Fort Worth Independent School District 143 D. McRae Elementary School 2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan 143 D. McRae Elementary School Generated by Plan4Learning.com 1 of 40 Campus #220905143 October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

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Fort Worth Independent School District

143 D. McRae Elementary School

2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Mission StatementOur mission is to foster a passion for learning by embracing diverse, backgrounds, learning styles, and values.

VisionInspire students to be lifelong learners to build a better tomorrow

Value StatementD. McRae Pledge “I will act in such a way, that I will be proud of myself and others will be proud of me too! I came to school to learn, and I will learn! I will have a good day,

because we promote learning at D. McRae!”

D. McRae Tigers R.O.A.R We are Responsible, Organized, Achievers, Respectful!

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Table of Contents

Comprehensive Needs Assessment 4Demographics 4Student Learning 5School Processes & Programs 10Perceptions 12

Priority Problem Statements 13Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation 15Goals 17

Goal 1: Early Literacy Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students who score at meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading from 34% to 47% by August 2024. 18Goal 2: Early Math Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students who score at meets grade level or above on STAAR Mathematics from 34% to 45% by August 2024. 23Goal 3: CCMR Increase the percentage of students graduating with a CCMR indicator from 43% to 48% by June 2024. 29Goal 4: Learning Environment (based on the BOE constraints) Ensure all students have access to a safe, supportive and culturally responsive learning environment. 33

Campus Funding Summary 38

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Comprehensive Needs AssessmentRevised/Approved: September 24, 2021


Demographics Summary

D. McRae Elementary is located in East Fort Worth, Texas in the Poly community. Our campus demographics consists of a high population of Hispanic and LEP students with alimited number of students from other races. Ninety-six percent (96%) of our students are economically disadvantaged. Our campus houses 3 special education units whichconsists of 1 Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) and 2 Reaching Independence through Structured Education (RISE) units. There is also a high number or SPEDinclusion students on campus, making it 13.2% of our campus population. At D. McRae, most of the teaching population contains experience veteran teachers with 6+ years ofexperience. During the 2020-2021 school year, four new teacher were hired. The turnover rate among our staff is low because teachers are comfortable with the campusenvironment. Most teachers leave the campus as a result of retirement.

Enrollment by Race/EthnicityAfrican American 30-5.5%

Hispanic 503-92%White 9-1.6%

American Indian 2-0.2%Two or More Races 5-0.5%

Enrollment by Student GroupEconomically Disadvantaged 597-96%

At Risk508-81.9%RP202-32.6%

LEP418-67.4%SPED 82-13.2%

GT 39-13.4 %Total Enrolled 620

Demographics Strengths

D. McRae Elementary have notable demographics strengths that include:

1. Sustainability of families in the surrounding neighorhood results in low transient rate for students in the community.

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2. Student average daily attendance rate has increased from 92% to 93.44% despite recent events and struggles with the coronavirus pandemic.

3. No students withdrew due to being unhappy with the campus.

Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): 62% of ELL's in grades 1st-5th have either regressed or stayed the same in their TELPAS composite score. Root Cause: Teacherprofessional development has not targeted bilingual/ESL classroom teachers in general.

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Of the 96% economically disadvantaged students at D. McRae Elementary, only 10% are projected to meet state standards on the STAARtest. Root Cause: Lack of culturally responsive teaching practices

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Student Learning

Student Learning Summary





3RD MATH 33 67 31 84TH MATH 34 66 29 115TH MATH 13 87 43 183RD ENGLISH READING 29 71 32 103RD SPANISH READING 47 53 18 84TH ENGLISH READING 19 81 32 114TH SPANISH READING 22 78 39 175TH ENGLISH READING 24 76 32 174TH ENGLISH WRITING 41 59 24 54TH SPANISH WRITING 11 89 64 285TH ENGLISH SCIENCE 44 56 31 10



An analysis of scores for each group at each grade level in READING revealed the following:

The Special Education scores show the greatest variance of all student groups. 33% of 5th grade SpEd scored Approaches and 17% Meets as compared with 76% of non-SpEdscored Approaches and 32% scored Meets. In 4th grade, 60% SpEd students and 81% non-SpEd scored Approaches and in the Meets 40% SpEd compared to 32% non-SpEd. In3rd grade, 56% SpEd and 71% non-SpEd scored Approaches. Special Ed students scoring Masters were very low: 11% in 3rd grade, 0% in 4th grade, and 0% in 5th grade.

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An analysis of scores for each group at each grade level in ENGLISH READING revealed the following:

*All student groups went down from the BOY Data to the MOY data.

*Our EL learners dropped the most in Difference of Met Norm from BOY 27% to 18%.

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An analysis of scores for each group at each grade level in Math revealed the following:

*That all our student groups went down RIT Scores except our African Americans.

* Our Special Ed. students decreased by 7.3%. SpED scores were 13% at the beginning of the year for Met Grade Norm and were at 5% at the MOY.

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At the beginning of implementing Lexia our school began at 81% Below Grade Level and 19% On Grade Level

As of now, we are at 72% Below Grade Level, 26% On Grade Level, and 3% Above Grade Level

Student Learning Strengths

Although student learning was extremely challenging during the 2020-2021 school year due to the coronavirus pandemic, our students receive growth in the following areas:

Implementation of the Lexia program resulted in student progress in reading and phonics.

