Gilbert (1989a) the Parabolic Equation Applied to Outdoor Sound Propagation (1)

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  • 8/9/2019 Gilbert (1989a) the Parabolic Equation Applied to Outdoor Sound Propagation (1)


    Application of the parabolic equation to sound propagation

    in a refracting atmosphere

    Kenneth E. Gilbert

    NationalCenteror Physical4coustics,niversity, ississippi8677

    Michael J. White

    u.s..4rrnyConstructionngineering esearch aboratory, .O. Box4005,2902NewmarkDrive,


    (Received12July 1988; cceptedor publication 8October1988)

    A wide-angle arabolicequation PE) model s presentedhat is applicable o sound

    propagationna steadynonturbulent)tmosphereverlyingflat, oc•,11yeactinground

    surface. he numerical ccuracy f the PE model s shownby comparing E calculationso

    calculationsrom a "fast-field rogram" FFP). For upward efraction, he PE and FFP

    solutions gree o within 1 dB out to rangeswhere he sound-pressureevelsdrop below he

    accuracyimitsof bothmodels. or downward efraction,he PE and FFP agree o within 1

    dB except t deep nterference inima.Parabolic quation alculationsre alsocomparedo

    measured aluesof excess ttenuationor 15 different ombinations f frequenciesnd ranges.

    In general, he PE modelgivesgoodagreementwith the average xperimental alues.For

    upward efraction t the highest requency 630 Hz), however, he PE predicts strong

    shadow zone that is not observed in the data.

    PACS numbers: 3.28.Fp


    Over 40 yearsago,Leontovich nd Fock introduced he

    parabolic quation PE) methodand applied t to electro-

    magneticave ropagation..2Sincehat ime, hePEmeth-

    od hasbeenused n suchdiverseareasas quantummechan-

    ics, plasmaphysics, eismicwave propagation, ptics,and

    underwater acoustics. n outdoor sound propagation, a

    number f potential pplicationsxist, but, nevertheless,

    thePE method asseen nly imiteduse?

    The presentarticlediscusses wide-anglePE modelre-

    centlydevelopedor soundpropagationhrougha nontur-

    bulentatmosphere verlying flat, locally eacting round

    surface?hepurposes o show hat hePE algorithm an

    giveaccurate umerical olutionsor soundpropagationn

    realisticoutdoor environments. n particular, we want to

    show that the PE can accuratelyhandle arbitrary sound-

    speed rofiles nd the locally eacting mpedance ondition

    used n atmospheric cousticso represent he effectof the

    ground.Consequently, e limit the numerical omparisons

    to situations with no horizontal variation in the environ-

    ment. Suchenvironments an alsobe handledby the "fast-

    fieldprogram"FFP),6'? owecanmakea detailed om-

    parison of the two solutions.To further test the model, we

    compare he PE predictions ith measured aluesof excess


    Sinceour ultimateobjectives to treat morecomplicated

    outdoorenvironments,t will be helpful o brieflydiscusshe

    basic deas hat motivate he presentwork.

    In the areas of applicationmentionedabove, he pri-

    mary motivation or the PE generallyhasbeen o treat wave

    propagationn a complicatednhomogeneous edium. n

    underwateracoustics,or example, he primary motivation

    for the PE hasbeen he need o predictsoundpropagationn

    ocean environmentswith significanthorizontal variation

    (e.g.,continentallopes,ceanronts, ndeddies).ThePE

    can reatsuchcomplicated nvironmentsn a relatively im-

    ple way becauset neglects ackscattered avesand uses

    "marching" lgorithm o propagate aves utward rom the

    source.Given a startingsolutionat the source, he PE ad-

    vanceshe solution n range, aking nto accounthorizontal

    changesn the environment s the solution s stepped ut.

    Statedmathematically,he PE approximates complicated

    boundaryvalueproblemwith a simpler nitial valueprob-


    Although we consider only horizontally stratified

    ("range-independent")nvironmentsn thisarticle, he PE

    algorithmtself, iven ange-dependentnputs, an n princi-

    ple predictsoundpropagationn a complicatedange-de-

    pendentenvironmentsuchas a turbulent atmosphere. he

    ability of the PE to treat such nhomogeneousnvironments

    is, n fact, the mainreasonor developinghe present tmo-

    sphericPE model.Hence, when n this article we state hat

    the presentPE model s limited o range-independentnvi-

    ronments,one should keep in mind that it is not the PE

    algorithm tself hat has he imitations,but rather he pres-

    ent environmental nputs being used n the calculations.

