WeatherForecast Kolr tonlftat u id Ssturday; frofit at ni{ht. M ulm um jmtcrdii}' GSi minimum 42. I^w lhl» moni- Itif, 80. • VOL. XT. NO. 2‘1: nFFiriAl!/ COTIN’TV NRWSPAPpB b 'GIP LACK SUED FEVER JRUMM Federal Scientists Disclose Nationwide Shortage of Tick Antidote Federal Solution of Railroad Wage Fight Offered by Eastman id Aho has one death Montana Laboratory Working Franl^ny to Provide . Life-Saving Aid : HAMILTON, Mont. Mar. 23 it'.ni Govtmnient acicntl.sUi hero rcvcul* ed totJay Uuit Uirre Ui on acute na- tlonwld* DhortaKc .of npotleU fever urnimronljrJmow-n anlitlow for tlic '.bllfl o{ the polminniiK Koclcy nioun* bilnticti. . While hia alilr'ji v.“orl(i‘U franllcul- Jy {o.MtcJi up tt-ith fftfhiund/t fon Uj9 llfe-BttVlnK (KTUtn. Dlfrctor K. |{.'1*arl(er nf lhi> I/. S. Wuloi;lcal laborulnry h<re luilil 18 .ilnleii Bcrum HJilpments CROPJEOUGIi Ooiidemns Restriction Policy As Eventual Dctrijnent To Nation WASHINGTON, Mar. 23 ifU^. Scn;il-ir Wlllliim K. Uonili, ]{. Iilii., Man hlH crlUclaii of rrtovrry IccWalltm nnil ex tfll.lnl III.- allndi froni Ihn NRA l<> ilic AAA [villcy of rratrlcl' Ins c:wiis vvhllr inllll<>ti:i of AnuT- Icnnii vvcnl wUIiduI ni'oilrJ fouil, ____ [ton. . Th« Hamilton Inlyiraloi-y in thi only.place In- the counU^ where the Rertim la mndo'. KItuatlon “Grovc'" i)r. Parker .oclmllled tho fllliii lion waa "frrave." . He nald coi Btmclinn of II new lalwrntory tjuiminj;. n audden wcalher break . and_Oie unuauallyixapld .develop- ment of ticks hud cnuncd the nerum nhoptact- .'BpotlM fever in cnuned by lln bite of the Rocky mountain tide, known In Die eosl n.n Iho American do;r tick. 'tfi-...rarlier said fatallUeii from the tick blte.i ranced from S to 70 per 'CfDt, dependlnj: upon the lo- hiimft of tho moBl virulent of the Instctfl, one death Iiaa been rcport<.-d from Jerome,'Idaho. , • Work FmntlciUIy VOur mrn are working' night and dsyjto'.iupply tho domiuid." Dr. Parlccr »ald.,. ‘'Some uerum In aVBllDble now; but wc oxo awaitlnK apprtval bt: sterility .teaU from Walhlndon.' .Wo cxpoot fonftrma- tlon of thWJc leat» tiintyrtwt- until , they.ira received- wc can «hip no •'iffum.'.' . .. ' tick seMoQ ' Is -BlK.wee)<8 oluiail' of , normal • dub -to mild weal)icr, aceordlnR lo oclentlntn licre. • Fifty litem of scrum, Buf- (icient for IS.OOQ double treat- menui, were approved and dl.'i- patchi-d early this spring to varl- ou* BtatM. • Moat of ihLn alilpmcnl ha« Ijccn (Csnllnued on Psko •• Coliimn &) lOlR-f ir I rfni tn lioriUi. vvdiiM .. T»vo.former Lot Ancclw city, cnniirllnien, Johu-h 8. McKiilclit. upper, und Jtoy C. Diiiilry,. rluirfinl Ij.v ii jfnind Jury wltli iicreoIiiK to acrepl ii $10,000 bfitio lo Infliicnw llirir votrn It. a oily Kurlmcr rimtnicl. U iERWAY •cut <Iplrlmcnt | i -.vhalc" iin.l ifUrd ifi>nnuiic n- covi'iy. Hr charjrol tiu- NflA oilc:; iT f' ".’lapiiUiK tlio Very foiin,la- on iijttin which recovery cxl.ii'i" innlKh fonlcrrln): m«noi>nIif.i, liliiU SIhrr AUl In the plat;.- of tho--..- iH.lkl.a, Bor.-ili aiij;i;i-alo.I expansion ,it fori'lijn trad.' iiiul mcrca.-ie of the nation'.-! purclianinf,' pnwrr In the home iimrket. Hi; hlnteil .it Homo iciion ri't;nrdlni; iillvt-r to nc- ;ompll.':ll IllLi effc-ct... "\V k imiMl rc'/ilore piircliajilnj; ixiwcr." ho iialil. "One of ihi: i;rr»t Items in t!mt effort Is tho rcritonillon to one half of th world, the mom-y wliicli they lini: for 2.000 yc.ira. iilS-4 Higher Pay Advised For Workers in Low Bracket — v;Asiil:V(;-'!Wt-\v (n-i-T i;niv,M, ri;,i CllftlPll tlll- undcriittMAl %-accn for ti w paid KaMm h:iiini Kiuitnian illti- iropo.-ialji, wlilrh are > proylil..- for ick worlUTM an.I “ hi New York Hammer Tragedy of II •act Inn what wriiiM 111-Ihooiitoi and iiui.l . hi- <llil not can- To r um.;.l pliraM- "proirrc.-a to ".Vulthi,T Fountain—Being— Ercot<*d-—ft6 Tribute to Non-Paid County Advisers pi)»iiilij|<- lor tiinm to po.w; tVliIeiin Attiu-k Bornh ha.i been ii.'uialllnj: N ir many monlh'j. W illi liln titck on the farm prosram •Idened the front of lil/i crltlcbim of the new- deal. Tlic AAA plan <>C cro)) control. : continued. "If flucccn.Uul would filftfeiilte-produellon—on—the-i)ii(iiH of Klar\'atlon.” He contended locScnl fulfillment of crop control VK>uld'rctlri: 43,- 000,000 ncrea of land from pro- duction and throw out nf work (I farm population of about 3,250, Commemoratltif; tho "nptrlt of the CWA." ennalnietlon of n foun- Ula en Clear InkcH Kradc north of ,.iiy contention. In wc should 5^'”*.'^.!'.°'}''';“?: leave tl.e« people on IhH land and DUaijlcd Ex-Soldior Granted ; !VS10,000 Policy by Jury •'•'(■•.vv At Pocatello . : ■ J?OfcX.TELLO, Ida., M ar. 23 n:,l:t r-8cvehltcn ytora , nftor ho waa P^riddhenlly , injurwt .Walter S. einiwui, • Ornccv' .i was awarded |lOOCP>ar.rlNk pQiloy byafederal court tuiy. tie suffered permanent lh]ur(e3. tohlii fpeliwhatift/leld ^ n wiufrfillt<l over tieni ^}iMat;la bat- Utla.lhe World War.;'V* .... -.’nMUIon of the-court In* tho Stir llTfU-ooie. u-aa.cxpeoted to prove lmj«rtAnt In the oult of Cphralm .'Biortiton, Downey, for n almllar . -Jffhs intermlanioh ycatenlay, ■F«ler4l,JudBC-C. C. Cavanah'/iet Ujc:.<5Rte to try P .- a Kllcver, *2. cHarftod. with embctslement. for MircJt,.2a. ICliever pleade.1 not —CTlftr«r^gtKb«ItnK ?980J&-pBlci to'blui aa admlnlntrator for Cor- Bfcliu* Kllever, Incompetent In war rUK.liiJiurBnce atnee May 22, 1031. ’Cavnrah alao awarded Ailftlph; E :Bu«Re. Le.^llo. World »ur .veteran. S57.50 monthly on a llOi'OM war risk policy, but dlamlii- (lod.atiother by George M. Jorgcn* nWt rpolne^ • The latter action waa ^tan^iin motion of the' plalntlffii FREIGHT LEVEL V'C limbs high I er .S;^^SHIN9T0N. Mar. 23 (111:)— T^e-'Aiakrlcan Railway aaaoclation lod&p . ttuiounced carloadlngji of i'Mnlir freight for the week Uided .March 17 toUlled 625,773 cir*,‘,aa.lncreaBe of 13,871 cara OTtfjthi preceding weeK and 172.- . IJW'over the eorrenponding' week In.IWi-'. .■ ivoi yqrt]&n, Inyalid Die i'Mh Farmhouse Blaze • '.kHftllVniLE, Tex., Mur. 23 AIT!) iijiru* Ullle Karger, 40, and her Invalid-brother, Chorlca Karger, Sir Jfc’rr* burned, to death today afttr.'Mlu Karger made a dea- Mrate'but vain attempt lo drag IhaMnvalid trrni fiamea which - Moaumed their farm home near btri.-','’ •• •. iMi*. and Mra. Auguat-F. Kar* gtr,’ oeed parenta of tho two vie. ..tlm*;' ...... ................. hero today by J. F. Miifit. trlcl nupcrvlMir. The monument U>to he- dedicatei .1 n date yet to be act. nt whici time Cov. C. Ben Ro/w will be luik- o take part In the ctirc’nionlc.'i .. 'pUnp the flnl.ihed jrrade pro- ject. an.) the fountJiln. It *vlll bo dedicated' by Parker P. Carver Iilnlw ntiite n.lmlnljitrat<ir. . Project Kntclneer John K. Miiye.T T'vIn l-'a11», dc;il(Tncd the fount; ' nnil la auptn’Inlng tho building tUo atrueture. A phique will b< thla In.icriptlon: •'Diillt by I-V.le. Civil Worltn Adinlnliitration. If A. D.. in conjunction with Gooding onmty niid Bulil Highway <llnlrlct Dedicated to the loyalty anil pii- trlothim of the men who iicrveil wlthoiit pay oh the Civil Work.i Admlnlnlratlnn In the Stiiti- <>( lilalii)/;. • Oiitatiiiidlnc Project .‘'Clear lalira grade In. nn out- alaridlng ploee of work," mild Mr Mrtflleraon.