German Nurse Shows Need for G20 Check-up

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  • 8/10/2019 German Nurse Shows Need for G20 Check-up


    German nurse shows need for G20 check-up

    byAnja Osterhauson 18 January 2012 inAnti-corruption Conventions, Human rights,People power, Whistleblowing

    The Group of 20 major world economies made an ambitious commitment: In theirAnti-Corruption Action Planthey

    promised to enact and implement whistleblower protection rules by the end of 2012, based on existing best

    practice.Doubts remainwhether these commitments will indeed be implemented while the need for effective

    protection of those who dare to disclose corruption and wrongdoing is ever more apparent.

    A recent legal case that had gone all the way through the German legal system and on to the European Court of

    Human Rights in Strasbourg shows why such protection is direly needed. The July 2011judgementshowed how

    the lack of protection for people who blow the whistle on corruption can destroy lives.

    The case of Brigitte Heinisch was shown along with other Whistleblowers at an exhibition of the Whistleblower Netzwerk at Kunsthaus Tacheles,

    Berlin. You can find the link to the virtual exhibition below. Photo: Petrov Ahner

    After seven years of hardship, the Strasbourg court ruled in favour of a Germannursewho had been dismissed

    after disclosingmistreatmentsof elderly patients. These included patients lying in their excrement for prolonged

    periods or being tied to their beds without a court ruling.

    Because her internal reports received no response, she approached the trade union, ultimately taking her

    concerns public. The employer, Vivantes Group, reacted by firing her. She sued the employer and went through

    the entire German legal system, only to find that it did not protect her against the dismissal.

    The case will hopefully provide encouragement to other people who want to report corruption and mistreatment,

    but until now were afraid of retribution from their employer.

    Similar situations could occur in manyEuropean countries,where protection mechanisms are weak and poorly

    enforced, according to Transparency Internationalresearchand reports. In too many cases, whistleblowers do not

    only risk their jobs andlivelihoods,but sometimes even theirlives.

    So whats happening with the G20s commitments to implement effective protection legislation?

    At their November 2011 meeting inCannes,the G20 Heads of State agreed to acompendiumof best practices

    and guiding principles for whistleblowing legislation, drafted by the OECD.

    This paper is a huge step forward for most of the G20 countries, as outlined in acivil society submissionto the

    G20 in September 2011.

    According to the paper, G20 member states should pass dedicated and comprehensive whistleblower

    protection legislation, covering the public and the private sector.

    Legislation should ensure protection from any form of discriminatory or retaliatory personnel action and

    allow for external disclosure.,de/,de/,de/,de/
  • 8/10/2019 German Nurse Shows Need for G20 Check-up


    Companies should establish effective internal reporting channels and provide incentives for

    whistleblowers, including financial rewards.

    The compendium builds on existing best practice and takes other guiding principles into account, such as

    the ones developed byTransparency International and other international experts.

    The greatest weakness of the text isthat the whistleblower must be able to show that he or she had reasonable

    grounds for the disclosure. This opens doors for arbitrary court procedures and can discourage potential

    whistleblowers from speaking up.

    Would whistleblowers be in a better position if all G20 members passed legislation along these lines?


    The real question, however, is whether G20 members will implement these commitments at all.

    A failure of doing so will mean a lost opportunity for fighting corruption and other wrongdoings. In Germany, a

    small opposition party has presented alaw proposalto overcome limitations of the current legislation.

    In other G20 countries whistleblower protection is rather being weakened despite all commitments made at high

    level. In South Africa, for example, the recently adoptedsecrecy bill,shrinks whistleblower protection dramatically.

    Civil society will have to play a strong watchdog role to avoid that these commitments end up being empty


    Whistleblowing has a negative image in European countries. Read a report about ithere.

    The case of Brigitte Heinisch was shown along with other Whistleblowers at an exhibition of the Whistleblower

    Netzwerk at Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin. You can look at the virtual exhibiton here.