A new global model for P wave speed variations in Earth’s mantle Chang Li and Robert D. van der Hilst Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA ([email protected]) E. Robert Engdahl Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Campus Box 390, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0390, USA Scott Burdick Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA [1] We document our tomographic method and present a new global model of three-dimensional (3-D) variations in mantle P wave velocity. The model is parameterized by means of rectangular cells in latitude, longitude, and radius, the size of which adapts to sampling density by short-period (1 Hz) data. The largest single data source is ISC/NEIC data reprocessed by Engdahl and coworkers, from which we use routinely picked, short-period P , Pg, Pn, pP , and pwP data (for earthquakes during the period 19642007). To improve the resolution in the lowermost and uppermost mantle, we use differential times of core phases (PKP AB PKP DF , PKP AB PKP BC , P diff PKP DF ) and surface-reflected waves (PP-P). The low- frequency differential times (P diff , PP) are measured by waveform cross correlation. Approximate 3-D finite frequency kernels are used to integrate the long-period data (P diff , PP) and short-period (P , pP , PKP) data. This global data set is augmented with data from regional catalogs and temporary seismic arrays. A crust correction is implemented to mitigate crustal smearing into the upper mantle. We invert the data for 3-D variations in P wave speed and effects of hypocenter mislocation subject to norm and gradient regularization. Spatial resolution is 100 km in the best sampled upper mantle regions. Our model, which is available online and which will be updated periodically, reveals in unprecedented detail the rich variation in style of subduction of lithospheric slabs into the mantle. The images confirm the structural complexity of downwellings in the transition zone discussed in previous papers and show with more clarity the structure of slab fragments stagnant in the transition zone beneath east Asia. They also reveal low wave speed beneath major hot spots, such as Iceland, Afar, and Hawaii, but details of these structures are not well resolved by the data used. Components: 8797 words, 14 figures, 1 table. Keywords: seismic tomography; mantle; traveltimes; P wave speed. Index Terms: 6982 Radio Science: Tomography and imaging (7270, 8180); 7208 Seismology: Mantle (1212, 1213, 8124); 7203 Seismology: Body waves. G 3 G 3 Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems Published by AGU and the Geochemical Society AN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF THE EARTH SCIENCES Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems Article Volume 9, Number 5 22 May 2008 Q05018, doi:10.1029/2007GC001806 ISSN: 1525-2027 Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union 1 of 21

Geochemistry G3 Volume 9 Geophysics GeosystemsBC’’ travel through the outer core, while ‘‘PKP DF’’ travels through both the outer and inner cores and ‘‘Pdiff’’

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Page 1: Geochemistry G3 Volume 9 Geophysics GeosystemsBC’’ travel through the outer core, while ‘‘PKP DF’’ travels through both the outer and inner cores and ‘‘Pdiff’’

A new global model for P wave speed variations in Earth’smantle

Chang Li and Robert D. van der HilstDepartment of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 MassachusettsAvenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA ([email protected])

E. Robert EngdahlDepartment of Physics, University of Colorado, Campus Box 390, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0390, USA

Scott BurdickDepartment of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 MassachusettsAvenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA

[1] We document our tomographic method and present a new global model of three-dimensional (3-D)variations in mantle P wave velocity. The model is parameterized by means of rectangular cells in latitude,longitude, and radius, the size of which adapts to sampling density by short-period (1 Hz) data. The largestsingle data source is ISC/NEIC data reprocessed by Engdahl and coworkers, from which we use routinelypicked, short-period P, Pg, Pn, pP, and pwP data (for earthquakes during the period 1964�2007). Toimprove the resolution in the lowermost and uppermost mantle, we use differential times of core phases(PKPAB � PKPDF, PKPAB � PKPBC, Pdiff � PKPDF) and surface-reflected waves (PP-P). The low-frequency differential times (Pdiff, PP) are measured by waveform cross correlation. Approximate 3-Dfinite frequency kernels are used to integrate the long-period data (Pdiff, PP) and short-period (P, pP, PKP)data. This global data set is augmented with data from regional catalogs and temporary seismic arrays.A crust correction is implemented to mitigate crustal smearing into the upper mantle. We invert the data for3-D variations in P wave speed and effects of hypocenter mislocation subject to norm and gradientregularization. Spatial resolution is �100 km in the best sampled upper mantle regions. Our model, whichis available online and which will be updated periodically, reveals in unprecedented detail the rich variationin style of subduction of lithospheric slabs into the mantle. The images confirm the structural complexityof downwellings in the transition zone discussed in previous papers and show with more clarity thestructure of slab fragments stagnant in the transition zone beneath east Asia. They also reveal low wavespeed beneath major hot spots, such as Iceland, Afar, and Hawaii, but details of these structures are notwell resolved by the data used.

Components: 8797 words, 14 figures, 1 table.

Keywords: seismic tomography; mantle; traveltimes; P wave speed.

Index Terms: 6982 Radio Science: Tomography and imaging (7270, 8180); 7208 Seismology: Mantle (1212, 1213, 8124);

7203 Seismology: Body waves.



Published by AGU and the Geochemical Society





Volume 9, Number 5

22 May 2008

Q05018, doi:10.1029/2007GC001806

ISSN: 1525-2027

Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union 1 of 21

Page 2: Geochemistry G3 Volume 9 Geophysics GeosystemsBC’’ travel through the outer core, while ‘‘PKP DF’’ travels through both the outer and inner cores and ‘‘Pdiff’’

Received 31 August 2007; Revised 12 January 2008; Accepted 12 March 2008; Published 22 May 2008.

