GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses

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  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses






  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    The collection andThe collection and

    interpretation ofinterpretation of

    information about aninformation about an

    object without phyicalobject without phyicalcontact with the object!contact with the object!

    e"# atellite ima"in"#e"# atellite ima"in"#

    aerial photo"raphy#aerial photo"raphy#

    and open pathand open pathmeaurement$meaurement$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Satellite remoteSatellite remote

    enin" haenin" habecome a commonbecome a common

    tool to in%eti"atetool to in%eti"ate

    the different fieldthe different fieldof Earth andof Earth and



  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses



  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Remote enin" iRemote enin" iued a a tool toued a a tool toe&tract informatione&tract informationabout the land urfaceabout the land urface

    tructure# compoitiontructure# compoitionor uburface# but ior uburface# but ioften combined withoften combined withother data ourceother data ource


  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Remote enin" i notRemote enin" i not

    limited to direct "eolo"ylimited to direct "eolo"yapplication ' it i aloapplication ' it i aloued to upport lo"itic#ued to upport lo"itic#uch a route plannin" foruch a route plannin" for

    acce into a minin" area#acce into a minin" area#reclamation monitorin"#reclamation monitorin"#and "eneratin" baemapand "eneratin" baemapupon which "eolo"icalupon which "eolo"icaldata can be referenced ordata can be referenced oruperimpoed$uperimpoed$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Geolo"ical application of remote enin" include theGeolo"ical application of remote enin" include thefollowin"(followin"(

    urficial depoit ) bedroc* mappin"urficial depoit ) bedroc* mappin" litholo"ical mappin"litholo"ical mappin" tructural mappin"tructural mappin" and and "ra%el +a""re"ate, e&ploration) e&ploitationand and "ra%el +a""re"ate, e&ploration) e&ploitation

    mineral e&plorationmineral e&ploration hydrocarbon e&plorationhydrocarbon e&ploration en%ironmental "eolo"yen%ironmental "eolo"y "eobotany"eobotany baeline infratructurebaeline infratructure

    edimentation mappin" and monitorin"edimentation mappin" and monitorin" e%ent mappin" and monitorin"e%ent mappin" and monitorin" "eo'ha-ard mappin" and planetary mappin""eo'ha-ard mappin" and planetary mappin"

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses



    reearch can help toreearch can help toidentify the caue ofidentify the caue ofthee e%ent# pointthee e%ent# pointthe way tothe way to

    rehabilitationrehabilitationmeaure# and lendmeaure# and lendupport for earlyupport for earlywarnin" ytemwarnin" ytem

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Remote enin"Remote enin"

    add coniderablyadd coniderablyto thi reearch byto thi reearch bypro%idin" a widepro%idin" a wide

    %ariety of enor%ariety of enoroperated fromoperated fromairborne andairborne andatellite platform$atellite platform$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    The G.RS /ro"ramThe G.RS /ro"ram

    of 0NES1O andof 0NES1O andI0GS pro%ide aI0GS pro%ide amean of continuallymean of continuallyin%eti"atin" thein%eti"atin" the"eolo"ical"eolo"icalapplicability ofapplicability ofremote'enin"remote'enin"techni2ue$techni2ue$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    The multipectralThe multipectral

    canner ima"ecanner ima"efrom the firt non'from the firt non'meteorolo"ical#meteorolo"ical#ci%ilian Earthci%ilian Earthober%ationober%ationatellite# the 0Satellite# the 0SL.N3S.T erieL.N3S.T erie

    launched in 4567launched in 4567

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    The L.N3S.TThe L.N3S.Tima"e wereima"e wererecei%edrecei%edenthuiatically byenthuiatically by

    a mall cientifica mall cientificcommunity# motlycommunity# motly"eolo"it#"eolo"it#oceano"rapheroceano"rapher

    and "eo"rapher$and "eo"rapher$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    The G.RS /ro"ram#The G.RS /ro"ram#

    jointly ponored byjointly ponored by0NES1O and I0GS#0NES1O and I0GS#wa inau"urated inwa inau"urated in4589 +:eber# 458;,4589 +:eber# 458;,L.N3S.T'4#andL.N3S.T'4#andL.N3S.T'9# containin"L.N3S.T'9# containin"

