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SID 5Research Project Final Report


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Project identification

1.Defra Project code


2.Project title

Modified management of agricultural grassland to promote in-field structural heterogeneity, invertebrates and bird populations in pastoral landscapes


Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

The Lodge



SG19 2DL


54.Total Defra project costs


(agreed fixed price)

5.Project:start date

01 December 2005

end date

30 November 2009

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Executive Summary

7.The executive summary must not exceed 2 sides in total of A4 and should be understandable to the intelligent non-scientist. It should cover the main objectives, methods and findings of the research, together with any other significant events and options for new work.

1. The UK Government is committed to reversing large scale declines in farmland bird populations by 2020. A major obstacle is the provision of invertebrate-rich habitats to allow farmland birds to successfully raise chicks. This is particularly true of livestock-rearing areas dominated by intensively managed grassland, which lacks invertebrate resources especially larger-bodied groups like grasshoppers and Lepidoptera which are important dietary components for farmland birds.

2. Complete and frequent defoliations of fast-growing, uniform, fertilized swards characterise the modern management of agricultural grassland. These conditions are generally hostile to a broad range of grassland invertebrates, which require a heterogeneous sward structure and composition (providing a variety of niches) and vegetation left in situ (allowing life cycles to be completed). Frequent, low height mowing of grassland may disrupt the breeding of species like skylark which nest at high densities in grass silage fields.

3. The general aim of this study was to use simple management techniques to enhance invertebrate communities and invertebrate prey availability for farmland birds on grazed grassland. A further aim was to enhance skylark nesting success in grass silage fields. Specific objectives were: (1) to investigate the effects of leaving grass in situ over winter and of reducing summer grazing intensity on sward structure, invertebrate abundance and availability to birds; (2) to assess whether the magnitude of any invertebrate response was large enough to influence reproductive success of priority birds; (3) to measure the agronomic and economic costs of the grazing treatments; (4) to assess the benefits to nesting skylarks and agronomic costs of raised cutting heights on grass silage fields, and (5) to recommend combinations of grassland management options suitable for inclusion in Defra’s Environmental Stewardship Scheme.

4. Different combinations of grazing treatments were established for 2-4 years on a split-plot design across twenty-one grass fields in South Devon (ranging from semi-improved to improved grassland), and across four improved fields in Herefordshire and North Yorkshire. Sites in South Devon were in localities known to support populations of priority farmland birds (buntings, finches and skylarks). Different combinations of two extensification measures were tested: reduced intensity (lenient) early season grazing (to a surface sward height of 12-15cm compared to moderate grazing sward height of 7-9cm) and the early cessation (early closure) of grazing whereby livestock were excluded from trial paddocks from mid-July until the following spring. Lenient grazing was predicted to enhance structural heterogeneity and invertebrate prey abundance while providing access to foraging birds. Early closure was predicted to enhance densities of two food resources that are scarce in agricultural grasslands: seeds (by allowing plants to reproduce) and large-bodied invertebrates in spring (by promoting their overwinter survival). Loss of beef cattle live weight output was used as a measure of agronomic cost.

5. The impact of raised cutting heights and delayed mowing on skylark reproductive success was tested on thirty multiple-cut silage fields in Dorset over three years, while the impact of safe nesting plots (areas of grass left undisturbed after a first cut) was tested on seven fields during one year. The impacts on reproductive success of different combinations of high and low cuts, different intervals between cuts and of using different mowing and collection machinery were investigated using stochastic simulation modelling.

6. Lenient early season grazing was associated with large and immediate increases in invertebrate abundance, including those invertebrate groups that are important in bird diets (abundance on semi-improved lenient plots during July was 34%, 48%, 78% and 65% higher than on moderately grazed plots during 2006-2009 respectively). This beneficial impact of lenient grazing was evident for all invertebrate size-classes, and for groups that are important in farmland bird diets such as grasshoppers, ground beetles, rove beetles and Dipteran flies, as well as leafhoppers, true bugs and springtails. Similar impacts of lenient grazing were evident on improved sites.

7. Early closure of semi-improved grazed grassland had smaller and delayed impacts on the abundance of invertebrate groups important in bird diets (abundance on moderately-grazed plots during July was 12%, 17%, 31% and 35% higher than on control plots during 2006-2009). Impacts of early closure on invertebrate abundance on improved fields were larger and also increased over the course of the study (equivalent differences in the abundance of bird prey taxa were 21%, 38%, 61% 40% during 2006-2009). These impacts of early closure were associated mainly with small and medium-sized invertebrates. Early closure had significant positive impacts on the abundance of rove beetles, leafhoppers and true bugs. With the exception of all beetles and rove beetles, early closure did not enhance invertebrate abundance during April. Early closure was associated with a reduction in plant species richness on semi-improved fields, but not on improved fields.

8. Foraging priority birds mainly used extensification plots during the breeding season. Skylarks responded strongly and positively to both lenient early season grazing and to early closure. Buntings (yellowhammer and cirl bunting) and the wider group of mixed diet granivores (buntings, sparrows and finches) strongly selected early closure plots, but did not respond to lenient grazing. Obligate granivores (goldfinch & linnet) showed no strong selection of either extensification treatment. Measurements of fine-scale sward structure at bunting foraging sites indicated that lenient grazing reduced structural heterogeneity on early-closure swards below the levels required by buntings, thereby restricting their access to the enhanced prey resources. Models of bunting responses to sward condition implied that an intermediate grazing pressure (mean sward height ca. 9-12cm) could optimise the trade-off between prey density and accessibility. The primary requirement of the obligate granivores appeared to be the seed of particular forbs (notably Taraxacum and Leontodon). These plants occurred on too few fields to explore the effects of the extensification treatments. During winter, meadow pipits and, to a lesser extent, yellowhammers preferred plots subjected to early closure.

9. The agronomic costs of lenient early season grazing (relative to moderate early season grazing) on semi-improved grassland were 2%, 25% and 32% during 2007-2009 respectively. The costs of early closure were 31%, 51% and 43% during 2007-2009 respectively, while the combined costs of lenient grazing plus early closure were 32%, 63% and 62%. Proportional costs on improved fields were similar in Yorkshire but lower in Herefordshire. The high costs of early closure were attributable both to the loss of late season grazing and to deleterious changes in sward composition (increased cover of Ranunculus repens, Holcus lanatus, Agrostis species and litter; reduced cover of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens). These changes in sward composition were most pronounced in leniently grazed plots in 2009, when there was a significant decline in forage quality (metabolisable energy).

10. On semi-improved sites, there was no evidence that cover of injurious weeds was promoted by lenient grazing or by early closure. There were indications that the early closure treatments had some value in controlling Cirsium vulgare infestations, reducing thistle cover over the last two years of the study. On improved sites, there was evidence of increased cover of nettle and creeping thistle after four years of lenient grazing, but the cover of each weed species remained below 5% on all sites.

11. Reproductive success of skylarks under normal low-cut (6-8cm) silage management is very poor (only 4-8 fledglings raised per 100 skylark pairs), mainly due to high rates of egg and chick mortality soon after mowing caused mainly by abandonment (after having been covered in cut grass), predation and trafficking (crushed under vehicle wheels). Raised mowing heights (8-10cm) increased daily survival rates of nests and chicks, increased productivity of successful nests and promoted earlier initiation of replacement nests.

12. For a two-cut silage system, reproductive success was substantially enhanced (ca. 21 fledglings / 100 pairs) by imposing a raised cutting height at the first cut, and a normal low cutting height at the second cut. Delaying the second cut by 7 and 14 days further enhanced reproductive success (to 36 and 47 fledglings / 100 pairs respectively). Raising cutting height at the first cut (only) increased (by 9%) total dry matter yield from two successive cuts, while delaying the second cuts by 7 days had no significant impact on silage yield or quality in the one year it was measured. Substantial (9-fold) increases in skylark reproductive success are therefore possible at no or little agronomic cost. A single late haylage cut had the potential to raise reproductive success further (e.g. 94 fledglings / 100 pairs for a late July cut), although this is still probably insufficient to maintain stable breeding populations.

13. Lenient grazing of agricultural grassland (to a sward height of 12-15cm) has been shown to have large and immediate beneficial impacts on invertebrate abundance and utility to skylarks at agronomic costs that may be affordable within agri-environment schemes. Early exclusion of cattle had fewer biodiversity benefits but substantial agronomic costs and should probably not be considered as a future agri-environment option. Continuous moderate grazing (to a sward height 9-12cm) would have a smaller positive impact on invertebrate abundance but produce swards that are more accessible to a wider range of priority farmland birds particularly buntings. However, it remains to be tested whether these benefits would be realised in the absence of early closure.