Li, C., R. D. van der Hilst, E. R. Engdahl, and S. Burdick (2008), A new global model for P wave speed variations in Earth’s

mantle, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 9, Q05018, doi:10.1029/2007GC001806.

1. Introduction

[2] With ever increasing quantity and quality ofseismic data from global and (permanent andtemporary) regional seismograph networks, globaltomography has been providing increasinglydetailed constraints on mantle structure andconvection (see reviews by, e.g., Dziewonski andWoodhouse [1987], Masters [1989], Montagner[1994], Dziewonski [1996], Karason and van derHilst [2000], Fukao et al. [2001], and Trampertand van der Hilst [2005]). Although increasinglyconsistent spatial patterns of wave speed variationson the large scale have emerged, at length scalesless than �1000 km conspicuous discrepanciesstill exist. These differences limit our understand-ing of large-scale geological processes. The needof high-quality tomographic models continues todrive the improvement both in data coverage and intheoretical and computational aspects of wavepropagation and inversion.

[3] In the past decade we have been updating ourglobal P wave models in response to the availabil-ity of new data sets or better methodologies fordata processing and inversion. These models havebeen made available to and used by the communi-ty. The main objectives of this paper are twofold.First, we document the procedures currently usedin our global tomography. Second, we present (andmake available) a new global P wave model, whichis an update of the model presented by Karasonand van der Hilst [2001].

[4] Our regional [e.g., van der Hilst et al., 1991;van der Hilst, 1995;Widiyantoro and van der Hilst,1996; Li et al., 2006] and global [e.g., van der Hilstet al., 1997; Karason and van der Hilst, 2001]tomography has evolved over time, but the keyaspects can be summarized as follows. First, tomaximize the effective sampling of Earth’s interiorstructure we use carefully processed (and integrat-ed) data from a wide range of seismic phases (e.g.,P, Pg, PP, pP, PKP, Pdiff). Second, where possiblewe augment existing data sets with new data fromregional networks and temporary seismic arrays [Liet al., 2006; C. Li et al., Subduction of the Indianlithosphere beneath the Tibetan Plateau and Burma,

submitted to Earth and Planetary Science Letters,2008]. Third, we use (approximate) 3-D sensitivitykernels to allow long-period data to constrain long-wavelength wave speed variations without prevent-ing short-period data from resolving smaller-scalestructures [e.g., Karason and van der Hilst, 2001].Fourth, we use an irregular parameterization toenhance resolution in regions of dense data cover-age or special interest [Karason and van der Hilst,2000]. Finally, we use a crust correction to mitigateimaging artifacts due to crustal heterogeneity thatis not resolved by the data used [Li et al., 2006].

[5] The combined use of finite frequency sensi-tivity kernels and adaptive parameterizationmakes it possible to resolve structure at a rangeof length scales. Indeed, regionally our modelconstrains heterogeneity in much more detail thancan be appreciated from global maps. As anexample of this multiscale aspect of our globalmodel, Figure 1b shows a zoom-in of the globalmodel (depicted in Figure 1a) to illustratestructure at 100 km depth beneath the easternTibetan Plateau and southwestern China whereasFigure 1c depicts slabs of subducted lithosphereunder South America.

[6] In section 2, below, we describe the dataselection and processing that underlie our tomog-raphy. Subsequently, in section 3 we document thetechnical aspects of our method, including theconstruction of the sensitivity matrix (and a briefdiscussion of the issue of finite frequency sensitiv-ity kernels), the use of irregular parameterization,and the crust correction. In sections 4 and 5 wepresent a new model and discuss some of the first-order features.

2. Data

[7] We use traveltime residuals with respect totimes computed from ak135 [Kennett et al.,1995], a spherically symmetric reference modelfor P wave speed. We use 3 types of data(Table 1): (1) routinely picked and processedtraveltimes from global and regional networks;(2) differential times measured by waveform

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cross correlation; and (3) phases arrivals fromtemporary arrays.

2.1. Routinely Processed Traveltimes

[8] The largest single source of routinely processedglobal data used is the database of traveltimeresiduals maintained by E. R. Engdahl and co-workers [Engdahl et al., 1998] (hereinafter referred

to as the EHB data). This data results from rigorousreprocessing of arrival times reported to the Inter-national Seismological Centre (ISC) and the U.S.Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Informa-tion Center (NEIC), including nonlinear earthquakere-location and phase re-identification. The globaldata coverage by the EHB is augmented by datafrom regional networks and temporary arrays that

Figure 1. Multiscale global tomography. (a) Global P wave speed variations at 100 km depth. (b) Regional wavespeed heterogeneity at 100 km in eastern Tibetan plateau and SW China with topography and major active faults,where black, white, blue, and gray lines represent thrust, normal, left strike-slip, and right strike-slip faults,respectively. (c) Four cross sections through the Andean subduction zone under South America. The dashed lineson images represent 410 km and 660 km discontinuities. Gray circles in the blue arrow cross section showearthquakes.

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do not report to the ISC or NEIC. Figure 3a showsthe global distribution of stations contributed to thecombined data set.

