Jacob Voorthuis Page 176 The Necessity of Architecture, General Bibliography GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrams, M.H., The Mirror and the Lamp; Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition, New York 1953. Abrams, M.H. (ed.), Literature and Belief, English Institute Essays, New York 1958 (1957) Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis Georges Seroux d', Histoire de l'art, par les monumens, depuis sa décadence au 4e siècle jusqu'à sont renouvellement au 16e, ouvrage enrichi de 325 planches, Paris 1823. Aikin, Edmund, An Essay on the Doric Order of Architecture, Containing a Historical View of Its Rise and Progress Among the Ancients, With a Critical Investigation of Its Principles of Composition and Adaptation to Modern Use Illustrated by Figures of the Principal Antique Examples, Drawn to Scale, from the Best Authorities, Published by the London Architec- tural Society, J. Taylor, London 1810. Alberti, Leon Batista, Ten Books on Architecture, Ital. tr. Cosimo Bartoli, Engl. tr. James Leoni, ed. Joseph Rykwert, London 1965 (1755). Aldridge, A.O., "Primitivism in the Eighteenth Century," in: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, New York 1973. Alison, Archibald, Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, Edinburgh 1790 & 1811. Allan, J.P., "An Ideal Dwelling," Rudiments of the Art of Building by E. Dobson, 15th edition, Crosby Lockwood & Son, 15th ed., London 1901. Altick, Richard D., Victorian People and Ideas, Norton 1973. Amrine, Frederick, ed., Literature and Science as Modes of Expression, Dordrecht 1989. Anon., The Great Architect: His Plan of Salvation in the Temple of the Dead Stones and Living Stones, God and Man, Longmans & Co., London 1868. Anon., Who was the First Architect? Or Bees and Bee-hives, T. Nelson & Sons, London 1874. Anon., [Mitford W.] Principles of Design in Architecture Traced in Observations on Buildings....in a Series of Letters to a Friend, London 1819. Anon., Something on Ruskinism, With a 'Vestibule' in Rhyme, By An Architect, Robert Hastings, London 1851. Anthony, P.D., John Ruskin's Labour: A Study of John Ruskin's Social Theory, Cambridge 1984.

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GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrams, M.H., The Mirror and the Lamp; Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition, New York 1953. Abrams, M.H. (ed.), Literature and Belief, English Institute Essays, New York 1958 (1957) Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis Georges Seroux d', Histoire de l'art, par les monumens, depuis sa décadence au 4e siècle jusqu'à sont renouvellement au 16e, ouvrage enrichi de 325 planches, Paris 1823. Aikin, Edmund, An Essay on the Doric Order of Architecture, Containing a Historical View of Its Rise and Progress Among the Ancients, With a Critical Investigation of Its Principles of Composition and Adaptation to Modern Use Illustrated by Figures of the Principal Antique Examples, Drawn to Scale, from the Best Authorities, Published by the London Architec-tural Society, J. Taylor, London 1810. Alberti, Leon Batista, Ten Books on Architecture, Ital. tr. Cosimo Bartoli, Engl. tr. James Leoni, ed. Joseph Rykwert, London 1965 (1755). Aldridge, A.O., "Primitivism in the Eighteenth Century," in: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, New York 1973.

Alison, Archibald, Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, Edinburgh 1790 & 1811. Allan, J.P., "An Ideal Dwelling," Rudiments of the Art of Building by E. Dobson, 15th edition, Crosby Lockwood & Son, 15th ed., London 1901. Altick, Richard D., Victorian People and Ideas, Norton 1973. Amrine, Frederick, ed., Literature and Science as Modes of Expression, Dordrecht 1989. Anon., The Great Architect: His Plan of Salvation in the Temple of the Dead Stones and Living Stones, God and Man, Longmans & Co., London 1868. Anon., Who was the First Architect? Or Bees and Bee-hives, T. Nelson & Sons, London 1874. Anon., [Mitford W.] Principles of Design in Architecture Traced in Observations on Buildings....in a Series of Letters to a Friend, London 1819. Anon., Something on Ruskinism, With a 'Vestibule' in Rhyme, By An Architect, Robert Hastings, London 1851. Anthony, P.D., John Ruskin's Labour: A Study of John Ruskin's Social Theory, Cambridge 1984.

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Aristotle, “On the Art of Poetry,” in Aristotle, Horace, Longinus, Classical Literary Criticism, transl. T.S. Dorsch, Harmondsworth 1975 (1965). Ashton, Rosemary, The German Idea: Four English Writers and the Reception of German Thought 1800-1860, Cambridge 1980. Auerbach, E., Mimesis, tr. W.R. Trask, Princeton 1968 (1946). Bachelard, Gaston, The Poetics of Space, tr. Maria Jolas, Boston 1994, (Paris 1957) Baillie, J., An Essay on the Sublime, (1747) introd. Samuel Holt Monk, New York 1967. Ball, Patricia, M., The Science of Aspects, London 1972; esp. Chapter 2: 'Ruskin and "The Pure Fact"'. Baltrusaitis, J., "Le roman de l'architecture gothique," Aberrations, Paris 1957 pp. 74-96. Banham, Reyner,Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, Oxford 1972, (1960). Bann, Stephen, The Clothing of Clio, A Study of the Representation of History in Nineteenth Century Britain and France, Cambridge 1984.

Barasch, M., Theories of Art, From Plato to Winckelmann, New York & London 1985. Barthes, Roland, Sade, Loyola, Fourier, Paris 1971. Bartholomew, Alfred,Specification for Practical Architecture, with an Essay on the Structure and Science of Modern Buildings, Upon the Basis of a Work by A. Bartholomew, Thoroughly Revised, Corrected and Greatly Added to by Frederick Rogers, R.A. Sprigg, Atchley & Co., London 1872. 8o. (Reissued Lockwood & Co. London 1873, 2nd ed. revised with additions, Lockwood & Co., London 1886, 3rd ed. rev. with add. 1893.) Bartholomew, Alfred,Sacred Lyrics, Being an Attempt to Render the Psalms of David more Applicable to Parochial Psalmody, London 1831. Bartholomew, Alfred, Hints Relative to the Construction of Fire-Proof Buildings, John Williams, London 1839, 8o. Bartholomew, Alfred, Specifications for Practical Architecture, Preceded by an Essay on the Decline of Excellence in the Structure and in the Science of Modern English Buildings with the Proposal of Remedies for those Defects, London 1840. (2nd ed. 1846)

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Bassin, Joan, "The Competition System: Architectural Competitions in Nineteenth Century England," Unpublished Phd Thesis, Indiana University 1975. Bateson, G. & Mary Catherine Bateson, Angels Fear: Towards an Epistemology of the Sacred, New York 1987. Batteux, Abbé, Les Beaux-Arts réduit à un même principe, Paris 1746. Beardsley, M.C., Aesthetics From Classical Greece to the Present, A Short History, University of Alabama 1975 (repr. 1985 1st ed. 1966) Beardsley, M.C., "Theories of Beauty Since the Mid-Nineteenth Century," in: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, New York 1973. Bebbington, D.W., Evangelicalism in Modern Britain, A History from the 1730’s to the 1980’s, London 1989. Becker, George, The Mad Genius: A Study in the Sociology of Deviance, Beverly Hills 1978. Becker, C.L., The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth Century Philosophers, New Haven 1948 (1932). Beer, E. S. de, "Gothic: Origin and Diffusion of the Term, the idea of style in architecture," JWCI, XI (1948) 151 ff.

Bell, Charles, Essays on The Anatomy of Expression in Painting, London 1806. Bell, Charles, The Hand: Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as Evincing Design, London 1833, (A Bridgeater Treatise) Benjamin, Walter, Illuminations, London 1970. Bennet, J.A., "Christopher Wren: The Natural Causes of Beauty" Architectural History, XV (1972) 5-22. Bennet, Scott, "Revolutions in Thought: Serial Publications and the Mass Market for Reading," in: The Victorian Periodical Press: Samplings and Soundings, ed. J. Shatlock & M. Wolff, Toronto 1982. Bentham, rev. James & Willis, B., The History of Gothic and Saxon Architecture in England, London 1798. Bentham, rev. James., Captain F. Grose, J. Warton & J. Milner, Essays on Gothic Architecture, London 1800. (1802, 1808) Bentham, James, History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, from the foundation of the Monastery, A.D. 673, to the year 1771, London 1771.

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Benziger, J., "Organic Unity, Leibniz to Coleridge," PMLA, LXVI (1951) 24-48. Bernheimer, Richard, "Gothic Survival and Revival in Bologna," Art Bulletin, XXXVI, 4 (Dec. 1954) Bialstocki, Jan, "Physiognomy," & "Individual Characterization and Style," McGrawhill Enc. of World Art, London 1967, Colls. 373-375. Blackburn, J., "Remarks on Ecclesiastical Architecture as Applied to Non-Conformist Chapels," in: The Congrational Yearbook 1847, 150 ff. Blau, E., Ruskinian Gothic: The Architecture of Deane and Woodward, 1845-61, Princeton 1982. Blondel, J.F., Cours d'architecture, Paris 1771-77. Blondel, Jacques François, De l'utilité de joindre à l'étude de l'architecture celles des sciences, Paris 1771. Blore, Edward, Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, Comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain, London 1825-6. Blumenberg, Hans, "Nachahmung der Natur," Wirklichkeiten in denen wir Leben, Reclam 1978.

Blythe, David-Everett, "A Study of Ruskin's Venice," in: New Approaches to Ruskin, ed. Hewison, London 1981, 157-173. Boas, George, "Nature," in: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, New York 1973. Boas, George, "The Cult of Childhood," Studies of the Warburg Institute, XXIX, London 1966. Boas, George, "The Arts in the Encyclopédie," Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XXIII, 1 (1964) 97-107. Bochner, Salomon, “Symmetry and Assymmetry,” see Wiener (1972) Vol IV, 345-353. Boffrand, Gabriel Germain, Livre d'architecture contenant les principes généraux de cet art, Paris 1745. Boisserée, Sulpice, Vues, Plans, Coupes, et Détails, de la Cathédrale de Cologne, avec des Restaurations d'après le Dessin Original, accompagnés de Recherches sur l'Architecture des Anciennes Cathédrales, et de Tableaux Comparatifs des Principaux Monumens, Paris 1821-1835.