- "We are proud of the project and of the rcaulta nttnincd by CWA worker?!, and I nm Imppy to liave.had a nmall part In the cn- flf-'avor ,to!»how our npprecliitlon for the iiplendid cooperation ' ' have had from the local county mlnintralor. Chairman D u n e McD. jRhnatOn, and the membern of the county eommlttwn connect' ed wltii'CWA actlvltiiB." . Location of tiiu fountain la to be at the site of a aprlng on tlic north gnule, which la on Gooding county aide of tlic canyon. Informa Police That Slaying Bi'oke Spell Woven by _ ; Wonuin, C4 POTTSVILLE. Pa.. Mar. 23 (1U!I —Albert Shinaliy hiui "mnde hla peaco with the •aplrltfl'" imil.freed himaelf from a hex'curse. Showlag no remorae for the Wil- ing of Mra. Suaan Mummey, tJie 21-year old taxi driver today booat- ed of how he used a "magic" bul- Ictt to aliiy tlio C4-year old woman Iho had bewitched him. neard-TfvolCD-rrom-tha-nlty say ‘ohoat that w-onion' and I did. ShlhaUy told police. " I waa hexed. Sh« nent black cata with burning eyes from tho aklea dou-n nt me. I had to kill her to break the apell." ‘ ShlnaJty., toJd (letccUvea how Jic liod beeit hox«l for nbio years..He oxplalnetl' that he went to' phyai- clani) and.they,advlard him to tako cold baUia. ' "I knew hll the tlmo you couldn't kfU'.the'ilovll with cold water," he aald;• •ry. I nuppono 'crythlng them on the land, tlnued. ■ari:ulng that they would be better off on poor land than If they were forced t. Jobs. GARDNERFi Bingham Ex-Official Termed Guilty of Dostroyin?^ Public Records ULACICFOOT, Mar, 23 .HMH— , P.oacoe H- Gardner, former nn.nlat' nnt Bingham county • treaBurer. convkteil of deatniction of public rccord.H, will be sentenced in alxtlf dlBtrict court March 28, JudRC D- H. Sutphen. Gooding, announc- ed today. Dorothy Dnhlslrom Peck, fpr- er treiuiurer, charged Jointly with Gardner, was found not guilty. Gardner won convicted after le Jury had deliberated nira. Ill* flrnt. trial reuulted In liimg Jury and Judge Steven.n. Ulackfoot, iILictoned hLmaclf ili.i- qualified to hear the caae and iirned It ovi-r lo ‘Judge Sutphen, iccminLn, modi; by Clark B. Moon, ’ocalello, uncovcretl neveral nl- k'Rcd (ll.icrcpancies: rcHulllng In lo two nrreiitn, Wiley N. Parki........................... the UtnKlmm county building. proved the inont valuable wltneaa for D. Worth Clark. Boise, aaalst* ant Idaho attomry gcncml, and County Prosecutor F. J. Cowen. He tenUfied iieclng Gordner bum vnhiahle recorda. GUESSES :dilnl. I AftiT Ihia aft.Tn.kiir.-i cniif.-i .■ncc with the railway c-.\ i.-cutlvt Jia-ntman hop.-n to n'.-ium.- Ir mi..'llnKi> wllh lh>- mil unions, bi may have In jiostpone. tMi-m u: til tnih'irnnv. F|{>:K:HT CO.N.SOI.ID.ATIO.V WASHINGTON..Miir, 23 M '.IK llHllroad ^fflelaln.hiitl under m' (Continued on Pago 2, Column I, 0 CURB STRIKE Police Forcea Mobilized 1 ‘Get Rougli' in'Stopping Taxi Sabotage NKW YORK. Mar, 23 (IMD--Po- lice toilny met th.- challrngo of striking taxical) .Iriveni, who liiid defied ull authority in n aerle.n of .nnnsulnary rlot.-i that kept the natlon'a large.it city In ‘ ' AUTO INDUSTRY REDUCES HOURS, INCREASES PAY Action Challenges Union Move for General Strike Wlillr rffurlN l>.'r cent vd liiiniis 1 I'Vilera- ii'i- worl;- LABOR - Aj a Glance :j.ilrii-.^l lu Tlip i.I„yi-s hi-;-'" ,aiu! IVw.-i- w Il.ii iii.iii of 111 .' pro- ■;il.' r.ir •)U hoiirr. Ml-, lii'ini; placc-d • <il' ilh |ilaiilH in 'liry.sirr .Motors inorr-tnTrivi’ imi-- •' pnv •i-nvf-In^iM I.... .. Au- iiwo iii;till' hi- .•“ r'l- l:il[iiri> liini- Beet Acreage Drive Will Start Monday Delay Has Produced LQSS._Company l.-ft and arc dying off. Ij>nl a }:<ki<l cme n -fme friend. Kred iWtor.' cow[>unehi-r, rallroailcr nnd nvJner. A roul two-flBleil gover- nor (if the most lndopi-ntl(-nt Mlute In our Union. Nevada. He <lro<e out lo iice me when down here a f<'W weeks ago anil bi'OU};hl me a ijulrt. I hl.i lir,t ............. Asserts f..r iilKiiiiiir 1S04 lu-.^t la the 'nvlu Kalla factory will In-Kln Monday. It waa .d hi r.- toduy by H. H. , Idaho manager of the .. :nate<l Hiigar ciimpunv. Mr. Tnllman. tog.'thci' \vitn J. U. Dach- 5.'au.ruor. urrlveil Inal nl^ht 11 II conference at company tlquarters In OKileii. nnouiicemrnt of Oie dee:>iloii of company li)'untierL-il;e -contract ling in the Mee of action of the Anmli;a .lid. Hut he milil liiv th.- iis-'oclatlon to eelini offered. ;ire.ipnlatlv..s U Ihr II lndlci.tlo!i that the -M icl 1 M .ito rahilii)' w:i,"r;i and low.-iln iKiiini in -10.if llJi planl.-i, Chry.-d.T M.il.ir ri)rporalio alM) iiliie.'d it.-i pro.lurtliin unll ........... .o,.r we.-k with l>a. bring V of ih.- -"'id-h liL '< fiinnni.-) »T> UnilliUhi <lally Wii),'.' Unt week. Til.- move wall ap|);trenlly tho idualry’s loiiiwer to the Kedem* Ion charge« agalnat company nl.inii. It i>lace.I before m o r e hail 100.000 workera t.angfcle- etlermenl.-. while they walteil , erillrwily for resull* of labor : egotlatlons in W.-ishlngton. SHOWDOWN NKAItS WASllIN'aTOy,' Mar. 23 iHni—■- Government -.luperwtwd workers'. rU-cllon.s were held by unlo'rt leadeni today to bo the key to., lemjxirary rrtslutlon of the autOf' mobile iitrlke crisis. Confuiilun and tenr.encjw mark- ed the approach of a'ahow-dowii - the jiirlkc bwuc. - - -, ’""1- uni xillceni' !<trlkin» ordel of constnnrtu^;;;!'.^ The “ hAndle j*- with care" policy which ha.l been "l'- “I' ' ' T‘‘ In forcc undi'r onler.i of Mayor , , .............................................. keep if a unlijiie slate. • Yoiirn, and nollcc were Instni luhiitance. "to get rough." ' Tile regular poUcc force In rmbattled mid-town MnnhatLin, «enc of greatent violence alncc ■arly yesterday morning, xvii augmented by 200 patrolmen, ICi dctecllvea, molorcycle anti mouni ed policemen, radio patrol car, emergency trucks, patrol wagon and detective cara recruited from all riectlona nf the cltv. rade Theater Dlittrlel until early today quiet restored. Tlie .Hrllcerii seek union recognition, clli the-T^io/it dliifirdcriyday the city h.vl wltne.'uicd, In a decade by parading to the theatrical dis- trict. They forced every cab within night off Uroadway and aide ntreeUi, ThrouRhout' the day. organised and unorganlMd banils of atrlker: maraudwl throuRh the downtmvr an<l hiidlown aectiona, demolish, ing non-union uixicaba and In- juring Hcorea of workbig drivers, paanenRers and p<-defltrlnnn. They rouRht pitched battlea with po- .. .. by Plan New Set-up ir-ldahorGWA- BOIsn, Mar, 2S dll!!—The Clvi .'orka admlnlstnitlon In Idalif will have new worka and n w In^ nials-nftpr Aprll lr ------ • - Parker P. Carver, atatc admin, tfator. announced today that the organization to carry on •when the CWA has close<l down will be known as the ICRA, Jihort for nergency relief adminlntnvtlor. ItJi headquarters will be mov- ed from various partn of the Htatc houae ,and elaewhero and grouped In one downtown office building. Ltaae haa been taken on 18 rooms In the Robert Noble building at Tenth and Main streets, Boise, Bandit Gang Loots $26,000 Payroll BROCKTON, Maa.t„ Mar. 23 .:i!i—A J2C.000 payroll wa« atolen ■horii' today~'#y^lvo~tanditii” wh3 held up a bank automobile and leaped In another, car. . The payroU waa being taken from; the Homo National bank tn the Diamond Shoe company's of- fice. INCOME TAX KECEIPTS ATTAIN S-'WEAK HIGH WASHINGTON. Mar.' 23 m>~ Federal Incomo lax collecllona la the first 21 days of March amount- ed to $3IO,42S,011, tho lilgbcst alnco the spring of 1D31. ' Receipts were 5101,117,353, In tho same -pcrlKl laal^ear4._. U-', OutllnlnfT ar/:unient)i int.-nd.-. ifhiciiei- cniW.-ni- In iilgnliig < TM.U-. .iff..r.-.l this H-.uu.M, n •! Gulnln;,' ImpiirtaiK - .Snulii- .Vl ,i;i;;ar Intltiiilry in th' I to l>”r - it;; m.mmi Rciitnnption of U. for Statements Viewed, As Recovery Sign ni)r.rlant Indiir.try m pnivl.llng II outlet for farm produet.