14. Raising mowing heights (to 8-10cm) at the first silage cut and delaying the second cut by one week has the potential to substantially raise skylark reproductive success in grass silage fields at negligible agronomic cost. This combination of silaging options could be considered as the basis for a future option within the Entry Level Scheme.

15. We highlight four key gaps in current agri-environment provision for farmland birds on English livestock systems: (1) lenient grazing options tailored to the needs of different bird groups, (2) optimised combinations of rest periods and lenient grazing for field margins/corners, (3) a means of providing abundant seed during winter from grassland and (4) a means of promoting the breeding success of in-field nesting species on intensive silage fields. Solutions to the third and fourth requirements have been developed (here and in BD1455) although agronomic costs need clarification. Further work is needed to optimise lenient grazing measures for different bird groups and to develop rest-graze combinations for field margins.

Project Report to Defra

8.As a guide this report should be no longer than 20 sides of A4. This report is to provide Defra with details of the outputs of the research project for internal purposes; to meet the terms of the contract; and to allow Defra to publish details of the outputs to meet Environmental Information Regulation or Freedom of Information obligations. This short report to Defra does not preclude contractors from also seeking to publish a full, formal scientific report/paper in an appropriate scientific or other journal/publication. Indeed, Defra actively encourages such publications as part of the contract terms. The report to Defra should include:

the scientific objectives as set out in the contract;

the extent to which the objectives set out in the contract have been met;

details of methods used and the results obtained, including statistical analysis (if appropriate);

a discussion of the results and their reliability;

the main implications of the findings;

possible future work; and

any action resulting from the research (e.g. IP, Knowledge Transfer).


The general aim of this project was to trial modified grassland management techniques that aimed to enhance farmland bird populations by increasing the abundance (and availability) of their main invertebrate prey and by providing safe nesting sites on lowland agricultural grassland. Specific objectives were:

(1) To quantify the extent to which in-field heterogeneity and grassland invertebrate prey for farmland birds can be improved on intensive and semi-improved grassland by modifying grazing management at key periods of the year, and specifically: (a) To investigate the effects of leaving grass in situ over winter and limiting summer grazing and fertiliser inputs.(b) To evaluate whether manipulating grazing intensity can produce the preferred foraging sward structures for priority farmland birds. (c) To assess whether the magnitude of any invertebrate responses to modified grazing management is sufficient to influence the reproductive performance of priority farmland birds.(d) To evaluate the agronomic and economic impacts of various grazing options to increase the heterogeneity and biodiversity value of improved grassland.

(2) To evaluate whether raised cutting heights on grass silage fields can increase the nesting success of skylarks to the level needed for sustainable populations, and quantify the agronomic costs.(3) To recommend combinations of practical and costed measures suitable for inclusion in Defra’s Environmental Stewardship (ES) Scheme that will lead to increased densities of invertebrates & birds on agricultural grassland.

All objectives were met except objective 1c (see section 4.2.4).


2.1. Experiment 1: Extensive grazing on semi-improved grassland with over-winter refugia for invertebrates

Treatments were imposed on 13 permanent grass fields with a history of grazing by beef cattle and inorganic fertilizer inputs of less than 50 kg N/ha/year. The fields were widely spread across fourteen livestock farms (mainly beef and mixed beef) in South and East Devon (from Seaton in the east to Holbeton in the west) in localities known (from bird surveys conducted in 2003) to hold target farmland birds including buntings, larks, finches, sparrows and thrushes. Areas of trial fields averaged 3.4ha (range 2.76-4.79 ha) and were selected to allow the imposition of three split-plot paddocks of equal area (approximately 1ha each) and having similar aspect, slope and boundary characteristics. Two conservation measures – lenient grazing pressure and early closure - were tested in a partially crossed, split-plot experimental design. Lenient grazing pressure was expected to simultaneously promote densities of foliar invertebrate and seeds and to allow cattle to graze more selectively, enhancing the structural heterogeneity of the swards and providing access for foraging birds. Early closure was expected to enhance densities of invertebrate prey (by promoting the survival of taxa that overwinter in sward or litter layer) and seeds (by allowing plants to reproduce). On each field, the following three treatment combinations were imposed at random during the summer of 2006 and maintained until September 2009:

Treatment 1: Moderate grazing with early closure. Beef cattle grazed plots to a target sward height (TSH) of 6-9cm between April and mid-July, after which all livestock were excluded until spring April of the following year. This treatment was designed to increase invertebrate densities and sward heterogeneity (overwinter, through early closure) and to then provide short swards in spring, suitable for soil- and surface-feeding birds like starlings, thrushes and wagtails.

Treatment 2: Lenient grazing with early closure. Beef cattle grazed plots to a TSH of 12-16cm (10-14cm in 2006 only) between April and mid-July, after which all livestock were excluded until April of the following year. This treatment was designed to increase foliar invertebrate and seed densities and sward heterogeneity (to promote accessibility) thereby providing suitable spring and summer foraging conditions for sward-feeding birds like buntings, larks, sparrows and finches.

Control: Moderate grazing without early closure. Beef cattle grazed plots to a target sward height of 6-9cm between April and October (or when grass growth ceased). Under this treatment, continuous defoliation was expected to prevent grasses and forbs from flowering and setting-seed and to prevent useful invertebrate prey resources from developing.

Usage of inorganic fertilizer was prohibited under all three treatments. A put-and-take grazing system was employed to achieve TSHs, with plots being rested when swards fell to the lower TSH limit. During grazing periods, sward height was monitored approximately weekly by project staff, who then asked farmers to move animals where necessary. Sward height was measured using a HFRO sward stick which is the height at which a descending Perspex window first comes into contact with live foliage excluding inflorescences and their supporting stems. Grazing control was based on the mean sward height from 30-40 HFRO measurements collected from a W-shaped transect across each treatment plot.

The timing of plot closure was staggered across the 14 study sites to ensure that sward and invertebrate sampling took place within a few days of sward closure. As this sampling took approximately two days at each site, the first site was typically closed in early July and the last in early August (Appendix A). During March, two passes of a chain harrow were used to dislodge and partially remove accumulated dead vegetation and litter from the moderate and lenient treatment plots with the aim of opening swards up and promoting new grass growth. Two sites (one Experiment 1 site and one Devon extension site; Appendix A) were abandoned during the autumn of 2008 due to persistent serious management difficulties.

2.1.1. Agronomic measures.

Grazing days: Throughout the season a record was kept by farmers at all sites of the number of cattle grazing each paddock. These data were accumulated for the early and late season periods to provide grazing day totals for each treatment at each site in each year. Sites that were unable to provide reliable data or did not achieve TSH were excluded from analyses (Appendix A).

Cattle weights and animal performance: On six core sites, animal live weight was monitored at three key dates; turnout (April), early closure (mid-July) and end of the grazing season (September/October) during 2007-2009. Individual cattle growth rates for early and late season periods were calculated by weighing core cattle on three sites, and estimating (by expert eye) cattle live weights on the other three sites. Estimated weights were highly correlated with actual weights measured on the same animals on the same day (R2 = 91%, 95% and 95% for 2007-2009 respectively; Appendix B), which suggests that any measurement error was small. Rates of animal weight gain (kg/day) and season-long livestock output (kg/ha) were calculated for each treatment paddock at each core site in each year.

Herbage quality: On the six core sites, herbage pluck samples were collected three times (May, mid-July and September (control paddocks only)) during each season (2007-2009) from three locations within each paddock that were being actively grazed by cattle. Three bulked pluck samples were gathered from each paddock on each occasion and analysed for crude protein (nitrogen), modified acid detergent fibre (MAD fibre) and soluble carbohydrate (WSC). From the MAD fibre result, D-value and metabolisable energy (ME) values were derived for the purpose of estimating feed quality.

Soil sampling: Soil nutrient status was assessed for whole fields on core sites during April of 2006 or 2007, and for all treatment paddocks on all sites during April 2009. Soil cores were collected to a depth of 7.5cm along W-shaped transects and bulked into a single sample prior to laboratory analysis. Bulked samples were analysed for pH, available P, K, Mg, ammonium N, nitrate N, total N and soil mineral nitrogen (SMN).