[9] The EHB data is regularly updated and previ-ous versions have been used in regional [e.g., vander Hilst et al., 1991; Li et al., 2006] and globalstudies [e.g., van der Hilst et al., 1997; Bijwaard etal., 1998; Boschi and Dziewonski, 1999; Karasonand van der Hilst, 2000, 2001; Zhao, 2004; Mon-telli et al., 2004, 2006a]. The EHB data used herecomprises more than ten million traveltime resid-uals associated with more than 450,000 well con-strained regional and teleseismic earthquakes from

1964 to 2007 (Table 1 and Figure 2). We use P, pPand pwP [e.g., van der Hilst et al., 1991; van derHilst and Engdahl, 1991; van der Hilst et al.,1997], PKP [Karason and van der Hilst, 2001],and (for the first time) Pg and Pn. The phase Pgpropagates in the crust and gives more constraintson shallow structure. In the EHB catalog, P phaseswith turning points less than 410 km are labeled‘‘Pn.’’ In order to select turning rays and omit thepost-critical ‘‘head wave’’ we use phases labeled‘‘Pn’’ as turning P waves if the focal depths arelarger than 80 km or if the turning points are largerthan 100 km depth. The depth phase pP bouncesoff Earth’s surface and pwP propagates through

Table 1. Data Sources for Global Tomographya

Phases Number of Records Number of Comp. Ray Frequency Kernel Source

P 10.3 � 106 3.0 � 106 1 Hz Rays EHBPn 1.3 � 106 2.0 � 105 1 Hz Rays EHBPg 1.8 � 106 4.1 � 104 1 Hz Rays EHBpP and pwP 7.1 � 105 3.9 � 105 1 Hz Rays EHBPKPAB-PKPDF/BC 2.4 � 105 9.6 � 104 1 Hz Rays EHBPKPAB-PKPDF/BC 1,383 N/A 1 Hz Rays McSweeneyPKPdiff -PKPDF 543 N/A 50 mHz 3-D WysessionPP-P 20,266 N/A 40 mHz 3-D MastersP 8.1 � 105 3.5 � 105 1 Hz Rays CSN+ArrayPn 6,600 3,300 1 Hz Rays CSN+Array

aEHB, Engdahl et al. [1998]; McSweeney, McSweeney [1995]; Wysession, Wysession [1996]; Masters, Bolton and Masters [2001]; CSN,

Chinese Seismograph Network; Array, arrays in Tibet, Australia, USA, and Africa. Ray geometry is depicted in Figure 2 (comp. ray, compositerays).

Figure 2. The raypaths of the phases used in this study. Black stars represent sources. ‘‘P’’ is the direct compressionwave and does not travel through the core. ‘‘pP’’ is upgoing from the source, while ‘‘PP’’ is downgoing; both bounceonce off the Earth’s surface. ‘‘Pg’’ propagates in the crust. We define ‘‘Pn’’ as having a focal depth larger than 80 kmor a turning point deeper than 100 km in the EHB data. ‘‘PKPAB’’ and ‘‘PKPBC’’ travel through the outer core, while‘‘PKPDF’’ travels through both the outer and inner cores and ‘‘Pdiff’’ grazes the core.

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water and bounces off the surface of the ocean. Thetraveltime residuals for these phases are correctedfor topography and bathymetry (water depth),respectively. Following Karason and van der Hilst[2001] we use the EHB PKP data for stations that

have two or more PKP arrivals so that the con-struction of differential times (PKPAB � PKPDF orPKPAB � PKPBC) is possible. This appears to be agood quality control because multiple PKP arrivalscan only be seen on high-quality records. As a

Figure 3. (a) Global station distribution of the combined database (red dots). The dashed blue rectangles representzoom-in regions in the following subplots. (b) Stations of Tibetan arrays (magenta squares) and Chinese (includingKyrgyzstan) Seismograph Network (blue squares) are complimentary to EHB stations (red triangles) in east Asia. (c)Station additions from African arrays (blue squares). (d) Station additions from the SKIPPY project (blue squares) inAustralia.

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down side, a large fraction of the availableEHBPKP data is not used (e.g., PKPDF for D >150�). The PKPDF data (in PKPAB � PKPDF) iscorrected for inner core heterogeneity and anisot-ropy according to Su and Dziewonski [1995], butthe mantle model is rather insensitive to this effect.

[10] In addition to the EHB data we also useroutinely processed traveltime picks from the An-nual Bulletin of Chinese Earthquakes and fromstations of the Chinese Seismograph Network[e.g., Li et al., 2006; Li et al., submitted manu-script, 2008], which produces a large amount ofdata at stations not represented in the ISC catalog(Figure 3b). Incorporation of data from differentcatalogs requires significant care. After carefullyremoving repetition of data from stations reportingto multiple data centers, we process this part dataalong with the EHB data in order to correct forbase line inconsistencies that can result from usingdifferent reference models and hypocenter locationalgorithms.

[11] The ray coverage could be improved furtherby including routinely processed traveltime datafrom other later arriving phases, such as PP andPcP. Van der Hilst and Engdahl [1991] and Kar-ason and van der Hilst [2001] found that EHBPPand PcP, respectively, are rather noisy. Whilecheckerboard tests would indicate improved reso-lution resulting from the addition of raypaths it isnot obvious that these phase data improve theactual tomographic model. For this reason, we donot use routinely processed (short-period) travel-time picks of PcP and PP.

