G G I I A A N N T T S S Super League XVII Wednesday, February 1 2012 Huddersfield Daily Examiner LET’S MAKE THIS A BIG ONE! Eorl interview ... team pic ... new boys KEVIN: NATHAN: CLUB GUIDE No extra pressure in my final season as coach Inner secrets of the tough Giants’ training sessions Pages 2-3 Pages 4-5 ALL INSIDE YOUR SUPER 12-PAGE PRE-SEASON PULL-OUT Pages10-11

Giants Super League XVII

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Your super 12-page pre-season pull-out from the Huddersfield Examiner

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Page 1: Giants Super League XVII


Wednesday, February 1 2012Huddersfield Daily Examiner

LET’S MAKETHIS A BIG ONE!Eorl interview ... team pic ... new boys




No extrapressure inmy finalseason ascoach

Inner secretsof the toughGiants’ trainingsessions

Pages 2-3

Pages 4-5


Pages 10-11

Page 2: Giants Super League XVII

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

NATHAN BROWN knows Paul Anderson willbe ready to take over from him as head coach atthe end of the season.

But the current boss knows his successor won’tlet that affect the work he does in 2012.

The club confirmed before Christmas thatassistant coach Anderson would step intoBrown’s shoes when he returns to his nativeAustralia at the end of the Super League XVIIseason.

It was a decision that had the full backing ofBrown, who believes the former Great Britainprop is the right man for the job.

But the former St George Dragons chief knowsit’ll be business as usual as usual in 2012, withAnderson not letting the future distract his workin the present.

“Baloo is without doubt a great choice to behead coach of the Giants when I’ve gone,”confirmed Brown.

“But that’s for the future. I know that andBaloo knows that.

“For this season, he’ll keeping on doing exactlywhat he’s done in the three years I’ve worked withhim.

“Baloo already plays a big part in what we’redoing – he does it excellently – and it’ll be verysimilar this time around.

“Clearly that’ll change next season, butbecause the current arrangement has beenworking so well there’s no point changing thingsat all.

“As far as Baloo is concerned and I’mconcerned, it’s business as usual.

“We’re both 100% focused on doing what wecan to bring success to the Giants this season.”

Businessas usual

■ SAME APPROACH: Giants coach NathanBrown (left) and assistant Paul Anderson NO

BROTHERLY love could be put to the test inSuper League in 2012 if the Griffins gohead-to-head.

Darrell, 30, is the most famous sibling, havingrepresented England during his time at the Giants,while 21-year-old Josh, also ex-Huddersfield, hasstarted to make a name for himself in the last twoseasons and is hoping for a big year atCastleford.

Now 19-year-old George has come onto thescene after Hull KR tempted him back fromAustralia with the offer of a two-year contract.

The last set of three brothers to play in SuperLeague at the same time were the Hendersons,Andrew, Ian and Kevin, who were raised inAustralia but born in Torquay and the Griffinsalso have unusual roots.

They hail from Whitney, near Oxford, andmoved as a family to Yorkshire when Darrell wassnapped up by Wakefield in 2003 after earlierbeing spotted playing for Oxford Cavaliers in thepioneering Rugby League Conference.

“It would be fantastic if we could all get acrack,” said Darrell, who moved to Leeds in theclose season. “It’s mainly down to George, he’s gotto pull his finger out and get himself into the HullKR side. It would be a great thing for thefamily.”

Family affairfor Griffins

■ THE PLAYMAKERS: From left, Scott Grix,

GIANTS in Super League XVII

CAN Nathan Brown end his four-yearreign by bringing silverware to Hudders-field?

That’s the burning question as the Giants’highly-popular head coach prepares for his finalSuper League campaign at the Galpharm helmbefore heading back home to Australia.

In his first season in 2009, he helped Huddersfieldreach the Challenge Cup final at Wembley and 12months later became the first Giants coach to takethe club to within one game of the Super LeagueGrand Final at Old Trafford.

Although Brown secured a fourth-place finish forhis side in 2011, a heavy injury list took its toll andHuddersfield fell short in the play-offs.

It’s a scenario the former St George Dragonscoach in the Australian NRL is desperate to avoidfor a second time, with drastic steps having beentaken to ensure there’s no lack of bodies at thebusiness end of the season once again, hence the factso many members of his squad underwent majorsurgery at the end of last year and will miss the startof Super League XVII.

Whether it’s an approach that pays off obviouslywon’t.be known until this autumn.

But Brown is confident it can prove a winningstrategy and his end-of-season leaving party can also bea celebration of the Giants’ most successful ever season– which, as far as he’s concerned, means everything, withhis departure of secondary importance.

In Brown’s eyes, whether it’s his final season ornot, he wants to win Super League and the Chal-lenge Cup!

“I have been asked if I’m more determined thanever to win something this year, because it would bethe perfect way to end my time here,” said Brown.

“People may feel this gives me extra motivation tosucceed, but that’s not the case.

“Whether it’s my first game or my last, I want towin. Always have done and always will do, so in thatsense it makes no difference that it’s my final year.

“My desire to bring silverware to this clubremains as strong now as it did on day one.

“Obviously, I’d love to return home knowing theGiants had won a major trophy while I’d been headcoach, and I know that’s got to happen this year.

“That’s what we’re all focusing on as a club, andthe fact this is my final season isn’t part of ourthinking.

“It’s just the winning that matters, and that’ssomething this group is capable of achieving.”

Brown is well aware the Giants face a massiveearly challenge, with so many senior players ruledout for the start of the season.

Brown, Shaun Lunt, Danny Brough and Luke

Page 3: Giants Super League XVII

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

PRESSURENathan: Targetsinmy last seasonare sameasever,winning trophies!

■ BIGGEST DAY SO FAR: Nathan Brown leads outhis side with chairman Ken Davy at Wembley in 2009

GIANTS in Super League XVII

For the opening game of the Super League XVIIcampaign, Kevin Brown (ankle), David Fa’alogo (back),David Faiumu (shoulder), Keith Mason (groin), LukeO’Donnell (knee), Larne Patrick (wrist) and Tony Tonks(suspended) are all sidelined.

But Brown still feels he has the squad capable ofmounting a serious top-flight challenge.

“As the weeks progress, we’ll slowly start to get blokesback and then we’ll get stronger and stronger,” he added.“To be fair, even without those who are missing, we’vestill got a reasonably formidable squad at our disposal,which underlines the depth of the squad we’ve now gothere.

“We’ve now got quality throughout the squad andthat’s something which we’re having to see from the startthis year.

“And as well as the injuries, we’re also all having toadjust to a new attacking style of play, which is going totake a bit of time to perfect.

“I think we saw in the trial games at Castleford andWigan that the players are starting to get to grips with it.There was a big improvement from game one to gametwo.

“I’m confident that the improvements will continue,and that when it really matters everything will have falleninto place.

“As a group, we’re all very excited about seeing thingscome together.”

Brown is also delighted with the way his new signings,Jason Chan, Greg Eden, Luke George, Tommy Lee,Aaron Murphy and Tony Tonks, have fitted in.