Statistical analysis: Herbage quality data were analysed with four-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with site, year, month and treatment as main factor, fitting all possible interactions. Animal weight gain was analysed using three-way ANOVA with main factors site, year and treatment and fitting all possible interactions. Turnout weight was included as a covariate. Livestock output was analysed using a repeated measures generalised linear model (GLM) in which plot was declared as the subject which was measured repeatedly across years. Cattle breed (5 levels), year and treatment were main factors and a year* treatment interaction was incorporated. For both sets of animal performance data, separate analyses were conducted for early season output (all three treatments), late season output (controls only) and a comparison of early and late season output (controls only). Where necessary, raw data were logarithm or square root transformed prior to analysis, and normal errors were assumed.

2.1.2. Litter measurements.

In order to monitor any accumulation of dead litter and to assess the effectiveness of the chain harrowing in dislodging and removing accumulated litter, we measured litter on all treatment 1 and 2 plots during March 2007-2009 and on control plots in 2008 and 2009. The method aimed to measure the vertical distribution of litter within the sward and in 2007 and 2008 was conducted within a period two days before harrowing and repeated approximately 7 days later in order to assess the impact of this restoration technique. In 2009, litter measurements were only collected before harrowing was conducted.

On each sampling occasion, the vertical distribution of litter within the sward was measured at 40 random locations spread across each trial paddock. Litter (attached or detached dead plant material, excluding any brown tips of green leaves) was measured using a modified sward stick, by recording the presence/absence of dead litter (or stems) within sample cells of 5cm horizontal radius in each 5cm height stratum forming a vertical cylindrical column centred on the sward stick. Live growth was also measured at each point using the standard HFRO sward stick method. Statistical analyses tested for evidence of litter accumulation over the course of the study and for effects of harrowing on the vertical distribution of litter.

2.1.3. Swards and invertebrates.

Sample positions: On each treatment plot, four 10m-spaced, parallel sampling transects were established to assess within-field variation for both invertebrate and sward assessments. Sampling points were located at five regularly-spaced points along each transect, yielding 20 samples per plot spaced at 3, 20, 40, 60 and 80m from the field boundary edge.

Sward structure measurements: Within each treatment paddock, 10 HFRO sward stick measurements were taken within a 3m-radius circle at each of the 20 sample points. Height was recorded from all plant material, excluding stems and inflorescences above the top leaf. The height of each sward stick measurement was taken from undisturbed areas within each circle. Sampling occurred in July of all 4 years and in April / May of 2007 and 2009. Sward heterogeneity at each of the sampling points was expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV) of the HFRO measures. A higher CV is indicative of structurally more heterogeneous vegetation than a low CV.

Drop disc measurements: Three drop disc measurements (drop disc 20 cm in diameter) were taken from undisturbed areas within each 3m-radius circle at each of the 20 sample points within each treatment plot in July 2006 and 2009. Compressed sward height and percent cover of functional groups under the disc were recorded.

Vegetation quadrats: Percent cover was recorded in four fixed position 1x1m quadrats in each treatment plot, located along the central two parallel transects, in July of all four years. Vegetation composition was recorded as percent cover of functional groups (e.g. grass, forbs, agricultural clovers, bare ground, dung and leaf litter, defined as detached vegetation) and the individual percent cover of all higher plant species.

Injurious weeds assessment: This was additional to the original proposal in order to assess the extent of injurious weeds within the experimental paddocks and the effects of the treatments thereon. Most of the weeds recorded are prescribed under the 1959 Weeds Act (e.g. spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare), creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense), broadleaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) and additionally nettle (Urtica dioica)). Within a 10m radius of each botanical quadrat position (approx. 314 m2), the percent cover was estimated. Recordings took place during July 2007 to 2009.

Flower head counts: During spring and summer 2009, flower head assessments were made in order to assess the suitability of the treatments for granivorous birds. Within a 3m radius around each of the 20 sampling points the number of flowering heads of all species was counted.

Seed head counts: Seed head counts of grasses and forbs were undertaken during September/October of 2007 and 2009 on the six core sites. The number of seed heads, identified to genus, were recorded at 20 points in each paddock along a W-shaped transect using a 0.25m x 0.25m quadrat.

Sweep net sampling: Within each treatment plot, 20 double sweeps were taken at all 20 sample positions. These were taken from the edge of the 3m-radius sampling area to avoid any disturbance of the vegetation. Sampling occurred in July of all 4 years and in April of 2007 & 2009 on the same day as other measurements. The abundance of all Orthoptera, larvae of Symphyta and Lepidoptera were recorded and the Orthoptera identified to species.

Vortis sampling: Invertebrate densities were measured at 20 sample points in each treatment using a Vortis suction sampler (Burkard Manufacturing Co. Ltd, UK). A single sample consisted of 10 sub-sample positions: each position was vacuum-sampled for 15 seconds and the sub samples combined (total area sampled 0.174m2). These were taken from within the 3m circles around the centre of each sampling position. The sampling provided measures of the total number of invertebrates (>2mm), and those groups identified by RSPB as potential bird food (e.g. beetles, beetle larvae, spiders, true bugs, flies, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera larvae, Wilson et al. 1996). These invertebrates were mainly identified to orders and sub-orders, but the following were identified to species: Carabidae (ground beetles), Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles), Curculionidea (weevils), Orthoptera (grasshoppers), and Auchenorrhyncha (leafhoppers). Invertebrates were assigned to three body size classes (2-5mm, 5-10mm and >10mm). Sampling occurred in July of all 4 years and in April of 2007 & 2009.

Pitfall traps: Pitfall traps were used to sample the invertebrates for two weeks in the summers of 2007 and 2009. Twenty pitfall traps were set per treatment plot in clusters of four, located along the central transect line and positioned to avoid overlap with botanical quadrats. Polyethene pots with a diameter of 6.8cm and a saturated salt solution as a preservative were used. Carabidae were identified to species and the abundance of all other invertebrates (>2mm) was recorded.

Statistical analyses were performed using the Community-Ecology package “vegan” in R (R Core Development Team 2009) and Genstat 11 (Payne, Murray et al. 2007). The effects of the treatments over time on sward height, sward structure (Coefficient of Variation of the HFRO measurements) and invertebrate abundances were described using a linear mixed-effects model with treatment as fixed factor and farm as a random factor. The experiment was set-up as a nested randomized-block design, e.g. distance nested in treatment and farm. Target sward height duration (the number of days between achieving target sward height and plot closure to grazing) was used as a covariate in all multivariate analyses. The effects of the grazing treatments on botanical composition were analysed using Redundancy Analysis (RDA). In all cases, the data were log–transformed prior to analyses. Changes in treatment effects on botanical composition over the four years of the study were assessed using principal response curves (PRC). These show temporal differences in community composition relative to the control treatment (the latter indicated by a horizontal line through y=0) and the analysis effectively tests the treatment*time interaction. The abundance of injurious weeds was analysed using Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance as the data were highly skewed.

The effects of the grazing treatments on invertebrate community composition were assessed using the same multivariate techniques as those used for the vegetation data. However, changes in vegetation composition are likely to be the cause of differences in invertebrate assemblages among the treatments. We therefore tested for relationships between individual components of the vegetation and the abundance of invertebrate groups or species using RDA, where invertebrate abundance was the response variable and vegetation composition the explanatory variable. Injurious weeds were analysed using Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance as the data were highly skewed.

2.1.4 Plot- and patch-scale usage of trial swards by birds Bird usage of trial plots was measured as the number of foraging visits to each plot by each species during timed summer watches (conducted during May-September) each lasting 45 minutes. Each survey consisted of three 45-minute watches, one in each plot. The surveys took place in good weather, during the morning and mid-late afternoon, when foraging activity peaked. The number of watches undertaken at each site varied and in most years, and watches did not start until target sward heights had been attained. These variations in survey effort were controlled for by ‘year’ and ‘closure period’ (pre or post-closure) explanatory variables in the analyses. Bird usage of Experiment 1 plots was also assessed during the winter of 2007-08.

We first consider the empirical responses of birds during the breeding season to factors under the direct control of the land manager: namely the target sward height and time of closure. The aim of the analysis is to predict how management can be optimised for key species and groups of conservation concern particularly skylarks, buntings and the obligate seedeater guild. In addition to plot-scale treatment analyses, we consider influences of potential covariates also measured at the plot scale. These include invertebrate abundance and seed / flower densities measured soon after plot closure in July.

