending Records menu item. To get more detailed information about the sensor, the

    Analysispanel can be opened by clicking the Analysisbutton. The Analysis panel provides the complete

    trending data and allows the comparison between different sensors (Please refer to chapter II.4).

    Press the Printbutton to either print the current panel or to save it as a file on the IPC.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    II.2 Alarm and Warning Event Lists

    All alarms and warnings are stored and can be displayed in the Eventslist. The Eventslist can be reached

    via the tab menu in the top of the GISmonitorsoftware. The Sensor Alarm Event Listin the upper left dis-

    plays all sensor alarm and warning events. By clicking on a specific event, the corresponding colored pat-

    tern is illustrated on the upper right. The General Events List in the bottom displays all maintenance andhardware alarms. Each event is tagged with a timestamp and provides information about the location, the

    type of error and a short description. To acknowledge an event, you can click the OK button, which w ill tag

    the event with date and time of acknowledgement.

    Sensor alarm and warning events can be reset by using the Reset-Buttonsin the middle left. Maintenance

    and hardware alarms can be reset by using the Reset Buttonsin the bottom left.

    The even lists can be exported as .xlsx files by clicking the Export Alarm Eventsor Export General Events

    button. The list shows the alarm and warning events sorted by the time they occur. It also shows whether

    the alarm has triggered the relays of the I/O card (SCADA Alarm).

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    II.3 Status Overview

    The GISmonitorsoftware is providing a status overview of the hole monitoring system in the Statustab. The

    colored overview indicates among others the status of the lightning protection, the heating, the network ring,

    the ventilation and the uninterruptible power supply (USV) for every Partial Discharge Measurement Acqui-

    sition Rack(PDMAR).

    A green colored box indicates the device is in operation, while dark grey signifies the device is not operat-

    ing. If the device is not integrated in this rack, the overview will indicate this by light grey whereas white

    signifies no connection to this device.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    II.4 Analysis Function

    For a detailed analysis of the trending data of the sensors, the Analysispanel can be opened by pressing

    theAnalysisbutton. Up to eight sensors can be selected.

    On the left hand site there is a list with all defined sensors. In the middle there are the NQS and Qp trending

    graphs and the pattern of the selected sensors. On the right hand site there are the NQS and Qp values of

    the sensors at the cursor position. The data of a sensor is displayed, if the sensor is selected in the list on

    the left hand site. To select a sensor, just click on it. To select more than one sensor, press and hold theCTRL key and click on the additional sensor. The data of up to 8 sensors can be displayed at the same

    time. Moving the cursor shows the NQS and Qp values at the cursor position and displays the pattern next

    to this time.

    II.4.1 Zooming and Shifting of the Graph

    Zooming and shifting of the graph in x direction is done using the zoom bar underneath the graph. By mov-

    ing the mouse over the ends of the bar, the cursor changes to a left and right double arrow. By pressing the

    left mouse button and dragging the cursor at the same time, the bar size and position can be modified. The

    relation of the modified bar size to its maximum size determines range of trending information shown with

    the main display. Moving the mouse to the middle of the bar changes the cursor to a hand pointer. Pressing

    the left mouse button and dragging the cursor at the same time, the bar is moved which subsequently ad-

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    justs the displayed period. The data of the trending file determines the maximum time displayed. The mini-

    mum possible time shown is ten times the time interval between two data sets in the file. The resolution of

    the y-axis is adjusted by double clicking in the area of the y-axis scaling.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    III Configuration of the Software

    The GISmonitorsoftware is being provided by Power Diagnostix fully setup and individually configurated for

    your On-line Partial Discharge Monitoring System. There should be no need to change the following op-

    tions. Be aware that changing the set up might corrupt the software functionality by worsen the detection

    and identification of partial discharges or preventing alarm and warning output. Some changes will lead to a

    temporary disconnection between the PDMCR and the PDMAR. There will be no data recorded during this


    It is highly recommended to create a backup by File/Save Project prior to all setup changes. To prevent a

    loss of data the software additionally creates an autosave.gisfile every five minutes.

    III.1 Project Settings

    The main panel of the software displays a schematic of the GIS. The drawing file and the headline for the

    schematic can be selected by Edit/Project Settings.

