Giant Arms and Legs

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  • 7/28/2019 Giant Arms and Legs




    By Rob MarabyThe Fat-Loss and Muscle Building Guru

    Published By Rob Maraby Publishing58 Corning RoadNorth York, Ontario

    M2J 2M1 Canada

  • 7/28/2019 Giant Arms and Legs



    Legal Notices

    The training and nutritional advice presented in this book are based on the training,

    personal experience, and research of the author. Because everyone is physically different,

    the author and the publisher urge you to consult a health physician or professional before

    you embark or use any suggestions contained in this book.

    Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone. The publisher does not advocate the

    use of any particular diet and exercise program, but firmly believes that the informationpresented in this book works.

    Because of the inherent risks involved in undertaking any physical or nutritional

    program, the author and the publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or

    consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, ortechniques taught or suggested in this book. Please do not use this book if you are

    unwilling to assume this risk.

    If for any reason you should feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, please do not

    continue. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for

    medical counseling.

    Consult your physician before you embark on the program. It is a sign of true wisdom

    and not cowardice, to seek a second or third opinionThis publication should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

    2001 by Rob Maraby

    For mail orders, write Rob Maraby Publishing, 58 Corning Road, North York, Ontario

    M2J 2M1, CanadaAll rights reserved. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be

    reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written consent from the publisher.

    FastMuscles program: ISBN 0-9730480-0-X

    Maximum Muscle Mass in Minimum Time: ISBN 0-9730480-1-8

    Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: ISBN 0-9730480-2-6How you can Lose 30 lbs of Body Fat Watching TV: ISBN 0-9730480-3-4

    Publishers Note:

    There may be typos in these manual and other errors of a grammatical nature.When I write, I write as I speak and in a straightforward, non-technical way. I am often

    very excited as I write, but I dont have a degree in English, so I ask you to bear with my

    literary style. You might find it unconventional and maybe annoying. But if it is realisticand cutting edge information you are looking for, this manual will give it to you.

  • 7/28/2019 Giant Arms and Legs



    The information contained in this book will change your life like it changed mine. In just

    12 weeks you can have a tight, lean and attractive body without diets, daily exercises andsupplements.


    The training and nutritional advice presented in this book are based on the training,personal experience, and research of the author. Because each individual and their

    situations are different, the author and the publisher urge you to consult a physician or

    health professional before you embark or use any suggestions contained in this book.

    Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone. The publisher does not advocate the

    use of any particular diet and/or exercise program, but firmly believes that the

    information presented in this book works and should be presented to the public.

    Because of the inherent risks involved in undertaking any physical or nutritional

    program, the author and the publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects orconsequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or

    techniques taught or suggested in this book. Please do not use this book if you are

    unwilling to assume this risk.

    If for any reason you feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, please do not

    continue. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitutefor medical counselling.

    Consult your physician before you embark on the program. It is a sign of true wisdomand not cowardice to seek a second or third opinion.

    By Rob MarabyThe Fat-Loss and Muscle Building Guru

  • 7/28/2019 Giant Arms and Legs



    The secret to developing large Arms

    The secret to develop big arms is not to train arms directly at all. Now I know this is not

    the best way to begin bonus reports that claims to increase muscle mass in the arms. But

    this is a truth that cannot be denied. There are various rules to clarifyo To develop bigger arms you need to train both the biceps and triceps but not on

    the same workout.

    o To get large arm muscles you have to put yourself on a solid muscle-building

    program for the core body parts. Because there is a direct correlation between size

    of your back and the size of your biceps and there is also a correlation betweenthe size of your chest and the size of the triceps. This goes for legs and calves,

    you cant small calves with huge legs, they grow in proportion.

    o You need to add ten pounds of muscle for every inch you want to gain. And you

    can never you hope to gain 10-20 pounds training only arms, it will not happen.You cant get bigger arms without first developing bigger chest, back and legs.