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Bolla, Peter de, The Discourse of the Sublime: Readings in History, Aesthetics and the Subject, Oxford 1989. Bond, Francis, Gothic Architecture in England, An Analysis of the Origin and Development of English Church Architecture From the Norman Conquest to the Dissolution of the Monasteries, London 1901. Bonner, J.T., Morphogenesis; An Essay on Development, Princeton 1952. Bonner, J.T., "Analogies in Biology," in: Form and Strategy in Science, ed. J.R. Cregg and F.T.C. Harris, Dordrecht 1964, 251-255. Bonta, Juan P., Architecture and its interpretation: A Study of the Expressive Systems in Architecture, London 1979. Bosse Abraham, "Regles universelles pour decrire toutes sortes d'arcs," Observations de P. de la Hire, Paris 1672. Bötticher, C.G.W., Die Tektonik der Hellenen, Berlin 1874 (1844-52). Bowler, Peter J., The Non-Darwinian Revolution; Reinterpreting a Historical Myth, Baltimore 1988.

Boyle, Robert, "A Free Inquiry into the Vulgarly Received Notion of Nature," in: The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, ed. Birck, 6 vols, London 1672 (1744 edition). Bradley, A.C., English Poetry and German Philosophy inthe Age of Wordsworth, Manchester 1909. Bradley, J.L. (ed.), Ruskin: The Critical Heritage, London 1984. Bragdon, Claude, The Beautiful Necessity, Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture, New York 1978 (1910) Brain, Walter Russel, Some Reflections on Genius, London 1961. Brande, W.T., Outlines of Geology, London 1817. Brett, David, "The Aesthetical Science: George Field and the Science of Beauty," Art History, IX, 3 (Sept. 1986) 336-350. Brewster, David, A Treatise on Optics, London 1831. Brewster, David, Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, Edinburgh 1855. Briggs, Asa, Victorian Cities, Harmondsworth 1968 (1963)

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Britton, John, Histories and Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of England, London 1814-1835, (Winchester 1817). Britton, John, Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages; including the Words used by Old and Modern Authors in treating of Architectural and other Antiquities: with Etymology, Definition, Description, and Historical Elucidation. Also Biographical Notices of Ancient Architects, London 1830. Britton, John & Augustus Pugin, Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, London 1823-1828. Britton, John, Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, London 1807-1826. Brock, Michael, The Great Reform Act, London 1973. Brönner, Wolfgang Dieter, Blondel - Perrault, Zur Architecturtheorie des 17 Jahrhunderts in Frankreich, Unpublished Phd Diss., Bonn 1972. Browne, Sir Thomas, The Major Works, ed. C.A. Patrides, Harmondsworth 1977. Brownell, R.L., A Study of John Ruskin's "The Seven Lamps of Architecture" and "The Stones of Venice," Unpublished Phd Thesis, University of Essex 1988.

Brownlee, D.B., "The First High Victorians: British Architectural Theory in the 1840's," Architectura, (1983) 187-202. Brües, Eva, “Die Schriften des Francesco Milizia (1725-1798) Jahrbuch für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, 6 (1961) pp. 69-113. Buckland, William, Geology and Mineralogy Considered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols., London 1836, (Bridgewater Treatise). Buckley, Jerome H., The Triumph of Time: A Study of the Victorian Concepts of Time, History, Progress and Decadence, Cambridge Mass. 1966. Bullock, John, The Rudiments of the Art of Building Represented in Five Sections, For the use of Architects, Builders, Draughtsmen, Machinists, Engineers, and Mechanics, Stringer & Townsend, New York 1853 (mostly taken from the writings of E. Dobson, 2nd ed. 1855, rev eds. Published in Philadelphia by Henry Cairy in 1865, 1866, 1888). Bullock, John (ed.), [The] History and Rudiments of Architecture, pp. 246, Stringer and Townsend, New York 1853. "Edited by John Bullock" Contents: 1. The Orders, by W.H. Leeds; 2. Styles of various countries, by T. Bury; 3. Design in Architecture, by E.L. Garbett; 4. Glossary of Architectural terms, by John Bullock.

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"We have dealt freely with our authors, in attempting to 'Americanize' the borrowed English material." Cost of Book in 1854 was 75 cts. Burke, Edmund, The Works, 12 Vols. in 6, Hildesheim 1975 (1887). Burke, Edmund, A Philosophical Inquiry into Our Ideas on the Sublime and the Beautiful, ed. J.D. Boulton, Oxford 1958 (1757). Burke, Edmund, Reflexions on the Revolution in France, London 1790. (On Nature see esp. pp. 31-32.) Burke, Edmund, The Writings and Speaches of Edmund Burke, ed. Paul Langford, Oxfod 1981. Burtt, Edwin A., Types of Religious Philosophy, New York, London 1939. Burtt, Edwin A., The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science; A Historical and critical Essay, London 1924, (rev. ed. 1932, 7th repr., London 1980). Bury, John Bagnell, The Idea of Progress, New York 1955 (1920). Bury, T. Talbot, Architecture: The History and Description of the Styles of Various Countries From

the Earliest to the Present Period, 4th ed., London 1863. Butler, Bishop Joseph, The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Cause of Nature, London 1736. Caldwell, A., "Nature and Architecture," Structurist, 23/24 (1983-1984) 34-9. Cannon, Susan Faye, Science in Culture; The Early Victorian Period, New York 1978. Carlyle, Thomas, Selected Writings, ed. Alan Shelton, Harmondsworth 1971 Carter, John, The Progress of Architecture, Illustrated by a series of Drawings taken from Existing Remains in South Wales with Examples of Arches, J.B. Nichols & Son, London 1830. Carter, John, The Ancient Architecture of England, Part 1: Orders of Architecture during the British, Roman, Saxon and Norman aeras; Part 2: The Orders of Architecture during the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward III, Richard II, Henry VII and Henry VIII, 2 vols., London 1795, 1807 (1795-1814, fol. ed. and 1837 ed. John Britton) Cassirer, Ernst, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, Boston 1955.

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Cavendish, Richard, et. al., eds., Man, Myth & Magic: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion, and the Unknown, New York 1983. Chadwick, Owen, An Ecclesiastical History of England: The Victorian Church, 2 vols., London 1966, esp. 370-386 on Methodism; 440 ff. on Evangelicalism and 573 ff. Genesis and Geology. Chadwick, W.O., The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century, London 1975. Chambers, Sir William,Treatise on the Decorative part of Civil Architecture, 3rd ed., London 1791 Chambers, Sir William,The Decorative Part of Civil Architecture, London 1791. (A very late enlarged edition of A Treatise on Civil Architecture, of 1759 incorporating the notes for lectures delivered in 1770 and 1771, and Laugier and Perrault) Chambers, Sir William, On the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture, To which are added copious notes, and an essay on the Prinicples of Design in Architecture by J.B. Papworth, J.Taylor, London 1826 Chandrasekhar, S.,Truth and Beauty: Aesthetics and Motivation in Science, Chicago 1987

Charlton, D.G., New Images of the Natural in France; A Study in European Cultural History, 1750-1800, Cambridge 1984. Choay, Françoise, La règle et la modèle, sur la théorie de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme, Paris 1980. Choay, Françoise, "Alberti & Vitruvius," Leonis Baptiste Alberti, AD Profiles 21, ed. J. Rykwert, 26-35. Ciapponi, Lucio A., Il "De Architectura" di Vitruvio nel primo umanismo, Padova 1960. Clark, Kenneth, The Gothic Revival, An Essay in the History of Taste, New York 1970 (1928). Clark, Kenneth, Ruskin Today, London 1964. Clark, Kenneth, Landscape into Art, London 1946. Clarke, Bowman L., Language and Natural Theology, The Hague 1966. Cobb, G., English Cathedrals, The Forgotten Centuries, Restoration and Change from 1530 to the Present Day, London 1980. Cockerell, Charles Robert, On the Architectural Works of Wiliam of Wykeham, London 1846.

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Coleridge, S.T., Biographia Literaria, London 1927 (1817) Collingwood, R.G., The Principles of Art, Oxford 1938. Collingwood, R.G., The Idea of History, Oxford 1946. Collingwood, R.G., The Idea of Nature, Oxford 1945. Collingwood, W.G., "Ruskin's Library," Good Words, XLIV (1903) 120-4. Collins, G.R., "The Design Procedures and Working Methods of the Architect Antonio Gaudi," in: Papers of the XXIII International Congress of Art History, Granada 1979. Collins, Peter,"Biological Analogy," Architectural Review, CXXVI (1959) 303-306. Collins, Peter, Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture 1750 - 1950, London 1965. Collinson, D., " 'Ethics and Aesthetics are One'," British Journal of Aesthetics, XXV, 3 (Summer 1985) 266 - 272. Colvin, Howard M., "Gothic Survival and Gothick Revival," Architectural Review, CIII (March 1948).

Colvin, Howard M., A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600-1840, London 1978. Coney, John, Engravings of Ancient Cathedrals, Hotels de Ville, and Other Public Buildings of Celebrity, in France, Holland, Germany and Italy, London 1829-1832. Connor, P., Savage Ruskin, London 1979. Cook, E.T., Life of Ruskin, 2 vols., London 1911. Corblet, Abbé J., L'architecture du Moyen Age jugée par les écrivains des dex derniers siècles, Paris 1859. Cowling, Maurice, Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England, Cambridge 1980. Cox, Herbert Arthur,"These Stones," The Story of "The Builder" and of other Builders, The Builder Ltd., London 1937 Craig, Maurice, "James Fergusson," in: Concerning Architecture, ed. John Summerson, London 1968, 140 - 152. Cresy, Edward & G.L. Taylor, Architecture of the Middle Ages in Italy: illustrated by Views, Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details, of the Cathedral, Baptistry, Leaning Tower or Campanile, and Campo Santo at Pisa, London 1829.

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Croce, Benedetto, Estetica come scienza dell'espressione e linguistica generale teoria e storia, 3rd ed., Bari 1908. Crook, J. Mordaunt, The Greek Revival; Neoclassical attitudes in British Architecture 1760-1870, London 1972. Crook, J. Mordaunt, William Burgess and the High Victorian Dream, London 1981. Crook, J. Mordaunt, "The Pre-Victorian Architect: Professionalism and Patronage," Architectural History, XII (1969) 62-78. Crook, J. Mordaunt, The Dilemma of Style: Architectural Ideas From the Picturesque to the Post-Modern, London 1987. Cruickshank, D., "English Reason: Theories Behind the Formation of a Rational Architecture, 1712-50," Architectural Review, CLXXIII (April 83) 49-58. Cummings, "Charles Bell and The Anatomy of Expression," The Art Bulletin (1963) 191-203. Cunningham, Allan, Lives of the Most Emminent British Painters, Sculptors and Architects, London 1829-33.

