Get Rid of the White Space Around Matlab Figure's PDF Output - Stack Overflow

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  • 7/28/2019 Get Rid of the White Space Around Matlab Figure's PDF Output - Stack Overflow


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    6,707 4 13 25


    33 1 4

    6 Answers


    580 2 6


    31 1

    I'd like to use PDF versions of my matlab plots in a LaTeX document. I'm saving the figures using the

    "saveas" command with the PDF option but I get huge white space around my plots in the pdf files. Is

    this normal? How can I get rid of it? Automatically, of course, since I have "a lot" of plots.

    pdf matlab

    edited Sep 4 at 8:38 asked Sep 27 '10 at 7:07

    Same question: DrazickMay 20 '11 at 9:10


    Here is a less painful solution than Tobin's:

    answered Sep 27 '10 at 18:54


    I suffered a bit with regards to this b4 finding an easy answer. Save as a .eps, and then convert the .eps

    to .pdf. In Mac OS this can be done in Preview.

    answered yesterday


    Exporting Figures for Publication is a good starting point. Instead of -deps use -dpdf forpdfoutput.

    Get rid of the white space around matlab figure's pdf output

  • 7/28/2019 Get Rid of the White Space Around Matlab Figure's PDF Output - Stack Overflow