-i. The L-v<.1opni<’nt of the curly-toji re- iitunV «.^ed a.i.iuies a uniform venige lonnaj;e to the farmer, ho ha:i hereloforo not been able 1 proiiuce a iiatlHfaclory uveraKe innage. •■We have confidence In the In- dustry la Idaho- L;ii:t year our Request expen.Ilture at the Twin Kall.i and Hurley plants for ImprovementJi. .nioiie, amounted to over $300,000, Tli.^ i.Tos.i value nf tne jiroducla _____ _ of there two plnnLl la.'it year w;ia WABUINGTON, M:ir. 23 il'.l-’ - The comptndlcr of llie currency v today call.'.l upon nil national "The price paid for beeU, e banks to r.'port their cnndltiDn as durln,-: the past low price ye of Miirch f>. ' " according to thu department Thl.T Is the flrr.t lime iilnee 1031 agrlcuUur.-, ia much nearer that a call for reporls on hankhig (Continued on Paso 1 haa • • March quarter taw retjiiirun nl a year, but th< mal;e aa many :titr=^ — ... Resumption of the Mnrrh call Salea of Rister and apring gooda as believed to mark iin effort to are iiurRlnK alxive anticipated publlcir.<- the lnipr.n-.;m.-nt in quotan. Dun 4 Bradstrect. Inc.. banking, condltlona ov«r-Uic-paat..reported, today..In. a. weekly buul- cab drlv. era r.mtlnu.-<l tbelr rel|:n of .-uibotuKe. Kxpect Hettlemeiit CuanccUcut: ,Unl.>n Je a ilm . at lirldcejKirt an d Wiilllnctiror^ iintlclpatiHl selllement of L-idles Garment Workera" atrlke. One liundre<I flfly woolen workcra at Manch.-.-'ter Ihreatened Ui walk out .Monday, while more than . 300 irreenhiiuse employofl at Cr.iiinvi ll r<'lurned l<i work to- L ’emii-Vlviinla: The iileel In- du.'itry. fearing that the threat- emd luitiiiniibile atrike would !iprea<l to their own field, never- tli''!.n;i rejHirt.-d production at iib.iiit .loiibli- that of a year ai;o. California; Intervention of 1‘reslilrnt Koowvelt halte-l Ihe thrrnl..ii.'.I «Iiil(i-..f 12.000 l-.ng- ahorem.'n eniploy.-d at I'aclfic coait porta, ORGEADiRENCE A! Smith, American Leaders Ask Senators to Favor Participation WASHINGTON. Mar. 23 nw.)— Alfred U, Smith endor.icd* the World court In a letter today a* ' ■■adherence year. ndlae Tho report.n nn of March .I Uila merch year will ahow a coiiipnriimn with rapidly, condltlona exactly a ye.ir and a The company reported limt the previous when' President average gain in rctall^.alea over Roo.icvelt took office In the midst laJit year was at <8 per cent while nationwide banking crLnla and Jn nonie InHtancen the I{i32 figures found It neceia.iry Inuncdlately to have been c.teeolcd by 10 and 12 clo.ie nil banka, per cent. Weird Plot to Seize Devil’s Island Bared in ParisProbe PAIUS, Mar. 23 (lli;i.,—.A fantastic plot to seise the famoun Devll'a Island prison .CDlflny,'...llbcratc..tls dcapcrato. felons, and make them cltizena of a republic, wan- laid today to Alexandre Stavlaxy, sulcldo banker whoso frauds have In- volved many public mtn. Tho evidtnco was uncovered by the parllomrntary commia- alon ' inveaUgntlhg'the frauds. It was. coatalnM In.an ex- change of letters between Stav laky and Jean Galmot, mem- ber of the chamber of deputies frtm.tho prison colony urea In Cayonne. Sta'vjsky Is beUovcd to bavo had Oalmot poisoned .x«jbctnvi:tos_bU_sanK:.jin«^ falling deapcratcly In love with Arlette,. Sluvlsky's beautiful young wlfe; The plot was fomented In ..1525,- .SUvlsky-waa—sakl—to- have planned tho make tho Tfflaon 'colony, extending Through tho •Islands off the Guiana coast and to the main- land, . nn lodepcndcnt nation with htmaclf oa Its head. He had plans to pick an nrmy from among tho convicts nfur aailUig’ ta OuLaoa in a chartered ateanihip and land- ing miff Ideal forces, wlth.ma- thlnc -gun*; on tbo coast near 21aroni to take the settlement Oalmot fell In lovo with 'Mrs. Staviiky, and tho plot waa 1 to t ate foreign relatloniu committee, Tlte commltti-e opened the hear- ing with about 200 .jip'ectalors. present. Scnaloni at the commit- tee tabic Includi-d. Key Pittman. D., Nev.. chairman: Majority Leader Ji.iieph T. Roblnnon, D., Ark.: David A. Uei-d, R„ l>a.: Hiram Johnnon, K., Cal.: Simeon D, 1-V .-L1, 31,, P.: Arthur Capper ^r~lJoraTirn., clialrman o f Uic commltlee: ftobert R Wagner. D„ N. Y,: Arthur F. Robln.ion. -R., Tnd.; and-rrtdfirlck- Walcott, "n.; Offen Ileflulutloii Sen. Robert J. Bulkley, D.. 0„ prc-iented to the committee a res- olution from the Ohio legislature memorializing the senate lo net fa\-orably. A almilar resolution from \ ’crmont was presented by Sen, Warren. R., Austin, It,, Vt Gov. Theodore F. Green, of Rhode Island, presehted resolu- tions adopted by his leglalaturc. A t Green's request, members of leglatnturcs presented resolutions from Connecticut Maryland, Del- aware, Nevada, NorUj Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina and New Hompjhlre.-' Trof, Manley O. Hudson, Judge of the Hague court of arbltra- tlbnrnild' th«-lO20'protocor"c6j&' pletely protects” ihc United States. . , FASCIST CELEOBATB ROUE. liar. 23 m£) — Fasdsti throughout Italy, celebrated today the isih anniversary of tho found- iiiff of their order. Rome^ .Uiloa, Naples, Turin, Bologna and oUter J’re/ildi-nt Roosevelt . wiia preparing to order elcctkmr-- to . give motor workers a-new cholcu between American • Fed- eration of Labor unioos andcom-i pany unions. There was no con- firmation of this - from other quarters. The W hite , House expressed confidence tliul- the present Iruee- would be extended until negotia- tions arc CPTcplrtwL V.. e was "stnndlng by" awttlUng (■quests from Ixjih sides fpr fur- her meetings. The union leaders'tt-alted at A. of L. headquarters and UUlst* ed the next move was up to.Ihc . White Houjic or Recm'cry Admla- . isirator Hugh 8. Johnson. Some of tho local .union loadorfl - who talked with the PjefWent • more than four hours yesterday iis.ii-rted. however,, that their <ol- knvcra would not wait much lont-.' er for arlminlstratlon actlbn. A iipokeaman for the manu- ' facturern declared that thfty, too, > awaiting a nnv move irom lulminlfltratlon. . . 'r' I!y STANUBV B. ^UU^fIX . DETROIT. Mar. 23 <IUU—Tbo automobile industry sent a sew challenge lo the American •^'od- eratlon of Labor today fay offer? ing. 7S,000 workcra a. reducpd work-week nnd an Increased pay envelope. , The move, ihltlated by U>e'Gcn- !ral Motor* corpomtlon'Oiid‘ of* fectlve through more than’ M of its plants, in 20 elites, cams'aa &>' counter-argumcnt'to the clalma of ' (Continued on Page 2. Coltimn 1)' bla I ap B es Federal Eefiorve ' Agrecmcnf Otvcn Bill to Begulflta . - Speoulatisii WaBHINOTON, Mar. 33 (013— Tho federal rcoitVo bCdW'fl flppWv- al oi the revised stock market rb* gulatlon bill w u revealed today by Gov. Eugene B. Blaok In teBli^rlnff' before the senate banking commit' tee. tire Black's- endoroement ■ first-hint oC tlie reserve board's at- titude and It wa« understood to'be .- in line with - tb6 odmlaistratloalS' viewpoint' . The board;' Black sakJ.^ w « in’*, full accord with the Idea thatUhe ' jlUck cxchangei should ’ be' re^*’ ‘•latcd for fair practices, that laUon should b«'curbed, that W . ■ - change credit attould be repiloted' and that neoenitypmmesabouM * be provided for. VioUtlcwof tbeM: .: reairleaoni;. ------ ,..... WttnU'.BioxIMa’-Peww The board, bs^told; Mk> Is tag-tomnmaie-TBtpcaaUaitar-et ing margls'-requtrtmanta; wontii .tbo power to handls t flexitiiy- in'^.'tntbUe ibtoMt He Qffeied to tooperati committee' W-:tty^W41l vision .wbicli-tlul^'nw