At the beginning of implementing Lexia our school began at 81% Below Grade Level and 19% On Grade Level

As of now, we are at 72% Below Grade Level, 26% On Grade Level, and 3% Above Grade Level

In every grade level the Average RIT Score by Grade Level for Math has increased from the BOY to the MOY. Students are more computer and technology literate due to the one-to-one device initiative with the district.

Problem Statements Identifying Student Learning Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Students in grades 2-5 are performing significantly below the national norm based on the NWEA Map Data. 2nd-5th English studentsaverage 24% while students in DLE averages 31% according to the RIT scores. Root Cause: Lack of understanding and planning to the depth and complexity of the TEKs.143 D. McRae Elementary SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 9 of 40

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Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Only 25% of students in grades K-5 met grade level norms in Math according to the NWEA Map assessment data. Root Cause: Lack ofconceptual knowledge of the Math TEKS. (conceptual, pictorial, abstract).

Problem Statement 3 (Prioritized): Based on the 2019 STAAR data and the former 3rd graders who are currently 5th graders, only 18% met standards on the STAAR ReadingSpanish test and 32% met standards on the English Reading STAAR test. Root Cause: The lack consistency in the bilingual program structures and components.

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School Processes & Programs

School Processes & Programs Summary

The academic programs at D. McRae consists of the Bilingual, Early Childhood Special Education, and the Reaching Independence through Structured Education program. At thebeginning of the 2020-21 school year, D. McRae Elementary conducted an Effective Schools Framework self assessment to determine our ESF Levers and Essential Actions. Based on the assessment, the identified prioritized Foundational Levers are 4.1: Daily use of high-quality instructional materials aligned to instructional planning calendars andinterim and formative assessments and 5.3: Data-driven instruction.

Foundational Lever 4.3: Daily use of high-quality instructional materials aligned to instructional planning calendars and interim and formative assessments was selected tostrengthen Tier 1 instruction by focusing on objective-driven lesson plans and formative assessments. Closing the gap was the lowest Domain from the 2018-2019 STAARaccountability results. For students to make progress in this Domain, Tier 1 instruction at the campus needed attention. Teachers at D. McRae need support in understanding thecomplexity of the TEKS and importance of instructional alignment. The campus also needed to implement a system for the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) to provideteachers with weekly feedback regarding lesson plans and instruction before delivery took place with students. Formal lesson plan and observation feedback assists teachers inaligning their lessons with the grade level TEKS, daily formative assessment results, and the FWISD scope and sequence and curriculum.

Foundational Lever 5.3: Data-driven instruction was selected because teacher are in needs of protect collaboration time to anayze data and prepare for effective Tier 1 instruction .Additionally, in prior years, teachers did review student data; however, they did not have a consistent data-driven system to focus on student misconceptions, reteachopportunities, and teacher/student exemplars. Focusing on Foundational Lever 5.3, allows teachers to reflect on their instructional practices utilizing the “Driven by Data, 2.0”, byPaul Bambrick-Santoyo, data frameworks which include an in-depth data analysis to identify trends in student misconceptions, determining the root cause as to why students maynot have learned the concept, and creation of rigorous lesson plans to reteach TEKS misconceptions. Teachers also needed support in identifying high leverage TEKS anddisaggregating student expectations for achievement.

D. McRae trained current teachers and the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) regarding the data analysis systems outlined in “Driven by Data, 2.0”, by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo. We are prepared to bring back new team members early for the 2021-2022 school year to ensure they also receive the training. A portion of our data routine will includetracking students’ daily, common, formative assessments results. Also, we will ensure each assessment is aligned to the TEKS by first determining if the assessment is based onmastery of high-leverage TEKS (frequently assessed and builds on past and future TEKS). We will track students' mastery based on misconception analysis and improve teachingpractices to address these misconceptions. Additionally, all teachers will receive training regarding how to create high-quality exemplars so students’ products are ultimatelyaligned with the exemplar. Data Analysis meetings will take place weekly and will include a comparison of students’ work and teacher exemplars. All formative assessments willalign to STAAR formatting and complexity levels using STAAR stems and the student expectation outcomes of the TEKS. We will implement “data walks” using a Data-DrivenInstructional rubric to ensure all Data-Driven Instructional systems demonstrate the culture, assessment practices, and action planning needed to increase achievement levels forall students. Additionally, we will utilize Lexia’s Auto Placement for reading to determine the standards students need to master within the Lexia units of study. Studentparticipation in Lexia will allow us an opportunity to desegregate data after students complete each unit of instruction.

School Processes & Programs Strengths

During the 2020-2021 school year, 60 minute PLCs were implemented and teachers were provided essential professional development to aid the progress of the targeted goals.Teachers received weekly lesson plan feedback that identified areas of growth and improvements when designing high quality learning experiences that aligned to state standards. Teachers developed standard based plannning calenders for each six weeks to identofy TEKS that taught daily.

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Problem Statements Identifying School Processes & Programs Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Only 25% of Tier 2 students and 36% of Tier 3 students are receiving interventions with fidelity based on the Branching Minds InterventionUsage Report. Root Cause: Lack of consistency with progress monitoring interventions and updating information in Branching Minds (5.3).

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): The campus did not have a consistent implementation of data analysis meetings and data tracking in the 20-21 school year. Root Cause:Districts restructure in data systems and limitations in meetings with teachers due to Covid19.

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Perceptions Summary

In the 19-20 school year D. McRae Elementary developed a new mission and vision statement in collaboration with teachers and staff. Mission: Our mission is to ignite ourstudents' passion for tomorrow's world through academics, cultures, and respectful relationships. Vision: Empowering all students to succeed in a future they create.

