Generating Lithology Log Curves StratWorks® Correlation and Lithology Release 5000.0.3 Overview 287 Generating Lithology Log Curves Overview The Lithology Curve Generator utility is an integrated OpenWorks utility that transforms StratWorks® computed lithology data intervals into equivalent depth-based log curves. The Lithology Curve Generator transforms data into curves by assigning an integer value to each computed lithology type. After you generate a curve, you can use it to display lithology in a blocked curve in StratWorks® with any of the available curve display options. You can also use blocked curves for isochoring (MapView Mapping Isochore Sum Curve map type) and as lithologic thresholds for other maps. The Lithology Curve Generator retrieves lithology data based on the current interpreter’s source priority list. The application uses this criteria to retrieve StratWorks®-derived lithologies for the same lithology type. Lithology data is generated as periodic, composite curves with a sample rate defined by the project depth units: 0.5 feet for imperial projects and 0.125 meter for metric projects. Curve units are stored as “unitless.” A remark in the log curve header indicates the nature of the curve. You can generate logs that are represented as lithology IDs (identifiers), or symbol IDs. You can also specify user-defined lithology codes. The Lithology Curve Generator has a special editor (the User-Defined Lithology Codes window) that makes it easy to create user-defined lithology log curves. Note that the Lithology Curve Generator does not produce or define any of these elements: Spliced log outputs. (The application does not splice a log into a pre-existing version of a log with the same name.) An interprocess message that notifies other applications when a new log instance is successfully added to the project database. Log curve history information for output logs. Default display settings for new logs.

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Generating Lithology Log Curves StratWorks® Correlation and Lithology

Release 5000.0.3 Overview 287

Generating Lithology Log Curves


The Lithology Curve Generator utility is an integrated OpenWorks utility that transforms StratWorks® computed lithology data intervals into equivalent depth-based log curves. The Lithology Curve Generator transforms data into curves by assigning an integer value to each computed lithology type. After you generate a curve, you can use it to display lithology in a blocked curve in StratWorks® with any of the available curve display options. You can also use blocked curves for isochoring (MapView Mapping Isochore Sum Curve map type) and as lithologic thresholds for other maps.

The Lithology Curve Generator retrieves lithology data based on the current interpreter’s source priority list. The application uses this criteria to retrieve StratWorks®-derived lithologies for the same lithology type.

Lithology data is generated as periodic, composite curves with a sample rate defined by the project depth units: 0.5 feet for imperial projects and 0.125 meter for metric projects. Curve units are stored as “unitless.” A remark in the log curve header indicates the nature of the curve.

You can generate logs that are represented as lithology IDs (identifiers), or symbol IDs. You can also specify user-defined lithology codes. The Lithology Curve Generator has a special editor (the User-Defined Lithology Codes window) that makes it easy to create user-defined lithology log curves.

Note that the Lithology Curve Generator does not produce or define any of these elements:

• Spliced log outputs. (The application does not splice a log into a pre-existing version of a log with the same name.)

• An interprocess message that notifies other applications when a new log instance is successfully added to the project database.

• Log curve history information for output logs.• Default display settings for new logs.

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Starting the Lithology Curve Generator

To start the Lithology Curve Generator utility, select Utilities Lithology Curve Generator from the StratWorks Command Menu. The Lithology Curve Generator window contains the following components.

• menu bar• Wells list• Lithology Type specifications• log generation methods• execution button• status area

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Window Components

• Wells List — Select wells to use from the current well list.

• Lithology Type Specifications — Choose from the list of options for the lithology curve type (for example, FLUID, LITH, or UNKNOWN). Specify the curve name (by using a name based on the lithology type or by specifying a curve name explicitly.

menu bar

Wells list

Lithology Type specifications

log generation methods

status area

execution button

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• Log Generation Methods — Specify the types of values to use in generated logs. (See Log Generation Methods).

• Status Area — Monitor information about the session and the data you are exporting.

Menu Bar Options

The menu bar consists of File, View, Options, and Help menus.

• File — To exit from the application, select File Exit.

• View — To clear the status area at the bottom of the window, select View Clear Status Area.

