Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding Proteins over Evolutionary Time Scales Long Qian 1 and Edo Kussell 1,2 1 Department of Biology and Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, New York University, New York, New York 10003, USA 2 Department of Physics, New York University, New York, New York 10003, USA (Received 24 February 2016; revised manuscript received 10 August 2016; published 14 October 2016) The composition of a genome with respect to all possible short DNA motifs impacts the ability of DNA binding proteins to locate and bind their target sites. Since nonfunctional DNA binding can be detrimental to cellular functions and ultimately to organismal fitness, organisms could benefit from reducing the number of nonfunctional DNA binding sites genome wide. Using in vitro measurements of binding affinities for a large collection of DNA binding proteins, in multiple species, we detect a significant global avoidance of weak binding sites in genomes. We demonstrate that the underlying evolutionary process leaves a distinct genomic hallmark in that similar words have correlated frequencies, a signal that we detect in all species across domains of life. We consider the possibility that natural selection against weak binding sites contributes to this process, and using an evolutionary model we show that the strength of selection needed to maintain global word compositions is on the order of point mutation rates. Likewise, we show that evolutionary mechanisms based on interference of protein-DNA binding with replication and mutational repair processes could yield similar results and operate with similar rates. On the basis of these modeling and bioinformatic results, we conclude that genome-wide word compositions have been molded by DNA binding proteins acting through tiny evolutionary steps over time scales spanning millions of generations. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.6.041009 Subject Areas: Biological Physics, Statistical Physics I. INTRODUCTION DNA sequences encode information that is read and interpreted through molecular binding by proteins including transcription factors (TFs), nucleosomes, the RNA poly- merase complex, and DNA replication machinery. A DNA binding protein must discriminate a small number of func- tional binding sites on DNA (1100) from the much larger set of possible sites genome wide (10 6 10 9 ), a funda- mental molecular process that has been the subject of numerous biophysical studies (see, e.g., Refs. [14]). The size of a binding site varies depending on the DNA binding protein, with typical values in the range of 410 base pairs (bp) [5], while subsets of DNA nucleotide wordsor k-mers that are specifically bound by the protein are loosely referred to as its binding motifs. Given this challenging recognition problem, DNA binding proteins are not as specific as one would naively expect. Most DNA binding proteins recognize degenerate patterns; i.e., they can bind strongly to tens or hundreds of different possible words and weakly to thousands or more [6,7]. Indeed, genome-wide measurements consistently detect proteins bound to DNA at nonfunctional (or ectopic) sites throughout the genome [8,9]. Given these empirical observations, a fundamental question is whether the functional demands of DNA binding proteinswhich are dictated by organismal physiology and typically require a high degree of discrimination between functional and nonfunctional sitesimpose evolutionary constraints on genomic DNA sequences, e.g., to enhance their global capacity for target discrimination. In general, we would like to know how strongly and over what time scales can natural selection act on such constraints, as well as whether and how such a process has shaped genomes. To address these key questions at the nexus of molecular biophysics and evolutionary biology, we develop a new approach for global genomic analysis, and use it to perform wide-ranging analyses of DNA sequence evolution. We identify two major consequences of nonfunctional protein-DNA binding. First, there are interference effects, where such binding can disrupt various molecular proc- esses [10], including transcription [11], gene regulation [12], replication [13,14], and mutational repair [15,16]. For example, ectopic binding within a protein coding region could hinder transcription of the gene, slowing down or preventing synthesis of complete mRNA molecules. Recent analyses of cancer sequencing data indicate that tran- scription factors bound to DNA can interfere with muta- tional repair machinery, which leads to elevated mutation rates at DNA binding motifs in certain cell types [15]. Second, there is a titration effect, where nonfunctional Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distri- bution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published articles title, journal citation, and DOI. PHYSICAL REVIEW X 6, 041009 (2016) 2160-3308=16=6(4)=041009(15) 041009-1 Published by the American Physical Society

Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

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Page 1: Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA BindingProteins over Evolutionary Time Scales

Long Qian1 and Edo Kussell1,21Department of Biology and Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, New York University,

New York, New York 10003, USA2Department of Physics, New York University, New York, New York 10003, USA

(Received 24 February 2016; revised manuscript received 10 August 2016; published 14 October 2016)

The composition of a genome with respect to all possible short DNA motifs impacts the ability of DNAbinding proteins to locate and bind their target sites. Since nonfunctional DNA binding can be detrimental tocellular functions and ultimately to organismal fitness, organisms could benefit from reducing the number ofnonfunctional DNA binding sites genomewide. Using in vitromeasurements of binding affinities for a largecollection of DNA binding proteins, in multiple species, we detect a significant global avoidance of weakbinding sites in genomes. We demonstrate that the underlying evolutionary process leaves a distinctgenomic hallmark in that similar words have correlated frequencies, a signal that we detect in all speciesacross domains of life. We consider the possibility that natural selection against weak binding sitescontributes to this process, and using an evolutionary model we show that the strength of selection needed tomaintain global word compositions is on the order of point mutation rates. Likewise, we show thatevolutionary mechanisms based on interference of protein-DNA binding with replication and mutationalrepair processes could yield similar results and operatewith similar rates. On the basis of these modeling andbioinformatic results, we conclude that genome-wide word compositions have been molded by DNAbinding proteins acting through tiny evolutionary steps over time scales spanning millions of generations.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.6.041009 Subject Areas: Biological Physics, Statistical Physics


DNA sequences encode information that is read andinterpreted throughmolecular binding by proteins includingtranscription factors (TFs), nucleosomes, the RNA poly-merase complex, and DNA replication machinery. A DNAbinding protein must discriminate a small number of func-tional binding sites on DNA (∼1–100) from the much largerset of possible sites genome wide (∼106–109), a funda-mental molecular process that has been the subject ofnumerous biophysical studies (see, e.g., Refs. [1–4]). Thesize of a binding site varies depending on the DNA bindingprotein, with typical values in the range of 4–10 basepairs (bp) [5], while subsets of DNA nucleotide “words” ork-mers that are specifically bound by the protein are looselyreferred to as its binding motifs. Given this challengingrecognition problem, DNA binding proteins are not asspecific as one would naively expect. Most DNA bindingproteins recognize degenerate patterns; i.e., they can bindstrongly to tens or hundreds of different possible words andweakly to thousands or more [6,7]. Indeed, genome-widemeasurements consistently detect proteins bound to DNA at

nonfunctional (or ectopic) sites throughout the genome[8,9]. Given these empirical observations, a fundamentalquestion is whether the functional demands of DNA bindingproteins—which are dictated by organismal physiology andtypically require a high degree of discrimination betweenfunctional and nonfunctional sites—impose evolutionaryconstraints on genomic DNA sequences, e.g., to enhancetheir global capacity for target discrimination. In general,we would like to know how strongly and over what timescales can natural selection act on such constraints, as wellas whether and how such a process has shaped genomes. Toaddress these key questions at the nexus of molecularbiophysics and evolutionary biology, we develop a newapproach for global genomic analysis, and use it to performwide-ranging analyses of DNA sequence evolution.We identify two major consequences of nonfunctional

protein-DNA binding. First, there are interference effects,where such binding can disrupt various molecular proc-esses [10], including transcription [11], gene regulation[12], replication [13,14], and mutational repair [15,16]. Forexample, ectopic binding within a protein coding regioncould hinder transcription of the gene, slowing down orpreventing synthesis of complete mRNAmolecules. Recentanalyses of cancer sequencing data indicate that tran-scription factors bound to DNA can interfere with muta-tional repair machinery, which leads to elevated mutationrates at DNA binding motifs in certain cell types [15].Second, there is a titration effect, where nonfunctional

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms ofthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distri-bution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) andthe published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.

