QA14-A_A4 Planning Report Template.doc Blak Plan Pty Ltd ABN: 95 159 090 294, trading under licence as Knight Frank Town Planning, is independently owned and operated, is not a member of and does not act as agent for the Knight Frank Group. ™ Trade mark of the Knight Frank Group used under licence. Ginninderry Planning report for Section 211 exemption February 2018 For the use of Riverview Projects (ACT) Pty Ltd For the purpose of a Application for EIS Exemption under Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act 2007 T +61 2 6230 7855 PO Box 248, Civic Square ACT 2608 Level 4, 64 Allara Street Canberra ACT 2600 T +61 2 9036 6666 GPO Box 187, Sydney NSW 2001 Level 22, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000

Ginninderry Planning report for Section 211 exemption€¦ · ™ Trade mark of the Knight Frank Group used under licence. Ginninderry Planning report for Section 211 exemption February

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Page 1: Ginninderry Planning report for Section 211 exemption€¦ · ™ Trade mark of the Knight Frank Group used under licence. Ginninderry Planning report for Section 211 exemption February

QA14-A_A4 Planning Report Template.doc

Blak Plan Pty Ltd ABN: 95 159 090 294, trading under licence as Knight Frank Town Planning, is independently owned and operated, is not a member of and does not act as agent for the Knight Frank Group. ™ Trade mark of the Knight Frank Group used under licence.


Planning report for

Section 211 exemption

February 2018

For the use of

Riverview Projects (ACT) Pty Ltd

For the purpose of a

Application for EIS Exemption under Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act 2007

T +61 2 6230 7855

PO Box 248, Civic Square ACT 2608

Level 4, 64 Allara Street

Canberra ACT 2600

T +61 2 9036 6666

GPO Box 187, Sydney NSW 2001

Level 22, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street

Sydney NSW 2000

Page 2: Ginninderry Planning report for Section 211 exemption€¦ · ™ Trade mark of the Knight Frank Group used under licence. Ginninderry Planning report for Section 211 exemption February



1. This report is prepared for the use of the parties named on the title page and only for the

purpose outlined on the title page. It should not be relied on for any other purpose and should

not be reproduced in whole or part for any other purpose without the express written consent of

Knight Frank Town Planning.

2. This report is current at the date on the cover only.

3. This report is to be read in its entirety and in association with other documentation submitted as

part of the s211 exemption application.

Document Control

Revision Date Author Peer Review Approved

Rev 0 21/04/2017 AT AO Draft Only

Rev 1 26/07/2017 AO AO Draft Only

Rev 2 11/12/2017 AT/LC LC/DR Draft Only

Rev 3 21/12/2017 AT LC Draft Only

Rev 4 05/02/2018 AT LC Approved

Rev 5 22/02/2018 AT LC Approved

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BGW Box Gum Woodland

DA Development Application

EDP Estate Development Plan

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EPA Environment Protection Authority

EPBC Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act (Commonwealth)

EPSDD Environment, Planning & Sustainable Development Directorate (ACT)

GSM Golden Sun Moth

NC Act Nature Conservation Act 2014

PTWL Pink-tailed Worm-lizard

P&D Act Planning and Development Act 2007 (ACT)

RMP Reserve Management Plan

TPV Territory Plan Variation

WBCC West Belconnen Conservation Corridor

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Introduction 8 1.

Background 11 2.

2.1 Site characteristics 11 2.2 Proposed development 12 2.3 Property Details 15

Section 211 Exemption Request 18 3.

3.1 Extent of S211 application 18 3.2 EIS Triggers 19 3.3 Recent studies 29 3.4 EPBC Approval and Conditions 33 3.5 Land Included on the Register of Contaminated Sites 34

Statutory Planning context 35 4.

4.1 Commonwealth Legislation 35 4.2 ACT Legislation 35

Preliminary risk assessment 39 5.

5.1 Risk Assessment Methodology 39 5.2 Risk Assessment 40

Conclusion 1 6.


Figure 1: Ginninderry regional location 11

Figure 2: Ginninderry Project site (extract from Umwelt Strategic Assessment Report May 2017) 14

Figure 3: Territory Plan Zoning (Source: ACTMAPi) 17

Figure 4: Area subject to Section 211 Exemption Application 18

Figure 5: Moderate to high and low pink tail worm lizard habitat (extract from Umwelt report, May 2017) 20

Figure 6: Impacts of Ginninderra Drive extension Option 5 on GSM (extracted from Umwelt report, May 2017) 21

Figure 7: Box Gum Woodland within the project area and broader West Belconnen (extract from Umwelt report,

May 2017) 22

Figure 8: Identified Natural Temperate Grassland in the development area. 23

Figure 9 Extract from the Territory Plan (West Belconnen Concept Plan, Clearance Zone Map B) 25


Table 1 EIS Triggers .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Table 2 Property Details .................................................................................................................................. 15

Table 3: Evaluating Consequence .................................................................................................................... 39

Table 4: Risk Assessment Matrix (likelihood and consequence) ........................................................................ 40

Table 5: Evaluating Likelihood.......................................................................................................................... 40

Table 6: Risk rating .......................................................................................................................................... 40

Table 7: Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 41

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Appendix A - Umwelt Report (Strategic Assessment) March 2017 ................................................................ 1

Appendix B –Urban Development at WB Program Report, April 2017 ........................................................... 2

Appendix C - EPBC Consultation Report (KFTP), April 2017 ........................................................................ 3

Appendix D - EPBC Approval and Conditions ............................................................................................... 4

Appendix E - Movements of the Little Eagle (Hieraaetus morpnoides) surrounding the proposed Riverview

Development Area, Australian Capital Territory, Brawata & Gruber, 2016 ..................................................... 5

Appendix F - Paper “Invalid evidence for purported ‘collapse’ in the number of breeding Little Eagles in the

Australian Capital Territory”, Olsen & Rae, ANU ........................................................................................... 6

Appendix G- Assessment of mapped pink-tailed worm lizard habitat within Ginninderry for potential to meet

criteria for classification as natural temperate grassland, SMEC, January 2017 ............................................ 7

Appendix H -ESA1 & Site Suitability GHD 2017 ........................................................................................... 8

Appendix I - Stage 1 ESA and Site Suitability Recommendation – Block 1632, Block 1469, and other lands

SESL Australia Pty Ltd, November 2017 ...................................................................................................... 9

Appendix J - Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (Blocks 1469, 1606, 1607, 1632 and 1633)... 10

Appendix K - Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (Part Block 1632 Section 0 Strathnairn Sheep

Dip) ............................................................................................................................................................ 11

Appendix L - Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (B1 S80, Dunlop, Part B2 S186 Dunlop, B7

S149 Macgregor, Blocks 853, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 993, 1333, 1440, 1469, 1540, 1568, 1621, 1622,

1632 Belconnen ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix M - West Belconnen Strategic Environmental Assessment: Air Quality Review, February, 2018 .. 13

Appendix N - Drainage Flows in the Ginninderry Region Memorandum, Air Environment 2017 ................... 14

Appendix O - Proposal to adjust Clearance Zone: Greenwaste Shredding, Composting and Sales

Operations. West Belconnen Resource Management Centre and Canberra Sand and Gravel, Parkwood

Road, June 2017........................................................................................................................................ 15

Appendix P - Ginninderry Development Project Aboriginal Cultural Values Assessment Report:, Waters

Consultancy, May 2017 (redacted) ............................................................................................................. 16

Appendix Q – West Belconnen Future Residential Development: Stage 1 West Belconnen Statement of

Heritage Effects (SHE), Past Trace, May 2016 ........................................................................................... 17

Appendix R- West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report: ACT Land Blocks 1605 and 1606, Eric

Martin and Associates, January 2018 ......................................................................................................... 18

Appendix S - West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report ACT Parkwood Land: Blocks 853, 856,

857, 858, 859, 860, 1329, 1333, 1440, 1540, 1621, 1622 and Part Block Macgregor Block 7 Section 149,

Eric Martin and Associates, January 2018. ................................................................................................. 19

Appendix T – Statutory Notification Periods for Recent Supporting Studies, February 2018 prepared by

Knight Frank Town Planning ...................................................................................................................... 20

Appendix U – Map of blocks included in the S211 exemption application, February 2018, prepared by Knight

Frank Town Planning ................................................................................................................................. 21

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Statement regarding an application by Ginninderry for exemption from the requirement to submit an EIS with development applications for Stage 2 and subsequent stages of the project

Where a development application (DA) includes works which are thought to be likely to have a

significant and adverse impact on the environment, the Act (Planning and Development Act 2007)

requires that the development application documents include an environmental impact assessment.

The Act also requires that the DA must be processed by the Planning Authority through the

development assessment “impact track”.

Where a DA is considered to be unlikely to have a significant and adverse environmental impact then

it may be lodged without an accompanying EIS and is processed through the “merit track”. DA’s

lodged in the impact track must be accompanied by a completed EIS or EIS Exemption.

In some circumstances, the assessment of likely environmental impacts of the works proposed in a

DA, and the prescription of measures to appropriately manage these, may have been completed prior

to the lodgement of the DA. This often occurs where the DA is one of a series of DAs in a staged

project such as Ginninderry. In these circumstances it is logical to undertake a comprehensive

assessment of the total project “up front”; individual DAs can then proceed in accord with the findings

of this assessment. This holistic approach is more efficient, it is also considered to be likely to

produce superior environmental outcomes when compared to a piecemeal, DA by DA, environmental

assessment process.

At Ginninderry there was also an additional requirement for environmental assessment separately to

that required under the ACT Planning and Development Act. The site provides habitat for a number of

species and ecological communities (Matters of National Environmental Significance or MNES) that

are listed under Commonwealth legislation (the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

(EPBC) Act). In accord with this legislation a “strategic assessment” of likely impacts on MNES over

the whole project site was conducted to determine the suitability of the site and prescribe

environmental control measures prior to the commencement of the project. The Ginninderry (then

known as West Belconnen) EPBC assessment was completed and approved by a delegate of the

Commonwealth Minister for the Environment on 1.9.17. The approval was contingent upon the

satisfaction of a number of conditions, including the creation of the conservation reserve.

Ordinarily, an EPBC assessment is concerned with the examination of potential impacts on MNES. At

Ginninderry there are a number of species that are not listed by the Commonwealth but are listed

under either ACT or NSW environmental legislation, or both. Species and ecological communities are

of course inter-related and inter dependent and it was agreed by the relevant Commonwealth, NSW

and ACT Government agencies that a single assessment process covering all species and ecological

communities listed under Commonwealth, NSW and ACT legislation would be likely to achieve the

best environmental outcomes. The EPBC assessment therefore included all species and ecological

communities listed under the three jurisdictions. The EPBC assessment and the scientific research

which underpins it (dating back to 2009) is now available as supporting material for future DAs.

The assessment was completed by the Umwelt (Australia) Pty Limited which specializes in the

provision of environmental consultancy services. The report: “West Belconnen Project Strategic

Assessment” was completed in March 2017.

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In addition to matters related to the natural environment, an EIS may also be required to examine

potential impacts on other aspects of the physical and cultural environment. At Ginninderry the

potential for impacts on matters of heritage significance and impacts related to possible site

contamination are also of sufficient magnitude to “trigger” the requirement for an EIS under the

provisions of the Act.

In both cases steps have already been taken that provide a basis for an application for exemption from

the requirement to undertake an EIS process:

The project site has been surveyed and this, together with detailed research, has enabled all

matters of significance related to European heritage to be identified. These are recorded in

two reports by Eric Martin and Associates which also include recommendations for the

treatment of matters of heritage significance as the project proceeds. These reports have

been endorsed by the ACT heritage Council.

The project site has been surveyed and this, together with detailed research, has enabled all

matters of significance related to aboriginal heritage to be identified. These are recorded in a

report by Biosis Pty ltd which also includes recommendations for the treatment of matters of

heritage significance as the project proceeds. These reports have been endorsed by the ACT

heritage Council.

An auditor, accredited by and approved by the ACT Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

has been appointed to oversight all aspects of the project and ensure that, where required,

matters related to contamination will be the subject of audit processes and resolved to the

satisfaction of the EPA. This will occur progressively as the project proceeds. This process

meets the requirements of the EPA and obviates the need for an EIS.

It is against this background that the Ginninderry project is applying for exemption from the

requirement that the DA for stage two and future stages of the project be accompanied by multiple

EIS’s prepared specifically to cover the individual DAs. After receiving an assessment reports from

the planning authority, the Minister for Planning will determine whether an exemption from requiring an

EIS is to be granted. The Conservator of Flora and Fauna (and other relevant agencies) will be

consulted as part of the planning and land authority’s assessment process and their comments

considered by the Minister.

In making this determination the Minister will have regard to the extent to which the assessment

process discussed above, which incorporated an assessment of all the relevant species and

ecological communities, matters related to heritage and to contamination, that may otherwise have

triggered the requirement for an assessment, was adequate.

If the Minister determines that the assessment reports that are already in hand are adequate, then the

DAs will be processed; otherwise a new environmental impact assessment will be prepared.

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Introduction 1.

Knight Frank Town Planning (KFTP) has been engaged by Riverview Pty Ltd being ‘the proponents’,

to prepare a section 211 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) exemption application under the

Planning and Development Act 2007 (P&D Act) for the ACT Lands subject of the West Belconnen

‘Ginninderry’ development. Historically, the proposed development has been referred to as ‘West

Belconnen’ and ‘Riverview’ before being given the project name ‘Ginninderry’. These names all refer

to the same area, which comprises the ACT portion of the development. This report will refer to the

project hereon in as ‘Ginninderry’. As the supporting studies have been prepared over the last few

years, they may refer to the project as any of the abovementioned names.

Planning for development of Ginninderry, in Canberra’s northwest, has been ongoing for several years

and is now at the point where the first stage of residential development is approaching and an Estate

Development Plan (EDP) for Stage 1 has already been approved.

This planning report accompanies the S211 EIS exemption application and follows an endorsement of

a Program for the site on (1st September 2017) by the Australian Government Environment Minister

under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC

Act). This planning report provides a summary of potential environmental issues which have been

identified, a risk assessment inclusive of proposed mitigation measures to address the identified risks.

This submission seeks exemption from an EIS under section 211 of the P&D Act because the

expected environmental impact of the development proposal has already been fully addressed by

extensive work and recently endorsed Program under the EPBC Act (Cwlth), pt 10 (Strategic

assessments) and a Stage 1 Environmental Site Assessment with an auditor appointed to undertake

site audits of all of the ACT project land.

Various supporting studies for ecological matters were prepared to facilitate and accompany the

preparation of the Strategic Assessment and Program Report submitted to the Commonwealth.

The following table identifies the triggers for and EIS under the P&D Act and where they have been

addressed in accompanying studies.

