GEOLOGY 103: Understanding the Earth, Section 1 Fall 2013 MWF 11:00-11:50 am Instructor: Dr. Beth Laliberte Phone: (401) 874-5512 E-mail: [email protected] Office: 333 Woodward Hall Office Hours: WF 9:30 – 10:30 am, Tu 11-12 and by appointment Course Objectives: In this class we will examine the processes operating within and upon the Earth. We will study the relationship of plate tectonics to volcanism, earthquakes and mountain building, and examine the development and modification of landscapes by rivers, glaciers, wind, waves, and groundwater. Required Materials: Lecture Text: Marshak, S. (2012) Earth: Portrait of a Planet, 4 th Edition. Norton Publishers, New York, 819 pages Turning Point Technologies NXT Response Card (bring to lecture) Laboratory Text: Donohue and Tarailo (Fall 2013) GEO 103: Understanding the Earth Laboratory Manual. Available at iCopy in the Kingston Emporium on Fortin Road. Required for lab. Grading: Laboratory = 25% Midterms = 20% In-Class Assignments = 20% Homework (essays, on-line quizzes) = 20% Final = 15% General Information: To be prepared for class, read the relevant textbook chapter(s) and take an on-line quiz on the material prior to class. On-line support materials for Earth: Portrait of a Planet and on-line quizzes can be found at: http://wwnorton.com/college/geo/earth4/welcome.aspx Send your quiz results to [email protected] You are in Section 1. Lecture overheads and other course-related information will be available on Sakai https://sakai.uri.edu You must be concurrently enrolled in a laboratory section. Please do not use your cellular phone or text message during class. You may not use any electronic equipment during exams. Grades of “incomplete” will not be assigned except in cases of emergency which must be approved by the Department Chair and the Dean. All students are expected to abide by the University of Rhode Island Academic Honesty Policy http://www.uri.edu/judicial/Student%20Handbook/ch1.html Attendance is expected, but I will not take attendance on a daily basis. Missed in-class assignments will count as a zero unless you have an excused absence. In the event of illness this means contacting me before the missed class, or providing doctor’s documentation after the fact. Other excuses will be handled on a case-by-case basis. You must contact me within 24 hours of the missed class or your absence will be considered unexcused. I do not give make-up assignments but will drop that in-class assignment from your average for an excused absence. Make-up exams are only offered for excused absences.


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GEOLOGY 103: Understanding the Earth, Section 1Fall 2013 MWF 11:00-11:50 am

Instructor: Dr. Beth LalibertePhone: (401) 874-5512E-mail: [email protected]: 333 Woodward HallOffice Hours: WF 9:30 – 10:30 am, Tu 11-12 and by appointment

Course Objectives:In this class we will examine the processes operating within and upon the Earth. We willstudy the relationship of plate tectonics to volcanism, earthquakes and mountain building,and examine the development and modification of landscapes by rivers, glaciers, wind,waves, and groundwater.

Required Materials: Lecture Text: Marshak, S. (2012) Earth: Portrait of a Planet, 4th Edition. Norton

Publishers, New York, 819 pages Turning Point Technologies NXT Response Card (bring to lecture) Laboratory Text: Donohue and Tarailo (Fall 2013) GEO 103: Understanding the

Earth Laboratory Manual. Available at iCopy in the Kingston Emporium onFortin Road. Required for lab.

Grading: Laboratory = 25%Midterms = 20%In-Class Assignments = 20%Homework (essays, on-line quizzes) = 20%Final = 15%

General Information: To be prepared for class, read the relevant textbook chapter(s) and take an on-line quiz on the

material prior to class. On-line support materials for Earth: Portrait of a Planet and on-linequizzes can be found at: http://wwnorton.com/college/geo/earth4/welcome.aspx Send yourquiz results to [email protected] You are in Section 1.

Lecture overheads and other course-related information will be available on Sakaihttps://sakai.uri.edu

You must be concurrently enrolled in a laboratory section. Please do not use your cellular phone or text message during class. You may not use any electronic equipment during exams. Grades of “incomplete” will not be assigned except in cases of emergency which must be

approved by the Department Chair and the Dean. All students are expected to abide by the University of Rhode Island Academic Honesty Policy

http://www.uri.edu/judicial/Student%20Handbook/ch1.html Attendance is expected, but I will not take attendance on a daily basis. Missed in-class

assignments will count as a zero unless you have an excused absence. In the event of illness thismeans contacting me before the missed class, or providing doctor’s documentation after thefact. Other excuses will be handled on a case-by-case basis. You must contact me within 24hours of the missed class or your absence will be considered unexcused. I do not give make-upassignments but will drop that in-class assignment from your average for an excused absence.Make-up exams are only offered for excused absences.