“We’ve been very pleased. They have all settled in welland, judging by the way they have trained throughoutpre-season, we’re confident they’ll make us a morecompetitive squad.

“Clearly, it’s early days, but they have shown with theirattitude and willingness to work that we’ve made theright choice to bring them here.”

And who does the head coach believe will be thebiggest threat to Brown finishing his time at the Giantson a massive high?

“The usual sides will be up there, I think we can allagree on that,” he continued.

“The likes of Wigan, Warrington, St Helens and Leedsare bound to be challenging, and it’ll be interesting to seewhich sides have improved from the lower part of the top

eight and from the lower part of the table, as well.“Look at Wakefield, for instance. They’ve spent a

lot more money this year and added experience tothe squad.

“The two Hull clubs have brought in coaches fromthe Australian NRL, and it’s always interesting tosee how sides fair under a new coach and hismethods, and London Broncos have added a lotmore strength to their squad.

“Obviously, we’ll all know a lot more when thecompetition gets going, but there’s nothing to suggestthe challenges won’t get any easier, far from it.”

By CHRIS ROBERTSRugby League [email protected]

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Would like to wish the Huddersfield Giants thevery best of luck in the 2012 Super League Season

Tommy Lee, KevinRobinson

Page 4: Giants Super League XVII

WHEN the Giants step onto a pitchfor the 80 minutes of Super Leagueaction, it signals the end of a weekfull of blood, sweat and – sometimes– tears.

But when it’s the opening game of a newseason, it also brings the curtain down onthree months of punishing pre-season workdesigned to ensure the players are in the bestpossible shape to mount a genuine top-flightchallenge.

This is the work that goes unseen by thesupporters.

They don’t see their favourites pushed totheir absolute physical limits on the hillsaround West Yorkshire – a ‘popular’pre-season past-time for many clubs – or thetoughest of field training drills which wouldcompletely break us mere mortals.

Yet this is all part of the average workingweek for a full-time Super League player.

There is, however, far more to their dailyroutine than this.

Besides all the training sessions, there’stime spent with the physiotherapists who havethe task of dealing with all the numerousbumps and bruises that are part and parcel ofplaying such a brutal contact sport.

Then there are various promotionalactivities to attend, regular talks by RugbyFootball League officials on a whole host ofsubjects and the usual demands from themedia for players to comment on a wholerange of rugby league matters, with a previewof the next game often top of the agenda.

And away from the club the players have aduty to rest up as much as possible to ensurethey’re physically prepared for the demandingchallenges ahead and that they eat all theright food so their bodies have the right fuelinside them to work efficiently andeffectively.

But what exactly is a typical training weekfor a Super League player, or for a Giants starin particular?

What they do during the season itself andin pre-season does alter dramatically,although it’s something that very few oftenfind out about – until now!

Thanks to Giants captain Kevin Brown,he’s ready to reveal to the Galpharm faithfulwhat goes on behind closed doors, or ratheraway from the full glare of the Super Leaguefield.

And he hopes his training diary makes forsome interesting reading.


KKeevviinnBBrroowwnn rreevveeaallss tthheeeeffffoorrttnneeeeddeedd ttooggeettmmaattcchh--ffiitt


MONDAY: We have our review of the Sunday game, doa bit of rehab and go swimming.

TUESDAY: It’s back onto the field to do some lightteam skills and skills working on your specifics, egcatching and passing.Then after lunch it’s a weights session.

WEDNESDAY: Time to rest.

THURSDAY: This is when we spend a fair amount oftime on our game-plan and more on review.That takes the morning and it’s weights again afterlunch.

FRIDAY: Another day off to make sure we’re as freshas we can be ahead of matchday.

SATURDAY: This session is call the captain’s run,where we go through a couple of our sets as a team.Browny will have a chat with us and the boys will have

a chat before we go away and getready to rip in on a Sunday!Obviously, this is all subject to thegeneral health of the player.It goes without saying that if you’reinjured, there’s no way you can followa schedule like this. Your working weekhas to be tailored accordingly.And you just hope the injury isn’t thatbad that you have to spend time inrehabilitation.Being injured is bad enough, but tothen be faced with the prospect ofstarting your rehab work at TotalFitness at Waterloo for a 7.30am startreally is the ultimate torture!I suppose it gives you even more of anincentive to get your rehab work doneas professionally and thoroughly aspossible so you escape ASAP.And whether we’re fit or not, what weeat and drink is always a massiveconsideration, particularly when you’retraining to your absolute maximum.When you’re doing that, it’s vital youget through a lot of calories or elseyou’ll end up getting ill – and I have toadmit I like tucking in to an endlesssupply of food, because I’m a skinny

kid trying to get big!So as well as eating substantial meals, I also have aprotein shake when I wake up, a protein shake when Igo to bed, a creatine shake when I train, a proteinshake when I’ve finished and then a creatine shakebefore a gym session and then another protein shakeafter.All in all, that’s a lot of calories, but it really is vitallyimportant.It’s simply a case of eating or drinking what I like, aslong as it’s healthy, of course!

PRE-SEASONSUNDAY: This is our day of rest and the time to relax,ready to get cracking again on Monday and foreverything to start building up again.

MONDAY: We call this a transitional day. We start bydoing some speed work with conditioner Greg Brown foraround 30 minutes.Then it’s a wrestling session, with the backs going first,followed by the forwards.That’s followed by team drills before we go for lunch.In the afternoon, we split into the backs and forwards totrain in the gym.

TUESDAY: This is when we normally get our work done.When we do a session we rate it out of 10, with 10 beinga session when you can’t do any more and you’rephysically sick. Tuesday sessions are usually betweenand eight and a 10 and last for about one-and-a-halfhours.We’ll then do skills after that.As soon as we’ve had lunch, it’s back to the gym to doanother weights session, whichwill be the opposite to what we didthe day before. So if we did upperbody on Monday, it’s lower bodyon the Tuesday.

WEDNESDAY: Because Tuesdayhas been so tough and our bodiesare guaranteed to be feeling sore,it’s usually a very light day.You’ll have a massage andsometimes do some ‘extras’, if it’sfelt it’s required.

THURSDAY: It usually starts withsome team-based skills before weall split up for position-specificdrills. Jamahl Lolesi (pictured)takes the backs, Nathan Brownthe hookers and halves and PaulAnderson the forwards.In the afternoon, it’s back into thegym for another weights session.

FRIDAY: This tends to be fairlysimilar to the day before, withmore team skills.But we then go through our newsystems and get all the youngerboys involved. We’ll also focus on either defensive orattacking systems, depending on what we’ve doneearlier in the week. If it’s our attacking systems. it’s allabout team yardage and good ball.Yet again, it’s onto the weights in the afternoon,although for a fairly light session.

SATURDAY: The relatively straight-forward Friday isto prepare us for what’s to come the following day,which starts with a big session on the field again. Thiswill probably be the toughest of the week, around the9½ mark.And there’s no let-up straight after that as we gostraight into wrestling and tackling.Take it from me, that’s one tough day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012GIANTS in Super League XVII

Page 5: Giants Super League XVII


GIANTS inspirational half back Danny Brough isexpecting the hottest competition yet as Super League

XVII gets under way.The former Hull, Castleford and Wakefield player, who

turned 29 last month, again promises to be a key figure for NathanBrown’s team as they seek to improve on last season when theplay-offs again proved a major hurdle for the Galpharm Stadiumoutfit.