Table 1 EIS Triggers

Planning and Development Act 2007 Schedule 4 Development proposals in impact track because of need for EIS

"Other studies"

Umwelt report reference

Other report reference

Part 4.3 Development proposals requiring EIS—areas and processes

1 Proposal that is likely to have a significant

adverse environmental impact on 1 or more of the


(b) an endangered





honeyeater & 4.5.1

Macquarie perch & 4.5

Trout cod & 4.5

Silver perch & 4.5

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Planning and Development Act 2007 Schedule 4 Development proposals in impact track because of

need for EIS

"Other studies"

Umwelt report reference

Other report reference

Part 4.3 Development proposals requiring EIS—areas and processes

Northern corroboree frog

Golden sun moth & 4.5.4

Konoom, smoky mouse

Grassland earless dragon

Small purple pea

Tarengo leek orchid

Ginninderra peppercress

(c) a vulnerable species; Brown treecreeper

Hooded robin

Little eagle

Scarlet robin

Varied sittella



Glossy black cockatoo


Murray river crayfish

Two spined blackfish




Superb parrot & 4.5.1

Swift parrot & 4.5.1


honeyeater & 4.5.1

Spotted tailed quoll

Pink-tailed worm lizard & 4.5.5

Striped legless lizard

(h) a listed

migratory species;

Rufous fantail

Fork-tailed swift

White throated needletail

Lathams snipe/Japanese


Satin flycatcher

Black-faced monarch


Osprey 3.3.2

Yellow wagtail 3.3.2

Curlew sandpiper 3.3.2

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Planning and Development Act 2007 Schedule 4 Development proposals in impact track because of

need for EIS

"Other studies"

Umwelt report reference

Other report reference

Part 4.3 Development proposals requiring EIS—areas and processes

Eastern curlew/far eastern curlew


(i) a threatened

ecological community;

Yellow box/red gum grassy



Natural Temperate Grassland, 5.4.2


Proposal for development in a

reserve… a)

2.6.2, 4.2.1 &



Proposal that is likely

to have a significant adverse impact on the heritage

significance of a place or object registered under the

Heritage Act 2004…

Aboriginal heritage

Ginninderry Development Project,

Aboriginal Cultural Values Assessment Report, Redacted version for public release, Waters

Consultancy, May 2017.

West Belconnen Development Project: ACT Land Cultural

Heritage Assessment Report 12 June 2015

European heritage

Eric Martin and Associates Architects, (2014). ACT Land: Blocks 1605 and 1606. West

Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report.

West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report ACT Parkwood Land: Blocks 853, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 1329, 1333,

1440, 1540, 1621, 1622 and Part Macgregor Block 7 Section 149, Eric martin & Assoc., 17 Feb 2014.


Proposal involving land included on the register of

contaminated sites under the Environment

Protection Act 1997

ESA1 & Site Suitability GHD 2017

Stage 1 ESA and Site Suitability

Recommendation – Block 1632, Block 1469, & other lands (SESL Australia Pty Ltd) November 2017

Other matters for consideration (not triggers for an EIS under the Planning and Development Act 2007)


Air Quality

West Belconnen Strategic Environmental Assessment: Air

Quality Review, Aecom, June 2014


Green Waste

Composting Facility

Proposal to adjust clearance zone:

green waste shredding, composting and sales operations, June 2017

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Background 2.

2.1 Site characteristics

2.1.1 Site location and context

Ginninderry is located approximately 6km west of the Belconnen Town Centre and 13km northwest

from the Canberra CBD. The site straddles the ACT/NSW border and is bounded by the Ginninderra

Creek to the north, the Murrumbidgee River to the west, the existing suburbs of Macgregor and Holt to

the east, and Stockdill Drive to the south.

Figure 1 below identifies the location of the site in context to the ACT.

2.1.2 Topography

The topography of the Ginninderry site includes undulating terrain, generally sloping down from the

south eastern corner westwards towards the Murrumbidgee River, and northwards towards the

ACT/NSW Border. The site steepens surrounding the Ginninderra Falls area, with the formation of

gorges and gully’s at the northern point of the project area.

2.1.3 Vegetation

Vegetation varies across the site. Areas identified for residential have been used for agricultural

purposes recently, resulting in a large range of grass varieties along with a scattering of native trees.

More native vegetation exists on the northern and western perimeters of the site adjacent to the

Ginninderra Falls and Murrumbidgee River Corridors.

Figure 1: Ginninderry regional location

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2.1.4 Conservation Corridor

The West Belconnen Conservation Corridor (WBCC) boundary on the northern and western sides of

the site has been defined by slopes and various flora and fauna studies carried out on the area.

Within the WBCC, Box Gum Woodland (BGW) communities are present as well as Pink-Tailed Worm-

Lizard (PTWL) habitat and native habitat for other fauna and local and migratory bird species.

2.2 Proposed development

The proposal for Ginninderry is for the development of land within the ACT and in adjacent NSW for

urban development which includes residential, commercial, community and other related purposes

(eg. roads, open space and utilities) and for the creation of the WBCC along the Murrumbidgee River

and Ginninderra Creek. The urban residential area will include open space, community, school and

recreation facilities, wetlands and creeks, roads, streets and an off road movement system as well as

space for retail and employment.

The long term vision for Ginninderry is a logical extension and completion of the Belconnen urban

form. The project aims to transform approximately 1600ha comprising largely of agricultural land and

a landfill site into a sustainable settlement for 30,000 people.

The future residential area extends from the ACT to NSW and will be developed over a 40 year time

frame. To balance the scale of the residential development, Ginninderry also proposes to preserve,

restore and manage a minimum of 549.9ha of land across both the ACT & NSW within the WBCC in

accordance with the EPBC approval.

2.2.1 Summary of actions

The Ginninderry project envisages the construction of an extensive urban area, to accommodate

ultimately a population of about 30,000 people. This will include a great variety of actions to be

implemented over a long, 40 year, timeframe across the ACT and NSW. At this point the project will

be notionally complete but, as with any such area, renewal and rejuvenation of land uses and

infrastructure will continue indefinitely within the urban area and in the land devoted to conservation

purposes. All future actions will be subject to statutory approval processes as required.

Actions relating to urban development and conservation at Ginninderry for the ACT project area,


• Construction and operation of residential, commercial, community, light industrial and open

space land uses, and related urban development and infrastructure, within the district of

Belconnen, ACT subject to approval under the ACT Planning and Development Act 2007;

• A biodiversity offsets package for Golden Sun Moth (GSM) currently located in the ACT which

will place an additional 86.8 hectare site (lot 2 Wallaroo Road NSW) supporting threatened

species into protected areas; The site includes 11.9 ha of land currently occupied by GSM and

19.4 ha suitable for GSM, currently unoccupied.

• Off site road improvement works on surrounding local and arterial roads for the Ginninderry

urban area including:

Southern Cross Drive;

Extension to the existing Ginninderra Drive;

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local streets; and

Widening of Drake Brockman Drive to create a dual carriageway road between the

project area and William Hovell Drive.

• The creation of WBCC along the Murrumbidgee River and Ginninderra Creek encompassing a

minimum of 549.9 ha including PTWL habitat and an area of BGW. Approximately 360ha of the

WBCC falls into the ACT project area. Works will occur within this corridor in locations that will

be specified progressively as development applications for works are lodged and approved over

the course of the project development phase. These works will include:

Construction of a sewer tunnel within the river corridor in the ACT by direct drilling so as

to pass beneath (PTWL) and BGW habitat and involve limited surface works outside but

close to PTWL habitat;

Recreation and tourist facilities including buildings picnic areas, car parking and access

roads and walking and cycling tracks;

Bushfire and maintenance management access tracks;

Bushfire management measures including vegetation management by way of slashing,

controlled burning and livestock, including access tracks.

The WBCC will incorporate 100% of the BGW that is within the project area (within the ACT), and

145.8ha of PTWL habitat (130ha of this occurring in the ACT). The status of the land will be upgraded

to “nature reserve” ensuring the long term protection of endangered, critical and threatened species;

this together with enhancements to the connectivity between PTWL areas and an increase in overall

area of PTWL habitat will offset the loss of 16.4 ha of disaggregated patches of PTWL habitat that will

be subsumed with in the urban development area.

The following diagram (Figure 2) is an extract from the Umwelt report identifying the Ginninderry

project site. It should be noted the NSW lands shown are not included in this S211 exemption


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*Note: This map is showing the entirety of the project site and not the area proposed to be covered under this

S211 exemption application. The area proposed to be covered under the S211 exemption application is provided

in Figure 4.

Figure 2: Ginninderry Project site (extract from Umwelt Strategic Assessment

Report May 2017)

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2.2.2 Public engagement

Extensive public engagement was undertaken throughout the process of preparing the supporting

flora and fauna studies and as part of the EPBC approval process.

The consultation process was led by Elton Consultation, and a number of public comments and

government comments were addressed throughout the process. Further detail is provided within the

consultation report in Appendix C.

2.3 Property Details

The Ginninderry development covers several blocks currently listed as rural. All blocks associated

with the ACT development have been listed in Table 2 Property Details below. These will gradually

change as each of the development stages progress.

Whilst the overall development includes NSW lands, they have not been listed in Table 2 Property

Details below as they are not part of this s211 exemption application, as it is only applicable to the

lands currently within the ACT.

Table 2 Property Details

Block District Custodian

1633 (formally 1605) Belconnen Suburban Land Agency

1622 Belconnen EPSDD (Parks and Conservation)

1621 Belconnen EPSDD (Parks and Conservation)

1620 Belconnen EPSDD (Parks and Conservation)

1613 (PT) Belconnen EPSDD (Parks and Conservation)

1607 Belconnen EPSDD (Parks and Conservation)

1606 Belconnen Suburban Land Agency

1586 Belconnen CMTEDD (ACT Property Group) & TCCS

1568 Belconnen TCCS

1540 Belconnen CMTEDD ACT Property Group

1469 Belconnen EPSDD (Parks and Conservation)

1440 Belconnen Icon Water

1420 Belconnen Billabong Aboriginal Development Corporation

1333 Belconnen Belconnen Pony Club

1329 Belconnen Pace Farm Pty Limited

993 Belconnen TCCS

860 Belconnen TCCS

859 Belconnen Suburban Land Agency

858 Belconnen Suburban Land Agency

857 Belconnen TCCS

856 Belconnen Hawkesbury Nominees Pty Limited

Debra Nominees Pty Limited

Nectaria Nominees Pty Limited (equal shares)

853 Belconnen TCCS

PT2 S186 Dunlop EPSDD (Parks and Conservation)

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Block District Custodian

PT7 S149 Macgregor EPSDD (Parks and Conservation)

1565 Belconnen TCCS

Block 1 Section 80 Dunlop TCCS

Stockdill Drive TCCS

Drake-Brockman Drive TCCS

Parkwood Road TCCS

Studio Road TCCS

1582 Belconnen Elvin Global Pty Ltd

1600 Belconnen Pine Ridge (Jenny Campbell)

1599 Belconnen Elvin Global Pty Ltd

1339 Belconnen Pegasus

1591 Belconnen Suburban Land Agency

1592 Belconnen Suburban Land Agency

A map of the above listed blocks is provided in Appendix U.

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The following Figure 3 is an extract from the ACTMAPi identifies the proposed zoning for the Ginninderry Project area.

Figure 3: Territory Plan Zoning (Source: ACTMAPi)

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Section 211 Exemption Request 3.

This report is seeking an exemption under section 211 of the ACT P&D Act on the basis the impacts of

the proposed development have been addressed and will be managed appropriately and no significant

short or long term effects will occur on ecological, contamination or heritage matters present within the

project area.

3.1 Extent of S211 application

Figure 4 below identifies the area seeking an exemption from an EIS (shaded in orange). Stage 1 of

the development has not been included in this application as it is already the subject of an EDP and is

a separate matter.

*Note: Stage 1 is excluded from this S211 Exemption Application

Figure 4: Area subject to Section 211 Exemption Application

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3.2 EIS Triggers

The exemption under section 211 of the P&D Act from the requirement for an EIS is being sought on

the grounds that the impacts of the proposed Ginninderry development have been appropriately

identified within the relevant studies undertaken, and mitigation measures proposed to ensure the

proposed development will not have a significant environmental impact for the life of the project and


Schedule 4, Part 4.3 ‘development proposals requiring EIS – areas and processes’ of the P&D Act

identifies triggers for when an EIS is required. In Ginninderry, an EIS is triggered under Schedule 4 of

the P&D Act by Item 1, 3, 6 and 7 of Part 4.3.

All triggers under Schedule 4 of the P&D Act for which an EIS exemption is being sought have been

listed in detail at the beginning of this report (page 7).

3.2.1 Schedule 4, Part 4.3, Item 1 – significant adverse environmental impact

The Ginninderry development area contains the following which will potentially be impacted upon as a

result of development activities in the ACT:

Endangered Species – Murrumbidgee Bossiaea, Regent honeyeater, Macquarie perch, Trout

cod, Sliver perch, Northern corroboree frog, Golden sun moth, Konoom smoky mouse, Grassland

earless dragon, Small purple pea, Tarengo leek orchid and Ginninderra peppercress.

Vulnerable Species – Brown treecreeper, Hooded robin, Little eagle, Scarlet robin, Varied

sittella, Whit-winged triller, Glossy black cockatoo, Murray river crayfish, Two spined blackfish,

Perunga grasshopper, Superb parrot, Swift parrot, Painted honeyeater, spotted black quoll, Pink-

tailed Worm-lizard, Stripped legless lizard.

A listed migratory species – Rufus fantail, Fork-tailed swift, White throated needletail, Latham’s

snipe/Japanese snipe, Satin flycatcher, Black-faced monarch, Osprey, Yellow wagtail, Curlew

sandpiper, Eastern curlew/Far eastern curlew.

A threatened ecological community – Yellow box/red gum grassy woodland.

Any potential impacts to these species has been minimised as much as possible, however some

impacts may be unavoidable due to required infrastructure and the characteristics of the site. Impacts

would consist of the following:

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Pink-Tailed Worm-Lizard

PTWL is listed as vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act 2014 (NC Act). It is most commonly

found sheltering under small, shallowly embedded rocks where it may remain for long periods.

There is a total of 162.8 hectares of PTWL habitat within the Project Area (Approximately 130ha of

this in the ACT). Of this area, approximately ten percent will be affected by the proposed action

comprising 10.2 hectares of high / moderate quality habitat and 6.2 hectares of low quality habitat. Of

these areas, a number are uninhabited, however, display attributes conducive to the species’

requirements. Table 4.8 of the Umwelt report (page 142) summarises the split between quality and

impact of the Program on PTWL.

Figure 5: Moderate to high and low pink tail worm lizard habitat (extract from Umwelt report, May 2017)

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Golden sun moth

GSM is an endangered species under the NC Act in the ACT that historically occurs in natural

temperate grasslands and open grassy woodlands. GSM occurs only within the ACT project area.

Flying season generally runs from late spring into early summer, though exact timing varies depending

upon weather conditions. During this time adults live for up to four days after they emerge, and males

fly over the grassland in search of females. Its habitat requirements are very specific as its larvae feed

only on the roots of C3 grasses (namely wallaby grasses, spear grasses, and the exotic Chilean

needle-grass), and females require bare ground between tussocks from which they display (Rowell


Direct impacts to habitat for the species in Ginninderry will occur as a result of the Ginninderra Drive

extension. Whilst the areas with the greatest densities of golden sun moth within the existing offset

areas will be avoided, the current preferred alignment (option 5) is proposed to remove 0.85 hectares

of golden sun moth habitat. A further 0.96 hectares of habitat may be affected as a result of

overshadowing by the proposed bridge over Ginninderra Creek. The total impact will, therefore, be in

the order of 1.8 hectares of GSM habitat affected.