For the treatment models, GLMs were fitted to the count data with a log link and either a Poisson error structure (corrected for over-dispersion) or a negative binomial structure (for the more numerous species/guilds, where dispersion factors exceeded c.2). Where possible, a site identifier factor was forced into the models as a fixed effect (most species/guilds occurred on too few sites to model the site effect as a random factor). Covariance structures were omitted from the models, as correlations between the sparse usage data were too weak to improve model performance. In any one year, a site can only contribute information on treatment preferences if birds occurred on it during that year. Site-years where the species (or guild) of interest did not occur were excluded from the treatments models. Also, site-years where the full set of treatments was not implemented correctly were excluded from the analysis. The effects of year, closure period (pre- or post-closure) and the duration of TSH delivery were also tested in the treatment models. In each year, TSH duration was quantified as the number of days between achieving TSH and the early closure date. TSH duration was calculated at the plot level (number of days at TSH on each plot) and the site level (number of days when all three treatment plots were at TSH). Data from Experiment 1 and Devon extension sites were analysed separately. The Reddaway site held the best numbers of several key species in the Devon Extension experiment (skylark, buntings), but cattle rejected a large area of grass on the control plot, which resembled a lenient treatment plot. Models were fitted with or without the Reddaway data to check whether the rejected area had any effect on bird usage.

In addition to the treatment response models, the bird usage data were related to plot-level covariates describing sward conditions (sward structure, composition, seed and invertebrate resources). Bird usage at the plot scale was related to plot level assessments of sward structure derived from the weekly monitoring of sward height for grazing control purposes (above). Plot sward height means and CVs were calculated for each sward monitoring visit and the values on intervening dates were interpolated. The resulting sward structure dataset was used to model bird usage on each plot during every bird-counting visit. The covariate models incorporated data from all plot-visits, regardless of whether or not the planned treatments were correctly implemented. The modelling approach was the same as that used for the treatment models.

Foraging patch selection by buntings was also examined at a finer, within-plots scale, as part of an attempt to clarify why bunting usage of lenient plots was lower than expected. This took place during the 2008 and 2009 breeding seasons and generated 54 foraging observations, 39 for yellowhammer and 15 for cirl bunting. All foraging sites were paired with unused randomly located control sites in the same plots and at the same distance from the field boundary. Ten sward height measurements were collected at each sampling patch defined as a 3m diameter circles centred on each foraging or control location (i.e. the same HFRO measurements used for characterising sward structure at the plot level). GLMs with a logit link and binomial errors were used to model the probability that a patch was used for foraging by buntings. A binary response variable distinguished foraging sites (1) from unused controls (0) and a dummy variable identifying each foraging site-control site pair was forced into the models. We tested for any influence of sward height means and CV (linear and quadratic effects) on patch usage by birds. Initially, all the foraging site data were analysed in a single model, then the effects of year, bunting species and plot treatment were tested as interactions with the sward structure variables.

A sward-opening experiment was undertaken during the summer of 2009, to test whether access to invertebrate-rich lenient swards was limited by sward accessibility. Patches of grass were kept short by regular mowing and clippings were removed. The experiment took place on five sites, in the margins of the lenient treatment plots. Two configurations of mown patches were tested: two 2m-diameter circles and two groups of four 1m-diameter circles (i.e. the same area, but with twice the perimeter length). Observations of bird usage were collected as part of the timed foraging watches on these plots and none of these watches were undertaken within three days of mowing. In total, 47 timed watches were undertaken on lenient plots that included mown patches (range 8 to 11 visits per site).

2.2. Experiment 2: Extensive grazing on intensive grassland with over-winter refugia for invertebrates

Four grazing treatments were imposed on four permanent grass fields (two fields at ADAS Rosemaund, Herefordshire, and two at ADAS High Mowthorpe, Yorkshire) each with a history of grazing by beef cattle, and a history of fertilizer inputs of approximately 150kg N/ha/year. Fertiliser restrictions and the two extensification measures described for Experiment 1 were tested in a partially crossed design. The following combinations were imposed as treatments on each of the four fields (split-plot design) during summer 2006 and maintained until September 2009:

Treatment 1: Moderate grazing with early closure, and reduced fertilizer. Beef cattle grazed 0.6 ha plots to a TSH of 6-9cm between April and mid-July, after which all livestock were excluded until April of the following year. Annual fertilizer input was restricted to a single 50 kgN/ha application during March/April. This treatment was designed to promote invertebrate densities and sward heterogeneity, and to provide suitable spring and summer foraging conditions for soil and surface-feeding birds (e.g. starlings, thrushes, wagtails).

Treatment 2: Lenient grazing with early closure, and reduced fertilizer. Beef cattle grazed 0.6 ha plots to a TSH of 12-16cm (10-14cm in 2006) between April and mid-July, after which all livestock were excluded until April of the following year. Annual fertilizer input was restricted to a single 50 kgN/ha application during March/April. This treatment is designed to promote invertebrate densities and sward heterogeneity, and to provide suitable spring and summer foraging conditions for sward-feeding birds (e.g. buntings, sparrows, finches and larks).

Control: Moderate grazing without early closure, and reduced fertilizer. Beef cattle grazed 0.6 ha plots to a TSH of 6-9cm between April and the cessation of grass growth (typically October). Annual fertilizer input was restricted to a single 50 kgN/ha application during March/April. This treatment is designed to provide some sward heterogeneity and suitable foraging habitat for soil and surface-feeding birds.

Fertilized Control: Moderate grazing without early closure, and normal fertilizer. Beef cattle grazed 0.6 ha plots to a TSH of 6-9cm between April and the cessation of grass growth (typically late October). Annual fertilizer input was 150 kgN/ha/year (three 50kg/ha applications spread over the growing season).

A put-and-take grazing system was employed to achieve TSHs, with plots being rested when swards fell below the lower TSH limit. Grazing control was based upon regular (approximately weekly) measures of sward height along W-shaped transects covering each grazing plot. During March of each year, two passes of a chain harrow were used to dislodge and partially remove accumulated dead vegetation and litter from the moderate and lenient treatment plots with the aim of opening swards up and promoting new grass growth.

Devon extension study: During 2008 and 2009, the Experiment 2 treatment that was associated with the largest enhancement of invertebrate abundance (Treatment 2, lenient grazing followed by early closure), was established with a control treatment (as above) on eight fields in South Devon with a presumed history of intensive management (i.e. grazed pastures with fertilizer inputs of at least 50kg N / ha /year). Soil nutrient assessments conducted in April 2009 suggested two of these sites had probably not been subject to such intensive management, but a relatively high nutrient status was confirmed at the remaining sites (Appendix E, Table E1). One of the eight sites was discontinued after 2008 following persistent breaches of treatment protocols. The main aim of the Devon extension was to assess the biodiversity benefits (particularly bird usage) of the most promising Experiment 2 treatment (which lacked sufficient replication to assess bird usage). Assessments of sward structure/composition, invertebrates and bird usage were therefore conducted on all extension sites during 2008 and 2009.

2.2.1 Agronomic measures

Using a similar technique to that in Experiment 1 (section 2.1.1), cattle grazing days were recorded and accumulated over the early and late grazing season periods. On all Experiment 2 sites, individual cattle growth rates were calculated by weighing core animals at turnout, early closure and at the end of the grazing season. Grazing output was expressed as kg of live weight gain per hectare. During 2007-09, herbage pluck samples were collected from all treatment paddocks at all sites. Three samples were collected from each paddock during May, mid-July and September. Laboratory analysis was as described for Experiment 1 (section 2.1.1). Soil nutrient status was assessed for whole fields during spring 2006, and for all individual treatment paddocks in spring 2009. Soil sampling and analysis techniques were similar to those used in Experiment 1 (section 2.1.1). Seed head counts of grasses and forbs were undertaken on each treatment paddock on each site during September of 2007 and 2009 using the method outlined above for Experiment 1. Statistical analyses of these data were similar to those conducted on Experiment 1 data (section 2.1.1). No agronomic measures were collected for the eight Devon extension sites.

2.2.2. Swards and invertebrates

The design and sampling regime of Experiment 2 were largely identical to Experiment 1 (section 2.1.3). Swards, vegetation composition and invertebrates were recorded, assessed and analysed using the same methods as described above for Experiment 1. Experiment 2 differed as described below. Transects were spaced at 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90 metres from the field boundary for both the ADAS and Devon extension sites. Detailed recordings of the botanical composition were taken at the ADAS sites in 2006 and 2009 only. Neither drop discs nor pitfall traps were used on Devon extension sites. Litter accumulation was assessed on the four main Experiment 2 sites during March 2007-09 using the same methods used in Experiment 1 (section 2.1.2).