Our campus values stem from the stance that our students R.O.A.R! (Respectful, Organized, Achievers, Respectful) To create a positive environment amongst students and staff,we utilized the Positive Behavior Intervention System and implemented various ways to celebrate their achievements each month. Teachers nominate students from theirclassroom each month to be recognized and celebrated. The staff nominates colleagues that have displayed excellence, been supportive, and embody the characteristics of a modelexample on campus each month. All nominees are electronically displayed in the school for all to see and congratulate. To encourage progression in the attendance rate, each classparticipates in contests and earn recognition for having perfect attendance.

D. McRae elementary places a priority on creating a family and community friendly school environment. This 20-21 school year we added a parent communication specialistposition that leads family and community engagement initiatives. We know communication is a key way to engage parents and the community. In addition to the typicalnewsletters sent home and school events posted on the marquee, D. McRae Elementary extends communication through social media and local business

In the 2021-2022 school year, the campus will focus on strengthening the school culture. We will update our mission and vision as a staff during welcome back week. The mostrecent Panorama teacher survey showed that 41% of teachers are confident in the Staff-Leadership Relationships, 35% of teachers responded favorably regarding thethoroughness and quality of feedback on teaching practices, and only 51% of teachers feel confident in learning about and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture.

Perceptions Strengths

Consistent Recognition of Student and Staff of the Month.

Recognition of outstanding teachers in weekly newsletters.

Parent specialist position was created to assist with parental engagement and bridge the communication between home and school.

Discipline data and student survey confirms that PBIS strategies implemented on campus are working effectively.

Problem Statements Identifying Perceptions Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Based on the Panorama teacher survey 41% of teachers are confident in the Staff-Leadership Relationships Root Cause: Lack ofconsistency and accountability in campus expectations.

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Based on the Panorama survey 51% of teachers feel confident in learning about and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture. RootCause: Lack of culturally responsive professional development.

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Priority Problem StatementsProblem Statement 1: 62% of ELL's in grades 1st-5th have either regressed or stayed the same in their TELPAS composite score.Root Cause 1: Teacher professional development has not targeted bilingual/ESL classroom teachers in general.Problem Statement 1 Areas: Demographics

Problem Statement 2: Of the 96% economically disadvantaged students at D. McRae Elementary, only 10% are projected to meet state standards on the STAAR test.Root Cause 2: Lack of culturally responsive teaching practicesProblem Statement 2 Areas: Demographics

Problem Statement 3: Students in grades 2-5 are performing significantly below the national norm based on the NWEA Map Data. 2nd-5th English students average 24% whilestudents in DLE averages 31% according to the RIT scores.Root Cause 3: Lack of understanding and planning to the depth and complexity of the TEKs.Problem Statement 3 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 4: Only 25% of students in grades K-5 met grade level norms in Math according to the NWEA Map assessment data.Root Cause 4: Lack of conceptual knowledge of the Math TEKS. (conceptual, pictorial, abstract).Problem Statement 4 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 5: Based on the 2019 STAAR data and the former 3rd graders who are currently 5th graders, only 18% met standards on the STAAR Reading Spanish testand 32% met standards on the English Reading STAAR test.Root Cause 5: The lack consistency in the bilingual program structures and components.Problem Statement 5 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 6: Only 25% of Tier 2 students and 36% of Tier 3 students are receiving interventions with fidelity based on the Branching Minds Intervention UsageReport.Root Cause 6: Lack of consistency with progress monitoring interventions and updating information in Branching Minds (5.3).Problem Statement 6 Areas: School Processes & Programs

Problem Statement 7: The campus did not have a consistent implementation of data analysis meetings and data tracking in the 20-21 school year.Root Cause 7: Districts restructure in data systems and limitations in meetings with teachers due to Covid19.Problem Statement 7 Areas: School Processes & Programs

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Problem Statement 8: Based on the Panorama teacher survey 41% of teachers are confident in the Staff-Leadership RelationshipsRoot Cause 8: Lack of consistency and accountability in campus expectations.Problem Statement 8 Areas: Perceptions

Problem Statement 9: Based on the Panorama survey 51% of teachers feel confident in learning about and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture.Root Cause 9: Lack of culturally responsive professional development.Problem Statement 9 Areas: Perceptions

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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data DocumentationThe following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:

Improvement Planning Data

District goalsCampus goalsPerformance Objectives with summative review (prior year)Campus/District improvement plans (current and prior years)Planning and decision making committee(s) meeting dataCovid-19 Factors and/or waivers

Accountability Data

Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) dataStudent Achievement DomainDomain 1 - Student AchievementStudent Progress DomainDomain 2 - Student ProgressClosing the Gaps DomainDomain 3 - Closing the GapsEffective Schools Framework data

Student Data: Assessments

State and federally required assessment informationState and federally required assessment information (e.g. curriculum, eligibility, format, standards, accommodations, TEA information)(STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versionsState of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versionsSTAAR EL progress measure dataRunning Records results

Student Data: Student Groups

Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and progressRace and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress between groupsSpecial programs data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and progressSpecial programs data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress for each student groupRace and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress for each student groupEconomically Disadvantaged / Non-economically disadvantaged performance, progress, and participation dataEconomically disadvantaged / Non-economically disadvantaged performance and participation dataMale / Female performance, progress, and participation dataSpecial education/non-special education population including discipline, progress and participation dataAt-risk/non-at-risk population including performance, progress, discipline, attendance, and mobility dataEL/non-EL or LEP data, including academic achievement, progress, support and accommodation needs, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.

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Section 504 dataGifted and talented dataDyslexia DataResponse to Intervention (RtI) student achievement data

Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators

Attendance dataDiscipline recordsStudent surveys and/or other feedbackEnrollment trends

Employee Data

Staff surveys and/or other feedbackCampus leadership dataProfessional development needs assessment dataTTESS data

Parent/Community Data

Parent surveys and/or other feedbackParent engagement rate

Support Systems and Other Data

Processes and procedures for teaching and learning, including program implementationBudgets/entitlements and expenditures dataStudy of best practicesAction research results

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GoalsGoal 1: Early Literacy Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students who score at meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading from 34% to 47% by August 2024.

Performance Objective 1: Increase the percentage of PK students who score On Track on Circle Phonological Awareness in English from 63% to 70%by May 2022. Increase the percentage of PK students who score On Track on Circle Phonological Awareness in Spanish from 55% to 70% by May 2022. Increase the percentage of ELL Spanish students or the student group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus (gender, race, program, other)from 53% to 65% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: All Pre-K teachers will progress monitor using data trackers to ensure that at least 80% of Pre-K studentsmake progress on phonological awareness. (5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Circle data will show a 15% growth in Phonological awareness fromWave 1 to Wave 2.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Demographics 2 - School Processes & Programs 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6399-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $2,500

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: All Pre-K teachers will participate in 90 minute PLC meetings using the DDI structure to analyze their data,identify instructional gaps and share instructional practices. (5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Effective 90-minute PLCs using the DDI structure for Pre-K teacherswill inform phonological awareness planning for targeted Tier 1 instruction to positively impact studentachievement with a focus African-American and ELs.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: School Processes & Programs 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-13-6119-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $74,589.15

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 1 Problem Statements:

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DemographicsProblem Statement 2: Of the 96% economically disadvantaged students at D. McRae Elementary, only 10% are projected to meet state standards on the STAAR test. RootCause: Lack of culturally responsive teaching practices

School Processes & ProgramsProblem Statement 2: The campus did not have a consistent implementation of data analysis meetings and data tracking in the 20-21 school year. Root Cause: Districtsrestructure in data systems and limitations in meetings with teachers due to Covid19.

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Goal 1: Early Literacy Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students who score at meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading from 34% to 47% by August 2024.

Performance Objective 2: Increase the percentage of Kindergarten - Grade 3 students who Meet or Exceed grade level expectations on key MAP Fluencyindicators in English from 35% to 50% by May 2022. Increase the percentage of Kindergarten - Grade 3 students who Meet or Exceed grade level expectations on key MAP Fluency indicators in Spanish from30% to 50% by May 2022. Increase the percentage of Economically Disadvantage students from 29% to 50% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: All K-3 grade teachers will effectively deliver daily lessons following the FWISD Literacy and BiliteracyFrameworks (4 Fundamentals of Literacy). Teacher lesson plans will include clear FWISD Literacy and BiliteracyFramework components. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 85% of K-3rd grade lesson plans will identify FWISD Literacy andBiliteracy Framework (4 Fundamentals of Literacy) components being used in each daily lesson as measuredby written plans, lesson plan feedback, and instructional delivery during walkthroughs.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted SupportStrategyProblem Statements: Student Learning 1Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6399-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $2,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: All K-3 teachers will participate in 90 minute PLC meetings using the DDI structure to analyze MAPFluency Benchmark data, identify instructional gaps and inform targeted support based on instructionalrecommendations. (5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All students in K-3 will increase by 20% after each administration ofMAP Fluency and transition from foundational reading skills to oral reading skills.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: School Processes & Programs 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-12-6329-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $10,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 2 Problem Statements:

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Student LearningProblem Statement 1: Students in grades 2-5 are performing significantly below the national norm based on the NWEA Map Data. 2nd-5th English students average 24% whilestudents in DLE averages 31% according to the RIT scores. Root Cause: Lack of understanding and planning to the depth and complexity of the TEKs.

School Processes & ProgramsProblem Statement 2: The campus did not have a consistent implementation of data analysis meetings and data tracking in the 20-21 school year. Root Cause: Districtsrestructure in data systems and limitations in meetings with teachers due to Covid19.

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Goal 1: Early Literacy Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students who score at meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading from 34% to 47% by August 2024.

Performance Objective 3: Increase the percentage of Kindergarten through Grade 5 students who meet or exceed projected growth on MAP GrowthReading in English from 30% to 50% by May 2022. Increase the percentage of Kindergarten through Grade 5 students who meet or exceed projected growth on MAP Growth Reading in Spanish from 34% to50% by May 2022.Increase the percentage of ELL English students or group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus (gender, race, program, other) from 29%to 50% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: All K-5th grade teachers will effectively deliver tier 1 reading comprehension lessons with formativeassessments and premade teacher exemplars, aligned to the depth and complexity of the standards for their grade. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All students in grades K-5th will increase 20% in MAP growthReading in English or Spanish by providing effective tier 1 instruction that is aligned to the depth andcomplexity of grade-level standards and identifying student gaps in learning through the tracking of masteryutilizing daily formative assessments.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional TargetedSupport StrategyProblem Statements: Student Learning 1Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6129-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $22,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: All K-5th teachers will participate in 90 minute PLC meetings using the DDI structure to analyze weeklyformative assessment data for high leverage standards, identify instructional gaps and drive the focus of intentionalsmall groups. (5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 45% of students in K-5th will meet or surpass normative RIT growthgoals after each administration of the MAP Reading Assessment as compared to 24% this year.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.Problem Statements: Demographics 1, 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 3 Problem Statements:

DemographicsProblem Statement 1: 62% of ELL's in grades 1st-5th have either regressed or stayed the same in their TELPAS composite score. Root Cause: Teacher professionaldevelopment has not targeted bilingual/ESL classroom teachers in general.

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DemographicsProblem Statement 2: Of the 96% economically disadvantaged students at D. McRae Elementary, only 10% are projected to meet state standards on the STAAR test. RootCause: Lack of culturally responsive teaching practices

Student LearningProblem Statement 1: Students in grades 2-5 are performing significantly below the national norm based on the NWEA Map Data. 2nd-5th English students average 24% whilestudents in DLE averages 31% according to the RIT scores. Root Cause: Lack of understanding and planning to the depth and complexity of the TEKs.

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Goal 2: Early Math Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students who score at meets grade level or above on STAAR Mathematics from 34% to 45% by August 2024.

Performance Objective 1: Increase the percentage of PK students who score On Track on Circle Math from 81% to 90% by May 2022. Increase the percentage of Economically Disadvantage Spanish students or the student group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus(gender, race, program, other) from 52% to 60% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: All Pre-K Math teachers will participate in 90 minute PLC meetings using the DDI structure to analyzestudent work (formative assessments), identify instructional gaps and inform planning for Tier 1 instruction. (5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Effective 90-minute PLCs using the DDI structure for all Pre-K mathteachers will inform targeted Tier 1 instruction and progress monitoring to the depth and complexity of thePre-K guidelines.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.Problem Statements: Student Learning 2, 3

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: Develop the capacity of all Pre-K Math teachers by ensuring their conceptual knowledge of the Math Pre-KGuidelines. Teachers will apply the three levels of mathematical understanding (CRA) ensuring the use of mathematicalmanipulatives and math journals. Teachers will develop a grade level scope and sequence (Standard-Based PlanningCalendar) to plan for progression of learning. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All Pre-K Math Teachers will identify levels of mathematicalunderstanding through progression of learning in their Standard-Based Planning Calendars. Pre-K student'sconceptual understanding of grade level Pre-K guidelines will enhance the mastery of CLI scores from 52%to 60% mastery for Hispanic students.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Student Learning 1, 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6112-0PD-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $3,724.85

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Strategy 3 Details ReviewsStrategy 3: All Pre-K Math teachers will execute targeted small group math lessons, based on formative assessment ofdaily tier 1 instruction and CLI assessment data. (5.3) (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All Pre-K teachers will analyze CLI and daily formative assessmentdata to identify student gaps in learning and drive small group instruction providing all students withscaffolds and/or differentiation.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional TargetedSupport StrategyProblem Statements: Student Learning 1, 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6129-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $22,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 1 Problem Statements:

Student LearningProblem Statement 1: Students in grades 2-5 are performing significantly below the national norm based on the NWEA Map Data. 2nd-5th English students average 24% whilestudents in DLE averages 31% according to the RIT scores. Root Cause: Lack of understanding and planning to the depth and complexity of the TEKs.Problem Statement 2: Only 25% of students in grades K-5 met grade level norms in Math according to the NWEA Map assessment data. Root Cause: Lack of conceptualknowledge of the Math TEKS. (conceptual, pictorial, abstract).Problem Statement 3: Based on the 2019 STAAR data and the former 3rd graders who are currently 5th graders, only 18% met standards on the STAAR Reading Spanish testand 32% met standards on the English Reading STAAR test. Root Cause: The lack consistency in the bilingual program structures and components.

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Goal 2: Early Math Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students who score at meets grade level or above on STAAR Mathematics from 34% to 45% by August 2024.

Performance Objective 2: Increase the percentage of Kinder students who score On Track on TX-KEA Math from 34% to 50% by May 2022.Increase the percentage of Economically Disadvantage student group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus (gender, race, program, other)from 34% to 45% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: All Kindergarten Math teachers will participate in 90 minute PLC meetings using the DDI structure toanalyze student work (formative assessments), identify instructional gaps and inform planning for Tier 1 instruction.(5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Effective 90-minute PLCs using the DDI structure for all kindergartenmath teachers will inform targeted Tier 1 instruction and progress monitoring to the depth and complexity ofthe TEKS.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: Develop the capacity of all Kindergarten Math teachers by ensuring their conceptual knowledge of gradelevel TEKS. Teachers will apply the three levels of mathematical understanding (CRA) ensuring the use ofmathematical manipulatives and math journals. Teachers will develop a grade level scope and sequence (Standard-Based Planning Calendar) to plan for progression of learning. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All Kindergarten Math Teachers will identify levels of mathematicalunderstanding through progression of learning in their Standard-Based Planning Calendars. Kindergartenstudent's conceptual understanding of grade level TEKS will enhance the mastery of TX-KEA proficiencyscores from 34% to 45% mastery.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 3 Details ReviewsStrategy 3: All Kindergarten Math teachers will execute targeted small group math lessons, based on formativeassessment of daily tier 1 instruction and TX-KEA assessment data. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Kindergarten students will increase their mastery of TX-KEAproficiency scores 34% to 45% mastery. All kindergarten teachers will analyze TX-KEA and daily formativeassessment data to identify student gaps in learning and drive small group instruction providing all studentswith scaffolds and/or differentiation.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective InstructionProblem Statements: Demographics 1 - Student Learning 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Performance Objective 2 Problem Statements:

DemographicsProblem Statement 1: 62% of ELL's in grades 1st-5th have either regressed or stayed the same in their TELPAS composite score. Root Cause: Teacher professionaldevelopment has not targeted bilingual/ESL classroom teachers in general.

Student LearningProblem Statement 2: Only 25% of students in grades K-5 met grade level norms in Math according to the NWEA Map assessment data. Root Cause: Lack of conceptualknowledge of the Math TEKS. (conceptual, pictorial, abstract).

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Goal 2: Early Math Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students who score at meets grade level or above on STAAR Mathematics from 34% to 45% by August 2024.

Performance Objective 3: Increase the percentage of Kindergarten - Grade 5 students who Meet or Exceed projected growth on MAP Growth Math from34% to 50% by May 2022. Increase the percentage of Economically Disadvantage students or the student group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus (gender, race,program, other) from 34% to 39% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: All K-5th Math teachers will participate in 90 minute PLC meetings using the DDI structure to analyzestudent work (formative assessments), identify instructional gaps and inform planning for Tier 1 instruction. (5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Effective 90-minute PLCs using the DDI structure for all 3-5th grademath teachers will inform targeted Tier 1 instruction and progress monitoring to the depth and complexity ofthe TEKS.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective InstructionProblem Statements: Demographics 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6399-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $3,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: Develop the capacity of all K-5th grade Math teachers by ensuring their conceptual knowledge of gradelevel TEKS. Teachers will apply the three levels of mathematical understanding (CRA) ensuring the use ofmathematical manipulatives and math journals. Teachers will develop a grade level scope and sequence (Standard-Based Planning Calendar) to plan for progression of learning. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All K-5th Math Teachers will identify levels of mathematicalunderstanding through progression of learning in their Standard-Based Planning Calendars. K-5th studentconceptual understanding of grade level TEKS will enhance MAP Growth scores by a 20% increase.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Student Learning 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6129-04U-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $28,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 3 Problem Statements:

DemographicsProblem Statement 2: Of the 96% economically disadvantaged students at D. McRae Elementary, only 10% are projected to meet state standards on the STAAR test. RootCause: Lack of culturally responsive teaching practices

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Student LearningProblem Statement 2: Only 25% of students in grades K-5 met grade level norms in Math according to the NWEA Map assessment data. Root Cause: Lack of conceptualknowledge of the Math TEKS. (conceptual, pictorial, abstract).

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Goal 3: CCMR Increase the percentage of students graduating with a CCMR indicator from 43% to 48% by June 2024.

Performance Objective 1: Increase the percentage of 3-5 grade students scoring at MEETS or above on STAAR Reading from 32% to 50% by May 2022.

Increase the percentage of Economically Disadvantage Spanish students or the student group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus(gender, race, program, other) from 23% to 50% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: All K-5th teachers will participate in 90 minute PLC meetings using the DDI structure to analyze weeklyformative assessment data for high leverage standards, identify instructional gaps and drive the focus of intentionalsmall groups. (5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 50% of students in 3rd-5th will score meets or above on STAARReading by May 2022.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Student Learning 3 - School Processes & Programs 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6329-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $3,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: Administrators, Data Analysts and Instructional Coaches will provide grade level teams and individualteachers support with culturally responsive tier 1 instruction by providing coaching, monitoring, observation andfeedback, consistently. (4.1) (5.3)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 90% percent of teachers will engage in culturally responsive tier 1instruction incorporating the fundamental four as measured by lesson plan feedback and instructional walks.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Demographics 2Funding Sources: - SCE (199 PIC 24) - 199-11-6399-001-143-24-313-000000- - $1,012

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Strategy 3 Details ReviewsStrategy 3: All 2nd-5th grade teachers will implement Cloze Reading by ensuring that they are selecting grade levelappropriate text with an intentional purpose and embedding text dependent questions. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 2nd-5th grade teachers will teach Tier 1 lessons at the expected levelof rigor of the TEKS improving student comprehension, increasing the percentage of students at Meets orabove on the Reading STAAR by 15%.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Demographics 1 - Student Learning 3Funding Sources: - SCE (199 PIC 24) - 199-11-6329-001-143-24-313-000000- - $5,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 4 Details ReviewsStrategy 4: Deepen the understanding of the ELPS through the use of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing acrossall content areas and aligned planning, lesson delivery and equitable learning opportunities. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teachers will collaboratively examine student work from writingopportunities to reflectively plan lessons targeted toward writing skill improvement, resulting in increasedTELPAS ratings by 15 percent for ELL students.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Demographics 1

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 1 Problem Statements:

DemographicsProblem Statement 1: 62% of ELL's in grades 1st-5th have either regressed or stayed the same in their TELPAS composite score. Root Cause: Teacher professionaldevelopment has not targeted bilingual/ESL classroom teachers in general.Problem Statement 2: Of the 96% economically disadvantaged students at D. McRae Elementary, only 10% are projected to meet state standards on the STAAR test. RootCause: Lack of culturally responsive teaching practices

Student LearningProblem Statement 3: Based on the 2019 STAAR data and the former 3rd graders who are currently 5th graders, only 18% met standards on the STAAR Reading Spanish testand 32% met standards on the English Reading STAAR test. Root Cause: The lack consistency in the bilingual program structures and components.