Curl, James Stevens, Victorian Architecture, London 1990. Currie, Robert, Genius, An Ideology in Literature, London 1974 Cuvier, Georges, Essay on the Theory of the Earth, translation of the "Discours preliminaire," of the Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles by R. Kerr, London & Edinburgh 1813. Dale, Peter Allan, The Victorian Critic and the Idea of History: Carlyle, Arnold, Pater, Cambridge Mass./London 1977. Davies, Horton, Worship and Theology in England 1534-1965, Princeton 1961-1975. From Watts and Wesley to Maurice, 1690-1850, (1961) From Newman to Martineau, 1850-1900, (1962) 1962. Davy, Christopher, Architectural Precedents; with Notes and Observations, London 1840. Dawson, Christopher Henry, Religion and Culture, The Gifford Lectures of 1947, London 1948. Deonna, Waldemar, & Eugenio Battisti, "The Concept of Character in Treatises on the Representational Arts," Macgrawhill Enc. of World art, London 1967, Colls. 366--369.

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Derrida, Jacques, Dissemination, translated with and Introduction and additional notes, by Barbara Johnson, Chicago 1981. Desgodetz, Antoine, Rome, in its ancient Grandeur; displayed in a series of engravings, presenting the architectural antiquities of the imperial city accurately measured and delineated...By Antoine Desgodetz...with copious notes, architectural classical, and historical under the superintendence of Mr. Charles Taylor, Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, London 1848. Desgodetz, Antoine, The Ancient Buildings of Rome, transl. by George Marshal (architect), 2 vols., London 1771 & 1795, fol. Dieckmann, H., "Theories of Beauty to the Mid-Nineteenth Century," in: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, New York 1973. Dixon, R. and Muthesius, S., Victorian Architecture, London 1978. Dobai, J., Die Kunstliteratur des Klassizismus und der Romantik in England, 4 Vols., Bern 1974-84. Dobson, E., A Rudimentary Treatise on the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles etc., 2 vols. London 1850. 12o. (C. Lockwood ed. 1893)

Dobson E., The Students Guide to the Practice of Designing, Measuring and Valuing Artificers Works, ed. E. Dobson. J. Weale, London 1852 (2nd edition) and 1858 (3rd edition) with the additions on design by E.L. Garbett. (The first edition came out in London 1843, and was called: The Students Guide to the Practice of Measuring and Valuing Artificers works, Present in the B.L. No. 1400. f. 20 (1852 edition) and 7816 a 18 (1858 edition). Dobson, E., Rudiments of the Art Of Building...fifteenth edition revised to date, with an Additional Section on "An Ideal Dwelling," by J.P. Allan etc., Crosby Lockwood & Son, London 1907, 8o. Don Vann, J. & Rosemary T., Van Arspel, Victorian Periodicals: A Guide to Research, New York 1978. Donaldson, T.L., Architectural Maxims and Theorems in Elucidation of Some of the Principles of Design and Construction: and a Lecture on the Education and Character of the Architect, J. Weale London 1847. Donaldson, Thomas Leverton, "Some Particulars relating to Manuscripts of Vitruvius, preserved in various European Libraries," in: Transactions of the Institute of British architects of London, J. Taylor, London 1835-36. Donaldson, T.L., Preliminary Discourse Pronounced Before the University College of London upon the

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Commencement of a Series of Lectures on Architecture, Taylor and Walton, London 1842. Eastlake, Charles L., A History of the Gothic Revival, 1872. (ed. with an Introduction by J. Mordaunt Crook, Leicester, New York 1970) Eck, Caroline van, Organicism in nineteenth century architecture, an enquiry into its theoretical and philosophical Background, Amsterdam 1994. Eck, Caroline van, "'Par le style on atteint au sublime,' De Betekenis van de term 'stijl' in de Franse architectuurtheorie van de late achttiende eeuw," Archis, 10 (1993) 72-80. Eco, Umberto, La Struttura Assente, Bologna 1968. Edwards, Trystan, Good and Bad Manners in Architecture, London 1924. Eidlitz, Leopold, The Nature and Function of Art, More especially of Architecture, London 1881. Eiseley, Loren, Darwin's Century, Evolution and the men who discovered it, Garden City 1959. Eliade, Mircea, The Sacred and the Profane; The Nature of Religion, the Significance of Religious Myth, Symbolism, and Ritual within Life and Culture, New York 1959.

Eliot, T.S., Selected Essays, London 1932, (1972) Emerson, R.W., The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. W.H. Gilman. Cambridge Mass 1960 -. Emerson, R.W., The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Edward Waldo Emerson, Boston and New York 1903-1904. Emerson, R.W., The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, London 1883. Emerson, R.W., The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Ralph L. Rusk, New York 1939. Emerton, Norma E., The Scientific Reinterpretation of Form, Ithaca 1984. Emslie, P.J.G., Conflict and the Competition, B.Arch Diss. Univ. of Liverpool 1978. Ettlinger, L.D., "On Science, Industry and Art: Some Theories of Gottfried Semper," Architectural Review, CXXXVI (1964) 57-60. Evans, Eric J., Britain Before the Reform Act: Politics and Society, 1815-1832, London 1989.

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Everitt, Judith, Phillip Henry Gosse: A Victorian Case History, Doct. Thesis 1969. Fairchild, Hoxie Neale,Religious Trends in English Poetry; vol 4: Christianity and Romaniticism in the Victorian Era, 1830-1880, London 1957. Fawcett, Trevor, "Visual Facts and the Nineteenth-Century Art-Lecture," Art History, VI, 4 (Dec. 1983) 442-460. Fellowes, C., An Account of the Discoveries in Lycia, London 1841. Fellowes, C., A Journal writtn during an Excursion in Asia Minor in 1838, London 1839. Fellows, Jay, Ruskin's Maze: Mastery and Madness in his Art, Princeton 1981. Fergusson, J., An Historical Inquiry into the True Principles of Beauty in Art, More Especially with Reference to Architecture, London 1849. Ferrey, B., Recollections of A.W. Pugin and his Father Augustus Pugin, With Notes on Their Works, London 1861. Fichet, Françoise, La théorie architecturale à l'âge classique: essai d'anthologie critique, Brussels 1979.

Field, George, Rudiments of the Painter's Art: or a Grammar of Colouring, London 1850. Field, George, Chromatography; or, A treatise on Colours and Pigments, and of Their Power in Painting etc., London 1835. Field, George, Chromatics, or an Essay on the Analogy and Harmony of Colours, London 1817. Field, George, Outlines of Analogical Philosophy; Being a Primary View of the Principles, Relations and Purposes of Nature, Science and Art, 2 vols., London 1839. Field, George, "Aesthetics; or, the Analogy of the Sensible Sciences indicated, with an Appendix on Light and Colours," The Pamphleteer, XVII, London 1813. Fishman, S., The Interpretation of Art: Essays on the Art Criticism of John Ruskin, Walter Pater, Clive Bell, Roger Fry and Herbert Read, Berkeley, Los Angeles 1963. Fitch, Raymond, E., The Poison Sky: Myth and Apocalypse in Ruskin, Athens 1982. (Review: T. Hilton, Times Litt. Suppl. 22 Oct. 1982, 1153-1154) Flew, R.N., The Idea of Perfection in Christian Theology, Oxford 1934.

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Fonnereau, T.G., On the State of Architecture in London, London 1842. Foucault, Michel, The Order of Things, New York 1971. Frampton, Kenneth, Modern Architecture, a Critical History, London 1992 (1980). Frankl, Paul, The Gothic: Literary Sources and Interpretations Throughout Eight Centuries, Princeton 1960. Fraser, Hillary, Beauty and Belief, Aesthetics and Religion in Victorian Literature, Cambridge 1986. Frew, John M., "James Bentham's History of Ely Cathedral: A Forgotten Classic of the Early Gothic Revival," Art Bulletin, LXII, 2 (June 1990) 290-292. Frew, John M., "Gothic is English; John Carter and the Revival of Gothic as England's National Style," Art Bulletin, LXIV, 2 (June 1982) 315-319. Fuller, Peter, Theoria; Art and the Absence of Grace, London 1988. Gadamer, Hans-Georg,The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy, tr., intr. P. Christopher Smith, New Haven 1986 (1978).

Gadol, J., Leon Battista Alberti, Chicago 1969. Garbett, William, Thoughts on a National Monument proposed to be erected in honour of the...triumphs obtained by the fleets and armies of Great Britain...and more particularly to commemorate that...victory..purchsed by the death of...Lord Viscount Nelson etc., M. Dimmock: Arlesford [1806] 12o Garbett, Edward William, Some Observations on the Abbey Church of Bath and the Proposed External Restorations There, London 1834. Garrigan, K.O., Ruskin on Architecture: His Thought and Influence, London/Madison 1973. Gaskin, John Charles Addison, Hume's Philosophy of Religion, London 1978. Gay, P., Style in History, London 1975. Gay, P., The Enlightenment, an Interpretation; vol 1: The Rise of Modern Paganism, New York 1967. Germann, Georg, Gothic Revival in Europe and Britain: Sources, Influences and Ideas, London 1972. Germann, Georg, Einführung in die Geschichte der Architecturtheorie, Darmstadt 1987.

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Giedion, Sigfried, Space Time and Architecture; The Growth of a New Tradition, Cambridge Mass. 1967 (1941) Gillispie, C.C., Genesis and Geology; A Study in the Relations of Scientific Thought, Natural Theology and Social Opinion in Great Britain, 1790-1850, Cambridge Mass. 1951. Gillispie, C.C. (ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New York 1973. Ginzburg, M., Style and Epoch, tr. A Senkevitch, Cambridge Mass. 1982. Girouard, Mark, The Victorian Country House, Oxford 1971. Glass, H.B. (ed.),Forerunners of Darwin, 1745-1859, Baltimore 1959. Gloag, John E. & Derek Lawley Bridgwater, A History of Cast Iron in Architecture, London 1948. Gloag, John E., Victorian Taste, Some Social Aspects of Architecture and Industrial Design, London 1962. Gloag, John E., Victorian Comfort, A Social History of Design fom 1830-1900, London 1961.