PHYSICAL REVIEW X 6, 041009 (2016)

2160-3308=16=6(4)=041009(15) 041009-1 Published by the American Physical Society

Page 2: Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

binding of a regulatory protein titrates copies of the proteinaway from its functional sites, thereby reducing theefficiency of gene regulation [17]. While these deleteriouseffects may be small for any given protein, each genomeencodes a large number of DNA binding proteins(∼102–103) that are each expressed at ∼101–104 copieswithin each cell. The aggregate effect of nonfunctionalDNA binding genome wide could have a significant impacton cellular physiology. To increase specificity, DNA bind-ing proteins often act cooperatively by binding multiple,closely spaced binding motifs on DNA, which enablesthe formation of stabilizing protein-protein contacts [18].Although molecular cooperativity has important regulatoryfunctions unrelated to specificity, by lowering the freeenergy of binding at functional sites it also reduces thefrequency of ectopic binding. In eukaryotes, DNA ispackaged and organized into higher-scale structures thatmodulate the accessibility of different genomic regions toDNA binding proteins [18]. By rendering parts of thegenome inaccessible to DNA binding, genome organiza-tion can reduce interference and titration effects.Nevertheless, accessible genomic regions constitute a largeamount of DNA (4.5 × 108 bp in the human genome) and asubstantial proportion of transcribed regions [19], whilecooperative binding reduces but does not eliminate non-functional binding.If nonfunctional binding constitutes a significant burden

on cellular processes, then evolution could lead to areduction of the number of ectopic binding sites genomewide. Until now, very few examples of genome-wideavoidance of binding motifs have been found. Analysesin bacteria have shown that promoter elements [20,21],transcription and translation boundary signals [22,23], andrestriction sites [24–27] are often statistically avoided ingenome sequences, yet these constitute only a handful ofbinding motifs that impact a tiny portion of DNA sequencespace in any given species. A more general finding wasmade soon after the publication of the E. coli genome,when it was noticed on the basis of motif predictionalgorithms that coding regions tend to avoid predictedrecognition sequences for a collection of known E. coliDNA binding proteins [28]. In eukaryotes, it remainslargely unknown whether genome sequences have beensubstantially shaped by DNA binding-related evolutionaryconstraints. Importantly, most previous studies focused onstrong DNA binding sites that are genetically well char-acterized, but overlooked weak DNA binding motifs, whichare more difficult to define experimentally. Since for anygiven TF there are exponentially more weak binding k-mersthan strong ones [6,7], weak ectopic binding to a largenumber of sites genome wide is potentially much moredetrimental to cellular functions than strong ectopic bind-ing, which may be comparatively rare.Here, we set out to determine whether signals of

evolutionary constraints imposed by protein-DNA binding

of arbitrary strength can be detected in genomes, and if so,what are the magnitudes of the relevant evolutionary forces.By correlating in vitro measurements of DNA binding withgenome-wide word statistics, we show that genomes haveevolved to reduce the occurrence of weak binding motifs.We demonstrate that the distinct set of DNA bindingproteins coded in each species’ genome imposes a largeset of global, evolutionary constraints that have ubiqui-tously shaped genome-wide motif statistics. We show that ahallmark signal of this process can be detected in allavailable genomes. We introduce a mathematical model ofthis process and use it to infer the time scales over whichevolution under DNA binding constraints has shapedgenomic motif composition across all domains of life.


A. Protein-DNA binding measurementsand genome-wide motif statistics

To determine whether genome sequences exhibit asignature of global evolution to avoid nonfunctionalprotein-DNA binding, we use in vitro measurements ofprotein-DNA binding specificities. A number of techniquesare available that yield DNA binding specificity informa-tion [29]; however, for our purposes it is particularlyimportant to assess not only the strongest binding sequen-ces but the full range of binding strengths to all possibleDNA motifs for each DNA binding protein. Currently, theonly technique that enables an unbiased measurement ofthis kind is a protein-binding microarray [30], whichconsists of ∼44 000 spots, each corresponding to a unique60 bp DNA probe. The set of probes is designed to span theset of all possible 8-mers (total 32896), such that eachnonpalindromic 8-mer is present in at least 32 differentspots (palindromic 8-mers occur in at least 16 spots).Measurement of protein-DNA binding is performed bypurifying a protein, which is applied to the microarray anddetected by a fluorophore-conjugated antibody. A valueproportional to binding strength is obtained for everypossible 8-mer by averaging the fluorescence measure-ments over all spots that contain a given 8-mer. Suchbinding measurements are available for several hundredDNA binding domains from several different organisms[31]. We initially study the mouse data set [6], which is oneof the most extensive, in which binding measurements areavailable for over 100 TFs. For each TF, the log bindingintensity values are centered to the median, and normalizedby their dispersion, yielding a binding score bi for everypossible 8-mer word i. Figure 1(a) shows the distribution ofbinding scores for a single TF (Mafk) across all 8-mers(see File S1 in Supplemental Material [32] for all TFs).Words in the positive or negative tails correspond to verystrong or very weak binding, respectively. For most TFs,the majority of words lie along a continuum of bindinglevels without substantial gaps, consistent with previous

LONG QIAN and EDO KUSSELL PHYS. REV. X 6, 041009 (2016)


Page 3: Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

observations that TFs typically exhibit degeneracy of theirtarget preferences [33,34].To correlate binding measurements with the genomic

motif composition, we analyze the intron regions of themouse genome, which constitute ∼750 Mb or nearly 30%of the total genomic DNA. Introns are ideal for detectingbinding-related evolutionary constraints because (i) theyare largely devoid of local selective pressures that wouldcomplicate the analysis (e.g., protein coding-related selec-tion in exons) and (ii) they reside in genic regions and arethus generally accessible to binding factors. Simply corre-lating in vitro binding scores with genomic word frequen-cies, however, is highly misleading due to two effects. First,the nucleotide composition (G/C content) of the genome isa major predictor of word usage, and it has been argued thatG/C content may be determined by both mutational biases(i.e., unequal rates of mutation between the four nucleotidebases of DNA) as well as natural selection [35,36]. TFs thatbind words composed of more (less) frequent nucleotideswill automatically exhibit positive (negative) correlationsbetween binding scores and genomic k-mer frequencies,regardless of whether or not G/C content has beenevolutionarily shaped by binding-related global constraints.In our analysis, we therefore use relative word frequencies,i.e., normalized by expectation based on genome