    With a realistic ange-dependentescription f theenviron-

    ment, the PE model presentedhere should be able to treat

    complicated ange-dependentffectssuch as atmospheric

    turbulence nd irregularground opography.


    A wide-angleparabolic equation can be derived from

    the so-called one-waywaveequation,"which s applicable

    to soundpropagation n situationswhere backscattered n-

    ergy snegligible.Thissectioniscusseshe ormal evelop-

    630 J. Acoust.Soc. Am. 85 (2}, February1989 0001-4966/89/020630-08500.80 ¸ 1989 AcousticalSocietyof America 630

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    mentof a wide-anglearabolic quationrom heone-way

    equationndgiveslthehysical otivationor theapproxi-

    mations sed.Webegin yconstructinghe ormaloperator

    representationf theone-way ave quation singheusual

    two-waywaveequation s a startingpoint.

    A,,Operator solution or the one-way wave equation

    Considerhe two-way Helmholtz)waveequationor

    the acoustic ressure in an environment ith azimuthal


    (oa2ea oa2

    Here, the wavenumber is a functionof bothrange and

    height and s givenby to/c(r,z), where o s the angular

    frequencyndc is the sound peed. he associatedarfield

    equationor hevariable = x• P is

    Oa?+Q=0, (2)

    wlhereheoperator is defineds09/•z • q-k 2. Since q.

    (2) contains second erivativen r, it permits oth orward

    and backwardpropagation f sound.We want to derivean

    equation hat treatsonly forwardpropagation. o obtain

    such n equation, emomentarilyakek to be ndependent

    of' angeandwrite Eq. (2) as he productof two operators,

    (i•4-ix[•)(•r-iv•)u0. (3)

    The solution or u that is obtainedby solving he one-way


    = + ix/u, (4)


    is alsoa solutiono Eq. (2) for range-independent. Note,

    however,hat while he two-waywaveequation, q. (2),

    permitsboth two-wayand one-waypropagation,he one-

    way wave equation,Eq. (4), explicitlyexcludes wo-way

    propagation.he one-way quation ropagates aves xclu-

    sively n the forwardor backwarddirection, espectively,

    depending n whether he ( + ) or ( - ) sign s chosen.

    Ilk is ndependentf range, shasbeen ssumedor the

    moment,henEq. (4) witha ( + ) sign orrectly ropagates

    a forward-going ave.For a realistic tmosphere herek

    varieswith ange, owever, q. (4) accurately ropagates

    forward-going aveonly if the backward-goingnergy s

    smallcomparedo the forward-goingnergy. hat is, Eq.

    (4.) applieswhenechoes re negligible.Hereafter,we shall

    as:sumehat theacousticield sdominated y forward-going

    waves nd that propagations accurately escribedy Eq.


    Sincewearenow imiting hesolutiono forward-going

    waves, t is convenient o remove a "carrier wave" by

    defining a new, more slowly varying wave •, where

    • --=u exp( -- igor).The removal f a carrierwave s not

    essentialor the formal derivationgivenhere, but later it will

    be important for a numericalsolution.

    The equation or •, which hasa carrier waveremoved, s

    given by

    oa0i(4 - (5)


    whereis heunitoperator.For hesake fconciseness,

    unit operatorswill besuppressedereafter. The wavenum-

    ber for the carrierwavego s chosen o hat it is dose o the

    dominanthorizontalwavenumbern the spectral ecompo-

    sitionof•. A typicalchoice, or example,s to set% equal o

    to/•, where is the average oundspeed. he motivation or

    sucha choice s based ssentially n a plane-wave ictureof

    propagation. or nearlyhorizontalplane-wave ropagation,

    the horizontal wavenumber s between% and gocos0 ...

    where0•,• is the maximumangleof propagationwith re-

    spect o the horizontal.Although he plane-wave icture s

    only approximate, t provides n estimate or % that has

    proven ufficientlyccurateor thecalculationsoneso ar.

