1 Good Government Group Manual CHAIRMAN MANUAL 2012


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1Good Government Group Manual


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3Good Government Group Manual

INTRODUCTION TO GRASSROOTS ADVOCACY AND THE GOOD GOVERNMENT GROUP The Good Government Group (GGG) is a non-partisan HCA Healthcare grassroots association

made up of administrators, hospital employees, physicians, volunteers, H2U members and


The goal of the GGG is to educate two different audiences. The first group consists of HCA

employees. The GGG gives employees the access to become more informed and involved in

federal, state and local political issues. This is done through hospital meetings with candidates

and elected officials, both legislative and political updates, and call to action emails. While the

focus is mostly on health care issues, it is not limited to only them.

The GGG is also tasked with educating elected officials, candidates and leaders in the commu-

nity. Through the GGG, we educate this audience on the facts regarding for-profit hospitals.

This is done through legislator district office meetings, GGG events at the hospital, and out-

side community events.

As Chairman of the GGG, you are the conduit between your hospital and the people of power

in your community. It is your job to educate and maintain relationships with them throughout

the year. You want to be their main contact regarding health care issues.

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Call to Actions (CTA)

Through the Grassroots Action Center, members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of email ad-vocacy campaigns. These campaigns are user friendly and provide members with the necessary tools to con-tact their respective legislators.

Some advocacy campaigns remain active throughout a legislative session; others are more time sensitive and require immediate action. When a CTA is released, all GGG members receive an email from the Good Govern-ment Group with “Action Needed” in the subject line. The email includes a brief background on the issue or vote that the GGG is interested in. Once the recipient clicks on the link at the bottom of the email they are asked to login and are sent to a page with the pre-writ-ten email. By clicking on the “send message” button on the bottom of the page, the email is automatically sent to the correct elected official.

Meeting with Your Lawmaker

Politicians need friends and advisors. They will listen to and consider the information they get from their friends even when they do not (or cannot) agree with them. Politics is the art of compromise. Your officials cannot always hold your position. If they cannot support you on one issue, they will want to support you even more strongly on others. Work with your key officials to be a credible and valuable advisor. Because if they know, like and respect you, they will take your call when you need to reach them.




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Getting to Know Your Elected Officials

Getting to know the government officials who represent you at the federal, state, and local levels is an important first step. Face-to-face meetings are a very effective way to convey a message about a specific legislative issue.

Make the request for the introductory meeting by letter or phone call. Explain where you work, what the GGG is and that you are the chairman. If the legislator is not available, then try to meet with his/her staff. Spend a couple minutes researching the elected official so you know what to expect.

Keep in mind it will take time to arrange a meeting giv-en a legislator’s busy schedule. Expect the meeting to be scheduled for 15 minutes.

Always bring and leave your Hospital’s Community Benefit Report and a fact sheet about your hospital. The fact sheet should contain the following information:

» Your name and title

» The name of the hospital

» The amount of indigent care your hospital does

» Describe Your Position at the Hospital

» Total Number of Hospital Employees

» Total Amount of Taxes Paid in the Current Year

» Current and Future Construction Plans for the Hos-pital

» Additional Specific Details about Your Hospital Im-portant to Share

Do not be offended if a staff member substitutes for the elected official. Staff support of an issue can be the dif-ference in whether or not the elected official supports the issue. Assume the legislator is familiar with only a few healthcare issues. You are the expert in the field. Be prepared to answer questions. If you do not know the answer, tell the elected official that you will get back to them with the answer.

Always end the meeting with an invitation to come to the hospital and meet other GGG members.

After the meeting follow up with the elected official promptly. Send a thank you letter reiterating the im-portant points from the meeting and any information you promised. Put your business card in it.

Hospital Tours

A hospital tour can help you accomplish many things. We are a visual society. Having a lawmaker or candidate tour the hospital, and see what you and your co-work-ers do every day, is compelling and educational.

Schedule the tour at a time and place where a multi-tude of employees will have the ability to meet him/her. Include senior staff at the hospital and the Director of Public Affairs on the planning.

When setting up the tour make sure to leave yourself enough time to tour the hospital and enjoy informal discussion. You will want to map out the tour ahead of time. Choose areas that illustrate any points you want to make. Keep track of time, but do not rush it.