• View — To set up user-defined lithology codes, select Options Set Up User Defined Lithology Codes.

• Help — To view online documentation, select one of these options:

• Online Manual — This section of the online guide, “Generating Lithology Log Curves.”

• Release Notes — StratWorks® release notes.

• On Version — The version of PetroWorks® currently running the Lithology Curve Generator. (The Lithology Curve Generator is a PetroWorks® application.)

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Buttons in the Lithology Curve Generator Window

To select all or none of the currently listed wells, click the Select All or Select None buttons. To select an individual well or clear a selection, click the well name.

To build a lithology curve based on the selected wells and current specifications, click the Generate Lithology Curves button.

Pointing Dispatcher

The OpenWorks PD (Pointing Dispatcher) enables you to import single and multiple wells from other Landmark applications into the Lithology Curve Generator. You can PD well names into and out of the application.

To activate or deactivate the Pointing Dispatcher, press <Ctrl>-<l>. If the window border is green, the Lithology Curve Generator is listening for curve and well data sent by PD from other applications. If the border is red, the Lithology Curve Generator is not receiving PD information.

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Generating Lithology Curves

The following workflow shows the basic steps for creating a user-defined lithology curve in the Lithology Curve Generator utility. Before you can use the Lithology Curve Generator, you must complete the prerequisite steps listed in the next topic.

Setting Up Data to Run the Lithology Curve Generator Utility

Before you can run the Lithology Curve Generator utility, you must complete these tasks:

• Select a project.• Specify an interpreter.• Specify a measurement system.• Choose a well list.• Select a well from the well list.• Create and save source priority preferences.

Select Utilities Lithology Curve Generator.

Select the well(s) to use for applying baseline and curve relations.

Choose a type from the Lithology Type list.

Name the curve or indicate the basis for the curve name.

Select Options Set Up User-Defined Lithology Codes.Create a list of lithology types and code value pairs.

Optionally, add lithology types to the list.Optionally, change the code values.

Optionally, change the order of the list.Optionally, associate lithologies with colors.

Save the data as a .lith_codes fileor save it as a curve to calculate in MathPack against StratWorks®.

Under Generate Logs with Values Based on, select User-Defined Lithology Codes.

Click the Generate Lithology Curves button.

View the curve in OpenWorks Well Curve Viewer or PetroWorks®

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• Define lithologic intervals in the Lithology application. Save the lithologies as a computed lithology curve.

Specifying Basic Options in the Lithology Curve Generator Window

In the Lithology Curve Generator window, specify these options:

• Wells List — Select one or more wells from the Wells list.• Lithology Type — Choose a lithology curve type from the

Lithology Type list. (The list options are defined in the Lithology application.)

• Lithology Name — Name the curve by using one of these options:

• Use Lithology Type as Curve Name — Select this radio button to give the curve an automatically generated name based on the selected lithology type

• Use Specified Curve Name — Select this radio button to specify a custom name in the Curve Name box. (The custom curve name can contain a maximum of 25 characters.)

• Log Generation Methods — Select one of the log generation methods:

• User-Defined Lithology Codes

• Symbol Ids

• Internal (unique) Lithology Ids

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Log Generation Methods

User-Defined Lithology Codes

To create a customized set of lithology/ integer code pairs, select the User-Defined Lithology Codes radio button.

Example output:




The data is stored in an ASCII file that is accessible to other users. You can create as many of these files as you like.

If you create your own dataset, you do not need to rely on how lithology types are represented in the database. For example, if the selected lithology types are represented in a database table with the values 1, 85, and 500 you could not produce a very meaningful curve with these values. The result would resemble the following illustration.

Lithic Coarse Sand 1.0

Lithic Medium Sand 85

Lithic Fine Sand 500

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By customizing the lithology code values, you can create a more meaningful curve, in which code values are contiguously ordered. The lithology-based logs appear in a conventional, scaled log track, as shown in the following example.

You can associate colors with lithology types, which appear in colorfilled curves. (See Associating Colors with Lithology Types.)