nucleotide composition. Second, in vertebrates and plants,the dinucleotide CpG is hypermutable (e.g., in mice itsmutation rate is ∼10 times the average point mutation rate)causing genome-wide depletion of words that contain it[37]. The distribution of k-mer frequencies in mouseintrons is multimodal due to differences in words’ CpGcontent [Fig. 1(b)]. To account for this large effect, whichmasks smaller differences among words, we correlatek-mer binding scores versus relative word frequenciesseparately for words with different CpG content.The example in Fig. 1(c) shows pronounced negative

correlations in each CpG category, indicating that thestronger binding a word, the less frequently it is used inthe genome relative to expectation. Correlating bindingscores of all words against their relative frequencies revealshighly significant negative correlations in each CpG cat-egory for a majority of TFs (63=115), with comparativelyfew TFs exhibiting positive correlations in each CpGcategory (9=115) [Fig. 1(d)]. For most TFs, we observethat words with below-average binding (bi < 0) exhibithighly significant negative correlations of relative frequen-cies with binding scores (92=115) while very few havepositive correlations (5=115) (see Fig. S1 in SupplementalMaterial [32]). Similar results are obtained in worm(21 TFs), fly (14 TFs), human (41 TFs), and yeast (89 TFs)




(a) 300

binding score, b




30001 CpG0 CpG

0 CpG1 CpG2 CpG







word frequency, f (norm.)



unts f







d fr





re, b

(avg. of neighbors)

b (avg. of neighbors)

binding score, b binding score, b















-0.50 CpG1 CpG

3 CpG2 CpG

0 CpG1 CpG

3 CpG2 CpG


(Mafk) (Mafk)









transcription factor (TF)

0 CpG1 CpG2 CpG


all 8-mers(Mafk TF)all 8-mers(Mafk TF)

0 2 4 6-4 -2

0.5 1 50.10.5 1 5 10

0 2 4 6-4 -2

-1 0 1-2

0 2 4-4 -2

2 3

0.01 0.10.05

FIG. 1. Mouse genomic binding landscape and in vitro DNA binding measurements. (a) Distribution of binding scores bi for the MafkTF over all 8-mer words i. (b) Distribution of 8-mer word frequencies fi in mouse introns (black curve); fi are shown normalized withrespect to expectation based on genome-wide nucleotide composition. Words are shown as separate histograms according to their CpGcounts (colored bars). (c) Correlation of bi and log fi for the Mafk TF in separate CpG categories. Color indicates density of points.(d) Correlation coefficients (Spearman’s ρ) of bi versus fi are shown for each mouse TF separately computed conditioned on word CpGcontent. Bars are shown only for statistically significant correlations, with p value < 10−6. (e) Binding scores of words (bi) arecorrelated with the average binding score of their mutational neighborhoods ( ~bi); results shown for Mafk, ρðb; ~bÞ ¼ 0.87. (f) Correlationof fi and ~fi over all 8-mer words i for mouse introns; words are colored according to CpG content, and frequencies are normalized as in(b) and (c).



Page 4: Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

genomes (see Fig. S2, Table S1, and File S1 in SupplementalMaterial [32]). We conclude that statistically significantcorrelations exist between binding scores and genomicrelativeword frequencies, and that, in general, weak bindingwords are avoided compared to even weaker binding words.

B. Genomic hallmark of global protein-DNAbinding constraints

We sought a more general method that could be appliedin the absence of in vitro measurements to detect globalsequence constraints due to protein-DNA binding. Wenoticed that, consistent with the biophysics of protein-DNA interaction [1], TF binding scores of words that differat a single nucleotide are strongly correlated: for each wordi, we plot its binding score bi versus the average bindingscore ~bi of its “mutational neighbors”—all words that differfrom i at a single nucleotide [see Fig. 1(e) herein and FileS1 in Supplemental Material [32]]. For all 241 TFs that weanalyze, we find a general statistical rule that similar wordshave similar binding strengths. Therefore, if genomes haveevolved under protein-DNA binding constraints, then weshould detect a strong correlation between the frequenciesof similar words, since similar words would be undersimilar constraints. In Fig. 1(f), we show the result for themouse genome, where for each 8-mer word i, its relativefrequency fi is plotted versus the average relative fre-quency ~fi of its mutational neighbors. Consistent with thehypothesis, we observe a strong correlation of fi and ~fi(ρ > 0.85 within each CpG group). Below, we refer to suchword frequency correlations, observed in a given genome,as word-neighbor correlations.

We test for word-neighbor correlations in a largecollection of fully sequenced genomes spanning alldomains of life. Word frequencies are measured separatelyin exon and intron regions, and normalized by usingappropriate null models that account for mutational biasesand other compositional effects. For exons, we use syn-onymous codon and dicodon shuffling schemes to con-struct partially randomized DNA sequences that preserveamino acid sequences, genomic codon biases, and nucleo-tide base composition. The dicodon shuffling schemeadditionally preserves the frequencies of all k-mers fork ≤ 4 [22]. The randomized sequences are scanned todetermine expected word frequencies for exons. Forintrons, we compute expected word frequencies based ongenome-wide nucleotide (1-mer), dinucleotide (2-mer), ortrinucleotide (3-mer) frequencies (see Sec. IV).All tested genomes (947 bacterial or archaeal genomes,

1304 eukaryotic chromosomes from 75 species) exhibitstriking correlation between fi and ~fi in exons [Fig. 2(a)herein and Figs. S3, S4, S7, S23 of Supplemental Material[32]] and in introns (Figs. S5, S6, S6B of SupplementalMaterial [32]) for each of the null models. Further analysisindicates that RNA-related constraints, such as secondarystructures and RNA binding motifs, do not play a signifi-cant role in shaping word frequencies in genic regions, andthat DNA binding proteins provide the major set of globalconstraints (see Sec. 2.2 of Supplemental Material [32]).For noncoding portions of the genomes, we analyze wordstatistics across intergenic regions (Fig. S25 of Ref. [32]),as well as in the DNaseI hypersensitive regions of thehuman genome, which are experimentally determined

B. subtilis E. coli A. thaliana D. melanogaster



00 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1














0 10




0 10




0 10




0 10




0 10



3Chr 2 Chr 4 Chr 18 Chr X Chr Y


M. musculus

FIG. 2. Word-neighbor correlations are observed in genomes across all domains of life. (a) Word frequency plots of fi versus ~fi inexons of representative bacterial and eukaryotic genomes. Points correspond to all possible 6 bp words. Frequencies are shown relativeto the null expectation from synonymous codon shuffling, where a value of 1 means the observed frequency is equal to the expectedfrequency. For eukaryotes, frequencies are computed across all chromosomes. (b) Word frequency plots from exons of individual humanchromosomes (see Fig. S9 of Supplemental Material [32] for all data).