“I think a lot of the clubs who were outside the top eight lastyear have strengthened for this season,” said Brough.

“They will have improved and will be ready to go from the start,so it is going to be tough again.

“But I feel that if we get ourselves right wewill be able to challenge again.

“However, there is no doubt that this willprobably be the toughest competition sinceSuper League started.”

Brough (inset left) comes into the newcampaign fit and ready for the fray – andhaving determinedly put last season’ssetbacks behind him.

An ankle injury robbed Brough of asignificant amount of the season for Giantsand then a knee injury counted him out ofthe England squad after he had beenselected by national coach Steve McNamarafor the Four Nations competition.

“All the injury problems and the Englandstuff are behind me now,” said Brough.

“Things like that happen in rugby leagueand it will have happened to lots of players,so there is no point in singling yourself out,you have to get on with it, get the rehab doneand get back to playing just as soon as youcan.

“I have no injury problems at the momentand I am just looking forward to gettingstarted.

“We want to start well, but the first four orfive games won’t tell the story of theseason.

“Really, as a club, it is a question ofgetting our preparation right and we seem tobe doing that.”

Danny: Thiswill be ourtoughestseason

By PETE BARROWSports [email protected]

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 GIANTS in Super League XVII

Page 6: Giants Super League XVII


■ THE SUPER LEAGUE XVII SQUAD: Back: Dave Blacker (Club Statistics), Johnny Molloy, Greg Eden, Dave Orwell, Jamie Cording, Tony Tonks, Adam Walker, Ross Peltier, Josh Johnson, JMiddle - Barry Wilkinson (Kit Man), Matt Green (Rehabilitation Coach), Jessica Marshall (Sports Therapist), Tom Dalton (Under 18s Manager), Joe Wardle, Dale Ferguson, Luke George, Jason Chan, MicPerformance), Greg Brown (Conditioning Coach).Front - Jamahl Lolesi (Assistant Coach), Luke Robinson, Leroy Cudjoe, David Fa'alogo, Lee Gilmour, Luke O'Donnell, Nathan Brown (Head Coach), Kevin Brown (Captain), David Faiumu, Shaun Lunt, Dann

FEBRUARYSun 5 Wigan ............................... A 3.00pmSun 12 Widnes.............................. H 3.00pmSat 18 Warrington (Sky)............... H 5.45pmSun 26 London Broncos ............... A 2.00pm

MARCHSun 4 St Helens.......................... H 3.00pmSun 11 Wakefield.......................... A 3.30pmFri 16 Castleford (Sky)................ H 8.00pm

Sun 25 Hull KR ............................. A 3.00pmFri 30 Leeds................................ A 8.00pm

APRILFri 6 Salford ...............................H 3.00pmMon 9 Hull FC...............................H 3.00pmSun 22 Bradford.............................A 3.00pm

MAYSat 5 Catalan ..............................A 6.00pmFri 18 Wigan (Sky) .......................H 8.00pm

Wednesday, February 1, 2012GIANTS in Super League XVII

Page 7: Giants Super League XVII


ohnson, Jacob Fairbank, Matthew Sarsfield, Matthew Dawson, Brian Blacker (Under 20s Manager).ason Chan, Michael Lawrence, Eorl Crabtree, Keith Mason, Aaron Murphy, Larne Patrick, Tommy Lee, Jermaine McGillvary, Paul Cook (On-field Assistant), Pete Riding (Head of Youth

aiumu, Shaun Lunt, Danny Brough, Scott Grix, Paul Anderson (Assistant Coach). JH250112Fgiants-02.jpg

Sun 27 Salford (Magic Weekend) ..N 2.00pm

JUNESun 3 Widnes.............................. A 3.00pmSun 10 Hull KR ............................. H 3.00pmSun 24 London Broncos ............... H 3.00pm

JULYSun 1 Hull FC.............................. A 3.00pmSun 8 Castleford ......................... A 3.30pmSun 22 Wakefield.......................... H 3.00pm

Fri 27 St Helens.......................... A 8.00pm

AUGUSTSun 5 Catalan .............................H 3.00pmFri 10 Salford ..............................A 8.00pmSun 19 Bradford............................H 3.00pm

SEPTEMBERSun 2 Warrington ........................A 3.00pmSun 9 Leeds................................H 3.00pm

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 GIANTS in Super League XVII

● Fixtures later in the season could be subject to change at Sky TV’s request.

Page 8: Giants Super League XVII

Watch outLee, we’reon your case

GIANTS players, you have beenwarned!

Eorl Crabtree and Luke Robinson have takenon a new role for Super League XVII – Examinercolumnists.

And they’ve made it clear from the start thatnone of their teammates are safe!

The England pair may be two of the mostpopular members of the squad, but that hasn’tprevented them from copping a fair amount offlak off their so-called Huddersfield friends in thepast.

Yet now they have the ability to mount adevastating counter-attack (if required) bynaming and shaming their antagonists in public –and the mischievous duo can’t wait!

“I can’t wait to get cracking,” said hookerRobinson.

“In fact, I feel a bit like a main man in a Mafiafilm. Everyone can have a go, but they can expectsomething back, so they have been warned!

“In the past, you usually just get the one chanceto have a crack at your teammates when you dishthe dirt in the match programme. What I usuallydo in this instance is keep my powder dry andwhat for my turn to get stuck in.

“But now I’ve got the luxury of being able to doit on a regular basis, which should be fun.

“As a result, I expect everyone to watch their

back, particularly Lee Gilmour. He better keepquiet or else he’s a dead man.

“Gilly’s a classic example of someone who likesto dish it out on a regular basis, but isn’t the bestat taking it, so there could be some fun and gamesthere!

“All the lads know I can take the abuse and giveit out, it’s just that I’ve now got a bit more weightto what I can send them back.

“It’s a good position to find myself in!”Those sentiments were echoed by his new

partner-in-crime, big prop Crabtree, who’s alsorelishing his new role.

“I really enjoy doing my media work on theradio, and doing this column is another excitingstring to my bow,” said Crabtree, pictured right,with his new partner-in-crime.

“This is another way in which I can express myviews, and get my own back on my teammates atthe same time!

“Robbo and myself know this is our chance tokeep everyone in check, but we’ve got one or twothings we intend to include on a regular basis.

“Here at the Giants, we hand out a specialaward called ‘The Helmet of the Week’ and we dobelieve it’s our duty to make the details of thisaward public from now on. It’s our way of givingsomething back to the fans, because we like tokeep them up to speed as much as we can.

“But even though we intend to have some fun inthis column, we both appreciate this is just a lightsideline.

“Much of what we’ll be talking about is on theback of how we’re playing, and if one or tworesults go against us, it won’t exactly be a‘laughathon’.

“Having said that, I don’t think it’ll happen toooften, if at all.

“Obviously, it’s well documented how manyinjuries to forwards we’ve got for the start of theseason, but we won’t be hiding behind that as anexcuse.

