I Belong to Jesus Interview with Vincent Tjiang Word by Karina Soenjoyo Gift Giving Guide 2014 in Review (Pictures) IFGF Pinole Monthly Newsletter December 2014

GENESIS: I Belong To Jesus

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Page 1: GENESIS: I Belong To Jesus

I Belong to JesusInterview with Vincent Tjiang

Word by Karina SoenjoyoGift Giving Guide

2014 in Review (Pictures)

IFGF Pinole Monthly Newsletter

December 2014

Page 2: GENESIS: I Belong To Jesus

There is something precious and wonderful when you are

able to say ‘I belong’ to someone or something. When I was in

my pre-marital stage of relationship with my then-girlfriend,

now my wife, the thought of belonging to her always create

that warm comfort, just like drinking a perfect cup of mocha

in a cold winter morning.

I ‘belong’ means I am not alone. I ‘belong’ means I am

cared for, think fondly of, and regarded as important

part of whoever ‘own’ us. Now, some of you may think

that nobody can own us. But the wonderful thing is

that none of us will object if the statement becomes

“we belong to each other”. And that is what it is. We do

belong to each other. Jesus has put us together as a

family of Christ, calls us His Body, and instructed us to

love one another, serve one another, and stay together

to do the work of the ministry of reconciliation so that

many will come to know Jesus.

As we celebrate Christ’s birth this month, let us thank Him

for His life and Spirit that continues to empower us in our

community. He wants us to belong to one another as we all

belong to Him. Let’s thank Him for the security and protection

to all of us, and at the same time proclaim His intention to

include all people as a part of His family.

Pastor Sugi




Shown on Front Cover: Maxwell Chen

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So here goes! What are you currently working on?

I’m working on remodeling a house for a doctor. This client

is very unique. We’re making this house very modern and

sleek looking. The client, who is the wife of the doctor,

wants to put crazy colors in the house. She basically wants

an all-red first floor. Red colored walls. Which is really

different from other projects but we have to do it because

she really insisted. The other project I’m working on is for

the director of Twitter. It’s really different. There are two

projects that I’m working on which is really different from

the other. One is really on-budget, which is the doctor

project, and the Twitter project is like no budget, you could

do whatever you want.

Cool. What kind of firm do you work at?

It’s a residential architecture fi rm, so we only do residential

architecture and we’re targeting upper-class clients, like

CEOs and Directors; the 1% of San Francisco. Our homes

are usually located in Pacifi c Heights, Billionaire Row, and

Russian Hill. We design special houses, not your typical ones.

What type of challenges do you face and how do you work through them?

A challenge I face is my age. I’m the youngest in the offi ce

and usually my colleagues graduated from graduate school.

I’m one of the few that graduated with an undergraduate

and most of them are from Ivy League schools and East

This Is Our Church

VincentTjiangArchitect / Bassist / Care Group: King

DECEMBER 2014 • 03

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Coast architecture schools, so it’s like intimidating for me

but it’s also a good thing because I can learn from them.

The other thing that I think really challenges me is that

the work place is really quiet and I’m a pretty outspoken

person. Imagine the work place is really quiet, no one talks

to each other for the whole day and when you talk it’s at the

end of the day, you drink one bottle of beer and that’s it.

You spoke a little bit about you being an outspoken person at work. What do you aspire to do in the long run? Many of us here are of Chinese-Indonesian background. To be exposed to all these different people– how does that shape you differently?

I think when you say Chinese-Indonesian; they have

a very strict culture. You go to the States, graduate in

four years, work for a year, go back home and build your

own company, get married and that’s it. But once I got

exposed to things over here, I mean I didn’t have a smooth

background– I didn’t graduate in four years but six, which

is a lot more than the usual people. That’s why in a way

I’m breaking the boundaries, although not always in a

good way. Working with local people, different culture,

my mind is opened up to different ways of how people do

things. I think when I go back home, I can offer something

new. Personality wise– as a father, or a leader, I’m not going

to be a typical one. Not going to be a typical Chinese-

Indonesian parent, not going to be a typical boss, or a

leader, or an employee... you know. Sorry. I’m fairly fl exible.