    We advancehe solution n rangeby ntegratingEq. (5).

    For shortenough angesteps,we can ake Q to be ndepen-

    dentof range.The formaloperator olution o Eq. (5) then


    o6(r Ar) = exp[iAr(,•- -- go)]06(r), (6)

    wherehr = r -- ro.Ultimately,we want an mplicitsolution

    schemef the Crank-NicolsonypefiHence,wewriteEq.

    (6) as an implicit equation,

    exp[ - i(Ar/2)(x/• -- go) •(r + Ar)

    = exp[i(Ar/2)(x/Q-- too)•(r). (7)

    Sincehespectralaluesf theoperatorAr/2) (x/•- - %)

    aregenerallymuch ess han 1,wemakea linearexpansion f

    the exponential peratorsn Eq. 7). Using hisapproxima-

    tion, the solutionor •bcanbe writtenas

    [ 1- (i Ar/2)(x• - too)]•(r+ Ar)

    = [1+ (iAr/2)(x•--•Co)]06(r). (8)

    To actuallysolve or 6, we needan approximationor the

    square ootof the operatorQ. The approachaken s to use

    the"rationalpproximation"orx•- discussedelow.

    B. Rational pproximationor the operator /•

    The dea fa rationalpproximationorx/0-was rigin-

    ally introduced y Claerbout or extrapolation f seismic

    waves.To useClaerbout's ethod, e firstwritex/Q- s

    tcox/1q, where = (Q/• - 1 . Theassumptions that

    thespectrumf Q does otdepartmuch rom so hat he

    spectral aluesof q are alwaysmuch ess han I in magni-

    tude. Hence,we might considermakinga linear expansion

    andsetx/-1 -q equal o 1 q-q/2. This expansion,n fact,

    leads o the narrow-angle arabolic quation riginally n-

    troducedntounderwatercousticsyTappert.o n order o

    obtaina moreaccurate pproximation, e couldkeepmore

    terms n the expansion. owever,suchan approachwould

    lead o a morenumerically omplicatedlgorithm. he ap-

    proach taken by Claerbout s to write

    x/• + q • (A + Bq)/(C + Dq), (9)

    where A, B, C, and D are real constants A = 1, B = 4,

    C----l, D= I) and I/(C+Dq) means he inverseof

    631 J. Acoust. Sec. Am., Vol. 85, No. 2, February 1989 K.E. Gilbert and M. J. White: Applicationof the parabolic equation 631

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    (C + Dq). Expandedn a powerseriesn q, the rationalap-

    proximationbove grees ith heexpansionf x/1+ q

    throughhequadraticerm.Thusweobtainquadratic ccu-

    racywithanapproximationhatweshall eeater snomore

    complicatedumericallyhana linearexpansion.

    C. Operator equation for wide-angle propagation

    Substitutionf he ationalpproximationorx•- into

    Eq. (8) giveshe ollowing perator quationor advancing

    4 from r to r + Ar:

    M-&(r + At) = M+0•(r), (10)


    M ñ = (C+Dq) + (i%Ar/2)[(A -C) + (B-D)q].


    Using q= (Q/•o - 1) = (•2/•z2+k2)/•o - I gives

    M ñ in termsmore familiar operators,

    M ñ =M l __+m2+ (M3 __+ 4) --

    whereMi' m2, m3, andM4 are

    Ml = C + D( n2-- 1),




    M2 = (i% Ar/2)[ (A - C) + (B- D)(n 2-- 1)1,




    3 --D/•,


    M4 = i( Ar/2•Co)B -- D). (16)

    In Eqs. 13) and (14), the ndexof refraction isdefined s

    •/c, where and c are, respectively, reference oundspeed

    and the actualsoundspeed.

    As will be discussedn Sec. I, the numerical solutionof

    Eq. (10) using he definitionsor M ñ in Eqs. ( 11 -(16)

    requireshata largebutsimple ystem f equationsesolved

    on each angestep.