Overshadowing of habitat has the potential to affect grass growth and as a result of reduced solar

access, reduce the amount of evaporation the affected areas experience. This has an implication for

locations where increased soil moisture has the potential to adversely affect larval survival rates

either through poor root development of host grasses (loss of foraging areas), through lack of air, or

other effects to soil chemistry.

Other factors that may be introduced as a result of the bridge construction include fragmentation of

habitat. Although the grassy vegetation will be retained under the proposed Ginninderra Drive bridge

and as such continuity of vegetation will not apparently be affected, it may introduce a reluctance by

moths to fly underneath the bridge as a result of the dark overhead shadow. This potential impact in

addition to the preceding issue regarding increased soil moisture is unquantified as there is no

equivalent site on which to base an assessment.

Further detail is provided within the attached Umwelt report (Appendix A)

Figure 6: Impacts of Ginninderra Drive extension Option 5 on GSM (extracted from Umwelt report, May 2017)

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Box Gum Woodland

White box – yellow box – Blakely’s red gum grassy woodland and derived native grasslands (box gum

woodland) is listed under the NC Act and a threatened ecological community. BGW occurs either in a

woodland form or as derived / secondary grassland (former grassy woodland from which trees have

been removed). The community in either context is typified by a ground layer of native tussock

grasses and herbs and a sparse, scattered shrub layer. There is BGW occurring only within the ACT

project area.

There will be no direct impacts to the BGW that occurs within the west Molonglo area, as per the

commitment set out in the Molonglo Strategic Assessment. The road upgrade works to Drake

Brockman Drive will impact approximately 3.8 hectares of that occurs along the existing road reserve

and within adjacent private properties (Drake Brockman Drive upgrade area). Indirect impacts that

may affect retained BGW within the Project Area include edge effects, weed invasion, and changes in

hydrological conditions that could affect species composition.

Cumulative impacts to retained BGW may arise from increased public access to the WBCC and the

introduction of associated services and infrastructure. These may lead to damage to

the understorey and regrowth success, invasive species introduction, and eutrophication and other

pollution. The provision of visitor infrastructure may also facilitate further impacts in the foreseeable

future as it promotes the use of the WBCC for recreational purposes and makes it more accessible to

the public; however, these are generally included in the range of activities proposed within the river


Further detail is provided within the attached Umwelt report (Appendix A)

Figure 7: Box Gum Woodland within the project area and broader West Belconnen (extract from Umwelt

report, May 2017)

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Natural temperate grassland

West Belconnen contains patches of Natural Temperate Grasslands which are listed as an

endangered community under the NC Act. The extent of impacts on the Natural temperate grasslands

are currently unknown and this would be surveyed, assessed and offset using a defined process

strategy as outlined within the West Belconnen Strategic Assessment Report (SAR) prepared by

Umwelt, March 2017 (Appendix A) for the EPBC approval.

In anticipation of this, a study was commissioned, to be conducted by SMEC, to identify patches of

grassland within the development area (January 2017, Appendix G) and in the WBCC. Patches of

grassland identified within the WBCC will be unaffected. The small patches contained within the

development area (see Figure 8) will be managed in accord with the define process endorsed under

the EPBC Program.

Figure 8: Identified Natural Temperate Grassland in the development area.

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Other threatened species within the Ginninderry project area

Other endangered, vulnerable, migratory or threatened communities listed in this section have been

identified within the Ginninderry project area, however these have either been addressed as part of

TPV351 or measures have be put in place to ensure they will not be impacted. Measures and risks of

impact have been provided within the risk assessment. To note of particular importance, is the Little


Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides (vulnerable under the NC Act) – A Little Eagle was identified

within the Ginninderry site. No impacts are proposed on the Little Eagle and a clearance zone of

200m around the nesting site was put in place as part of TPV351.

As part of initial ecological studies for the project, including on the Little Eagle, Kevin Mills and

Associates were commissioned to produce three reports:

1. Kevin Mills & Associates (2014) Ecological Studies West Belconnen, ACT

2. Kevin Mills & Associates (2009a). Preliminary Assessment, Land at West Molonglo and Ginninderra Creek, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory. Prepared for CB Richard Ellis Pty Limited, Canberra, January.

3. Kevin Mills & Associates (2009b). Further Flora and Fauna Studies, Land at West Molonglo and Ginninderra Creek, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory. Report prepared for The Riverview Group, Canberra, July.

In October 2015 A T Adams Consulting produced a report summarizing advice from Conservation

Research and Planning, EPSDD of the ACT Government and advice from Jerry Olsen and David

Shorthouse. In summary, this advice proposed a 200m clearance zone around the nest site, and

protection for a foraging and fledging area to the south. As a result of this best available knowledge

and advice, this proposed zone was incorporated into the Territory plan to protect the Strathnairn Little

Eagle. It was also agreed that research would continue on foraging area.

As part of work for the EPBC EIS, Umwelt strategic assessment also noted that research on foraging

was continuing.

Little Eagle – Strategic Planning and Territory Plan

As a consequence of the research and advice referred to above, a 200m clearance zone around the

Strathnairn nest and a further clearance zone over the advised foraging area was incorporated into the

Territory Plan in DV351 (grey solid line in plan below) to protect the Strathnairn Little Eagle.

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Figure 9 Extract from the Territory Plan (West Belconnen Concept Plan, Clearance Zone Map B)

Assessment of Impacts on Little Eagle – Further Research

Since the implementation of the Clearance Zone in the Territory Plan, research into the Little Eagle

has continued, within the framework of a Research Committee chaired by the ACT Conservation

Planning and Research Team of the ACT Government Environment, Planning and Sustainable

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Development Directorate (EPSDD), and with membership from researchers, academics, eagle/raptor

experts, Government conservation ecologists, the Ginninderry joint venture and others. Research has

been conducted on the Little Eagles from the Strathnairn nest, and more broadly throughout the ACT

and surrounds, since mid-2015. A satellite tracker was attached to one of the pair and this enabled its

location to be monitored for the majority of the following two years which included both a successful

and an unsuccessful breeding season at the Strathnairn nest.

The report into the results of this satellite tracking (Brawata and Gruber 2016 report “Movements of

the Little Eagle (Hieraaetus morphnoides) surrounding the proposed Riverview Development Area,

Australian Capital Territory.”) demonstrate that: 1. The satellite tracked bird flew over existing suburban areas and along urban/rural interfaces, as well

as over reserves and rural land. In addition to the nest area, it was located most frequently in three

areas, assumed to be preferred hunting areas. None of these are within the project development


2. The satellite tracking showed that the eagle was located over the proposed development area a total

of only 8% of the time, compared to 89% of the time over the Conservation zone, proposed offset

areas, and rural and reserve areas. The 8% of time spent over the proposed development area will

be significantly further reduced when recalculated excluding the area that will not be developed as

long as the eagle is present.

3. The recent research that has revealed the extraordinary migratory nature of the Little Eagle studied,

which flew 3,300km to over-winter in the Northern Territory.

4. The Little Eagle occurs over all of Australia and is not listed as vulnerable apart from in NSW and the

ACT where it was listed largely in response to statements that have now been refuted (Olsen and

Rae 2017). The migratory nature of the Little Eagle suggests that a broader examination of

threatening processes would be helpful.

Other threatened species have the potential to occur in the area, however have not been identified (by

targeted surveys) or are located within the WBCC. These are considered unlikely to be impacted.

Whilst there will be some minor impacts to existing threatened, critically endangered, endangered and

vulnerable species, this risk assessment and supporting information provides an extensive strategy to

ensure these impacts will only be temporary and habitats will be restored for species to continue to

thrive in the Ginninderry area. As such, this development should be considered for exemption from

requiring an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to be prepared.

3.2.2 Schedule 4, Part 4.3 Item 3 – Proposal for development in a reserve

The Ginninderry development area will require some development works within the ACT

WBCC. These works will include:

Construction of a sewer tunnel within the river corridor by direct drilling so as to pass

beneath PTWL and BGW habitat and involve limited surface works outside but close to

PTWL habitat;

Recreation and tourist facilities including buildings picnic areas, car parking and access

roads and walking and cycling tracks;

Bushfire and maintenance management access tracks;

Bushfire management measures including vegetation management by way of slashing,

controlled burning and livestock, including access tracks.

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3.2.3 Schedule 4, Part 4.3 Item 6 - Proposal that is likely to have a significant

adverse impact on the heritage significance of a place or object registered

under the Heritage Act 2004.

There are a number of both European and Indigenous heritage sites identified throughout the proposal

area, some of these which have been registered under the Heritage Act 2004.

The project is not proposing to impact on any of these sites, however this has been included as a

trigger to demonstrate this is the case.

3.2.4 Schedule 4, Part 4.3, Item 7 – Proposal involving land included on the register

of contaminated sites under the Environment Protection Act 1997

The Ginninderry development area includes land which is on the register of contaminated sites under

the Environment Protection Act 1997.

There are a number of sites present within the Ginninderry project area which have been identified as

having the potential for contamination and require further investigations to occur. These blocks

include 1469, 1606, 1607, 1632 and 1633.

3.2.5 Air Quality

It should be noted, this is not a trigger for an EIS, however this has been included in the S211

exemption application upon request from the Environmental Protection Authority..

Regular discussions have occurred with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) during the

process of preparing this section 211 exemption report and it was raised by the EPA that air quality

matters should also be taken into consideration within the s211 application. Those matters in

particular which were raised by the EPA include green waste, the use of wood fired heaters and diesel

powered buses. Green waste is addressed under 3.2.6.

In regards air quality impacts from wood fire heaters, diesel buses and potential bushfires there are

short term risks that will impact on air quality once residential development is in place.

Wood fire heaters: The topography and meteorological conditions, particularly valley drainage flows,

expected in the Ginninderry development suggest that wood smoke could be a significant issue for the

proposed development should wood heaters be installed. As the Ginninderry development is likely to

receive drainage flows from other areas of Canberra and NSW, the use of wood heaters in other areas

may also potentially contribute to elevated pollutant concentrations within the proposed development

area under inversion conditions. The valley drainage flows from the project area to other areas of

Canberra is also an important consideration for the particulate levels in the greater region.

Diesel Buses (motor vehicles): Data from the NPI indicate that motor vehicles are the largest source of

pollution in the ACT, accounting for approximately one quarter of all air emissions in the territory.

Motor vehicles emit a range of pollutants including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulates,

sulphur, and hydrocarbons. ACT Health operates an ambient air quality network on behalf of the ACT

Government, consisting of two monitoring stations. One station is located at Monash, approximately 200 m west

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of Cockcroft Avenue in the district sporting fields. The other station is located at Civic, near Allara Street, and is

the closest station to West Belconnen development. The greater concentration of motor vehicles in the city

centre compared to Monash is associated with the greater ozone concentrations found at the city

monitoring station.

The pollution generated by motor vehicles results from both the amount of fuel burned; fuel type and

composition; and the emission control standards of the engines. Mitigation measures to address the

above concerns have been provided under ‘6.9 Management of Air Quality & Odour’

Bushfires: Bushfires are a known hazard in the ACT due to the dry summers and flammable

vegetation. Severe, damaging fires occur on a regular basis, generally every 6 – 27 years. The most

serious fires occurred in 2003, and affected the Molonglo and Mount Stromlo areas, just south of the

proposed development.

The risk of bushfires occurring is most prominent when strong winds from central Australia are

directed towards Canberra. The most dangerous wind direction for Canberra and its surrounding

regions (north-west) is also a common wind direction for the area (ACTPLA, 2007). Mitigation

measures to address the above concerns have been provided under ‘6.9 Management of Air Quality &


3.2.6 Green waste clearance zone

It should be noted, this is not a trigger for an EIS, however this has been included in the S211

exemption application upon request from the EPA.

The green waste facility currently has a defined clearance zone applied. This have all been informed

by a number of studies and investigations and discussions between the EPA and EPSDD, and

implemented as part of the Territory Plan variation 351.

The West Belconnen Concept Plan prohibits any new residential, community and other sensitive uses

within clearance zones (R13). Clearance zones may be adjusted subject to an appropriate audit

process and approval from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) (C13).

Due to this provision in the concept plan, no new residential, community or other sensitive uses can be

proposed, unless conditional approved, on those affected areas until such time as the EPA is satisfied

the right processes have been followed and the clearance zone can be adjusted or removed.

With these clearance zones being in place, there is no risk that there will be any development

occurring within those areas potentially affected by odour, without the proper controls in place.

The attached report in Appendix O proposes to move the green waste shredding, composting and

sales operations to the north eastern corner of the existing landfill site. This process will also require

an adjustment of the clearance zone via a technical amendment to the Territory Plan.

The purpose of this is to avoid inconsistency with residential development, and increase separation

distance between composting and sensitive receptors (residential development) and will maintain

adequate separation distance between the residual acceptance, shredding and sales operations for

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the life of the current contract (green waste) and the extent of residential development approval that

we anticipate seeking until 2021

Following the relocation of the site, a technical amendment to the Territory Plan will be sought to move

the clearance zone to the new location. As part of this process, an audit process will be undertaken in

order to gain approval from the EPA to demonstrate the existing clearance zone is no longer required.

The adjustment of any clearance zones that relate to the Ginninderry Development and that are

contained in the Territory Plan will be conducted as a Technical Amendment and that EPA and others

will be consulted as a normal as part of that process. Before approving the Technical Amendment,

EPA will be required to confirm that technical environmental issues have been appropriately

considered and have been reviewed as satisfactory by a licensed Auditor. This will meet the

requirement in the Territory Plan for an appropriate audit process approved by the EPA

3.3 Recent studies

Some of the accompanying studies provided within this application are more than 18 months old. To

satisfy clause 211B(3) of the P& D Act, these reports have been verified by a qualified person that the

information in the studies supporting this application is still current. A statement accompanies these


3.3.1 Ecological Studies

A Strategic Assessment Report for the Ginninderry Project assessed the impacts to and outcomes for

matters of national environmental significance (MNES) as well as threatened, vulnerable and

endangered species listed under the relevant ACT and NSW legislation. The West Belconnen

Strategic Assessment Report is a ‘recent study’ as it addresses the expected environmental impact of

the development proposal and is not less than 5 years old. The Strategic Assessment Report was

prepared by experienced environmental consultants from Umwelt.

West Belconnen Project Strategic Assessment Report, March 2017 Umwelt (Appendix A)

The Strategic Assessment Report (SAR) provides a summary of all the ecological studies

carried out on the site to date as well as impacts and implications resulting from the

West Belconnen development.