    Big arms go with a big body-so dont put your hopes too high if you dont intendto beef up your whole body-you need to be squatting and benching

    o You need to be developed to a significant degree-this means you should not be a

    beginner and you should have a decent level of muscle mass development on your

    arms. For this reason I encourage you to first complete the FastMuscles programbefore you begin using this system. This will ensure that your arms and your

    whole body are developed enough and have the necessary foundation to derive the

    maximum benefit from this arm specialization program.

    Before we get into the specifics for the arms let me point out that the best exercises for

    the bicep is a back exercise namely the reverse grip pull down and row. If you followed

    FastMuscles you would have already gained 1-3 inches from using the reverse grip pulldowns in phase1, 2, 3 and 4. The reason why these exercises are the best exercises is that

    the overload the muscles beyond what the biceps themselves are capable of handling on a

    regular full range bicep exercise. Quite simply you cant curl 550 pounds but you may beable to bent over row that amount, the biceps acts as hooks for the back and will get

    significant measure of that overload. Combine that with the fact that we do not train the

    arms directly in FastMuscles phases 2 to 4. This means they have ample recovery time torecuperate and grow from back and chest work.

    We will be using the preacher curl for this routine and I advise that you use this exercise

    and not the standing biceps curl, the standing biceps curl maybe a great exercise when

    you are performing full range repetitions, but it is not when you are performing partialrepetitions with heavy weights It is actually safer because only the biceps are performing

    the majority of the work and thus there is virtually no cheating involved and hence lesschance of an injury occurring. Furthermore it is easier to take an exercise like this to

    positive failure since stabilizer and non-targeted muscles cant come in to extend the set.High intensity principles used :

    Rest-Pause (RP) - Rest-Pause is a way of overloading a muscle using the

    maximum amount of weight possible over a high number of repetitions. As you

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    know by now, the greater the overload, the greater the muscle stimulation. The

    key concept is that you can recuperate about 50 percent of your muscle strengthand endurance with a 10-30 second rest period between repetitions or sets. In

    conventional heavy lifting, you can only perform a rep or two with your

    maximum weight. Rest-Pause eliminates this limitation. Here is how we do it.

    Partial Repetitions (PARTIALS)

    Partial repetitions are only half or quarter movements done either on the

    contracting part of a movement or on the stretching part. Partial repetitions ranknumber one as far as growth stimulation is concerned

    Conditions for the program

    o A week or two lay-off period is essential to derive maximum results from this

    program. No MUSCLE BUILDING program will work if you are even slightly



    consume more calories than your BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate )-you dont have toeat 5-8 meals a day if you dont want to, but total calories should be 300-400

    calories above BMR.

    o Research shows that it takes an average of 3-4 weeks to recover from a properly

    executed high intensity set, in fact in some cases it can take months to recover.

    o Use partials to up your poundages. You dont need full repetitions to pack on

    mounds of muscle. Performing full range repetitions limits your pace of growthand slows down progress.

    o Use NLP technologies to increase strength by 50% the very first workout. UsingNLP techniques as found in the FastMuscles Program at

    o Take a lay off after FastMuscles before you try this. This is important to avoidovertraining and to rejunivate yourself and mindset.

    o Do not train other body part with this program except the triceps

    You should apply strong massage on the arms in between workouts to prevent

    acute soreness and possible injury.

    o You need to create abnormal threat levels and this is accomplished by training thesame body part with the same or heavier weights every two hours.

    o You must train to absolute positive failure each and every set.o Only one set of 8-20 reps must be done every two hours

    o Mental fortitude is key

    o Form is crucial. Target the muscle not the weight.

    o You must mentally give it all. This is the most difficult thing to do, because your

    body is going to be exhausted the whole day after these mini sets.

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    o Use mental visualization to physic yourself up for the sets.

    o Massage the area after each mini set and get into the shower and alternate with

    hot and cold water on the muscle worked on

    o You need to do this the whole day, so if possible do it at home or spend the whole

    day at the gym. Hey what is wrong with sacrificing a day for an inch or two ormore veins that will give you that rock hard look.

    o You need to determine the heaviest amount of weight you can us eon the partials

    before beginning, there mist be no guesswork when the set begins. So take themorning to figure how much weight you need. Do all the reps possible, if by

    mistake you underestimate your strength so all the repetitions possible even if it is

    100 reps.

    o Do not train any other body part during this program and do not train any body

    part for 2 weeks after. You need the rest for the size to remain permanent

    o You may do both triceps and biceps in one workout


    Make sure you are not combining foods on this day; you dont have much timebetween hourly workouts to clog up your digestive system with mixing foods.