2.2. Waveform-Based Differential Times

[12] To complement the data set of routinelyprocessed picks, we also used high-frequencyPKP differential traveltimes [McSweeney, 1995]measured by cross correlation of the observedPKP waveform with a synthetic signal calculatedfrom theoretical predictions. To improve thesampling of deep mantle structures further, ourtomography also uses PKPDF � Pdiff differentialtimes [Karason and van der Hilst, 2001]. The Pdiff

phases are diffracted along the core-mantleboundary (CMB) and their differential traveltimeresiduals are sensitive to structure near the base ofthe mantle. These data are measured at relativelylow frequency (central frequency �0.05 Hz) byWysession [1996].

[13] Finally, to increase our ability to resolvestructures in the upper mantle of intraplate regions

with few earthquakes and stations, we use long-period PP-P data, measured at a frequency �0.04Hz [Bolton and Masters, 2001]. The measurementis made by cross-correlating the Hilbert transformof P arrival with the PP arrival while accountingfor attenuation [Woodward and Masters, 1991].

[14] We refer to Karason and van der Hilst [2001]for more information about the processing of thesedifferential time data and their integration with theroutinely processed arrival time picks describedabove.

2.3. Temporary Arrays

[15] Data from temporary arrays is not usuallyreported to the ISC or NEIC but has much potentialfor improving resolving of the upper mantle struc-ture because such arrays are typically deployed inregions where permanent sites are few and farbetween. For example, we have added data fromthe temporary arrays in Australia [van der Hilst etal., 1994], on the Tibetan plateau and SW China[Li et al., 2006; Li et al., submitted manuscript,2008], and in Africa [Benoit et al., 2006]. Thesedata are corrected for elevation and Earth’sellipticity and processed along with the EHBdata. Furthermore, we have begun to incorporatetraveltime data from seismograph stations of theUSArray [Burdick et al., 2008].

3. Methodology

[16] For our global tomography we use an iterativeleast squares method (LSQR) [Paige and Saun-ders, 1982; Nolet, 1985] to minimize the followingcost function:

e ¼ Am� dk k2þk1 Lmk k2þk2 mk k2þk3 C �MCk k2

Here, A is the sensitivity matrix, m is the modelvector, d is the data vector, L is a smoothingoperator, C and MC are matrices associated withthe crust correction (see below), and ki control theweights of the three regularization terms relative tothe first term on the right-hand side (r.h.s.), whichrepresents the control by the data. The model mincludes not only the wave speed perturbations (innon-overlapping and constant-slowness blocks)relative to ak135 [Kennett et al., 1995] but alsothe parameters associated with hypocenter mis-location [e.g., Spakman and Nolet, 1988]. In orderto deal with noisy data and possible singularity inthe inversion we use regularization. The gradientdamping (second term on r.h.s.) smoothes the

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model and the norm damping (third term on r.h.s.)seeks to find the best model with small variationsfrom the reference model. The results presentedhere were obtained after 200 iterations, althoughfor LSQR most of the convergence is achievedwithin a small number of iterations.

3.1. Raypaths and 3-D Sensitivity Kernels

[17] The center frequency of the short-period trav-eltime data is �1 Hz, and for the linearizedtomographic inversion we back-project these dataalong raypaths calculated in the one dimensional(1-D) ak135 reference model for mantle P wavespeed. For the (expanded) EHB data, we useweighted composite rays to reduce the size of thesensitivity matrix [e.g., Spakman and Nolet, 1988].

[18] The use of infinitesimally narrow rays is, strictlyspeaking, not appropriate for the long-period datameasured bywaveform cross correlation, such as thedifferential traveltimes Pdiff–PKPDF and PP-P usedhere. Following Karason and van der Hilst [2001]and Karason [2002], for these data we use approx-imate 3-D sensitivity kernels. The use ofsuch kernels is attractive in that they allow thedistribution of sensitivity of low-frequency datato structural heterogeneity over more realisticmantle volumes than infinitesimally narrow rays.Effectively, it allows the low-frequency data toconstrain large-scale variations in structure withoutdegrading the resolution in regions of densesampling by high-frequency data. To balance thesmall, but high-quality waveform data sets againstthe much larger, but noisier EHB data, we givethem extra weight [Karason and van der Hilst,2001].

[19] For inversion of broadband waveforms, with arange of (frequency) scales in the data, the use offull wave kernels is important [de Hoop and vander Hilst, 2005a; de Hoop et al., 2006; Tromp etal., 2005], but for tomography with traveltimeresiduals based on a single-step linearization(with kernels calculated in a quasi-homogeneousbackground) simple approximations are adequate[Dahlen et al., 2000; Karason, 2002].

[20] For computational efficiency, we calculateapproximate kernels by exploiting the intrinsicsymmetry of kernels (in homogeneous, but depth-dependent media) and, in some cases, by interpo-lation between exact kernels calculated at a smallnumber of epicentral distances. For example, forthe incorporation of evanescent core-diffracted Pdiff

waves, Karason and van der Hilst [2001] infer

simple kernels from exact results of mode summa-tion [Zhao and Jordan, 1998; Zhao et al., 2000].The resulting kernels distribute sensitivity over alarge irregularly shaped volume (Figure 4a).

Figure 4. Three-dimensional finite frequency kernels[after Karason, 2002]. (a) Sensitivity to slowness varia-tions within the Earth for low-frequency PKPDF � Pdiffdifferential times. Red and blue indicate negative andpositive sensitivities, calculated by subtracting Pdiff fromPKPDF. (b) Surfaces representing constant traveltimedeviations, using single scattering for P and PP,respectively. One quadrant is cut out to see the interiorof the 3-D kernels. Redder colors correspond to smallertraveltime deviations. We assume zero sensitivityoutside of the yellow surface, which represents the firstFresnel zone.