    D: Vertical density dependence

    Including erticaldensity ariationsn Eq. ( 1 yieldsa

    wave equation hat contains he operator (c•/c•z)(1/p)

    X(c•/•9z) instead f o•2/o•z. By replacing2/•z • with

    p(•/•z) (l/p) (•/•z) in Eq. ( 1 , such ariations anbeac-

    countedor. Making this eplacementnddividingbyp, we

    obtainslightlymodifiedorms or M e. In •s. ( 10)-(14),

    we have

    •z •z•p/• (17)


    pendencef the acousticield.Then the operator-function

    equations ecomematrix-vector quations. he matrices

    are tridiagonal nd the vectors re of dimension , whereN

    is the numberof pointsused o discretizehe field. n the

    discussion elow, vectors are denoted by boldface char-

    acters.No special otation s used or matrices, ince hey

    can be easily dentified rom the context n which they are


    A. Finite element discretization

    In parabolic quationmodels, commonmethod or

    discretizing he vertical dependence f • is finite differ-

    ences. Here, insteadof finite differences,we use a closely

    relatedmethod,inear initeelements.l'l: This approach

    makest easyo ncorporatemall-scaleertical ariationsn

    bothdensity nd sound peed.n addition, t is straightfor-

    ward o ncorporateonuniformertical ointspacingn the


    We firstexpand in termsof linear initeelement asis

    functions,j Z):

    c)(r,z)-- C•hj z) (19)


    •(r + Ar,z) • D•hj(z), (20)


    whereheC•andDj are heexpansionoefficients.hebasis

    functions• z) are he"hat" unctionshownnFig.1.The

    expansionoefficients• and Dj are simply )(r,z•)and

    •( r + Ar,zj , respectively.ote hatexpanding)( ,z) and

    • (r + Ar,z) in termsof hat functionss equivalento linear

    interpolationetweenhegridpoints •. Thebasisunction

    formalismgivesa convenientmatrix representationf the

    operators e. To obtain hematrixrepresentation,hehat

    functionexpansionor • is substitutednto Eq. ( 10):

    [MI-- 2 M3--4)(';z)](r+ r,z•)h


    = M,+M+M3+

    Ozp &]l •


    Then, we multiplyby h• (z) and ntegrateoverz. The integra-

    tion requires omputation f integrals f the form

    m•1) h, h•dz, (22


    M,--+M,/p, n = 1,2. (18)

    With the numerical method used here to discretize the verti-

    cal dependencef 4, the modifiedorm of M ñ is aseasy o

    represent s the original orm.


    This sectionoutlines he numericalapproachused to

    solveEq. (10). Statedsimply,we discretizehe verticalde-

    • I h• h2 hi. hj hi+ hN. hN

    e• 0 , , -' , , , , , : , , ,

    I Z] Z Z Zj. Zj Z+ ZN.ZN.ZN


    FIG. 1. Basis unctions ("hat" functions) used to discretize he vertical

    dependencef the acousticield n Eqs. (19) and (20).

    632. J. Acoust. ec.Am.,Vol.85, No.2, February 989 K.E. Gilbert ndM.d. White:Applicationf the parabolic quation 632

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    f 1


    H•(3) hi zz•-•zz• z, (24)

    wherei=pc: is hebulkmodulusorair. fp-•(z) and

    • - I (Z) are epresentedspiecewiseinear unctions, ecan

    derivesimpleanalytic unctionsor the matrices, ( 1 ,

    H(2), andH( 3 . (The Appendix ives nalytic xpressions

    for heH ma[rices.Wenotehere hat,becausehat unc-

    tionh• z) isnonzero nlyover • • toz;. •, theH matrices

    are ridiagonal.inceheH matricesre ridiagonal,hema-

    tricesM e are also ridiagonal. ence,with •(r,zi) and

    •(r + Ar,z• defineds he lementsf he ectors(r) and

    •(r + At), respectively,eobtain large utsparseystem

    of equations f the orm

    M-•(r+ ar) = R(r), (25)

    w:herehe right-hand ideR(r) is obtained y multiplying

    •(r) byM +. Oneach ange tep,heequationsresolved

    usingoauss limination.