    You need to take the whole day off to implement this workout; the other option is to use

    half hours workouts for a period of 4-5 hours straight.

    You must take each rest pause set to the point of absolute failure, you should not be ableto perform a single repetition at the end of each mini-set. Even so try to push/pull the

    weight until the weights just wont budge despite your greatest effort. You should try to

    get as many partials as possible until you can no longer nudge the weight. This is veryimportant, if you perform repetitions half-heartedly, you wont get results.

    o As with fast muscles you need to use the same weights on each and every mini

    workout. You will see a decrease in strength and thus the number of repetitions

    AFTER EACH mini-workout but you must retain your resolve to try to give yourutmost.

    o There are times you may find that your reps may go slightly higher in the middle

    of the workout and then drop sharply. This is natural and it occurs mainly due to

    increases in motivation and adrenaline.

    Use emotional music when you workout, this is music that elicits some strong emotional

    response to your mind, stimulating adrenaline. I encourage you to use music that remindsyou of a love you wanted but never had or a long lost love. See the FastMuscles Book for

    full details.

    Weight selection: use a weight that is 70-100 percent of your IMR, you will find that

    with time you will be able to use 200 percent. This takes confidence but it is well within

    your means. So if you can curl 100 pounds on the preacher curl, use 170 pounds. Use the

    same weights all through a given workout. Do not perform drop sets (where you lighten

    the load to get extra repetitions)

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    Remember Hyperplasia occurs when an abnormal but constant loadis placed on a

    muscle repeatedly. Weights should increase the next workday cycle (in 12 days etc )These routines use Hyperplasia and the T.S.M technologies. Please exercise caution since

    these exercises like all exercises they can be dangerous. The way the arms are built, they

    are relatively weak muscles and are more susceptible to tears and injuries.

    To summarize T.S.M. technologies, a muscle must be placed

    1. A muscle has to be placed under intense maximum overload-This extreme

    overload when repeated causes an immediate response from the bodys survivalmechanism-the body therefore stimulates the growth of new muscle cells. If you

    have significant muscle mass (full hypertrophy) results should be quick

    2. The stress has to be repeated and constant. Performing more sets than what is

    recommended will lead to the production of cortisol, which leads to the

    subsequent breakdown of muscle cells. That is your muscles begin to atrophy.

    3. Enough rest has to elapse between min-workouts and between actual workoutdays. This is to allow the damaged muscles a chance to recover and then grow

    4. To derive optimum results you need only one Rest pause mini- workout(Can be

    composed of 2-5 Rest Pause sets) per hourly workout or for every 30 minutes.


    Rack the bar with 170 percent of your 1MR(I maximum Repetition).

    1. Find a comfortable position seated behind a preacher bench withyour hand on a short bar barbell. Now using an underhand gripslightly wider than shoulder width. Leaning onto the arms rest orpads, supplant your armpits firmly into the arms pads. Now let your partner(s)hand you the weights on the fully contracted position. Once you have the weights

    lower the weights a 1-4 inches and slowly curl it back, perform as manyrepetitions as possible. You should perform the repetitions until you can no longer

    perform a single one. Very often you might loose control as you lower and you

    cant curl the weight back up, a slight nudge from you partner is needed to getyou back up. You will also notice that as you get deeper into the set, you will be

    lowering the weights less and less. This is fine, the point is do not quit until you

    have performed as many repetitions as humanly possible.