“We’ve got quality players ready to push upfrom back-row to prop and some really talentedyoungsters who’ve come up and are looking totake their chance with both hands, which I’m

confident they will. And I’m also personallyexcited about how the year might go.

“During pre-season I’ve lost about 6kg, and Ifeel a lot better and a lot fitter for it. I’m lookingforward to ripping in again!”

Robinson is also relishing the season ahead.“This pre-season is like no other I’ve ever

experienced,” he said.“In the 10 years I’ve played the game at this

level, I’ve never known so many operationshaving to take place at the end of the season.

“That obviously means we’re going to be a bitlight at the start of the year, but it’s at times likethis that you often see youngsters come fromnowhere, make the most of their opportunity andstart to make a name for themselves. With thequality of young player we’ve got here, that couldwell happen for us.

“But we’re still going to much stronger when weget all our injured players back and, when we do,we know we’re going to take an awful lot ofbeating!”

WAKEFIELD full-back RichardMathers is feeling very much athome as he eagerly awaits thestart of a new season, fourmonths after he was made anoutcast at neighbouringCastleford.

The former Leeds, Wiganand Warrington player wasshocked to discover that hedid not figure in the plans ofnew Tigers coach Ian Millward,despite being just 12 monthsinto a three-year contract.

Mathers says he was told tostay away from training andfaced a season on thesidelines until Wildcats coachRichard Agar came to his

rescue, negotiating a year-longloan deal.

The 28-year-old, who is setto make his debut for his newclub in next Friday’s StobartSuper League opener atWidnes, says he has neverbeen given an explanation forhis treatment at Castleford.

“There’s probably only oneperson who can answer thatand it’s not me,” he said.

“I’ve not done anythingwrong. I signed a three-yearcontract and played quite welllast year.

“I was told that, no matterwhat, I wouldn’t feature. I wastold to stay away and, after

three or four weeks ofpre-season, I was allowed togo in and train on my own withthe conditioning staff.

“I felt like an outcast. It’s alonely old place. You spend alot of time on your own and itwas a good job I’ve got a goodfamily around me, people Icould talk to and let myemotions out.

“It was quite stressful. Youdo a lot of soul-searching,wondering what you’ve donewrong but I couldn’t find areason and I still can’t. I had 25friends there all questioning itas well. I’m not atrouble-maker.”

Mathers is feeling at home

Our new columnists issue warning

LONDON Broncos back Craig Goweris targeting Super Leaguesupremacy on his return to thegame.

The 33-year-old has switchedcodes after three years representingAviron and Italy in rugby union andhe wants to lead thenewly-rebranded Broncos to the topof the table.

Describing the target for Broncosas “definitely more than a top-halffinish”, Gower added: “We arelooking forward to playing well duringthe season and for me it is all abouttrying to win the competition.

“If you’re not out there trying to winthe competition then you’re in thewrong game.”

Bronco Gowersets sights high

■ FRESH START: Richard Mathers islooking forward to life at Wakefield

■ LEE GILMOUR: You’ve been warned

Wednesday, February 1, 2012GIANTS in Super League XVII

Page 9: Giants Super League XVII

GIANTS fans favourite ScottGrix is ready to prove himselfall over again in Super LeagueXVII.

The Halifax-born 26-year-oldwas the Giants SupportersPlayer of the Year last seasonwhen he excelled after takingover the mantle of BrettHodgson at full-back.

However, having shown theability to step into some bigboots last term, coach NathanBrown looks set to test Grix’sabilities to meet a newchallenge again this term.

The Ireland international hasbeen thrust into a half-backrole in the Giants pre-seasonrun-outs at Wigan andCastleford and he is ready totake on the challenge.

“Obviously last year I had asignificant amount of games inthe one position,” said Grix.

“That was really good interms of finding someconsistent form and being ableto read the game.

“But we have had a look at itand in the close season I havehad a couple of starts at halfback and playing an importantrole in the middle of the pitch.

“To be honest, it is great toget the chance to play inanother role, but we will have tofathom it out between us whatworks best for the team.

“But essentially I am happyto play whatever Browny wantsme to.”

Grix is expecting the Giantsto impress once again in SuperLeague as coach Brown makeshis final tilt at the title, and feelsthe side are well prepared.

“I have really enjoyed thenwork during the close season,”said Grix.

“We have got a relatively

young squad this time out and,since Christmas when we got afew extra bodies in, traininghas been great.

“We are looking forward togetting out on the field now forwhat is going to be a prettytough start, but we are going togive it a real go.”

But he is under no illusionsthat this term the Giants needto stay competitive throughoutthe season in what he believeswill be a competition that iseven tougher than ever.

“I suppose we say it everyyear, but I do think that thisyear’s Super League will beone of the closest competitionswe have ever had,” he said.

“If we are anything to go byas a squad we are fitter, fasterand stronger, but you have tobelieve that everyone else hasdone the work too, so we willjust have to see how it all pansout.

“I definitely feel that everyclub will have improvedbecause ever club comes intothe competition wanting to beup at the top competing.

“Having said that I don’t thinkthat making a big impact fromthe start is so important.

“That was shown last seasonwhen we started really well andthen fell away, while Leeds didjust the opposite and cameback strongly to win thecompetition.

“Obviously we would preferto find a bit more of a balanceand stay strong round byround. But we know what wedid last year and we have totake the good things from thatand go again.”

Just let meplay: Grix

Old boys awaitONCE again a number of very familiar faces will be playing forrival clubs this season.

While six new signings have arrived at the Giants for SuperLeague XVII (Jason Chan, Greg Eden, Luke George, TommyLee, Aaron Murphy and Tony Tonks), an even larger numberhave moved on to pastures new.

David Hodgson, Darrell Griffin, Andy Raleigh, Danny Kirmond,Graeme Horne, Keal Carlile, Kyle Wood, Gregg McNally andJamie Simpson all left at the end of the season, and will no doubtbe desperate to prove the Giants were wrong to let them go!

The most high-profile departure was England prop Griffin, whoopted for the security of a longer-term deal than the Giants couldoffer at Super League champions Leeds Rhinos.

At the same time, three of last season’s squad were moving toHull KR and three to Wakefield Trinity Wildcats.

Forwards Raleigh and Kirmond and hooker/half-back Woodhave made the short journey to Belle Vue, while wingerHodgson, utility man Horne and hooker Carlile set off along theM62 to Craven Park.

Utility back McNally has moved down a division and isexpected to star for Leigh Centurions in the Co-operativeChampionship and fellow utility back Simpson has returned toAustralia and signed for Brisbane club Easts Tigers, a feederteam for top NRL club Melbourne Storm.

By PETE BARROWSports Reporter

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 GIANTS in Super League XVII

Page 10: Giants Super League XVII

BradfordBullsIn: Luke Gale, Karl Pryce (both London), ElliotKear, Jarrod Sammut (both Crusaders), KeithLulia (Newcastle Knights), ManaseManuokafoa (Parramatta Eels), Adrian Purtell(Penrith Panthers).