Gloag, John E., The Architectural Interpretation of History, London 1975. Godwin, George, "Prize essay upon the Nature and Properties of Concrete, and its application to Construction, up to the Present Period," in: Transac-tions of the Institute of British architects of London, London 1835-36. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Theory of Colours, transl. with notes by C.L. Eastlake, London 1840. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu Erklären, Gotha 1790, (transl. by A. Arber in Chronica Botanica X, 2 (1946) 63-126. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Von Deutscher Baukunst, (1772). Gordon, G.H. Earl of Aberdeen, An Inquiry Into the Principles of Beauty in Grecian Architecture; with an Historical View of the Rise and Progress of the Art In Greece, Extracted from Wilkins' Translation of Vitruvius, London 1822. Gosse, Philip Henry, Omphalos, An Attempt to untie the Geological Knot, John van Voorst, London 1857. Greenough, Horatio, Form and Function: Remarks on art, Design and Architecture, ed by Harold A. Small,

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Introd. by Erle Loran, Berkeley & Los Angeles 1947, (1969). This book is an edited version of the Memorial of Horatio greenough, ed H.T. Tuckerman, New York 1853, which in turn was based on 'Horace Bender' [pseud. H. Greenough], The Travels, Observations, and Experience of a Yankee Stonecutter, New York 1852. Griffiths, William Pettit, Ancient Gothic Churches, Their Proportion and Chromatics, London 1847. Griffiths, W.P.,Geometrical Proportion of Architecture; Suggestions for Developing the Temples of Greece by Geometrical Proportion, Forming a Sequel to their Harmony and Beauty, London 1843, folio ed. 1844. Griffiths, W.P., Suggestions for a more Perfect and Beautiful Period of Gothic Architecture than any Preceding, Read at the Public Meeting of the Bedfordshire Architectural and Archeological Society on the 25th of May 1852. Extracted from the printed Reports and Papers Read at the Architectural Societies of Northampton, York, Lincoln and Bedford 1854, London 1855. Griffiths, W.P., Architectural Botany: Setting forth the Geometrical Distribution of Foliage, Flowers and Fruit, etc., London 1852.

Griffiths, W.P., The Natural System of Architecture, as Opposed to the Artificial System of the Present Day, London 1845. Guillamot, C.A., Remarques sur un livre intitulé "Observations sur l'architecture" de M. l'Abbé Laugier, Paris 1768. Guillerme, Jacques, "The Idea of Architectural Language: A Critical Inquiry," Tr. Hélène Lipstadt & Harvey Mendelsohn, Oppositions, 10 (Fall 1977) 21-26. Gwilt, Joseph, Treatise on the Equilibrium of Arches in which the Theory is demonstrated upon familiar mathematical principles, Also the method of finding the drift of shoot of an arch interspersed with practical observations and deductions, J. Taylor, London 1826. Gwilt, Joseph, Rudiments of Architecture, Practical and Theoretical, London 1826. Gwilt, Joseph, Elements of Architectural Criticism, for the use of Students, Amateurs and Reviewers, London 1837. Haber, Francis C., The Age of the World; Moses to Darwin, Baltimore 1959. Haggit, Rev. John, Two Letters to a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, on the subject of Gothic

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Architecture; containing a Refutation of Dr. Milner's Objections to Mr. Whittington's Historical Survey of the Eccle-siastical Edifices of France. And an Inquiry into the Eastern Origin of the Gothic, or Pointed Style, London 1813. Hakewill, A., Apology for the Architectural Monstrosities of London, London 1835. Hakewill, E.C., The Temple: An Essay on the Ark, the Tabernacle and the Temple of Jerusalem, London 1851. Hambridge, Jay, Dynamic Symmetry: The Greek Vase, Yale 1920. Hambridge, Jay, The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry, Yale 1926. Hamilton, S.B., The Structural Fire Protection of Buildings; a Historical Note, London 1958. Hamilton. S.B., "Building and Civil Engineering Construction," in: A History of Technology, Vol IV: The Industrial Revolution, c. 1750 to 1850, ed. C. Singer a.o., Oxford 1958. Harper, Roger H., Victorian Architectural Competitions, An Index to British and Irish Architectural Competitions in The Builder 1843-1900, London 1983.

Harris Eileen, "John Wood's System of Architecture," Burl. Mag., 131 (F. 89) 101-7. Harris Eileen, "Sir John Soane's Library, 'O Books ye Monuments of the Mind," CXXXI, 338, Apollo (April 1990) 242-247 & 288 f. Harris, M., The Rise of Anthropological Theory, London 1969. Hartley, David, Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and his Expectations, London 1749, (London 1949 and facsimile edition Hildesheim, Olms 1967. An abridged edition was published by J. Priestley in 1775), Hartsthorne, Charles, The Logic of Perfection, Lasalle 1973. Hartsthorne, Charles, The Logic of Perfection and Other essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics, Lasalle 1962. Haskell, Francis, "Gibbon and the History of Art," Deadalus, CV, 3 (Summer 1976) 217-229. Havens, R.D., "Simplicity, A Changing Concept," Journal of the History of Ideas, XIV (1953) 3 ff.

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Hay, D. Ramsey, Proportion; or, the Geometric Principle of Beauty Analyzed, London 1843. Hay, D. Ramsey, The Laws of Harmonious Colouring, adapted to Interior Decorations, 5th ed. London 1844. Hay, D. Ramsey, Natural Principles and Analogy of the Harmony of Form, London 1842. Hay, D. Ramsey, First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty, London 1846. (See Athenaeum, No. 815, p. 541). Hayman, John, "Ruskin and the Art of System Making," The Yearbook of English Studies, IV (1974) 197-202. Hayman, John, "Towards the Labyrinth: Ruskin's Lectures as Slade Professor of Art," in: New Approaches to Ruskin, ed. Hewison, London 1981, 111-124. Helmstadter, R.J. & P.T. Phillips (eds.), Religion in Victorian Society: a Source Book of Documents, Lanham 1985. Helmstadter, R.J., & Bernard Lightman, eds., Victorian Faith in Crisis; Essays in Continuity and Change in Nineteenth Century Religious Belief, London 1990.

Helsinger, E.K., Ruskin and the Art of the Beholder, Cambridge Mass. 1982. Herkner, H., "Krisen," in: Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 3rd ed. Jena 1909-1911, VI, 253-76. Herrmann, W., Laugier and Eighteenth Century French Theory, London 1962. Herrmann, W., Gottfried Semper, Theoretischer Nachlass in der ETH Zürich; Katalog und Kommentare, Basel/Boston/Stuttgart 1981. Herrmann, W., ed., In What Style Should we Build, The German Debate on Architectural Style, tr. & intr. W. Herrmann, Santa monica 1992. Herschel, J.F.W., Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, London 1830-2. (Repr. introd. M. Partridge, New York 1966). Herschel, J.F.W., "Light," in The Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, ed. Edward Smedley, London 1843 Hersey, George L., High Victorian Gothic: A Study in Associationism, Baltimore & London 1972. Hersey, George L., The Lost Meaning of Classical Architecture: Speculations on Ornament from Vitruvius to Venturi, Chicago 1988.

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Hewison, Robert, "Ruskin and the Institutions," in: New Approaches to Ruskin, ed. Hewison, London 1981, 214 ff. Hewison, Robert, Ruskin: The Argument of the Eye, London 1976. Hewison, Robert (ed.), New approaches to Ruskin; Thirteen essays, London 1981. Heyck, T.W., “From Men of Letters to Intellectuals: The Transformation of Intellectual Life in Nineteenth Century England,” Journal of British Studies, 20 (Autumn 1980) 162. Heyck, T.W., The Transformation of Intellectual Life in Victorian England, London 1982. Hilton, Boyd, The Age of Atonement: The Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and Economic Thought, 1795-1865, Oxford 1988. Hilton, Tim, John Ruskin: The Early Years, 1819-1859, London 1985. Hipple, Walter John Jr.,The Beautiful, The Sublime and the Picturesque in 18th Century British Aesthetic Theory, Carbondale 1957.

Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, "Ruskin and Butterrfield," Architectural Review, CXVI (1954) 285-9. Hitchcock, H.R., Architecture: Nineteenth and Twenti-eth Centuries, Harmondsworth 1971 (repr. 1975, 1st ed. 1958) Hitchcock, H.R.,"Ruskin and American Architecture, or Regeneration Long Delayed," in: Concerning Architecture, ed. John Summerson, London 1968, 166-208. Hitchcock, H.R.,Early Victorian Architecture in Britain, 2 Vols. New Haven 1954. Hitchcock, H.R., American Architectural Books, A List of Books, Portfolios, and Pamphlets on Architecture and Related Subjects Published in America before 1895, Minneapolis 1962. Hoffmann, D., The Architecture of John Wellborn Root, London 1973. Hogarth, William, The Analysis of Beauty: Written with a View of Fixing the Fluctuating Ideas of Taste, London 1753; ed. with an introd. by Joseph Burke, Oxford 1955. Holloway, J., The Victorian Sage: Studies in Argument, London 1953.

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Hope, Thomas, Historical Essay on Architecture, John Murray, London 1835. Horn-Oncken, A., Über das Schickliche; Studien zur Geschichte der Architecturtheorie, Göttingen 1967. Houghton, Walter E., The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830-1870, New Haven 1957. Howard, Claude, Coleridge’s Idealism: A Study of its Relationship to Kant and to the Cambridge Platonists, Norwood 1980 (1924). Howard, Frank, Colour as a means of Art for Amateurs, H. Bohn, London 1838. Howard, Frank, Imitative Art, Routledge, London 1840 (reissued in 1854). Howard, C., Coleridge's Idealism: A Study of its relationship to Kant and to the Cambridge Platonists, Boston 1924, (1980) Humboldt, A., Views of Nature: Or Contemplation on the Sublime Phenomenon of Creation, London 1850. Hume, David, A Treatise of Human Nature; Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects, and Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, ed. T.H. Green & T.H. Grose, 2 vols. London 1874 (1739).

Hume, David, Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals, repr. of 1777 ed., ed. & intr. L.A. Selby-Bigge 3rd. ed. ed. P.H. Nidditch, Oxford 1975. Hunt, John Dixon & Holland, F.M. (eds.), The Ruskin Polygon: Essays on the Imagination of John Ruskin, Manchester 1982. Hussey, Christopher, The Picturesque: Studies in a Point of View, London 1967 (1927). Hutcheson, Francis, An Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue; in Two Treatises, In Which the Principles of the Late Earl of Shaftesbury Are Explain'd and Defended, Against the Author of the "Fable of the Bees" and the Ideas of Moral Good and Evil Are Established, According to the Sentiments of the Antient Moralists. With an Attempt to Introduce a Mathematical Calculation in Subjects of Morality, London 1725. Hutcheson, Francis, An Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affectations. With Illustrations of the Moral Sense. By the Author of the Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, London 1728. James, William, Principles of Psychology, London 1890.

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Jasper, David, & Wright, T.R., The Critical Spirit and the Will to Believe; Essays in Nineteenth Century Literature and Religion, Basingstoke 1989. Jay, Elisabeth, The Religion of the Heart: Anglican Evangelicalism and the Nineteenth-Century Novel, Oxford 1979. Jay, Elisabeth, Faith and Doubt in Victorian Britain, London 1986. Jelley, F.R., "Six More of the Best: 6 Edward Lacey Garbett," Building, CCXIII, 37 (September 1967) 131. Jenkins, R., The Victorians and Ancient Greece, Oxford 1980. Jenkins, Frank, "Nineteenth Century Architectural Periodicals," in: Concerning Architecture, ed. John Summerson, London 1968, 153-160. Jenkins, Frank, Architect and Patron, Oxford 1961. Jenkins, Frank, "The Victorian Architectural Profession," in: Victorian Architecture, ed. Peter Ferriday, London 1963. Johnson, Barbara, The Critical Difference, essays in the contemporary rhetoric of reading, Baltimore 1980.