    WHEN you have completed as many repetitions as possible, rest pause 35 seconds and

    repeat the movement, the goal is to perform as many repetitions to positive failure as

    possible. Make sure your partner is there with you all the way. Without a spotter you willinjure yourself. Let me stress this again , you should perform each rest pause set to the

    point where you cannot, despite your greatest effort move the weight. In fact, the weight

    should come crushing down due to inability of the muscles to control or lift theweight.(Make sure your partner or some safety mechanism is available to prevent injury)

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    If you use the 30 minute workout system . The same principles apply, use the same

    concepts and the same high intensity principles. Do not lower the weights(as in performdrop sets). Bare in mind that, because you have less time between mini-workouts , you

    can expect your rest pause sets to decline. In fact on the very last mini-workout, you

    might not even be able to perform a straight partial set.


    30 repetitions Rest Pause 30 seconds20 repetitions Rest Pause 35 seconds

    10 repetitions Rest Pause 35 seconds

    07 repetitions Rest Pause 40 seconds02 repetitions Rest Pause 45 seconds


    10 repetitions Rest Pause 30 seconds05 repetitions Rest Pause 35 seconds

    03 repetitions Rest Pause 45 secondsNote that the rest pause sets have dropped from 5 to 3, furthermore repetitions have also

    decreased. But weight remains the same all through the daily workout.

    The next workout (12-16 days) you have to increase weights-or else you are overtrainedand need to take extra days off.



    PREACHER CURL 1 30 repsRest pause 20 seconds

    27 repsRest pause 35 seconds

    12 reps

    Rest pause 35 seconds7 reps

    TRICEPS- use the press down

    Stand straight with your head up and your feet comfortable 14 inches apart, in front or

    behind the pulley machine. Take palms down grip spaced 8-9 inches apart. Place upper

    arms to your sides and keep them positioned there. Now with the help of you partner,bring the bar to the fully contracted position and release the bar up a few inches and press

    down again. This is the movement small rapid repetition those cover1-3 inches in the

    contracted position; you might bend slightly to help you get more repetitions at the

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    end of each rest pause set. You should perform the repetitions until you can no longerperform a single one. Very often you might loose control as you release the weights and

    you push down the weight, a slight assistance from you partner is needed to get you back

    down. You will also notice that as get into the set, you will be lowering the weights lessand less. The point is do not quit until you have performed as many repetitions as

    possible. TRICEPS follow the same progression as the preacher curls

    Cycle 1

    Day1 Day 17

    Biceps BicepsTriceps Triceps

    Day 9BicepsTriceps

    Rest 2 days and move to cycle 2

    Cycle 2

    Day28 Day 46

    Biceps BicepsTriceps Triceps

    Day 37Biceps


    Rest 3 days and move to cycle 3

    Cycle 3

    Day50 Day 70Biceps Biceps

    Triceps Triceps

    Day 60Biceps


    Rest 2 days and move to cycle 4

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    Cycle 4

    Day 85 Day 107

    Biceps Biceps

    Triceps Triceps

    Day 96


    What if I made no gains?

    If you dont see a rep increases or a weight increase after each worker do the following:

    1) Increase rest days between workouts, take 3 days between cycles rather than one

    E.g. day 1 and day 11 no strength increase adds a day of rest or two.

    2) Check intensity level- Are you taking each set to the point of absolute positive failure,without abusing forced reps?

    3) Are you consuming enough calories to sustain the growth you have stimulated?Remember that there are 600 calories in a pound of muscle, if you stimulated 3-5 pounds

    of muscle a week, you would need 600*5= 3000 calories above BMR. That is 430

    calories a day above BMR. Bare in mind that as you get bigger and weigh more, yourequire more calories to sustain your development. If you weighed 200 pounds in phase 1

    and weighed 220 in phase 2, your BMR is different. Have you compensated and addedmore calories to ensure continued growth?

    4) Are you performing too many recreational sporting activities or aerobics, these eat into

    your recovery system and take away valuable units of energy best used for recovery and

    muscle growth


    What is needed for this program is a well balanced diet .A diet high in protein andcalories but low in fat .Not so low that you must watch whatever you eat. Good ways of

    eating sensibly is to eat mums cooking but serve yourself more of the clean stuff. For

    example, eat more rice than the stew or more baked potato than the stew and exclude thebutter or fatty gravy. You have to remember that training with the right intensity as well

    as taking the necessary days of is only part of the growth puzzle; nutrition is the other.

