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nurture your relationship with new subscribers

Autoresponders, also known as follow-up messages, are automatic emails that are sent to subscribers at set intervals after they join your list. They are set up and sent through your email provider (MailChimp, ConvertKit, Mad Mimi, etc.).

These emails are designed to engage new subscribers, encourage them to use your free offer, and explain what you do. It’s an easy way to turn subscribers into paying customers.

There are different approaches to setting up autoresponder sequences, and in this case, we’re focusing on setting up a simple, reliable welcome and sales sequence.

Through this series of 6 emails, your goals are to: 1. Deliver the freebie you promised

2. Help subscribers get to know you 3. Establish yourself as an expert 4. Build trust with your reader 5. Let them know how they can hire you


• You first need a welcome email, the immediate reply they get from you with information to access your freebie. This email will have the highest open rate so make it count!

• Then, you should send 2 emails over the following week reminding subscribers that they subscribed to your list, encouraging them to check out the download, giving them more resources to help them implement your freebie, and

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offering assistance via email (if you’re actively seeking new clients).

• After that, you warm them up for your pitch by sharing some results you’ve helped clients achieve.

• Finally, you pitch them, inviting them to book a consult or buy your BSO.


Below you will find some templates for emails you can write, to get you started and avoid “blank page syndrome.” In many cases, I’ve included sample text to give you an idea of what to include. However, you must make sure these match with your own writing voice, your clients’ language, and your unique offers.

Although the email sequence below offers suggestions on what to write and the frequency at which to send the messages, you must always keep in mind your target clients’ characteristics, as they may benefit from more or less frequent emails, stronger pitches, etc.

Your job is to take these templates PLUS the knowledge of your target client to find the best solution for your business.

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The recommended email sequence below includes 6 emails.

Email #1 - Initial welcome email, sent immediately after subscribing Email #2 - Redelivers freebie and establishes expertise Email #3 - Builds trust through additional resources Email #4 - Further establishes expertise Email #5 - Pitches your services Email #6 - Pitches your services

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initial Welcome Email sent immediately after someone subscribes

The goals of this email are: • Deliver the freebie you promised • Begin to establish your expertise • Help subscribers get to know you • Begin to build trust by telling them what to expect from

you going forward

SUBJECT: Here’s the free ________ you asked for


Thank you for subscribing! I’m honored to hit your inbox!

[The freebie they asked for] is ready for you!

You can [download/access] it at the link below. Set aside [however much time it’ll take] to [do whatever the freebie entails] and I can guarantee you will [whatever the desired outcome is the freebie promises].

Here’s your copy: [LINK]

[Offer any tips you have on how to get the most out of your freebie]

One of my favorite things is helping [whoever your people are] solve [whatever problem it is they have that the freebie solves].

Speaking of which, let me introduce myself properly.

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I’m [insert name] and I [light & short version of your summary]. Here are few fun facts about me:

• [Fact] • [Fact] • [Fact]

Use these 3-5 bulleted facts to establish your authority, pique your subscribers curiosity, and set you and your business apart from the crowd.

[Invite them to connect with you in one other place, such as FB group/podcast/FB page/Instagram. Tell them WHY it’s in their best interest to do so.]

Don’t forget to grab your [whatever the freebie is] here [LINK] and if you have big breakthroughs, get stuck, or have questions. Hit reply and let me know -- I’ll respond personally.


P.S. I’ll be back [tomorrow/in X days] with [whatever you’ll be providing in email #2] and you can expect to hear from me [weekly/every other week] with more great [whatever your provide] and resources like this, along with super special offers, products and services I think you might enjoy.

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redelivers freebie and establishes expertise sent 1-3 days after someone subscribes

The goals of this email are: • Redeliver the freebie • Help them to get to know you better • Continue to establish yourself as an expert

SUBJECT: Checking in - how’s it going?


How’s it going?

[X] days ago I sent you [the freebie] so you could [whatever result your freebie promises] and I want to thank you for all the great feedback you’ve been sending!

[Insert some testimonials / results people have had from using your freebie]

If you haven’t had the chance to [download/access/watch] yet you can do that here: [LINK]

Some of the most common questions I get about [your freebie/area of expertise] are: [list them out]

If you’re struggling with any of the above (or anything else), hit reply and let me know. I’d love to help you out (on the house of course!). Or if you just want to say hi and send me love notes, I’d love that too! I’ll respond personally.

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I’ll be back [tomorrow / in X days] with [extra bonus/more resources - whatever you’ll be including in Email #3] to help you [whatever their desired outcome is]!


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builds trust through additional resources sent 1-3 days after the previous email

The goals of this email are: • Help them to really get to know you better • Continue to establish yourself as an expert • Begin building trust by sharing additional resources

In this email, you want to build trust by demonstrating that you understand them and their challenges inside and out -- and that you want to help them. There are a few ways you can do this:

1. You can either deliver a bonus resource that will help them solve a common problem or get the most out of your freebie, OR

2. Link to 1 or more relevant blog posts that do the same, OR

3. Skip right to telling a compelling personal/business story that resonates strongly with where they are at/what they are struggling with. The important thing is to demonstrate you know them and their pain points inside and out.

You do not need to create additional resources (downloads or blog posts, as per options 1 and 2), but if you have them, use them! If you don’t, simply skip right to telling a good story (option 3); that will work just fine.