Sept 4 Introduction6 Solar System 1 Quiz chapter 19 Plate Tectonics 2, 3, 4 Homework due

11 Plate Tectonics 2, 3, 4 Quiz chapter 413 Minerals 5 Quiz chapter 516 Magma, Igneous Rocks Int A, 6 Quiz chapter 618 Igneous Rocks 6 Essay 1 due20 Sediments, Sedimentary Rocks Int B & C, 7 Quiz chapter 723 Sedimentary Rocks 725 Sed. Structures, Metamorphism 7, 8 Quiz chapter 827 Metamorphism Q/A 830 Exam 1 Ch 1-8

Oct 2 Volcanoes 9 Quiz chapter 94 Volcanoes 9 Essay 2 due7 Earthquakes 10 Quiz chapter 109 Earthquakes, Mountain building 10, 11 Quiz chapter 11

11 Crustal Deformation Int D, 1116 Geologic Time Int E, ch 12, 13 Quiz chapter 12

18Geologic Time, EnergyResources 12, 14 Quiz chapter 14

21 Energy Resources 14 Essay 3 due23 Energy and Mineral Resources 14, 15 Quiz chapter 1525 Mineral Resources, Q/A 1528 Exam 2 Ch 9-1530 Weathering, Soil Int F

Nov 1 Soil, Mass Wasting 16 Quiz chapter 164 Mass Wasting 16

6 Streams 17Essay 4 dueQuiz chapter 17

8 Streams and Flooding 1713 Flooding and Oceans 17, 18 Quiz chapter 1815 Coasts 1818 Coasts 1820 Groundwater 19 Quiz chapter 19

22 Atmosphere/Climate 20Essay 5 dueQuiz chapter 20

25 Weather and Wind 2027 Deserts 21 Quiz chapter 21

Dec 2 Glaciers 22 Quiz chapter 224 Glaciers 226 Our Changing Planet 23 Quiz chapter 239 Our Changing Planet/Q&A 23 Essay 6 due

Final ExamFriday Dec. 13, 8-11 am 1-23

*Schedule subject to change depending on class progress*Read textbook chapter(s) and complete quiz before class lecture.


You will be writing six essays on geologically-related topics. The list of potential topicsfor each submission is provided below. For each essay, you should select one topic fromthe list. Write your essay using the following guidelines:

1. After reviewing the text and lecture and lab notes, determine the most importantaspects of your chosen topic, and express those aspects in your own words. Citeyour references.

2. Find at least one additional source of information (i.e., from journal articles) forone aspect of your chosen topic. Describe this new information and how it relatesto the material covered in class. Cite your reference(s) in your essay.

Each essay should include your name, the class (GEO 103 Section 1), a title, in-textcitations and a list of references. Use (author, date) notation for in-text citations and astandard reference format such as MLA for the works cited list. Essays should be typed,double-spaced and 1-2 pages long. If your essay is greater than one page, please stapleyour papers together.

Essay due dates and potential topics (choose ONE topic per essay):

Essay 1 (due 9/18): Solar System, Plate Tectonics, Minerals, Igneous Rocks, MagmaEssay 2 (due 10/4): Sediments, Sedimentary Rocks, MetamorphismEssay 3 (due 10/21): Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Earth’s Interior, Geologic TimeEssay 4 (due 11/6): Energy Resources, Mineral Resources, Weathering, Soil, MassWastingEssay 5 (due 11/22): Streams, Flooding, Oceans, Coasts, GroundwaterEssay 6 (due 12/9): Atmosphere, Climate, Wind, Deserts, Glaciers, Global ClimateChange

The essays can be turned in using one of two methods: As a hardcopy handed to me in class (preferred method) As an email attachment delivered to my inbox ([email protected]) no later than

class time on the date the essay is due. I will reply to your message so you knowthat I received it. If you do not receive a reply it is your responsibility to makesure that I received your submission.

Located on the Roosevelt Hall's 4th floor, the URI Writing Center offers tutoringappointments, group appointments, drop-in tutorials, and resources for writers. They helpstudent writers understand assignments, conduct research, and learn proofreadingstrategies. If possible, call ahead for an appointment: 401-874-2367. Drop-in tutorials areoften available. For more information, visit the Writing Center's Web site athttp://www.uri.edu/artsci/writing/center/

Essay Grading Rubric3 2 1

Format/Appearance Proper format (title,typed text, references)turned in on-time

Improper format(i.e., handwritten, notitle)

Improper format orsubmitted late

Description oftopic

Clear description oftopic

Brief description oftopic

Inappropriate topic(not from list)


Included additionalinformation on oneaspect of the topicusing scholarlyreference(s)

Included additionalinformation on oneaspect of the topic

Did not includeadditionalinformation

Reference(s) 2 or more referencescited in the essay

Reference(s)included but notcited

No references

Spelling/grammar No spelling orgrammatical errors

A few spelling orgrammatical errors

Many spelling orgrammatical errors