2.2.3 Bird usage

Following the field methods adopted for Experiment 1 (section 2.1.4), regular summer bird usage surveys were conducted on all Devon extension fields during 2008-09. Analyses of these data are described in section 2.1.4.

2.3Experiment 3: Effects of modified grass silage management on skylark breeding productivity

2.3.1. Study sites and silage management practices

Between 2006 and 2008 silage fields holding breeding skylarks were identified in two areas of Dorset, England, centred on Dorchester and Sherborne. Silage fields subjected to at least two cuts were preferred as study sites, though some of these reverted to single cut regimes after problems with weather or poor grass growth. Some silage fields were allocated to experimental mowing regimes (below) while others were subject to normal management and served as controls. The majority of the farms were dairy farms. The silage fields ranged from three-cut systems on high-yielding, short-term Italian ryegrass leys, to two-cut systems on semi-improved, permanent grassland. Organic silage fields were only included if there was high residual soil fertility.

All farms used disc mowers with one, two or three cutting bars and two farms used single-bar “swather” mowers. Each bar cut swaths ca. 3m wide. On most mowers, adjustable baffles could optionally be set to spread the cut grass to wilt or into rows for collection. Swather mowers incorporate a conveyor belt to deflect the cut grass onto a previously cut row, thereby avoiding the need to rake cut grass together for collection. Swather mowers were used in preference where there was a risk of raking up stones. Tedders were used to spread wet cut grass or to produce drier silage for baling. Windrowing rakes or swather mowers were used to gather up the cut grass for collection. The effective operating widths of windrowing rakes varied from 4m (single rotor) to 12.5m (four rotors). Silage was picked up using self-propelled forage harvesters (followed by tractors towing silage trailers) or big balers. Bales were picked up and removed on trailers and were sometimes wrapped in plastic in situ. The process of grass collection resulted in a high proportion of the field being trafficked by machinery, particularly when baling. Early cuts generally produce higher yields of wetter grass, requiring at least a day of wilting. Most early crops are put into silage clamps, rather than baled. Late cut yields tend to be lower and require less drying. Consequently, late crops can be cut and cleared in a single day and the grass is better suited to the use of swather mowers and for baling.

2.3.2. Experimental mowing

Split-field experiments were used in 2006 and 2007 to compare the effects of a raised cutting height and a low (control) cutting height on skylark reproductive success. These treatments were applied to the first and second cuts, after which management reverted to the farmer. In 2006, farmers were asked to implement a raised cutting height of 10-12cm and a control cut as low as possible (resulting mean cutting surface heights: raised cut 12.3cm, SD 1.8cm and control 5.9cm, SD 1.0cm). In addition to this, the raised cutting height plot was picked up one row at a time, without using a windrowing rake. In 2007 farmers were asked to cut the raised cutting height plot 8cm taller than the cutting height on the control, but the same grass collection machinery could be used across the whole field (raised cut 12.4cm, SD 2.7cm; control 6.8cm, SD 0.7cm). In 2008, whole fields were mown at a raised cutting height of 10cm at the first cut (11.4cm, SD 0.6cm on first cut), followed by a normal low cutting height at the second cut (8.0cm, SD 0.6cm). Extra payments were offered to farmers willing to accept a minimum 7-week cutting interval (6 weeks on three-cut systems), but uptake of this option was low. The numbers of trial and control fields contributing to this cutting height study were, respectively, 12 and 11 in 2006, 8 and 4 in 2007 and 10 and 15 in 2008.

A second experiment was carried out on another set of fields in 2007. Raised cutting heights were used in an attempt to attract skylarks onto areas that could be protected from subsequent silage cuts. At the first cut, the field was cut at the normal low cutting height, except for half-hectare Safe Nesting Plots (SNPs), each of which was cut 10cm higher than the rest of the field (resulting mean cutting surface heights: SNP 27.3cm, SD 12.2cm and control 9.0cm, SD 2.3cm). Thirteen SNPs were sited in the centres of 7 fields in areas known to hold skylark territories. At the second cut, the SNPs were not mown and the retained grass was not cut or grazed until after skylarks finished breeding in August.

Cutting dates and intervals were generally left to the discretion of the farmers, so they could cut when the grass reached target condition and/or weather permitted.

2.3.3. Yield measurements

Silage yields were measured on the split-field experiments only. Yields for both treatments were measured at the first two cuts. Cut herbage was weighed from 2m lengths of cut grass swaths in at least eight random positions (depending on variability) on each plot. The swaths were sampled using the “bread knife technique” and analysed in the laboratory for dry matter content and quality (crude protein, water soluble carbohydrates, MAD fibre, D value and ME). The calculation of yield was based on swath weight and mower cutting width measured at each sampling point. Mower cutting height was also recorded at six positions per sampling point.

In 2008 a nine-swath wide (c.25m), 100m long strip was used to measure yields from taking a low cut at both the first and second cuts, whilst the remainder of the field was subjected to a high first cut and low second cut. Yields at first cut were measured as during 2006-07 (above). Following first cut, adjacent areas of high and low cut grass were marked to allow second cuts to be sampled at experimentally controlled cutting intervals of 7 and 8 weeks. These samples were cut by hand to a height of 6cm, within 1m x 1m sample plots.

2.3.4. Invertebrate sampling

During late June 2007, just before the second silage cut was due to be taken, sward height (HFRO) and invertebrates were sampled at 20 locations in each treatment at each of eight study sites. Invertebrates were sampled using sweep nets, Vortis suction samplers and pitfall traps.

2.3.5. Measuring skylark reproductive success

Skylark nests were found and monitored to measure initiation dates (first egg dates), daily survival rates, event-specific survival rates for silaging operations and productivity. Particular attention was paid to identifying pairs of consecutive nesting attempts by the same skylark pair to establish replacement intervals. Radiotags were used to measure post-fledging survival and to establish the age at which fledglings were no longer vulnerable to silaging machinery. All breeding parameters were carefully tested for any effects of cutting height, date and chick age or differences between alternative silaging machinery.

The consequences for skylarks’ annual productivity of the different silage harvesting manipulations were estimated using re-nesting models (Appendix C). Each model simulated the annual productivity of 4999 populations of 100 pairs of skylarks nesting on silage fields. The population productivity summaries included the number of nesting attempts, number of chicks fledged, number of chicks reaching independence and the numbers of nests and fledglings failing due to silaging operations or other causes.

Various models were constructed to mimic different silage harvesting scenarios. The model specified cutting dates, cutting heights and the combinations of machinery used (each requiring different sets of skylark nest/chick survival probabilities). Most models focussed on two-cut and three-cut systems. In the basic series of models, cutting dates were set to the observed means (three-cut systems being earlier, with marginally shorter cutting intervals). Subsequent models tested the effects of varying the dates of mowing (maintaining the mean cutting intervals, to represent inter-season variation in cutting dates relative to the nesting season) and varying the lengths of the cutting intervals. Cutting dates and intervals were increased or decreased by periods of one or two weeks. Cutting height effects were compared by testing varying combinations of high and low cuts at first and subsequent cuts: low-low, high-low, high-high, low-low-low, high-low-low, etc. Cutting date and height variations were explored for the most typical silaging machinery combination: disc mower plus windrower plus forage harvester. A separate set of models set the low cut re-nesting delay to zero, to test the sensitivity of annual productivity estimates to this factor.

A simplified set of models compared different machinery combinations representing the best (swather mower followed by forage harvester) and worst (standard mower, grass spread once, windrower, then baled) extremes for nest survival. Two other common scenarios were modelled: forage harvester collection for clamped silage at the first cut, followed at the second cut by either baling or the use of a swather mower. Further models examined single, late cuts by testing single low or high cuts at two-week intervals throughout June and July. These scenarios are representative of late, single hay or haylage cuts, and delayed two cut systems where the second cut would occur after the end of the skylark breeding season. Late cuts such as these would typically be baled.