Johnson, Barbara, The World of Difference, Baltimore 1987. Johnson, Lee McKay, The Metaphor of Painting: Essays on Baudelaire, Ruskin, Proust and Pater, Ann Arbor 1980. Johnston, G.B., "Architecture and Alchemy, Merging Theory and Practice," Journal Archit. Educ., XLI (Wint. 88) 10-20. Jopling, Joseph, Examples of Entasis, London 1848. Jopling, Joseph, The Septenary System of Generating Curves by Continued Motion including sundry observations on the system, and on its practical application and utility in civil and naval architecture, sculpture, and those arts generally where a fine curved line is so highly esteemed, J. Taylor, London 1823. Jopling, Joseph, Blackfriars Bridge and Thames Navigation, London 1833. Jopling, Joseph, The Practice of Isometrical Perspective, 11th ed., London 1935. Jopling, Joseph, A Letter to T.L. Donaldson on the Necessity of Numerous Correct examples of Mathematical Lines, as Specimens of Forms to

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Instruct the Eye in Truth and Beauty and to Suggest Applications to Designs, London 1847. Jopling, Joseph, A Key to the Proportions of the Parthenon, 2 vols, London 1855-56 Jopling, Joseph, An Impulse to Art: Ancient Greek Practical Principles, London 1849. Jordan, Richard Fournaux, Victorian Architecture, Harmondsworth 1966. Jump, J.D., "Ruskin's Reputation in the 1850's," in: Publications of the Modern Language Ass. of America, 63 (1948) 678-85. Kallich, Martin, "The Association of Ideas and Critical Theory: Hobbes, Locke, and Addison," English Literary History, XII (December 1945) 290-315. Kallich, Martin, "The Meaning of Archibald Alison's Essays on Taste," Philological Quaterly, XXVII (October 1948), 314-24. Kallich, Martin, The Association of Ideas and Critical Theory in Eighteenth-Century England: A History of a Psychological Method in English Criticism, The Hague 1970. Kames, Henry Home, Lord,

Elements of Criticism, 3 vols., 2nd ed., Edinburgh 1763 (3rd ed. 2 vols., Edinburgh 1765). Kant, Immanuel, Critique of Pure Reason, transl. J.M.D. Meiklejohn, London1969 (1934) Kaufman, Edward N., "Architectural Representation in Victorian England," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XLVI (March 1987) 30-38. Kaufman, Edward N., "'The Weight and Vigour of their Masses' : Mid-Victorian Country Churches and 'The Lamp of Power'", in: Hunt (1982) 94-121. Kaufman, Edward N., "E.B.Lamb: A Case Study in Victorian Architectural Patronage, The Art Bulletin, LXX, 2 (June 1988) 314-345. Kaufmann, Edgar Jr., "Memmo's Lodoli," The Art Bulletin, (?)159-175. Kaye, Barrington, The Development of the Architectural Profession in Britain, A Sociological Study, London 1960. Kemp, Martin, The Science of Art, Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat, New Haven/London 1990. Kerr, Robert, The Newleafe Discourses on the Fine Art Architecture, London 1846.

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Kindler, Roger, "Periodical Criticism 1815-40, Orininality in Architecture," Architectural History, 17 (1974) 22-37. King, A., "Architectural Journalism and the Profession: The Early Years of George Godwin," Architectural History, XIX (1976) 32-53. Kivy, Peter, The Seventh Sense: A Study of Francis Hutcheson's Aesthetics and its Influence in Eighteenth Century Britain, New York 1976. Kivy, Peter, "Hume's Neighbour's Wife: An Essay on the Evolution of Hume's Aesthetics," British Journal of Aesthetics, XXIII, 3, (Summer 1983) 195-208. Kivy, Peter, Francis Hutcheson: An Inquiry concerning Beauty, Order, Harmony, Design, The Hague 1973. Klaaren, Eugene M., Religious Origins of Modern Science: Belief in Creation in Seventeenth Century Thought, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1977. Knight, Richard Payne,An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste, London 1805 (3rd ed., Lopndon 1806) Knight, Richard Payne,The Landscape, A Didactic Poem in Three Books. Adressed to Uvedale Price, Esq., London 1794.

Koch, Herbert, Vom Nachleben des Vitruv, Baden Baden 1951. Koestler, Arthur, The Sleepwalkers, A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe, London 1959. Kohane, P.M.,Architecture, Labor and the Human Body: Fergusson, Cockerell and Ruskin, Unpublished Phd Diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, n.d. Kornwolf, J.D., "High Victorian Gothic or the Dilemma of Style in Modern Architecture," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XXXIV, 1 (March 1975) 37-47. Korsmeyer, Carolyn, "The Eclipse of Truth in the Rise of Aesthetics, British Journal of Aesthetics, 29, 4 (Autumn 1989) 293-302. Kostof, Spiro, A History of Architecture, Settings and Rituals, Oxford 1985. Krampen, Martin, Meaning in the Urban Environment, London 1979. Krautheimer, R., “Alberti and Vitruvius,” The Renaissance and Mannerism. Studies in Western Art, Acts of the Twentienth Congress of History of Art, 2 vols., Princeton 1963.

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Kruft, H.W., "Goethe und die Architectur," Pantheon, XL (O/D 1982) 282-289. Kruft, H.W., Geschichte de Architecturtheorie: von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Munich 1985. Krusche, Thomas, R.W. Emersons Naturauffassung und ihre philosophischen Urspruenge: eine Interpretation des Emersonschen Denkens aus dem Blickwinkel des deutschen Idealismus, Tübingen 1987. Kuntz, Marion Leathers & Paul Grimley, eds., Jacob's Ladder and the Tree of Life: Concepts of Hierarchy and the Great Chain of Being, New York 1987. La Capra, D. & S.L. Kaplan, eds., Modern European Intellectual History: Reappraisals and New Perspectives, Ithaca & London 1982. Ladd, H.A., The Victorian Morality of art: An Analysis of Ruskin's Aesthetics, New York 1932. Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de Monet de, Philosophie Zoologi-que, 2 Vols. Paris 1809. (repr. 1830) Lamb, Edward Buckton, Studies of Ancient Domestic Architecture, London 1846.

Landow, George P., Victorian Types, Victorian Shadows: Biblical Typology in Victorian Literature, art and Thought, London 1981. Landow, George, P., "There Began to be a Great Talking About the Fine Arts," in: The Mind and art of Victorian England, ed. J.L. Altholz, Minneapolis 1976. Landow, George P., Images of Crisis, Literary Iconology, 1750 to The Present, Boston & London 1982. Landow, George P., The Aesthetic and Critical Theories of John Ruskin, Princeton/Oxford 1972. Landow, George P., "Ruskin as Victorian Sage: The Example of 'Traffic'," in: New Approaches to Ruskin, ed. Hewison, London 1981, 89-110. Lang, S., "The Principles of the Gothic Revival in England," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XXV, 4 (Dec. 1966) 240-267. Lassaulx, J.C. de, "Notes on the Churches of the Rhine," in: William Whewell's Architectural Notes on German Churches, with Notes Written During an Architectural Tour in Picardy and Normandy, Cambridge 1843. Laugier, Marc-Antoine,Essai sur l'Architecture, Paris 1753, (2nd ed. 1755). transl. as An Essay on

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Architecture in which its True Principles are Explained and Invariable Rules Proposed, London 1755, (2nd ed. 1756). Laugier, Marc-Antoine,An Essay on Architecture, Tr W & A Herrmann, Los Angeles 1977. Lavin, S., Quatremère de Quincy and the Invention of a Modern Language of Architecture, Cambridge Mass. 1992. Leatherbarrow, D., "Architecture and Situation: A Study of the Architectural Writings of Robert Morris," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XLIV, 1 (March 1985) 48-60. Leeds, W.H., Architecture: The Orders and Their Aesthetics Principles, 4th ed. with considerable additions, London 1863. Leer, David van, Emerson’s Epistemology: The Argument of the Essays, Cambridge 1986. Leeuwen, T.A.P. van, & Karen Veenland-Heineman, Wat is Architectuur, Leiden 1982, Leeuwen, Thomas A.P. van, The Skyward Trend of Thought, Five Essays on the Metaphysics of the American Skyscraper, The Hague 1986.

Legh, Peter, "Essay on the Jewish Columns Called Joachim and Boaz," Manuscript in the R.I.B.A. collections. dated 1837. Legh, Peter, Hints for an Essay on Animology and Ombrology, founded partly on admitted principles, and partly on observations and discoveries, recently made, on the influence of the planet Jupiter and its satellites on our athmosphere. With a weather almanack for 1840, 2 vols., London, Macclesfield 1839 & 40. Legh, Peter, The Music of the Eye; or, Essays on the Principles of the beauty and Perfection of Architecture, as Founded on and Deduced from Reason and Analogy, and Adapted to what may be traced of the Ancient Theories of Taste, In the Three First Chapters of Vitruvius. Written with a View to Restore Architecture to the Dignity it had in Ancient Greece, Priestley and Weale, London 1831. Lemahieu, D.L., The Mind of William Paley; A Philosopher and his Age, Lincoln 1976. Levere, T.H., Poetry Realized in Nature; S.T. Coleridge and Early Nineteenth Century Science, Cambridge 1981. Lévi-Strauss, Claude, "Race and Culture," in: The View From Afar, New York 1984, 3 - 24, (transl. of Le Regard Eloigné, Paris 1983).

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Levine, George, "Scientific Discourse as an Alternative to Faith," in Helmstadter (1990) pp. 225-261. Levita, D. de, The Concept of Identity, The Hague 1965. Locke, John, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, (1690) Lovejoy, A.O., The Great Chain of Being, A Study in the History of an Idea, Cambridge Mass. 1964, (1948). Lovejoy, A.O., "The Supposed Primitivism of Rou-sseau's Discourse on Inequality," Modern Philology, XXI (1923) Lovejoy, A.O., "Nature as Aesthetic Norm," in: Essays in the History of Ideas, Baltimore 1948. Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken & Boas, George, Documentary History of Primitivism and Related Ideas, Baltimore 1935. Lowth, Robert, The Life of William of Wykeham, London 1759. Lucas, T., Romantic to Modern Literature; Essays and Ideas of Culture 1750-1900, London 1982.