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[21] For the low-frequency PP-P differential times,we follow Karason [2002] and use single scatter-ing theory to estimate 3-D kernels, neglecting thesensitivity to structure outside the first Fresnelzone. Figure 4b depicts the absolute traveltimesurfaces for P and PP, respectively. The yellowsurface represents the first Fresnel zone calculatedfrom the dominant frequency of the PP-P data. Thedifferential PP-P kernel is obtained by subtractingthe P from the PP kernel [van der Hilst andEngdahl, 1991].

3.2. Sensitivity Matrix A: AdaptiveParameterization

[22] We parameterize the tomographic model bymeans of local basis functions consisting of non-overlapping and constant-slowness cells [Spakmanand Nolet, 1988]. The part of the sensitivity matrixA associated with short-period data then consists ofthe total length of the rays traversing such cellswhereas the part of A associated with the low-frequency data is obtained through projection ofthe 3-D kernels onto such basis.

[23] The uneven sampling of mantle structures byseismic waves results in significant lateral varia-tions in resolution. The use of a regular grid wouldeither over-parameterize poorly sampled regions(also be computationally inefficient) or averageout small-scale structures. Local basis functionscan, however, be adjusted to the expected resolu-tion [e.g., Abers and Roecker, 1991; Fukao et al.,1992; Widiyantoro and van der Hilst, 1996;Bijwaard et al., 1998]. We follow Karason andvan der Hilst [2000] and construct an adaptiveparameterization scheme on the basis of samplingdensity (hit counts) of the short-period data. In thisalgorithm, the adaptive grid is constructed bycombining one or more cells from the base gridto reach a minimum ray density in each cell(we use a minimum hit count of 900). The basegrid is approximately 0.7� in latitude and longitudeand 45 km in depth throughout the mantle. Withincreasing depth, the minimum cell size increasesin accordance with the increasing width of theFresnel zones of short-period P waves. The totalnumber of cells used in the inversion, that is thelength of model vector m, is �500,000.

3.3. Crust Correction

[24] The small incidence angles of teleseismic Pwaves may map unresolved crustal heterogeneityto greater depths in the mantle. One can correct thedata explicitly for the contribution (to the travel-

times) of propagation through the crust. This is,however, sensitive to error in the crust model andmay result in introducing as many artifacts as onewants to remove. Instead, we correct for crustalstructure by means of regularization to (that is,forcing the solution toward) an a priori 3-D crustalmodel [Li et al., 2006]. In addition to the simplicityof implementation, the correction through regular-ization in the model space can balance the crustand upper mantle contribution to a misfit (throughthe weight k3 in the penalty function). Furthermore,later addition of data, the use of data with complexsensitivity to shallow structure, such as the mini-max PP phase, or updates of the reference crustmodel do not require further calculation other thanre-running the inversion. We use CRUST 2.0[Bassin et al., 2000] as the a priori global referenceand embed higher-resolution regional modelswhere available.

3.4. Regularization (Damping)

[25] As in our previous studies, we regularize theinversion using a combination of norm damping,which tends to minimize the amplitude of themodel, and gradient damping, which producessmooth variations, both laterally and radially. Weperform experiments with synthetic data fromknown input models to find appropriate valuesfor the damping parameters (that is, k1 and k2in the cost function), but the choice of theseparameters is subjective. We prefer small valuesfor the norm damping and for the gradient dampingin the radial direction.

4. Results

[26] The results of checkerboard tests give (quali-tative) insight into the general resolution of ourglobal model (Figure 5). The input pattern has ahalf wavelength of �5� and the constant amplitudeof 1.5% in the upper half of the mantle. In thelower half of the mantle, the half wavelength is�10�. In this way the half wavelength of inputpattern is similar (�550 km) near Earth’s surfaceand at the base of the mantle. The input anomalieswere put at one depth at a time. Noiseless synthetictraveltimes were created and inverted using thesame inversion scheme as for the observed data.Although the resolution is still spatially variable inthe upper mantle due to the uneven distribution ofstations and zones of active seismicity, and gener-ally poor beneath the southern hemisphere, we arecontinually improving the ability to recover mantlestructure by adding new data sets (Figures 3b–3d).

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The amplitude recovery is spatially variable butgenerally less than 70%, in part because of thedamping that we use to suppress the effects ofnoise in the data.

[27] Our new model for P wave speed variations ishereinafter referred to as MIT-P08. Figure 6 depictsP wave speed variations at selected mantle depths,in which the color bar is adapted to the radial

Figure 5. Recovery fields of global resolution tests, using harmonic input patterns with constant amplitude ±1.5%in wave speed throughout the mantle. (a–e) Half-wavelength of �5� (spatial wavelength of �550 km at the surface).(f–j) Half-wavelength of �10� (�600 km at the CMB).

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changes in strength of the anomalies. To appreciatethe change in surface area with depth, Figure 7displays resolution and wave speed maps with anappropriate scaling of the surface area (and withthe same color bar throughout). MIT-P08 is gener-ally consistent with our earlier models [e.g., vander Hilst et al., 1997; Karason and van der Hilst,2000, 2001] but locally it shows more detail. Acomprehensive discussion of MIT-P08 is beyondthe scope of this paper, but we illustrate its multi-scale aspects with examples pertinent to uppermantle structure, slabs of subducted lithosphere,and mantle upwellings.

4.1. Upper Mantle Structure

[28] At long wavelengths, slow back arc regions,fast subduction zones, and fast craton signaturesare prominent in the map views of upper mantlestructure (Figure 6a), but in many regions the dataresolves structure on much smaller scales than canbe appreciated from the global perspective. As anillustration of the high resolution in regions ofdense data coverage (Figure 3b), Figure 8a depictsthe shallow structure beneath east Asia. The incor-poration of data from the Chinese SeismologicalNetwork and from temporary arrays in Tibet pro-duced a significant increase in resolution of uppermantle structure (auxiliary material1 Figure S1).Tomographically inferred mantle heterogeneitycorrelates well with geological features [Li et al.,2006; Li et al., submitted manuscript, 2008]. Forexample, the high-velocity anomalies beneath theHimalayas and the southwestern margin of theTibetan Plateau probably mark subducted Indianlithosphere, and the Precambrian Sichuan andOrdos basins are marked by fast anomalies.

[29] In accord with regional and global surfacewave studies, MIT-P08 reveals slow wave propa-gation in the upper mantle beneath the western partof North America and seismically fast continentallithosphere beneath the Great Plains and the Cana-dian Shield (Figure 8b). Resolution in the uppermantle beneath North America is not yet as good asbeneath east Asia, but addition of USArray datawill change this in the years to come [Burdick etal., 2008].

4.2. Slabs of Subducted Lithosphere

[30] As in our previous models [van der Hilst etal., 1997; Karason and van der Hilst, 2000, 2001],

the presumed slabs of subducted lithosphere aregenerally well resolved in MIT-P08. Indeed, longand narrow traces of fast materials from the uppermantle transition zone to mid-mantle depths arevisible beneath North and South America andsouthern Asia (Figures 6b–6f). These structureshave previously been associated with plate motionhistory and are thought to be the remnants of oldsubducted slabs. We illustrate the detail in MIT-P08 by means of vertical sections across threemajor convergent plate boundaries (Figures 9–11).

[31] Sections 1–3 in Figure 9 show complex uppermantle structures associated with the subduction ofthe Cocos plate along the Middle America trench[see also van der Hilst, 1990], whereas sections 4and 5 give insight into the subduction of theAtlantic lithosphere into the transition zone be-neath the Lesser Antilles arc and the deep subduc-tion of the Farallon plate beneath the Caribbeanplate [see also van der Hilst and Spakman, 1989;van der Hilst et al., 1997; Grand et al., 1997; Renet al., 2007]. Sections 6–9 illustrate variations inthe style of subduction of the Nazca and Farallonplates beneath South America (for detaileddiscussions of these structures and the tectonicswe refer to our regional studies [e.g., van derHilst and Mann, 1994; Engdahl et al., 1995; Renet al., 2007]). The spatial resolution decreasessouthward along the arc as a result of the (general)degradation of data coverage in the southern hemi-sphere, and the structure associated with westwardsubduction beneath the South Sandwich Islandsonly barely stands out above the background(section 10).

[32] Figure 10 illustrates mantle structures associ-ated with subduction of oceanic lithosphere be-neath the western Pacific island arcs, fromKamchatka in the north, along the Kuril Islandsand Japan, to Izu Bonin and Mariana in the south.As was observed previously [e.g., van der Hilst etal., 1991; Fukao et al., 1992; van der Hilst andSeno, 1993; Fukao et al., 2001;Miller et al., 2004],the style of seismicity and subduction varies dra-matically along these trenches. In the north, theslab is rather steep and connects to lower mantlestructures, and its seismic Wadati-Benioff zonereaches well into the transition zone (sections 11,12). Southward, the dip angle gradually decreasesto �30� below central Japan and large aseismicparts of the slabs appear stagnant in the transitionzone beneath eastern China (sections 13, 15, and16). Section 16 reveals the complex transition zonestructure associated with the subduction of Pacific1Auxiliary material data sets are available at ftp://ftp.agu.org/apend/

gc/2007gc001806. Other auxiliary material files are in the HTML.

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Figure 6. Global P wave speed heterogeneity at several selected depths using the Robinson projection centered(left) on the Pacific Ocean and (right) on Africa.

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Figure 6. (continued)

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and Philippine Sea plates at the Izu Bonin andRyukyu trenches, respectively, and section 17shows that beneath the Mariana Trench a slab seemsto sink directly into the lower mantle. The newimages of the lateral variation along the Izu Boninand Mariana subduction systems are in agreementwith van der Hilst and Seno [1993], and laterstudies such as Miller et al. [2004], but owing tothe added data coverage in SE Asia the structure ofthe stagnant parts beneath the northern part of thePhilippine Sea plate and SE Asia is being revealedwith increasing clarity (e.g., section 16).

[33] Figure 11 illustrates structures associated withthe subduction of the Indo-Australia and Pacificplates beneath Indochina [see also Widiyantoroand van der Hilst, 1996; Replumaz et al., 2004;

Hafkenscheid et al., 2001, 2006]. The subductedslabs beneath the Celebes Sea (section 21) and thePhilippine trench (section 22) are clearly definedand reach into the lower mantle. Subduction of theIndian plate beneath the Sunda arc is continuous toat least 1,600 km depth (sections 19, 20). Theimages also reveal a large, seismically fast struc-ture in the lower mantle (section 21, 22), which weinterpret as a deep accumulation of slab fragmentsthat subducted along the Sunda arc from the southand the Banda, Halmahera, and Philippine trenchesfrom the east.

