Film-maker bounty criticised WASHINGTON: The US has condemned a Pakistani minister’s offer of a bounty to kill the maker of an anti-Islam film. Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmed Bilour offered $US100,000 for killing the film-maker of Innocence of Muslims. The US State Department condemned the bounty and the film. www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, September 25, 2012. NT NEWS. 17 PUB: NT NE- WS- DA TE: 25-S GE: 17 C LO- R: C M Y K Get Foxtel with free * MyStar on a 6 month plan. Plus free* installation. Record a show - or a series at the touch of a button so they are ready when you are. Pause and rewind live TV - so you never miss a thing during your favourite shows. Remote record from anywhere - with the MyStar Guide App ^ for compatible mobile devices. ( o on n a 6 6 m mo o on nt h p pl a an n) Free * MyStar Short 6 month plan - we’ve waived the usual 12 month contract, giving you the freedom of Foxtel with no long-term commitment. Change your monthly package - You can change your package month to month to suit your viewing and budget needs. Choose your install time - Join Foxtel online and book your own install window for a time you know you will be home. Flexibility Get over 30 popular channels in our Get Started pack, including: Two of the biggest documentary channels - National Geographic and Discovery. Award-winning drama - including HBO dramas and shows express from the US, so you see them first on Foxtel. Inspiring lifestyle shows - brought to you by the experts. Better TV Fro om o o onl y y $4 45* a a m mont th fo or 6 6 mo onth hs. *Mi n n cos st $2 270 0 on di re ect d deb bit. Don’t miss out. Offer ends 12 Oct 2012. Call 131 989 or visit foxtel.com.au/mystaroffer *Min cost $270 on 6 month direct debit plan based on Starter Pack with Foxtel iQ/MyStar STU. New residential customers and standard install only. Cancel fee applies. STU will vary depending on location: MyStar provided in Foxtel areas serviced by Austar. Offer ends 12 October 2012. Foxtel and some services not available to all homes. Foxtel marks are used under licence by Foxtel Management Pty Ltd. ^Internet connection required. ISP and data charges may apply. experience better . Short 6 month Fle pular channels in t er TV re ect d deb bit. Ships enter disputed waters TOKYO: Two Chinese ships yesterday entered waters around Japan-administered islands in the East China Sea, Japan’s coastguard said, as tensions mount over the disputed chain. The Chinese maritime surveillance ships were spotted off Kubashima and Uotsurijima, the coastguard said. The two countries have wrangled about the Japan-administered islands since the 1970s, but the row flared last month after pro-China activists landed on one of them. ntnews.com.aul l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l WORLD Baby giant panda dies WASHINGTON: The giant panda cub born a week ago at the National Zoo in Washington has died, zoo officials say. The cub was found dead after panda keepers heard sounds of distress from its mother, Mei Xiang, yesterday, zoo officials said. Staffers were able to retrieve the cub about an hour later. The cub appeared to be in good condition, and there were no outward signs of trauma or infection. Rescuers take an injured victim to base camp at Mt Manaslu in northern Nepal after an avalanche swept away climbers Avalanche chaos KATHMANDU: Rescuers in Nepal are searching for seven missing climbers after an avalanche killed at least nine people, swept away in their tents ahead of a final push on one of the world’s highest mountains. Police said the group was near the top of the 8156m Manaslu, one of the world’s deadliest peaks, when they were hit by a wall of snow as they were sleeping overnight on Saturday. Four of the dead and three of the miss- ing are French, France’s nat- ional union of mountain guides (SNGM) said while mountaineering officials in Nepal said an Italian, a German, at least one Spaniard and a Nepali Sherpa had died. ‘‘Seven climbers are miss- ing. The rescue efforts were hampered due to bad weather yesterday. ‘‘They will resume this morning,’’ ministry spokes- man Gyanendra Shrestha said. Basanta Bahadur Kun- war, the local deputy police superintendent said, how- ever, that 13 people had been rescued alive. Meanwhile harrowing ac- counts of the avalanche be- gan to emerge from sur- vivors being treated in a Kathmandu hospital. ‘‘All of a sudden, there was darkness. I could imagine that we were buried under an avalanche,’’ Andreas Reiter, 26, of Germany, was quoted as telling the Hi- malayan Times from his hos- pital bed in the capital. ‘‘I witnessed one of the team members die.’’ SNGM vice-president Christian Trommsdorff described the French vic- tims as three mountain guides from the Chamonix area in the Alps and four of their clients, who were part of two expeditions. ‘‘The four dead have been identified by their photos and three are missing, as well as two injured who have been evacuated by helicopter to Kathmandu,’’ he said. The avalanche happened at around 7400m and carried away part of camp number three at 6800m. Among those reported missing was a doctor from the French-speaking Canad- ian province of Quebec, cardiologist Dominique Oui- met, the man’s sister said. Tied in Florida MIAMI: US President Barack Obama and chal- lenger Mitt Romney are loc- ked in a virtual tie in Florida, according to a Mia- mi Herald/Tampa Bay Ti- mes poll that indicates the Democrats’ convention buzz and the Republicans’ recent troubles haven’t al- tered the race in the biggest of battleground states. Mr Obama has 48 per cent support to Mr Rom- ney’s 47 per cent among li- kely voters — a lead well within the poll’s 3.5 per cent margin of error. ‘‘This race is still close in Florida,’’ said Brad Coker, who conducted the Mason- Dixon Polling & Research survey. ‘‘It’s very much a toss-up.’’ Swoop on suspect WELLINGTON: NATO forces in Afghanistan have captured a man they say was behind an attack that killed two New Zealand soldiers last month. The man was a senior weapons dealer and his cap- ture came after coalition forces combed the Bamyan province following a spike in attacks in the normally quiet province. Coalition spokesman Ma- jor Adam Wojack said the man would be handed over to Afghan authorities. There was a ‘‘strong possibility’’ more people would be captured. Lance Corporal Pralli Durrer and Lance Corporal Rory Malone, both 26, were killed and six wounded in a firefight on August 4.