    Thematic Mapper# waThematic Mapper# walaunched# addin" anlaunched# addin" anadditional three bandadditional three bandin the S:IR +hort'in the S:IR +hort'wa%e infrared, to thewa%e infrared, to thee&itin" %iible +

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Remote enin" haRemote enin" ha

    become a widelybecome a widely

    accepted reearchaccepted reearch

    tool by almot alltool by almot allGeolo"ical Sur%eyGeolo"ical Sur%ey

    the world o%er$the world o%er$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Why remoteWhy remotesensing?sensing?

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    . ynoptic %iew of. ynoptic %iew of

    re"ional cale i are"ional cale i amuch differentmuch differentperpecti%e thanperpecti%e than

    point "roundpoint "roundober%ationober%ationwhen tryin" towhen tryin" tomap structuralmap structural


  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Remote enin"Remote enin"

    offer thioffer thiperpecti%e andperpecti%e andallow a "eolo"it toallow a "eolo"it toe&amine othere&amine other

    reference ancillaryreference ancillarydata imultaneoulydata imultaneoulyand yner"itically#and yner"itically#uch a "eo'uch a "eo'


  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Remote enin" "i%e the o%er%iewRemote enin" "i%e the o%er%iew

    re2uired tore2uired to4$1ontruct re"ional unit map# ueful for4$1ontruct re"ional unit map# ueful for

    mall cale analye# and plannin" fieldmall cale analye# and plannin" field

    tra%ere to ample and %erify %arioutra%ere to ample and %erify %ariouunit for detailed mappin"!unit for detailed mappin"!

    7$0ndertand the patial ditribution and7$0ndertand the patial ditribution andurface relationhip between the unit$urface relationhip between the unit$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Remote enin" offerRemote enin" offer

    thi perpecti%e andthi perpecti%e andallow a "eolo"it toallow a "eolo"it toe&amine othere&amine otherreference ancillaryreference ancillary

    data imultaneoulydata imultaneoulyand yner"itically#and yner"itically#uch a "eo'ma"neticuch a "eo'ma"neticinformation$information$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Geologic Unit MappingGeologic Unit Mapping

    Mappin" "eolo"icMappin" "eolo"ic

    unit conitunit conit

    primarily ofprimarily of

    identifyin"identifyin"phyio"raphic unitphyio"raphic unit

    and determinin" theand determinin" the

    roc* litholo"y orroc* litholo"y or

    coare trati"raphycoare trati"raphyof e&poed unit$of e&poed unit$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Data requirementsData requirements

    Two different cale of mappin" re2uire li"htlyTwo different cale of mappin" re2uire li"htlydifferent ima"in" ource and parameter(different ima"in" ource and parameter(

    4$ =or ite pecific analyi# airphoto pro%ide a4$ =or ite pecific analyi# airphoto pro%ide ahi"h reolution product that can pro%idehi"h reolution product that can pro%ideinformation on differential weatherin"# tone# andinformation on differential weatherin"# tone# andmicrodraina"e$ /hoto may be eaily %iewed inmicrodraina"e$ /hoto may be eaily %iewed intereo to ae relief characteritic$tereo to ae relief characteritic$

    7$ Re"ional o%er%iew re2uire lar"e co%era"e area7$ Re"ional o%er%iew re2uire lar"e co%era"e area

    and moderate reolution$ .n e&cellent dataand moderate reolution$ .n e&cellent dataource for re"ional application i a yner"iticource for re"ional application i a yner"iticcombination of radar and optical ima"e tocombination of radar and optical ima"e tohi"hli"ht terrain and te&tural information$hi"hli"ht terrain and te&tural information$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Today# with each new atellite in pace#Today# with each new atellite in pace#ome of the pre%iou wor* ha to beome of the pre%iou wor* ha to berepeated in order to tet the newrepeated in order to tet the newtechnolo"ie$ Thi ha led to a widertechnolo"ie$ Thi ha led to a wider

    acceptance of remote enin" foracceptance of remote enin" for"eolo"ical application and it ha found it"eolo"ical application and it ha found itplace amon" the dicipline of the earthplace amon" the dicipline of the earthcience$cience$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Interpretation of the pictureInterpretation of the picture