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Page 5: Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

binding-accessible regions (Fig. S22 of Ref. [32]). In allcases, we observe similarly high levels of word-neighborcorrelation, and additionally, we find that normalized wordfrequencies correlate strongly across all tested regions(Figs. S8 and S24 of Ref. [32]). Eukaryotic genomes arefurther analyzed on a chromosome-by-chromosome basis.In human chromosomes, for example, the overall shapeof the f versus ~f plots from exons is qualitatively similaracross chromosomes [Fig. 2(b) herein and Fig. S9 ofRef. [32]]. Comparing relative word frequencies fibetween different chromosomes, we find high correlationcoefficients (ρ > 0.9) for most chromosome pairs withineach genome (Table S4 of Ref. [32]). Deviations areobserved for short or Y chromosomes [Fig. 2(b) hereinand Fig. S10A of Ref. [32]; see also Sec. II F].

C. Ancient phylogenetic signal of globalevolutionary constraints

Evidence of a persistent global evolutionary processacting on k-mers can be found in a principal componentanalysis (PCA) we perform on relative word frequencies inintrons (2-mer null) across eukaryotic species (Fig. 3).

Chromosomes within a single genome form tight clustersthat demarcate species. Although major groups of eukar-yotes can be clustered to a certain extent using genome-wide di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide frequencies [38,39] aswell as codon biases [40], we achieve a significantly higherresolution using data exclusively from the intron regions ofindividual chromosomes. Closely related species are spa-tially proximate, with plants, invertebrates, and vertebratesfollowing different directions in the PCA space (Fig. S17of Ref. [32]).Our analysis indicates that primates experienced a

“jump” in global constraints from the rest of the mammals(Fig. S18 of Ref. [32]), while within this group, no speciesclusters are detected (Fig. 3), indicating that the globalconstraints have not significantly changed since the lastcommon ancestor. In prokaryotes, phylogenetic signals aregenerally very weak or nonexistent when assessed acrossall genomes (Fig. S19 of Ref. [32]), but may persist at thegenus and species level (Fig. S20 of Ref. [32]), indicatingthat over the longest evolutionary time scales globalconstraints can change so extensively that the most ancientparts of the signal are extremely faint and difficult to detect.

−5 0 5 10 15−10





C. semilaevisD. rerioL. oculatusO. niloticusO. latipesP. reticulataT. rubripes

M. domesticaO. anatinusC. familiarisF. catusB. taurusC. hircusO. ariesS. scrofaE. caballusM. ochrogasterM. musculusO. cuniculusR. norvegicus

C. jacchusC. sabaeusG. gorillaH. sapiensM. fascicularisM. mulattaN. leucogenysP. troglodytes

P. abelii

S. mansoniC. briggsaeC. elegansA. melliferaB. terrestrisD. melanogasterD. pseudoobscuraD. simulansD. yakubaN. vitripennisT. castaneum

P. anubis






−8 −4 0 4

Ray-finned Fishes

Mammals(exc. primates)

−20 −10 0 10 20−20





5 10 15 20 25 30−12

















PC1 49%PC1 19%


2 19



1 29





2 16


FIG. 3. Cross-species comparison of intron word frequencies using principle components analysis (PCA). Each point in the PCA plotscorresponds to a single chromosome projected on the two principal axes. Principal axes are computed using the 6-mer relative wordfrequency vectors (2-mer null model) of all chromosomes shown in each plot. See Table S3 of Ref. [32] for further species information.



Page 6: Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

D. Evolutionary model of global selection

To analyze the role of natural selection in shaping globalword frequencies, we examine the consequences of a globalselective process acting differentially on words across agenome using an evolutionary model. A sequence of lengthL is represented by a k-mer composition vector p in the setL ¼ fpjpi ≥ 0;

Pni¼1 pi ¼ Lg, where n ¼ 4k is the total

number of possible words and pi is the number ofoccurrences of word i in the sequence. We denote by sthe selection vector whose ith component is the selectivecoefficient si acting on each word of type i. We consider alarge population of evolving sequences, each representedby a composition vector. At each generation, each sequencecontributes offspring proportional to its total fitness,expðs · pÞ. The offspring mutate according to a mutationaltransfer operator Gðpjp0Þ, which gives the probability of amutational transition p0 → p. Under these dynamics, theexpected frequency of pwithin the population at generationt, denoted by PtðpÞ, evolves according to the equation

λtPtþ1ðpÞ ¼X


es·pGðpjp0ÞPtðp0Þ; ð1Þ

where λt is a normalizing factor, which measures theaverage population fitness at generation t, given by sum-ming both sides over all values of p. The irreducibility ofthe transfer operatorG guarantees (by the Perron-Frobeniustheorem [41]) that the linear mapping of Pt → Ptþ1

converges to a unique steady-state distribution PðpÞ, whichdictates the population structure at mutation-selectionbalance.The fitness model assumes that the contribution of each

word to the global fitness is independent of all other words,which is a natural assumption given the small effect sizesone expects for individual words. Since each locus alongDNA mutates independently, the transfer operator can bedecomposed as a product over all loci, which implies thatPðpÞ is a multinomial distribution [26]. A multinomialrandom variable x, denoted x ∼multðf; LÞ, results whensampling L independent events from a discrete probabilitydistribution fi, where xi is the number of outcomes of typei. With this notation, we have p ∼multðf; LÞ, where f is thesingle-locus distribution of words at mutation-selectionbalance. This distribution f is obtained as the uniquepositive solution of the eigenvalue problem

eSAf ¼ cf; ð2Þ

where S ¼ diagðsÞ and Aij is the probability that word jmutates into word i. Once more the Perron-Frobeniustheorem guarantees a unique positive eigenvector f withassociated eigenvalue c, which determines the equilibriumaverage fitness, λt → λ ¼ cL. For known selective coef-ficients and mutational transition rates, Eq. (2) can besolved numerically.

To invert the relationship, and obtain an expression for sigiven f, we use the fact that the point mutation rate u (perbp per generation) is extremely small. We express Aexplicitly as A ¼ eukðM−IÞ, where I is the identity matrixand Mij is the probability that a single mutation convertsword j into word i; Mij is nonzero only for mutationalneighbors, i.e., words i and j that differ by exactly onemutation. If we assume unbiased mutation, Mij ¼ 1=ð3kÞfor any pair of mutational neighbors i and j, and expand Ain small u to first order, i.e., A ≈ I þ ukðM − IÞ neglectingcontributions from double (or higher order) mutants thatoccur within a single word locus, then Eq. (2) yields

ce−sifi ≈ fi þ uk

−fi þ1




; ð3Þ

where NðiÞ is the set consisting of the 3k mutationalneighbors of word i. The second term within the paren-theses is ~fi, the average frequency of mutational neighbors.Dividing both sides by fi and taking logarithms, wefind

si ≈ ukð1 − ~fi=fiÞ þ log c: ð4Þ

Selective coefficients relative to u are thus determined up toan additive constant by the ratio of a word’s frequency andthe average frequency of its mutational neighbors. Moregenerally, if words mutate with different rates kuj, and Mij

is not necessarily unbiased, a generalization is easilyobtained by defining the diagonal matrix U≡ diag~u andusing A ¼ ekðM−IÞU ≈ I þ kðM − IÞU in Eq. (2), whichyields

si ≈ kuið1 − ~Ji=JiÞ þ log c; ð5Þ

where Ji ≡ kuifi is the mutational flux out of word i and~Ji ≡P

j∈NðiÞkujfjMij is the mutational flux into word ifrom its mutational neighbors [42].Figures 4(a)–4(c) show examples of the equilibrium

solution [Eq. (2)] when selective coefficients are randomlysampled from a normal distribution with standarddeviation σ. Words experiencing similar pressures fall onthe lines in the ð ~f; fÞ plane predicted by Eq. (4) [Fig. 4(a)].This result encapsulates a basic insight of our analysis: thegenome-wide frequency of a word says little if anythingabout the global pressure it experiences. Words can beunder- or overrepresented simply because their mutationalneighbors are under negative or positive pressures,respectively. Indeed, selective coefficients can be inferredonly when a word is viewed relative to its mutationalneighbors.When selection is weak relative to mutation [σ < u,