The Lithology Curve Generator includes a special editor (the User-Defined Lithology Codes window) that makes it easy to create customized lithology name and user code pairs. The curves you save from this window are automatically formatted correctly. (See Creating User-Defined Lithology Code Files and Formatting Lithology Code Data.)

Symbol IDs

Use the Symbol Ids method to produce integer values that identify the symbol (or fill pattern) associated with lithology types. Symbol IDs are typically unique, but are not required to be unique. Multiple lithologies can have the same symbol ID — so that different names act as symbol synonyms. This is a viable option if you export the symbol ID data to an application that interprets log curves as lithology symbol IDs. (Landmark products do not currently interpret symbol IDs in log curves.)

Lithology IDs

Use the Lithology Ids method to produce unique, system-defined integer values that identify each lithology type stored for the project in the OpenWorks® database. Choose this method if you plan to export a log curve to a non-Landmark application that uses lithology ID mapping. (Landmark products do not currently interpret lithology IDs in log curves.)

Lithic Coarse Sand 0.0

LIthic Medium Sand 1.0

Lithic Fine Sand 2.0

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Creating User-Defined Lithology Code Files

The remainder of this section describes how to prepare a list of lithology types and code pairs that are the basis of the lithology curve. The easiest way to create this list and save it as a file is to use the special editor in the Lithology Curve Generator (the User-Defined Lithology Codes window). You can also use a plain text editor, provided that you format the file correctly.

For basic information about the following tasks in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window, see:

• Displaying the User-Defined Lithology Codes Window• Statistics for User-Defined Lithology Codes• Overview of Menu OptionsIn the User-Defined Lithology Codes window, you can perform the following actions to prepare an input list of lithology types and code pairs:

• Generating a List of Suggested Lithology Types• Adding Items to the List• Deleting Items from the List• Changing Lithology Code Values• Re-ordering the List• Associating Colors with Lithology Types• Loading a User-Defined Lithology Code File• Saving a User-Defined Lithology Code File• Save the current lithology data as a PetroWorks MathPack .SDF

file — Tools Menu Options

If you use an external text editor to create a user-defined lithology code file, read this topic carefully:

Rules for User-Defined Lithology Codes

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Overview of the User-Defined Lithology Codes Window

Displaying the User-Defined Lithology Codes Window

If you select Options Set Up User Defined Lithology Codes from the Lithology Curve Generator window, the User-Defined Lithology Codes window appears (as shown in the following example). Use this window to create a user-defined lithology code file.

When you save the lithology codes as a file, the application automatically writes the count value to the file. This value provides a description of the file’s contents and is referenced the next time the file is loaded.

Including Count Information

If you create a file with an external text editor, you must explicitly include the count value. For more information, see Formatting Lithology Code Data.

number ofname/code pairs

number of unique names

number of unique code values

value range known and unknown lithologies

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Statistics for User-Defined Lithology Codes

Summary statistics appear at the bottom of the User-Defined Lithology Codes window. The statistics consist of these types of information:

• total number of lithology name and code value pairs• number of unique names• number of unique code values• code value range• status of the named lithologies (whether any of the lithologies are

unknown in the current project)

The first three attributes appear as a triplet (for example, 9 / 9 / 9). If all three values are equal, the list contains no duplicate names or code values. Note that the value range reflects the range of the user code numbers. It does not indicate which numbers are actually used.

Overview of Menu Options

The User-Defined Lithology Codes window contains the following menus and options.

File Menu Options

Select File to perform these actions:

• Open User Codes File — Load an existing user-defined lithology codes file.

• Save User-Defined Codes — Save user-defined lithology types and code values as a file.

• Save User-Defined Codes As — Save user defined codes as a file.• Close — Close the User-Defined Lithology Codes window and

exit from the Lithology Curve Generator.

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Edit Menu Options

Select Edit to perform these standard editing functions:

• Cut • Copy • Paste • Delete

Options Menu Options

Select Options Numbering Operations to define a base value and specify the order of lithology code pairs.