Get Foxtel with MyStar - territorystories.nt.gov.au€¦ · ‘‘They will resume this morning,’’ ministry spokes man Gyanendra Shrestha said. Basanta Bahadur Kun war, the local

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Page 1: Get Foxtel with MyStar - territorystories.nt.gov.au€¦ · ‘‘They will resume this morning,’’ ministry spokes man Gyanendra Shrestha said. Basanta Bahadur Kun war, the local

Film-maker bounty criticised

WASHINGTON: The US has condemneda Pakistani minister’s offer of a bountyto kill themaker of an anti-Islam film.Railways Minister Ghulam AhmedBilour offered $US100,000 forkilling the film-maker ofInnocence of Muslims. The USState Department condemnedthe bounty and the film.

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, September 25, 2012. NT NEWS. 17




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Don’t miss out. O$ er ends 12 Oct 2012. Call 131 989 or visit foxtel.com.au/mystaro er*Min cost $270 on 6 month direct debit plan based on Starter Pack with Foxtel iQ/MyStar STU. New residential customers and standard install only. Cancel fee applies. STU will vary depending on location: MyStar provided in Foxtel areas serviced by Austar. O$ er ends 12 October 2012. Foxtel and some services not available to all homes. Foxtel marks are used under licence by Foxtel Management Pty Ltd. ^Internet connection required. ISP and data charges may apply.

experience better.

Short 6 month 44

Flepular channels in

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reect ddebbit.

