General Assembly 2018 in Maribor

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Page 2: General Assembly 2018 in Maribor

Established in 2003, the Club Alpbach Senza Confini is

a non-profit organization whose main goal is to support

European Integration while raising awareness of political and

societal issues affecting the future of Europe.

For more than 15 years since its foundation the Club Alpbach

Senza Confini has provided scholarships for the

European Forum Alpbach (EFA) to more than 300 highly

motivated students and young professionals from the Alpe-Adria

region - Carinthia, Northern Italy and Slovenia. Alpe-Adria

is a bioregion in Central Europe embracing Slovenia, the

Austrian states of Carinthia and Styria, and the Italian regions

of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia and Veneto.

Each year, we look for the brightest minds and

the most passionate hearts to give young people a

chance to take part in the European Forum Alpbach.

We especially encourage applications from people with

disabilities; members of ethnic or religious minorities; people

with non-privileged socio-economic background, as well as

people who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender

or queer.

The three core activities of our Club are:

Ȥ Raising funds for scholarships

Ȥ Organising information events within the Alpe-Adria region

Ȥ Promoting the EFA scholarship programme

Detailed information about our scholarship programme is available here: www.senza-confini.com


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General Assembly 2018 in Maribor

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European Forum Alpbach (EFA)What is all about, and why we want YOUR support to make it


The European Forum Alpbach (EFA) is an interdisciplinary

event established in 1945 which takes place every year in the

Tyrolean mountain village of Alpbach. It provides a

platform to discuss contemporary issues in the field of science,

politics, business, arts and culture, which is based on a unique

interchange between knowledge and practice.

The Forum connects international decision-makers, scientists,

intellectuals, innovators and opinion leaders from all sectors of

society with committed students and young professionals with the

aim to address relevant socio-political questions of our time and

create a dialogue across the national, ideological and disciplinary

dividing lines. The EFA is committed to support the process of

European integration, as well as democracy and sustainability.



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The open nature of the Forum allows to discuss scientific and ideological

developments in an interdisciplinary manner, and promotes a climate of

tolerance and mutual understanding. This provides a wide thematic

framework for all the events held at the EFA each summer.

The significant contribution the European Forum Alpbach has made

to the intellectual life of post-war Europe is a real achievement.

Each year, the European Forum Alpbach gathers more than 900

international high-profile speakers from the field of politics,

science, arts and economics. Since its beginnings the Fourum has hosted

prominent guest such as the former UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon,

the former President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso

and the former High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy

Catherine Ashton. The Forum’s excellent reputation attracts

more than 5000 participants coming from 90 countries around the


Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon giving the opening speech at EFA 2018

Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaçi and Slovenian

President Borut Pahor

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How does it feel to be a scholarship-holder in the Forum Alpbach?

The programme of the European Forum Alpbach is divided into three main parts:

1. The Seminar Week

Over six days different seminars are dedicated to various scientific disciplines. In each seminar, discussions are led by two or more renowned

scientists. The Seminar Week is designed according to the annual general topic by the Advisory Board. The topics of the seminars range from

biology, chemistry and medicine to political science, sociology and economics as well as literature and art history. With this the participants do

not only get the chance to expand their knowlededge and work together with renowned experts but also to broaden their horizons by attenting

workshops outside of their field of expertise.

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2. The Alpbach Symposia

The Alpbach Symposia consists of two to three-day conferences during which personalities of different levels take part in large panel discussions

or smaller break-out sessions (more informal talks). They are dealing with the topics of health, international politics, economics and financial

markets, technology, law and built environment. Each of the Symposia focus on a different subject area. The current programme offers Health,

Technology, Political, Law, Economic, and Finance Symposia.

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3. The Alpbach Summer Schools

One or two-week training courses led by renowned experts where

participants have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in

different fields. In addition, scholarship holders are allowed to

take part to an additional programme on culture, arts, and sports

which are good networking opportunities.

Throughout the Forum, numerous side events and evening recep-

tions take place. These include hiking tours, fireside talks, sport

events, art programs and excursions to the closer surroundings.

These social events are open to all participants and offer an op-

portunity for individual conversations in a relaxed atmosphere.

Other initiatives taking place during the European Forum Alpbach

include: Alpbach in Motion, Alpbach-Laxenburg Group, and the

Alpbach Media Academy.