Not really a strict, rule-based person.

Is that how you’ve always been or is that something you’ve seen change recently?

Hmm, that’s interesting. When I got here, six or seven

years ago, I was really scared to try something new or

talk to people and everything in general. I always stayed

in my comfort zone, until after the second year. I’ve been

going to church but not really living as a “good Christian”,

still doing the crazy things... living the college life. I got

denied from UC Berkeley, which was one of the turning

points in my life. My parents expected me to do so much

but I only achieved so little. And disappointment after

disappointment to my parents really changed me. I

felt the guilt. Another thing was being in a relationship

with Felicia (Ciputra). There’s going to be additional

responsibilities in the future and that really changed me

and forced me from a strict person to a more fl exible

person; from a quiet person to a more outspoken person.

Also, people in church, like my roommate James (Liyadi).

I was a very narrow-minded person but he opened my

perspective through his testimonies. Not being too

religious but that’s how he changed me. Through his

stories. Not always through church life but the everyday

life. Slowly I think I’m following after his personality. I think

after a while, I’m creating my own personality.

Is there anyone that you look up to in life?

James. Always. From back in DVC and even until now,

I keep referring back to him. His life testimony isn’t as

extreme as say, Tommy (Simamora). It’s subtle but it hits


at his home.


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you. I think his wisdom, even though he doesn’t share with

me too often, a single testimony impacts me a long way.

What about professionally?

There’s one instructor during my fi rst year at AAU. It

was my fi rst year and I wasn’t a solid, strong student yet. In

my second semester, my instructor pushed me to do more

and pushed me through. And in the middle of the semester,

he gave me praise on my work. And because of that one

encouragement, it still affects me today. I never really

received praise; it was only disappointments, only scolding

and everything. But that was the fi rst one that really affected

me until now. After that I just kept growing and growing.

If you could share a message for people in this generation, what would it be?

I think God really plays the number one role in your life,

whether you realize it or not. If I tell my story from the

beginning, there’s always God. There’s only God. And

everything else you just follow Him. I think the funniest

and most interesting part of my life is that when Pastor

Chris from Seattle prophesied that I’m going to be a

leader. He prophesied that when I’m still in DVC. I had a

2.1 GPA, was failing classes every semester, no

achievements at all, but he said I was going to be a

leader. That one simple sentence, “you’re going to be

a leader”. I always think it’s funny, like it’s not going to

happen at all. My goal at that time was just to graduate,

go home, live my life as usual, not trying to achieve

anything fi nancially. At that time it was funny but as you

move along, every step you keep increasing, academically,

spiritually, it’s just amazing from that one sentence,

unconsciously supports you and pushes you through. I

got into the Spring Show not only because of my effort

but God put those people: my instructor, my classmates,

to push me and make me work hard. And becoming care

group leader out of the blue, I wasn’t expecting that. James

went home and there was no one in the care group that can

lead. I think I probably was the last option. Through that

moment, I wasn’t a leader yet but God used that process

to mold me into one. To be a better person to share to a

group, to become a leader who can care more. And that

didn’t happen in a week or a month but a year and it’s still

in progress. And also becoming the President of PERMIAS.

That’s a funny story because I never signed up for that.

My friends signed me up for that and in the end I got the

position. So you know it’s all miracles after miracles

after miracles. And that will not happen without God. I think

the most important concept about Christianity is free will.

I’m not a very holy, churchy person. I mean I love God and

I’ll do whatever He tells me to do, but I’m just being fl exible.

Being balanced. Not very extreme person but I think God

works differently for different people. I think if people can see

me in church, I’m not really like a “typical” care group leader.

Not the expected type.

Yeah, yeah. And I think it goes back to me being a fl exible

person. In USF, and Academy of Art, because those

students aren’t like UC Berkeley or DVC students and I

believe God uses my personality to reach those students.