Ships enter disputedwaters

TOKYO: Two Chinese ships yesterday enteredwatersaround Japan-administered islands in the East ChinaSea, Japan’s coastguard said, as tensionsmount overthe disputed chain. The Chinesemaritimesurveillance ships were spotted off Kubashima andUotsurijima, the coastguard said. The two countrieshavewrangled about the Japan-administered islandssince the 1970s, but the row flared last month afterpro-China activists landed on one of them.

ntnews.com.aul l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l WORLD

Baby giant panda dies

WASHINGTON: The giant panda cub born aweek agoat the National Zoo inWashington has died, zooofficials say.The cubwas found dead after panda keepers heardsounds of distress from its mother, Mei Xiang,yesterday, zoo officials said.Staffers were able to retrieve the cub about an hourlater. The cub appeared to be in good condition, andtherewere no outward signs of trauma or infection.

Rescuers take an injured victim to base camp at Mt Manaslu in northern Nepal after an avalanche swept away climbers

Avalanche chaosKATHMANDU: Rescuers inNepal are searching forseven missing climbers afteran avalanche killed at leastnine people, swept away intheir tents ahead of a finalpush on one of the world’shighest mountains.

Police said the group wasnear the top of the 8156mManaslu, one of the world’sdeadliest peaks, when theywere hit by a wall of snow asthey were sleeping overnighton Saturday. Four of the

dead and three of the miss-ing are French, France’s nat-ional union of mountainguides (SNGM) said whilemountaineering officials inNepal said an Italian, aGerman, at least oneSpaniard and a NepaliSherpa had died.

‘‘Seven climbers are miss-ing. The rescue effortswere hampered due to badweather yesterday.

‘‘They will resume thismorning,’’ ministry spokes-

man Gyanendra Shresthasaid. Basanta Bahadur Kun-war, the local deputy policesuperintendent said, how-ever, that 13 people had beenrescued alive.

Meanwhile harrowing ac-counts of the avalanche be-gan to emerge from sur-vivors being treated in aKathmandu hospital.

‘‘All of a sudden, there wasdarkness. I could imaginethat we were buried underan avalanche,’’ Andreas

Reiter, 26, of Germany, wasquoted as telling the Hi-malayan Times from his hos-pital bed in the capital.

‘‘I witnessed one of theteam members die.’’

SNGM vice-presidentChristian Trommsdorffdescribed the French vic-tims as three mountainguides from the Chamonixarea in the Alps and four oftheir clients, who were partof two expeditions.

‘‘The four dead have been

identified by their photosand three are missing, aswell as two injured who havebeen evacuated by helicopterto Kathmandu,’’ he said.

The avalanche happenedat around 7400m and carriedaway part of camp numberthree at 6800m.

Among those reportedmissing was a doctor fromthe French-speaking Canad-ian province of Quebec,cardiologist Dominique Oui-met, the man’s sister said.

Tied inFloridaMIAMI: US PresidentBarack Obama and chal-lenger Mitt Romney are loc-ked in a virtual tie inFlorida, according to a Mia-mi Herald/Tampa Bay Ti-mes poll that indicates theDemocrats’ conventionbuzz and the Republicans’recent troubles haven’t al-tered the race in the biggestof battleground states.

Mr Obama has 48 percent support to Mr Rom-ney’s 47 per cent among li-kely voters — a lead wellwithin the poll’s 3.5 per centmargin of error.

‘‘This race is still close inFlorida,’’ said Brad Coker,who conducted the Mason-Dixon Polling & Researchsurvey. ‘‘It’s very mucha toss-up.’’

Swoop onsuspectWELLINGTON: NATOforces in Afghanistan havecaptured a man they saywas behind an attack thatkilled two New Zealandsoldiers last month.

The man was a seniorweapons dealer and his cap-ture came after coalitionforces combed the Bamyanprovince following a spikein attacks in the normallyquiet province.

Coalition spokesman Ma-jor Adam Wojack said theman would be handed overto Afghan authorities.

There was a ‘‘strongpossibility’’ more peoplewould be captured.

Lance Corporal PralliDurrer and Lance CorporalRory Malone, both 26, werekilled and six wounded in afirefight on August 4.