3.1. Grazing treatment delivery

3.1.1. Experiment 1 and the Devon extension

The timing and duration of delivery of target sward heights varied markedly between sites and years. The main factors influencing treatment delivery were the speed with which farmers responded to requests to move animals and prevailing weather conditions. Wet weather during spring 2008 delayed stock being turned out and encouraged lush grass growth, which combined to cause delays in the attainment of TSHs at many sites. The removal of cattle for vaccinations (TB and blue tongue) also hindered grazing control. Once TSHs were achieved, they were usually maintained, so the duration of TSH maintenance prior to plot closure in July provides an indirect measure of the effectiveness of grazing control at each site in each year (Appendix A).

Duration of TSH delivery was shortest in 2006 (mean duration of TSH delivery prior to closure = 1.6 days; only 5 sites achieved TSH by closure) due to delays associated with the recruitment and establishment of trial sites (i.e. the provision of fencing and water troughs). Treatment delivery on Experiment 1 sites was much improved in 2007 and 2009 (mean TSH duration = 46.4 and 50.3 days respectively) but poorer in 2008 (mean = 17.8 days) due mainly to weather-related delays to the start of grazing and lush grass growth. Treatment delivery on Devon extension sites was similar to that on Experiment 1 sites during 2008 and 2009 (Appendix A).

We allowed for variation in the timing of treatment delivery by testing for any influence of the duration of TSH attainment in analyses of agronomic and biodiversity data. Complete failure to implement treatments at a small number of sites in particular years (usually caused by a severe lack of grazing due to cattle illness or farmer problems) resulted in the exclusion from all analyses of data from those sites and years (see Appendix A).

3.1.2. Experiment 2

Target sward heights were generally achieved quickly and maintained successfully on both Rosemaund fields during all years of the study (Appendix D). However, grazing control at the less productive High Mowthorpe site was more problematic partly as a consequence of the vegetation on those fields ‘burning up’ during dry summer weather. This often resulted in sward heights (which only measure live green foliage) continuing to fall after the removal of all cattle from trial plots, particularly on lenient treatment plots. TSHs were not adequately achieved at either of the two High Mowthorpe fields in 2006 or at Elbow South in 2009 (the two relatively dry summers of the study), but TSHs (or at least sustained sward height separation) were achieved on the Elbow South Field in 2007 and 2008, and on the Warren Dale field in 2008 and 2009 (Appendix D). Although post-closure grass growth on the early closure treatments was more vigorous on the more fertile Rosemaund fields (sward heights typically reaching ca. 20cm by early September), grass growth was much slower on the High Mowthorpe paddocks (sward heights rarely exceeded 15cm). Fertilizer application extended the grazing season by approximately 14 days at Rosemaund but had little effect at High Mowthorpe (Appendix D).

3.2. Effects of grazing treatments on soil nutrient status

At Experiment 1 and Devon extension sites, soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) and nitrate (NO3-) were significantly higher in both the lenient and moderate treatments compared to the control (Appendix E). On Experiment 1 sites, potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations were also significantly higher on lenient and moderate plots by 2009 (Table E2). Ammonium (NH4+) concentration was also higher on the moderate and lenient plots, but the differences were not significant. Although there were no significant treatment effects on the soil parameters measured at Experiment 2 (ADAS) sites, there was a tendency for higher concentrations of nitrate and potassium in the early closure treatments (Table E2).

3.3. Effects of grazing treatments on agronomic measures

3.3.1. Experiment 1

Tables of mean grazing days (for core and non-core sites) and animal growth rates are presented in Appendix F (Tables F1 to F3). Season- and year-specific breakdowns of mean livestock output are presented in Table 3.3.1. Although there was no impact of grazing treatments on early season output during 2007, quite large impacts were evident in 2008 (14% loss on moderate and 35% loss on lenient plots) and 2009 (losses of 23% and 48% respectively) (Fig 3.3.1). Early season livestock output differed significantly between sites (P<0.01) but not between years (P<0.09) or treatments (treatment: P=0.15; treatment*year: P=0.14). However, paired comparisons suggest that livestock output differed significantly between lenient and control plots during 2008 (P<0.08) and 2009 (P<0.005), but the differences in output between moderate and control plots were not significant. Separate analyses for each year, indicated a significant treatment effect in 2009 only (P<0.0001).

Figure 3.3.1: Annual mean livestock output (kg/ha) during early season (until mid-July) based on core cattle at six sites. Confidence intervals are +/- 1 SE.







liveweight output (kg/ha)




Average season-long livestock output on control plots remained stable across years (493, 534 and 504 kg/ha in 2007-2009 respectively), although the relative proportion of output during early and late season varied between years (Table 3.3.1). Early season output (before mid-July) was significantly higher than late season output (after mid-July) on control sites (P<0.002) and accounted for 65% of total annual output across all three years (Table 3.3.1). Thus, the early closure of lenient and moderate treatments entailed a loss of livestock output of approximately 35%. Combining the early (grazing) and late season (plot closure) losses, the total season-long losses of livestock output were 31.3%, 51.1% and 42.6% during 2007-2009 respectively for the moderate treatment, and 32.3%, 63.0% and 61.6% respectively for the lenient treatment.

The economic equivalent of the livestock output data were estimated assuming beef cattle to be worth £1.52 per live kg (as in September 2009; Table 3.3.1). These figures highlight the high cost associated with early closure in 2008 and 2009. The cost (per ha) of early closure (control vs. moderate) was £236 in 2007, £415 in 2008 and £327 in 2009. The cost (per ha) of lenient grazing during the early season (lenient vs. moderate) was £7 in 2007, £97 in 2008 and £144 in 2009 reflecting a large decline in economic output from the lenient sward over the study period. The combined cost (per ha) of early closure plus lenient grazing (lenient vs. control) was £243 in 2007, £512 in 2008 and £471 in 2009.

Table 3.3.1: Mean cattle live weight output (kg/ha) and economic output (£/ha) for Devon core sites. Data are observed mean weights for early and late season (and SE) plus the economic value of these outputs.


Early- late












314 (55.8)


338 (50.9)


333 (47.4)*


(6 sites)


179 (42.7)







493 (109.2)


338 (50.9)


333 (47.4)




302 (73.2)


261 (73.4)


197 (57.4)


(5 sites)


232 (94.2)







534 (137.5)


261 (73.4)


197 (57.4)




376 (23.0)


289 (54.7)


194 (29.8)


(6 sites)


128 (32.6)






504 (73.7)


289 (54.7)


194 (29.8)


Herbage quality data showed complex patterns of variation with significant interactions for most measures involving treatment, month and/or year (Table F4). ME (an overall measure of feed quality) did not differ significantly between control and moderate treatments in any year, but was significantly lower in lenient plots during 2007 and especially 2009 (Fig. 3.3.2). ME did not differ significantly between treatments in 2008.

Figure 3.3.2: Mean ME (+/- SE) from pluck samples for different months, years and treatments

Pluck samples were collected from areas where cattle were actively grazing and does not therefore include rejected vegetation. A visual sward assessment in April 2009, suggested that swards in the moderate and, especially, the lenient paddocks had deteriorated in agronomic quality relative to control plots, with a marked reduction in the extent of high quality grass forage and an increase in dead litter at the base of the sward, and in the extent of dead grass. This reduction in sward quality may account for the reduction in live weight gain in 2009 (Fig. 3.3.1). The heavier early season grazing on moderate plots may have encouraged the growth of higher quality vegetative grass that cattle were apparently able to select during May and July (Fig. 3.3.2).










ME (MJ/kg DM)




3.3.2 Experiment 2

Analyses of livestock output indicated significant county and county*treatment effects, and we therefore analysed data from the two counties separately. County-, year- and treatment-specific tables of mean grazing days, cattle growth rates and livestock output are presented in Appendix G.

At Rosemaund, early season output did not differ significantly between treatments (P=0.13), but was significantly lower in 2008 than in the other three years (year effect: P=0.0014) (Fig. 3.3.3a). At High Mowthorpe, output also differed between years (P<0.002; output in 2009 was significantly lower than in all other years), and between treatments (P<0.02) with output on the lenient treatment being significantly lower than on any of the other three treatments (Fig. 3.3.3b). In neither county was there a significant year*treatment interaction (P=0.59 for Rosmaund, P=0.26 for High Mowthorpe). The moderate treatment was associated with reduced early season output in 2008 and 2009 at Rosemaund (by 28% and 21% respectively, relative to the control) but not at High Mowthorpe (Fig. 3.3.3). The lenient treatment was associated with a modest (non-significant) early season loss at Rosemaund in 2009 only (19% loss relative to the control), but large significant losses were recorded at High Mowthorpe during 2008 and 2009 (61% and 51% respectively) suggesting possible sward deterioration.