Tools Menu Options

Select Tools to perform these actions:

• Lithology Classes — Add lithology classes to the list.• Sort Codes By — Sort list entries.• Suggest User Codes for Selected Wells — Suggest user codes for

selected wells.• Re-Assign Integer Values — Change the code values.• Generate MathPack (.SDF) File — Save the curve as an .SDF

file so you can calculate it in PetroWorks MathPack against StratWorks®.

• Configure Color Ramp — Configure the color ramp to associate particular colors with lithology types.

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Generating a List of Suggested Lithology Types

To generate a list of suggested lithology types for the currently selected wells, select one of the options in the Tools Suggest User Codes for Selected Wells menu of the User-Defined Lithology Codes window:

• Using All Lithology Types — Display all lithology types stored for the project that intersect the selected wells.

• Using Selected Lithology Type — Display the lithology types that intersect the selected wells and that also are consistent with the Lithology Type setting in the Lithology Curve Generator window (for example, FLUID, LITH, or UNKNOWN).

The initial code values are assigned according to the specifications in the Numbering Operations dialog box, described on Changing Lithology Code Values.

Adding Items to the List

You can add any number of lithology type and code value pairs to the list in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window. To add lithology classes, use one of these methods:

• Right-Click Lithology List — You can right-click with the cursor positioned over the list area and select items from the pop-up list.

• Lithology Classes Dialog Box — You can select Tools > Lithology Classes.

• Manual Entry — You can manually enter lithology name and code pairs as text, but you must follow the format rules described in Formatting Lithology Code Data and assume responsibility for maintaining project standards, including terminology standards.

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Adding Lithology Types from the Right-Click Lithology LIst

If you right-click with the cursor positioned over the list area, a list of lithology classes appears.

The list shows the lithology classes stored for the project in the OpenWorks® database (in the vc_litho_class table, which you can view and edit in the OpenWorks® Data Domain Manager window).

To add a lithology type to your user-defined list, select it from the right-click list. If the lithology type is already in the user-defined list, it becomes highlighted. If the lithology type is not already in the user-defined list, it appears at the end of the list with a default code value of zero (0).

Adding Lithology Types from the Lithology Classes Dialog Box

You can add items to the user-defined list in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window by using the Lithology Classes dialog box.

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To display the Lithology Classes dialog box, select Tools > Lithology Classes in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window. The Lithology Classes dialog box appears.

Choose one of these display options:

• All Lithology Classes (default setting) — Display all lithology types stored for the project in the OpenWorks® database.

• Lithology Classes in Selected Wells Only — Display the lithology classes stored for the selected well(s).

• Lithology Classes in Selected Wells and for Selected Lithology Type — Display the lithology classes that match the selected lithology (curve) type in the selected well(s).

To insert a lithology type, select it from the Lithology Classes list.

If the lithology type is already in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window list, it is highlighted. If the lithology type is not already in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window list, it appears at the end of the list with a default code value of zero (0). To prevent lithology types from being inserted, toggle off the Insert Selected Class If Not In User-Defined Lithology Codes check box.

Deleting Items from the List

To delete lithology types listed in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window, use standard editing operations from the keyboard or select Edit Delete. The Lithology Classes dialog box appears.Update the status information by performing a sort operation (Tools Sort Codes By) or other list generation option, such as adding another entry from the Lithology Classes dialog box.

Changing Lithology Code Values

You can change lithology code values in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window in the following ways:

• Use the Numbering Operations dialog box to assign values automatically.

• Use the Edit menu functions or standard keyboard editing functions to enter values manually (see Rules for User-Defined Lithology Codes).

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Assigning Code Values Automatically

To change the lithology code values according to the current order of the lithology type names, select Tools Re-Assign Integer Values. The application assigns the current base value to the first item in the list and numbers the other items as specified in the Numbering Operations dialog box.

To change the base value setting or numbering method, select Options Numbering Operations in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window. The Numbering Operations dialog box appears, as shown in the following illustration.

You can define the base value (minimum code value) in the Base Value box. You can specify the order in which code values are assigned to lithology types by choosing one of these options:

• Forward from the First Lithology • Symmetrically About the Middle Lithology • Backward from the Last Lithology

Rules for User-Defined Lithology Codes

If you edit the code values manually, the following conditions apply:

• Lithology entries are not required to have unique code values. You can assign the same value to more than one lithology type.

