THESSALONIAN S walking in the light of the Last Days!

GETTING EVEN EphesusEphesus DOMITIAN PERSECUTION The fire under the rack Iron Chair Millstones around the neck Tied to wild horses Their bodies

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Page 1: GETTING EVEN EphesusEphesus DOMITIAN PERSECUTION  The fire under the rack  Iron Chair  Millstones around the neck  Tied to wild horses  Their bodies


…walking in the light of the Last


Page 2: GETTING EVEN EphesusEphesus DOMITIAN PERSECUTION  The fire under the rack  Iron Chair  Millstones around the neck  Tied to wild horses  Their bodies


Page 3: GETTING EVEN EphesusEphesus DOMITIAN PERSECUTION  The fire under the rack  Iron Chair  Millstones around the neck  Tied to wild horses  Their bodies



The fire under the rack Iron Chair Millstones around the neck Tied to wild horses Their bodies thrown to wild dogs after death

Page 4: GETTING EVEN EphesusEphesus DOMITIAN PERSECUTION  The fire under the rack  Iron Chair  Millstones around the neck  Tied to wild horses  Their bodies



• About this time, the instruments of the devil could not invent punishments severe enough, but what they considered the Christians worthy of. For they were watched in their houses as well as without; men cried out against them in all public places; they were scourged, stoned, and dragged out; their goods were plundered; they were apprehended; red hot iron plates were applied to their bare bodies; they were placed in a certain instrument made to torture malefactors; they were put into the deepest and darkest places of the prisons, where they were slain, yea, they were afflicted with excruciating torments.” P.J. Twisck

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Timothy of Mauritania Timothy, a deacon of Mauritania, and Maura his wife, had not been united together by the bands of wedlock above three weeks, when they were separated from each other by the persecution. Timothy, being apprehended, as a Christian, was carried before Arrianus, the governor of Thebais, who, knowing that he had the keeping of the Holy Scriptures, commanded him to deliver them up to be burnt; to which he answered, "Had I children, I would sooner deliver them up to be sacrificed, than part with the Word of God." The governor being much incensed at this reply, ordered his eyes to be put out, with red-hot irons, saying, "The books shall at least be useless to you, for you shall not see to read them." His patience under the operation was so great that the governor grew more exasperated; he, therefore, in order, if possible, to overcome his fortitude, ordered him to be hung up by the feet, with a weight tied about his neck, and a gag in his mouth. In this state, Maura his wife, tenderly urged him for her sake to recant; but, when the gag was taken out of his mouth, instead of consenting to his wife's entreaties, he greatly blamed her mistaken love, and declared his resolution of dying for the faith. The consequence was, that Maura resolved to imitate his courage and fidelity and either to accompany or follow him to glory. The governor, after trying in vain to alter her resolution, ordered her to be tortured, which was executed with great severity. After this, Timothy and Maura were crucified near each other, A.D. 304

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Men and women were placed naked on a hot grill until they denied

their beliefs and accepted the Catholic doctrine. The whole time that this was

being performed, a Catholic priest would

stand there waiting so he could convert you to the Roman Catholic Church.

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Men and women were taken in caves, hung

upside down with a bag placed on their heads

with starving rats placed inside that would eat

their ears and lips and eyes while a Catholic

priest stood there waiting to convert their


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Men and women had their mouths filled with gun powder,

while people would light torches and walk toward them to get them to convert, while a

Catholic priest was waiting.

Men and women had their fingers chopped off 1 inch at a time until they recanted the belief and acknowledged the Pope as the Vicar of Christ.

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October 23, 1641, 150 thousand Bible believers were murdered by the RCC and metals were handed out for the killings of “Heretics”

Moms and Dads have their houses invaded in the middle of the night. And are persuaded to

recant their belief and if they don’t the last thing they see

before they die is the children being carried away by the Nuns

to the Monastery.

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Moms and Dads and their children being brought to a field of staring pigs. The

parents are tied to a tree and told to recant their beliefs

and if they don’t their children are thrown in one by one and are devoured before their eyes, while the children are screaming for help from

their parents

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(2Th 1:6-10) Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; And to you

who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire

taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was

believed) in that day.

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I. The STYLE in which he


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(2Th 1:8) In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel

of our Lord Jesus Christ:

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(Rev 1:4) John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace,

from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits

which are before his throne;

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(Rev 4:5) And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and

thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the

seven Spirits of God.

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(Rev 5:6) And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of

God sent forth into all the earth.

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(Rev 1:14) His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as

snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

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(Pro 5:21) For the ways of

man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all

his goings.

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(Pro 15:3) The eyes of the LORD are in every place,

beholding the evil and the


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(Jer 16:17) For mine eyes are upon all their

ways: they are not hid from

my face, neither is their

iniquity hid from mine


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(Jer 23:24) Can any hide

himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do

not I fill heaven and earth?

saith the LORD.

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(Heb 4:13) Neither is there

any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we

have to do.

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(Luk 8:17) For nothing is

secret, that shall not be

made manifest;

neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and

come abroad.

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(1Co 3:12-13) Now if any man build upon this foundation gold,

silver, precious stones, wood, hay,

stubble; Every man's work shall be made manifest: for

the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and

the fire shall try every man's work of

what sort it is.

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I. The STYLE in which he


II. The SETTLING of the score

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(2Th 1:8) In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel

of our Lord Jesus Christ:

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(Rom 12:19-21) Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it

is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing

thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

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(Rev 6:9-11) And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and

for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not

judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed

as they were, should be fulfilled.

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(Rev 15:1) And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in

them is filled up the wrath of God.(Rev 15:7-8) And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven

angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever. And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to

enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.

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(Rom 2:5-11) But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient

continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: But unto them that are contentious,

and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

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(Rom 1:18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness

of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

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(Psa 21:8-9) Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that

hate thee. Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour


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I. The STYLE in which he


II. The SETTLING of the score

III. The SOULS that will receive

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(2Th 1:8) In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel

of our Lord Jesus Christ: