Genesis World View

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  • 8/12/2019 Genesis World View


    Genesis World View

    When I enrolled in this semesters classes, I expected my beliefs and ideas to be

    challenged in Christian Thought. It was inevitable. However, enrolling in Stellar Astronomy

    was a class I needed to take to fulfill my requirements but what happened during my studies was

    something I would have never predicted. Did I ever imagine that my universe would be turned

    upside down in relation to the creation story found in Genesis?

    Before studying Stellar Astronomy, actually before reading Origins, my attitude towards

    the Big Bang was very critical and skeptical. Not until I read these several chapters did I truly

    understand that the Big Bang shouldnt be automatically connected to atheism. In this book the

    termBig Bang refers to a scientific model for the early history of the universe, not an atheistic

    worldview that the universe somehow created itself (Haarsma 166). Never did I think that the

    Big Bang could be connected to a supernatural event coordinated by God in order to create the

    universe we observe. The evidence for an Old Earth is overwhelming in this book and one

    would have to be extremely ignorant to look the other way and think the world is only 10,000years or so.

    The Big Bang does not completely contradict the Genesis account of creation. Instead,

    it affirms the Genesis account that our universe had a beginning (Haarsma 169). The events

    might not be taken literally but the Big Bang still supports the idea that there was densely

    packed, hot gas before the beginning of the universe. How does one who doesnt believe in a

    God deal with the idea that there was this hot gas which eventually expanded to create our

    universe? How did it get there? Also, the idea that God created this process of star and solar

    system formation helps a Christian appreciate the intelligence of God that one would not if they

    believed in creationism. Never did I imagine that my belief in creationism would be so abruptly

    changed than it was after reading about the Big Bang from a Christian perspective.On the other hand, it is difficult to stand by the multiple universe model where there is

    little to no proof to suggest to support it. As I think about the idea of multiple universes, my

    mind begins to race in thinking of several questions that I dont think can be answered. If God

    has a personal relationship with His creation, do multiple universes suggest that we arent the

    only ones He has a personal relationship with? Whether a multiverse model is true or not, which

    evidence points to it not being true, in astronomy, as humans looking up, we need to realize that

    our God is responsible for everything that we see in the night sky. Contrary to my previous

    paper, I can now understand why a Christian might say we are made of stardust. The essential

    understanding is that God deserves the credit and it wasnt a random event. He orchestrated the

    Big Bang and saw that it was good.