4.3. Upwellings

[34] We have not added data sets that specificallyimprove the sampling of the mantle beneath ‘‘hotspots’’ in oceanic intra plate regions. Therefore,

Figure 7. The scale effect with radius both for the model (with the same color scale, ±0.8%) and checkerboard test.

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apart from a general improvement in resolution,our current model is in this regard not muchdifferent from our previous models. Instead ofproducing a ‘‘catalog of deep mantle plume’’[Montelli et al., 2006a] we point out the mostconspicuous anomalies. We use ‘‘hot spots’’[Courtillot et al., 2003] for geographical reference.

[35] In the upper mantle and transition zone(Figures 6a and 6b), the most pronounced lowwave speed anomalies are associated with backarc regions of the circum-Pacific subduction zones,with more localized regions beneath hot spots (e.g.,Iceland, Hawaii, Azores, Afar, Erebus, and theSamao-Tahiti-Society Islands group) and rift zones(e.g., East Africa) with the regions of recenttectonic activity along the west coast of NorthAmerica, and with Tibet. In the top 400 km ofthe lower mantle the slow anomalies that are mostconspicuous in the global maps (Figures 6c and 6d)

are East Africa (including Afar and Lake Victoria),NW Africa (incl. Cape Verde, Canary Islands),the Azores, Hawaii, and the SW Pacific. BeneathIceland, a localized low wave speed anomaly canbe discerned until a depth of at least 1000 km(Figures 6d and 12), whereas beneath Hawaiianomalously low velocities are detected to at least�1800 km depth (Figure 13).

[36] Between �1,200 and �2,000 km depth, pro-nounced low wave speed anomalies persist beneaththe central Pacific, southwest Pacific (in particular,northeast of the Solomon Islands), the Cape Verde-Canary Islands-Azores group, Ascension, thenorthwestern corner of the Indian plate, and be-neath Africa, with the focus of the latter anomalyshifted southward with respect to the shallowerstructure (Figure 14). Toward the base of themantle (e.g., Figures 6h–6j) large wavelengthstructures begin to dominate the spectrum [e.g.,Su and Dziewonski, 1992]. Correction for actualsurface area (Figure 7) shows that the increase inspatial length scales is, however, not as large asperceived from traditional constant area presenta-tions of such structure (Figure 6). In the lowermostmantle large, seismically slow regions exist be-neath central and southwest Pacific, northwestAfrica, and the south Atlantic. These observationsare mostly consistent with previous studies (auxil-iary material Figure S2).

5. Discussion and Concluding Remarks

[37] In this paperwedocument our currentmethodoftraveltime tomography and present our new modelforPwavespeed inEarth’smantle,MIT-P08.Wewillcontinue to update our model when new data areavailable in the future. The newmodel is available asauxiliary material DataSet S1, and updates of themodel are provided through http://eapsweb.mit.edu/research/MITP08.txt.gz.

[38] While modern data sets and computational andtheoretical developments are beginning to makefull waveform tomography a reality, valuable in-formation can still be gleaned from carefully mea-sured phase arrival times, in particular in regionswhere such data is available from dense (perma-nent and/or temporary) seismograph networks.Indeed, over the years, we have been integratingsuch data sets with the global set of traveltimeresiduals maintained by Engdahl and coworkers[Engdahl et al., 1998]. Consequently, traveltimetomography has been producing images of increas-ing clarity and detail.

Figure 8. The continental (upper mantle) structure of(a) east Asia and (b) North America at 150 km depth[see also Burdick et al., 2008].

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[39] Our emphasis has been on improving dataquality and quantity, but our approach to multiscaletomography has benefited from several technicalchanges since the construction of our first globalmodel a decade ago [van der Hilst et al., 1997].First, we use an irregular grid to optimize resolu-tion in regions of dense data coverage [Bijwaard etal., 1998; Karason and van der Hilst, 2000].Second, we use approximate 3-D sensitivity ker-nels for joint inversions of data measured at dif-ferent frequencies [Karason and van der Hilst,2001; Karason, 2002]. Third, we use a crustcorrection to mitigate artifacts due to strong het-

erogeneity in the crust that cannot be resolved bythe data used [Li et al., 2006].

[40] We do not want to repeat the discussion in theseries of comments and replies that followed deHoop and van der Hilst [2005a] [see Dahlen andNolet, 2005; de Hoop and van der Hilst, 2005b;Montelli et al., 2006b; van der Hilst and de Hoop,2005], but we comment briefly on pragmaticaspects of such sensitivity kernels. We have beenusing approximations to full finite frequency ker-nels that are different from the approximation thathas become known as the so-called ‘‘banana-doughnut kernel’’ [Dahlen et al., 2000]. With the

Figure 9. Subduction through Central America and South America. The gray circles on the cross sections show theearthquakes. Gray scale contours display the outline of subduction zones, as defined by slab-related seismicity[Gudmundsson and Sambridge, 1998].

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data and the media considered, and in view of thefundamental non-uniqueness of this type linearizedtomography (that is, a single-step linearization,with kernels calculated in a simple (quasi-homo-geneous) background), this difference is not criti-cal. Indeed, several studies [Boschi et al., 2006;Trampert and Spetzler, 2006], including our own[e.g., Karason, 2002; van der Hilst and de Hoop,2006], have now shown that the effects of banana-doughnut kernels on tomographic images have, sofar, been small (and perhaps insignificant). Thereare, however, practical differences between tomo-graphic studies that affect the appearance of themodels; these include the choice of data, parame-terization, regularization, and misfit criteria. Westress that this does not mean that finite frequencyeffects are not important for tomography. On thecontrary, for true multiresolution tomography withbroad band waveforms more accurate theory andcalculation is indeed needed [de Hoop and van derHilst, 2005a; Tromp et al., 2005; de Hoop et al.,2006; Chen et al., 2007].

[41] A detailed presentation and discussion of themantle structures associated with mantle convec-

tion is beyond the scope of this paper, but we havegiven examples that illustrate the type of image ofmantle structure that can be expected from ourmodel.

[42] Questions as to whether the ‘‘narrow’’ slab-like features are an artifact of uneven (and selec-tive) sampling of larger-scale structures (e.g., W. B.Hamilton, personal communication, 2004, 2006)can be addressed in several ways. Van der Hilst etal. [1997] showed, in their Figure 2, that even adecade ago data coverage would have been suffi-cient to resolve (with traveltimes) the type of longwavelength structure inferred from, for instance,the pioneering long-wavelength models byDziewonski and Woodhouse [1987], and that verylittle small-scale structure is artificially induced byirregular data coverage and the use of a blockparameterization. Furthermore, specific aspects ofslab geometry have been studied by means ofspecially designed ‘‘hypothesis’’ tests [e.g.,Spakman et al., 1989; van der Hilst, 1995; vander Hilst et al., 1997; Ren et al., 2007]. As anexample of the latter, auxiliary material Figure S3shows results of inversions with synthetic data

Figure 10. Northwestern Pacific and Philippine Sea subduction (Kam, Kamchatka; IB, Izu Bonin; Ma, Mariana).

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calculated from input models that were designed totest the level of artificial mapping of upper mantlestructures to lower mantle depths. From tests suchas this we conclude that, in general, the deepmantle parts of the slab structures are well resolvedand that they are not artifacts of uneven datacoverage.

[43] As regards the ‘‘fate of the slabs,’’ our newmodel confirms our previous conclusions [e.g., vander Hilst et al., 1991, 1997; Karason and van derHilst, 2000; Trampert and van der Hilst, 2005] thatthere is significant variability in the depth to whichslabs appear to sink. The images provide strongevidence for deep (present-day) subduction be-neath Central America, Indochina, and segmentsof the northwestern and southwestern Pacific sub-duction systems. On the other hand, (present-day)stagnation of slab fragments in or near the uppermantle transition zone (say, 400–1000 km depth)is evident beneath parts of the Mediterranean, partsof Tonga, and, in particular, over large areasbeneath the (northern) Philippine Sea plate and

SE Asia (largely in agreement with Fukao et al.[2001]).

[44] Given this variability, it is not useful to definea single ‘‘fate of the slab’’ as implied either bythermal boundary layer theory or by the canonicalend-member models of layered or whole mantleconvention. Indeed, in thermo-chemical convectionthe interplay between (1) a radial mixing gradient(with rapid overturn in the lower viscosity shallowmantle and sluggish convection in the higher-viscosity deeper mantle), (2) dynamical effects ofphase transformations (which may produce local,transient layering [e.g., van der Hilst and Seno,1993; Thoraval et al., 1995]), (3) chemical effectsof phase transformations (e.g., buoyancy of basaltfraction, local, transient compositional filtering[Weinstein, 1992]), and (4) realistic plates and platemotion and subduction histories (e.g., convergencerate, relative motion of the trench, age of plate atthe trench, size of plate, length of trench, durationof subduction process), may well result in a systemin which not all slabs behave the same or sink tothe same depth and in which compositional het-

Figure 11. Andaman-Sumatra subduction (Cel, Celebes Sea).

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erogeneity is maintained self-consistently without‘‘static’’ layering [see also Albarede and van derHilst, 2002].

[45] Even if the implications for our understandingof mantle convection are still debated, tomographic

imaging of structure associated with downwellingshas matured over the past decades, and furtherimprovements may be incremental. For upwellingssuch maturation has not yet occurred. Tomographyis revealing tantalizing wave speed anomalies thatmay be associated with thermal plumes or othertypes of upwelling, but limited data coveragecontinues to prevent adequate sampling of suchstructures. Indeed, resolution of the present-daycontroversies about ‘‘plume imaging’’ requiresdramatic improvements in data coverage. Thismust be achieved (indirectly) through the use ofbetter wave propagation theory and inversionmethods (to allow the correct interpretation of alarger part of the recorded wavefield) and (directly)

Figure 12. Mantle upwelling beneath Iceland. Thecross section on the right upper corner shows P waveanomalies beneath Iceland from the surface down to1700 km depth. The location of the cross section isshown in the subplot in the left upper corner. Othersubplots show P wave speed perturbations map view atselected depths.

Figure 13. Mantle structure beneath Hawaii.

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through the acquisition of data from denser seis-mograph networks on land and in, in particular,oceanic regions.


[46] We thank L. Boschi and another anonymous reviewer for

constructive reviews on an earlier version of our manuscript.

We acknowledge the generous sharing of data by Guy Masters

(IGPP, UC San Diego), Michael Wysession (Washington

University, St. Louis), Tom McSweeney and Ken Creager

(University of Washington, Seattle), and Ruomei Sun (IGG-

CAS, Beijing). This research is funded by NSF grant 6892042.


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