You can find out more about the offered summer schools during

EFA 2019 at alpbach.org

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What about OUR activities at the European Forum Alpbach?

CASC is actively involved in shaping the program of the Forum. We organize various activities, workshops and fireside talks. In addition we encourage our scholarship-holders to not only actively participate in various activities but to also organize various workshops and fireside talks with official guests of the Forum or outside guests.

1. Fireside Talks

Fireside talks are discussions, organised by clubs or individuals usually in the format of conversations in a small group with one or more experts

from a specific field. The talks are predominantly informal and allow participants to freely speak on a different range of issues. At EFA 2018 CASC

and our scholarship-holders organized six fireside talks, among them with former EU Commisioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal

Opportunities Anna Diamantopoulou, and a workshop on public speaking and succesful networking.

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2. Alpe-Adria Reception

During this year’s Forum CASC had the pleasure to organise the first Alpe-Adria Reception. The event was embedded in the

Technology Symposium of the Forum and the celebration of the 15th anniversary of CASC. The underlying theme of the reception was

“Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in the Alpe-Adria Region: Between Creative Young Minds and Well-Established Businesses”, through which it

offered a platform of exchange for people from our region ranging from students and young professionals to well-established professionals

with various backgrounds in academia and business. We would like to thank Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fonds (KWF), Land Kärnten and

other sponsors for making this event possible and we hope we will make this event a traditional part of the European Forum Alpbach.

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3. Hiking

A very special event taking place each year during the European Alpbach Forum is the morning sunrise hike to Gratelspitz. The Club Alpbach

Senza Confini continues to promote this activity as a valuable – and healthy – alternative way to build closer contacts between the scholarship

holders themselves, as well as between them and other professionals attending the forum. The morning sunrise hike allows those who take part

to have a break and connect with the natural world by enjoying the beauty of greeting the day from a special spot. Besides, it is a unique way to

expand one’s own friend circle but also the professional network.

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4. Art and Culture

In addition to the International Evening taking place each year during which the Alpbach Clubs and Initiative Groups from all over Europe

present themselves, the Club Alpbach Senza Confini is involved in the organisation of such activities as pub quiz, theatre performances, concerts and


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5. Social Activities

In the name of the so-called “Spirit of Alpbach” based on the goal of creating peace and a vision for a better world, the Club Alpbach

Senza Confini offers different social activities and gatherings. Those can be barbecues and get-together-dinners, group excursions,

trips to the lakes or just sitting together and discussing comfortably. All these initiatives are aimed to introduce participants to different

cultures, thought patterns and ideas, allow them to make new friends and feel part of something, while sharing moments of everyday life.

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Activities organizied by our Club in the Alpe-Adria Region

Our Club is very active also outside of Forum Alpbach.

We organize various roundtables and social events all

around the Alpe-Adria region. Through all these events we

try to present the Club’s cross-border nature and encourage

cooperation among talented young professionals .

In the last year we have organized several roundtables

in Ljubljana, Trieste, Klagenfurt that hosted renowed

experts and professional discussing topics from Cyber

Security to Tourism 4.0. Next to that we annualy organize

networking events for our members and alumni to connect

among each other or with other professionals from business,

politics, science and technology.

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Board MembersClub Alpbach Senza Confini 2018/19

Vesna Kuralt


Elias Buchmayer

Sponsor Relations

Theresa Ratheiser

Secretary General

Jacopo Pino Munaretto


Roberta Chissich

Public Relations

Peter Reinisch


Corina Schmiedt

Vice-President Austria

Andrea Bonfatti Paini

Vice-President Italy

Maša Ocvirk

Vice-President Slovenia

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Our Sponsors

We would kindly like to thank for all the support we have received from our sponsors and hope that we can continue working with you to give

young talented students and professionals the opportunity to live a unique experience of the European Forum Alpbach and to spread its spirit in the

Alpe-Adria region.

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Contact us

e-mail: [email protected]

CASC website: www.senza-confini.com fb.com/clubsenzaconfini

@senza__confini instagram.com/senzaconfini Club Alpbach Senza Confini

Official EFA website:www.alpbach.org

Official FAN website:www.forum.alpbach.network

Club Alpbach Senza Confini | Official member of the Forum

Alpbach Network

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