Introduce the legislator or candidate to co-workers as you pass them. It is important to show the guest the GGG and hospital can help him/her meet voters and constituents.

Information to know and speak about during the tour includes:

» The number of people employed at the hospital

» The facility’s annual payroll

» Dollars paid in property taxes for the facility

» The amount of indigent care the hospital does

» Dollars spent locally to purchase supplies, materials, and services

» Planned expansions or facility improvement

» Benefits provided to employees at the hospital

» Anything that sets the hospital apart from other hospitals


A letter from a constituent is an extremely powerful advocacy tool. In general, an effective letter is limited to one or two pages at the most. Start and end your letter by stating why you are writing and what it is you would like the elected official to do.

The tone of your letter should be professional and cour-teous, even when you disagree with a position, or are expressing disappointment about an action taken.

Letters do make a difference! Federal, state and local legislators read and respond to letters they receive. They gauge their responses to issues from the position of their constituents. The following points are important to keep in mind when writing:

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» Remember the basics. Personal, concise, and gram-matically correct.

» Write simply and succinctly. Try to stick to one page, two pages at the very most. Identify the bill number and the name of the bill early in your letter. Avoid industry or political jargon.

» Be informed, respectful, and pleasant. Don’t be confrontational or make demands. Offer solutions, if possible, and do not assume that the legislator understands the subject matter. Use the information provided to you to support your position on a partic-ular issue.

» Request a response and make your request specific. Ask the lawmakers to state their position and don’t be surprised if they give you the run around. If they do, write again or telephone and ask for an appoint-ment. Ask to be kept informed about where the elected official stands on the issue and make sure you provide them with your full contact information.

» Remember that written communications to public officials become public record. Don’t say anything in a letter that you wouldn’t want reprinted in the newspaper.

» Always speak to the Director of Public Affairs be-fore sending the letter.

Phone Calls

Calling legislators is very effective, particularly in the days just before they are scheduled to take action or vote on the issue. To prepare for the conversation, jot down a few notes containing the key points you want to make, and refer to the notes during your call. Unless you know the elected official, you will almost always speak with a staff person.

Phone calls can make a difference, especially when legislative activities are moving fast! Remember these important tips when making a call:

» Call the correct office. When in session, call the member’s Capitol office. During recess periods, try the home district office.

» Prepare in advance and speak from notes. Jotting down your key points and questions beforehand will help make sure you get the information you need. Remember the appropriate bill number (when possible), its general purpose and rationale for your support or opposition.

» Avoid Arguments. Be friendly and respectful and you’ll get a lot more attention to your issue.

» Follow up with a letter. Send a letter to recap your conversation, views and say thanks. Mention the staff person’s name and thank the staffer for their help.

» Provide your full name and contact informa-tion. Staff members and office personnel will often check your contact information with their constitu-ent database.

Town Hall Meetings

One of the most effective ways to gain the attention of elected officials and their staff, outside of visiting their office, is to attend a town hall or community meeting. Legislators arrange these meetings to hear from their constituents. To accommodate travel schedules, they generally occur when they are not in session.

Town hall meetings are a great introductory event for those new to grassroots activities. These meetings are usually advertised in the local paper or on a candidate’s website. Sometimes these meetings have a scheduled topic, but the meetings can also be open forums where voters have direct contact with their elected official.

Before you attend a town hall meeting, it may be helpful to do some background research – find out which com-mittees your legislator serves on and what bills he/she has introduced. Additionally, please use the Director of Public Affairs as a resource.

Even if you do not have the opportunity to ask a ques-tion at the town hall, be sure to make your presence known to the legislator and his or her staff. Take the time to introduce yourself as a constituent and the GGG Chairman. It will pay off in future meetings as you can mention attending previous local events.




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Federal Government Basics:

Congressional Structure & Leadership Posts

The United States House of Representative is comprised of 435 voting members who serve two-year terms and represent an average of 650,000 constituents. The number of seats per state and the lines of the congres-sional districts are determined by the results of the U.S. Census. The United States Senate has 100 members, two from each state, who serve six-year terms.