It’s sad to see people genuinely want to know Jesus but

they’re afraid that we’ll look at them with judgment. Like,

“I can’t join your community because I used to smoke and

drink” or “I have tattoos and earrings”. I fi nd that people

really want to know Jesus but people inside the church

are often the barrier. If only our appearance is more

similar to them, I think they’ll be more comfortable. It’s us

reaching out, not them reaching in. •

A sample of Vincent’s work.A sample of Vincent’s work.

Vincent is a Junior Designer at John Maniscalco Vincent is a Junior Designer at John Maniscalco Architects. He previously worked for Andramatin Architects. He previously worked for Andramatin Studio and Nottoscale. Vincent leads Care Group Studio and Nottoscale. Vincent leads Care Group King in San Francisco. Occasionally, you will catch King in San Francisco. Occasionally, you will catch him on the bass during Sunday Worship.him on the bass during Sunday Worship.

DECEMBER 2014 • 03

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with Joan Wirolinggo

New workers and leaders

in the house of God

(1 Thes. 5:12-13)

The new church building

for God’s glory (Haggai 1 :8)

Ps. Sugi and Ps. Jeffri and

their family as well as all the

church leaders (1 Tim 5:17)

A conviction that we are

God’s children; to have a

loving and caring heart

towards one another that

the world will know we are

His disciples (Rom 8:15)

The BUILD leadership


Healing for Ebola outbreak

and God’s protection for our

church in West Africa

Healthy growth in Care

Group members and more

quality workers (Acts 2:46-


The nations of Indonesia

(Prov. 28:2), United States

where we live (Jer. 29:7),

Nepal (Matthew 24:14), and

Israel (Psalm 122:6)

When I heard of the monthly theme,

I was reminded of the song ‘To You’

by Darlene Zschech. The lyrics to the

second verse are as follows:

I am Yours / Surrendered wholly

to You / You set me in Your family /

Calling me your own

I was born into a Christian family, but

I was not very serious about Jesus

and took a lot of things for granted.

I remember it wasn’t until I was left

alone in Singapore that I started to

really become serious about Jesus.

My sister had left me to further

pursue her studies in the United

States when I was in Grade 9. It was

then when I started to seek comfort

in Jesus. As I found peace in Him, I

felt secure in the fact that I belong

to Jesus and that He will never leave

me alone nor forsake me.

Back to the lyrics to the song ‘To

You.’ The song says that I am

surrendered wholly to God. We often

say or sing ‘all we are is Yours,’ but

what does that really mean? This

is a very powerful statement and

declaration that we belong to Jesus,

as we offer every aspect of our lives

to God to be used for the expansion

of His kingdom and His glory.

The next part of the song says ‘You

set me in Your family.’ This means

an assurance of peace– no more

loneliness! God has placed us in His

family, which includes the people in

our church, the people in our care

groups, and even other believers

from all around the world.

The last part of the song says

‘Calling me Your own.’ To me, it is

a privilege to be called God’s own.

Let’s say that you have a girlfriend

or boyfriend that you can call yours.

You’ll do your best to make sure

that nothing bad will ever happen to

them and that their needs are met.

You will be angry if someone tries to

steal them from you. In the same way,

being called God’s own means that

God will take care of us. He will make

sure that we will not feel lonely. He

will always be there for us. •


A Word To Share

You Call MeYour Own by Karina SoenjoyoCare Group: Legends

Page 7: GENESIS: I Belong To Jesus

‘Tis the Season to Give...and here is the Gift Guide that comes with it.

DECEMBER 2014 • 05

Nespresso Machine

“The taste of heaven is just a button

away.” $99

Jam-Plus Wireless Speaker

Tune in to your favorite jams any

time, anywhere with this portable

speaker. $29

Uniqlo Ultra Light Down

The bubble jacket is designed to keep

you warm while staying comfortable

and stylish. $39 - $99

Zoomer Zuppies - Dalmatian

“A puppy with no mess.”