Lyell, Charles, Principles of Geology or the Modern Changes of the Earth and its inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology, 2 Vols. John Murray, London 1867 (1830 & 1832). Mach, Ernst, The Principles of Optics, an Historical and Philosophical Treatment, New York 1953. Mackenzie, G., Organic Unity in Coleridge, Berkeley 1939. Macleod, R., Style and Society, Architectural Ideology in Britain, 1840-1914, London 1971. Mark, R., "Robert Willis, Viollet-le-Duc and the Structural Approach to Architecture," Architectura, (1977) 52-64. March, Lionel, “Symmetry,” RIBA Journal, (March 1979) 106. Masur, Gerhard, "Crisis in History," in: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, New York 1973, 589-596. McCarthy, Michael, The Origins of the Gothic Revival, New Haven and London 1987. McFarland, Thomas, Coleridge and the Pantheist Tradition, Oxford 1969.

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McPherson, Thomas, The Argument from Design, London 1972. Meier, Stephan, "To Signify Oneself! On Lies in Architecture," Daidalos 8 (June 1983) 10-18. Memmo, Andrea, Elementi dell'architettura Lodoliana, Rome 1786. Metzger, Charles R., Emerson and Greenough: Transcendental Pioneers of an American Esthetic, Berkeley & Los Angeles 1954. Michael, Emily, "Francis Hutcheson on Aesthetic Perception and Aesthetic Pleasure," British Journal of Aesthetics, XXIV, 3 (Summer 1984) 241-255. Middleton, Robin, "Viollet-le-Duc's Academic ventures and the Entretiens sur l'architecture," in: Gottfried Semper und die Mitte des 19 Jahrhunderts, Basle & Stuttgart 1976, 239-254. Middleton, Robin, "The Abbé de Cordemoy and the Craeco-Gothic Ideal," JW&CI, XXV & XXVI (1962) 278-320 & 90-123. Middleton, Robin & David Watkin, Neoclassical and Nineteenth-Century Architecture, New York 1980.

Middleton, Robin, "The French Connection in Eighteenth Century England," AA Files, 16 (?) 46-56. Mignot, Claude, Architecture of the Nineteenth Century in Europe, New York 1984. Milizia, Francesco, Memorie degli Architetti Antichi e Moderni, Parma 1781 (transl. Mrs. Edward Cresy, London 1826). Milizia, Francesco, Principi di Architettura Civile, Bassano 1785 Milizia, Francesco, The Lives of Celebrated Architcts Ancient and Modern with Historical and Critical Observations on Their Works, and on the Principles of the Art by..., Translated from the Italian by Mrs. Edward Cresy, with notes and additional lives, 2 vols., J. Taylor, London 1826 Miller, K. & I. Iscoe, "The Concept of Crisis/ Current Status and Mental Health Implication," Human Organization, XXII (1963) 195-201. Mitford, William, Principles of Design in Architecture Traced in Observations on Buildings, In a Series of Letters to A Friend, 2nd ed., London 1824. Moller, Georg, Denkmähler der deutschen Baukunst, folio, 1815-1821. It was published in England as: An Essay on the Origin and Progress of Gothic

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Architecture, Transl. Priestley and Weale, London 1824. and again as Moller's Memorials of German Gothic Architecture, Transl. W.H. Leeds, London 1836. Morrell, J.B., "Professor's Robison and Playfair, and the Theophobia Gallica; Natural Philosophy, Religion and Politics in Edinburgh 1789-1815," Notes and Records of the Royal Sociaty of London, XXVI (1971) 43-63. Mumford, L., Roots of Contemporary American Architecture, 37 Essays, Dover Press 1972. Murdoch, Iris, The Fire and the Sun; Why Plato Banished the Artists, Oxford 1977. Murray, Penelope, Genius, The History of an Idea, Oxford 1989. Muthesius, Stefan, The High Victorian Movement in Architecture, 1850-1870, London 1972. Newbould, Ian, Whiggery and Reform, 1830-1841: The Politics of Government, Basingstoke 1990. Newman, John Henry, The Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated, ed. &Intr. I.T. Ker, Oxford 1976 (1851 & 1859).

Newton, Isaac, Opticks, or a Teatise on the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colours of Light, London 1704-1730; reprint with a foreword by A. Einstein, 1952. Nicolson, Marjorie Hope, Science and the Imagination, New York 1956. Nicolson, Marjorie Hope, The Breaking of the Circle, New York 1949. Nicolson, Marjorie Hope, Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory, Ithaca, New York 1959. Nietzsche, Friedrich, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Transl. R.J. Hollingdale, Harmondsworth 1969. Nohl, Hermann, Index Vitruvianus, Leipzig 1876 (reprod. Stuttgart 1965). North, Robert, Howard E. Koch and Dina A. Zinnes, "The integrative Function of Conflict," Journal of Conflict Resolution, IV (1960) 355-374. Oakey, A.F., "A Word to the Wise," Overland Monthly, 2nd series, XVIII (Aug. 1891) 135. Oakey, A.F., "The Possibilities of a New Style in Architecture," American Architect and Building News, III (Jan. 19, 1878) 22.

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Oakey, A.F., "Architect and Client," American Architect and Building News, I (Aug. 26, 1876) 277. Oechslin, Werner, "In Search of the True Style, The Rigorists' Distinction Between 'Right' and 'Wrong'," Daidalos, 8 (June 1983) 21-32. O’Neal, William B., “Francesco Milizia, 1725-1798,” JSAH, XIII (1954) pp. 12-15. Onians, John, The Bearers of Meaning, The Classical Orders in Antiquity, The Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, Princeton 1988. Onians, John, "Architecture, Metaphor and the Mind," Architectural History, 35 (1992) 192-207. Orsini, G.N.G., “Coleridge and Schlegel Reconsidered,” Comparative Literature, XVI (1964) 116-118. Orsini, G.N.G., "The Organic Concepts in Aesthetics," Comparative Literature, XXXI (1969) 1-30. Orsini, G.N.G., “Organicism,” In: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, New York 1973, pp. 421-427. Ospovat, Dov, The Development of Darwin's Theory: Natural History, Natural Theology and Natural Selection 1838-1859, Cambridge 1981.

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Peirce, C.S.,Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, 6 vols., ed. Charles Hartshorne & Paul Weiss, Cambridge Mass. 1960. Pelt, R.J. van & C.W. Westfall, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, New Haven 1991. Perrault, Claude (ed.), Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus), An Abridgement of the Architecture of Vitruvius...Illustrated...To which is added...the etymo-logy...of the terms used in architecture. First done in French by Monsieur Perrault...and now Englished, with additions, London 1692. Petit, Rev. John Louis, Remarks on Church Architecture, London 1841. Pevsner, Nikolaus, Some Architectural Writers of the Nineteenth Century, Oxford 1972. Pevsner, Nikolaus, Studies in Art, Architecture and Design, London 1968. Pevsner, Nikolaus, Berkshire, The Buildings of England, Harmondsworth 1966. Pevsner, Nikolaus, An Outline of European Architecture, Harmondsworth 1963, repr. 1981. (1st ed. 1943)

Pevsner, Nicolaus, Ruskin and Viollet-le-Duc, London1969. Pickett, William Vose & Elizabeth Pickett, A New System of Architecture, London 1845. Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, The Polemical Works, ed. J. Wilton-Ely, Farnborough 1972. Playfair, John, "Biographical Account of the Late John Robison," Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, VII (1815) 495-539. Podro, Michael, The Critical Historians of Art, London 1982. Poole, W.F., et. al., An Index to Periodical Literature, 3rd ed., Boston 1882-1908. Port, M.H., Six Hundred New Churches; A Study of the Church Building Commission 1818-1856 and its Church Building Activities, London 1961. Prak, Niels Luning, The Language of Architecture, A Contribution to Architectural Theory, The Hague 1968. Price, Sir Uvedale, A Dialogue on the Distinct Characters of the Picturesque and the Beautiful, Hereford 1801.

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Price, Sir Uvedale, An Essay on the Picturesque as Compared with the Sublime and the Beautiful, 2 vols., ed. Sir J.D. Lauder, Edinburgh 1842 (1794-8) Prickett, Stephen, England and the French Revolution, Basingstoke 1989. Prickett, Stephen, Romaniticsm and Religion; The Tradition of Coleridge and Wordsworth in the Victorian Church, Cambridge 1976. Prozzillo, Italo, Francesco Milizia, Teorico e storico dell’architettura, Naples 1971. Pugin, Augustus, Specimens of Gothic Architecture; selected from various ancient Edifices in England: consisting of Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Parts at Large; calculated to exemplify the Various Styles and the Practical Construction of this Admired class of Architecture, accompanied E.J. Wilson, "Remarks on Gothic Architecture," Pugin, A.W.N., The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture by A. Welby Pugin, John Weale, London 1841; Intr. by Marina Henderson, New York, London 1973. Pugin, A.W.N., Contrasts; or a Parallel between the Noble Edifices of the Middle Ages, and Correspon-ding Buildings of the Present Day; Shewing the Present Decay of Taste. Accompanied by appropriate

text, by A. Welby Pugin, Charles Dolman, London 1841; Intr. by H.R. Hitchcock, New York 1973. (1st ed. 1836) Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome, Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des plus célèbres architectes du XIe siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe accompagnée de la vue du plus remarquable édifice de chacun d'eux, 2 vols. in 1, New York 1970 (Paris 1830.) Quatremère de Quincy, A.C., Dictionnaire d'architecture, I, Paris 1789, II 1832; A three volume edition was published in Liège 1788-1825. Quatremère de Quincy, A.C., De l'architecture Egyptienne, Paris 1785. Quatremère de Quincy, A.C., The Destination of Works of Art and the use to which they are applied, considered with regard to their influence on the genius and taste of artists, and the sentiments of amateurs, transl. from the French by H. Thomson, London 1821. Quatremère de Quincy, A.C., An Essay on the Nature, the end and the means of imitation in the fine arts, transl. by J.C. Kent, Lodnon 1837. Quatremère de Quincy, A.C., Lives of the Italian Painters, Michel angelo by R. Dappa, Raffaelo by

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Quatremère de Quincy, The European Library 1846, 8o. Ramée, Daniel, Manuel de l'histoire de l'architecture chez tous lez peuples et particulierement de l'architecture en France, 2 vols. Paris 1843. Rasmussen, Steen Eiler, Experiencing Architecture, Cambridge Mass. 1987, (1959). Raub, Cymbre Quincy,Repairing the tower of Babel: notes on the genesis of James Fergusson's "Historical Inquiry into the True Principles of Beauty More Especially with Reference to Arcitecture", Unpublished Phd Diss, Princeton Univ. 1993. Raven, Charles Earle, Organic Design; A Study of Scientific Thought from Ray to Paley, London 1954. Raven Charles E., Christian Socialism 1848-1854, London 1967 (1920) Paley pp. 11-13. Reardon, B.M.G., Religion in the Age of Romanticism; Studies in Early Nineteenth Century Thought, Cambridge 1985. esp.: "Ernest Renan and the Religion of Science," pp. 237-266. Reid, Thomas, Thomas Reid's lectures on Natural Theology 1780; transcribed from student notes, ed. with an introd. by Elmer H. Duncan; with a new essay: "Reid, First Principles and Reason in the Lectures on