GIP LACK hi New York Hammer Tragedy SUED FEVER JRUMMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...WeatherFo recast Kolr tonlftat uid Ssturday; frofit at ni{ht. Mulmum jmtcrdii}

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  • Weather ForecastKolr tonlftat u id Ssturday; frofit

    at ni{ht. M u lm um jmtcrdii}' GSi minimum 42. I^w lhl» moni- Itif, 80. •

    VOL. XT. NO. 2‘1: n F F ir iA l!/ COTIN’TV NRW SPAPpB


    'GIP LACK SUED FEVER JRUMMFederal Scientists Disclose

    Nationwide Shortage of

    Tick Antidote

    Federal Solution of Railroad Wage Fight Offered by Eastman

    i d Ah o h a s o n e d e a t h

    Montana Laboratory W orking

    F r a n l^ n y to Provide

    . Life-Saving A id

    : HAMILTON, Mont. Mar. 23 it'.ni Govtmnient acicntl.sUi hero rcvcul* ed totJay Uuit Uirre Ui on acute na- tlonwld* DhortaKc .of npotleU fever

    — urnimronljrJmow-n anlitlow for tlic '.bllfl o{ the polminniiK Koclcy nioun* bilnticti.. While hia alilr'ji v.“orl(i‘U franllcul-

    Jy {o.MtcJi up tt-ith fftfhiund/t fon Uj9 llfe-BttVlnK (KTUtn. Dlfrctor K. |{.'1*arl(er nf lhi> I/. S. Wuloi;lcal laborulnry h proylil..- forick worlUTM an.I “

    h i New York Hammer Tragedy

    of II•act Inn

    what wriiiM 111- Ihooiitoi and iiui.l .

    hi- wllh lh>- mil unions, bi may have In jiostpone. tMi-m u: til tnih'irnnv.


    llHllroad ^fflelaln.hiitl under m' (Continued on Pago 2, Column I,

    0 CURB STRIKEPolice Forcea Mobilized 1

    ‘Get Rougli' in 'S topp ing

    Taxi Sabotage

    NKW YORK. Mar, 23 (IMD--Police toilny met th.- challrngo of striking taxical) .Iriveni, who liiid defied ull authority in n aerle.n of .nnnsulnary rlot.-i that kept the natlon'a large.it city In ‘ '


    Action Challenges Union Move for General Strike

    Wlillr rffurlN

    l>.'r cent vd liiiniis 1 I'Vilera- ii'i- worl;-

    LABOR - Aj a Glance

    :j.ilrii-. l̂ lu Tlip

    i.I„yi-s hi-;-'" ,aiu! IVw.-i- w


    iii.iii of 111.' pro- ■;il.' r.ir •)U hoiirr.