Fig. 4(b)], the word cloud collapses toward a point in whichall words are effectively neutral, while under strong

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selection [σ > u, Fig. 4(c)] the word with the maximumselective coefficient dominates the distribution. Only in theintermediate regime [σ ≃ u, Fig. 4(a)] does the solutiontake the form of an extended word cloud, with frequenciesvarying from approximately twofold avoidance to twofoldenrichment. A pronounced positive correlation between fiand ~fi is seen, despite the fact that all words experienceindependent random pressures. This correlation resultsfrom selection, which modulates the frequency of neighborwords in order to alter mutational fluxes into words underselection (similar results are obtained with a skewedpressure distribution, Fig. S11 of Supplemental Material[32]). The correlation of frequencies can be increasedfurther by introducing positive correlations in the pressureson similar words, resulting in an extended, rotated wordcloud [Figs. 4(d) and 4(e)], while the equal-pressure linesremain unchanged.

E. Distribution of global selective coefficientsin genomes

We apply the evolutionary model (Sec. II D) to measurethe global selective coefficients in each genome. Wordfrequencies fi are counted separately in introns and exons,and expected frequencies f0i are obtained using the nullmodels described above. We measure global selectivecoefficients using the excess pressuresΔsi ≡ si − s0i, wheresi and s0i are separately inferred from fi and f0i, respectively,using Eq. (4). One can think of the selective coefficients s0ias a kind of “external field” that maintains words attheir null expectation. For example, in exon regions the

requirements of protein coding impose a set of selectiveconstraints on words, which we view as an external fieldthat can be calculated using the word frequencies obtainedfrom synonymous codon shuffling. By using excesspressures Δsi rather than si, we measure the strength ofselection needed to shift word frequencies to their observedvalues from their expected values based on the null models(see Supplemental Material [32]). In intron regions, muta-tional biases such as CpG hypermutation and other lesspronounced biases can influence the observed frequenciesof dinucleotides. Excess pressures relative to the 2-mer nullmodel in introns measure only the global selective pres-sures that are not already accounted for by dinucleotidecomposition.In the context of protein-DNA binding, Δsi corresponds

to the average fitness effect due to occupancy by DNAbinding proteins at each occurrence of word i genome wide[43]. In Fig. 5, the distribution of selective coefficients isshown for several genomes (see Figs. S3–S7 of Ref. [32]for additional genomes and null models). In all cases, thebulk of the distribution has a width comparable to u. Theselective coefficients Δsi measured on different chromo-somes are strongly correlated, with overall very similardistributions (Fig. S9 of Ref. [32]). Importantly, Eq. (4)allows us to determine the pressures on each word in spiteof pressures acting on their mutational neighbors. We findthat the selective pressures on similar words are indeedhighly correlated (Fig. S13 of Ref. [32]). We conclude thatif genome-wide word frequencies have been maintainedby natural selection acting globally across a genome, themagnitude of the relevant selective pressures would be

00 0.5 1 1.50













1.50 0.5 1.0 1.50 0.5 1

1.50 0.5 1











(c) (e)






FIG. 4. Evolutionary model of global selection. (a)–(c) Solution of the model at mutation-selection balance. Plots in the ð ~f; fÞ plane ofthe equilibrium word frequencies for independent, normally distributed selective coefficients si ∼N ð0; σ2Þ, using the indicated valuesof σ. We numerically solve Eq. (2) to determine the equilibrium word frequencies. Color shows different bins of selective coefficients,and predicted equal-pressure lines [Eq. (4)] are drawn using each interval’s average pressure. Inset in (c) shows a zoomed view.Parameters are k ¼ 6 and u ¼ 10−4, and frequencies are shown relative to the neutral expectation 4−k. (d) Equilibrium for stronglycorrelated pressures on neighboring words. (e) Correlation is reduced by shuffling 50% of words’ pressures from (d).



Page 8: Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

on the order of point mutation rates. Given that ourmathematical model assumes mutation-selection balance,these correspond to the magnitude of selection necessary tomaintain genome-wide motif statistics over evolutionarytime scales (known as “purifying selection” in evolutionarybiology [44]).Since the effect sizes on individual words are tiny, we

asked whether the global fitness differences between indi-viduals are sufficiently large to constitute non-negligibleselective differences for a finite size population. That is, theseselective differences should be larger than the magnitude ofdemographic fluctuations, which scales as ∼1=Neff , whereNeff is the suitably defined effective population sizethat accounts for fluctuating population sizes [45]. If twoindividuals differ at l sites, or kl words, and each wordcontributes an average effect size �s̄, their global fitnessdifference ΔS ∼ s̄


p. In human populations, pairs of

individuals differ at 4.6 × 106 sites on average [46], andtaking k ¼ 6 and s̄ ∼ u (Fig. 4), with u ¼ 10−8 [47], we haveΔS ≈ 5 × 10−5. Effective global selection thus requiresNeff ≳ 104. In E. coli, isolates differ on average at 1%–2%of sites [48], or approximately 7 × 104 sites. Taking s̄ ∼ u,and using u ¼ 2.2 × 10−10 [49], we find ΔS ≈ 1.4 × 10−7;hence, global selection requires Neff ≳ 107. The per-wordselective coefficients we measure in these genomes are thussufficient to maintain genome-wide statistics given thepresent levels of diversity in these populations and previousestimates of their effective population sizes [45]. We notethat the total benefit of global adaptation, compared tononadapted sequences, scales as Lu, and is therefore muchlarger than the global fitness differences that exist withinany globally adapted population.