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• The most common [insert field] question and my take-it-to-the-bank answer

• Do [whatever the bonus resources help them do] in [X amount of time]

• The [whatever it is] bonus I promised

• Where it all began



As promised, I’m popping into your inbox today with [whatever it is] to help you [whatever their desired outcome is].

You can grab it here: [LINK]


[In my [X] years doing this / After working with [X amount] of people], one of the most common questions I get asked about [your area of expertise relevant to your freebie] is [insert most common problem] and here’s my answer:

[Insert 2-3 paragraphs of your best advice on that problem and/or link to a relevant blog post or resource]

Some people have said I’m giving away too much, but the truth is, I want to shout this from rooftops because if you follow the process that I’ve shared with you in [your freebie], and [bonus/resources from this email] you will solve [their problem/pain point] forever.

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[Use the next part of this email to a story, including your before/after, what you stand for as a business owner, how you got into business, an epiphany you had or how your business/beliefs are different from the rest of your industry, etc. The goal is to get to know you better while also establishing how you’re different, what makes you/your business unique.]

So now I want to get to know you a bit better too. Hit reply and let me know [something relevant to what you’ve shared above].

I'm all ears!


P.S. I’ll be back in X days with [tease what’s coming in email #4].

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further establishes your expertise sent 2-4 days after the previous email

The goals of this email are: • Explain the results you help clients achieve • Solidify your expert status with customer stories • Tease your paid offer to encourage them to open the

next email

If you’re newer to business and don’t have a client success story to highlight, you can either share your own before/after story or frame the story as if it’s what’s possible for them.

SUBJECT: How [insert client name] got [result] (and you can too)


Like I promised in my last email, I want you to meet [insert client name] who took massive action and [got the desired results] using my techniques.

Here’s [her/his] story:

[Insert interview, case study, long testimonial or video of the story talking about the results achieved with your offering.]

Pretty great, don’t you think? If [client name]’s story speaks to you and you’d like to [have the same great results/desired outcomes], I have some fabulous news for you!

In the next email I will be sharing an opportunity for you to get these kind of results (if not better!) for yourself.

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OPTIONAL if you have lost of clients results to share:

Oh, and in case you are wondering, [insert client name] isn't the only one with stellar results. So far [X] people have worked with me and have had results like these. [Link to more case studies and testimonials]

Be on the look out for the next email from me, if you want [desired outcome] you won’t want to miss it.


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pitches your services sent 2-4 days after the previous email

The goal of this email is: • Let them know how to hire you!

For your two month follow-up, write a very similar email to your one-month follow up.

SUBJECT IDEAS: • All your problems with [insert topic] end here • Me + you and the only thing you need to [get the result

you promise]? • How to go from [before] to [after] in [X number of days]


[X - number of days since they’ve opted-in, this depends on how you’ve spaced your AR series] days ago you downloaded [your freebie] and even if you haven’t [insert desired outcome/promise of your freebie] yet, you took an important first step.

*High five!*

But right about now you might be [insert some pain points they probably still have that your offer helps with].

That’s exactly why I designed [insert offer name].

What makes [your offer] amazing is: • [Insert result bullet from offer on your Work With Me


• [Insert result bullet from offer on your Work With Me page]

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• [Insert result bullet from offer on your Work With Me page]

• [Insert result bullet from offer on your Work With Me page]

If you are ready to go from [pain point] to [desired outcome], I’d love to help. You can [book your consult / grab your spot] here [LINK].

[OPTION: Add an element of urgency here, like a special one-time discount or bonus.]

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to hit reply and ask away!


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pitches your services sent 2-7 days after the previous email, adjusted based on any discounts or bonuses you might be offering.

The goals of this email are: • Reinforce your expert status • Continue to build trust with testimonials • Remind them how they can hire you (and of any time-

sensitive discount/bonus, if you’re offering one)

SUBJECT IDEAS: • [X weeks from now] you could be [desired outcome] • Let’s talk

• [X] hours left to [get desired outcome] at/with [urgency element like discount/bonus]

• Hoping to see you on my calendar


Here’s your chance to ditch all your excuses and FINALLY overcome [insert the pain point] for good:

[Insert the name of the offer] [LINK]

Here’s what [offer name] can do for you: • [insert benefits/desired outcomes from your offer page

here] • [insert benefits/desired outcomes from your offer page

here] • [insert benefits/desired outcomes from your offer page


Here’s what people are saying about [insert the name of the offer] [LINK]:

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[insert testimonials]

Remember [insert client name from email #4] from [last week/few days ago - whenever email #4 went out]? It could be you in the next [X] weeks.

Are you up for it?

Check out [insert offer] here [LINK] and [book your consult / grab your spot] here [LINK].

[OPTION: Add an element of urgency here, like a special one-time discount or bonus]


P.S. I’m hoping to see you name pop on my calendar/in my inbox as I know I can help you [banish pain point / get desired outcome]!

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take it further

The example emails included above are to get you started, but you truly have endless options! As always, I encourage you to play with your autoresponders and see what works for you.

There are so many different things to try:

• You can create an autoresponder that links to your most popular blog posts.

• You can add personal information about yourself so that the people on your list feel like they’re getting to know you.

• You can share personal stories of success or case studies from other clients to demonstrate how you help.

• You can link an autoresponder directly to your online scheduler and offer a free consult.

• You can remind people to like you on Facebook and encourage them to ask you questions there.

Remember that my way isn’t the only way. Every business owner and every email list has its own personality, so experiment and find your right way.

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