In addition to the SAR, the following reports were prepared for the application for taking actions in

accordance with an endorsed Program under the EPBC Act:

Urban Development at West Belconnen Program Report, April 2017, A T Adams Consulting

(Appendix B)

The Program Report provides an extensive Program which demonstrates how the impacts on

threatened, critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable species will be addressed and what

measures are proposed to ensure sufficient habitat is provided to restore any effected communities.

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EPBC Consultation Report, April 2017, Knight Frank Town Planning (Appendix C)

The EPBC Consultation Report provides a summary on how any public comments that were raised

during the EPBC process have been addressed to ensure the measures put in place are transparent

and appropriate.

Movements of the Little Eagle (Hieraaetus morpnoides) surrounding the proposed Riverview

Development Area, Australian Capital Territory, Brawata & Gruber, 2016 (Appendix E)

The aim of this report is monitor movements of at least one of a pair of Little Eagles (known as the

Lower Molonglo pair) that have recently successfully bred in a pine tree on the property of Strathnairn,

which lies within close proximity (<1km) to the site of the proposed urban development at West


Paper “Invalid evidence for purported ‘collapse’ in the number of breeding Little Eagles in the

Australian Capital Territory”, Olsen & Rae, ANU, December 2017 (Appendix F)

This paper looks into the suggestions that the proposed decline of the Little Eagle is linked to several

factors including land development. It identifies there is no way to know how many active pairs or

occupied territories there were annually in the ACT historically (in the 1980’s-1990’s) and all of Olsen

and colleagues’ surveys since 2002 are incomplete and their data confused and inconsistent.

Assessment of mapped pink-tailed worm lizard habitat within Ginninderry for potential to meet

criteria for classification as natural temperate grassland, SMEC, January 2017 (Appendix G)

SMEC was engaged to inspect patches of PTWL habitat (data provided by Riverview Group) within

the proposed Ginninderry development area and provide and assessment of whether these areas

meet criteria for classification as natural temperate grassland.

3.3.1 Environmental Studies

The following reports have been prepared to address site contamination.

ESA1 & Site Suitability GHD 2017 (Appendix H)

A Stage 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of blocks 1633 and 1606 was conducted by GHD in

2009 to identify any potential sources of contamination. This ESA was updated and expanded to

include Block 1607 and part Block 1613 and to include the consultant’s opinion on Site Suitability by

GHD in 2017. An assessment of Block 1469, Stockdill Drive and Studio Road reserves was

conducted separately in 2017.

Stage 1 ESA and Site Suitability Recommendation – Block 1632, Block 1469, & other lands

(SESL Australia Pty Ltd) November 2017 (Appendix I)

A Stage 1 ESA of all other ACT Blocks involved in the S211 application has now been completed. This

covers Blocks 853; 856; 857; 858; 859, 860; 993; 1333; 1440; 1469; 1540; 1568; 1621; 1622; 1632,

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Part Block 7 Sec 149 Macgregor; Part Block 2 Section 186 Dunlop; Part Block 1 Section 80 Dunlop,

and road reserves for Studio Road and relevant parts of Stockdill Drive and Parkwood Road. The

conclusions of the SESL Report have been accepted by the Auditor who has issued Interim Advice

stating that the risks identified pose a low risk for the proposed development of low density residential,

community facilities and Commercial sites. As follows, any higher sensitive uses proposed would also

be covered under the site suitability recommendation.

Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (Blocks 1469, 1606, 1607, 1632 and 1633)

(Appendix J)

The notification demonstrates the Ginninderry Development site is currently being audited by a

suitably qualified environmental specialist. The site has been assessed, with a remediation strategy

completed and approved by an auditor. Remediation will occur in due course.

Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (Part Block 1632 Belconnen - Strathnairn

Sheep Dip) (Appendix K)

The notification demonstrates that Part Block 1632 (Strathnairn Arts Precinct), which forms part of the

Ginninderry development area is currently being audited by a suitably qualified environmental

specialist. The site has been assessed, with a remediation strategy completed and approved by an

auditor. Remediation will occur in due course.

Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (B1 S80, Dunlop, Part B2 S186 Dunlop, B7

S149 Macgregor, Blocks 853, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 993, 1333, 1440, 1469, 1540, 1568,

1621, 1622, 1632, Belconnen ( (Appendix L)

In addition to the above studies, environmental assessment has been completed to address concerns

on impact of air quality. It should be noted that air quality matters are not a trigger for an EIS, however

the EPA has specifically requested it to be addressed within the s211 exemption application process.

Further detail on the potential for air quality impacts and how they will be addressed is provided later

within this report in the risk assessment.

West Belconnen Strategic Environmental Assessment: Air Quality Review, February 2018

(Appendix M)

The Air Quality Review (AQR) assesses the potential effects on air quality in the local area that might

result from the development and in particular, the impact on the use of domestic wood burners on air


Drainage Flows in the Ginninderry Region Memorandum, Air Environment 2017 (Appendix N)

This memo uses the model developed for the CSG odour study to verify that wood smoke trapped in

an inversion will not flow into other suburbs of Canberra, but disperse down the Murrumbidgee valley

northward without impacting on sensitive receptors. Under conditions where there are winds and no

inversion layer, when mixing rates are higher, smoke may disperse over neighbouring suburbs at

lower particle concentrations which is not seen as a problem.

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As with the air quality, the EPA has also requested the relocation of the composting site associated

with the current Greenwaste is addressed in this application. A technical amendment to the Territory

Plan will be sought separately following the physical relocation of the composting site to the north of its

current location.

Proposal to adjust Clearance Zone: Greenwaste Shredding, Composting and Sales

Operations. West Belconnen Resource Management Centre and Canberra Sand and Gravel,

Parkwood Road, June 2017. (Appendix O)

This report discusses the adjustment of the clearance zone currently around the current greenwaste

composting facilities at CSG, part of the West Belconnen Resource Management Centre (WBRMC)

site (Block 1586 Belconnen).

The original greenwaste clearance zone (and landfill clearance zone) was put in place with the

Territory Plan Variation 351 and informed by an earlier GHD Risk Landfill discussion paper (February,


3.3.2 Heritage Studies

Various heritage studies have been prepared for different areas of the Ginninderry development.

Those reports which relate to the entire site have been included as previous studies with this

application. These include;

Ginninderry Development Project; Aboriginal Cultural Values Assessment Report, Waters

Consultancy, May 2017 (redacted) (Appendix P)

This report is the outcome of the Aboriginal cultural values assessment undertaken by Waters

Consultancy. The focus of this assessment was to identify intangible cultural values through

consultation with identified knowledge holders and associated historical research.

West Belconnen Future Residential Development: Stage 1 West Belconnen Statement of

Heritage Effects (SHE) May 2016. (Appendix Q)

Note: An original version and redacted version of this report have been provided in Appendix

Q. The original version is not for public notification.

The objectives of this report were to: -

consult with Representative Aboriginal Organisations (RAO’s) in regards to the Study Area

(West Belconnen ACT lands) and its cultural significance;

identify impacts to all identified Aboriginal Heritage sites base on potential changes as a result

of the proposed development and;

make recommendations to minimise or mitigate impacts to cultural heritage values within the

Study Area.

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West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report: ACT Land – Blocks 1605 and 1606, Eric

Martin and Associates January 2018 (Appendix R)

This report undertakes the necessary research and investigations on European Heritage for the

abovementioned blocks.

This report identifies any features that are of heritage interest for the abovementioned blocks and

provides as assessment of appropriate options for the future management of such features in the

context of urban development.

The report also provides commentary on the European Heritage of the study area to inform future

social and cultural planning for the proposed new community.

West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report: ACT Parkwood Land: Blocks 853, 856,

857, 858, 859, 860, 1329, 1333, 1440, 1540, 1621, 1622, and Part Macgregor Block 7 Section

149, Eric Martin and Associates January 2018 (Appendix S)

This report identifies any features that are of heritage interest for the abovementioned blocks and

provides as assessment of appropriate options for the future management of such features in the

context of urban development.

The report also provides commentary on the European Heritage of the study area to inform future

social and cultural planning for the proposed new community.

3.4 EPBC Approval and Conditions

Under the EPBC Act, the requirement to obtain approval to works is triggered under Clause 18:

Actions with significant impact on listed threatened species or endangered community prohibited

without approval and makes reference to ‘critically endangered species’, ‘endangered species’ and

‘vulnerable species’. Some species in the Ginninderry development are identified in these categories

and there is potential these will be impacted upon by the proposed development.

An application for endorsement to a Program Report was lodged with the Commonwealth Government

in accordance with the EPBC Act. This application contained the proposed Program Report (AT

Adams Consulting), Strategic Assessment Report (Umwelt) and Public Consultation Report (Knight

Frank Town Planning). Copies of the above documents are included at appendices A, B and C.

Approval to the Program was granted by the Minister on the 1st September 2017, allowing for the

preparation of this s211 exemption application.

Please refer to Appendix D for a copy of the Ministers approval. The conditions of the approval will be

met by various actions outlined in the Program. This application is seeking exemption from an EIS for

the same time period as the EPBC approval (until 30th June 2067) in accordance with Section 211(i) of

the P&D Act.

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3.5 Land Included on the Register of Contaminated Sites

Blocks 1469; 1606; 1607, 1632 and 1633 which form part of the Ginninderry development are

currently on the Register of Contaminated Sites. The EPA requires they undergo a Site Suitability

determination overseen by a Contaminated Site Auditor prior to final approval of residential land use.

Inclusion of a Block on the Register of Contaminated Sites under this process is therefore not an

indication of whether it does or does not contain contamination, but an indication that it has not yet

been approved as free from contamination.

It is a condition of the EDP Development Application (DA) for Stage 1 that the site suitability of these

blocks and any contamination are audited for approval by the EPA. Any contamination identified will

be remediated under processes determined by the Environment Protection Act 1997 (EP Act) to

ensure appropriate land use and zoning.

Block 1586 (West Belconnen Landfill Site) is not currently on the Register of Contaminated Sites.

ACT NOWaste will be progressively closing and conducting the same type of Site Suitability Audit

work between now and the end of 2020. ACT NOWaste have appointed the same licensed auditor as

the Ginninderry project is using outside the landfill which will ensure continuity. When the auditor is

engaged to conduct the site suitability audit they will be obliged to notify the EPA within 7 days, and

this will trigger the EPA to place the block on the Register of Contaminated Sites.

The landfill site contains significant contamination that will require considerable study. These studies

and an associated Master Planning process are mandated by the EPA under the Environmental

Authorisation for management and closure of the landfill with ACT NOWaste, by the terms of the

Territory Plan (West Belconnen Structure Plan) which requires a Master Plan and audit process for

approval by the EPA; and by the change of zoning to a more sensitive land use / conditional approval

conditions on an EDP DA from EPA.

The EPA has confirmed that contamination issues have been appropriately identified by previous

studies and the process for remediation is well in hand, overseen by an accredited Contaminated Site

Auditor and approved by the EPA under processes for identifying and remediating contaminated land

contained in the Environment Protection Act 1997.

It is recommended that should an EDP be lodged prior to the EPA signing off on the Remediation

Action Plans, that approval be conditional upon obtaining the required EPA clearance of the final

Remediation Plans.

It is concluded that additional assessment of this issue is not required for this project.

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Statutory Planning context 4.

4.1 Commonwealth Legislation

There is no Commonwealth legislation relevant to this exemption application.

4.2 ACT Legislation

4.2.1 Nature Conservation Act 2014

The Nature Conservation Act 2014 (NC Act) is an Act which makes provision for the protection,

conservation, enhancement and management of nature in the ACT, for the management of reserves,

and for other purposes. The NC Act in particular relates to endangered, vulnerable and threatened

species of flora and fauna and ecological communities.

Those species listed as endangered, threatened or critical under the NC Act have been listed at the

beginning of this report in Table 1.

Because of the potential for these species to occur, as part of the EPBC endorsement included an

action list which identifies a Reserve Management Strategy will be prepared in accordance with the

NC Act (Part 8.3) and Part 10.4 of the ACT Planning and Development Act 2007. The plan will

generally cover all of the land under the control of an Environmental Management Trust (EMT)

inclusive of the WBCC, the existing Jarramlee and West Macgregor offset areas and the proposed

Wallaroo Road offset area.

The setup of a trust will occur to manage the WBCC area, known as the ‘Environmental Management

Trust’ or ‘EMT’. The EMT will be responsible for the development and effective implementation of the

West Belconnen Conservation Corridor Reserve Management Plan (RMP).

The RMP will be prepared in consultation with the public, the ACT Planning Authority, the Conservator

of Flora and Fauna, NSW OEH and Yass Valley Shire Council. The RMP is proposed to include;

Measures for the conservation and enhancement of MNES and protected species (including

measures regarding the fragmentation of habitat areas, weed management, stock

management, management of recreational areas, feral animal control, prohibit rock and

firewood collection and prohibiting horse activity in the reserve).

Bushfire Management

Monitoring protected species including those listed under the EPBC Act, NC Act, TSC Act

(now repealed and replaced by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016) and FM Act.

Report monitoring, financial performance and unanticipated incidents

Process for review and improvements

Guidelines for protocols for the construction of infrastructure, education, recreation and


Protocols for visitor management.

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With the implementation of the RMP, it is anticipated there will not be any impacts to the habitat of

these species with the right approach. The RMP will be prepared with the measures detailed above,

ensuring it will be consistent with the provisions of the NC Act.

4.2.2 Heritage Act 2004

The Heritage Act 2004 provides for the recognition, registration and conservation of places and

objects of natural and cultural significance, and for other purposes. Various Indigenous and European

heritage studies have been carried out for the West Belconnen project and have identified some

heritage items are present on the site.

European items identified on the site include Belconnen Farm and surrounds (including entry road, old

fence lines and all buildings within the complex). The Belconnen Farm complex has been listed on the

ACT Heritage Register as a result of the studies carried out for Ginninderry. A Conservation

Management Plan (CMP) has been prepared for the complex by Eric Martin and Associates in

accordance with Section 61J of the Heritage Act to guide how the site should be managed in the

future. The CMP formed part of the Territory Plan Variation 351 approved in October 2015. There will

be no significant adverse impacts on the Belconnen Farm precinct imposed by the West Belconnen

project. Further reports were carried out on the remainder of the ACT project area and have been

included in Appendix R and Appendix S. No further European sites of significance were identified on

ACT lands.

Several Indigenous sites have been identified across the project area, with the majority being of low

heritage significance. Some scar trees and larger artefacts were identified as medium heritage

significance and an Aboriginal rock shelter and a large surface artefact scatter with subsurface

deposits were assessed as having high heritage significance. ‘Aboriginal Sites of West Belconnen’ on

Blocks 1332, 1605, 1607 and 1613 have been nominated for entry in the ACT Heritage Register under

the Heritage Act 2004.

As designs for each of the development stages of Ginninderry are lodged with the EPSDD a

Statement of Heritage Effects (SHE) will be prepared in accordance with Part 8, 9 and 10 of the

Heritage Act. The detailed heritage assessments will include specific actions to undertake for each

item identified as well as protocols for unexpected finds. No Indigenous items within the WBCC are

proposed to be impacted.