F. Effect of recombination on global selection

Our evolutionary model [Eq. (1)] propagates theexpected frequencies of different word vectors PtðpÞand, thus, carries the implicit assumption of an infinitelylarge population. For finite asexual populations of size Neffwith genomes of size L ≫ 1, deviations from this equi-librium will occur due to Muller’s ratchet [50,51]. Thisgeneral effect has been discussed in a statistical physicsperspective [52], and we briefly review the same reasoninghere. Because of the large genotype space, the maximallyfit sequence—i.e., one in which the most favorable word ispresent at each locus—is rapidly lost from the population,because the rate of mutation away from this sequence, Lu,is much larger than the rate of back mutation u. Within afew generations, due to the finite population size, everysequence has accumulated at least one deleterious word,and the fittest sequence in the population is now one thatcarries at least one mutation. This process drives thepopulation away from the fittest sequence, reaching anequilibrium distribution that is different from PðpÞ, whichdepends in a complex manner on Neff , L, and u [52].Recombination, however, can reverse the ratchet effect, byenabling the previously fittest sequence to be recovered.Similarly, for sexual populations, in genomic regions withlow recombination rates, ratchetlike effects of various kinds(known as Hill-Robertson effects [53,54]) will opposeglobal adaptation.Accordingly, simulations of a nonrecombining finite

population initialized at the predicted mutation-selectionbalance evolve to lower fitness (Fig. S15 or Ref. [32]),while recombination enables the equilibrium genomecomposition to be efficiently maintained under global

−200 −1000





-100 0-200-300

D. melanogaster

H. sapiensM. musculus

−10 −5 0 50




−10 −5 0 100




-6 -3 0 60



-15 -5 0 150






−10 −5 0 50


B. subtilis

E. coli

A. thaliana





-10 5 10 -15 -5 0 15-10 5 10






FIG. 5. Distribution of global selective coefficients in different genomes. (a) Selective coefficients of 6-mers in four eukaryoticspecies. Intron data are used and Δsi values are given with respect to the 2-mer null model. (b) Selective coefficients of 6-mers measuredin two bacterial species. Exon data are used and Δsi values are given with respect to the synonymous codon-shuffling null model.In E. coli (bottom panels), an inset shows the bulk of the distribution, since a small number of words including known restriction siteshave large negative coefficients. Pressure distributions are shown using a value of c ¼ 1 in Eq. (4), which corresponds to taking theaverage global fitness of a sequence to be one.

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selection (Fig. S14 of Ref. [32]). Similar behavior in adifferent simulation model has previously been shown [53].Consistent with this predicted dependence of global selec-tion on recombination, we find that chromosomes whoseword frequencies exhibit deviations from the genome-wideaverage tend to be nonrecombining sex chromosomes or tohave smaller genetic length than average (Fig. S10 ofRef. [32]). In the human genome, the genome-wide averagenumber of mutations per crossover per generation is 0.87[55], while in bacteria homologous recombination replacessmall fragments of a genome with homologous fragmentsfrom other cells, and occurs with rates per site that arecomparable to or greater than u [56], allowing globalselection to maintain genome motif composition. Sinceglobal adaptation results in a total fitness benefit that scalesas Lu, and which is only achieved for sufficiently highrecombination rates, the presence of global selection wouldthus yield a generic selective advantage for recombination.

G. Neutral mechanisms for evolutionof word-neighbor correlations

Using a separate set of analyses, we determine whetherneutral mechanisms, i.e., ones that operate in the absence ofselective differences between individuals, could account forword frequency distributions and word-neighbor correla-tions. The spontaneous mutation process can exhibit certainspecies-specific biases, such that mutational transition ratesdepend on the type of nucleotide and in some cases on itsimmediately proximate nucleotides (see SupplementalMaterial [32] for a detailed discussion). To determinewhether these types of mutational biases can account forword-neighbor correlations, we run a wide range of tests,which include performing an analysis of variance on k-merfrequencies using their dinucleotide and trinucleotidecomposition (Table S5 of Ref. [32]), analysis of word-neighbor correlations using regression residuals (Fig. S16of Ref. [32]), a dicodon shuffling scheme that accounts formutational biases in bacteria (Fig. S23 of Ref. [32]), andexplicit incorporation of mutational biases into evolution-ary models (Fig. S12 of Ref. [32]). In each of these tests,mutational biases are unable to account for the observedword frequency distributions and word-neighbor correla-tions (see Sec. 2.1 of Supplemental Material [32]).Another potentially relevant neutral mechanism involves

repeat-derived sequences in genomes. These are portions ofthe genome that have resulted from local duplications andtransposon-mediated events, which amplify certain types ofsequences and could possibly skew word composition as aresult. Since large eukaryotic genomes have a substantialamount of repeat-derived sequence, we test whether word-neighbor correlations might arise from a balance betweenamplification of specific classes of mobile and/or repeat-containing elements and mutational degradation. We ana-lyze the repeat-masked sequence of the human genome, aprocedure that removes approximately 45% of the sequence

(Fig. S21 of Ref. [32]), and find that it exhibits strongword-neighbor correlations (r ≥ 0.92 for all null models,Fig. S21C of Ref. [32]); similar results are found across awide range of species (Fig. S25 of Ref. [32]). Repeatexpansion is, therefore, not responsible for word-neighborcorrelations, and word frequencies are strongly correlatedbetween repeat-masked and repeat-derived regions(Fig. S21B of Ref. [32]). A different possibility is that,due to ubiquitous small insertions and deletions (indels)occurring in all genomic regions, word composition couldbe determined by slippage-based mutational mechanisms inwhich DNA polymerase inserts or deletes short runs ofDNA (see, e.g., Ref. [57]). While repeat masking cannotdetect this finer-scale process, it is well known fromcomparative genomics and mutation accumulation studiesin different species that indels occur between 0.03 and0.13 times as frequently as point mutations [35,49,58–60].Our evolutionary model shows that processes that changeword frequencies at much slower rates than the pointmutation rate cannot yield the observed word-neighborclouds [Fig. 4(b)]. These results indicate that neithermutational biases nor neutral processes involving repetitiveDNA can account for the ubiquitous word-neighbor corre-lations we observe.Lastly, we consider interference by DNA binding pro-

teins with DNA replication and repair machinery as aprocess that could in principle introduce species-specificmutational biases on k-mers of various sizes. Detectingsuch binding-related mutational biases in natural popula-tions would require statistical power beyond that availablein current data sets. Recent analysis of sequencing datafrom human cancer cell lines indicates that such interfer-ence effects exist for certain DNA binding proteins inspecific cell types under UV exposure, although theirmolecular mechanisms are currently unknown [15].Assuming in our model that words mutate with ratesproportional to their probability of being bound qi, weobtain from Eq. (5), in the absence of selection (si ¼ 0),that mutational fluxes must balance and, therefore,fi ∼mi=qi, where mi is the right eigenvector of Mij.Equilibrium word frequencies would therefore be inverselyproportional to binding probability, as expected if theseverity of interference increases with binding strength.This relation may implicitly involve nonlinearities, since qicould depend on the genome composition f and otherparameters [43].