Out: Dave Halley (Keighley Cougars, loan),Patrick Ah Van (Widnes Vikings), ShadRoyston (Pia Donkeys), Andy Lynch (Hull FC),Vinny Finnigan (Sheffield Eagles), SteveCrossley, Cain Southernwood (both DewsburyRams), Gareth Raynor (Featherstone Rovers),Marc Herbert (released).Coach: Mick Potter – Carrying such a greatpedigree with him to Bradford, Potter will havebeen disappointed with his first season atOdsal. However, with a year under his belt, theformer Catalan and St Helens coach may feelthat he is starting to construct a team capableof mounting a challenge.Key Man: Olivier Elima – The free-scoringsecond-rower was one of the few brightglimpses for a lacklustre Bulls outfit lastcampaign. The same will be expected for theexperienced French international.Last Season: 10th.Prediction: 9th.

CastlefordTigersIn: Grant Millington (Cronulla Sharks), LeeMitchell (Warrington Wolves, loan), JoshGriffin (Wakefield Wildcats).Out: Dean Widders (retired), Greg Eden(Huddersfield Giants), Willie Isa (WidnesVikings), Nick Fozzard (Dewsbury Rams),Martin Aspinwall (Hull FC), James Clare, BillyHarris (both Dewsbury Rams, loan), RyanBrierley (Leigh Centurions, loan), RichardMathers (Wakefield Wildcats, loan).Coach: Ian Millward – A return to SuperLeague for the experienced coach. Couldprove his biggest challenge yet with evidentoff-field problems to contend with at TheColiseum.Key Man: Rangi Chase – A stand-outperformer in Super League last time out andeasily his best season to date, the Kiwi‘Englishman’ will be hoping to replicate hisperformances this coming campaign.Last Season: 9th.Prediction: 12th.

CatalansDragonsIn: Leon Pryce (St Helens), Louis Anderson(Warrington Wolves), Damien Cardace, JulienBousquet (both Lezignan) .Out: Ben Farrar (Manly Sea-Eagles).Coach: Trent RobInson – The young coachmade a great start at Catalan last season andwas named Coach of the Year for helping tosecure a shock sixth-place finish. TheFrench-speaking RobInson will now look tomaintain the momentum in 2012.Key Man: Leon Pryce. Has to be the team’sbiggest signing to date. Pryce will not onlybring superb ball skills and mind for the game,but also as a 30-year-old of fantasticexperience. Signing of the Super League?Last Season: 6th.Prediction: 8th.

HuddersfieldGiantsIn: Jason Chan (Crusaders RL, pictured),Tommy Lee, Luke George, Aaron Murphy (allWakefield Wildcats), Tony Tonks(Featherstone Rovers), Greg Eden (CastlefordTigers).Out: Darrell Griffin (Leeds Rhinos), DavidHodgson, Graeme Horne, Keal Carlile (all HullKR), Josh Griffin (Castleford Tigers), AndyRaleigh, Danny Kirmond, Kyle Wood (allWakefield Wildcats), Greg McNally, ElliottHodgson, Jamie Simpson (all released).Coach: Nathan Brown – In his final seasonwith the Giants before returning home toAustralia, Brown has clearly taken his men upa level or two over the last few years. But he

will no doubt want to take it further and end histenure at the club on a high.Key Man: Jermaine McGillvary – The pacywinger broke onto the scene properly lastseason, making a huge impact for the Giants,ending up as the club’s top try scorer (17).With a full Super League season now underhis belt, the expectations of this live-wire willbe even higher.Last Season: 4th.Prediction: 4th.

Hull FCIn: Wade McKinnon (West Tigers), TonyMartin (Crusaders RL), Brett Seymour, AaronHeremaia (Both New Zealand Warriors), AndyLynch (Bradford Bulls), Eamon O’Carroll(Wigan Warriors), Jamie Ellis (LeighCenturions), Martin Aspinwall (CastlefordTigers).Out: Danny Washbrook, Ewan Dowes(Wakefield Wildcats), Epalahame Lauaki(Wigan Warriors), Luke Briscoe (LeedsRhinos), Sean Long, Craig Fitzgibbon, LeeRadford (all retired), Sam Obst (KeighleyCougars), Cameron Phelps, Martin Gleeson(both released).Coach: Peter Gentle– Somewhat of anunknown to theSuper Leaguehavingpreviouslybeing theassistantcoach of WestTigers. Gentle

will want to get his side firing after numerousseasons of pulling up short.Key Man: Andy Lynch – A great signing forHull FC, someone who can do no other thanlead from the front. The powerful forward willbe hoping a change of scene may change hisfortunes with some success. Idealreplacement for the talismanic Radford, whohas retired.Last Season: 8th.Prediction: 7th.

HullKRIn: Shannon McDonnell, Con Mika (bothNewcastle Knights), David Hodgson, GraemeHorne, Keal Carlile (All Huddersfield Giants),Lincoln Withers, Ryan O’Hara (BothCrusaders RL), Mickey Paea (CanterburyBulldogs), George Griffin (QueabeyanKangaroos).Out: Peter Fox, Ben Cockayne (bothWakefield Wildcats), Shaun Briscoe (WidnesVikings), Liam Colbon, Matt Cook (BothLondon Broncos), Clint Newton (PenrithPanthers), Ben Fisher (Batley Bulldogs),Michael Vella (retired).Coach: Craig Sandercock – The Australiantakes over from an extremely popular JustinMorgan, so he needs to hit the groundrunning. The signings of experienced Giantscampaigners Horne and Hodgson could provevery wise.Key Man: Shannon McDonnell – FollowingSandercock from West Tigers for his first tasteof English rugby league, McDonnell will try tofill the void of the departed Briscoe atfull-back. Big shoes to fill you would think, butfollowing his assistant coach over could easehim in quickly.Last Season: 7th.

Prediction: 6th.

LeedsRhinosIn: Darrell Griffin (HuddersfieldGiants), Richard Moore (Crusaders),Luke Briscoe (Hull FC).Out: Keith Senior, Michael Coady(both released), Luke Burgess(South Sydney Rabbitohs), AliLauitiiti, Kyle Amor (Both WakefieldWildcats), Danny Buderus(Newcastle Knights), George Elliott(York City Knights), Callum Casey(Halifax).Coach: Brian McDermott – Got off toa shaky start last season, but got hisplayers into top gear when itmattered. Brought in added forward

power with Griffin and Moore who willlook to impress.

Key Man: Kevin Sinfield – A true leader,

Sinfield turned his men around to pull off theimpossible last season to lift the Super Leaguetrophy. Along with his incredible kicking game,Sinfield will be looking to steer his men yetagain to silverware.Last Season: 5th (Super League champions).Prediction: 2nd.