    As stated above, your calories have to be above 300-600 calories above BMR and theyshould increase gradually as you get stronger and bigger. I will not state exactly how

    much calories you should consume but you should increase it progressively with the

    intensity of the program.

    The Key is not to combine foods, this allows for faster digestion.

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    Each meal should be composed primarily of one macronutrient, like carbohydrates,

    which are derived from such foods as baked potato, yams, rice etc. Or proteins, derivedfrom meats, fish, and beans.

    Also recommended is to supplement your diet with a high calorie muscle building shake;

    a lot of these can be found on the market, choosing one that states whey protein as its

    main ingredient is a sure bet. A shake taken between meals is all you need if it is spacedout nicely.

    P.S You dont need supplements to derive success from this program!

    Congratulations for completing the program .You deserve it! The victory lies with youand the results should be evident. Only a deeply committed individual could go through

    this successfully.

  • 7/28/2019 Giant Arms and Legs





    By Rob MarabyThe Fat-Loss and Muscle Building Guru

    Published By Rob Maraby Publishing58 Corning RoadNorth York, Ontario

    M2J 2M1 Canada

  • 7/28/2019 Giant Arms and Legs



    Legal Notices

    The training and nutritional advice presented in this book are based on the training,

    personal experience, and research of the author. Because everyone is physically different,

    the author and the publisher urge you to consult a health physician or professional before

    you embark or use any suggestions contained in this book.

    Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone. The publisher does not advocate the

    use of any particular diet and exercise program, but firmly believes that the informationpresented in this book works.

    Because of the inherent risks involved in undertaking any physical or nutritional

    program, the author and the publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or

    consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, ortechniques taught or suggested in this book. Please do not use this book if you are

    unwilling to assume this risk.

    If for any reason you should feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, please do not

    continue. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for

    medical counseling.

    Consult your physician before you embark on the program. It is a sign of true wisdom

    and not cowardice, to seek a second or third opinionThis publication should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

    2001 by Rob Maraby

    For mail orders, write Rob Maraby Publishing, 58 Corning Road, North York, Ontario

    M2J 2M1, CanadaAll rights reserved. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be

    reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written consent from the publisher.

    FastMuscles program: ISBN 0-9730480-0-X

    Maximum Muscle Mass in Minimum Time: ISBN 0-9730480-1-8

    Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: ISBN 0-9730480-2-6How you can Lose 30 lbs of Body Fat Watching TV: ISBN 0-9730480-3-4

    Publishers Note:

    There may be typos in these manual and other errors of a grammatical nature.When I write, I write as I speak and in a straightforward, non-technical way. I am often

    very excited as I write, but I dont have a degree in English, so I ask you to bear with my

    literary style. You might find it unconventional and maybe annoying. But if it is realisticand cutting edge information you are looking for, this manual will give it to you.

  • 7/28/2019 Giant Arms and Legs



    The information contained in this book will change your life like it changed mine. In just

    12 weeks you can have a tight, lean and attractive body without diets, daily exercises andsupplements.


    The training and nutritional advice presented in this book are based on the training,personal experience, and research of the author. Because each individual and their

    situations are different, the author and the publisher urge you to consult a physician or

    health professional before you embark or use any suggestions contained in this book.

    Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone. The publisher does not advocate the

    use of any particular diet and/or exercise program, but firmly believes that the

    information presented in this book works and should be presented to the public.

    Because of the inherent risks involved in undertaking any physical or nutritional

    program, the author and the publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects orconsequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or

    techniques taught or suggested in this book. Please do not use this book if you are

    unwilling to assume this risk.

    If for any reason you feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, please do not

    continue. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitutefor medical counselling.

    Consult your physician before you embark on the program. It is a sign of true wisdomand not cowardice to seek a second or third opinion.