    , B. Boundary conditions

    Incorporatinggeneralboundaryconditionsnto the

    parabolicquationsdifficult. ortunately,heusual ound-

    ary conditionmposed t theEarth'ssurfacen atmospheric

    acousticsssimple noughhat t canbeeasily ncorporated

    into the PE. In atmosphericcoustics,neusually ssumes

    that hegroundsa ocally eacting urface.hisassumption

    resultsn an mpedancehat s ndependentf anglebut de-

    pendent n requency.ence, t a given requency,hecon-

    dition to be satisfied at the Earth's surface is

    •9•+ i•_•= O, (26)

    0z z

    whereo s hewavenumbernairatz = 0 and is he

    complexroundmpedance),videdya referencealueor

    pc orair. Note:Hereafter, willbe eferredo simply s

    thegroundmpedance.With inear inite lements,varies

    linearly etweenridpoints. quation26) thus anbewrit-

    ten as

    ( 3,-Cboe)3 køcb-•-9-ø-O, (27)


    whereAz = z• -- zo, o = •b(zo), nd b•= •b(z•).The point

    zo s on the ground,andz• is the first pointabove he ground.

    Equation 27) yields n additional quation hat is ncluded

    in the setof equations olvedwhen the field is advanced. t

    shouM enoted hat heapproximationor)/& isone-sided

    (ii.e.,not symmetric).Because f this,z• - zomustbe taken

    quite .smalla tenthof a wavelengthn mostcases).

    IX[earhe top of the numericalgrid, we want to havean

    oatgoingwave, .e., a radiationboundarycondition.We can

    alpproximate ucha boundaryconditionby addingartificial

    attenuation o the top part of the sound-speedrofile.The

    attenttation bsorbs ound eaching he top of the numerical

    grid so hat the amplitudes f waves eflecting ff the top end

    of the grid are greatly reduced.

    C. Starting field

    Since he PE algorithm olves n initialvalueproblem,

    the initial field •o(z) is neededat the startingrangero.

    (Typically, e = 0 is used.)The present E modeluseshe

    standard aussiantartingieldproposedy Brock.3 n all

    cases xamined, he Gaussianstarter gavegood agreement

    with known solutions.

    D. Numerical accuracy

    To judge he accuracy f the parabolic quationmodel,

    we compare he PE solutionwith the solution rom a fast-

    fieldprogramdeveloped t the U.S. Army Construction n-

    gineeringesearchaboratoryfi'*hecomparisonsre or

    upwardrefractionand downward efractionabovea finite

    impedance urface.The source requencys 40 Hz with

    source nd receiver eightsof 2 and 1 m, respectively. he

    ground mpedances computed rom the empiricalequa-

    tionsof DelanyandBazley,4using flow esistivityf 200

    cgsrayIs. The resultingground mpedancen pc units is

    31.4 + i38.5. The soundspeed s linear initially, and is

    capped y a homogeneousalf-spacebove, ccordingo

    c(z){cogz'orh, (28)

    whereg is thesound-speedradient, isheight, o s330m/s,

    and h is 100 m.

    A comparisonetweenhe PE andFFP for upward e-

    fraction g= --0.12 s •) is shownn Fig. 2 asa plotof

    excessttenuationersusorizontalange..sOut o 2.5km

    from the source,he PE and FFP calculationsgree o with-

    in I dB. Beyond2.5 km, numerical naccuracybecomes

    more evident n both models,with the accuracydegrading

    first n the PE. For the present alculation,t appearshat

    the PE and FFP solutions re both numericallyaccurateout


    o•• PE





    -60- •.

    O 1.25 2.50 3.75

    RANGE [kml


    FIG. 2. Comparison f parabolicequationand fast-fieldprogramcalcula-

    tions or upward refraction.

    6;;t3 d. Acoust. ec.Am.,Vol.85, No.2, February 989 K.E. Gilbert ndM. J. White:Applicationf theparabolicquation 633

  • 8/9/2019 Gilbert (1989a) the Parabolic Equation Applied to Outdoor Sound Propagation (1)


    to 2.5-3.0 km. Beyond his distance, purious scillations

    (numerical "noise") dominate the result, and the curves

    cease o decay with range. Note, however, hat when nu-

    mericalnoise akesover, he sound-pressureevel s already

    120dB below he ree-field alueat 1m. In a realapplication,

    such a signalwould probablybe below the ambient noise

    levelso he numerical imitations n Fig. 2 wouldnot matter.