    On the left side of the Project Settingsdialog box, the name for each bay can be selected. On the right side

    a user-defined name of the substation and a headline for the drawing can be selected. The headline ap-

    pears above the schematic in the main panel. The file with the schematic of the GIS must be of a WMF

    format. By clicking the Filenamebutton the file can be selected. The Previewfield displays the selected file.

    The GIS enclosure type can be set up as single or three phase enclosures. Pressing the OKbutton, will

    load the selected file and display it on the main panel.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    III.2 Creating and Positioning of Sensors

    Creating and positioning a sensor is only possible in Edit Mode. The Edit Modecan be activated by either

    pressing the Edit Modebutton or by selecting View/Mode/Edit.If thePassword Request Mode(see chapter

    III.8) is enabled also the administrator password has to be typed in. The Edit Modeis indicated by the red-

    colored button at the bottom left and some items are added to the toolbar at the upper left.

    Vertical or horizontal sensors can be placed by double clicking on the Single-Line Diagram.The size of the

    bar indicating the sensor and the font size of the labeling can be set individually. The sensor settings can be

    modified in a menu opened by right clicking. The Label Alignmentmenu item allows changing the position of

    the label. The label can be positioned on all four sides of the sensor and moved to any position when the

    option Free Choiceis selected. The Sensor Typemenu item allows changing between horizontal and verti-

    cal alignment of the bar. The Renamemenu item allows changing the label of the sensor. The Remove

    menu item removes the sensor.

    The Propertiesmenu item is reached by left clicking Properties. Thereby the selected sensor can be as-

    signed to a specific phase and bay of the system.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    III.3 General Setting

    The General Settingsmenu can be reached via Edit/General Settings. The input field Setupallows the con-

    figuration of the settings regarding the illustration of PD pattern. For instance the range of the ordinate and

    the lower level of detection (LLD) can be set individually depending on the background noise level. The

    constant phase shift of the displayed pattern referring to the synchronization voltage can be defined foreach phase.

    In the middle of the dialogue box the synchronization and gating settings for each PDMAR can be adjusted.The synchronization can be switched between line and external synchronization. To avoid long cables for

    synchronization, the outdoor cabinets use line-sync by default.

    In case a disturbance antenna (DA2) is used, external gating can be enabled and a threshold can be de-

    fined. This will provide noise suppression created by cell phones, corona effects and similar.

    At the bottom part of the dialogue box, the settings for the trending data analysis can be adjusted. The ac-

    quisition interval of trending can be selected. Depending on the settings for saving trending data and pattern

    to harddisk, the estimated memory requirements are calculated and the time till depletion of disk space is


  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    III.4 Rack Settings

    The On-line Partial Discharge Monitoring System consists of the Partial Discharge Measurement Control

    Rackand a number of Partial Discharge Measurement Acquisition Racks. To configure these racks, go to

    Edit/Rack Settings.

    On the upper part of the dialog box, each via fiber optic network connected rack can be defined as either

    indoor or outdoor rack. The settings for Indoor and Outdoor racks can be changed in the bottom left and

    right of the dialog box. These settings influence the overview of monitored components presented in the

    Statustab (see Chapter II.3).

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    III.5 Device Settings

    The settings for the connection between the GISmonitorsoftware, the GISmonitorplug-in boards and the

    UHF sensors is set up in the Device Settingsdialog box. This dialog box is opened by selecting the Ed-

    it/Device Settingsmenu item.

    On the upper part general settings can be modified. To define a new GISmonitor, the Newbutton must be

    pressed. This creates a new entry in the tree on the left hand side. The settings for this GISmonitorcan bemade on the right hand side. First the name of this GISmonitormust be entered. This name is also the

    name for the directory of this GISmonitor. Then the type of connection to this GISmonitormust be chosen.

    There are two possibilities: USBand LAN. For this application the default setting is LAN. The default Port

    for the GISmonitoris 10002. The IP-Addressmust be selected according to the setting of the corresponding


    The data of all defined GISmonitorare stored in a predefined directory structure. The Data Directoryis the

    parent directory of all data and can be selected by pressing the Data Directorybutton. Below this directory

    there is one directory for each GISmonitor, labeled with its name. Inside these directories trending files are

    stored, which contain the NQS and Qp trending. Each entry starts with the time stamp of this data record.