LondonBroncosIn: Michael Robertson, Shane Rodney (bothManly), Liam Colbon, Matt Cook (both HullKR), Michael Witt, Mark Bryant (bothCrusaders), Craig Gower (Aviron BayonnaisRU), Antonio Kaufusi (Newcastle Knights),Julien Rinaldi, Jarrad Hickey (both WakefieldWildcats), William Stewart (Belfast HarlequIn).Out: Rob Purdham (retired), Luke Gale(Bradford Bulls), Oliver Wilkes, Andy Ellis (bothWakefield Wildcats), Luke Ambler (LeedsRhinos loan return), Karl Pryce (BradfordBulls), Danny Ward, Dave Williams, NickKouparitsas, Mark Calderwood, Mike Burnett(all released).Coach: Rob Powell – The youngest coach inSuper League, Powell defied many who hadtipped his side (known as Harlequins lastseason) to finish bottom to come in ahard-earned 12th position. Powell, now in hissecond season as coach, will be hoping tobuild on this and propel the team from thecapital up Super League.Key Player: Michael Witt – A new addition tothe Broncos side for the forthcomingcampaign, Witt was a stand-out performer forprevious club Crusaders RL last season. Hisseason was cut short due to injury however, soWitt will be hoping to make up for lost time withhis new club. An experiencedscrum-half/stand-off, many of London’s triesyou will expect to come through the Australian.Last Season: 12th.Prediction: 14th.

SalfordCityRedsIn: Ben Gledhill, Josh Veivers (both WakefieldWildcats), Joel Moon (New Zealand Warriors),Shannan McPherson (South SydneyRabbitohs), Jordan James (Crusaders), MattyAshurst (St Helens).Out: Mark Henry (retired), Stefan Ratchford(Warrington Wolves), Rob Parker (LeighCenturions).Coach: Phil Veivers – The Australian came totake over Salford late on last season but madea good impact to take the City Reds to 11th inthe Super League by the end of the season.With his own additions being drafted in throughthe close season, former Giants captainVeivers will now want his team to step it up alevel for the forthcoming campaign.

T H E R E m a y b e n e wsponsors, six new coachesand seven new captains butit would be a surprise ifStobart Super League XVIIthrows up any change to theold order.

Warrington and Wigan, whofinished well clear of the field in2011 before failing in the play-offs,are once more expected to set thepace, with last year’s GrandFinalists Leeds and St Helens likelyto make up the top four.

Huddersfield might once morehave a say in that, but the club mostlikely to make the breakthrough in2012 could be Catalan Dragonsunder the astute coaching of TrentRobinson.

The French club made a slow

start last season, losing four of theirfirst five matches as the teamadjusted to the demands of theirnew coach, but they finishedstrongly to secure asixth-place finish.

Now settled underthe 2011 Coach ofthe Year, the Dragonsc o u l d m a k e aconcerted push forO l d T r a f f o r d ,especially if new signingLeon Pryce can stay clearof injury and they improvetheir form at home, wherethey won just seven of 13games last season.

Second-rower Louis Andersonis Robinson’s other major recruitbut Warrington look to have anadequate replacement in Trent

Waterhouse, a ball-handling formerAustralia Test forward who shouldslot seamlessly into Tony Smith’s

attacking style of rugby.The Wolves have

taken a gamble byarriving back fromt h e i r Au s t r a l i a ntraining camp just sixdays before their first

game and they will beweakened by injuries in

the opening weeks, butthey are worthy favourites

to reach a maiden GrandFinal.New Wigan coach Shaun

Wane has a hard act to follow ashe begins his dream job and it is notmade any easier by the departure ofa number of experienced players,although there is still enough class

to ensure a successful season for theWarriors.

St Helens can offset the loss ofPryce and Kyle Eastmond, lastyear’s first-choice half-backs whomade little impact due to injury, butthey could struggle to plug the holecreated by the departure of JamesGraham.

Saints have signed AnthonyLaffranchi and will no doubt getmore out of Josh Perry, who had awretched first season in England,but if any player is irreplaceablethen it is the inspirat ionalGraham.

However, the vastly-experiencedLance Hohaia i s a shrewdacquisition who can help younghalf-backs Jonny Lomax and LeeGaskell realise their potential, andSaints will have home comforts at

Dragons could turnWednesday, February 1, 2012GIANTS in Super League XVII

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SUPERLEAGUEROLLOFHONOUR1996: Champions: St Helens(runners-up: Wigan).

Key Man: Luke Patten – The experiencedAustralian, now in his second season withSalford, will yet again prove to be a key player.Not only will his defence be relied on, but hiscontribution to the scoreboard to match, afterthe full-backs five tries last year.Last Season: 11th.Prediction: 10th.

StHelensIn: Lance Hohaia (New Zealand Warriors),Anthony Laffranchi (Gold Coast Titans), MarkFlanagan (West Tigers).Out: Kyle Eastmond (Bath RU), JamesGraham (Canterbury Bulldogs), Leon Pryce(Catalan Dragons), Matty Ashurst (SalfordCity Reds), Scott Moore (Widnes Vikings).Coach: Royce Simmons – The former WestTigers assistant coach nearly won silverwarein his first season with the Saints, reaching theGrand Final only to lose out to Leeds Rhinos.But with a year under his belt at the club,Simmons will have adapted to the league andtherefore feel even closer to winning it.Key Man: Jonny Lomax – Coming off the backof winning the Super League Young Player ofthe Year, Lomax will now be considered one ofSaints’ key players going into the upcomingseason. The versatile youngster has alreadyset the league alight and hasn’t looked back –and he hasn’t even come close to his best.Last Season: 3rd (Play-off finalists).Prediction: 1st.

WakefieldWildcatsIn: Peter Fox, Ben Cockayne (both Hull KR),Andy Ellis, Oliver Wilkes (Both HarlequIn RL),Vince Mellars (Crusaders), Ali Lauitiiti, KyleAmor (both Leeds Rhinos), Steve Southern(Newcastle Knights), Dean Collis, Tim Smith(Both Cronulla Sharks), Danny Washbrook(Hull FC), Andy Raleigh, Danny Kirmond, KyleWood (all Huddersfield Giants), Isaac John(New Zealand Warriors), Matt James (BarrowRaiders), Richard Mathers (Castleford Tigers,loan), Paul Aiton (Cronulla-SutherlandSharks).Out: Matt Blaymire, Glenn Morrison (bothretired), Luke George, Tommy Lee, AaronMurphy (all Huddersfield Giants), JulienRinaldi, Jarrad Hickey (Both London Broncos),Chris Dean (Widnes Vikings), Ben Gledhill(Salford City Reds), Paul King (York CityKnights), Michael Korkidas, Semi Tadulala(both Keighley Cougars), Sammy Masselot(Villeneuve Leopards), Liam HiggIn (SheffieldEagles), Kevin Penny (Swinton Lions), JoshVievers, Stuart Howarth (Salford City Reds),Kevin Henderson (Montpellier), Jeremy Smith,Kieran Hyde, Ryan Tongia (all released).Coach: Richard Agar – The former Hull FC

coach takes over at Wakefield replacing hisonce mentor John Kear. A major overhaul ofboth players coming and going through theclose season has meant virtually a totalrebuild of the team, leaving Agar with his workcut out. Agar didn’t get the full potential out ofa promising Hull FC outfit, but will he be ableto so with a new-look Wildcats squad?Key Man: Richard Mathers – Although initiallysigned on a season-long loan deal, Mathersstill has plenty of time to make an impact atthe Rapid Solicitors Stadium after his surpriseomission by the Castleford Tigers. His vastexperience in both the Super League and NRLwill be beneficial in a much-changedWakefield team for this season.Last Season: 13th.Prediction: 11th.

