Gen Manual Book Neew Type

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  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type



    The inform ation contained in this book is intended to

    assist operating personnel by providing inform ation on

    the general characteristics of the purchased equipm ent.

    IT D O ES NO T relieve the user of the responsibility of using

    accepted engineering practices in the installation,

    operation and m aintenance of this equipm ent.

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type




  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    1.2 General

    1) Type definition

    The s upply sc ope of the ma chine designs a vailable is

    determined entirely by the data given in the catalogs or

    offers. The ma chines o f bas ic design are o pen-circuit

    cooled, brushless , low -volta ge, synchronous m ac hines

    w ith t op-mounte d excitat ion co ntrol unit.

    The ma chines have a sha ft-mounte d exciter on theinboard side of the non-drive endshield.

    The three -phas e AC they generat e is rectified a nd fed t o

    the rotor winding of the main machine.

    The excitation current req uired for the sha ft-mounted

    exciter is provided b y the m ain ma chine via a n excitation

    control unit placed in the top m ounted hous ing, and via a

    thyristor voltag e regulator.

    For further information, see the suppleme nta ry

    instructions ent itled THYRIPARTexcita tion s yst em on

    pa ges 15-25.

    Depending on the application, the machines may also be

    designed in accordance with the type variant defined in

    the table 1-1.

    1.1 Component

    The brush less A.C. genera tors, a s sh ow n in Figs. 8. 9. 10

    a nd 11, (drip-proof t ype, t ota lly-enc losed interna l-coo ling

    type) are composed of

    a synchronous generator

    an A.C. exciter

    a Rotary rectifier

    static excitation devices.

    The brushless ge nerato r, as show n in Figs. 8, 9, 10 and

    11, has the exciter and the rota ry rectifier mounted o n

    the ge nerato r's rotor shaft. The three-phas e output of the

    A.C. exciter is rectified t o D.C. by me ans of the rotary

    rectifier, thus ena bling the exciting current t o be supplied,

    not through sliding parts, but directly to the field coil of

    the generator.

    Instruction M anual>> 3

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    3) Degree of protection

    The DIN 40050 or IEC 34-5 deg ree of pro te ct ion of b a sic

    design ma chines is IP 23. Such mac hines are s uita ble for

    operation indoors and m ay b e provided w ith filters or with

    pipe conne ctions.

    Closed -circuit cooled ma chines com ply w ith degree of

    protec tion IP44 a nd IP54.

    The de gree of prote ct ion of the ma chine supplied is

    shown in the dimension drawing.

    4) Type of construction

    The ma chines a re normally provided w ith tw o bea rings

    (DIN 42950 types of c ons truction B3 or B20) or w ith one

    bea ring (DIN 42950 types of c ons truct ion B2 or B16).

    The t ype of c onstruction of t he m ac hine supplied is

    shown in the dimension drawing.

    Fig. 1 Single line diagram for brushless generator

    Table 1-1. Type definition

    Type Type of construction

    HFJ 5, 6, 7

    HFC 5, 6, 7

    HSR 7

    HSJ 7

    M achines w ith open-circuit cooling and air-to air

    M edium & high voltage m achines w ith closed-

    circuit cooling and air-to w ater cooler w ith

    provisions for em ergency operation in case of

    cooling w ater failure

    M edium & high voltage m achines w ith open-circuit

    cooling and air-to air

    M achines w ith closed-circuit cooling and air-to

    w ater cooler w ith provisions for em ergency

    operation in case of cooling w ater failure

    2) Specification & regulation

    The m ac hines comply w ith t he a pplicable DIN standa rds

    and with the requirements of VDE 0530.

    They ma y have be en a da pted to d ifferent classifica tion

    requirements and foreign standards and regulations.

    Unless otherwise stated, the rated output for continuous

    operation a pplies to a frequency o f 50 Hz, a cooling-air

    temperature of 40 and a s ite altitude of up to 1000 m

    above sea level.