A ‘just for me’ puppy to interact

with young children. Share secrets,

play interactive games and watch

it share secret tricks as it responds

to your touch! $30 - $40

Tory Burch - Eau de Parfum Spray

Floral peony and tuberose blend with

crisp citrus notes of grapefruit and

neroli anchored by earthy vetiver.

$25 - $115

What I Love About You By Me Book

“Perfect for a stocking stuffer.”

Sweet and personal, this small

hardcover book spells out exactly

what you love about a special

someone. $10


“Awkward? I don’t think so.”

TABLETOPICS feature engaging

questions that encourage deep

and fun discussions for any setting.


Snow Globe

“The epitome of Christmas gifts.”

The snow globe is one of the most

iconic gifts during Christmas. $15

North Face Touchscreen Gloves

“Staying warm while staying

connected.” These are perfect for the

cold weather especially for those who

are on their phone a lot. $25

Mini Christmas Tree

“Celebrate the Christmas cheer!”

A Christmas tree is defi nitely a

must-have to celebrate the

Christmas spirit! $10

Polaroid Cube by Photojojo!

“Fun is his middle name.” Never

miss another second in life with this

Polaroid Cube. $99

Gift Cards

“The gift for anyone at any occasion.”

They’re great stocking stuffers that

you can give for someone. Varied $

Page 8: GENESIS: I Belong To Jesus

2014 in ReviewHere are the highlights of 2014 in our church!


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DECEMBER 2014 • 07

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2014 in Review (continued)

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DECEMBER 2014 • 09

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PINOLE, CA 94564

(925) 609 4343

[email protected]









Melanie 925.586.7770

Jason 925.305.1278



Vincent 925.356.1375



Maxwell 510.374.2686

Chris 510.837.7867

FAITH (Every Thursday & Friday)

Melody 925.788.5078

KING (Every Saturday)

Vincent 925.356.1375

HEROES (Every Thursday)

Alus 408.904.8001

James 206.331.8409

LEGENDS (Every Thursday)

Shirley 415.990.8178

Evelin 925.289.6785

WARRIORS (Every Tuesday)

Maxwell 510.374.2686

FAVOR- HOPER (Every Thursday)

Melvin 510.708.0540

Genesis Newsletter - Irene Chandra

Multimedia - Melanie Thio

Prayer & Intercession - Joan Wirolinggo

Refreshments - Nathalia Prasetyo Jo

Praise & Worship - Yosia Urip

Transportation - Leonardo Saerang

Documentation - Eric Timotius

Revelation Videos - Jessica Tjahjady

Sunday School - Jen Hendric

Ushers - Renaldi

Sunday Service Coordinator - Christian Liong

Women Of Virtue - Karen Liong & Elissa Irma

Men’s Ministry - Christian Liong

Website - Yosia Urip

Sound System - Fendy Soegiono

SUGI HENDRIC Senior Pastor

JEFFRI HALIM Associate Pastor,

Biblical Teaching

Dec 5-6 BUILD Conference

with Joey Bonifacio

Dec 6 FKGI Christmas at

LCBC San Leandro (5 pm)

Dec 7 Prayer Service for Finals

Dec 13 Corporate Prayer Meeting

Dec 19 Care Group Gatherings

Dec 21 Special Christmas Service

Dec 31 End of Year Celebration



Shirley 415.990.8178 (Freshmen)

Evelin 925.289.6785 (Transfers)



Alus 408.904.8001 (Freshmen)

James 206.331.8409 (Transfers)



Ps. Sugi 510.724.5400



Rebecca 925.482.5562

Jessica 925.334.2011



Karen 925.577.6634

Melvin 510.708.0540



Antony 408.685.1540

Adi 415.463.9010

05 Christian Liong & Renaldi

06 Irene Liora

10 Jonathan Sumarto

20 Nathalia Prasetyo Jo

21 Rebecca Diandra

22 Steven Ang

25 Natasha Angelica

26 Bob Sutedja

27 Nadia Christie & Christian Dalimarta