Variation in genome composition across species has beenextensively studied, from global G/C content differencesto codon usage biases [40,61–65]. Early work by Karlinand co-workers found that dinucleotide frequencies differbetween species [38,66], while further differences werelater noticed at the level of longer k-mer words [39,67].There has been little consensus on the underlying causes of



Page 10: Genome-Wide Motif Statistics are Shaped by DNA Binding ......A. Protein-DNA binding measurements and genome-wide motif statistics To determine whether genome sequences exhibit a signature

such differences, and a wide variety of mechanisms andexplanations have been proposed [35,36,40,61,63,68,69].Several works have demonstrated that mutational biasesand neutral mechanisms cannot explain basic differences inbacterial genome composition [36,63,69], in codon usagebiases [62], or in genome-wide patterns of variation in flies[44]. The possibility of multiple layers of “overlappingcodes” that constrain coding sequences was proposed andtested in a wide range of prokaryotic and eukaryotic speciesin Ref. [22], which along with several other studiesrevealed constraints on coding regions resulting fromtranslation initiation signals [23], promoter elements[20,21], restriction sites [24–27], repetitive sequences[70,71], RNA secondary structures [72], and microRNAtarget sites [73]. Viral genomes are known to experienceglobal constraints on motif usage due to host immunemechanisms [74,75], and the effect of such constraints onthe coevolution of specific host innate immune genes andviral genomes has also been noticed [76]. Here, we proposethat a large number of species-specific constraints exist inall genomes due to the ubiquitous molecular process ofprotein-DNA binding.We present several lines of evidence indicating that

genome-wide word frequencies have been shaped by globalprotein-DNA binding constraints over long evolutionarytime scales. We show that extensive in vitro binding dataexhibit statistically significant correlations with genome-wide relative word frequencies. These correlations areusually negative, indicating that word avoidance scaleswith binding strength. We identify a general hallmark ofglobal binding constraints—the strongly correlatedfrequencies of similar words—which we observe in allgenomes. We argue that this correlation results from thebiophysics of protein-DNA binding: since similar wordshave similar binding strengths, their protein-DNA bindingconstraints should likewise be correlated, resulting in theobserved word-neighbor correlations. We analyze a widerange of null models, which demonstrate that word-neighbor correlations cannot be attributed to known muta-tional biases. Finally, we analyze the phylogenetic signal ofglobal sequence evolution, which we now discuss.The persistence of a phylogenetic signal in relative word

frequencies over the large evolutionary distances seen inFig. 3 herein and Figs. S17 and S18 of Ref. [32] cannot beexplained by an unconstrained neutral divergence process.For example, D. melanogaster and M. musculus divergedover 600 million years ago, yet their relative word frequen-cies (2-mer null) exhibit a correlation of ρ ¼ 0.43 (Table S4of Ref. [32]). Billions of generations separate thesegenomes, and considering that their per bp per generationmutation rates are ∼10−8 [77], on average every neutralposition will have mutated one or more times. Since ouranalysis is performed in introns, most of the ancient signalwould have been destroyed, leaving essentially no corre-lation. We propose that this phylogenetic signal persists

because DNA binding proteins’ specificities are conservedover long evolutionary time scales, and they continue toexert similar global constraints on genomes. Consistentwith this prediction, the motif specificities of homologoustranscription factors from flies and mice have been shownin vitro to be highly conserved [78].The ability to sensitively resolve eukaryotic species

based on word usage arises from two major factors: (a) thatglobal word usage is influenced by a large number of DNAbinding protein motifs and thus provides a summarysignature of each genome’s DNA binding protein reper-toire, and (b) that introns are largely free of other evolu-tionary constraints, such as protein coding pressures, whichallows these genomic regions to adapt much more fully toglobal constraints. Much further analysis would be neces-sary to determine which specific features of the global wordusage signal are responsible for phylogenetic resolution. Inthe well-resolved portions of the bacterial phylogeny, the γproteobacteria (Fig. S20 of Ref. [32]), we test whether theextremes of the word usage distribution are necessary forphylogenetic resolution. We remove all known restrictionsites from the analysis, since these are generally the moststrongly avoided words, and find no change in our ability toresolve these species (data not shown). Likewise, howchanges in DNA binding proteins map to divergence ofglobal word usage and how the total number of DNAbinding proteins in a genome influences the strength of thisdivergence remain to be studied. To this end, an interestingcase is presented by bacteria with strongly reducedgenomes and tiny cell sizes, such as Mycoplasma, whichare known to have very few transcriptional regulators pergenome [79], yet which show typical word-neighborcorrelations (Fig. S4 of Ref. [32]). Since individualDNA binding proteins each exhibit a continuum of bindingscores (File S1 of Ref. [32]), the concentration of DNAbinding proteins in the cell may be as important as theoverall binding repertoire of these proteins in determiningthe magnitude of DNA binding constraints acting on agenome.At the level of individual transcription factors, the

correlations of binding scores with genomic word frequen-cies are highly significant, but the magnitudes of thecorrelations are not particularly high (Fig. 1 herein andFigs. S1 and S2 of Ref. [32]). This finding suggests that atypical word experiences weak global constraints from anumber of distinct binding proteins, with each word’sfrequency reflecting an average over a collection of differ-ent binding scores, or, equivalently, that the global worddistribution is not driven by a small subset of the genome’sDNA binding proteins, but rather reflects an average set ofconstraints determined by a substantial fraction of them.While these constraints appear to be predominantly due toselection against weak binding motifs, a number of strongpositive correlations are observed across the different datasets. Positive correlations are expected when a DNA

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binding protein functions in a genome-wide process thatinvolves localization to a large number of sites on DNA,e.g., DNA binding factors that mediate chromatin remod-eling on a large scale, as occurs during developmentaltransitions. Intriguingly, the Zic proteins, which correspondto the three largest positive correlations in the mouse dataset [Fig. 1(d), right edge], were recently shown to beinvolved in binding a large number of sites in the genomethat become accessible to DNA binding during the differ-entiation of cerebellar granule neurons [80].We consider the possibility that genomic word compo-

sition is maintained by global selection, and show that ifthis were the case, the magnitude of selective coefficientswould be on the order of the point mutation rate u.Likewise, we show that if word composition evolves dueto binding-related mutational biases, the rate of this processwould be on the order of u. In either case, the relevantevolutionary rates are extremely small, since, e.g., u∼10−10per generation (E. coli [49]) or ∼10−8 (H. sapiens [47]). Inboth cases, the phylogenetic signal of word composition(Fig. 5 herein and Figs. S17 and S18 of Ref. [32]) ispreserved over long evolutionary time scales due to strongconservation of DNA binding proteins’ binding prefer-ences. However, the two mechanisms make severaldifferent predictions that may become testable as largerDNA sequencing data sets become available in differentspecies.We show that the efficacy of global selection depends

on recombination (Figs. S14 and S15 of Ref. [32]), andconsistently we find that chromosomes with low recombi-nation rates deviate in word composition from the rest ofthe genome (Fig. S10 of Ref. [32]). The binding-relatedmutational bias mechanism predicts no effect of recombi-nation on word composition. However, low recombinationrates might be correlated with low accessibility to DNAbinding factors in certain cases [81]; hence, it is notstraightforward to rule out binding-related biases as apossible explanation. A much finer-scale analysis ofrecombination rates genome wide combined with reliableDNA accessibility measurements could in principle be usedto determine which mechanism is operative in any givenspecies.Under both mechanisms, the evolutionary rates scale