  • 7/28/2019 Giant Arms and Legs



    How to build rock hard legs

    When you read the advertisement and saw the claim, you probably thought it was a scam

    and yet curiosity got the better of you. This is not a scam; the claims are real and from

    actual users of Fastmuscles. Putting on enough muscle mass on the thighs is difficult formost; many bodybuilders have been stuck at a certain weight on the squat and the leg

    press for years on end. This is the end of that plateau because what is about to revealed to

    you is the most powerful system yet developed for stimulating muscle mass on the legmuscles.

    The advantages of gaining 200 pounds on the squat need not be mentioned, but the mostobvious is that a stronger muscle is a bigger one, and a bigger muscle is a stronger one. If

    you went from squatting 200 pounds to 400 pounds your legs will grow! And they will

    grow like weeds. You would put on an easy 2-4 inches on your thighs with that weightincrease.

    Secondly you can expect to develop your body as your strength goes up on the squat or

    leg press. Many have developed their bodies (gaining 30-40 pounds) simply by doingnothing but squats and leg presses. These are total body exercises that give you a full

    body workout

    Conditions for growth

    o EAT more calories than your BMR-you dont have to eat 5-8 meals a day if youdont want to, but total calories should be 300-400 calories above BMR

    o Train very infrequently. The notion that your leg muscles can recover in 96 hoursand grow is possible only with Hyperplasia workouts but even so for the forced

    growth stimulation to manifest, you need weeks and not days to recover and


    o Research shows that it takes an average of 3-4 weeks to recover from a properly

    executed high intensity set, in fact in some cases it can take months to recover.

    o Use partials to up your poundages. You dont need full repetitions to pack onmounds of muscle. Performing full range repetitions limits your pace of growth

    and slows down progress. You are looking for abnormal strength increases not


    o Use NLP technologies to increase strength by 50% the very first workout. Using

    NLP techniques as found in the FastMuscles Program at

    The key to phenomenal leg growth is not to train it beyond failure like many

    magazines will have you believe rather it is to give it sufficient time to recovery.The legs carry you around all day and they dont register a complaint, this means they

    are already taxed on a daily basis, training them twice a week adds to that stress

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    further preventing the development of new muscle growth. Less training is therefore

    needed but it has to be more intense and sufficient enough to cause Hyperplasia.There are two phases in this program

    o A hypertrophy stage

    o And a Hyperplasia stage

    Now I assume that you are reading this because you have already purchased theFastmuscles program. So I will not go into detail and forgo the technical details.

    The hypertrophy stage is similar to phase 1 except that we are going to allow 14 days toelapse between workouts for 2 cycles and then move on to one workout every three

    weeks and then once every month. You must increase the weights each and every

    workout by 5-10 %. This is imperative, you will get stronger by that much, often it willbe more and that alone fulfills the 200-pound gain I spoke off. When you train the way I

    am about to show you, your muscles will experience full hypertrophy in the allocated

    time.High intensity principles used :

    Rest-Pause (RP) - Rest-Pause is a way of overloading a muscle using themaximum amount of weight possible over a high number of repetitions. As you

    know by now, the greater the overload, the greater the muscle stimulation. Thekey concept is that you can recuperate about 50 percent of your muscle strength

    and endurance with a 10-30 second rest period between repetitions or sets. In

    conventional heavy lifting, you can only perform a rep or two with yourmaximum weight. Rest-Pause eliminates this.

    Partial Repetitions (PARTIALS)

    Partial repetitions are only half or quarter movements done either on the

    contracting part of a movement or on the stretching part. Partial repetitions ranknumber one as far as growth stimulation is concerned

    Here is how we do it

    First find your 1MR and reduce the weight to 90% of your MR, set the leg press machine

    with the weight. Now it is imperative that you do not perform any other exercises or bodyparts with this routine, this is a leg specialization program.

    Dont worry about the other muscles degenerating or experiencing muscle atrophy,studies indicate that muscles will take as long as 6 months to atrophy or shrink. But even

    in such cases the muscles can always be rebuilt with amazing speed. It will take less than

    half the time to get to its maximum size. Anything less than 6 months and it is beneficialto the body and you will always return stronger and bigger.