    Figure 3 showsa model comparison or downwardre-

    fraction g = + 0.12 s-•). With downwardefraction, n-

    ergy is trapped n the surfaceduct formed by the sound-

    speed profile and ground surface. As a result, the

    sound-pressureevels all off slowlywith increasingange.

    Hence,numerical oise s not a problem s t waswith up-

    ward refraction.Surface-ductnergys propagated y a lim-

    ited numberof "leaky modes"with different ndividualhori-

    zontal wavenumbers.The modes add coherently,and,

    because of their different individual horizontal wavenum-

    bers,produce he characteristicmodal nterference attern

    seen n Fig. 3. The overallgoodagreementn the peaks ndi-

    cates hat the phase errors in the PE are small. Accurate

    phases re necessaryor goodnumericalaccuracy n long-

    rangedeterministic redictions.


    In this section,we compare he predictions f the para-

    bolic equationmodel to experimentalmeasurements ade

    by Raspet t al. 6Beforemakinghecomparison,owever,

    wegivea briefdescription f the proceduressed or thedata

    collection and model calculations.

    The data reported here were collectedduring an 18-

    monthperiod,overopen armland,undera varietyof envi-

    ronmentalconditions. oneswerebroadcastrom a height

    of 30.5 m and averaged ver 15-min ntervals.Microphones



    RANGE Ikrnl


    ---- FFP

    3.•5 ' 5.00

    FIG. 3. Comparison f parabolic quation nd fast-field rogramcalcula-

    tions for downward refraction.

    were ocated1.2 m above he groundat horizontaldistances

    ranging rom 305 to 1550 m from the source.The acoustic

    data are reportedas excess ttenuation. Atmosphericab-

    sorption nd spherical preading ereremoved.

    The temperature nd wind speedweremeasured t four

    heights 1, 3, 10, and 33 m), and converted o an effective

    soundspeed.Once he effective ound peedwasdetermined

    at each height, a refraction parameter a was obtained by

    fitting he soundspeedwith a logarithmicprofileof the form

    c(z) [cø+aln(z/zø)'or >z ,

    tCo, for

  • 8/9/2019 Gilbert (1989a) the Parabolic Equation Applied to Outdoor Sound Propagation (1)


    40 Hz 160Hz 630Hz

    20 1•.




    - -10{ -20

    -•or -•o -•o ,•



    ß --tO

    -1• /''. 3 -60

    -20 , s , -80


    -1o -20

    - -40 884m

    -15 -30 -80

    20 -40 -100





    -2 2, 5 i •

    -20 -40

    -40 -60


    -60 -100

    -2 2• 5 i 2 -2 -'• 5 i 2



    -20 -40

    -20 -60


    -30 -80

    -60 -100

    -40 -80 -120

    -2 2• 5 i 2 -2 2• 5 i 2 -2 2• 5 i 2



    FIG. .Comparisonf arabolicqualionalculationsith easuredaluesf xcessttenuation.n achraph,hebscissas heefractionarameter

    andhe rdinates he egativef xcessttenuation.herequencyndangerendicatedlongheopndide,espectively.achataoints 15-min

    average;hesolidine s heparabolicquationalculation.

    635 m.,oL5,No. ,February989 K.E. ilbertnd . .White:pplication[ he arabolicquation 635

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    facehasbeendeveloped. he modelwasshown o givegood

    agreementwith calculationsrom a fast-fieldprogram.

    The parabolic quationmodelalsowascomparedwith

    excess ttenuationmeasurements nd found to adequately

    predict he average xcess ttenuation or neutralor down-

    ward-refracting tmospheres ut not for upward-refracting

    atmospheres. or upward refraction, he PE predicteda

    deepshadow oneat the receiver t 630 Hz, while the data

    showedno definiteshadowzone. Possible xplanationsor

    the high evels n the regionof a predicted hadow oneare

    scattering rom turbulence, ough surfacescattering, r

    large-scaleluctuationsn the sound-speedrofile.The PE

    model usedhere was imited to deterministic, ange-inde-

    pendent, ound-speedrofiles vera smooth round urface.

    Hence, the presentmodel did not take into accountany

    mechanisms that could weaken the shadow zone. Future ef-

    forts will be directed oward including suchmechanismsn

    the model.

