Giardiniera--Basic Italian Pickled Veggies (Super Tasty) Step 1: Ingredients: Oil & Veggie Part For the oil part, you will need 2 cups of olive oil, 1 lemon (if you want to substitute some of the vinegar), 4-5 cloves of garlic. The ratio is like this, but you might need to adjust the amount based on how many vegetables you will use. For the Veggie part, basically you can use whatever you like. But I still want to give you my own recommendations: --Bell Pepper: MUST HAVE, they are just so wonderful, so tender and sweet. (But I don't recommend the small sweet


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Giardiniera--Basic Italian Pickled Veggies (Super Tasty)

Giardiniera--Basic Italian Pickled Veggies (Super Tasty)Step 1: Ingredients: Oil & Veggie Part

For the oil part, you will need 2 cups of olive oil, 1 lemon (if you want to substitute some of the vinegar), 4-5 cloves of garlic. The ratio is like this, but you might need to adjust the amount based on how many vegetables you will use.

For the Veggie part, basically you can use whatever you like. But I still want to give you my own recommendations:

--Bell Pepper: MUST HAVE, they are just so wonderful, so tender and sweet. (But I don't recommend the small sweet peppers, they have less flesh and don't taste as good as the bell peppers in this recipe. We used them just for the experiment)

--Cauliflower: Crunchy and sweet at the same time, we used a purple one just for better looking, they taste the same with the white ones and orange ones.

--Carrots: Also crunchy and sweet.

--Celery: Crunchy, refreshing.

--Jalapeo: Go for it if you love spicy just as I do.

Some other good choices are eggplant, bamboo shoot and oyster mushroom (I've tried them all so I can guarantee).

Step 2: Ingredients: Vinegar & Herbs Part

Oil and vinegar always come together, so here is the vinegar and herbs part.

For the vinegar part, you will need 4 cups of white vinegar, 1 cup red wine vinegar, and kosher salt to your own taste.

For the herbs part, I used 5 Bay leaves, and 1 tsp of black peppercorn, and 1 tsp Szechwan peppercorn. Some other good herb recommendations are:



Again, you can always adjust the amount of vinegar you use based on your preference of sour and the amount of vegetable you will use, just keep it rational.

Step 3: Roast your peppers

This is the only ingredient that needs to be prepared separately. But bell pepper tastes so good and it definitely worth it.

Clean all your bell peppers and cut them in half. Remove the seeds and put them on a baking pan with the skin on top, preheat oven to 400F and bake for 5-10 minutes until it blistered and the skin turned black. Cool the pepper before you peel it. It would be very easy to peel as long as you baked them correctly.

Cut the pepper flesh into large pieces.

Step 4: Prepare all the other ingredients

Put the Vinegar & Herbs part into a pot, add 2-3 cups of water. You can also squeeze some lemon juice as a substitute of vinegar. You can use a cheesecloth to wrap the herbs to easily remove them in the end.

Add all the vegetables except bell peppers into the pot, make it to a boil and then simmer for 5-10 minutes, until they softened and fully cooked.

Drain the veggies and put it aside with the pepper flesh.

Step 5: Infuse your oil

Put olive oil into the pan/pot along with chopped garlic, if you love spicy just as I do I highly recommend some Thai chillies to infuse as well.

Use low heat to let the flavors infuse into the oil for about 10 minutes.

Drain the oil into the veggie mix (please use an air tight container to store them, we used a large bowl here just for a clear photo shooting).

Mix the veggie and the oil together, and make sure that the oil can just cover all the veggies in the container.

Step 6: Now ready to enjoy!

Put the container into the fridge, and you can enjoy them after about 1 hour. However, I do highly recommend to refrigerate them overnight before you enjoy them (only if you can resist the urge of eating it right away lol).