The development is proposed to follow the provisions of the Heritage Act and this will be carried out

over Estate Development Stages as they occur.

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4.2.3 Environment Protection Act 1997

The Environment Protection Act 1997 (EP Act) provides for the protection of the environment, and for

related purposes in particular issues relating to contamination, waste and odour.

The EP Act applies when a development activity is proposed which is outlined in Schedule 1 ‘Activities

Requiring Environmental Authorisation – 1.2 Class A activities and 1.3 – Class B activities. If the

activities proposed require environmental authorisation, then the proposed development will need to

be referred to the EPA for assessment. As Ginninderry is considered a major land development and

will include public infrastructure on a site of 0.3ha or more, the need for an environmental

authorisation is triggered under ‘Class B Activities’ item 4.

No major environmental impacts are proposed at Ginninderry. However the process of auditing land

in the Ginninderry development to confirm that it is suitable to be rezoned for residential development

involves the land being placed automatically on the register of contaminated sites under the EP Act

and is therefore relevant to this application.

4.2.4 Fisheries Act 2000

The Fisheries Act 2000 is about the management of fisheries in the ACT. This includes native fish

species and their habitat, sustainability of fisheries, viable recreational fishing and protecting native

fish species. This Act has been included as the development is bounded by the Ginninderra Creek,

Ginninderra Falls and Murrumbidgee River.

It is not anticipated there will be any impacts on native fish species present within any of the

abovementioned water bodies. With the implementation of the RMP, this will include measures to

maintain and restore the quality of the riparian areas.

The proposed works are considered to be consistent with the provisions of the Fisheries Act 2000.

4.2.5 Planning and Development Act 2007

The Planning and Development Act 2007 (P&D Act) defines development and determines situations

where development approval is required, and establishes assessment tracks (i.e. Code, Merit and

Impact) for the assessment of development applications.

Section 211 of the P&D Act allows an applicant to seek exemption from the requirement to complete

an EIS. The Minister has discretion under this section to grant an exemption if satisfied that previous

studies have adequately identified the potential environmental impacts of the proposal. The s211

application must provide sufficient information about the proposal and any associated works such as:

a description of the proposal

a preliminary risk assessment based on the guidance document which evaluates the

significance of potential impacts of the proposal;

sufficient detail about the previous investigations and studies supporting the application; and

details of public consultation undertaken.

This S211 application provides the following:

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a description of the proposal is provided briefly within section 2 of this report. A more detailed

description is provided within the accompanying studies.

a preliminary risk assessment based on the guidance document which evaluates the

significance of potential impacts of the proposal; (refer to Section 5 of this report)

sufficient detail about the previous investigations and studies supporting the application (refer

section 3.3 of this report) ; and

details of public consultation undertaken (refer to Consultation Report in Appendix C).

4.2.6 Territory Plan

Whilst this request seeks exemption from the requirement to prepare an EIS, it does not provide

development consent or consideration of the project’s compliance against the Territory Plan.

Future development applications for the activities associated with construction would need to be

assessed by the planning authority and would be subject to public notification.

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Preliminary risk assessment 5.

5.1 Risk Assessment Methodology

Under section 211 of the P&D Act, a s211 exemption application requires a risk assessment to

determine whether the proposed development will have a significant environmental impact prior to any

mitigation measures being put in place.

The following tables (Table 3, Table 4 & Table 5) identify how a risk assessment would be carried out

to determine levels of risks involved within a project. The risk assessment for Ginninderry has been

carried out in accordance with Proponents Guide to Environmental Impact Statement Exemptions;

ACT Government 2017.

The risk assessment for Ginninderry in section 5.2, identifies what risks would be present if no

mitigation measures were proposed. The risk assessment also provides the level of risk once various

mitigation measures are in place. Table 7 is set up to allow for a comparison to be made between the


Table 3: Evaluating Consequence

(source: Proponents Guide to Environmental Impact Statement Exemptions, ACT Government 2017)



SPATIAL A single pool A reach or river or part of a catchment

Multiple reaches or entire catchment

Multiple catchments Whole of basin

INTENSITY Low level behavioural, lifespan or condition effect

Acute impacts on some species

Moderate impacts on growth, recruitment or survival rates

Lethal impacts on some species

Lethal for individuals or communities


DURATION Single incident or transient event

Short term impact, single generation

Medium term Long term, multiple generations


TIMING Occurs outside breeding times

Occasional interruption of feeding or breeding

Interrupts one life cycle

Regularly interrupts life cycle

Permanent interruption of life cycle


VALUES Previously disturbed areas

Parkland Nature conservation area

Conservation area, listed species or other conservation feature of ACT significance

Wilderness, nationally threatened species or other conservation feature of national significance.

SENSITIVITY Will recover completely

Will recover with some changes

Moderate change to ecosystem functioning

Significant change to ecosystem functioning

Will not recover




Some people indirectly impacted

Some people directly impacted or several indirectly

Several people directly impacted or many indirectly

Large number of people directly impacted

Loss of life

HERITAGE Impact on item of minimal significance

Impact on multiple items of low significance

Impact on significant item

Impact on multiple significant items

Major impact on protected item

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POLITICAL Single negative press article

Multiple negative press articles

Significant public interest

Leads to an inquiry Change of government

ECONOMIC Minimal losses Several thousand

dollars lost revenue or remediation costs

Half million dollars in lost revenue or remediation costs

One million dollars in lost revenue or remediation costs

Several million dollars in lost revenue or remediation costs

Table 4: Risk Assessment Matrix (likelihood and consequence)

(source: Proponents Guide to Environmental Impact Statement Exemptions, ACT Government 2017)

Consequence Minimal Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic


Remote Negligible Negligible Very Low Low Medium

Unlikely Negligible Very Low Low Medium High

Possible Very Low Low Medium High Very High

Likely Low Medium High Very High Significant

Almost Certain Medium High Very High Significant Significant

Table 5: Evaluating Likelihood

(source: Proponents Guide to Environmental Impact Statement Exemptions, ACT Government 2017)


REMOTE May occur in an exceptional circumstances

<1% Few people interested

UNLIKELY Not expected to occur in most

circumstances 1-20% Some people affected

POSSIBLE May occur 21-49% Many people affected

LIKELY Probably will occur 50-85% Most people affected

ALMOST CERTAIN Expected to occur >85% Almost everyone affected

The risk assessment for Ginninderry has been carried out using the above tables as a guide.

5.2 Risk Assessment

The following risk assessment has been carried out on those potential risks associated with those

triggers listed in Table 1 (page 6 of this report)

Table 6 following, provides a key of risk rating which is based upon the ‘consequence’ and ‘likelihood’

factors listed in Table 4.

Table 6: Risk rating

Code N VL L M H VH S

Meaning Negligible Very Low Low Medium High Very High Significant

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Table 7: Risk Assessment

Specific risk area at West Belconnen

Potential risk/impacts











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It has not been recorded within the project area;

however habitat for the species occurs within the project area within the riparian zone of the Murrumbidgee River Corridor. There are no known

potential risks or impacts anticipated to this species.

Unlikely Minimal N

The riparian habitats will be protected within the WBCC

through site based pre-construction surveys and ongoing flora and fauna vegetation management.

Unlikely Minimal N



The species was not observed during targeted bird surveys within the project area (KMA 2013c, cited in Umwelt, March 2017 p61) but all native

woodland patches provide potential habitat and it is considered likely that the species is present occasionally, when suitable conditions and other

circumstances prevail. Potential risks include:

Disturbance from increase public access,

recreational activities and service provision

Indirect impacts of edge effects, weed evasion

and changes in hydrological conditions

Possible Minor L Implement WSUD principles based on geotechnical,

surface water and groundwater assessments that;

o Retard stormwater flows and the increased run-off from the urban development area before they enter the WBCC. This will minimise the impact of altered

hydrological regimes on vegetation upon which avifauna will rely.

o Provide suitable wetland habitat for water birds (e.g.

Australian painted snipe) where appropriate.

Mitigation actions during the construction phases

implemented through CEMPs prepared prior to construction commencing in accordance with relevant guidelines:

o Definition of clearing procedures and boundaries

that include the retention of trees; avoid with appropriate buffers threatened bird species’ nesting trees; clear outside of threatened bird species’

breeding seasons, and outline faunal rescue procedures.

o Recovery and beneficial use for the purpose of

fauna habitat enhancement of fallen timber, including logs and tree section containing hollows

o Invasive species management

o Sediment and erosion controls to prevent site run-off.

Operation phase management including:

o Domestic pet containment policies within the proposed residential development, prohibition of

‘off-leash’ areas for dogs within the WBCC, and education initiatives targeting the west Belconnen

Unlikely Minimal N

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Table 7: Risk Assessment

Specific risk area at West Belconnen

Potential risk/impacts











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community regarding the impact of unrestrained domestic animals.

o Ongoing management actions as outlined in the WBCC RMP.

Macquarie perch

Trout cod

General threats/potential impacts for Macquarie

perch include : -

Damage to riparian vegetation


Barriers to fish passage

Flow regime alteration

Recreation angling

Predation and competition with alien fish species

Diseases and parasites

Impacts of bushfires General threats for Trout Cod include: -

Damage to riparian vegetation



Recreational angling

Predation from introduced species

Changes to water quality and flows

Barriers to

Possible Minor L

Implementation of a number of mechanisms including:

The WBCC RMP, which will be implemented prior to allowing public access and will include:

o Controls to public access and use of the riparian areas post construction phase; and

o Site-scale survey prior or concurrent to the

design stage for recreational development in the WBCC to determine the location of threatened fish species and their habitat within the proposed

development footprint and avoid as necessary. o (State/Territory based controls on recreational

fishing (e.g. bag limits) will not be implemented

by the WBCC RMP as they are currently law and enforced as such.)

Incorporation of WSUD principles into the Master Plan

that aim to: o Maintain stormwater run-off to acceptable levels

as defined; and o Treat urban runoff to reduce urban pollutants to

acceptable levels before discharge to the

Murrumbidgee River or Ginninderra Creek.

Implementation of CEMPs to be prepared prior to

construction commencing and targeting among other environmental values: o Erosion and sediment controls

o Water treatment standards before release in the Murrumbidgee River or Ginninderra Creek;

o Flow controls

o Pollutions and waste management; and o Avoidance of riparian habitat areas

Unlikely Minimal N

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Table 7: Risk Assessment

Specific risk area at West Belconnen

Potential risk/impacts











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Silver Perch Silver perch has historically been recorded in the reach of the Murrumbidgee River that runs

alongside the Project Area (ACT Gov’t 2007, cited in Umwelt, March 2017 p63). Since this time, the species has suffered a continued decline and is

considered extinct in the ACT (ACT Gov’t 2015c, cited in Umwelt, March 2017 p63). This is despite stocking of impoundments throughout the Murray

Darling Basin (including Lake Burrinjuck) for recreational purposes. In most cases (with the exception of Cataract Dam near Sydney), stocking

does not appear to have established self-sustaining populations in the wild (NSW Gov’t 2016b, cited in Umwelt, March 2017 p63). In the event that individuals stocked at Lake Burrinjuck

have been able to migrate upstream (approximately 85 kilometres) into the Project Area, there is no evidence to show that they are able to

sustain a viable population from year to year. For this reason, it is considered unlikely that the species occurs in this reach of the Murrumbidgee

River and is very unlikely to cause any impacts to the species.

Unlikely Minimal N Implementation of a number of mechanisms including:

The WBCC RMP, which will be implemented prior to

allowing public access and will include: o Controls to public access and use of the riparian

areas post construction phase; and

o Site-scale survey prior or concurrent to the design stage for recreational development in the WBCC to determine the location of threatened

fish species and their habitat within the proposed development footprint and avoid as necessary.

o (State/Territory based controls on recreational

fishing (e.g. bag limits) will not be implemented by the WBCC RMP as they are currently law and enforced as such.)

Incorporation of WSUD principles into the Master Plan that aim to:

o Maintain stormwater run-off to acceptable levels as defined; and

o Treat urban runoff to reduce urban pollutants to

acceptable levels before discharge to the Murrumbidgee River or Ginninderra Creek.

Implementation of CEMPs to be prepared prior to

construction commencing and targeting among other environmental values:

o Erosion and sediment controls o Water treatment standards before release in the

Murrumbidgee River or Ginninderra Creek;

o Flow controls o Pollutions and waste management; and

Avoidance of riparian habitat areas

Remote Minimal N


corroboree frog

Northern corroboree frogs (Pseudophryne pengilleyi) and yellow-spotted tree frogs (Litoria castanea) both occur at elevations higher than that

which occur within the Project Area (Australian Gov’t 2015b, cited in Umwelt, March 2017 p65). Due to the absence of suitable conditions or

habitat, these species are not likely to be present and are considered no further. No known risks or impacts are anticipated for this species.

Remote Minimal N No mitigation measures are considered to be required for the Northern corrobboree frog as it is unlikely to be present in the project area.

There will however, be measures put in place in the RMP, WSUD principles in the Master plan and CEMP’s which

will ensure there is no impacts if the species were to occur.

Remote Minimal N

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Table 7: Risk Assessment

Specific risk area at West Belconnen

Potential risk/impacts











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Golden Sun


Direct impacts include loss of habitat for the

species from the proposed Ginninderra Drive extension (1.8ha in total)

Overshadowing of habitat from the proposed

bridge structure.

Fragmentation of habitat from the construction

of the Ginninderra Drive bridge

Changes to hydrology

Weed invasion and changes to species composition



Possible Moderate M Consideration of direct impacts to golden sun moth

habitat throughout the design phase of the Ginninderra Drive extension.

Mitigation measures which will further protect avoided

areas of golden sun moth habitat include:

Detailed design features of the road and bridge

including: o Measures to reduce water runoff o Measures to allow adequate solar access to the

verges to ensure native grass growth o Post construction design such as landscaping with

native grass species in order to restore golden sun

moth habitat to sections that are ‘at grade’ o Bridge placed at highest practicable height over

densest area of golden sun moth to improve

willingness of moths to pass underneath it. o Bridge design will also allow for a clear view of

suitable habitat on the other side, and has limited

obstacles (i.e. piles spaced at 50m intervals) to entice moths to cross.

Removal of all trees within the areas of the Macgregor

offset that currently do not support golden sun moth. The planting of trees in this area has reduced viability

of the habitat although the ground layer vegetation in this area retains the necessary native grasses that would otherwise be suitable for golden sun moth. By

restoring this area to grassland, the Program seeks to improve the potential for movement across the road. This would occur prior to construction commencing.

CEMP’s implemented during the construction phase of the Ginninderra Drive extension, which include the following measures that are specific to golden sun


Possible Minor L

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Specific risk area at West Belconnen

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o Erosion and sediment control o Fencing to ensure avoidance of retained areas of

habitat o Flow controls; and o Weed management actions such as vehicle

hygiene standards to ensure the control of the spread of weeds.

Konoom, Smoky


The Umwelt assessment concluded this species is

only known in the Brindabella Ranges, and, therefore, is not considered to occur in the project area. No potential risks or impacts are anticipated

on this species.