Decisions on what legislation is brought up in commit-tee or to the floor for a vote are made by the House and Senate’s majority party leadership. The structure of the House allows the majority party to set the agenda, and assuming all members of that party vote together, pass legislation, regardless of the minority party’s view.

The Senate structure is less rigid and provides more power for individual legislators, even those in the mi-nority party. This holds true unless the majority party holds 60 or more Senators, also known as a filibuster majority, that vote together.

Top leadership posts in the U.S. House of Representa-tives include:

» Speaker of the House: Chosen by members of the majority party

» Majority Leader: Dictates the Floor schedule on be-half of the majority party

» Majority Whip: Manages the vote or “whip” count for the majority party

» Minority Leader: Chosen by the members of the minority party

» Minority Whip: Manages the vote or “whip” count for the minority party

Top leadership posts in the U.S. Senate include:

» President Pro Tempore: Largely a symbolic role held by the most senior member of the majority party

» Majority Leader: Dictates the Floor schedule on be-half of the majority party

» Majority Whip: Manages the vote or “whip” count for the majority party

» Minority Leader: Chosen by members of the minority party

» Minority Whip: Manages the vote or ‘whip” count for the minority party

Committee Assignments & Issue Jurisdiction

Members of the House and Senate are assigned to serve on congressional committees. Committees hold hear-ings and consider legislation before it is brought to the

floor by their respective leadership.

Committees are comprised of members of both parties, but the chair is always a member of the majority party and the minority party has fewer members seated on the committee. As with the floor agenda, the decision to bring up legislation or hold a hearing is determined by the chair and the majority party members.

Each committee oversees different jurisdictions and legislative issues. It is not uncommon for bills, especially larger and more complex packages, to have issues of overlapping jurisdiction and require input from multiple committees.

Grassroots advocacy efforts can impact the outcome of a bill at several phases in the legislative process.

Bill Introduction/Sponsorship

Legislators can be encouraged to introduce a bill to ad-dress a specific issue, or to co-sponsor a bill introduced by another senator or representative. Obtaining a large number of co-sponsors on a bill is one strategy for gain-ing attention and credibility on an issue.


An important time for constituent involvement is the committee and subcommittee stage. Legislators are not yet committed to specific bills or legislative language, and grassroots advocates can communicate their positions on the issue and suggest specific provisions or language. Action by constituents of subcommittee members can be very effective at this point.

Communications may focus on supporting or opposing specific language developed by the subcommittee; pro-viding testimony on an issue, encouraging legislators to sponsor amendments; and asking the committee member to vote for or against the bill. Again, action by constituents of committee members can be most effective.


Opportunities for grassroots impact are more limited at the conference stage, when appointed members of the House and Senate work out the differences between similar bills passed by their respective chambers.

However, grassroots communications—particularly from constituents of conferees—may influence whether the House or Senate provision is accepted in the final com-promise bill.


Constituent communication with all senators and rep-resentatives is important when legislation comes to the Senate or House floor for a vote. Grassroots efforts at this stage focus on encouraging a legislator to either vote for or against the bill; to sponsor a floor amend-ment; or to vote for or against a floor amendment offered by another legislator.

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Abbreviations: The following abbreviations are com-monly used:

AB Assembly Bill

ACR Assembly Concurrent Resolution

HB House Bill

SB Senate Bill

SCR Senate Concurrent Resolution

SR Senate Resolution

ACA Assembly Constitutional Amendment

AJR Assembly Joint Resolution

HR House Resolution

SCA Senate Constitutional Amendment

SJR Senate Joint Resolution

Act: A bill passed by a legislative body and signed by the Executive.

Adjournment: To terminate a session of a legislative body.

Amendment: An action of a legislative body to delete, alter, or revise the language of a bill or an act. Bills in Congress may be amended by either House at any one of a number of stages in the legislative process.

Appropriation: A legislative grant of money for a specif-ic purpose.

Assembly: The lower House of some legislatures.

Authorization: A legislative action that establishes a substantive program, specifies its general purpose and the means for achieving it, and indicates the approx-imate amount of money needed to implement the program. In Congress, an authorization bill is usually enacted before the appropriate bill providing financing for the program is considered.