WarringtonWolvesIn: Stefan Ratchford (Salford City Reds),Daniel Bridge (Wigan Warriors), Chris Hill(Leigh Centurions), Trent Waterhouse (PenrithPanthers).Out: Louis Anderson (Catalan Dragons), MattKing (South Sydney Rabbitohs), Jon Clarke(Widnes Vikings), Lee Mitchell (CastlefordTigers, loan).Coach: Tony Smith – The ex-Huddersfield,Leeds and England man is regarded as one ofthe most experienced coaches in SuperLeague and knows the way to victory. Smithwas so close to that last season in finishingtop of the league, however Warrington falteredin the play-offs so this season he will bewanting to take his team one further.Key Man: Joel Monaghan – The youngerbrother of teammate Michael, the 29-year-oldhit the ground running in his debut season atthe club in 2011. The Australian internationalpossesses all the attributes of an idealcentre/winger and with 24 tries in 26appearances so far for Warrington, Monaghanwill be expected to carry on this electric forminto 2012.Last Season: 1st (Play-off semi-finalists).Prediction: 3rd.

WidnesVikingsIn: Ben Cross (Wigan Warriors), Hep Cahill,Lloyd White, Frank Winterstein, Rhys Hanbury(all Crusaders), Shaun Briscoe (Hull KR),Patrick Ah Van (Bradford Bulls), Ben Davies(Wigan Warriors), Chris Dean (WakefieldWildcats), Willie Isa (Castleford Tigers), JonClarke (Warrington Wolves), Anthony Watts(Sydney Roosters), Scott Moore (St Helens).Out: Anthony Thackeray, James Ford (YorkCity Knights), Kirk Netherton (Castleford, loanreturn), Chris Gerard, Richard Varkulis, MattGardner (all Leigh Centurions), Danny Hulme,

Chris Lunt (Crusaders RL), Chaz I’Anson(Swinton Lions), Tangi Ropati (FeatherstoneRovers), James Coyle (Barrow Raiders), SteveTyrer (Halifax), Dean Gaskell, GarethHaggerty, Shane Grady, Greg Scott, DanielHeckenberg, Danny Sculthorpe, DaveHoughton (all released).Coach: Denis Betts – The former Wigan greatwill lead the Widnes team back into SuperLeague after recent years spent rebuilding inthe Co-operative Championship. Betts hasspent time coaching with Rugby Union’sGloucester so he will feel he has what it takesto cut it in Super League. And with Paul Cullenin place as a director at the club, Betts willhave a great set-up around him to impress forthe forthcoming season.Key Man: Scott Moore – Will prove to be afantastic acquisition for the Vikings in their firstyear back into the Super League. Hisexperience for a 23-year-old is almost unheardof, having already represented the likes of StHelens, Castleford and Huddersfield in SuperLeague, and he will no doubt prove vital for aWidnes team containing players who haven’tplayed at this level. An exciting player who isextremely versatile, Moore will make theVikings tick.Last Season: N/A.Prediction: 13th.

WiganWarriorsIn: Epalahame Lauaki (Hull FC), Gil Dudson,Ben Flower (Crusaders), Rhodri Lloyd (SouthWales Scorpions), Anthony Gelling (AucklandVulcans).Out: Martin Gleeson, Eamon O’Carroll (bothHull FC), Ryan Hoffman (Melbourne Storm),Ben Cross, Ben Davies (both Widnes Vikings),Paul Deacon, Andy Coley (both retired), JoelTomkIn (Saracens RU).Coach: Shaun Wane – Served as theassistant under previous coach MichaelMaguire for the last two years, which hasprovided the ideal experience and preparationto take on the Super League hotseat. Waneeven took temporary charge for two games lastseason, both of which they won, showing heclearly has the know-how of the team and willfit into his new position with total ease.Key Man: Sam Tomkins – 2011 was anotheroutstanding year for Tomkins, claiming theSuper League’s top try scorer award (28), ClubPlayer of the Year Award, Players Player andCoaches Player of the Year Award. To add tothis, he was shortlisted for the Man of Steelaward, then nothing more really has to be saidabout the breath taking fullback. Expect morefireworks again this time around.Last Season: 2nd (Play-off semi-finalists).Prediction: 5th.

1997: Champions: Bradford(runners-up: London Broncos).

1998: League Leaders: Wigan;Grand Final winners: Wigan(runners-up: Leeds).

1999: League Leaders:Bradford; Grand Final winners:St Helens (runners-up:Bradford).

2000: League Leaders: Wigan;Grand Final winners: StHelens (runners-up: Wigan).

2001: League Leaders:Bradford; Grand Final winners:Bradford (runners-up: Wigan).

2002: League Leaders: StHelens; Grand Final winners:St Helens (runners-up:Bradford).

2003: League Leaders:Bradford; Grand Final winners:Bradford (runners-up: Wigan).

2004: League Leaders: Leeds;Grand Final winners: Leeds(runners-up: Bradford).

2005: League Leaders: StHelens; Grand Final winners:Bradford (runners-up: Leeds).

2006: League Leaders: StHelens; Grand Final winners:St Helens (runners-up: Hull).

2007: League Leaders: StHelens; Grand Final winners:Leeds (runners-up: St Helens).

2008: League Leaders: StHelens; Grand Final winners:Leeds (runners-up: St Helens).

2009: League Leaders: Leeds;Grand Final winners: Leeds(runners-up: St Helens).

2010: League Leaders: Wigan;Grand Final winners: Wigan(runners-up: St Helens).

2011: League Leaders:Warrington; Grand Finalwinners: Leeds (runners-up: StHelens).


their splendid new Langtree Parkafter spending 2011 as tenants atWidnes.

Defending champions Leedsmust offset the loss of DannyBuderus but, after their heroics of2011, the Rhinos can never bewritten off, while Huddersfield willbe aiming to send coach NathanBrown back to Australia on a highnote.

Both Hull clubs are sure to becompetitive under new coaches,although Rovers have suffered twodevastating injury blows with theloss of last year’s Player of the YearBlake Green and new captain BenGalea to injury for at least the firsttwo months.

The big improvers in 2012 oughtto be London Broncos, who arepushing the boat out by spending

up to the salary cap following theirrebranding and acquiring a host ofexperienced players.

After spending his ent irecoaching career in England on thewest of the Pennines, Ian Millwardwil l be hoping to make animpression at Castleford, but hewill be hampered by having tooperate on a shoestring budget.

As with St Helens, Salford will behoping to gain a boost frommoving into a new stadium, whileWidnes will simply be aiming to wina few games in their first seasonback in the top flight.

The Vikings’ hefty close-seasonrecruitment has been surpassedonly by Wakefield, who will be anunknown quantity under newcoach Richard Agar after makingno fewer than 18 new signings.


Peter Barrow

1: Warrington Wolves2: St Helens3: Leeds Rhinos4: Huddersfield Giants5: Wigan Warriors6: Catalan Dragons7: Hull FC8: Castleford TigersChampions: Huddersfield Giants!Dark Horse: Wakefield Trinity Wildcats

1: Warrington Wolves2: Wigan Warriors3: St Helens4: Leeds Rhinos5: Huddersfield Giants6: Catalan Dragons7: Castleford Tigers8: Hull FCChampions: WarringtonDark Horse: Wakefield (here’s hoping!)