    Ml-, lii'ini; placc-d • unehi-r, rallroailcr nnd nvJner. A roul two-flBleil governor (if the most lndopi-ntl(-nt Mlute In our Union. Nevada. He iloii of company li)'untierL-il;e -contract ling in the Mee of action of the


    .lid. Hut he milil liiv

    th.-iis-'oclatlon to eelini

    offered. ;ire.ipnlatlv..s U Ihr II lndlci.tlo!i that the

    -Micl 1 M .ito

    rahilii)' w:i,"r;i and low.-iln iKiiini in -10 .if llJi planl.-i,

    Chry.-d.T M.il.ir ri)rporalio alM) iiliie.'d it.-i pro.lurtliin unll

    ........... .o,.r we.-k with l>a.bring V

    of ih.- -"'id-h

    liL'< fiinnni.-) »T> UnilliUhi lace.I before m ore hail 100.000 workera t.angfcle- etlermenl.-. while they walteil , erillrwily for resull* of labor : egotlatlons in W.-ishlngton.

    SHOWDOWN NKAItS WASllIN'aTOy,' Mar. 23 iHni—■-

    Government - .luperwtwd workers'. rU-cllon.s were held by unlo'rt leadeni today to bo the key to., lemjxirary rrtslutlon of the autOf' mobile iitrlke crisis.

    Confuiilun and tenr.encjw marked the approach of a'ahow-dowii -

    the jiirlkc bwuc. - - -,

    ’""1- uni


  • Pago Tw« IDAHO EVKKTinG tim e S.,TWIN.FALL'S. rT)Ana- Ft"r].,y. Mnrcl. 23, m i


    Cuta W ork Week. Increaaca

    . Pay Rato as Challenge

    To Strike Move

    HAMILTON'S!5 ' m F ollowing Prlcca Are In Effoot Sntiirday anil Monday ■

    ** ■ Aiiiif, IJiiMcr Nut inul WftpiiLTV. m

    aa poanlble, however. Ihu United Prcjifl learned.\ NoiJcen 01 Uir change were ponied la Use JJuicl; pliinl nt Kllnt, Mich.. iM l week. Flfthcr 1)0(ly plant workcru wcro Inform- « ! of the hour reJuctlon ycntcr- flay.

    (ConHnuM from Pape 0.^c) llii- claims of the Fpilrrallnn, jkj l)c-.'ore rrcsldi-nt llooiitvcU.. iti the Industry tmd to 11'up to tlic jirificlpli'M ( 'f the II llonal ri'covcry uct.

    SOOiour U’rrU Announci-mi'nln po.itnl In tlie

    RuU'I: .ind nnhcr Iknly ‘ ' nliowr.1 that Ihr worli-wff

    --- lM-.r.-Uj(H-l-t..-30-li«urJi,-uiia-lluil-r.Tlrio In thr hourly ;ilioiil'. Stnnton; Uobe,

    DoYouKtiow?--—that McComb's Market specializes in only the best gVadM of meat. Do you know our price of this choice meat is no higher than most interior grades. ■Do you know we cut any piece to your special order. ^ l^W liis to cfonvince you;- Qur ciuality groceries are sbeciaUy priced.

    ’S^3aOKfi;8SO I f J|::05 siiiln R.

    Wo DoUvor Any QrHcr.

  • .rriil.y,>tnrdi.23,\lD.’i.|roAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO V :ig a Three


    Leading Contestants Seek Championships At Clashes Tonight

    i A E R M S A S J i

    _ I In; orcitm ol th.' i-n,j) is >.!atnl to prrfimii Imiiu'lit ii

    fmal.s of.lli.- Aiii-rk';.ti L .- i.ui’s M.uiluTn iiiiiateiir bo.tiiik’ lo iinm im 'tii nt lln- I’uiu-lt IIdwI

    W illi (wu iiiclit.s u£ uiuiiiiiatioiih )>rliiii,| |)n-ni, |]»- cln.ji'C '.If Ila- iJimiK'iir ciitricS ■will (■iiflnivnr to M'ltl.' tin- iim iu....... "

    ‘liw n titular jiinl siR'finl ~R jii‘s. TIir lirsL iiiati-li will"

    HiJirt at H 111.t-Mt njRhfa bntUe.1 before 'a

    crowj of some OOO nport fans jirtK^ucKl three clcan-cul knoclt- oula. plenty of action cvcn ,^ ift . cr ihnn on tlic opcnlnR curt \Voi’il drlvi' lo Ills Im II.

    To Ihe Horror of tlic which wa.s for'hliii li> a iikui. Jl'ne:i cho.'ii: thi; hard.‘,vay.and. ii.ilni: a .Vo. I ^inxin, hii Iviltliy fur llir )ila. Kiir'lhr pin mind ymi. a |iin thiit .■(.•i-m--d mllrii iiiv,iy, (iiif/ at thi- i-.\-

    Americans Win Prize Cash on Briton C lassicNKli’ yOIUC. Mar, 1:3 tl'l'i—

    Mm . Martjarct Mrrini;rr Vlla- clo:ied today ahp hold ;i tlclirt for ajiproxlnmlely Sl.'iXOOo on

    ,MIII'.T,. Vi'lnticr-.of .Uic- lirand Nntlonal Slucj>lci;ha;u- at Alnlrce. KnKlanil, .Sho w:i:i dolni; hi'r houauwork

    II’VkI fortuMi



    hor < r tho I

    nicpne>’ when 1 retire

    JudKC Glenn finally admitted aa cvldcncc the fact'that .\faxlc earned SO.̂ TOO between the time he niRTicti a contract with I^orl mer on December JP. IT»30. and September L’O. 1032 when he nerv-

    notlcp. he wmiH nnt_continUc■ ......l-nromi . , with the contr.tcL The ILit of fin-

    Uequa's two knockout win.n ln[nnclal Itema. was. .fumliihed by the JlRhtwelcht dlvblon make thoiXncll Hoffman, his prciicnt nmn- Wendell boy a favorite In that agcr.claaa. Turnlp.ieed should be ii a e r - 1 ---------------loua contender In the mlddle*ii-v j .wel(;ht division, and I^ o Howell's I L ^ U n d e e U U tp O in tS two wins pve the blond Klmbi'rly M n P r t v n f R n a fn n youlb favored amonj: thcl IVlCK^Oy at Costonweltcra alonk’ with Sherman i BOSTON. Mar. 23 — Vince Black.-of Wendell. Dundee, mlildleweluhl cimmpinn,

    Jackie Cooper, ••coolie’'wclRht 116J- outpointed A1 McCoy, IGl!, advanced to the fuvorltc'n pontL"“lervl”f-' UO-non title); among the smallenl irroup by v l r - t N e w York, tuo of hla Imnreaalve win over I "“tpolnted Harry Allen, lOD'.i. Ed KSrk, of UujvcrL Brockton (7),

    Listed omonp the nmateurfl In „ — ;--- — -— ;-- •the-lwo-vletory elass-dfter lasti Ycllowalono-NaUoaal J’arknlRht nre Howoll, Blnck. Requa and Lovers Gooch, Burley.

    Lual nljjhfn twutU:“COOTIK” WTAOJIT

    ■ MerJn Orcluird, lUchtlcU, de- clxloned Vic Frlnwn, Rupert.

    JuckJo Cooper, Btirley, Uc- . elAluned Ed Ktrk, Ruj>ert.