Bill: A proposed law. Most legislative proposals before a legislative body are in the form of bills. Bill drafting is the process of formulating legislative proposals.

Calendar: An agenda or list that contains the names of bills or resolutions to be considered before committees or in either chamber of a legislature. The placement of a bill on a calendar is no guarantee that the bill will be considered by that chamber or that it will be taken up in the listed order.

Caucus: An informal meeting of a group of the mem-bers sometimes called on the basis of party affiliation.

Committee Chairperson: The member of the majority party who heads a standing or select legislative com-mittee.

Committee of the Whole: An informal procedure used by a legislative body to expedite business by resolving itself into a committee for the consideration of bills and other matters.

Concurrent Resolution: A special measure passed by one house with the other concurring, but not requiring the President/Governor’s signature.

Conference Committee: A special joint committee appointed to reconcile difference when a bill passes the two Houses in different forms.


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Consent Calendar: File of noncontroversial bills which it is unanimously agreed should be passed.

District: A political-geographical division of a state from which a legislator is elected.

Engrossment: Comparison of the printed bill to assure its likeness to the original and that amendment are properly inserted.

Enrollment: The filing of resolutions with the Secretary of State and of bills with the Governor, following the final proofreading by the House of origin.

Floor: A colloquialism describing the interior of either House.

Held in Committee: A bill that fails to get sufficient votes to pass out of committee.

Hearing: A public session of a committee of a legisla-tive body to obtain information on a proposed law or resolution.

Interim: The interval between regular sessions, or a long recess within a session.

Interim Study: A bill referred for interim study is dead for the session. The subject matter of the bill is assigned by the Rules Committee to an appropriate committee for study during the period the Legislature is not in session (the interim).

Joint Committee: A legislative committee composed of members of both Houses.

Joint Resolution: A measure, similar to a bill, which must be approved in both Houses and by the President or Governor.

Majority Floor Leader: The chief spokesperson and strategist of the majority party, who directs the party’s forces in legislative battles.

Motion: A formal proposal offered by a member while the House is in session.

Position Papers: The written position of an organization or a person a particular issue. Usually brief.

Ranking Member: That member of the majority party on a legislative committee who ranks first after the chairperson.

Readings: The three reading of a bill required at dif-ferent stages of the legislative process. In Congress, the first reading occurs when the bill is introduced and printed by title in the Congressional record. The sec-ond, often a reading in full, takes place when the bill is brought out of committee for consideration before the

chamber. The third reading, usually by title only, comes after amendments have been voted on and the bill comes up for a final vote. State legislature is similar.

Representative: a member of the House of Representa-tives in Congress or of the lower House of state legislature.

Senate: The upper house of the United States Congress and of forty-nine state legislatures.

Senator: A member of the United States Senate or of the upper house in state legislatures.

Session: The period during which a legislative body assembles and carries on its regular business.

Speaker of the House: The presiding officer in the House of Representatives and in the lower chamber of state legislatures.

Veto: Vote of an Executive is disapproval of a measure. May be overridden. A “pocket veto” occurs when a Governor fails to sign a bill after final adjournment and cannot be overridden.

Whip: An assistant floor leader who aids the majority or minority floor leader of each party in each House of Congress and state legislatures.

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TELL THE LEGISLATOR ABOUT YOURSELF AND THE HOSPITAL » Describe your position at the hospital

» Total number of hospital employees

» Total amount of taxes paid in the current year

» Current and future construction plans for the hospital

» Additional specific details about your hospital important to share

» The total amount of indigent care your hospital does in a year.

EXPLAIN WHAT THE GGG IS » An HCA non partisan employee organization with the intent of getting employees informed and involved with

state and local political issues. It is a way for HCA to give its employees a voice in government policymaking and decisions they would not otherwise have.

» While healthcare issues are our main focus, the GGG is interested in all political issues.


» Hospital tours

» Inform other employees about elections and political issues

EXPRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT » Your legislator can use you as a resource on health care issues in your area

» Participate on a tour of the hospital and meet the GGG members

HELPFUL HINTS » Do not feel that you need to meet with your legislator alone if you do not feel comfortable doing so. If you do not

have anyone to go with you and you want someone for support, let the Director of Public Affairs know.