School Processes & ProgramsProblem Statement 2: The campus did not have a consistent implementation of data analysis meetings and data tracking in the 20-21 school year. Root Cause: Districtsrestructure in data systems and limitations in meetings with teachers due to Covid19.

143 D. McRae Elementary SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 31 of 40

Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Goal 3: CCMR Increase the percentage of students graduating with a CCMR indicator from 43% to 48% by June 2024.

Performance Objective 2: Increase the percentage of 3-5 grade students scoring at MEETS or above on STAAR Math from 34% to 50% by May 2022.Increase the percentage of Black/African American students or the student group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus (gender, race,program, other) from 20% to 40% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: Develop the capacity of all K-5th grade Math teachers by ensuring their conceptual knowledge of gradelevel TEKS. Teachers will apply the three levels of mathematical understanding (CRA) ensuring the use ofmathematical manipulatives and math journals. Teachers will develop a grade level scope and sequence (Standard-Based Planning Calendar) to plan for progression of learning. (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All K-5th Math Teachers will identify levels of mathematicalunderstanding through progression of learning in their Standard-Based Planning Calendars. 3rd-5th gradestudents' conceptual understanding of grade level TEKS will increase the percentage of students at Meets orabove on Math STAAR to 50% by May 2022.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality CurriculumProblem Statements: Student Learning 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: All K-5th Math teachers will participate in 90 minute PLC meetings using the DDI structure to analyzestudent work (formative assessments), identify instructional gaps and inform planning for Tier 1 instruction. (5.3), (4.1)

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Effective 90-minute PLCs using the DDI structure for all 3-5th grademath teachers will inform targeted Tier 1 instruction and progress monitoring to the depth and complexity ofthe TEKS.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.Problem Statements: Student Learning 2 - School Processes & Programs 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 3 Details ReviewsStrategy 3: All K-5th grade teachers will develop and implement a campus-wide mathematical thinking process wherestudents have the opportunity to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding by formulating a plan or strategy,evaluating, justifying, and determining the reasonableness of their work.(4.1)

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

143 D. McRae Elementary SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 32 of 40

Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will solve real-world problems by demonstrating anddetermining the reasonableness of their solutions using the campus-wide mathematical thinking processincreasing the percentage of 3rd-5th grade students Meeting or above on the STAAR Math to 50% by May2022Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Data Analyst, ICs, Administrators.ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality CurriculumProblem Statements: Student Learning 2

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 2 Problem Statements:

Student LearningProblem Statement 2: Only 25% of students in grades K-5 met grade level norms in Math according to the NWEA Map assessment data. Root Cause: Lack of conceptualknowledge of the Math TEKS. (conceptual, pictorial, abstract).

School Processes & ProgramsProblem Statement 2: The campus did not have a consistent implementation of data analysis meetings and data tracking in the 20-21 school year. Root Cause: Districtsrestructure in data systems and limitations in meetings with teachers due to Covid19.

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Goal 4: Learning Environment (based on the BOE constraints)Ensure all students have access to a safe, supportive and culturally responsive learning environment.

Performance Objective 1: Decrease the number and percentage of students who are chronically absent from 92.91% to 90% by May 2022. Decrease the number and percentage of Hispanic students or the student group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus (gender, race,program, other) from 31.38% to 29% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: Attendance Team, will meet twice per six weeks to monitor and improve attendance for chronically absentstudents. Attendance team members will partner with the parents, identify needs, provide incentives, post attendancetrackers that are visible throughout the school.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Attendance data will demonstrate a decrease of 15% amongchronically absent students.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School CultureProblem Statements: Perceptions 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: All K-5 teachers will keep frequent parent logs to provide consistent communication conveying theimportance of attendance in academic growth; with a focus on chronically absent students.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Attendance data will demonstrate a decrease of 15% amongchronically absent students and 10% decrease among all students.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Perceptions 2Funding Sources: Attendance Incentives - Title I (211) - 211-11-6499-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $2,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 1 Problem Statements:

PerceptionsProblem Statement 2: Based on the Panorama survey 51% of teachers feel confident in learning about and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture. Root Cause: Lackof culturally responsive professional development.

143 D. McRae Elementary SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 34 of 40

Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Goal 4: Learning Environment (based on the BOE constraints)Ensure all students have access to a safe, supportive and culturally responsive learning environment.

Performance Objective 2: Increase positive response by students to the learning environment on the Panorama SEL Survey from 68% to 85% by May2022. Increase positive response by ELL's students or the student group that is most marginalized by instruction on our campus (gender, race, program, other)from 68% to 85% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: Teachers will identify students who need MTSS in order to provide academic and social-emotional supportthrough restorative practices.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students identified will be provided with the academic and social-emotional support they need reducing behavioral concerns and student suspension rate.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School CultureProblem Statements: Perceptions 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: PBIS- Implement and monitor school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies that have explicitbehavioral expectations and management systems for students and staff. Tiger tickets every Friday and student of themonth will be used to reinforce and encourage model student behavior.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will feel welcomed and have a positive perception about theschool environment when their behaviors are celebrated and rewarded, increasing the school culture from K-5th grades.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture - Targeted Support StrategyFunding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-11-6499-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $2,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 2 Problem Statements:

PerceptionsProblem Statement 2: Based on the Panorama survey 51% of teachers feel confident in learning about and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture. Root Cause: Lackof culturally responsive professional development.