    BANTAMAMCrGirr La«ro Oooch, Burley, do-

    clalonrd Ilerlicrt S t ll« , Flier. rEATUERWEIOUT

    Suvnirc, Tirln Fulls, On-■ cl«ionertnble fHn,n any AoePvccvcr womT'Tha^a what

    ""They’re• Tnadg of'Shell Ccmlocan Horse hiHc—chemost dorable

    by Wolvia t o they stay soft I. •-* * Ecttff-jnrorf * ♦ • * batd vCO'Qp oc tdz«i»vaitc£dc£y

    £sC •! tklTtf*T^rnjv«rn:iny:fTTTT#^itrwj

    try oa 2 pair with- oTtt obligaCi;on -tobny. ,

    "Tho-DopendaWe Shoe fiouoe” -

    Phoaa 408 ' • *' -Next to'Orphoum

    On account ol' the iniscttlod comlition in Washington wliich lia.s re.sultcd iii.dela.v in jjettfntc out lliol934 beet ■contva'ct, and tlie necessit.v ol' commencing sugar beet l)!anting as sooii as possible, we liave arranged a schedule for tlie fioldmen to ni,eet prosjjective growere for tile purpose of signing bee't conti’acts as i'ollows: '

    MONDAY, IVIARCH 26, 19341. C;. KirUnian .............. ......... Filer

    .L, F. Wiseman................................Kimberl.v .Geor.ge Daley..................... ........ ......: ..EdenW. A., Beckei-......................................-Jcronie

    TUESDAY, MARCH 27,1934L, G. Kirkman........................City Hall. BuhlL. F. Wiseman.......Hansen Ser: Sta., HansenGeorge Daley ..................... ........ ....HazeltonW. A. Becker.,......... .............. JSrome.

    WEDNiESDAY, MARCH 28, 1934 ■L. G. Kirkman.............. ...........................Filer-L. F. Wiseman........................KimberlyGeorge Daley .:................ .W. A. Becker......................


    For the convenience of growcti unable to sco their-fieltinicil at-tho'-otljw .. . . sutlons, thcro .w ill be ft ropresontativo of the flBgar,,Company a t .tho .Tnia.-.'

    • Falls ftictory office on Maroh 2(Hhi 27t^ s n d ,^ th pgsppso o f.o ig fing^

    coairacu, and is\iWng'siitft and convmciclit'taW bcis.'.v^'K

    The Amalgaihateil S l l ^

  • i c i'■y:n M.i'J’ PftiiTonr IDAHO EVENING TIME S. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO FriJ»y,. jrai-cli Sa.ClS:]!

    TELEPHONE .'i8

    C^nblUbid 8tx D«r>i


    K r»Ranlirn Tl-nrr-i-til


    W ith the C W A ’s (hiy.s numhcM'c'd, \i bmniios.iiiurc: and more aijparont jiisl lio\s‘ llial in-o-grani was in the cfynoiiiiL' sclii'ine of lliiiiy.s lliis jiasi

    winter.Locally, it Is 'inevital)le that the al).scnce of ihi


    Sljpuld be.thanl^fiihiess for the I)enefits which went

    to those in need..■ Aside from the cost of the jjro.trrani to Ui_e tiovcrn ment, with the resultanL social i)enefits, it is a good time jiow to Uik’e stocU of the jjeriiiaiient imitrove ments which are to be seen in eaeli couinninity. '‘ Many of Uiese will eJuUirc a«d he constant re mindei's of the extrcMiio ineasmcs taken to start ro'

    ~C0N^ry-iri-this'Countr>'.------ —-------r-— -----■ ^his coanlr'a'^d cit.V-share{l, reniavkaijly well ii: tlie projji'iuh, and has niinieroiis worthy pi'ojecls ii aH-the--towiis to show .for'the linge cost."•''Under the ,new set-up it^is expected lliat Twin Falls county will'continue to fare satisfactorily, for the,’county is chi.«sed :is urban, and in tJii.s state .siieJi coilnties will be'favored in the distribution of.rc-iieffunds, .................

    The CW A will be missed, i)Ut it will iiol be fr»rgot- ten;

    . D inJlOCKATIC B)E.-\LS '

    . Several'iiroifiinent Englishmen recently nnited to make a publfc .protest against liie rising wave of discontent wlth'.'deihocratic institutions.

    A ll across Europe—Xroni Germany, froni fiussia, from Italy, from Austria, and from lesser countries -r-comes a steadily growing chorus of deilsion for

    *;--- IJarliaineiilary guvuiiinieiit:----------- ;------- ;—Democracy,-it is said, is a worn out thing, and lii)-

    erty is!an empty,word; only hy an iron-clad dictator- sliip can a ])eoijle hojjc to meet tlie jirobienis of the modern world.. A ll this, naturally, is beginning to stir echoes in

    the-British lalea;--and-these Englishmen, tliGroforo, have called on their coimtrymen to rally-jn defense of the democratic idea lan ’d to reaffirm their con-

    ____.Viction .ofJhe.,supreme.impQrtanee.of Jiuinan.Jiberty.., Something very similar jnight be done ])rofitul)ly

    pn.this side^of the water. Europe is a long way off, but this attack on the old-,'Anglo-Saxon conce))t of freedom is a menacing and contagious thing—chief-

    S,:perha])s, because we have gro’̂ -n so used to the essings of liberty that we take tliein for granted I f we don't like tire actions of our mayor, nur coiv ____ gessman, our governor, j ) r our president, we wait


    rmi_fltx_ikna._calm_ani]_t'lclil.tiail reuiQU^fur iila iirld

    ifply tlint oclc. Analii . mil Loltio

    : teal. eotllDI 5Uo Bca») perilous. Til.

    lotevo. Ooci 09 M l a,

    Al last DC sul Lo(Uc (loir:

    nnl I

    H I S T O R Y

    Of Twin Falls City & CountyAs Cleaned tram Files


    lubsnclber ! doublcil

    AnoiD i’abiiio pulk-o uy the i trnycoTiT'ino-e ihe BUS t)ctl. At

    :Ulnc bD3



    Bcit toud a

    15 Y’ears A go

    ' niiy I''. siun;i.-on. rvc-|. i.piiu'iit lx)(;r(l, in n .TjH-ciiil Inter vli-.v w ltirtlie Tlmc.n yc-iiU'l-ilay aiirliii: hl;i vlalt to thl;i citj lu uilUrc.'i.'i a tiK-iHlnj; of the lociil J;cv£ /fr«uvr.v. Jll.v contention : riippnncft‘ iiy--Ti;Tnn'."'5hwvln;r'lii i;i»wiiiK cai’;'clty of tlic tnicl an llif t.ital of ViiriuiiJi rcvi-niii';i iJi rlvi-ai(l for it,'and it j; task to defend it everlastingly. ,'• - Under fascism, under communism’ under any i\ind of'dictatoi-ship, we would lose it.

    News Behind S; The News ''C'

    »V I'A tll, MAi;u)N

    i.li.vrlclit. in;u. t>.v I’aiil Miillioi)■VASHlNOTON - Tho ndiiiinl!i.

    Jill iihfWl wi-lhlr,} ijf rollnient iitrenRUi thry

    If. tlial wii.s Inie, th.-

    Aim»rifiin .sebool!

    o u n SCH OO LSs.'tvs Prof. All)t‘rt iMnstoin. have

    ■ one great virtue— they j)reserve the initiative and independence. of pupils fa'r more successfully tiiaii do the schools: of-Eui ope., • “W hut one must demand from the school in the first place is something negative,” says the great mathematician. “It should not supiire.'^s in tlio young a 'fee ling of inde])ondence, a joy of living,-pT?r initiative and the urge for knowledge.

    “This-most important demand the schools of the United States fill in most'satisfactory manner, in contrast to the scliools of the grwter part of Europe,”

    Usually, when American schools are coniiiared with European schools, the co*hiparison is. not in Die least flattering to the American institutions.