» Your CEO is welcome to go with you if he/she wants.

» Do not be nervous. They are excited to meet you and to have the ability to access your members.

» Leave a business card with your cell number on it.

» Bring and leave your Hospital’s community benefit report and a hospital fact sheet


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The GGGs are nonpartisan and independent groups that operate in accordance with all relevant state and feder-al elections laws. Members include administrators, hospital employees, physicians, volunteers, H2U members and others. The GGGs provide a unique opportunity for all HCA Healthcare staff to become more informed about and involved in local, state and national political issues affecting our profession and our lives. It is a way to have a voice regarding government policy and decisions.

WHAT DO WE DO?The GGGs facilitate meetings to discuss current local, state and national political issues, as well as host facility tours for candidates and elected officials. The GGGs get involved in legislative “calls-to-action” through emailing, calling or writing elected officials about the issues that are important to members and their facility. GGG members also partici- pate in community and state-level advocacy activities and volunteer in political campaigns.

WHY SHOULD I JOIN?Hospital and health plan industry issues have been, and will continue to be, the focus of intense public debate. Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements, state funding reimbursements, hospital liability, and patients’ rights are just a few exam-ples. The GGGs get its collective strength from HCA employees and it works with candidates who sup- port the best interests of healthcare, the hospital industry, and the patients we serve. The GGGs serve as the “face of HCA” for their respective communities.

» Be Informed – Members of GGGs have access to the latest information on policy issues of importance to our in-dustry via forums and monthly alerts and news updates.

» Get Involved – Joining a GGG gives you an opportunity to become involved in the political process by access- ing tools and resources that allow you to register to vote, contact and meet with elected officials, volunteer on a campaign and more.

» Have a Voice – Staying informed and getting involved are the best ways to increase your influence in the policy and decision-making process.

HOW DO I JOIN?Any staff member of an HCA facility can join regardless of party affiliation, including volunteers and H2U members. Membership is voluntary and FREE! Log-on to www.goodgovernmentgroup.org or contact your facility’s GGG Chair directly for more information.

Once you sign up, you will begin receiving regular GGG updates and be contacted by your local GGG representa- tive with more information about meetings and events.

Be Informed. Get Involved. Have a Voicewww.goodgovernmentgroup.com


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FLORIDAEmployees by District

June 2012

Congressional District Senate District House DistrictDistrict  Employees   District  Employees   Disctrict Employees   City Employees   District Employees  

FL CD1 2,694            FL SD 1 1869 FL HD 1 643 FL HD 41 46 FL HD 81 190FL CD 2  2,024            FL SD 2 1695 FL HD 2 376 FL HD 42 334 FL HD 82 345FL CD 3 3,813            FL SD 3 1181 FL HD 3 675 FL HD 43 728 FL HD 83 932FL CD 4 2,117            FL SD 4 1294 FL HD 4 927 FL HD 44 78 FL HD 84 1324FL CD 5  1,354            FL SD 5 1438 FL HD 5 209 FL HD 45 65 FL HD 85 450FL CD 6 492                FL SD 6 416 FL HD 6 734 FL HD 46 55 FL HD 86 1242FL CD 7  727                FL SD 7 3039 FL HD 7 197 FL HD 47 63 FL HD 87 594FL CD 8  301                FL SD 8 1026 FL HD 8 442 FL HD 48 246 FL HD 88 385FL CD 9  1,463            FL SD 9 1544 FL HD 9 526 FL HD 49 51 FL HD 89 134FL CD 10  273                FL SD 10 579 FL HD 10 614 FL HD 50 91 FL HD 90 988FL CD 11  2,813            FL SD 11 542 FL HD 11 271 FL HD 51 36 FL HD 91 321FL CD 12  2,753            FL SD 12 181 FL HD 12 703 FL HD 52 19 FL HD 92 189FL CD 13  3,214            FL SD 13 191 FL HD 13 397 FL HD 53 44 FL HD 93 279FL CD 14  899                FL SD 14 1099 FL HD 14 476 FL HD 54 280 FL HD 94 370FL CD 15  1,561            FL SD 15 225 FL HD 15 483 FL HD 55 438 FL HD 95 599FL CD 16  2,765            FL SD 16 169 FL HD 16 508 FL HD 56 57 FL HD 96 671FL CD 17  1,856            FL SD 17 528 FL HD 17 306 FL HD 57 670 FL HD 97 665FL CD 18  3,879            FL SD 18 3250 FL HD 18 1177 FL HD 58 322 FL HD 98 865FL CD 19  144                FL SD 19 750 FL HD 19 303 FL HD 59 879 FL HD 99 442FL CD 20  1,906            FL SD 20 1850 FL HD 20 1004 FL HD 60 260 FL HD 100 428FL CD 21  2,862            FL SD 21 1370 FL HD 21 823 FL HD 61 94 FL HD 101 392FL CD 22  1,982            FL SD 22 1968 FL HD 22 614 FL HD 62 72 FL HD 102 436FL CD 23  1,373            FL SD 23 43 FL HD 23 859 FL HD 63 186 FL HD 103 281FL CD 24  2,045            FL SD 24 1865 FL HD 24 41 FL HD 64 255 FL HD 104 384FL CD 25  718                FL SD 25 1576 FL HD 25 39 FL HD 65 560 FL HD 105 235FL CD 26  1,597            FL SD 26 1901 FL HD 26 107 FL HD 66 942 FL HD 106 7FL CD 27  1,056            FL SD 27 1957 FL HD 27 305 FL HD 67 624 FL HD 107 507