143 D. McRae Elementary SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 35 of 40

Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Goal 4: Learning Environment (based on the BOE constraints)Ensure all students have access to a safe, supportive and culturally responsive learning environment.

Performance Objective 3: Decrease the number of in and out of school suspensions from 5 to 3 by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: Build Morning Meeting into the master schedule, allowing time for SEL check-ins, circles, and school-wideculture and climate building through restorative practices.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Pre-K-5th grade teachers will conduct daily SEL lessons with students(check-ins, circles, school-wide culture and climate). By connecting with students daily, we will increase thecapacity of our students to regulate their emotions and the ability to communicate their feelings and receivethe support they need.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality CurriculumProblem Statements: Perceptions 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: PBIS- Implement and monitor school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies that have explicitbehavioral expectations and management systems for students and staff. Tiger tickets every Friday and student of themonth will be used to reinforce and encourage model student behavior.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Implementation of PBIS to recognize and encourage positivebehaviors in students will decrease the campus suspension rate.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School CultureProblem Statements: Perceptions 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 3 Problem Statements:

PerceptionsProblem Statement 2: Based on the Panorama survey 51% of teachers feel confident in learning about and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture. Root Cause: Lackof culturally responsive professional development.

143 D. McRae Elementary SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 36 of 40

Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Goal 4: Learning Environment (based on the BOE constraints)Ensure all students have access to a safe, supportive and culturally responsive learning environment.

Performance Objective 4: Increase the positive perception of parents on Engagement on the district's Parent Survey from 87% to 95% by May 2022. Increase the positive perception of ELLs from 85% to 90% by May 2022.

Strategy 1 Details ReviewsStrategy 1: The Family Engagement Specialist will increase parent participation and positive perception of the campusby coordinating festivals, spirit nights, sending home a needs survey, providing resources, signing students up forregistration, and parents for parent portal.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The number of parents who fill out the survey will increase from to atleast and provide us with a 100% positive perception on Engagement in the District Parent Survey.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerProblem Statements: Perceptions 1, 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-61-6399-04L-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $3,000

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 2 Details ReviewsStrategy 2: The principal will meet with parents monthly to communicate upcoming events, fundraisers, schoolprogress, and listen to concerns and suggestions.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in parent involvement and participation in events as measuredby parent portal and PTO membership.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture - Additional Targeted Support StrategyProblem Statements: Perceptions 2Funding Sources: - Title I (211) - 211-61-6116-04L-143-30-510-000000-22F10 - $1,500

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 3 Details ReviewsStrategy 3: The ILT team will be visible during arrival and dismissal to greet both students and parents.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The number of parents who fill out the survey will increase from to atleast and provide us with a 100% positive perception on Engagement in the District Parent Survey.Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerProblem Statements: Perceptions 2

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

Strategy 4 Details ReviewsStrategy 4: The campus will host ESL and GED classes for the parents and community.

Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The number of parents who fill out the survey will increase from to atleast and provide us with a 100% positive perception on Engagement in the District Parent Survey.

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Admin, PES, Social WorkerProblem Statements: Perceptions 1, 2

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Performance Objective 4 Problem Statements:

PerceptionsProblem Statement 1: Based on the Panorama teacher survey 41% of teachers are confident in the Staff-Leadership Relationships Root Cause: Lack of consistency andaccountability in campus expectations.Problem Statement 2: Based on the Panorama survey 51% of teachers feel confident in learning about and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture. Root Cause: Lackof culturally responsive professional development.

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Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

Campus Funding SummaryTitle I (211)

Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Description Account Code Amount

1 1 1 Supplies and materials forinstructional use 211-11-6399-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $2,500.00

1 1 2 Data Analyst 211-13-6119-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $74,589.15

1 2 1 Supplies and materials forinstructional use 211-11-6399-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $2,000.00

1 2 2 Reading materials forlibrary use 211-12-6329-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $10,000.00

1 3 1 Teacher Assistant 211-11-6129-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $22,000.00

2 1 2 Subs for professionaldevelopment 211-11-6112-0PD-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $3,724.85

2 1 3 Teacher Assistant 211-11-6129-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $22,000.00

2 3 1 Supplies and materials forinstructional use 211-11-6399-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $3,000.00

2 3 2 Computer Lab Assistant 211-11-6129-04U-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $28,000.00

3 1 1 Reading materials forclassroom use 211-11-6329-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $3,000.00

4 1 2 Attendance Incentives Snacks or incentives forstudents 211-11-6499-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $2,000.00

4 2 2 Snacks or incentives forstudents 211-11-6499-04E-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $2,000.00

4 4 1 Supplies and materials forparental involvement 211-61-6399-04L-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $3,000.00

4 4 2Extra duty for familyengagement activities afterhours

211-61-6116-04L-143-30-510-000000-22F10 $1,500.00

Sub-Total $179,314.00

Budgeted Fund Source Amount $179,314.00

+/- Difference $0.00

143 D. McRae Elementary SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 39 of 40

Campus #220905143October 11, 2021 2:36 PM

SCE (199 PIC 24)Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Description Account Code Amount

3 1 2 Supplies and materials forinstructional use 199-11-6399-001-143-24-313-000000- $1,012.00

3 1 3 Reading materials forclassroom use 199-11-6329-001-143-24-313-000000- $5,000.00

Sub-Total $6,012.00

Budgeted Fund Source Amount $6,012.00

+/- Difference $0.00

Grand Total $185,326.00

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