CSN1-Napoli-19 Settembre 2005 Giancar lo Pir edda I NFN Sezione di Roma La Sapienza

Giancarlo Piredda INFN Sezione di Roma La Sapienza · Expected PEP-II Delivered Integrated Luminosity (July 2005) Projection July 2005 FY2008 1046 375 21 FY2007 671 197 20 FY2006

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Page 1: Giancarlo Piredda INFN Sezione di Roma La Sapienza · Expected PEP-II Delivered Integrated Luminosity (July 2005) Projection July 2005 FY2008 1046 375 21 FY2007 671 197 20 FY2006

CSN1-Napoli-19 Settembre 2005

Giancar lo Pir eddaI NFN Sezione di Roma La Sapienza

Page 2: Giancarlo Piredda INFN Sezione di Roma La Sapienza · Expected PEP-II Delivered Integrated Luminosity (July 2005) Projection July 2005 FY2008 1046 375 21 FY2007 671 197 20 FY2006

PEP-I I Saf et y Planning and Rest ar t

October 11, 2004 Electrical accident at SLAC. All running of accelerators stopped.Safety training with new procedures October 2004 March 2005.Type A Investigation October-December, 2004.Corrective Action team: December 2004-January 2005.Restart Validation Review: February 2005.Pre-restart conditions completed March 2005.

Linac and PEP-II operations start up April 15, 2005.Power outage: May 18-20. Beams returned May 25.FFTB beam line revalidated June 2, 2005. ESA beam line revalidation is in final stages. (July 2005)

Cr onist or ia degli event i (J .Seeman I FC di Luglio)

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Babar Run5

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Peak Luminosit yRun 5 r ecor d is 8.5* 10* * 33 (was 9.2 in May 2004)Rat her smoot h r unning (when t r ees don t f all)

Car net des doleancesRF r elialibilit yKlyst r ons (no spar e!)Beam Posit ion Monit or sheating problemLER bunch lenght affectedPlan for repair in Fall 2006

Oct ober shor t downPPS cer t if icat ion (Linac and Pep-I I )Replacement of Q5L vacuum chamberDCH r eadout boar d r eplacement

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Collide steadily from April 2005 through July 2006 with a one month break in October 2005. (Present: October 3 through November 4, 2005)2006 Down is August through November for BaBar, PEP-II, and LCLS upgrade work.Three month down in Summer-Fall 2007 for LCLS work.Collide through September 2008.

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911-1215mmBunch length




1300710130pb-1Int lumi / day



171515881658Number bunches



Future 2007 goal

Best in collision


Over five times design!Over three times design

Twice design

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Expected PEP-II Delivered Integrated Luminosity (July 2005)

Projection July 2005






PeakLuminosityx 1033

Yearly change

Total PEP-II ProjectionDelivered

End of fiscal year

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Daily Luminosit y

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SVT: il det ect or e sost anzialment e st abile

3/104 sezioninon acquisiteFor war d

Layer 5 noisy module

Layer 3 ROS z-side short

Backwar d1/104 sezioninon acquisite

Layer 2 ROSphi-side short

8 chips z fuori dal DAQ dopoun incidente dovuto alla condensadi umidita : recupero in fase di studio

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Motivation: Reduce deadtime due to serialization and shipping of data from DIOM to ROM

Upgrade in two steps:Phase 1 (summer 2004)

Ship only 1/ 2 wavef or m information (32 16 bytes) from frontendsNo change obser ved wit h dat a

Phase 2 (Oct 2005) Larger FPGA for feature extraction before transmission hardware changeNew boards in production

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wire holders

LST sextants

Efficiency curves from Run 5 data

RPC sextants

Af t er one year oper at ion only 5/ 1550 wir es have pr oblems

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Humid I FR GasApr. 24 July 7

Layer 13Layer 13

Layer 16

Humid gas since Feb. 18

Humid gas since May 5

Humid gas since June 8

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Ef f iciency per Day (%)

Dopo cinque anni di Run ancora in ottima


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A f ew comment s f r om t he Summer Conf er ences 2005Even wit hout new dat a (<17 f b-1 from Run 5 by July 1): 65conf er ence paper s t o LP05! Mor e new r esult s f or EPS.

