General Policies and Procedures

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  • 7/29/2019 General Policies and Procedures


    General Policies and Procedures

    As the course title suggests, all our interactions will be conducted online. There are no physical

    class meetings where I will call on you or pressure you to submit your assignments. Therefore, please

    take the responsibility to follow along as we proceed through the weeks, both for the sake of your ownlearning process, as well as for that of your group and classmates. For those of you who are doing this

    for the first time, the modalities of an online course are different from that of a regular class.

    Kindly download, print out, and read the posted syllabus and schedule. The course has been

    arranged by modules, which roughly parallel the calendar weeks of the semester. Each module/week

    will have activities, assignments, and assessments/quizzes posted, as per the details specified on the

    syllabus and schedule. You need to take note of these details for each module, and ensure that you are

    up to date and have completed the requirements for each module. Please do not lag behind, first,

    because there is a penalty for tardiness and for late submissions (please be forewarned), and second,

    because if you do not follow the material as we go along in a timely fashion, it will be difficult for you

    to catch up later. So please try and meet the specified deadlines.

    As you probably realize, there are different categories of participation on D2L. These can be

    through Assessments (which pertain to exams), Assignments (Take-Home or Open book), Discussions,

    and E-Mailing. In any of the above categories, the response sought from you might be Individual or

    from the Group as a whole. The Schedule and Modules specify which Chapters and Cases are due each

    week. Please make a note of which assignments are Individual and which ones are Group-based and

    proceed accordingly.

    Class Participation Grades

    I will post Discussion topics for every chapter in each module/week, where you can participate by

    posting comments individually and following a thread of discussion (like you would in class). This is

    especially relevant because it enables you to participate in a Topic or Case discussion. The chapter

    discussion topics are open to all students, and your postings there will count for class participation. I

    keep track of participation in individual modules. The postings are graded based on both quality and

    quantity. There is a mandated frequency of postings, in addition to posting at least ONE in-depth

    analysis, you need to have a minimum ofTWO constructive responses to the comments from other

    students. Your 3 posts cannot be posted on the same day. No credit will be given to 3 back to back

    postings (meaning you post your 3 posts in one day within a few minutes or few hours range). The

    professor will maintain a record of each students class participation. Class participation grades will be

    computed at the end of the semester on the basis of participation. Interactive postings will enhance

  • 7/29/2019 General Policies and Procedures


    learning and understanding. Anyone in the class can kick off a discussion on a particular question or

    topic by posting a comment at the beginning of the week. As a general rule, you will have until

    10:00pm on Friday of the week when the particular module is scheduled to post your comments on the

    chapter and case discussion forums. As long as you are active and regular in your postings, you will

    have no need to worry about participation grades.

    Group Activity and Grades

    For the assigned case analysis and for the team project, the assignment and required report is

    specifically group-based. There may be other group-based assignments posted during the semester; if

    your group is assigned a particular case, you need to submit a group report to me in that module for the

    assigned credit (see syllabus for guidelines for case analysis reports). Please format all reports like you

    would a professional business report. Include a title page, a table of contents, organize the report into

    sections with appropriate headings, a list of references, with figures, appendices and tables (when

    appropriate), attached at the back of the report. Employ 12-point fonts and double-space the report.

    I will form private discussion forums for groups. That will enable you to communicate privately

    among group members without others in the class being able to see the postings. Please keep your

    group members informed and happy with your contributionsthey will evaluate your contributions to

    the groups activities at the end of the semester.

    Posting of Grades

    All grades will be posted on the grade book. You will be able to access your grade

    when I'm done with the grading via my grades icon under course tool/ my tools.

    Document identification

    Please remember to write your groups name or individual name on every submitted document, for

    identification purposes. Please remember that when the document is printed and detached from the

    email or website where it was posted, its authorship (i.e., groups name or individuals name) should

    still be identifiable to the reader.