Remote Minimal N As the species is unlikely to be present in the project

area, no mitigation measures are proposed for this species.

Remote Minimal N

Grassland earless dragon

It appears appropriate habitat for grassland earless dragon to occur in areas of natural temperate grassland in the Jarramlee offset; however the only

known populations occur in the Majura and Jerrabomberra Valleys of the ACT and in Queanbeyan and the Monaro Basalt Plains in

NSW. It is not considered likely to occur within the project area. No potential risks or impacts are anticipated on this species.

Remote Minimal N As the species is unlikely to be present in the project area, no mitigation measures are proposed for this species.

Remote Minimal N

Small purple pea, Tarengo leek orchid

Ginninderra peppercress

Within the project area habitat for small purple pea is considered to be Box Gum Woodland patches (excluding those that occur along Drake Brockman

Drive); all of which will be protected within the WBCC. The box gum woodland that occurs within the Drake Brockman Drive upgrade area is not

considered to be of sufficient quality with regard to native forbs to constitute habitat for the species.

The nearest population for the Tarengo leek orchid is at Hall Cemetery, to the north east of the Project Area. Here the species is found among Blakely’s

red gum and yellow box with a grassy understorey of kangaroo and wallaby grass (NSW Gov’t 2010a, cited in Umwelt March 2017, p76). In the Project

Area potential habitat for Tarengo leek orchid occurs in the high quality patch of box gum

Unlikely Minor VL There are no direct impacts identified to the Small purple pea. Indirect impacts will be managed through the implementation of:

CEMP’s particularly targeting o Prescriptions for pre-clearing surveys for listed

species prior to the commencement of any construction activities such that further avoidance and mitigation measures can be incorporated

where cost effective and practicable o Erosion and sediment controls o Water treatment standards before release

o Flow controls o Pollution and waste management o Weed management

o Appropriate definition of clearing boundaries; and Avoidance of the WBCC

Remote Minimal N

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Table 7: Risk Assessment

Specific risk area at West Belconnen

Potential risk/impacts











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woodland in the south. Potential direct impacts to the species will be avoided by inclusion of this

habitat in the WBCC. Ginninderra peppercress is considered unlikely to

occur within the project area as it is found in natural temperate grasslands along the Ginninderra floodplain. Whilst some of this habitat

occurs within the Jarramlee offset, it has not been recorded despite numerous recent surveys (ACT Gov’t 2013a, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p73-

74). It is anticipated there will unlikely be any potential risks or impacts on these species.


Brown treecreeper

The species is known to occur in the woodland habitat of the Project Area (COG 2015b, cited in

Umwelt, March 2017, p222), though it was not identified during targeted survey by KMA (2013c, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p222). No major

impacts have been identified on the species. The Program is not expected to have significant adverse impacts on this species.

Remote Minimal N The Program will protect forest and woodland habitat, including that along the Murrumbidgee River, within the

WBCC through the implementation of a landscape scale approach to management that will protect connectivity values, improve woodland habitat quality including its

structural complexity, site-based pre-construction surveys, avoidance of construction during threatened bird breeding seasons, and considering ecological requirements when

implementing fire and grazing regimes within the WBCC. Areas of exotic and native pasture within the Urban Development Area are not considered habitat for the


Remote Minimal N

Hooded Robin The species has been recorded in Jarramlee Offset Area and at Sheppard’s lookout. Other habitat for

the species is likely to be in the woodland in the south, which will be incorporated into the WBCC. The Program is not expected to have significant

adverse impacts on this species.

Remote Minimal N Areas of exotic and native pasture within the Urban Development Area are not considered habitat for the

species. The Program will protect forest and woodland habitat within the WBCC through the implementation of a landscape scale approach to

management that will protect connectivity values, improve woodland habitat quality including structural diversity for perches, and controlling grazing and fire regimes based

on ecological constraints.

Remote Minimal N

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Little Eagle Little eagles have been recorded across most of the ACT and NSW, with nesting generally

occurring in the north, especially along the Murrumbidgee and Molonglo Rivers (NSW Gov’t 2015a; COG 2015b, cited in Umwelt, March 2017,

p225). Between 1988 and 2011 the number of known little eagle active nests declined from 13 to one. In

recent years up to three nesting pairs have been identified one of which occurring in the Strathnairn property, adjacent to the Project Area. This pair is

known to have also nested in six different locations in the lower Molonglo area since 2001(A Lane 2016, pers. comm. 12 August, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p225).

A full assessment of impacts to little eagle will be included within State and Territory approval processes as appropriate. To aid this process,

information gathered from ACT Government radio tracking of the male of the nesting pair at Strathnairn and food analysis will be utilised,

following analysis of the results.

Unlikely Minor VL The Program will enforce a 200 metre development buffer around the known nest site at Strathnairn, avoiding direct

impact from the proposed development. It will also mitigate the indirect impact of proximate human presence to the nest site. This measure has been developed in

consultation with and endorsed by ACT Conservation Planning and Research Unit, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate and is considered

appropriate for managing impacts to nesting habitat. Furthermore, given the presence of nearby nesting territories in lower Molonglo, it is anticipated that the little

eagles will favour these following development (A Lane 2016, pers. comm.12 August, cited in Umwelt, March 2017 p225). Maintaining a treed movement corridor within the Urban Development Area will facilitate the use of the

lower Molonglo nesting territories.

Remote Minimal N

Scarlet robin Scarlet robin has been recorded in the

Murrumbidgee River Corridor (Canberra Nature Map 2016, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p227) and in grassland areas of the Urban Development Area

(KMA 2013a, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p227). The project is not considered to have a significant adverse impact to the species.

Remote Minimal N Implementation of a landscape scale approach to

management that will protect connectivity values, improve woodland habitat quality including structural diversity for perches, and controlling grazing and fire regimes based

on ecological constraints. Grassland within the Urban Development Area will be

impacted by the Program, however, due to the high proportion of exotic grasses, it is not considered important habitat for scarlet robin. In addition, the WBCC will protect

a range of woodland and native grassland habitats of higher quality for the species. This combined with the management measures described above is expected to

minimise residual impacts to scarlet robin, such that the Program is not expected to have significant adverse impacts to the species.

Remote Minimal N

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Varied sittella, White winged


Varied sittella has been recorded in the woodland and riparian corridor of the Project Area (Canberra

Nature Map 2016, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p228). White-winged triller has been recorded in the

Project Area at Jarramlee, Parkwood, and in the Murrumbidgee River Corridor (KMA 2013c; COG 2015a; Canberra Nature Map 2016, cited in

Umwelt, March 2017, p229). The project is not considered to have a significant adverse impact to these species.

Remote Minimal N Implementation of a landscape scale approach to management that will protect connectivity values, improve

woodland habitat quality including improving structural diversity and weed control measures, fire and grazing regimes that are based on ecological constraints, pest

management including cat containment and dog control measures, construction activities must occur outside of threatened bird species’ breeding times, and site-based

pre-construction surveys. Areas of exotic and native pasture within the Urban Development Area are not considered habitat for the species.

The Program is not expected to have significant adverse impacts on these species.

Remote Minimal N

Glossy black


Glossy black cockatoo is known in the ACT as an

uncommon visitor, with most records from Mount Ainslie and Mount Majura in the north-east (COG 2015b, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p220). In

NSW, it is not known to occur within the Murrumbateman sub-region (NSW Gov’t 2015a, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p220). Glossy black

cockatoos feed almost exclusively on sheoak species (Allocasuarina spp. Or Casuarina spp.); specifically drooping sheoak (A. verticillata) in the

ACT region (ACT Gov’t 2013b cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p220). Drooping sheoak has not been identified within the Project Area, therefore, is not

considered to contain habitat for the species. No potential risks or impacts are anticipated on this species.

Remote Minimal N As the species is unlikely to be present in the project

area, no mitigation measures are proposed for this species.

Remote Minimal N

Murray river crayfish

Murray River crayfish are known to occur within the Murrumbidgee River, including the reach that is adjacent to the Project Area (NSW Gov’t 2016;

ACT Gov’t 2015a, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p232). As the project will not directly impact on the waters of the Murrumbidgee River and indirect

impacts as a result of urban development will be managed, it is unlikely to have a significant adverse impact on the species.

Remote Minimal N As the project will not directly impact on the waters of the Murrumbidgee River, no mitigation measures are proposed for this species.

Remote Minimal N

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Two spined blackfish

Two-spined blackfish (Gadopsis bispinosus) is

restricted to the Cotter River Catchment in the ACT

and is not known to occur within the Murrumbidgee River (ACT Gov’t 2007, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p231). It will not be impacted by the project.

Remote Minimal N As the species is not present in the area, no mitigation measures are proposed for this species.

Remote Minimal N



The species has not been recorded within the

project area, however native grasslands and woodland areas with a native grassy understorey are likely to be habitat for Perunga grasshopper.

Exotic grasslands area not considered habitat for the species.

Likely Minimal L This species will be addressed by using the defined

process strategy as outlined in the Umwelt report. Remote Minimal N

Superb parrot Targeted surveys between 2008 and 2013 recorded superb parrots in small numbers (12 birds over five separate days) in the wooded areas to the

south of the Project Area. The trees near Stockdill Drive and the golf course are seemingly particularly important as a movement corridor for the species.

In addition, a survey of tree hollows was also undertaken in spring 2012, during which any use by animals was recorded. There was no

observation of breeding of superb parrot, which typically occurs at Throsby Ridge (Gungahlin) and in the central Molonglo Valley (KMA 2013c, cited in

Umwelt, March 2017, p61). Observations of the species in the Project Area are most likely indicative of its use of the area for movements

between the central Molonglo breeding area and other foraging habitat, or wider seasonal movement corridors. COG (2015, cited in Umwelt,

March 2017, p61) notes a similar movement of superb parrots into Belconnen Farm that has occurred since the 2005 – 2006 survey year as

well as numerous records from nearby Belconnen suburbs. Key threats/risks include fragmentation, connectivity between breeding and foraging sites,

poisoning and illegal trapping of the species.

Unlikely Moderate L WSUD principles based on geotechnical, surface water,

and groundwater assessments that:

o Retard stormwater flows and the increased run-off from the urban development area before they enter the WBCC. This will minimise the impact of altered hydrological regimes on vegetation upon which

avifauna will rely. o Provide suitable wetland habitat for water birds (e.g.

Australian painted snipe) where appropriate.

Mitigation actions during the construction phase implemented through CEMPs prepared prior to

construction commencing in accordance with relevant guidelines: o Definition of clearing procedures and boundaries

that include the retention of trees; avoid with appropriate buffers threatened bird species’ nesting trees; clear outside of threatened bird species’

breeding seasons, and outline faunal rescue procedures.

o Recovery and beneficial use for the purpose of

fauna habitat enhancement of fallen timber, including logs and tree sections containing hollows.

o Invasive species management.

o Sediment and erosion controls to prevent site run-off.

Operation phase management including:

Remote Minimal N

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o Domestic pet containment policies within the proposed residential development, prohibition of

‘off-leash’ areas for dogs within the WBCC, and education initiatives targeting the west Belconnen community regarding the impact of unrestrained

domestic animals. o Ongoing management actions as outlined in the


Swift parrot The species was not observed in the Project Area during targeted bird surveys, although may occur in woodland when mature eucalypts are flowering

(KMA 2013c, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p62). It is classified as having the potential to occur within the Project Area; however, it would only occur

when specific habitat conditions around the flowering of certain eucalypts are met as the species is regarded as having a high degree

of site fidelity (Taws and Saunders 2005, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p62). Areas of woodland with high value connectivity and

quality will be protected under the Program.

Unlikely Minor VL WSUD principles based on geotechnical, surface water,

and groundwater assessments that:

o Retard stormwater flows and the increased run-off from the urban development area before they enter the WBCC. This will minimise the impact of altered hydrological regimes on vegetation upon which

avifauna will rely. o Provide suitable wetland habitat for water birds (e.g.

Australian painted snipe) where appropriate.

Mitigation actions during the construction phase implemented through CEMPs prepared prior to

construction commencing in accordance with relevant guidelines: o Definition of clearing procedures and boundaries

that include the retention of trees; avoid with appropriate buffers threatened bird species’ nesting trees; clear outside of threatened bird species’

breeding seasons, and outline faunal rescue procedures.

o Recovery and beneficial use for the purpose of

fauna habitat enhancement of fallen timber, including logs and tree sections containing hollows.

o Invasive species management.

o Sediment and erosion controls to prevent site run-off.

Operation phase management including:

o Domestic pet containment policies within the proposed residential development, prohibition of

‘off-leash’ areas for dogs within the WBCC, and education initiatives targeting the west Belconnen community regarding the impact of unrestrained

Remote Minimal N

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domestic animals. Ongoing management actions as outlined in the WBCC




Painted honeyeaters have the potential to occur

along the Murrumbidgee River in river oak vegetation where mistletoe is also present (KMA 2009b, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p62);

although it is unclear to what extent the patch of potentially suitable habitat would be utilised by painted honeyeaters should they occur.

Closest COG records in 2013-2014 are from Stony Creek and the Molonglo River, south of the Project Area (COG 2015a, cited in Umwelt, March 2017,

p62). Vegetation within the existing Murrumbidgee River Corridor will be protected from impacts of the Program by the WBCC.

It is considered that the avoidance and mitigation measures presented in the Program will prevent the Program from having a significant impact on

any of the threatened bird species. Key elements to this finding are the avoidance and protection of woodland and forest communities within the

WBCC, in addition to mitigation measures that will seek to further enhance vegetation through the urban open space network; and the inclusion of

constructed wetlands as part of the WSUD plan for the Program.

Unlikely Moderate L WSUD principles based on geotechnical, surface water,

and groundwater assessments that: o Retard stormwater flows and the increased run-off

from the urban development area before they enter

the WBCC. This will minimise the impact of altered hydrological regimes on vegetation upon which avifauna will rely.

o Provide suitable wetland habitat for water birds (e.g. Australian painted snipe) where appropriate.

Mitigation actions during the construction phase

implemented through CEMPs prepared prior to construction commencing in accordance with relevant

guidelines: o Definition of clearing procedures and boundaries

that include the retention of trees; avoid with

appropriate buffers threatened bird species’ nesting trees; clear outside of threatened bird species’ breeding seasons, and outline faunal rescue

procedures. o Recovery and beneficial use for the purpose of

fauna habitat enhancement of fallen timber,

including logs and tree sections containing hollows. o Invasive species management. o Sediment and erosion controls to prevent site run-


Operation phase management including:

o Domestic pet containment policies within the proposed residential development, prohibition of ‘off-leash’ areas for dogs within the WBCC, and

education initiatives targeting the west Belconnen community regarding the impact of unrestrained domestic animals.

Ongoing management actions as outlined in the WBCC

Remote Minimal N

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Spotted tailed


Records in the ACT region most regularly occur

within the Brindabella Ranges with others occurring throughout the urban area. There are no records within the Project Area; however, the species has

been historically sighted within the nearby suburbs of Holt and Charnwood (Canberra Nature Map 2016, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p69).