    The Na%ajo SandtoneThe Na%ajo Sandtone

    ++aa, i the bri"htet in"le unit in the cene# followed by the %alley floor to the, i the bri"htet in"le unit in the cene# followed by the %alley floor to theeat# much of which i co%ered by allu%iumeat# much of which i co%ered by allu%ium

    ++bb,$ The Entrada,$ The Entrada

    ++cc, and :in"ate, and :in"ate


    , Sandtone are notably dar*er# a i the top urface of the Mea%erde, Sandtone are notably dar*er# a i the top urface of the Mea%erde

    ++ee,$ Note that the :in"ate >pinche> out alon" the =old toward the bottom of,$ Note that the :in"ate >pinche> out alon" the =old toward the bottom ofthe ima"e# which u""et that it dip teepen ma*in" it outcrop patternthe ima"e# which u""et that it dip teepen ma*in" it outcrop patternthinner$ The ?ayenta =ormationthinner$ The ?ayenta =ormation

    ++ff, i barely dicernible in the ima"e a a thin# dar*er tone# but the 1hinle, i barely dicernible in the ima"e a a thin# dar*er tone# but the 1hinle

    ++gg,# alo dar*er# ha a wider outcrop pattern# becaue it i thic*er and le,# alo dar*er# ha a wider outcrop pattern# becaue it i thic*er and leteeply dippin"$ The Emery Sandtoneteeply dippin"$ The Emery Sandtone

    ++hh, ha a dar*er tone than the o%erlyin" Mau* Shale, ha a dar*er tone than the o%erlyin" Mau* Shale++ii, becaue# in the field# it i dar* brown +imilar to the 3a*ota Sandtone een, becaue# in the field# it i dar* brown +imilar to the 3a*ota Sandtone een

    in the fore"round of thi picture from the "round,$in the fore"round of thi picture from the "round,$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Thee dar*Thee dar*

    feature arefeature are

    outpillin" of altoutpillin" of alt

    that ha%e beenthat ha%e been

    called >altcalled >alt


  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    .tla Mountain ytem of.tla Mountain ytem ofnorthwet .fricanorthwet .frica

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    .tla Mountain ytem of.tla Mountain ytem ofnorthwet .fricanorthwet .frica

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    The white inuou band a"aint a fold rid"eThe white inuou band a"aint a fold rid"e

    i a dry tream or wadi$i a dry tream or wadi$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses


    Thee are the hi"het mountain in .frica and reemble part of theThee are the hi"het mountain in .frica and reemble part of the

    .lp e&cept that the %e"etation i ditinctly different$.lp e&cept that the %e"etation i ditinctly different$

  • 7/25/2019 GEOLOGY Burcu Gulses



    "a$confe&$com)"a"a$confe&$com)"a www$pace$"c$ca)ac)en")atellite)hyper@www$pace$"c$ca)ac)en")atellite)hyper@geologygeology$ap$ap www$pie$or")conferencewww$pie$or")conference www$"ide%elopment$net)application)www$"ide%elopment$net)application) geologygeology)mineral)mineral www$"eo"$le$ac$u*)cti)r$htmlwww$"eo"$le$ac$u*)cti)r$html um"c$olemi$edu)pdf)reearch)in"ram@reearch$pdfum"c$olemi$edu)pdf)reearch)in"ram@reearch$pdf www$"eoforum$e)@file)*al@Remote@ABA544$pdfwww$"eoforum$e)@file)*al@Remote@ABA544$pdf e"ip$jrc$it)att'4A49)rA5$pdfe"ip$jrc$it)att'4A49)rA5$pdf www$loc$"o%)rr)citech) tracer'bullet)www$loc$"o%)rr)citech) tracer'bullet)remoteremoteenetb$htmlenetb$html ccr$nrcan$"c$ca)reource) tutor)fundam)chapter;)A5@e$phpccr$nrcan$"c$ca)reource) tutor)fundam)chapter;)A5@e$php

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