    If you absolutely must maintain other muscle groups, you may perform a singlestraight set and not in Rest pause fashion. You may use partials as indicated in the

    Fastmuscles Program but do not over do it. Training brutally hard on the body parts not

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    targeted will rob the leg muscles of valuable energy needed to sustain full recovery and

    maximize growth

    Using the Leg Pres

    Rack the weight with 90 percent of your 1MR. Sit down on the leg press machine and

    rest your head on the headrest. Make sure your buttocks are placed firmly on the seat.Place your feet shoulder width apart and your feet on the middle of the leg rest. Now

    press the weight to full lockout. You may need help pushing it to full lock-out and your

    partner should be there to aid you get off the rack

    When you reach full lock-out, release the safety locks and. hold the handles and lower the

    weight slowly (it should take you 5- seconds and push right back to full lock out (2-3seconds), without rest repeat the movement. Make sure you have partners beside your to

    support you should you fail during a repetition. Repeat until you get as many repetitions

    as possible. This should be positive failure, if fact the only time you should stop is whenyou literally cant perform any reps and the weight comes crushing down on the safety

    pins. You will get 5-8 repetitions. Keep on pushing on the weights, if you reach a stage inthe movement where the weight wont budge, keep pushing and use short rapid breaths to

    gain motion and movement. This is the only set you will do and then you are done for theday. This is why you must make sure that you take that set to absolute positive failure

    When you reach positive failure, your partner will help you to get the weights back to fulllock out where you will hold the weight in the fully contracted position for as long as you

    can, which is usually 30 seconds (static strength). I am not talking about forced reps or

    negatives, I am talking about exhausting the positive phase. This is not an easy task.Many people claim to have reached positive failure but that is not true, because the

    moment they begin to fail they use forced reps and negatives and they rob the body of thestimulus needed to attain maximum m hypertrophy.

    If you do this set correctly, you will have a hard time walking and breathing. You may

    see black spots. Do not hold your breath on this exercise. Small short rapid breaths are allthat is needed.

    Increase weights each and every workout Make sure you record every rep and half rep.

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    The cycle

    Cycle 1

    Day1 Day 21

    Leg Press Leg press

    Day 14

    Leg pressRest 2 days and move to cycle 2

    Cycle 2

    Day37 Day 65

    Leg press Leg press

    Day 51Leg pressRest 2 days and proceed to

    Cycle 3

    Day1 Day 42Leg Press Leg press

    Day 21Leg press

    Rest 2 days and move to cycle 2

    Cycle 4

    Day1 Day 60

    Leg press Leg press

    Day 30

    Leg press

    Leg pressMake sure you increase weights in each and every workout by 10-15percent.

    To summarize T.S.M. technologies, a muscle must be placed

    5. A muscle has to be placed under intense maximum overload-This extremeoverload when repeated causes an immediate response from the bodys survival

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    mechanism-the body therefore stimulates the growth of new muscle cells. If you

    have significant muscle mass (full hypertrophy) results should be quick6. The stress has to be repeated and constant. Performing the sets more than what is

    recommended will lead to the production of cortisol, which leads to the

    subsequent breakdown of muscle cells. That is your muscles begin to atrophy

    7. Enough rest has to elapse between min-workouts and between actual workoutdays. This is to allow the damaged muscles a chance to recover and then grow as

    well as the activation of new muscle cells to mature and grow.

    To derive optimum results you need only one Rest pause set per hourly work

    The workout

    Stage 2 is the Hyperplasia stageWe begin with working once every 14 days and will add an additional 2 days to each

    succeeding cycle workout. Here we make use of the same technology as Fastmuscles,

    Rest pause and partials. Please note that after this phase you will be way stronger on aregular leg press than before . This is true even though you will not be performing full

    range repetitions. You need to use 150 percent of your max, if you can leg press 200pounds, use a minimum of 300 pounds, you can do more but you should start with this.