Early season output was significantly greater than late season output in both counties (P<0.0001), and accounted for 66% and 70% (averaged across 2007-2009) of the total output of the fertilized and unfertilized control treatments (Appendix G). Late season output was significantly higher on the fertilized than on the unfertilized controls at Rosemaund (P<0.03) but not at High Mowthorpe. Average season-long live weight output is summarised for each treatment and county in Figure 3.3.4. At Rosemaund, total losses were higher on moderate plots than on lenient plots during 2006-08 (20%, 36% and 50% for moderate vs. 10%, 19% and 4% for lenient) and similarly large (ca. 40%) in 2009. At High Mowthorpe, total losses were much higher on lenient plots (41%, 72% and 65% during 2007-09) than on moderate plots (13%, 27%, 27%).

Figure 3.3.3: Annual mean early season livestock output (kg/ha) at (a) Rosemaund, Herefordshire and (b) High Mowthorpe, Yorkshire. Confidence intervals are +/- 1 SE.










liveweight output (kg/ha)

Con + N












liveweight output (kg/ha)

Con + N




Figure 3.3.4: Annual mean season-long livestock output (kg/ha) at (a) Rosemaund, Herefordshire and (b) High Mowthorpe, Yorkshire. Late season output data for High Mowthorpe in 2006 were considered unreliable. Confidence intervals are +/- 1 SE.










liveweight output (kg/ha)

Con + N









liveweight output (kg/ha)

Con + N




The economic equivalents of the output data are summarised in Table 3.3.2 and highlight the much greater livestock output at Rosemaund. The costs (per ha) of early closure (control vs. moderate treatments) were £202, £419, £364 and £456 during 2006-2009 respectively (mean £360) at Rosemaund, compared to £99, £203, and £116 during 2007-2009 (mean £139) at High Mowthorpe. There were no costs associated with early season lenient grazing (moderate vs. lenient) at Rosemaund (livestock output was always higher in the lenient treatment than in the moderate treatment), while at High Mowthorpe the costs of early season lenient grazing were £219, £333 and £164 during 2007-09 (mean £239) (Table 3.3.2). The combined (per ha) costs of early closure plus early season lenient grazing were £103, £217, £33 and £440 at Rosemaund during 2006-2009 (mean £198), and £318, £536 and £280 at High Mowthorpe during 2007-2009 (mean £378). The additional fertiliser applied to the fertilised control plots resulted in an average increase in livestock output (relative to control plots) of 15% (£146/ha) at Rosemaund and 21% (£116/ha) at High Mowthorpe, although the effect of fertilizer addition was variable across sites and years (e.g. from £5/ha at High Mowthorpe, to £197/ha at Rosemaund both in 2009).

Table 3.3.2: Summary of total economic output (£/ha) for Experiment 2 sites. Estimates are based on mean live weight output (see Tables G7 and G8 in Appendix G for details)


Fertilised Control

























High Mowthorpe

2006 *




















* Late season output for control treatments was estimated from incomplete data

Figure 3.3.5: Mean ME from May & July pluck samples.










ME (MJ/kg DM)

Con + N




The herbage quality data were heterogeneous with significant interactions involving site, treatment, month and year (Table G9 & G10). Early season ME varied significantly between sites (being consistently higher at the Rosemaund fields), years (lower in 2009), months and treatments (lowest in the lenient, highest in the controls) with significant year*month and year*treatment interactions (Table G9). ME was significantly lower on lenient plots during all three years, but in 2009 there was a marked reduction in herbage quality on lenient plots relative to other treatments (Fig. 3.3.5). Similar patterns of variation in other herbage quality measures are summarised in Appendix G (Tables G11– G15).

3.4 Effects of grazing treatments on swards

3.4.1 Experiment 1

Sward Height and structure: During all four summers (July), sward height (HFRO and drop disc) was significantly higher in the lenient treatment than in the control or moderate treatments (P < 0.05; Fig. During Spring 2007 and 2009, mean HFRO sward height was significantly higher in lenient plots than in moderate or control plots (Table H5). Compressed vegetation height (measured using drop discs) was also significantly higher on lenient plots than on control or moderate plots, indicating greater standing biomass on lenient plots (Table H7). In 2006, there were no significant differences in sward height CV between treatments, but during subsequent years the vegetation in the lenient plots (and by 2009 the moderate plots) became less heterogeneous (lower CV) than the vegetation in the control plots (treatment*year: P < 0.001; Fig. Differences in vegetation structure were less marked during spring, but there was a significant treatment effect in 2007 (taller swards in lenient plots with a lower CV; Table H5). Distance from field edge had no significant effect on sward height or CV.

Plant species richness and diversity: Although there was no significant overall treatment effect on the number of plant species in quadrats, by 2009 there had been a significant decline in the number of species (and in Shannon’s Evenness index, Fig. H7b) on moderate and lenient plots but not on control plots (treatment*year interaction: P < 0.01; Fig A significant change in plant community composition occurred in the lenient and moderate treatments (Fig; Appendix H). The change in species composition was mainly due to increasing cover of Ranunculus repens, Holcus lanatus and Agrostis spp. and reductions in the cover of Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne. Litter cover was also higher in lenient and moderate plots than in control plots. The positive and negative changes in species grass cover cancelled each other out and there was no overall change in the abundance of grasses as a functional group. Consequently, variation in the relative abundance of functional groups between treatments was caused mainly by a reduction in the cover of agricultural clovers and small increases in the cover of non-leguminous forbs and litter (Appendix H).

Flower head counts: In spring 2009 there were significantly more flower heads in the control plots than in the moderate and lenient treatment plots (P < 0.05). However, by July, flower heads were significantly more abundant in lenient plots than in moderate or control plots (P < 0.05; Fig The difference in pattern between the spring and summer samples was due to the higher abundance of the early-flowering species, such as Anthoxanthum odoratum, in the control treatment and the higher abundance of the summer-flowering grasses Holcus lanatus and Agrostis spp. and the lower grazing pressure in the lenient treatment.

Figure Mean HFRO Sward Height. Summers of 2006 - 2009. White, grey and black bars indicate control, moderate and lenient, respectively. The error bars indicate one SE.

Figure Mean HFRO Sward CV - summers of 2006 - 2009. Shading as in Fig.

Figure Number of plant species per m2. Shading as in Fig.

Figure Principal Response Curve of plant species. PRC graphs show the temporal evolution of differences in community composition relative to the control treatment (the latter standardised to remain constant and indicated by a horizontal line through y=0). The solid black line indicates the lenient and the dashed red line the moderate treatment.

Figure Total number of flower heads per 3m-radius circle during spring and summer 2009. Shading as in Fig.

Figure Mean September grass seed head counts. Shading as in Fig.

Figure Mean September forb seed head counts. Shading as in Fig.











Grass seed heads (+/- SE)







Forb seed heads (+/- SE)

September seed head counts: Grass seed heads were significantly more abundant on moderate and lenient plots than on control plots (treatment P<0.001), although grass seed heads were far less abundant on moderate plots in 2009 than in 2007 (Fig Forb seed heads were significantly more abundant on moderate plots than on lenient or control plots (Fig.

Injurious weeds: Within each year, there were no significant treatment effects on the cover of the four weed species Cirsium vulgare, Cirsium arvense, Rumex obtusifolius and Urtica dioica. Cover of Cirsium vulgare declined in all treatments, and significantly so in lenient and moderate plots (P < 0.05) (Appendix H, Table H2). By 2009, the cover of Cirsium arvense exceeded 5% cover on two study fields (both organically managed), but cover of this species was not influenced by the experimental treatments (Table H2).

3.4.2 Experiment 2 (ADAS sites)

HFRO and drop disk sward measurements: Although sward heights on lenient plots were significantly higher than on all other treatments in all four years, lenient sward were on average shorter than the target of 12-16cm (Fig., Appendix I1). Compressed mean sward height, measured using drop discs, was greater in the lenient compared with the other treatments and the control in 2006 and 2009 but only significantly so in 2009. There were no significant effects of the treatments on sward structural heterogeneity (i.e. CV derived from HFRO or drop disk measures) (Appendix I1).

Figure Mean sward height, as measured using HFRO sward sticks, in Experiment 2. White, grey, black and hatched bars indicate control, moderate, lenient and fertilized control treatments. Error bars indicate SE.