■ 2006 WINNERS: St Helens

■ LAST TIME OUT: Leeds Rhinos

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 GIANTS in Super League XVII

Page 12: Giants Super League XVII

for places, and that’s clearly what we’ve got.“I do regard the Giants as being one of the top

clubs, and I’m really excited about the seasonahead.

“I really hope this season is just the start forme here.”

In contrast, his former Wakefield teammates,George and Murphy, has arrived on two andfour-year deals respectively.

And for the 24-year-old George, he does feelas if he’s coming ‘home’, having been born inHuddersfield and begun his professional careerin the Giants Academy.

“Coming back to Huddersfield is a dreammove,” said George, whose father Wilf played atFartown and Halifax.

“I’d have been happy staying at Wakefield, butthe chance to re-join my hometown club at atime when they are back as one of the top clubsin the game was simply too good to miss.

“Although I’ve been away from Huddersfieldfor five years, I’ve always remained good mateswith Leroy (Cudjoe), Michael (Lawrence) andJermaine (McGillvary), who are also from thetown, and it’s been great to train alongside themagain.

“I was in the Academy with Leroy andMichael before Wakefield came in with a fant-astic offer for me at the time, and I’ve seen theway they have developed under the Giantssystem.

“They’re already fantastic players and arecontinuing to develop all the time, and I hopethat proves to be the case with me as well.

“Being part of the same team as them in SuperLeague is something I find incredibly exciting”.

But for Murphy, the start of his time at theGiants has been more frustrating.

As soon as the 23-year-old arrived at theGalpharm, he went into rehabilitation to con-tinue his recovery from major wrist surgery.

Fortunately, he joined up with the full squadtwo weeks before the start of the season and isrelishing his time ahead.

“I’ve come to the Giants because it’s alwaysbeen my aim to join a top-four club that’scapable of challenging for silverware,” said theChurwell-based Murphy.

“And that’s why I felt coming to Huddersfieldwas my best move.

“I knew they were keen on signing me earlierin the year, but I wanted to stick it out with myWakefield teammates and help them for theseason.

“I did that, and then I felt 100% ready to moveon, which I’m glad I’ve done.

“My rehab has gone as well as I could havehoped, which I can partly put down to thequality of the staff here, as well as the fantasticfacilities we have at our disposal.

“Everything about this club makes you appre-ciate it’s one of the best there is, whether it’s interms of the facilities, the coaching or the qualityof player there is in the squad.

“This is a great place to be!”Those sentiments were echoed by the

21-year-old Eden, who are already feels thetop-class Giants set-up has helped make him abetter player.

“I’m feeling really good about myself at themoment,” said Eden, who made two SuperLeague appearances for Castleford, as well ashaving a spell in Australia with top country clubTemora Dragons.

“Pre-season training has been fantastic andI’m sure I’ve benefited from it.

“The sessions at the Giants are probably a bitmore intense than they were at Cas. There’s moreshorter and sharper sessions here.

“As a result, I’ feel my levels of fitness haveimproved, which I know is going to prove veryimportant.

“I’ve set myself a target of at least 10 SuperLeague games this season – and at a club I knowcan seriously challenge for some silverware.

“That’s one of the reasons I’ve come here on atwo-year deal. I did have the option of staying atCas, but for my future career I thought makingthis move could bring more reward.”

Eden has admitted leaving the Tigers was atough decision to take, although arguably not astough as the 26-year-old Tonks, who quit hiscouncil job to take up his one-year Giantscontract.

Tonks’ outstanding form throughout theseason made him hot Super League property,but the 26-year-old former Wakefield andBradford Academy man knows he’s joined theright club.

“I’m happy the contract is just for one year, it’swhat I expected,” said Tonks.

“That’s because I’ve got to prove I’m nowready to play at Super League level, which issomething I’m looking forward to doing.

“It’s just a case of taking my chance andshowing everyone at the club what I can do. It’sup to me, nobody else.

“That’s a challenge that excites me, and Ibelieve the Giants are the perfect club to help tobring the best out of me and show I’ve nowdeveloped into a Super League player.

“The training has been tough and intense, butalso really enjoyable, and I can tell how much myfitness has improved over the past few months.

“It’s now a case of taking it onto the field andproving to everyone that Super League is theplace I deserve to be.”

JUST which of the new Giants signingswill make the biggest impact in SuperLeague XVII?

Jason Chan, Greg Eden, Luke George, TommyLee, Aaron Murphy and Tony Tonks have all beenrecruited for the 2012 campaign.

Utility backs George and Murphy, along withhooker or half-back Lee, have made the switchfrom Wakefield Trinity Wildcats, while back-rowforward Chan joins from Crusaders RL, utilityback Eden has come from Castleford and propTonks moves up from Featherstone Rovers wherehe starred for the club in last season’s GrandFinal-winning Co-operative Championshipcampaign.

Papua New Guinea international Chan isarguably the biggest recruit, and in the Giants’ twomain pre-season clashes at Castleford Tigers andWigan Warriors he was clearly a leading light.

But the 27-year-old knows there’s still far moreto come.

“Overall, I was fairly happy with the way Iplayed in the trials,” said Chan, who signed athree-year Giants deal.

“I thought there were some good bits to mygame and some not-so-good bits, so I know I’vestill got some work to do.

“But, to be honest, I never expected it to beperfect.

“After all, these were the first games I’ve playedwith my new teammates, so there was a lot for meto get used to.

“Fortunately, it helps when you’re working withsuch a great set of lads who’ve made it so easy forme to settle in and be part of the squad. I’ve justfelt so comfortable here from day one.

“As soon as I walked through the door the boyswelcomed me with open arms, while I’ve learnedan incredible amount off the coaches.

“The club has also helped get me fixed up witha house in Mirfield for my wife, young daughterand myself, as well as sort out a car and things likethat, so I’d have to say my first few months herehave exceeded all expectations.

“It’s certainly made me even more excited aboutplaying for the Giants in Super League.”

Former Hull junior Lee has also been bowledover by his first few months at the Galpharm.

The 23-year-old has arrived in Huddersfield for2012 and has already set his heart and stayingaround for longer.

“Everything about this place has reallyimpressed me,” said Lee, who can also playhalf-back or loose-forward.

“In fact, I already know I want to stay here a lotlonger.

“I’ve only signed a one-year contract, so thepressure’s on for me to make a positive impressionas quickly as possible.

“I’m fully aware how big a challenge I face toestablish myself, because everyone in my positionis an international, and the back-up players are,too!

“But I’m happy with that. There’s no better wayof improving your game than having competition

By CHRIS ROBERTS RL [email protected]


■ FRESH FACES: Huddersfield signings (from left) Greg Eden, Luke George, Tommy Lee,Aaron Murphy, Tony Tonks and Jason Chan will be hoping to make big impacts

Wednesday, February 1, 2012GIANTS in Super League XVII

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