Natural Theology," by William Eakin, Washington 1981. Reynolds, Joshua, The Discourse of Sir Joshua Reynolds, To Which are Added His Letters to 'The Idler', Intr. by Austin Dobson, Oxford 1907. Rickman, Thomas, An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England From the Conquest to the Restoration, London 1817. (2nd ed. 1819) Ricoeur, Paul, The Rule of Metaphor: Multidisiplinary Studies of the Creation of Meaning in Language, London 1977, (2nd ed. 1978, transl. from La métaphore vive, Paris 1975) Ritchie, A., "The Absence of Laws for Correct Proportion," London Architectural Society Essays, III (1847). Robert, Mark, The Tradition of Romantic Morality, London 1973. Robinson, James A., The Concept of Crisis in Decision Making, Washington 1962. Robinson, Eric & Douglas McKie, Partners in Science, Cambridge Mass. 1970. (contains letters of J. Robison)

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Robinson, Sydney K., An Enquiry into the Picturesque, Chicago 1991. Robison, John, System of Mechanical Philosophy, with Notes by David Brewster, 4 vols., Edinburgh 1822, 8o. Robison, John, Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, Edinburgh 1797. Robson, John M., "The Fiat and Finger of God: The Bridgewater Treatises," in: Helmstadter (1990) 71-125. Root, John Wellborn, The Meanings of Architecture: Buildings and Writings by John Wellborn Root, Coll. and Intr. by Donald Hoffmann, New York 1967. Rosenau, Helen, Social Purpose in Architecture Paris and London Compared, London 1970. Rosenau, Helen, "On Newton," Art Bulletin, L (1968) 65 ff. Rosenau, Helen, Boullée and Visionary Architecture, London 1976. Rosenberg, J.D., The Darkening Glass, A Portrait of Ruskin's Genius, London 1963.

Rosenberg, J.D. (ed.), The genius of John Ruskin, London 1963, (rev. ed. 1979). Rosman, Doreen M., Evangelicals and Culture, London/Canberra 1984. Rothschuh, K.E., History of Physiology, tr. G.B. Risse, New York 1973. Rowan, Alistair, Garden Buildings, Feltham 1968. Rowe, Colin, "Character and Composition," in: The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa and Other Essays, Cambridge Mass. 1976. Rupke, Nicholas, A., The Great Chain of History, Oxford 1983. Ruskin, John, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, London 1911. Ruskin, John, The Diaries of John Ruskin, eds. J. Evans & J.H. Whitehouse, 3 vols., Oxford 1956-9. Ruskin, John, The Works of John Ruskin, Library Edition, eds. E.T. Cook & A. Wedderburn, 39 vols., London 1903-1912. Russell, Bertrand, A History of western Philosophy, New York 1972 (1945)

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Rykwert, Joseph, The Necessity of Artifice, London 1982. Rykwert, Joseph, The First Moderns, The Architects of the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge Mass. and London 1980. Rykwert, Joseph, On Adam's House in Paradise; The Idea of the Primitive Hut in Architectural History, Cambridge, Mass. and London 1981. (1st ed. 1972) Saint, Andrew, The Image of the Architect, New Haven/London 1983. Sampson, R.V., Progress in the Age of Reason, London 1956. Saunders, George, "Observations on the Origin of Gothic Architecture," Archeologia, XVII (1814). Scholfield, P.H., The Theory of Proportion in Architecture, Cambridge 1958. Schopenhauer, Arthur, Essays and Aphorisms, Transl, R.J. Hollingdale, Harmondsworth 1985 (1970) selections from Parerga und Paralipomena, 1851 Schlosser, Julius von, Die Kunstliteratur, Vienna 1924.

Schmarsow, August, Barock und Rokoko, Leipzig 1897, see Leewen T.A.P. van (1982) Schrijvers, P.H., “Kwaliteit wordt Zichtbaar in Decorum,” Decorum X,4 (September 1992) 5-7. Schumpeter, J., History of Economic Analysis, New York 1955. Scott, George Gilbert, A Plea for the Faithful Restoration of Our Ancient Churches, London 1850. Scott, G., The Architecture of Humanism: A Study in the History of Taste, London 1914; revised 1924, ed. with an introd. by David Watkin, London 1980. Scott, George Gilbert, Personal and Professional Recollections, London 1879. Sekora, John, Luxury: The Concept in Western Thought; Eden to Smollett, London 1977. Semper, Gottfried, The Four Elements of Architecture and Other Writings, tr. Harry Francis Mallgrave and Wolfgang Herrmann, Cambridge 1989. Séroux d'Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis George, Histoire de l'art par les monuments depuis sa décadence au IVe siècle jusqu'a son renouvellement au XVIe, Paris 1811-1823.

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Shaffer, Elinor S., "Coleridge's Revolution in the Standard of Taste," Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XXVIII (winter 1969) 213-21. Shaftesbury, Earl of, Standard Edition, Complete Works, ed. & tr. into German by Gerd Hemmerich, Wolfram Bend & Ulrich Schödlbauer & A. Owen Aldridge, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstadt 1984. Shattock, Joanne & Michael Wolff, The Victorian Periodical Press: Samplings and Soundings, Leicester/Toronto 1982. Simowitz, A.C., Theory of Art in the Encyclopédie, Ann Arbor 1983 (1981) Smart, Ninian, et al., (eds.), Nineteenth Century Religious Thought in the West, 3 vols., Cambridge 1985. Smart, W., A Disciple of Plato, Glasgow 1883. Snelder, Raoul & Ferry Bakker, Identiteit en Gebouwde Omgeving, Doctoral Thesis, Delft 1971. Soane, John, Lectures on Architecture....1809-1836, ed. A.T. Bolton, London 1929. Solt, Kornél, "Pictures and Truth," British Journal of Aesthetics, 29, 2 (Spring 1989) 154-159.

Sontag, Susan, "On Style," A Susan Sontag Reader, Harmondsworth 1983. Spear, Jeffrey, L., "Political Questing: Ruskin, Morris and Romance," in: New Approaches to Ruskin, ed. Hewison, London 1981, 174-193. Stafford, B.M.,Voyage into Substance; Art, Science, Nature and the Illustrated Travel Account, 1760-1840, Cambridge Mass. 1984. Stanton, Phoebe, Pugin, New York 1972. Steadman, Philip, The Evolution of Designs: Biological Analogy in Architecture and the Applied Arts, Cambridge 1979. Steegman, J., "Lord Lindsay's History of Christian Art," JWCI, X, (1947) 123-31. Stein, R.L., The Ritual of Interpretation: The Fine Arts as Literature in Ruskin, Rosetti and Pater, Cambridge Mass.1975. Sterne, Laurence, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman, New York 1962 Stewart, D.R., "James Essex," Architectural Review, CVIII (1950) 317-321.

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Stocking, George, Victorian Anthropology, New York/London 1987. Storey, Richard & Lionel Madden, Primary Sources for Victorian Studies, A Guide to the Location and Use of Unpublished Materials, London 1977. Street, G.E.,Unpublished Notes and Reprinted Papers, ed. and Intr. by Georgiana Goddard King, New York 1916. Street, G.E.,Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages, London 1855. Street, G.E., Gothic Architecture in Spain, ed. Georgiana Goddard King, 2 Vols. London 1914. Street, G.E., "The True Principles of Architecture and the Possibilities of Development," The Ecclesiologist, XII (1852) 247-62. Street, G.E., "On The Revival of the Ancient Style in Domestic Architecture," The Ecclesiologist, XIV (1853) 70-77. Stuart, James & Nicholas Revett, Antiquities of Athens, with a supplement of Antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily, &c., by C.R. Cockerell, W. Kinnard, T.L. Donaldson, W. Jenkins and W. Railton, London 1762-1816.

Summerson, John, "1851 - A new Age, A New Style," in: Ideas and Beliefs of The Victorians, ed H. Grisewood, London 1949, pp. 64 ff. Summerson, John, The Architectural Association, 1847-1947, London 1947. Summerson, John, Victorian Architecture: Four Studies in Evaluation, New York 1970. Summerson, John (ed.),Concerning Architecture; Essays on Architectural Writers and Writing, Presented to N. Pevsner, Harmondsworth 1968. Summerson, John, Heavenly Mansions and other Essays on Architecture, London 1949. Sussman, Herbert L., Victorians and the Machine, Cambridge Mass. 1968. Swenarton, Mark, Artisans and Architects, The Ruskinian Tradition in Architectural Thought, London 1989. Szambien, W., Symmétrie, Goût, Charactère, Théorie et terminologie de l’architecture à l’âge classique 1550-1800, Paris 1986 (1977)

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Thompson, P., "The Survival and Revival of Gothic Architecture," Apollo LXXVI (1962). Thomson, David, England in the Nineteenth Century, 1815-1914, Harmondsworth 1950. (repr. 1985) Townsend, F.G., Ruskin and the Landscape Feeling: A Critical Analysis of his Thought During the Crucial Years of his Life, 1843-56, Urbana 1951. Trachtenberg, M. & Isabella Hyman, Architecture: From Pre-History to Post-Modernism, New York 1986. Trevelyan, G.M., English Social History, A Survey of Six Centuries, Chaucer to Queen Victoria, Harmondsworth 1967. (repr. 1986, 1st ed. 1942) Turner, Frank, M., The Greek Heritage in Victorian Britain, New Haven 1981. Tytler, Graeme, Physiognomy in the European Novel, Princeton 1982. Tzonis, Alexander, Towards a Non-Oppressive Environment, An Essay, New York 1972. Unrau, John, "Ruskin, The Workman and the Savageness of Gothic," in: New Approaches to Ruskin, ed Hewison, London 1981, 33-50.

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Unrau, John, "A Note on Ruskin's Reading of Pugin," English Studies (Aug. 1967) 335-7. Ven, Cornelis van de, Space in Architecture: The Evolution of a New Idea in the Theory and History of the Modern Movement, Assen/Amsterdam 1978. Vidler, Anthony, "The Building in Pain, The Body and Architecture in Post Modern Culture," AA Files, 19 (Spring 1990) 3-10. Vidler, Anthony, "Art of History: Monumental aesthetic from Winckelman to Quattremére de Quincy," Oppositions, XXV (Fall 1982) 52-67. Vidler, Anthony, The Writings of the Wall, Princeton 1987. Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emanuel, The Habitation of Man in all Ages, Transl. B. Bucknall, London 1876. Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emanuel, Entretiens sur l'architecture, 2 vols., Paris 1863-72. (Transl. H.van Brunt as Discourses on Architecture, New York 1875; transl. under the same title by Benjamin Bucknall, 2 vols., Boston 1889; repub. 2 vols., New York 1959.) Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emanuel, Dictionaire raisonné de l'architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle, 10 vols., Paris 1854-68.