• If the list contains multiple instances of a lithology type, only the first instance is used. For this reason, it does not matter whether the instances have unique code values.

• If you leave a code value blank, the program sets its value as -999.25 (the conventional log null value).

Re-ordering the List

Manually Sorting the List

In addition to the Cut, Copy, and Paste options in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window’s Edit menu, you can move items in the following way.

Select an item by placing the cursor over it and pressing <Shift> MB1. The item is underlined, showing that it is selected.

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• To move the selected item up, press the hyphen (–) key. The item moves up one line. If the selected item is already at the top of the list, it wraps to the bottom of the list.

• To move the selected item down, press the plus symbol (+) key in the central keypad (not the numeric keypad). The item moves down one line. If the selected item is already at the bottom of the list, it wraps to the top of the list.

Using Automatic Sorting Options

You can sort the list of lithology type and code value pairs with the sorting options in the Tools Sort Codes By menu of the User-Defined Lithology Codes window:

• Lithology Name — Sort by lithology name• Lithology Name (Last Word) — Begin by sorting the last

(space-delimited) word in the lithology nameThis option is useful for sorting lithology names that are descriptive phrases ending with a noun (as in the following example).






• Integer Value — Sort by code value

Place the cursor over an item and press <Shift>MB1. An underline appears.

To move the item down, press +.

To move the item up, press –.

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Associating Colors with Lithology Types

One way to associate colors with lithology types is to select one of the options in the Tools Configure Color Ramp menu of the User-Defined Lithology Codes window:

• With Equal Spacing of User Codes Across Scale — Assign the current lithology types across the color scale at equidistant intervals.

• With Proportional Spacing of User Codes Across Scale — Assign lithology types across the color scale at intervals in proportion to their code values.

The Color Control window appears and reflects the selected spacing option, as shown in the following examples.

In the Color Control window, you can modify the color range and save the result to a colormap (.clm) file. The colors you associate with lithology types can appear in curve colorfills (for example, in Single Well Viewer). For these color choices to appear in curve colorfills, you must load the appropriate color file into the application (on the monitor that displays the application). (For more information about adjusting colors in the Color Control window, see “Using the Color Control Utilities” in the Introduction to StratWorks® Software manual.)

Equal Spacing

Proportional Spacing

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Loading and Saving User-Defined Lithology Code Files

In the User-Defined Lithology Codes window, you can:

• Load previously saved user-defined lithology code files.• Save the current data to a file (with the default file extension


Loading a User-Defined Lithology Code File

To load an external file, select File Open User Codes File. The User Code File dialog box appears, as shown in the following example.

By default, the program displays the files located in your home directory that have a lith_codes extension. Locate and highlight the appropriate file, then click OK. The file contents appear in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window.

.lith_codes isthe suggesteddefault extension

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Saving a User-Defined Lithology Code File

To save the contents of the User-Defined Lithology Codes window as a file, use one of these options:

• Select File Save — Automatically save the data to a file, where the filename is the name of your home directory and the file extension is .lith_codes.

• Select File Save As — Specify a custom location and name for the file. The dialog box that appears resembles the dialog box for opening a user-defined lithology code file.

Once you save a file, the filename and path appear at the top of the User-Defined Lithology Codes window, as shown in the following example detail.

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Formatting Lithology Code Data

If you save a file in the User-Defined Lithology Codes window, the file is formatted automatically. If you use an external text editor to create or edit lithology code data, you must follow these basic file format rules.


<lithology-name> <code>\n

<lithology-name> <code>\n


<lithology-name> <code>


<count> = Number of lithology name and code value pairs that follow.

<lithology-name> = Alphanumeric name that is 20 characters or less in length. You can enter names for lithologies that are not known in the current project database. Name/code pairs for the same lithology may appear multiple times (but the code value for the first occurrence is the only one used).

<code> = Integer value.

\n = Nonprinting new line character that acts as a line terminator. You do not need to place a new line character after the last name/code pair.

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The following example illustrates how a .lith_codes file is formatted.












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