It is unlikely that there is a resident population of spotted-tail quolls within the Project Area given the size of potential habitat. It is, however, considered

likely that vagrants from breeding populations in the Brindabella Mountains utilise forest and woodland habitats within the river and creek corridors as a dispersal corridor, though the extent

to which this may occur is unknown. As the connectivity function of the river corridor will be maintained, and the availability of den and prey

items is unlikely to be adversely affected by the Program, it is considered unlikely that the Program will impact upon spotted-tail quoll.

Unlikely Minor N As the species is unlikely to be present in the project

area, no mitigation measures are proposed for this species.

Remote Minimal N

Pink-tailed Worm-lizard

In total, 16.4 hectares (10.2 hectares of high and 6.2 hectares of low quality) of pink-tailed worm-

lizard habitat will be directly impacted by the project. The remaining 146.4 hectares (141.9 hectares of high and 4.5 hectares of low quality)

will be protected within the WBCC. There will be no direct impact to pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat as result of the sewer tunnel construction. The

provision of infrastructure and recreational facilities within the WBCC will result in no net loss of pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat within the WBCC. The

WBCC RMP will include measures to avoid and mitigate these impacts as more detailed design is

Possible Moderate M Direct impacts to the areas of habitat within the footprint of the proposed urban area are not considered important

for maintenance of the local population due to the low occupancy rates of these small and isolated patches and the likelihood that they do not contribute to the gene pool

of the rest of the population. Following the conclusions of Osborne and Wong (2013) such areas may retain importance for pink-tailed worm-lizard, however, given the

spatial arrangement of these affected patches of habitat within the Project Area, they are unlikely to be considered important (i.e. they occur on the eastern extremity of

habitat within the Project Area and contribute very little (if any) to the north – south connectivity values of the

Unlikely Minor VL

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undertaken and construction and operation phases begin.

existing habitat). The majority of pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat that is retained within the WBCC occurs on

steeper slopes and in areas that have a substantially better quality of understorey vegetation. Direct impacts to pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat within the

WBCC as a result of recreational infrastructure provision and maintenance activities will be avoided such that there is no net loss of pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat, as

directed by the WBCC RMP. These impacts will be avoided where possible at the detailed design stage; and mitigated further by targeting poorest quality areas,

incorporating raised grating (or similar) into pathway design to enhance connectivity between habitat patches that would otherwise be bisected, and keeping vehicle track widths to a maximum of six metres (6 m) and trail

widths to a maximum of 2.5 metres wide. Existing tracks that currently fragment portions of the pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat within the WBCC will either be upgraded for

use as part of the Program and where required be subject to the same design considerations as new tracks, or will be rehabilitated to enhance connectivity.

Areas of habitat have been included within the development footprint as a result of a process of design including consideration of the longer term viability of small

isolated patches, feasibility of their management for conservation values, and determining an optimal configuration for retention of areas of conservation value.

The avoidance strategy has incorporated all medium-high quality habitats in the WBCC in a configuration that minimises management costs and the risk of population

collapse. Indirect impacts to pink-tailed worm-lizard will be mitigated through the implementation of a number of

mechanisms: • WBCC RMP:

o controls to public access within the WBCC

o controls of permitted activities of within the WBCC o informed infrastructure design based on advice from

relevant scientific experts, particularly with regard to

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protecting and avoiding impacts to MNES and their habitat areas as part of an adaptive approach to the

management of ecological values o utilisation of existing infrastructure and resources,

including the use of existing roads and tracks and

upgrading them to improve connectivity where possible

o vehicle track widths will be a maximum of six

metres, other tracks and trails a maximum of 2.5 metres wide with further design considerations that can further reduce the width of roads, for example,

passing bays o fox and other predator control measures o implementation of measures as appropriate that are prescribed by the ACT Government’s Action Plan 29

(ACT Gov’t 2007, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p145) and recovery planning documents specific to pink-tailed

worm-lizard (ACT Gov’t 1995122; ACT Gov’t 2007; NSW Gov’t 2015, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p145)

o consideration of pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat when designing infrastructure and services, including maintaining an effective buffer around

known populations; and o implementation of habitat improvement strategies

(such as weed control) targeting habitat

requirements of pink-tailed worm-lizard. • Incorporation of WSUD principles into the Master Plan to maintain stormwater run-off and associated pollutants to

acceptable levels or better • Implementation of CEMPs, particularly targeting

o erosion and sediment controls

o water treatment standards before release o flow controls o pollution and waste management; and

o avoidance of riparian habitat areas. Operation phase management including domestic pet containment policies within the proposed residential

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development and prohibition of ‘off-leash’ areas for dogs within the WBCC. These

mechanisms will be developed to the satisfaction of the Department of the Environment prior to construction and public access to the WBCC beginning.

Cumulative and facilitated impacts will be avoided or mitigated through the WBCC RMP which is considered an effective means to avoiding, managing and mitigating

risks during the operational phase. Adoption of the adaptive management principles will ensure the WBCC RMP remains current and

implements measures on the basis of the best available information.

Striped legless


It is considered unlikely that striped legless lizard (Delma impar) occurs within the Project Area due

to a lack of appropriate cover by tussock grass species and lack of previous records.

The project is not anticipated to have any impact on the species.

Unlikely Minor N As the species is unlikely to be present in the project

area, no mitigation measures are proposed for this species.

Remote Minimal N


Rufous fantail Habitat preferred by the species includes rainforests, wet forests, swamp woodlands, and

mangroves. Rufous fantail is considered an uncommon breeding, summer migrant to the ACT and is usually recorded in the tall, wet forests of the

Brindabella Range, with occasional fly-over records from the suburbs (COG 2014, cite in Umwelt, March 2017, p78). It was recorded in the ACT

woodland within the Project Area (KMA 2009b and 2013c, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p78) and in nearby suburbs (COG 2014, cited in Umwelt,

March 2017, p78). It is considered unlikely that the project will have a significant impact on rufous fantail due to the

important habitat for the species occurring in the Brindabella Range, the fly-over nature of records in the Project Area, and most of its habitat being

conserved within the WBCC.

Unlikely Minor N As the project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species, no further impact assessment or mitigation

measures are proposed for the species.

Remote Minimal N

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Fork-tailed swift Fork-tailed swifts arrive in Australia around October, entering via the Northern Territory and

remain highly mobile for the duration of their stay. The species is common in the ACT between December and March, with several flocks passing

through within this period (Australian Gov’t 2015b, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p78). The species has been recorded within the broader

west Belconnen area. Most recently in Mount Painter Nature Reserve and West Belconnen Ponds in Dunlop during the 2012 – 2013 survey

year (COG 2014, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p78). Whilst it is likely that the species flies over the Project Area, potential impacts to the species as a result of the Program are considered unlikely

due to its aerial nature and wide distribution.

Unlikely Minor N As the project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species, no further impact assessment or mitigation

measures are proposed for the species.

Remote Minimal N

White throated


White-throated needletails are not very common in

the ACT, though are associated with the arrival of weather fronts in the region. They have previously been recorded over the Project Area and in nearby

suburbs (COG 2014 and 2015a, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, pg 79). Whilst it is likely that the species flies over the

Project Area, due to its aerial nature and wide distribution, potential impact to the species as a result of the Program are considered unlikely

Unlikely Minor N As the project is unlikely to have a significant impact on

the species, no further impact assessment or mitigation measures are proposed for the species.

Remote Minor N

Lathams snipe/Japanese snipe

Latham’s snipe is more commonly recorded further east of the Project Area, in and around Lake Burley Griffin, Lake Ginninderra, and Mulligan’s Flat

Nature Reserve. The nearest records are from West Belconnen Pond, Dunlop (COG 2015a, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, pg79 ). Geoff Butler and

Associates (2000) noted a previous record along the Ginninderra Creek, however, did not provide any detail on when or where this record was taken.

As all major water bodies will be conserved as a part of the project, it is considered unlikely that the project will have any impact upon Latham’s snipe.

Unlikely Minor N As the project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species, no further impact assessment or mitigation measures are proposed for the species.

Remote Minor N

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Satin flycatcher Satin flycatchers breed in the ACT during summer, departing in late autumn (Mulvaney 2012, cited in

Umwelt, March 2017, p80). Most records are from the tall, wet forests of the Brindabella Range, though there are a few records of the species in

the broader west Belconnen area (COG 2015a, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p80). As these records are uncommon occurrences and

are separate from the main habitat type, it is not considered likely that the Program will impact upon this species.

Unlikely Minor N As the project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species, no further impact assessment or mitigation

measures are proposed for the species.

Remote Minor N



Black-faced monarch (Monarcha melanopsis) is

considered unlikely to occur within the Project Area as its preferred habitat is rainforest. Whilst it has

been known to be recorded within marginal habitat that includes dry woodlands in the ACT, the closest record is from Lake Ginninderra (COG 2015b, cited

in Umwelt, March 2017, p77).

Unlikely Minor N As the project does not support habitat for this species and unlikely to have a significant impact, no further impact assessment or mitigation measures are proposed for the


Remote Minimal N

Osprey Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is generally found in

coastal areas, particularly in the north of Australia, though will occasionally travel inland following major rivers. However, as they require extensive

areas of open water for foraging, they are not considered likely to occur within the Project Area (Australian Gov’t 2015b, cited in Umwelt, March

2017, p77). The last record from COG of the species within the ACT region is from Googong Dam in 2013 (COG 2015a, cited in Umwelt, March

2017, p77).

Unlikely Minor N As the project does not support habitat for this species

and unlikely to have a significant impact, no further impact assessment or mitigation measures are proposed for the species.

Remote Minimal N

Yellow wagtail Yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava) is considered to be

an extremely uncommon migrant to Australia, being noted as a vagrant in southern NSW. Whilst a majority of the continent is mapped as habitat for

the species, the nearest sightings to the Project Area are from the Sydney and Melbourne regions (Australian Gov’t 2015c, cited in Umwelt, March

2017, p77-78). COG does not have any records of

Unlikely Minor N As the project is unlikely to have a significant impact on

the species, no further impact assessment or mitigation measures are proposed for the species.

Remote Minimal N

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yellow wagtail within the ACT (COG 2015b, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p77-78). It is, therefore,

considered unlikely to occur within the Project Area.


sandpiper Eastern curlew/far

eastern curlew

Both curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) and

eastern curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) have

primarily coastal distributions. When recorded inland, both species prefer large lakes with

mudflats for foraging. These are not found within the Project Area, with the nearest being at Lake George and Lake Bathurst to the north-east

(Australian Gov’t 2015b, cited in Umwelt, March 2017 p78). No habitat for these species exists within the Project Area.

Unlikely Minor N As the project does not support habitat for this species

and unlikely to have a significant impact, no further impact assessment or mitigation measures are proposed for the species.

Remote Minimal N


Yellow box/red gum grassy


Subsequent to the detailed analysis by David Hogg Pty Ltd (2013), KMA (2014) (cited in Umwelt,

March 2017, p97) undertook further targeted validation of vegetation boundaries in collaboration with a range of ACT Government specialists; and

Umwelt investigated the box gum woodland patches present within the Drake Brockman Drive upgrade area to verify mapping

published by the ACT Government on ACTmapi. This resulted in slight amendments to the extent of the woodland community as previously mapped

such that a total of 72 hectares is considered to be present within the Project Area Approximately 3.8 hectares of vegetation assumed to be box gum

woodland on a precautionary basis within the Drake Brockman Drive corridor and the remaining 68.2 hectares associated with the west Molonglo

component of the Project Area; and excludes the box gum woodland that is present within the Strathnairn property.

The box gum woodland present within the road upgrade area is of low quality due to a general absence of non-grass native species diversity,

Unlikely Moderate L Impacts to box gum woodland within the west Molonglo area will be avoided by inclusion of all existing patches as

mapped by KMA (2014) within the WBCC. The WBCC will connect the remnant box gum woodland to forest and woodland patches along the Murrumbidgee River and

Ginninderra Creek. Approximately 3.8 hectares of box gum woodland will be directly impacted within the Drake Brockman upgrade area.

Impacts (indirect and cumulative) affecting the WBCC as a result of recreational activities, increased public access, and service delivery (e.g. sewerage pipes) will be avoided

during the design and planning phase, and mitigated through CEMPs and the WBCC RMP. Indirect impacts to retained box gum woodland from the

urban development component of the Program (including the Drake Brockman Drive upgrade) will be mitigated through the implementation of CEMPs, WSUD principles,

and the WBCC RMP (for impacts within the WBCC). Actions specific to box gum woodland protection will include:

WSUD principles: o Stormwater flow retardation based on

geotechnical, surface water, and groundwater

Remote Minimal N

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important species, and grass diversity overall. It is comprised of approximately 0.7 hectares of

vegetation in a woodland form and the remaining 3.1 hectares as derived native grassland. The apparent connectivity of predominantly native

grass areas to other patches as identified by ACTmapi as box gum woodland principally provided the basis for classification of box gum

woodland within the Drake Brockman Drive corridor. In the Project Area these threats have arisen from

a history of agricultural land use and urban development of areas north of Drake Brockman Drive, and have resulted in a reduced area of occupancy for the community and degradation of

the remaining patches. The woodland ranges in quality from moderate / low to high and includes a 7.89 hectare patch with a planted overstorey

(David Hogg Pty Ltd 2013, cited in Umwelt, March 2017, p98-99). Also at the far eastern end of the Drake Brockman Drive area adjacent to the William

hovel Drive intersection is another example of box gum woodland with a planted tree component. There will be no direct impacts to the box gum

woodland that occurs within the west Molonglo area, as per the commitment set out in the Molonglo Strategic Assessment.

The road upgrade works to Drake Brockman Drive will impact approximately 3.8 hectares of box gum woodland that occurs along the existing road

reserve and within adjacent private properties (Drake Brockman Drive upgrade area). Indirect impacts that may affect retained box gum

woodland within the Project Area include edge effects, weed invasion, and changes in hydrological conditions that could affect species

composition. Cumulative impacts to retained box gum woodland may arise from increased public access to the

assessments to reduce impacts to hydrological systems.

CEMPs that: o Define clearing procedures and boundaries,

including the retention of selected significant

trees, clearing outside of threatened bird breeding seasons, and fauna rescue procedures.

o Implement weed management during construction.

o Enforce sediment and erosion controls to

prevent site run-off during construction.

WBCC RMP (applicable to the WBCC patches

only): o ongoing habitat improvement; o ongoing quality monitoring; and

o avoidance of box gum woodland patches. These plans will be prepared prior to construction commencing in accordance with relevant guidelines.

Facilitated impacts within the WBCC will be avoided or mitigated by the WBCC RMP within an adaptive management framework.

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WBCC and the introduction of associated services and infrastructure. These may lead to damage to

the understorey and regrowth success, invasive species introduction, and eutrophication and other pollution. The provision of visitor infrastructure may

also facilitate further impacts in the foreseeable future as it promotes the use of the WBCC for recreational purposes and makes it more

accessible to the public; however, these are generally included in the range of activities proposed within the river corridor.