FL SD 28 1633 FL HD 28 185 FL HD 68 683 FL HD 108 410FL SD 29 1795 FL HD 29 268 FL HD 69 774 FL HD 109 222FL SD 30 212 FL HD 30 92 FL HD 70 683 FL HD 110 201FL SD 31 1377 FL HD 31 56 FL HD 71 842 FL HD 111 192FL SD 32 2191 FL HD 32 38 FL HD 72 375 FL HD 112 233FL SD 33 1554 FL HD 33 85 FL HD 73 727 FL HD 113 176FL SD 34 1062 FL HD 34 247 FL HD 74 510 FL HD 114 200FL SD 35 787 FL HD 35 1257 FL HD 75 840 FL HD 115 392FL SD 36 1395 FL HD 36 1213 FL HF 76 27 FL HD 116 391FL SD 37 1445 FL HD 37 836 FL HD 77 61 FL HD 117 108FL SD 38 522 FL HD 38 123 FL HD 78 39 FL HD 118 592FL SD 39 341 FL HD 39 94 FL HD 79 33 FL HD 119 289FL SD 40 821 FL HD 40 56 FL HD 80 15 FL HD 120 207

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SOUTH CAROLINAEmployees by District

June 2012

Congressional District Senate District House DistrictDistrict  Employees  District  Employees  District Employees  District Employees  District  Employees SC CD 1 2054 SC SD 1 1 SC HD 1                   ‐    SC HD 47 0 SC HD 93 4SC CD 2 169 SC SD 2 5 SC HD 2 1 SC HD 48 0 SC HD 94 162SC CD 3 77 SC SD 3 1 SC HD 3 1 SC HD 49 0 SC HD 95 8SC CD 4 11 SC SD 4 0 SC HD 4 1 SC HD 50 0 SC HD 96 0SC CD 5 6 SC SD 5 1 SC HD 5 3 SC HD 51 1 SC HD 97 146SC CD 6 728 SC SD 6 0 SC HD 6 0 SC HD 52 1 SC HD 98 399SC CD 7 1290 SC SD 7 3 SC HD 7 0 SC HD 53 0 SC HD 99 92