    ^ It is exceedingly interesting—and encouragiiig— to find that as great an authority on such muttei-s’ as I^frEinstein feels tliat thev arc~doing tlieii'Jol) well. - •

    _ Hoyt Kay, former United-:5tates district attorney, ..in announcing his candidacy for congress on the Republican ticket, confounds the opi)osition by calling upon his supporters .to “give our active support to I*Tanklin D. JlooseveJt as President of the United

    . States in Jiis efforts to bring us out of the depression years.” ______ ____________________^_____ _______j

    thi' bliifflnj: bell the lii.'il iiimm*' >li;.ly K'-tUniC onl

    • W-.JjlW} .'/Irr-I );il»

    ;i the ilecllni.. They I

    oderiilc:;iiy be rlKht,

    III III! one will anemia lo ilcfei larnln liiiylnj: im lla own inrrll IwM none. Jl moiinK playlnt.' 11

    iiirliet wllhoiil lhr llnii>f the tlin<

    II e(on

    I Mt>o();.llii[; ji!-lce;i. The fad loo:iev(:ll hn-ltecl the tmion lr •ni)iij:h for Iho niarheteera.

    Thill wan IV reiimrlcal.le aiieou.'i ill;iplay of ciinflilem ,tr. U.M;;n;v,.|f.r:ihilRv to work Ihi-

    ;iiltiJilloii out.le Wolrti.il aiinoiinc.-inenl w her i'.taniple of i>erf.'Cl llnill

    by tho JiiJitlcc lii-i'artmenl. Aft 'In;,' the ui-hiukI !o;ir/: Jb. p k j , ' I c


    io < ^

    a l Flour,


    3 9 c

    -AM-Bmntls-MiUfrtall c a n s ...........


    Jello, 'all flfivors,

    per plcg, . .


    4 lb. pkg.

    5 c

    3 7 c

    56clOpoiindi-SugarSwcct-Mcd. Size j [ _ Q C


    Unwrapped Laundry Soap,

    i ; „ : : 7 - T 2 3 c -

    Idaho Blend Coffee; lb. . . 19cRaisins.

    1-lb, pkg.

    5-lb. pkg.

    Sunny Sally .


    1 Who Need Han good Laligotai

    css— W e have just 2 Dots o f that

    Harne.ss. Sec thcni N O W .

    NOW 'Is THE TIME TO GARDEN, W e Have Bulk Garden Seeds of-All Kindu

    Bliss T r iu m p h Certified

    Seed Potatoes, ALSO

    Bli.-;r. Triumph,' I yr,' from



    Plows .



    $4.45Mowers, A JA X , IG-

    38.95"K im lic r ly ’s Pioneer Mcrchants"-7-Kijnbcrly, Idaho.

    [rohii I have lol

    Whal he' iiu-anl v that i!i. If lie

    U îston any lime ;

    1, when Iho bill into

    h.- wbiriperl.i,:oln,r arnunil Uliil IVrora la

  • Fri.lny, SIni cli 2:i. 19.11 rOAITO EVENING TOTES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO flra

    Society- and Club NewsMils. UASMUSSBN TO IIKAD UNCOIL-V.-T. A.

    M «. J . 0. UnflmuMcn wan cltcl- cil prcfllJent 'o f Lincoln Puronl- Tcflche; nnsocliiliun by untmiinuuii \-ole nt the mcetlnc liuit rvcnlni; nt Ihe rwJiool. Mr«, G. W. BurK*rM wDfi nnmcd. vicc president. .Mra. Frunk' GowlylcoonU. irctiiiurpr, iind Mln-1 Gertrude Seal, flccrctnrj.

    wlillc Fntnl;. CouJykfwnU und lila conimllltc took charijc uf rcfrcflli- mcnM. .Amby Fre^tcrlck, Hoy Seoul cxccutlvo tor Sniikn R Iv it (ll.itrlcl, cllBcuancil cub ncouUnj; D. .Cliiirlcii I’nrroU nang ;» K^iup of Southcni nonK". A irruup or rourtli will flflh j'rudc lioyn, drcujicd lui cawlioy/i. prcncntcd wtntpm and

    •cowboy nonjrn. Jtimc.-i Viinclerbiirk kd community ringlni;. Three liun-

    ■ drcd iittetidcd.I(ntlii|pi I)i»ciD>'»ruit )jol JuncJ;M >irr

  • Page t S IDAHO EVKNING THlt:?. TWIN FAIXS, IDAHO rrithy. Murcli 21. 1fi:U

    New Today

    KOIt SAI.I-: • Wliil

    FOU SALi: Ohicr.f, l!lu.: -1 No. L

    FOR SAl.K K.Hid buy;^lir-' tlrc.-i. Fnniur K

    )iy L-.iM ly

    Tornipliif UlMl

    • Sf'KCIAL SAI.K r.f Siitur.l;iy; I 7-tubc‘ AIumI. r h cabinet Ha.li.); I 7-tiib.- l-ii Tiibl.' inodi-l. Srvrnrt ISallcry i Ixilli «lr-c-ll iin.l r, volt. l ’.u.It.i clliiiitco. •.•;n Siiulli Main.

    \VANTKt> AT ONCK -- rncrd ixiiiltrjTiiiin-wunTrf’nit-rniiip-

    Iiirnl l(. bHK«l '

    ;dull; Wi!iconnln Round WIiHch; IJvwiock;«-51,30 to Jl.HO, unelBMifloil.'ll.ir. toi

    ;$l,2p; Idaho Ruanetn 51.70 Irt$I.7.’li'IColonido McClun-.i JI.GO to JI.70, :Ov.'ru'cljiht bulchew. 210 to

    ' ■ pounde—





    • Mutter; f>2 aeore 23; U1 wore j 22>i,; III) ncorc22: e[:£'>i; lur/Te If.ii; i i*' iiie;„

    lOvcrwelfiht butchers, 250 (I 300 poiindera ....... ........jUndenvcijTht butchers. 125I 100 poundeni .....................53.00jP u c k l n-R aowfl, good 'JSO

    l.oundcrii u p ........................ 52.23I.Steeni ............................U to 2'M

    ............... .2U 3«: to 2

    o 4c .

    IV ln I'-jiIl.'i, Idalu.,


    1 lay hat

    lyH .l'’ ;^,nv,rr:.

    affi'Ctetl.’■ Injury 1

    1. Jtu.'ilne.'ia .TUT -3F?


    FURNITURIS .WANTRD-Cunh yald for u.ied fiirnltiire, coal ran^c.i. Iiealinj; nluvrii and clrci latora. Phone n. Moon'.i.

    MA1TRKSSICS renoval.-.l. and recovered. Clean wool eardnl, 20c III. Wa«h.-d and carded nn.:. Fiirnl. turu iipholsl«.rln>;. Twin Fallii MattrcM Factor>’. I'lione

    Sr*OT CABU PAID for all Idi’id/l pf Used Funillurc and Stoai houne7 mo.'l-

    ■ni ..\e.pl li.-al, ):araj;e. iTleed ■liri.p for ([iilelc ;.ali.. N.eftle.l at ll.M-Hilb i;. ■ Addp-.'i r.wiicr. I'jOt

    n-.l nnvinc a ri,

    itAR s il v i :r : NICW YORK. Mnr. 23 (i'lii-Hun- day and Ilarmnn bar rdlvcr

    l(pe rr.................................

    Tiipewornia no leniith of 80 feei; ■

    contnln.H a complete

    ainien! The penfruln In found in'New Zealand. Auiitralia, and tlin Falk- ,

    ̂ land lahindB In plentiful numben.*.j7,i;2n.

    . (m-r ounce); New York -J5^ ccnls, u}«* >1, cent, U, S- trcHiiury price for newly mined meljil U4i(, cenb.

    201'tncc^jip."!, pcnai'.______

    De n v k r m c t a i.' DKNVKR. Colo,. Mar, 23

    .Sllver 4.'..'\;c; lead 5: Apr. 45.li0n; May-•l.'i.68-.r.2: Juni- 4.’..S1; July 4(1,0!'.: Auf,'. 4C.21: SepL -Hl.35-.40; Oet.-40.C2; Nov. 4D.87n;

    luii. 4T.37d: Feb, ■C l()Li.

