Genre Analysis Peer Review By Me

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  • 8/10/2019 Genre Analysis Peer Review By Me


    Jaimes 1

    Ricardo Jaimes

    Instructor: Malcolm Campbell

    English 1101

    September 13th, 2014

    Modern Day Sitcomsthe Shows about Nothing

    The sitcom has become a prevalent genre within the past few decades. Theyre

    everywhere. Shows like Seinfeld,Friends, The Big Bang Theory, and The King of Queensappear

    on various television networks to this day despite some of them airing many years ago. So what

    makes sitcoms so special? What is a sitcom? Its actually a shortened version of the phrase

    situation comedy. They are comedies that take place in familiar settings like a house, a

    workplace, or a store. These setting are usually occupied by familiar, comedic characters

    usually the same group of characters every episode. The genre itself is a sub-genre of comedy.

    More specifically, this analysis will study the genre by taking an in depth look at the popular

    television show Seinfeld, and it will outline various conventions and restraints to define the genre

    as a whole.

    Seinfeldhas a lot of good examples for the core values of a sitcom. The familiar settings

    are there: Jerrys apartment, the coffee shop, etc.; the group of friends: Jerry, Elaine, Kramer,

    and George; and the relatively mundane plotline. This is, in fact, the very concept of Seinfeld. A

    basic synopsis of one the most popular episodes is the following: Jerry and his friends wait for

    their table at a restaurant. That is what makes the sitcom genre unique. Most of the time, these

    shows have a very ordinary plot. The script writers are the ones who have the difficult job. They

    need to take an ordinary situation, such as waiting at a restaurant for your table, and make it

    Comment [JM1]: You could explain h

    personalities of these specific characters

    similar trend in sitcom tv show casts

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    funny and interesting. The show relies heavily on a funny script and well written characters. The

    concepts and situations are made to be simple and relatable. For example, everyone has had to

    wait for a table at a restaurant before. What makes the show interesting is the dialogue that

    occurs during the situationthe actions, the causes and effects. Often times sitcoms take an

    embarrassing situation that is relatable, and imposes it on the group of common characters.

    Normally, when these embarrassing situations happen to us, were not happy, but it can be funny

    to watch it happen to someone else. Sitcoms use the group of characters unique personalities to

    create a funny reaction to these embarrassing situations. In fact, one episode of Seinfeldeven

    pokes fun at the very idea of making a show about virtually nothing. Most episode storylines are

    so basic to the point where they happen every day to all of us.

    Now on to the charactersSeinfeldhas four core characters in the show: Jerry, the laid

    back comedian; George: the portly, pusillanimous, and very stereotypical Jewish man; Elaine:

    the superficial female member who appears to be a normal and decent member of society, but

    really isnt; and Kramer: the crazy, strange and often random group member. The main group of

    characters are often portrayed as poor, indecent members of society which is partly what adds to

    their comedic value. Seeing these specific characters react to everyday situations is what makes

    the show funny. The characters truly define the genre. Going back to what was said earlier, since

    the plot is so basic, the characters need to be interesting. Good main characters add to the sitcom

    genre because it develops a connection with the audience. Writers take funny or embarrassing

    characteristics that we all have and they put an ample amount of them into the main characters.

    Then, with those crazy, amplified characteristics, they turn a boring situation into something fun

    to watch.

    Comment [JM2]: This is a possible re

    sitcoms are popular and why new ones a

    being created

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    All of these are common conventions that define the show and the genre that it is in.

    Another common convention that is present in the older sitcoms would be the laugh track. The

    laugh track was originally put in to assist the audience in laughter. This correlates with the

    concept that its easier to laugh at something once everyone else is. It can sometimes seem out of

    place to be the only laughing at something, so the laugh track helps encourage laughter of the

    current situation. This also shows how the genre has greatly changed throughout the years. At

    first, the laugh track was a commonly placed convention in sitcoms but, more recently, the laugh

    track is not nearly as commonly placed. More modern shows like The OfficeandIts Always

    Sunny in Philadelphiaare great examples of this. In our specific show example, Seinfeld, the

    laugh track is used. In most cases, its used to highlight the absurdity of the characters dialogue

    and actions because that is what the show is about.

    The audience of a sitcom is widely varied. Most of the time the television network the

    show is aired on determines the audience. There are more family friendly networks like Disney

    channel that focuses on less provocative content. Then there are television networks that are

    centered on a more vulgar, darker sense of humor meant for a more mature audienceironic.

    This ties in to the overall purpose of the sitcom. They are shows designed to make us laugh. And

    since comedy has a very selective audience, there is a small target audience for a specific show.

    However, the sitcom genre in general has a large target audience. It became so popular because it

    appealed to a large audience. It just all depends on how specific the sub-genre is. Sitcom itself is

    a specific genre; however, it can be broken down even more into a very specific target audience.

    The main audience would be anyone who is looking to laugh. There is a sitcom to match

    many different types of humor, whether it be a horribly clichd and obvious humor, or a laid

    Comment [JM3]: Why is this? Becaus

    older show like That 70s Show that also

    laugh track

    Comment [JM4]: Are there an stats a

    demographics that relate to this? Is it old

    younger people who like these shows?

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    back, dark, sarcastic humor, there are plenty of shows around now to satisfy a multitude of


    In general, sitcoms are known for relating to cultural and social trends. A lot of them

    attempt to stay relative in their humor during their date of airing. For example, Seinfeld would

    often make good use of its setting to contribute towards the comedy. The show took place in

    New York City. A lot of the times Seinfeldwould create relatable situations to fellow New York

    residents who also had to deal with the same circumstances. This could include anything from

    parking on the side of the road of you apartment complex to constantly having to utilize the taxi

    service. Another sitcom called South Park is known for incorporating very recent events in their

    episodes. The show itself is created the week that it airs. They use that as an opportunity to make

    the episodes relevant to current events that sometimes occur within the same week. Not many

    other genres can do that.

    Changing the sitcom genre to another comedy genre wouldnt be a difficult task since the

    sitcom genre is so versatile. But since comedy is so selective, if we used a more specific example

    of a sitcom, it would be a big transition. For instance, if the genre had to be changed to a

    romantic comedylet the television show Seinfeld and the romantic comedyMy 50 First Dates

    be used as examplesthere would be a lot of changes. The target audience would change

    drastically. The romantic comedy genre would appeal more to females opposed to males. The

    audience would typically be of an older age since romance is a factor. Ultimately, the show

    would lose a specific group of audience but gain another different group.

    The audience wouldnt be the only thing that would change, however. The content would

    drastically change too. As stated earlier, sitcoms jokes primarily come from their descriptive

    characters and their reactions to mundane situations. However, in a romantic comedy movie, the

    Comment [JM5]: What is the target a

    More specific

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    jokes would center on misunderstandings, and the plot would follow a more descriptive

    unfolding. Instead of an ordinary plot lines that most of us have experienced before, a romantic

    comedy would tell the story of a slightly less realistic situation. And instead of a funny ending,

    most romantic comedies involve some sort of touching scene where the girl and guy get back

    together to satisfy the audience for an ending.

    All of these aspectsconventions, target audience, restraintscontribute to the

    main purpose: to make us laugh. The sitcom genre uses all of these in a wide variety to cater to a

    large audience. The genre can be specifics, yet broad. Even today the genre is prevalent

    compared to its popularity in the past and its continuing to grow.

    "Sitcom." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Nov. 2014. Web. 13 Sept. 2014.

    Comment [JM6]: Possibly refer back