New channels added t o high pr of ile r esult sKsKsKs( with one Ks->pi0pi0)0 0

Much progress of Vub and inclusive b -> s spectrumDiscover y of a new & unusual heavy st at e at 4.260 GeV/ c2

in ISR eventsExpect at ions f or Summer 2006

Summer 2006 dat a samples will be compar able wit h Belle, given t he long cont inuous r un & luminosit y impr ovement s planned

BABAR r esult s f or Penguin modes should be bet t er t han Belle (compar able if Belle analysis impr oved)

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Physics goals & expect at ionsGoal f or 2005-2006: double cur r ent dat a set

Delay in Run 5 can be over come by summer 2006 wit h ext ended r unning per iod, wit h subst ant ial r educt ion in er r or s on CP violat ion asymmet r ies in r ar e decay modesEr r or on aver age of Penguin modes should r each 0.06

Goal f or 2007-2008: double again t o ~1 ab-1

I ndividual Penguin modes wit h er r or s in r ange 0.06-0.12Suit e of f undament al St andar d Model measur ement s wit h subst ant ially impr oved levels of pr ecision

Sensit ivit y t o New Physics t hr ough r ar e decays,CP violat ion and lar ge dat a sample

Page 17: Giancarlo Piredda INFN Sezione di Roma La Sapienza · Expected PEP-II Delivered Integrated Luminosity (July 2005) Projection July 2005 FY2008 1046 375 21 FY2007 671 197 20 FY2006

Compet it ion: Bet t er physics per f or mance (e.g S t he sine amplit ude)

Errors/LuminosityS Belle BABAR Belle BABAR

Mode S stat err lumiUntag sample S stat err lumi

Untag sample st*sqrt(L) st*sqrt(L)

Perf Ratio

Lumi Ratio

phiK0 0.060 0.330 253 175 0.500 0.250 205 212 5.249 3.579 1.466 2.150etapK0 0.650 0.180 253 512 0.270 0.140 205 819 2.863 2.004 1.428 2.040KKK0 0.490 0.180 253 399 0.550 0.170 205 452 2.863 2.434 1.176 1.384f0K0 -0.470 0.410 253 102 0.950 0.320 192 152 6.521 4.434 1.471 2.163pi0K0 0.300 0.590 253 173 0.350 0.300 205 300 9.385 4.295 2.185 4.773ccbarK0 0.728 0.056 140 5417 0.722 0.040 205 10320 0.663 0.573 1.157 1.339pipi -1.000 0.210 140 373 -0.300 0.170 205 467 2.485 2.434 1.021 1.042rhopi S -0.280 0.230 140 483 -0.100 0.140 192 1184 2.721 1.940 1.403 1.968rhopi A+- -0.020 0.160 140 483 -0.210 0.110 192 1184 1.893 1.524 1.242 1.543rhopi A-+ -0.530 0.290 140 483 -0.470 0.140 192 1184 3.431 1.940 1.769 3.129Averages 1.432 2.153

Typically better errors for BABAR despite larger Belle dataset

Normalized performance


Bot tom line: BABAR is get t ing the equivalent of a f actor of 2 in luminosity through bet ter analysis/ detector perf ormance

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Run 5: Apr 05- Jul 06

Double data by summer 2006

4 month LST down

Double again by Sep 2008

1 month PPS down

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or o

n s






5 discovery region if non- SM physics is 0.30 effect

2004=240 fb- 1

2008=1.1 ab- 1

Golden modes reach 5

sigma level

Projections are statistical errors only; but syst emat ic er r or s at f ew per cent level

Luminosity expectations



( ) 0.30Sf 0KSKS




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Pr oj ect ed Uncer t aint ies of UT Par amet er s

(two B-factories with comparable lumi )

-LHCb will need t o r un t hr ee year s (design lumi) t o achieve t he2008 precision

-No future experiment will be able to measure Vub with comparableprecision

-For sever al NP models t he deviat ions of t he CP violat ion in b-> spenguin modes can be 20%.

Babar Physics Reach Assessment

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PEP-I I / BABAR r un plan f or 2005-2008

Run 5: Apr 2005 t o J uly 31, 2006Down f or mont h of Oct ober f or PPS cer t if icat ion, Linac & PEP-II safety issues, DCH r eadout phase 2, LST preparationsRun t hr ough holidays in Dec 2005

LST inst allat ion down: Aug 1 t o Nov 30, 2006I nst allat ion of r emaining 4 bar r el sext ant s of t he I FRInstallation of PEP-II vacuum upgrades and rf-stationLCLS construction and installation

Run 6: Dec 1, 2006 t o Aug 31, 2007Down for Sep-Nov 2007 f or LCLS const r uct ion & inst allat ionRun t hr ough holidays in Dec 2006

Run 7: Dec 1, 2007 t o Sep 30, 2008Run t hr ough holidays in Dec 2007

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Par t icle Physics Pr oj ect Pr ior it izat ion Panel

Current planning calls for PEP-II to be operated until the end of FY2008 at the latest, and the Tevatron collider to be operated until

the end of FY2009. What factors or considerations might lead to stopping B Factory operations one year, or two years earlier than

planned? When would we be in a position to make such a determination and what information would be needed?