with u, but the underlying cause of this scaling ispotentially quite different. For binding-related biases, suchscaling is automatic, since the biased mutation rates are allmultiples of the point mutation rate. For global selection,the selective coefficients si could in principle be arbitrary,and their scaling with u in all genomes we examine wouldimply some universal set of constraints related to themolecular processes that protein-DNA binding interfereswith. While the origin of such scaling is not obvious,neither are the evolutionary forces that have tuned the pointmutation rate itself, which varies in nature across 7 ordersof magnitude and appears to scale inversely with genome

length in microbes [77,82]. Indeed, one can consider thepossibility that point mutation rates themselves haveevolved to be on the order of global selective coefficients,which would enable genomes to gain the fitness benefitconferred by global adaptation. Another possibility is thatprotein-DNA binding has a tiny impact on DNA replicationrates, in which case removing one binding site woulddecrease replication time by an average time unit scalingproportionally with the binding strength and inversely withthe genome length, leading to global selective coefficientsscaling with u. It is also possible that protein-DNA bindinginterferes with mutational repair processes, but does notlead to mutational biases. Instead, it could slow down orimpair the cell division process, resulting in global selectivecoefficients that are proportional to both u and the bindingstrength. Some of these possibilities are testable by highlysensitive laboratory measurements.Lastly, the two mechanisms differ in their response to

population size. Binding-related mutational biases are notpredicted to be sensitive to population size, and wouldoperate identically in large or small populations. Theefficiency of global selection in maintaining genome com-position, on the other hand, will be sensitive to populationsize, though the effect may be small and the amount ofrecombination will determine precisely how much moreeffective global selection will be in larger populations. Itmay, therefore, be possible, with sufficiently high resolutiondata and detailed population genetic modeling, to distin-guish the mechanisms using measurements from relatedspecies of substantially different population sizes.Our extensive analysis of genomic data demonstrates

that protein-DNA binding constraints constitute a universalevolutionary force that acts on genomes. We propose thatthis force arises from the functions of a diverse and distinctset of DNA binding processes within each genome thattogether generate a characteristic set of global constraints.As these protein-DNA binding constraints maintaingenome-wide motif compositions over long evolutionarytime scales, their hallmark can be detected in the correlatedfrequencies of words and their mutational neighbors. Ourfindings introduce a new view on genomic evolution, inwhich the global composition of a genome is constantlybeing molded by the complement of DNA binding proteinsthat it expresses.


A. Genomic sequence data sets

Sequences are downloaded from Ref. [83]. We manuallycurate a large, representative set of genomes across allbacterial and archaeal groups (947 genomes). For eukar-yotes, all fully assembled and annotated genomes areincluded in the intron analysis (75 species, 1304 chromo-somes; mitochondria and plastid sequences are notincluded; see Table S3 of Ref. [32]). Among eukaryotes,



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exon analysis is performed for 17 species (251 chromo-somes; see Table S3 of Ref. [32]). To extract the intronsegments, coding sequence coordinates are obtained fromthe annotation files and then mapped to the full-lengthgenome. For both exon and intron extraction, only one ofthe splicing isoforms is selected at random.

B. Measuring genomic word statistics

Word frequencies are collected by a sliding window of kbp (k ¼ 2;…; 8) across the sequences. For the coding regionanalysis, frequencies are collected on each open readingframe (i.e.,multiple exons are joined for eukaryotes) and thencombined for all open reading frames on a chromosome.Start and stop codons are ignored. For the intron regions,each intron segment is read separately and then thefrequencies are combined. Gaps (N tracts in the eukaryoticsequences), if encountered, are replaced randomly by fourbases at equal frequencies. Word frequencies are countedon the plus strand of DNA, and the counts of reverse-complement words are combined.

C. Constructing the null modelsin exon and intron sequences

For the coding region analysis using codon shuffling asthe null model, synonymous codons are shuffled across theentire chromosome sequence. Start and stop codons areignored. Each shuffled sequence is then scanned as above.The expected word frequencies f0i are calculated as theaverage of word counts from 1000 such shuffled sequences.For the intron analysis using nucleotide base compositionas the null model (1-mer null), base compositions arecalculated on the chromosomal scale. For a wordwwith nA,nT , nC, nG counts of A, T, C, and G bases, respectively, theexpected frequencies are calculated as f0wð1 −merÞ≡pnAA pnT

T pnCC pnG

G , where pA, pT , pC, pG are base composi-tions measured from the full-length sequences. For analysisusing the dinucleotide (2-mer null) or trinucleotide(3-mer null) models, a Markov chain model is used tocompute expectations. A k-mer word w ¼ ðw1w2w3…wkÞis composed of an overlapping set of dinucleotidesðw1w2Þ; ðw2w3Þ;…; ðwk−1wkÞ. The probability of observ-ing each dinucleotide ðabÞ is measured across all intronsconditional on a being at the first position, and denotedpðbjaÞ. Using these measured values, the expected fre-quency of the word w is given by

f0wð2 −merÞ≡ pw1pðw2jw1Þpðw3jw2Þ � � �pðwkjwk−1Þ;

where pw1is the measured frequency of nucleotide w1.

Similarly, for the trinucleotide model, the word is com-posed of an overlapping set of trinucleotides, and

f0wð3 −merÞ≡ pw1w2pðw3jw1w2Þpðw4jw2w3Þ � � �

× pðwkjwk−2wk−1Þ;

where pðcjabÞ is the probability of observing trinucleotideðabcÞ conditional on the dinucleotide ðabÞ occupying thefirst two positions, and pw1w2

is the measured frequency ofdinucleotide ðw1w2Þ.

D. Principle components analysisof genomic word frequencies

Principle component analyses are performed on thecorrelation matrix between relative word frequencies usingthe 2-mer null model. For eukaryotic intron regions (Fig. 3herein and Figs. S17 and S18 of Ref. [32]), relative wordfrequencies of 1049 chromosomes from 61 species are usedfor the PCA (Fig. S17 legend and Table S3 of Ref. [32]).Excluded are chromosomes that are shorter than 1 Mb orhaving <0.8 correlation between the measured relativefrequencies or excess pressures of reverse complementwords on the plus strand, as well as the chromosomes ofthe bird Ficedula albicollis, because its word frequenciestake on a split distribution in the ð ~f; fÞ plane. The wordfrequencies on these chromosomes are so extreme that theydominate the PCA analysis. The plots for subgroups shownin each panel are produced by PCA on each subgroupalone. For bacterial coding regions (Figs. S19 and S20 ofRef. [32]), relative word frequencies are computed usingcodon shuffling as the null model, and counts are combinedon both strands of all analyzed exon sequences.


We wish to thank Benjamin Greenbaum, AlexanderGrosberg, Oskar Hallatschek, Eugene Koonin, StanislasLeibler, Bruce Levin, Michael Lynch, David Pollock,Michael Purugannan, Matthew Rockman, David Roos,Ilya Ruvinsky, Eugene Shakhnovich, Boris Shraiman,Stephen Small, Duncan Smith, and Joshua Weitz forvaluable discussions. This work was supported by aHuman Frontiers Science Program Young Investigator’sGrant.

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