Vitruvius, The Theory and Practice of Architecture: or, Vitruvius and Vignola abridged. the first by Mr. Perrault...and carefully done into English...And the other by J. Moxon and now accurately published the fifthe time, edited by A. Boyer, 2 pt., London 1703, 8o (Another ed. 1729). Vitruvius, The Architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio in Ten Books, tr. from the Latin by J. Gwilt, London 1826, 4o. Vitruvius, The Architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio, tr. from the original Latin by W. Newton, J. Dodsley, London 1771, fol. Vitruvius, An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius..Illustrated...To which is added..the etymology..of the terms used in architecture, London 1692. Vitruvius, Zehn Bücher über Architektur, Übers. und mit Anm. vers. von Curt Fensterbusch, Darmstadt 1964. Vituvius, The Architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio, tr. from the original Latin by W. Newton, ed. James Newton, 2 vol., James Newton, London 1791, fol. Vituvius, The Civil architecture of Vitruvius; Comprising those Books which relate to the Public and Private edifices of the Ancients, transl. by W.

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The Necessity of Architecture, General Bibliography

Wilkins...with an introduction Containing an Historical view of the rise and progress of architecture among the Greeks, London 1812, 4o. Ware, Samuel, "Observations on the Origin of the principal Features of Decorative Architecture," Archeologia, XVIII (1817) Archeologia, XVIII (1817) § XL. Ware, Samuel, Remarks on Theatres; and on the Propriety of Vaulting them with Brick and Stone: with Observations on the construction of Domes, and the Vaults of the Free and Accepted Masons, London 1809. (Contains an Appendix: The inquiry into the Origin of the Gothic Arch). Ware, Samuel, Tracts on Vaults and bridges. Containing Observations on the various Forms of Vaults; on the Taking Down and Rebuilding London bridge; and on the Principles of Arches: illustrated by extensive Tables of Bridges. Also containing the Principles of Pendent Bridges, with reference to the Properties of the Catenary, applied to the Menai Bridge. And a Theoretical Investigation of the Catenary, London 1822. Ware, Samuel, "Observations on Gothic Vaulting," Archeologia, XVIII (1814). Ware, Samuel, A Treatise of the Properties of Arches, and their Abutment Piers: Containing Propositions for

Describing Geometrically the Catenaries and the Extradosses of all Curves, so that their Several Parts and their Piers may Equilibriate; Also Concerning Bridges, and the Flying Buttresses of Cathedrals, J. Taylor, London 1809. Watkin, David, Morality and Architecture: The Development of a Theme in Architectural History from the Gothic Revival to the Modern Movement, Oxford 1977. Watkin, David, The English Vision: The Picturesque in Architecture, Landscape and Garden Design, London 1982. Watkin, David, The Rise of Architectural History, London 1980. Weale, John (ed.), Quaterly Papers on Architecture, 4 vols., London 1844-5. Weale, John, John Weale's Catalogue of Books & C., with Some Illustrations, Together with an Incorporated List of Members, etc. of the Several Learned Societies for the Promotion of Architecture and Civil and Mechanical Engineering, London 1854. Webb, Clement C.J., Studies in the History of Natural Theology, Oxford 1915 (1970).

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Wellek, René, Immanuel Kant in England: 1793-1838, Princeton 1931. Weyl, Hermann, Symmetry, Princeton 1952. Weyl, Hermann, Mind and Nature, Philadelphia 1934. Whewell, William, Architectural Notes on German Churches, 3rd. ed., to which are added "Notes on the Churches of the Rhine," by F. de Lassaulx, Cambridge 1842. Whewell, William, The Elements of Morality, Including Polity, 2 vols., london 1845. (1848,54,64) Whewell, William, The General bearing of the Great Exhibition on the Progress of Art and Science, London 1851. (1852) Whewell, William, Selected Writings on the History of Science, ed. Y. Elkana, Chicago 1984. Whewell, William, Architectural Notes on German Churches, With Notes Written During an Architectural Tour in Picardy and Normandy, Cambridge 1830. Whewell, William, Astronomy and Physics Considered with Reference to Natural Theology, Bridgewater Treatise, 4th ed. 1833. (8th ed. 1847)

Whewell, William, Indications of the Creator. Extracts, bearing upon Theology, from the History and Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, London 1845. Whewell, William, History of the Inductive Sciences, 3 vols. London 1837. White, W., "On Some of the Principles of Design in Churches," Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, IV (1851). White, William Henry, The Past, Present and Future of the Architectural Profession, Being a Paper read to the Leeds and Yorkshire Architectural Society, London 1885. White, W., "Some Points and Causes of Failure in Modern Design," The Ecclesiologist, XII (1851) 305-13. White, William Henry, Arts and Artists in Former Times and To-day etc, London 1891. White, William Henry, The Architect and His Artists; An Essay to Assist the Public in Considering the Question: Is Architecture a Profession or an Art, London 1892. White, William Henry, Architecture and Public Buildings, Their Relation to School, Academy and State in Paris and London, London 1884.

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White, William Henry, Houses or Homes?, London 1877. White, J.F., The Cambridge Movement, The Ecclesiologists and The Gothic Revival, Cambridge 1962. Whitehead, A.N., Science and the Modern World, Cambridge 1926. Whitehead, A.N., The Concept of Nature, Cambridge 1920. Whitney, L., Primitivism and the Idea of Progress in English popular Literature of the 18th Century, Baltimore 1934. Whittaker, Sir Edmund, A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, New York 1960. Whittington, G.D., An Historical Survey of the Ecclesiastical Architecture of France with a View to Illustrate the Rise and Progress of Gothic Architecture in Europe, J. Taylor, London 1809 (1811). Whyte, L.L., Growth and Form, London 1951. Wiebeking, Karl Friedrich von, Memoire sur l'etat de l'Architecture Civile dans le Moyen Age, Munich 1824.

Wiener & Kahn, Crisis and Arms Control, New York 1962 Wightwick, George, The Palace of Architecture; A Romance of Art and History, James Fraser, London 1840 Wihl, Gary, "'Neither a Palace nor of Crystal,' Ruskin and the Architecture of the Great Exhibition," Architectura, (1983) 187-202. Wilder, Amos Niven, Theopoetic; Theology and the Religious Imagination, Philadelphia 1976. Wilkins, William, Antiquities of Magna Graecia, Cambridge 1807. Wilkins, William, Prolusiones Architectonicae; or, Essays on Subjects connected with Greek and Roman Architecture, 1837. Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner, Origin of the Vertical Line in Architecture, London 1840. Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner, On the Origin and Early Use of the Pointed Arch, London 1849. Willey, Basil, The Eighteenth Century Background, Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period, London 1946 (1940).

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Willey, Basil, The Seventeenth Century Background, Studies in the Thought of the Age in Relation to Poetry and Religion, London 1946 (1934). Willey, Basil, Darwin and Butler, Two Versions of Evolutions, London 1960. Willey, Basil, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, London 1972. Williams, Raymond, Culture and Society, 1780-1950, Harmondsworth 1984 (1958) Willis, Browne, The History of Gothic and Saxon Architecture in England..Completed from the Works of J. Bentham and B.W., C. Boydel & Co., London 1798, fol. Willis, Robert, Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, especially of Italy, J.J. Deighton, Cambridge 1835. Willis, Robert, Fac-Simile of the Sketch Book of Willars de Honecourt with Commentaries and Descriptions by M.J.B.A. de Lassus and by M.J. Aucherat, transl. and ed. with many additional Articles and notes bu the rev. R.W., London 1859. Willis, Robert, Architectural Nomenclature of the Middle Ages, Cambridge 1844.

Willis, Robert, "A Description of the Sextry barn at Ely; Architectural Nomenclature of the Middle Ages," Cambridge Antiquarian Society Publications, Vol. 1, 1846. Willis, Robert & G. Williams, The Holy City: or, Historical and Topographical Notices of Jerusalem, Including an Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre by R.W., Cambridge 1849. Willis, Robert, "On the Construction of the Vaults of the Middle Ages," Transactions of the R.I.B.A., I, Part 2 (1842) Willis, Robert, Principles of Mechanism, London, Cambridge 1841. Willis, Robert, Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, Especially of Italy, Cambridge 1835. Wilson, Colin St John, Architectural Reflections; Studies in the Philosophy and Practice of Architecture, Oxford 1992. Wilson, Colin St John, "The Historical Sense," Architectural Review (Oct. 1984) 68-70. Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, Reflections on the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks, tr. by Henry Fusseli, London 1765.

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Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, History of Ancient Art among the Greeks, transl. by G.H. Lodge, London 1850. Winter, R.W., "Fergusson and Garbett in American Architectural Theory," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XVII, 4, (Dec. 1958) 25-30. Wolf, A., A History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, London 1968. Wood, Th.E.B., The Word "Sublime" and its Context, 1650-1760, The Hague 1972. Wood, John, The Origin of Building: or, the Plagiarism of the Heathens Detected, London 1741. Woodward, Llewellyn, The Age of Reform, Oxford 1962, (1938). Wooton, Cecil W., Cicero's Phillipics and their Demosthenic Model: The Rhetoric of Crisis, Chapel Hill and London 1983. Wotton, Henry, The Elements of Architecture, Collected by Henry Wotton esq., from the best Authors and Examples, London 1624.

Wren, Stephen, Parentalia: or Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens; viz. of Mathew Bishf Ely, Christopher Dean of Wndsor, &c.; but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, Late Surveyor-General of the Royal Buildings, President of the Royal Sciety, &c., London 1750. Wren, Stephen, Parentalia, or Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens, London 1750; repub. Farnborough 1965. Wright, T.R., The Religion of Humanity: The Impact of Comtean Positivism on Victorian Britain, Cambridge 1986. Young, Thomas, "Life of Robison," in: Miscellaneous Works of the Late Thomas Young, ed. George Peacock, 3 vols., London 1855, II, 505-517. Young, G. M., "Portrait of an Age," Early Victorian England, 2 vols. Oxford 1934, (reprod. 1977) Young, R. M., "Association of Ideas," in: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, New York 1973, 111-118. Young, Robert M., Darwin's Metaphor; Nature's Place in Victorian Culture, Cambridge 1985. Zevi, Bruno, "Architecture," Encyclopedia of World Art, New York 1959, colls 625-676.

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Zucker, Paul, "The Paradox of Architectural Theories at the Beginning of the 'Modern Movement'" JSAH, X, 3 (Oct 1951) 8 ff. Zurko, Edward R. de, Origins of the Functionalist Theory, New York 1957.