Final version of June 8

o Membership finalized o Inaugural meeting late Augusto Visit to Fermilab in September 8-9o Visit to SLAC in early October 6-7o Report by end of year

Next I FC meet ing J anuar y 20-21

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CSN1-Napoli-19 Settembre 2005

Run 5 iniziat o, st iamo accumulando luminosit a- sia pure con qualche ritardo e lentezza- Pep-I I ha un pr ogr amma di upgr ade e super ament o pr oblemi

Det ect or : ot t imo st at o, ot t ima ef f icienzapr evist o upgr ade I FR

St at o della Collabor azione piu che buono- molti nuovi risultati presentati ai congressi estivi

Pr ogr amma di Fisica, int er essant e, compet it ivo e con met e r ealist iche...sper iamo di pot er le r aggiunger e

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P5 Agenda

October 6-7Redwood Rooms at SLAC

Executive session [closed]15011:00-14:30Questions and answers [closed]120BABAR & SLAC management9:00-11:00

Breakfast with Executive Board members


October 7Reception9017:30-19:00Executive session [closed]9016:00-17:30

Perspectives of the International BABAR community

15Marcello Giorgi15:45-16:00

Perspectives of the US BABAR community


Break2015:10-15:30Review of Belle plans and goals45Steve Olsen14:25-15:10

New physics sensitivity with BABAR

25Riccardo Faccini14:00-14:25

New physics in heavy flavors30Luca Silvestrini13:30-14:00Lunch5012:40-13:30

CP violation and rare decay physics with BABAR

25Jeff Richman12:15-12:40

SM opportunities in heavy flavor physics

30Zoltan Ligeti (tbc)11:45-12:15

Overview of BABAR physics goals and plans

45David MacFarlane11:00-11:45

Break3010:30-11:00PEP-II performance and goals45John Seeman9:45-10:30

SLAC Long-Range Plan and the BABAR Program

45Jonathan Dorfan9:00-9:45

Executive Session [closed]308:30-9:00October 6


Last changed:

Please send comments and corrections to D.MacFarlane

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Future PEP-II Improvement Activities

New transverse digital feedback processors (Summer 2005)

New RF comb filters (Fall 2005)

New klystron linearizer (Spring 2006)

Install LER-5 RF station (Fall 2006)

Install HER-10 RF station (Fall 2006)

Upgrade several high-power IR vacuum chambers (Q2, Q4, Q5, Q2 bellows, LER abort spoiler, straight section bellows ) (Fall 2006)

HER lattice upgrade for lower momentum compaction and shorter bunches (Fall 2006)

Fix LER BPM heating issue (Fall 2006 if not before).

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Bot t om & top sextants installed summer 2004Remaining sextants delayed unt il summer 2006

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Sextant 1 wires digi map

L3 M5 T2 P2

L3 M5 T3 P2, 3 & 4

The missing channels

At one year from the installation 5 wires over 1552 are in a hospital PS at lower voltage.

Few other HV channel are connected in the hospital PS (no loss of efficiency).

The problem of the hospitalized channels can be in the HV distribution (cables, capacitors), indeed all the plateau are good: this can be investigated during the October shutdown.

Sextant 4 wires digi map

L16 M1 T2 P1

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Jan 21: Re-St ar t Plan f or B Fact or y submit t ed f or validat ion reviewFeb 24: Rest ar t Validat ion Team r ecommends r est ar t of B Factory complex

BABAR pre-restart conditions:Complet e labeling of br eaker panels r equir ed f or st ar t upCor r ect it ems f r om walkt hr ough listComplet e VESDA changes f or BABAR

Mar 24: Pre-restart items signed off and authorization to restart givenApr 15: First collisions in PEP-II for Run 5

Fast st ar t int er r upt ed by power f ailur e, vacuum leak, and dif f icult ies passing 7x1033 peak luminosity so far

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Bot tom sextant : Aug 15- Sep 4Top sextant: Sep 16- 29

z- strips

LST Modules


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140149Total2326June 200535522004283920035432<2003

BelleBABARJournal Papers

?65Papers submitted to LP05

7375Abstracts submitted to LP05

6372Papers submitted to ICHEP04

BelleBABARConference Contributions

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Improvement of muon efficiency


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