    This is the minimum.Here is how we do it

    Using the Leg PresRack the weight with 200 percent of your maximum .sit down on the leg press machine.

    Rest your head on the headrest. Make sure your buttocks are placed firmly on the seat.

    Place your feet shoulder width apart and your feet on the middle of the leg rest. Nowpress the weight to full lockout. You may need help pushing it to full lockout and your

    partner should be there to aid you. Of the rack and keeping good form i.e. straight back,look up descend a few inches and. do as many reps

    . You may need help if you are using 200 percent more weight that you normally use.

    When you reach full lockout, release the safety locks and. hold the handles and lower theweight 5 inches and push right back to full lock out, without rest repeat the movements.

    You may if you have long legs leave the safety pins on, other wise make sure you have

    partners beside your to support you should you fail during a repetition. Repeat until you

    get as many repetitions as possible. This should be positive failure, if fact the only timeyou should stop is when you literally cant perform any reps and the weight comes

    crushing down on the safety pins.

    You will use this format30 reps Rest pause 30 seconds

    20 reps rest pause 35 seconds

    10 reps rest pause 35 seconds5 reps rest pause 40 seconds

    If you do this set correctly, you will have a hard time walking and breathing. You may

    see black spots. Do not hold your breath on this exercise. Small short rapid breaths are allthat is needed.

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    Increase weights each and every workout. It is important to keep accurate records in your

    logbook, also record every rep and half rep.

    Cycle 1

    Day1 Day 21Leg Press Leg press

    Day 35

    Leg press

    Rest 2 days and move to cycle 2

    Cycle 2

    Day53 Day 69Leg press Leg press

    Day 85

    Leg press

    Warning: Make sure you increase weights by 10-20 percent each and every workout. All

    movements are performed in a strict fashion with the presence of a spotter.

    What if I made no gains?If you dont see a rep increases or a weight increase after each worker do the following:

    1) Increase rest days between workouts, take 3 days between cycles rather than one

    E.g. day 1 and day 11 no strength increase adds a day of rest or two.2) Check intensity level- Are you taking each set to the point of absolute positive failure,

    without abusing forced reps?

    3) Are you consuming enough calories to sustain the growth you have stimulated?Remember that there are 600 calories in a pound of muscle, if you stimulated 3-5 pounds

    of muscle a week, you would need 600*5= 3000 calories above BMR. That is 430

    calories a day above BMR. Bare in mind that as you get bigger and weigh more, yourequire more calories to sustain your development. If you weighed 200 pounds in phase 1

    and weighed 220 in phase 2, your BMR is different. Have you compensated and addedmore calories to ensure continued growth?

    4) Are you performing too many recreational sporting activities or aerobics, these eat intoyour recovery system and take away valuable units of energy best used for recovery and

    muscle growth


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    What is needed for this program is a well balanced diet .A diet high in protein andcalories but low in fat .Not so low that you must watch whatever you eat. Good ways of

    eating sensibly is to eat mums cooking but serve yourself more of the clean stuff. For

    example, eat more rice than the stew or more baked potato than the stew and exclude the

    butter or fatty gravy. You have to remember that training with the right intensity as wellas taking the necessary days of is only part of the growth puzzle; nutrition is the other.

    As stated above, your calories have to be above 300-600 calories above BMR and theyshould increase gradually as you get stronger and bigger. I will not state exactly how

    much calories you should consume but you should increase it progressively with the

    intensity of the program.

    The Key is not to combine foods, this allows for faster digestion.

    Each meal should be composed primarily of one macronutrient, like carbohydrates,which are derived from such foods as baked potato, yams, rice etc. Or proteins, derived

    from meats, fish, and beans.Also recommended is to supplement your diet with a high calorie muscle building shake;

    a lot of these can be found on the market, choosing one that states whey protein as itsmain ingredient is a sure bet. A shake taken between meals is all you need if it is spaced

    out nicely.

    P.S You dont need supplement to derive success from this program!Congratulations for completing the program .You deserve it! The victory lies with you

    and the results should be evident. Only a deeply committed individual could go through

    this successfully.

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