    We conclude hat the parabolicequationmethodcan

    accurately reat soundpropagationn a realisticoutdooren-

    vironment. n particular,arbitrary sound-speedrofiles nd

    a locally eacting round urface anbe used.Because f the

    potentialof the PE algorithm or handlingcomplicated f-

    fectssuchas turbulenceand irregular ground opography,

    the methodshouldproveto be a powerfulcomputational

    tool for studies f atmospheric oundpropagation.


    The authorswould ike to thank RichardRaspet or

    helpfuldiscussionsnd for the data reportedn thisarticle.

    Oneof us (MJW) gratefully cknowledgesinancial upport

    from the Army ResearchOffice.


    z - z,_, )/(z, - z, , ),

    h•(z)- 1 z-zi)/(zi+•




    In Sec. I of the mainbodyof the text, thegeneral orms

    of the H matriceswere briefly discussed.n this Appendix, ß

    we considerheHmatrices n detailandgiveanalyticexpres-

    sions.We beginby definingmathematically he basis unc-

    tions,whichare used n computinghe H matrices.

    As shown n Fig. 1, the basis unctions (z) have he

    appearance f a peakedhat (hence, he name "hat" func-

    tion). The mathematical definition is

    Z•Zi-- I '

    Z _ • •Z•Z•,

    Z•Zi + I ß


    The H matricesare constructed rom the basis unctions

    the unctions-•(z) and i-l(z), and he operator

    Oz)(1/p)(c•/&). For convenience,e define -•(z) as

    f• (z) and fi-•(z) as 2(z). Then the matrix elements f

    H( 1 and H(2) can be written

    (z)-•-•zaz. (A3)

    Note that, since he ith basis unction hi (z) overlapsonly

    with its nearestneighbor,we have H•(n)= 0 unless

    j ----,i + 1. That is, the H matrices re tridiagonal.For the

    same eason, he limits of integration re z _ 1 to z•+ • for

    H,n), z _ • toz• forH,_ • (n),andz i tozi+ • forH,+ • (n).

    To obtain simpleanalytic expressionsor the H matri-

    ces,we akep- •(z) and i - • z) to be inear unctionsfz

    betweenhe grid points.We furtherassume-l(z) and

    fi-l(z) to be continuous t the grid points z . Hence,

    between, andz, + l weapproximate,(z) as


    i + I -- Zi


    Inserting he linear approximationorfn (z) into Eq. (A2)

    gives, or H(n) for n = 1,2,

    H,,(n) =• [(z,--Zi_l)fn(z i 1)

    + 3(zi+, --zi l)fnzi) + (zi+, -z,)f,•(zi+•)],


    H,ñl (n) = (+•) [f, (zi) +f,,(zi+•)] (ziñ•


    In order o compute he third H matrix,H(3), we first nte-

    grateby parts o obtain

    (f• c•h,(z)•

    i;(3) (z)hi(z)•--•z •.

    •8hi(z) h•(z)z, (A7


    wherez• andz• are he imitsof integrationdiscussedarlier.

    Sinceheproduct f hi andOh•z)/& is zeroat z• and%,

    we have

    œ8hi z) Oh•z)

    nv(3)=--J-•z A(z) & dz.


    Inserting Eq. (A4) into Eq. (A8), we obtain

    Hii+3= + ) (• zi+-f-L(ziñ(A9

    H,(3)= -- [H,+i(3)+H, ,(3)]. (AI0)

    Although the computationof H matriceswith linear

    finiteelementss slightlymore nvolved han the more amil-

    iar difference omputation, here are two main advantages

    that ustify he added omputationalffort.First, nonuni-

    form grid spacing s easily ncorporated; ence,smallerspac-

    ingcanbeusedwheremore ccuracysneeded.hesecond

    advantage s that, since he acoustic ield is definedbetween

    grid points,small-scale erticalvariations n soundspeed

    and densitycan be ntegratedover n the computation f the

    H matrices. hus, with linear initeelements,he grid spac-

    ing is determinedby the acousticalwavelength nd not by

    small-scale variations in the medium.


    The third H matrix is

    n = 1,2. (A2)

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