    Construction of Brushless A.C Generator01

    5) Cooling and ventilation

    The ba sic design ma chines use self-ventilat ion by a sha ft-

    mounte d internal fan at the d rive-end.

    Cooling air enters the top housing (at the non-drive-end)

    and cools the excitation control unit and, subsequently,

    the w indings a nd core packs of the exciter and of the ma in

    ma chine before leaving the top housing at the d rive-end.

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    Construction of Brushless A.C Generator01

    4 2 kV

    Table 1-3. Insulation drying temperatures

    Class B Class F Class H







    Do not discontinue measurement before the final

    resistance value is indicated (w ith high-volta ge m ac hines,

    this proces s ma y ta ke up to 1minute).

    The limit values fo r minimum insula tion resista nce a nd

    critical insulation resista nce (for mea surement at a

    w inding tem perature of 25) and for mea suring voltage

    ca n be derived from the follow ing ta ble depending on the

    rated voltage for the machine.

    Before comm issioning and afte r long periods of st orage o r

    sta ndstill the insulat ion resista nce of the w indings to t he

    frame must be meas ured w ith D.C. voltage.

    7) Insulation testing


    Hazardous voltage

    W ill cause death, serious injury, electrocution or property

    dam age.

    Disconnect all pow er before w orking on this equipm ent.

    On machines provided w ith air filters at the a ir inlet,

    the c lea ning cond ition of t he filter should be monitored.

    In m ac hines ha ving closed-circuit cooling, t he air-to-w at er

    cooler is placed transverse ly in the to p-mounte d box in

    transverse arrangement, in front of the excitation control


    The prima ry cooling air circulat ed b y the interna l fan is re-

    cooled in the cooler and passed through the excitation

    control unit, the e xciter, and the m ain ma chine.

    Given the necessary provisions, the machine can be

    ada pted for emergenc y operation w ith open-circuit

    cooling in ca se of coo ling w at er failure. See pa ges 46-48.

    6) Connecting up

    Check the system voltage aga inst the da ta given on the

    rating plate. Select the size of the supply cables to match

    the particular c urrent rating.

    Connect the ma chines in accordance w ith the diagram in

    the working drawing.

    Before closing the t erminal box, check to se e tha t

    Its interior is clean a nd free from any ca ble chippings

    All terminal screw s o r bolts a re tight

    The m inimum clearanc es in air are ma intained

    (>10 mm fo r 500 V, >14 mm for 1 kV a nd > 60 mm

    for 6 kV; che ck for a ny project ing wire ends )

    Entry openings not in use a re closed off by firmly

    sc rew ed-in plugs

    For maintaining the particular de gree of protec tion all

    sea ling surface s of the terminal box are in order.

    The s urfac es of me ta l-to-meta l sea ling joints must be

    cleaned and thinly regreased.

    Before starting a machine and during operation makesure tha t a ll relevant sa fety regulat ions a re complied w ith.

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    Insulation resistance variation to temperature can be

    referred to IEEE 43 as shown on fig. 2.

    During operation the insulation resista nce o f the w indings

    may decrease as result of environmental and operating


    The c ritical value of the insulation resistance at a w inding

    temperature of 25 can be calculated depending on the

    rated voltage by multiplying the latter (kV) by the specific

    critical resista nce va lue in the ta ble (/kV).

    For example: critical resista nce for rate d voltage

    660 V: 0.66 kV x 0.5/kV = 0.33

    If the mea sured insulat ion resista nce va lue is above t he

    ca lculat ed critical figure during opera tion, the ma chine

    ca n st ill operate further.

    When the m ea sured value reaches or falls below this

    critical insulation resista nce figure, how ever, the w indings

    must either be dried, or the rotor must be removed and

    the w indings thoroughly clea ned a nd dried.

    If the mea sured value approache s the c ritical value, the

    resistance should subseq uently be checked at

    appropriat e s hort intervals.