SC SD 8 2 SC HD 8 1 SC HD 54 0 SC HD 100 169SC SD 9 3 SC HD 9 0 SC HD 55 5 SC HD 101 5SC SD 10 4 SC HD 10 0 SC HD 56 331 SC HD 102 81SC SD 11 4 SC HD 11 1 SC HD 57 8 SC HD 103 11SC SD 12 0 SC HD 12 8 SC HD 58 58 SC HD 104 177SC SD 13 1 SC HD 13 1 SC HD 59 2 SC HD 105 129SC SD 14 0 SC HD 14 1 SC HD 60 0 SC HD 106 155SC SD 15 0 SC HD 15 71 SC HD 61 3 SC HD 107 188SC SD 16 1 SC HD 16 1 SC HD 62 0 SC HD 108 19SC SD 17 0 SC HD 17 0 SC HD 63 0 SC HD 109 89SC SD 18 4 SC HD 18 0 SC HD 64 3 SC HD 110 58SC SD 19 1 SC HD 19 0 SC HD 65 1 SC HD 111 65SC SD 20 5 SC HD 20 0 SC HD 66 31 SC HD 112 46SC SD 21 3 SC HD 21 0 SC HD 67 0 SC HD 113 515SC SD 22 8 SC HD 22 0 SC HD 68 212 SC HD 114 0SC SD 23 0 SC HD 23 0 SC HD 69 0 SC HD 115 60SC SD 24 115 SC HD 24 2 SC HD 70 1 SC HD 116 44SC SD 25 84 SC HD 25 2 SC HD 71 2 SC HD 117 282SC SD 26 14 SC HD 26 0 SC HD 72 1 SC HD 118 4SC SD 27 0 SC HD 27 0 SC HD 73 0 SC HD 119 80SC SD 28 336 SC HD 28 1 SC HD 74 1 SC HD 120 1SC SD 29 1 SC HD 29 0 SC HD 75 0 SC HD 121 245SC SD 30 19 SC HD 30 0 SC HD 76 1 SC HD 122 18SC SD 31 0 SC HD 31 3 SC HD 77 1 SC HD 123 1SC SD 32 44 SC HD 32 0 SC HD 78 1 SC HD 124 6SC SD 33 543 SC HD 33 1 SC HD 79 5SC SD 34 386 SC HD 34 0 SC HD 80 2SC SD 35 1 SC HD 35 0 SC HD 81 23SC SD 36 4 SC HD 36 1 SC HD 82 26SC SD 37 276 SC HD 37 1 SC HD 83 111SC SD 38 613 SC HD 38 0 SC HD 84 39SC SD 39 186 SC HD 39 1 SC HD 85 2SC SD 40 72 SC HD 40 2 SC HD 86 5SC SD 41 133 SC HD 41 0 SC HD 87 2SC SD 42 308 SC HD 42 1 SC HD 88 0SC SD 43 69 SC HD 43 0 SC HD 89 0SC SD 44 758 SC HD 44 0 SC HD 90 87SC SD 45 316 SC HD 45 1 SC HD 91 4SC SD 46 10 SC HD 46 0 SC HD 92 0

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GEORGIAEmployees by District

June 2012

Congressional District Senate District House DistrictDistrict  Employees  District  Employees  District Employees  District Employees  District  Employees GA CD 1 29 GA SD 1 3 GA HD 1 160 GA HD 61 1 GA HD 121 248GA CD 2 650 GA SD 2 4 GA HD 2 66 GA HD 62 0 GA HD 122 255GA CD 3 79 GA SD 3 16 GA HD 3 161 GA HD 63 8 GA HD 123 484GA CD 4 631 GA SD 4 11 GA HD 4 10 GA HD 64 5 GA HD 124 13GA CD 5 100 GA SD 5 161 GA HD 5 87 GA HD 65 15 GA HD 125 130GA CD 6 191 GA SD 6 41 GA HD 6 10 GA HD 66 16 GA HD 126 119GA CD 7 840 GA SD 7 6 GA HD 7 3 GA HD 67 0 GA HD 127 18GA CD 8 835 GA SD 8 9 GA HD 8 0 GA HD 68 4 GA HD 128 101GA CD 9 64 GA SD 9 560 GA HD 9 7 GA HD 69 1 GA HD 129 118GA CD 10 661 GA SD 10 61 GA HD 10 1 GA HD 70 0 GA HD 130 15GA CD 11 829 GA SD 11 64 GA HD 11 22 GA HD 71 3 GA HD 131 15GA CD 12 1712 GA SD 12 13 GA HD 12 578 GA HD 72 5 GA HD 132 1GA CD 13 143 GA SD 13 45 GA HD 13 256 GA HD 73 16 GA HD 133 4GA CD 14 1697 GA SD 14 288 GA HD 14 259 GA HD 74 19 GA HD 134 3