Natural Temperate Grasslands

Areas of likely natural temperate grassland that are associated with pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat will be assessed under the Defined Process Strategy

as defined in the Umwelt report as there is insufficient information regarding the extent and quality of the community in these areas at present.

Field research has been completed in depth by SMEC and has identified several small patches of

this grassland (SMEC Assessment attached in Appendix G) and Figure 8. This information will provide a basis for the defined process strategy.

Likely Minimal L Areas of likely natural temperate grassland that are associated with pink-tailed worm-lizard habitat will be assessed under the Defined Process Strategy as there is

insufficient information regarding the extent and quality of the community in these areas at present.

Areas of known natural temperate grassland within the Jarramlee and Macgregor West offset areas were taken into consideration when alignment options for the

Ginninderra Drive extension were discussed. As a result, no natural temperate grassland in these areas will be directly impacted by the Program. Indirect

impacts will be managed via the implementation of a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) that will control run-off, waste disposal, and weed

management It is, therefore, considered that no further assessment of impacts is necessary for this ecological community.

Notwithstanding the absence of natural temperate grassland, areas of the Project Area that support

grassy communities of various forms, in some instances still provide important habitat for threatened fauna, in particular golden sun moth.

Remote Minimal N

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The WBCC will be managed as an IUCN Category IV reserve. The primary objective of a reserve managed in accordance with this standard is ‘to

maintain, conserve and restore species and habitats’ (IUCN 201593). The IUCN description of

the characteristics of such a reserve

note that they are:

not strictly protected from human use

aim conservation efforts towards particular

species or habitats in a targeted manner

generally associated with landscapes where

human pressure is comparatively greater; and

rely on regular management intervention.

Given the intent of an IUCN Category IV reserve is

on focussed conservation outcomes whilst not precluding human use, implementation of the WBCC RMP will be used to ensure that wherever

practicable, that the avoidance of MNES will be maintained throughout the life of the Program (established as part of the EPBC approval) Where avoidance is not entirely possible such as

for walking trail construction or access roads, measures to minimise and mitigate impacts will be implemented such that no net loss of habitat

occurs within WBCC. These indirect impacts will be managed through the WBCC RMP

Unlikely Moderate L Management strategies and principles that will be included in the WBCC RMP include:

Identification of management zones so that impacts to

MNES and their habitats are avoided as far as possible. This includes locating of visitor hubs and access routes in locations where impacts such as

habitat fragmentation, isolation, and removal can be avoided.

Ensure that there is no net reduction in total MNES

habitat areas. This includes ensuring picnic and other facilities will avoid known habitat areas.

Ensure increased use of the WBCC does not impact upon threatened fish species. This includes

implementing: o Controls on recreational fishing such as bag

limits, prohibitions on taking certain species,

and licensing requirements in line with those that already exist within the ACT and NSW.

o Controls to public access and use of the

riparian areas post construction.

Recognise the importance of enhancing connectivity between MNES habitat areas. In particular, where

complete avoidance of habitat for pink-tailed worm-lizard is not possible, roads and tracks will be targeted to poorer quality areas and incorporate raised grating

(or similar) to enhance connectivity between habitat patches that they otherwise bisect. The design of such roads and tracks will provide for sufficient height and

width considerations to permit adequate vegetation growth beneath the grating to establish suitable conditions so as to enhance connectivity. This will also

be incorporated into roads and tracks to be upgraded which presently traverse pink tailed worm-lizard habitat resulting in improved connectivity of habitat beyond the

current situation.

Informed infrastructure design based on advice from

relevant scientific experts, particularly with regard to

Remote Minimal N

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protecting and avoiding impacts to MNES and their habitat areas as part of an adaptive approach to the

management of ecological values.

Utilisation of existing infrastructure and resources, including the knowledge and experience of existing

conservation and land managers. In particular, roads and tracks will follow existing alignments where practicable.

Vehicle track widths will be a maximum of six metres, other tracks and trails a maximum of 2.5 metres with

further design considerations that can further reduce widths of roads, for example, passing bays. Unused existing tracks will be rehabilitated to enhance

connectivity between habitat areas where they fragment existing habitat paths.

Mechanisms that allows for integrated consideration of

all values as facilitated through holistic management of the WBCC and associated offsets through the EMT

with a clear priority for MNES where appropriate.

Consultation and collaboration with community, government, and expert stakeholders.

Compliance with legislative requirements

An adaptive management process based on

monitoring regime that will address cumulative impacts and changing knowledge frameworks in future

planning and management actions.

Prohibition of ‘off-leash’ dog areas within the WBCC.


ACT 2004

Aboriginal heritage

Disturbance to existing heritage sites Possible Moderate M

None of the sites identified within the Waters consultancy report will be impact upon, and recommendations identified in the report will be carried out as development

occurs. In the Biosis report it identifies the types of activities that will impact the ground surface and sub-soils including

excavation of infrastructure such as drainage, sewerage, communication and roads; and foundations trenches for residual structures.

Remote Minimal N

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Lessor impact activities include the establishment of public open space and establishment of vegetation.

As each of the stages occur, a SHE will be carried out to determine whether there will be any potential impacts from proposed development. As there are no designs for

future stages yet, this cannot yet be determined.

Discovery of unexpected finds Possible Moderate M

An unexpected discovery of isolated finds is outlined in

the Biosis report which identifies the following is to occur: 1. Work must immediately stop in the area within a buffer zone of 20 metres from the primary grid

coordinate. 2. ACT Heritage (132281) must be informed of the suspected find within 5 working days.

3. A suitably qualified heritage advisor and the RAOs for the ACT need to be engaged to assess the potential site.

4. If the items are not considered to be Aboriginal, activity may recommence. 5. If the items are considered to be Aboriginal, the

Proponent, archaeologist and RAOs will discuss the possibility of avoiding and minimising harm to the Aboriginal cultural heritage, and the Proponent

must avoid or minimise harm to the Aboriginal cultural heritage, where possible 6. If the items are considered to be Aboriginal, an

assessment report or letter of advice, will need to be prepared and submitted to the Heritage Council. After approval from the Heritage Council, the

artefacts should be recorded and salvaged. 7. Following completion of the recording and salvage, the activity may then recommence.

Remote Minimal

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European Heritage

Impact on European Heritage listed sites Unlikely Minor N

Both report s identified the is no part of the Parkwood land that meets the threshold of satisfying any of the criteria for

listing on the ACT Heritage register. Both European Heritage reports identify elements of European heritage which could be maintained where

possible to maintain the history of the area. The Belconnen Farm Precinct will be retained and a Conservation Management Plan has been prepared to

manage the site.

Unlikely Minor N


Contamination Potential for more sites to be added onto the

register over the life of the project Possible Moderate M

A process has been established for the audit of all blocks

in the project. As they are audited they are added to the Register and will then be taken off the register following an audit and EPA approval process.

Possible Minimal VL

Identification of contaminated sites across the Ginninderry project area

Possible Moderate M A process has been established to audit all areas for contamination. This requires any sites identified to be

remediated appropriately audited and approved prior to any development occurring

Possible Minimal VL

Discovery of previously unidentified contaminated

sites during construction. Possible Moderate M

A process has been established which requires any sites

identified to be remediated appropriately prior to any development occurring

Possible Minimal VL


Air Quality

Potential for impact on air quality through the use of wood fire heater across the development.

Possible Moderate M Wood fire heaters: Studies indicate that under the topography and meteorological conditions, particularly valley drainage flows, expected in the West Belconnen

development wood smoke generated within the development will not be a significant issue for the proposed development should appropriate wood heaters be installed. The West Belconnen development is more

likely to receive drainage flows from other areas of Canberra and NSW, particularly under inversion conditions but at concentrations that are not judged to be

an issue. The valley drainage flows from the project area will flow to the north away from sensitive receptors. Recommendations were provided for consideration for

Unlikely Minimal N

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Ginninderry development in regards to woodfire heaters. These include:

Wood heater overall efficiency standard of not less than 65%;

Wood heater emissions standard not greater than 1


Education on the use of wood heaters;

Controls on installation and 2nd-hand heaters;

Encouragement for the use of pellet heaters over standard wood heaters;

Continuation of the ACT Government education and

information programs such as the ‘Don’t Burn Tonight’ campaign; and

Continual review of relevant legislation, industry standards and guidelines and documents prepared

such as the impending delivery of the National Plan for Clean Air and COAGs response to the Regulation Impact Statement.

The above mitigation measures will be taken into consideration for the Ginninderry development, and it is proposed that appropriate controls will be placed in the

Housing Development Guidelines as part of each staged Development, as well considering any legislative requirements which may come into regulation in the


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Potential for impact on air quality through vehicle emissions

Possible Minimal VL From air quality assessments, current legislation has been identified as being sufficient to address any potential

odour issues associated with vehicle emissions.

Unlikely Minimal N

Potential for impact on air quality from bushfires Possible Moderate M

From air quality assessments, current legislation has been identified as being sufficient to address any potential

odour issues associated with bushfire emissions.

Possible Minimal VL

Potential impact on air quality from the operation of

the green waste facility. Unlikely Minor VL

The Greenwaste Clearance Zone was put in place with

the Territory Plan Variation 351. This clearance zone will remain in place until the EPA is satisfied there is no longer a risk. The project is anticipating to move the

composting facility further north away from the proposed residential area. This will further minimise odour impacts.

Remote Minor N

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Conclusion 6.

The Ginninderry project is expected to carry on for a period of 40-50years. Long term management

strategies proposed in Ginninderry will minimise impacts to protected flora and fauna through the

implementation of measures as per the program endorsed under the EPBC Act (Cwlth), pt 10

(Strategic assessments). This will ensure there will be no long term detriment to protected species

present within the project area.

Additional to the above EPBC approval process, further potential environmental issues have been

addressed including site contamination and air quality to address concerns raised by the EPA.

The application for exemption is supported by the Program Report and the Strategic Assessment

Report which, are based on numerous ecological studies undertaken for the project and, formed the

basis of the submission under the EPBC Act (Cwlth), pt 10 (Strategic assessments).

Additional reports addressing site contamination, odour and air quality and green waste have also

been prepared and have been included to support this application

This submission seeks exemption from an EIS under section 211 of the Planning and Development

Act because the expected environmental (fauna and flora) impacts of the development proposal have

already been sufficiently addressed by way of the recent EPBC application and approval process,


an endorsed policy, plan or program under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth), pt 10 (Strategic assessments)

In addition to the above detailed EPBC approval, this submission seeks exemption on the basis that

the additional raised concerns of site contamination, air quality and odour issues have been

addressed by studies and supporting documents including:

Movements of the Little Eagle (Hieraaetus morpnoides) surrounding the proposed

Riverview Development Area, Australian Capital Territory, Brawata & Gruber, 2016

Paper “Invalid evidence for purported ‘collapse’ in the number of breeding Little Eagles in

the Australian Capital Territory”, Olsen & Rae, ANU

Assessment of mapped PTWL habitat within Ginninderry, SMEC 2017

ESA1 & Site Suitability GHD 2017

ESA & Site Suitability GHD Aug 2017

Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (Blocks 1469, 1606, 1607, 1632 and


Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (Part Block 1632 Section 0 Strathnairn

Sheep Dip)

Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (B1 S80, Dunlop, Part B2 S186 Dunlop,

B7 S149 Macgregor, Blocks 853, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 993, 1333, 1440, 1469,

1540, 1568, 1621, 1622, 1632 Belconnen

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West Belconnen Strategic Environmental Assessment: Air Quality Review, February


Drainage Flows in the Ginninderry Region Memorandum, Air Environment 2017

Proposal to adjust Clearance Zone: Greenwaste Shredding, Composting and Sales

Operations. West Belconnen Resource Management Centre and Canberra Sand and

Gravel, Parkwood Road, June 2017.

Ginninderry Development Project Aboriginal Cultural Values Assessment Report:,

Waters Consultancy, May 2017

West Belconnen Future Residential Development: Stage 1 West Belconnen Statement

of Heritage Effects (SHE), May 2016

West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report: ACT Land Blocks 1605 and 1606,

Eric Martin and Associates, January, 2018

West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report ACT Parkwood Land: Blocks 853,

856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 1329, 1333, 1440, 1540, 1621, 1622 and Part Block

Macgregor Block 7 Section 149, Eric Martin and Associates, January, 2018.

It is recommended that the Minister grant an EIS exemption for the proposal as sought by this


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Appendix A - Umwelt Report (Strategic Assessment) March 2017

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Appendix B –Urban Development at WB Program Report, April 2017

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Appendix C - EPBC Consultation Report (KFTP), April 2017

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Appendix D - EPBC Approval and Conditions

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Appendix E - Movements of the Little Eagle (Hieraaetus morpnoides) surrounding the proposed Riverview Development Area, Australian Capital Territory, Brawata & Gruber, 2016

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Appendix F - Paper “Invalid evidence for purported ‘collapse’ in the number of breeding Little Eagles in the Australian Capital Territory”, Olsen & Rae, ANU

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Appendix G- Assessment of mapped pink-tailed worm lizard habitat within Ginninderry for potential to meet criteria for classification as natural temperate grassland, SMEC, January 2017

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Appendix H -ESA1 & Site Suitability GHD 2017

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Appendix I - Stage 1 ESA and Site Suitability Recommendation – Block 1632, Block 1469, and other lands SESL Australia Pty Ltd, November 2017

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Appendix J - Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (Blocks 1469, 1606, 1607, 1632 and 1633)

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Appendix K - Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (Part Block 1632 Section 0 Strathnairn Sheep Dip)

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Appendix L - Auditors notification of commencement of Audit (B1 S80, Dunlop, Part B2 S186 Dunlop, B7 S149 Macgregor, Blocks 853, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 993, 1333, 1440, 1469, 1540, 1568, 1621, 1622, 1632 Belconnen

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Appendix M - West Belconnen Strategic Environmental Assessment: Air Quality Review, February, 2018

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Appendix N - Drainage Flows in the Ginninderry Region Memorandum, Air Environment 2017

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Appendix O - Proposal to adjust Clearance Zone: Greenwaste Shredding, Composting and Sales Operations. West Belconnen Resource Management Centre and Canberra Sand and Gravel, Parkwood Road, June 2017.

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Appendix P - Ginninderry Development Project Aboriginal Cultural Values Assessment Report:, Waters Consultancy, May 2017 (redacted)

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Appendix Q – West Belconnen Future Residential Development: Stage 1 West Belconnen Statement of Heritage Effects (SHE), Past Trace, May 2016

NOTE: Original version not to be released for public notification. Redacted version of the report has

been provided for public notification.

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Appendix R- West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report: ACT Land Blocks 1605 and 1606, Eric Martin and Associates, January 2018

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Appendix S - West Belconnen European Cultural Heritage Report ACT Parkwood Land: Blocks 853, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 1329, 1333, 1440, 1540, 1621, 1622 and Part Block Macgregor Block 7 Section 149, Eric Martin and Associates, January 2018.

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Appendix T – Statutory Notification Periods for Recent Supporting Studies, February 2018 prepared by Knight Frank Town Planning

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Appendix U – Map of blocks included in the S211 exemption application, February 2018, prepared by Knight Frank Town Planning