Figure Principal Response Curve (PRC) graph showing changes in relative abundance of functional groups in Experiment 2. The dashed, solid and dotted lines show the moderate, lenient and fertilized control treatments respectively.

Figure Mean September grass seed head counts. Shading and error bars as in Fig.

Figure Mean September forb seed head counts. Shading and error bars as in Fig.










Grass seed heads (+/- SE)










Forb seed heads (+/- SE)

Vegetation composition: Assessments of the vegetation composition in permanent quadrats revealed that forbs were less abundant, and grasses more abundant, in the lenient treatment especially in 2008 and 2009 (Fig.; Appendix I3). Differences in vegetation composition between the other three treatments were relatively minor. There were no significant shifts in the abundance of individual species, which were only assessed in 2006 and 2009 (Appendix I3).

September seed head counts: Grass seed heads were significantly more abundant on early closure plots during both years, and the higher counts on control plots in 2009 were associated mainly with High Mowthorpe plots (Fig. Forb seed heads (mainly white clover) were significantly more abundant on early closure plots in 2007 and on moderate plots in 2009 (Fig.

Injurious weeds assessment: Within each year, there were few significant differences between treatments in the cover of the four injurious weed species. Only during 2009 were treatment effects detected for Cirsium arvense and Urtica dioica (both species were more abundant in lenient plots than in other treatment plots (Table I6). However, the mean percentage cover of each species remained well below 5% on all sites. Cirsium vulgare cover increased significantly over the course of the study, but this occurred across all treatments (Table I6).

3.4.3. Experiment 2 (Devon extension sites)

Lenient grazing resulted in significantly taller swards than in the control plots with target sward heights being delivered in July 2009 but not in July 2008 (Fig.; Appendix J). Sward structural heterogeneity (CV of HFRO sward height) was higher in control plots than in lenient plots, but the difference was only significant in 2009 (Fig.; Table J2). There were no treatment effects on the abundance of functional groups in the vegetation or on individual plant species.

The abundance of flower heads was higher in the control treatment during spring 2009, but higher in the lenient treatment by July 2009 (Appendix J1). There were no significant changes in the cover of injurious weeds between the two years and no differences in weed cover between control and lenient treatments (Appendix J1).

Figure Mean sward height in the Devon Extension sites, measured using HFRO sward sticks. White and black bars represent control and lenient grazing treatments, respectively and error bars indicate SE.

Figure Mean Structural heterogeneity of the vegetation in the Devon Extension sites. White and black bars represent control and lenient grazing treatments, respectively and error bars indicate SE.

3.4.4. Effects of treatments and harrowing on litter

Harrowing was seen to remove substantial amounts of litter, but this did not result in any significant change in litter distribution through the sward column (Appendix K). Harrowing evidently spread the remaining litter throughout the sward, and the litter stick measurements could not quantify the magnitude of the litter removal.

Litter measurements prior to harrowing in each year were used to examine whether the treatments affected rates of litter accumulation over time. Litter densities increased substantially over time on the two early closure treatments, but remained constant on the control plots (Appendix K, Figure K2.1). Litter accumulation rates did not differ between the moderate and lenient treatments, though litter cover scores suggested that litter accumulation rates were greater on the lenient treatment (Appendix H). The rates of litter accumulation on early closure plots did not differ between plots that were harrowed with spring-tine harrows, chain harrows or fields that were not harrowed (P> 0.7). This suggested that harrowing had little effect on the rates of litter accumulation on early closure plots.

3.5 Factors affecting invertebrate abundance and communities on experimental grazing plots

3.5.1 Experiment 1

Invertebrate abundance: The total number of invertebrates sampled in July by both Vortis and pitfall trapping was significantly higher in the lenient than in the control or moderate treatments (P < 0.001 for vortis samples; P = 0.002 for pitfall samples). Total invertebrate abundance (recorded with vortis sampling) did not differ between the moderate and control treatments in any of the four years (Appendix H1) although mean abundance was slightly higher in the moderate treatment (Fig. Total invertebrate abundance increased over the course of the study in all treatments, as did the difference between the lenient and other treatments (Fig. Changes in total invertebrate abundance were mainly caused by changes in the abundance of invertebrates belonging to the smallest size class (body length 2-5cm), although significant and proportionally larger changes were evident in the medium and large body size classes (Table H6).

The abundance of important bird food taxa showed a similar pattern of treatment effects and temporal change (Fig. Large and significant treatment effects were evident for a diverse range of invertebrate taxa including large and small-bodied groups (Fig.; Table H6). In all cases, abundance was significantly higher in the lenient treatment (suggesting a beneficial impact of lenient grazing), and in several cases abundance in the moderate treatment was significantly higher than that in control plots (e.g. Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera, Staphylinidae, Fig. suggesting beneficial impact of early sward closure. Orthoptera populations on the Devon study sites were almost exclusively represented by a single species, Chorthippus parallelus. The number of Orthoptera sampled with sweep nets showed significant treatment (P<0.001) and treatment *year interaction (P<0.001) effects. Although Orthopteran abundance was higher in the lenient than in the control treatment in 2007, abundance subsequently declined and by 2009 there were no significant differences between treatments (Fig. g). A similar pattern was evident for sawfly larvae for which an initial treatment effect disappeared following a cross-treatments reduction in abundance (Fig. h; Appendix H1).

Figure Total invertebrate numbers from Vortis samples in summers 2006 – 2009. Letters indicate significant within-year treatment effects. Shading as in Fig.

Figure Total "birdfood" invertebrate numbers from Vortis samples in summers 2006 – 2009. Letters indicate significant within- year treatment effects. Shading as in Fig.

Figure Mean total abundance per paddock of selected invertebrate taxa, summers 2006 – 2009. Taxa shown are Colembola, Diptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera, Araneae and Staphylinidae from Vortis samples. Taxa from Sweep Net samples are also shown; Orthoptera and Sawfly larvae. Where within year differences were found) letters denote which treatments differ from which tested using LSD (least significant differences, P=<0.05). Shading as in Fig.

a: Collembola

b: Diptera

C: Auchenorrhyncha


2006200720082009mean total abundance per paddock (+/-1SE)ControlModerateLenient



2006200720082009mean total abundance per paddock (+/-1SE)ControlModerateLenient



2006200720082009mean total abundance per paddock (+/-1SE)ControlModerateLenient


d: Heteroptera

e: Araneae

F: Staphylinidae


2006200720082009mean total abundance per paddock (+/-1SE)ControlModerateLenient



2006200720082009mean total abundance per paddock (+/-1SE)ControlModerateLenient


2006200720082009mean total abundance per paddock (+/-1SE)ControlModerateLenient


g: Orthoptera (Sweep Net)

h: Sawfly (Sweep Net)



Mean total abundance per paddock (+/-1 SE)





Mean total abundance per paddock (+/-1SE)



Figure PRC of invertebrate community. Line patterns as in Fig.

As well as increasing invertebrate abundance, the treatments were also associated with a shift in invertebrate community composition (Fig. During most of the experiment, the invertebrate communities in the lenient plots differed from those in the control plots. The moderate plots were more similar to the control plots than the lenient plots. These differences in community structure were least pronounced in 2007 (Fig. The lenient and moderate treatments had higher numbers of Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Collembola, Araneae, Staphylinidae and Diptera, but fewer Curculionidae, than the control plots. For example, in 2009 average Auchenorrhyncha abundance was three times higher in the lenient plots than in the control plots (Fig. c). Species-level analyses of the Curculionidae, Auchenorrhyncha, Chrysomelidae and Carabidae indicated that variation in the abundance of a few (up to five) species within each group caused most of the treatments effects.

The relative abundances of Auchenorrhyncha species in the lenient plots diverged from those on the control plots; abundance on moderate plots was intermediate (Fig. This effect was driven by few abundant species, e.g. Muellerianella faimairei, a monophagous species feeding on Holcus spp., and Javesella dubia, a species normally associated with Agrostis spp. Other species that were responsive to our treatments were Macrosteles viridigriseus and Streptanus sordidus which both feed on Agrostis species. Descriptions of the ecology of the invertebrate species that were found to be most responsive to our treatments are provided in Appendix H5. Responsive species associated with tall swards include Arthaldeus pascuellus. In parallel to the shifts in the abundance of Auchenorrhyncha species, the number of species found in the lenient plots was higher than that in the control, with species richness being intermediate in moderate plots (P &