GA SD 15 10 GA HD 15 362 GA HD 75 8 GA HD 135 1GA SD 16 29 GA HD 16 200 GA HD 76 18 GA HD 136 1GA SD 17 44 GA HD 17 27 GA HD 77 8 GA HD 137 2GA SD 18 654 GA HD 18 25 GA HD 78 0 GA HD 138 2GA SD 19 60 GA HD 19 33 GA HD 79 14 GA HD 139 20GA SD 20 639 GA HD 20 17 GA HD 80 9 GA HD 140 213GA SD 21 77 GA HD 21 17 GA HD 81 18 GA HD 141 333GA SD 22 377 GA HD 22 13 GA HD 82 12 GA HD 142 257GA SD 23 526 GA HD 23 65 GA HD 83 0 GA HD 143 187GA SD 24 486 GA HD 24 11 GA HD 84 33 GA HD 144 88GA SD 25 166 GA HD 25 10 GA HD 85 20 GA HD 145 42GA SD 26 446 GA HD 26 2 GA HD 86 1 GA HD 146 51GA SD 27 23 GA HD 27 5 GA HD 87 76 GA HD 147 87GA SD 28 4 GA HD 28 2 GA HD 88 52 GA HD 148 15GA SD 29 11 GA HD 29 2 GA HD 89 8 GA HD 149 70GA SD 30 11 GA HD 30 14 GA HD 90 50 GA HD 150 496GA SD 31 260 GA HD 31 19 GA HD 91 27 GA HD 151 1GA SD 32 38 GA HD 32 0 GA HD 92 21 GA HD 152 3GA SD 33 32 GA HD 33 19 GA HD 93 150 GA HD 153 4GA SD 34 20 GA HD 34 52 GA HD 94 69 GA HD 154 6GA SD 35 32 GA HD 35 65 GA HD 95 41 GA HD 155 4GA SD 36 14 GA HD 36 0 GA HD 96 74 GA HD 156 12GA SD 37 135 GA HD 37 18 GA HD 97 51 GA HD 157 1GA SD 38 21 GA HD 38 26 GA HD 98 23 GA HD 158 10GA SD 39 30 GA HD 39 4 GA HD 99 25 GA HD 159 3GA SD 40 84 GA HD 40 21 GA HD 100 0 GA HD 160 1GA SD 41 115 GA HD 41 6 GA HD 101 30 GA HD 161 0GA SD 42 44 GA HD 42 8 GA HD 102 78 GA HD 162 2GA SD 43 118 GA HD 43 14 GA HD 103 19 GA HD 163 1GA SD 44 23 GA HD 44 16 GA HD 104 52 GA HD 164 3GA SD 45 156 GA HD 45 8 GA HD 105 123 GA HD 165 0GA SD 46 257 GA HD 46 0 GA HD 106 252 GA HD 166 0GA SD 47 62 GA HD 47 16 GA HD 107 126 GA HD 167 1GA SD 48 86 GA HD 48 25 GA HD 108 105 GA HD 168 0GA SD 49 21 GA HD 49 16 GA HD 109 0 GA HD 169 2GA SD 50 3 GA HD 50 20 GA HD 110 8 GA HD 170 4GA SD 51 16 GA HD 51 9 GA HD 111 26 GA HD 171 19GA SD 52 1216 GA HD 52 12 GA HD 112 13 GA HD 172 5GA SD 53 494 GA HD 53 8 GA HD 113 27 GA HD 173 37GA SD 54 51 GA HD 54 10 GA HD 114 229 GA HD 174 12GA SD 55 241 GA HD 55 9 GA HD 115 35 GA HD 175 5GA SD 56 47 GA HD 56 8 GA HD 116 31 GA HD 176 5

GA HD 57 6 GA HD 117 4 GA HD 177 1GA HD 58 4 GA HD 118 1 GA HD 178 1GA HD 59 5 GA HD 119 2 GA HD 179 1GA HD 60 3 GA HD 120 7 GA HD 180 7

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THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESSThe chart below outlines the process of how a bill becomes a law. It is important to the president’s desk - in fact, that very rarely happens. Regardless, it is still important to understand the list of hurdles that a bill must overcome before becoming law.

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