    According to the Time Formatsetting, there are two different formats: Localand UTC. The default setting is

    Localwhich uses the local time zone. UTCshould be selected if the data of two different time zones shall

    be compared. Below these monitor directory there is one directory for each day. The label of these directo-

    ries is according to the Date Formatsetting. Inside these directories the .dtc files for each day are located.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    These files contain amongst others the display of the GISmonitor.

    After defining the GISmonitor, the links to the sensors can be set up. By clicking the Select Sensorsbutton

    the following dialog box appears:

    On the left hand site there are the defined GISmonitorand the linked sensors and on the right hand sitethere is a list of sensors which are not yet linked to a GISmonitor. To link a sensor to a GISmonitorselect

    the channel of the GISmonitor to which the sensor is connected, select the sensor on the right hand site

    and press the left arrow. To unlink a sensor, select the sensor on the left hand site and press the right ar-


  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    III.6 Alarmsettings

    III.6.1 Alarm Configuration

    The alarm settings can be configured up by selecting the Alarm/Alarm Configurationmenu item. The open-

    ing dialog box is shown in the picture below.

    The NQS and QP levels that trigger a warning or alarm can be set individually. The conditions for mainte-

    nance alarms include a disk space warning level and maximum temperatures for the rack and the enclosure

    of the GISmonitorboards. A recommended configuration will be set up by Power Diagnostix during com-


    III.6.2 Alarm Output Configuration

    In case of an alarm event, the GISmonitorsoftware can trigger the output relays of an external I/O card. The

    card can be set up by selecting theAlarm/Output Configurationmenu item.

    There are four different events which can trigger different relay outputs of the I/O card: The NQS/Qp alarm,

    a warning, a FCU alarm and a maintenance warning. Each event must be enabled separately. The NQS/Qp

    alarm can be enabled by selecting theActivate PD Alarm Outputcheckbox. After that the channel or the line

    of the I/O card must be selected. To verify which contacts of the clipboard are used each event box shows

    the numeration of the contacts to be connected.

    A warning event can be defined for the I/O card. Therefore theActivate Warning Outputcheck box must be

    enabled and the channel or output line of the I/O card must be selected.

    To get an alarm event in case of an FCU failure, the Activate FCU Alarm Outputmust be enabled and the

    channel or the line of the I/O card must be selected.

    Activating the Maintenance Alarm check box will enable the selection of a channel or line of the I/O cardwhich will be triggered in case of limited disc space or rising temperatures inside an enclosure.

  • 7/25/2019 GISmon Sw Man e305


    GISmonitor Partial Discharge Monitoring


    Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Vaalser Strasse 250 D-52074 Aachen Phone +49 241 74927 Fax +49 241 79521

    If one or more events trigger the relays of the I/O card, the applied signal must be reset. This can be done

    either manually or automatically. If Manual is selected, the signal will be reset, if the corresponding reset

    button is pressed. InAutomaticmode the signal will be reset after a predefined period of time, automatically.

    To check your connection to the output card, you can use the test button to simulate an alarm on each


    III.7 Load and Save a Project

    All your settings can be saved to restore your data and even load to switch between different settings. The

    project data file (*.gis) includes the settings of the monitors, the sensors and their relations. The properties

    like your chosen schematic and plant name is also saved with this file. A project file can be changed by the

    File menu in the menubar or by the buttons at the bottom of the main panel.

    If you want to start a new project with complete new settings you can choose New Projectin the menubar.

    Please be informed that this will delete all your unsaved settings! To prevent loss of data the software cre-

    ates an autosave.gisfile every five minutes.

    III.8 Password Request

    To ensure that only authorized people can make changes in the settings of the software, a password can be

    requested. To enable this option select the Options/Enable Password Request menu item. When you

    choose this option you have to set an administrator password. The password can be changed by selecting

    the Edit/Administrator Passwordmenu item. This opens the following dialog box:

    First the current administrator password must be entered. Then the new password can be typed in. To verify

    the new password, it must be repeated. By clicking the OKbutton, the new administrator password will be

    applied. The following functions require an administrator login: Editing the Properties, Changing to Edit

    Mode, Editing the Monitor Settings, load, save and creating a new Project. If one of these functions are

    chosen, the administrator password must be typed into the popup window. In order to avoid typing in the

    password every time, there is the possibility to login as an administrator, directly. The File/Administrator

    Loginmenu item allows to permanently login as an administrator, so you will not be asked for the passwordagain.