    S li e .• ]i I In-!eluding. 70U lhr< mand dull; out atrndy. Aroun.l 0 Colorado frd. wool.-il lax;;):i Jff.K,'. frelj:bt paid. Natlvii woob-d lam'j;! " * $H. O.lil loll' nntive .iprin/,'

    7711 t of Ih.' JId (-giPLANE liGEOy

    J sVr-o.aolil.

    .\iiitvnly 1. ly ted.^

    at .'S.'-.n |( led .•lUI! uri

    oa (Misi mil.Trntl eiirt mil ri't U. S. Ciiblli; W N. R. M. 41-D, N

    r,f tlil enoujch rltme t])ly I1(;lil^nd ined. Welj;ht

    "'I W fccked Aircraft, Niiic Dciid]*'

    I Dir.covcrcd in South J i

    Amoricix ' i'


    A IT O R N E Y S


    SHOK RKPAHt E.X-PKftTS -Wl- actually rebuild .nbrv-a a:id ii:..

    r only the beat of matrrinh Out work provcH w.- nrc exprrl:— ndt cobblera. 'I^vln l-'.ills i^!u« Rcpalrlnc. 132 Shoahon.- W.-.-it.

    nEf-iAULB SH on .SHOP f o r•espert BhcK.- repalrinc while yc wulL Ne.xt I... Parn.t Fru

    ’ Ston,'. Fre.1 Monaen. Prop, .


    ^X)R SAU-:-\VINUSHHJLD AND 'door glunx Auto topa and cur- ' tJilu rep.ilr. caiiviin aiid*i-iinv>i.'i .rcpiirln;r. Thomcts Top S.- llody ■ Works. Back of Danceland.


    EN G RA V IN G

    ■ WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Ana calling darda cnjrraved .or printed. Many corrcct styles to

    ichoo»e from. Call a l the Eve- nlnR. TlmcB office,-35S-Mftln AVA, FJUt. T«'lpl't»>np aiL ■

    .SIKNOO/.A, Ar̂ .-n •.ll' An alij.lan. nfi ly two y.-i.ra a>;(:


    aa.l helleni offerc/l 54 .-out. kin.b S3.2:> (IT.wn;

    cowa S2 3:. Ig T cratk-a $2 iluwa, Imlla

    N\i rceeliil.i.


    il'.i:i I loca: none; normally ateady Kood-ela.lee lO.n to 2I» lb. batcbi-r; cpiol.-.l S-l.r.l) to Sl.7.1 .

    Cattle: 17.’.; fairly aetlve, alxiiit ali-ady coii/.lil.-rlai; iiualKy; two loa.lH Med. to low (;'.ud ClC to 7;>,S lb. f...l Calif, yearllnc Hteers $5.50

    The plai 11.32, en Cbll.', for

    ne,i, All.iilii.- luae. -i-anhh.'.l ..n J

    . Robin!->a, ..^co-plkit -nt

    lnrliide 53.73.

    ib-ahy .lalry typ

    ;i Real E:iL.'itc Trnnafcrs ]i

    Ttl.' att.-iili, •et.̂ il to ih.'

    i'..verliij; till- 1.


    The minimum ikill.'

    ,'I I I->i»AV. .M,\It('ll 21) I..-.1!..- J, nwhlKilIrr C

    lian.lcll, SS.’iO. SW N\v. .S-U-20 «I-;i)NKSI)AV. M,\RCn 21

    Deed,-I-:. A. >I,-.n to H It: ue/iu, s:i2,'.n, l„t 7, blDck I)I«, 'ISvlr


    Director of rilKluvayii-[ TO TRADIJt-WHI trade u suod___ 0_E_McKELVi:Y.._;Bulck.Coupi' for whlle f.ir.w! ,hrrni!e.;i.iier cif I ’ublle \V..rl;;i, '*--.ll ,'.i;7 mi.-i >\ i. in

    m i i

    G U fS S K

    SAFETY\r >nur ear Kreuml here, you llie lai't tbat our e\i>erleneed ariiuijb Job. Service In prompp.



    UV carry (ioodrleb Tire-, and TuIm-h and nther blch i|imllly untn aeecHnorlen, at prU-ei lli:it Klve .voii the nii.'t value for your monhy!

    FREE SERVICEUV I'keek lliii air in vour tlren, wivtrr In (he n.dlat..r .anil liattery, clean the wlndihlrld niid do other tbinpi an part of our Hcrtiee!


    Chrysler & Plymouth SERVICE

    B R IN G YOUR OAR m TO US! *_

    W c Arc Open 24 HouVb A Day

    Barnard Auto Go.TRYSLER PLYMOUTH ' NAS:


    TO BOISE— Via Jerome, Wendoll, Gooding.• stage leaves Twin Falla at 3:00 p. m.


    ' Viti Burley, Bnowville, Utah. Ogden.,.Stase tcnvc.i Twin Fftlb at 4;00 p, m,

    Connections Also to Ciiicago and Los Angoles

    For Information Call Rog:cr«on Hotel- •I’hono SSO.


    , To End This WeekThe city’s tree sprayiny crcw w ill be discharged .

    at tlic end of the week. Applications for npmyinp


    W. H. ELDRIDGE. City Clerk

    i m TIME TO P L A N T

    O-.iions, Stock Beets and Slock Carrots

    AN D OUR DOIJBLE TESTED SEED"■ For Ocrminiilion'and Type

    W ill Bring You Best Resets! OUE NEW SEED STORE

    is sioel;nl wiifi .aliiwliih'Jy new crop vegetable'iimi flower seetl.s. Tile quality i,i unsurpassed an.i our priccs uvc m iffhty' reasonable. - ;


    ISBELL SEED CO.■ ' Twin Faiiii' '' " ’

    Located on 4th Avenue South Phono 107

    .. .“ Backed By C5 Years-Erparience^*

  • PuMji.v. ^faro]i 2n;' jn.TlIDAHO KV1!:NTNG TBIKS. TWIN FAM.S, lOAllO*-

  • raRo K ij'lil n>;\nn kvf .m n g , 'r iM i’ s. t w in f a m .s . id a it o ’ • Fri.liiv, ^h ird i 2Cl. m \



    F arm Exj^orls-



    ijilfiy mill rctuMt-

    ifiliBICASH II JFFEfiEOEKRiPrn^lnction Lo:iit, Unit:; Nov;

    ---Srt'Up'TtiTOi/jhoiil • :■

    Inland Empire

    Congress Today

    p H S S C f i O O L S R E C e V ECIi ill

    Malfc;-.' Inllliil Move

    • A nniia l Dallotiiif;"

    In -lO Dirtrictr,

    WASmSOTON.- NBtlnrjal tor

    i;onc .lJrr.it:iiiii 'I To

    TliP'hinjjic. npprovliij; llif bill In permit ncc»Titnnre t>.' .nlvc-r' nl a jirfmlum up to pfc re nt i

    • /or—Burplun—{3nn- r.iitmiodiiir-.l wan moved In IarK'. *he jirnl ilv.- inllli; :nr li;i;Mtur>! commltlue, Inali'ad (if liaiili- '|iurprj;;>IrlR. nn

    ciiiinly. 1

    iiaaliiii;;-I)bu_ili.:J.;;iii;.L. "1 HIl'I CUIltlllllr'.! 1)Vi •tlUlally. iillil rcriiilMM I ',vi‘r 1(1 iiiir;;h;tr.v Jljj

    '••latl'in •i In V 1 ;

    ■iill.ti.lrtil III Ini'ilK-In-I The I’loihietit.ti Cnilit' i ̂* I.......... f /

    H C m i l Tmmm

    ll;i- ii:rrliii(: of jioilHi- iliMrlcl lionn- rconiaali at the Univ-rally of Ida

    llirni l>runc-|i, 'iVical' iin iiilr .\I,iii .Mryorri, prr;.idrnl

    .i-.mnialeK cluh, ami

    t l!irer*year I

    • .... . ^ I’

    Missionaries Asked j To Attend Banquet ;