    Insulation resistance measurements on low-voltage

    ma chines w ith a me as uring voltage of 1000 V are only

    permissible if the insulation resistanc e has previously

    been mea sured with a m easuring voltage of a ma ximum

    of 500 V and has not fa llen be low the permitted values.

    8) Noise emission

    The noise level of the ge nerato r w ill not excee d tha t

    spe cified in P a rt 9. VDE 0530 (1981).

    9) Vibration stability

    Reciproca ting engines used a s prime m over impress

    vibrations on the alternator because of the pulsating

    torque output.Permissible vibration stress measured at the bearing is:

    < 10 Hz vibra tion a mplitue S < 0.40 mm-pea k

    10-100 Hz vib ra t io n ve lo cit y Ve ff < 18 m m/s -rm s

    > 100 Hz a ccelera tion b < 1.6 g

    Please inquire if a higher vibration st ress level is e xpected.

    10) Transport

    The rot or of ma chines w ith cylindrical roller be arings,

    angular-conta ct ba ll bearings, or double sleeve be aring

    are locked in position for trans port by a s haft block to

    protect the bearings.

    Do not remove this block until the trans mission eleme nt

    is fitte d.

    Should the machine have to be transported a fter the

    transmission element is fitted, other suitable measures

    have to be ta ken.

    If the ma chine is not put into service immed iat ely after

    arrival, store it in a dry, vibration-free room.

    Instruction M anual>> 5

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator


    Im proper handling can cause severe injury or property

    dam age.

    W hen lifting generator,

    1. Lift only at designated locations.

    2. Use spreader for lifting.

    3. Apply tension gradually to slings.

    4. Do not jerk or attem pt to m ove unit suddenly.

    5. Do not use cover lugs w hen lifting.

    Fig. 2 Insulation resistance variation to temperature

    -10 0 10 20 5030 40 60 9070 80 100












    W inding Tem perature,

    To Convert O bserved Insu lation Resistance (Rt) to 40M ultiply by the Tem perature Coefficient Kt.

    Rc = Kt x Rt

    1. Rc : Insulation Resistance (in m egaohm s) corrected to 402. Rt : M easured Insulation Resistance (in m egaohm s) at Tem perature t

    3. Kt : Insulation Resistance Tem perature Coefficient at Tem perature t

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    Construction of Brushless A.C Generator01


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    15) Inspection

    The first inspe ction sh ould be ca rried out a fter

    approximately 500 hours.

    The following che cks should a lso be ca rried out:

    Running smoothness of machine satisfactory

    Rotor a lignment w ithin toleranc es

    No subs idence or cracks in the foundat ion

    All fixing bolts of mechanical and electrical joints tightInsulation resista nce of w indings sat isfac tory

    (compa re w ith previous rea ding and record)

    No bridging of any bearing insulation

    Any excess ive deviations or change s a scerta ined during

    the checks must be corrected immediately.

    Damaged or used locked elements from released bolted

    joints must be renew ed.

    The ba sic intervals betw een inspections a re approxima t-

    ely 4000 hours, 1000 switching operations or 1 year for

    intermittent operation a nd a pproximately 16,000 hoursor 2 years for continuous operation, depending on w hich

    occurs first.

    The clea ning of a ll parts be coming fouled b y the flow of

    cooling a ir depends on the intervals decided a fter the first

    inspection acco rding to t he rat e of fouling w hich occ urs


    Clea ning should be c arried out w ith dry compressed a ir.

    Information on o il changes , regreas ing, etc. is given on

    the lubrica tion instruction plat e on the m ac hine or in the

    suppleme nta ry instructions for bea rings.

    The c hecks st at ed for the first inspection afte r 500 hours

    should be performed during thes e inspections a lso.

    When a ma chine is disma ntled, the follow ing checks

    should be ma de:

    Slot wedges in stator and rotor cores tight

    Windings, conne ction leads , a nd insulating parts in

    sa tisfactory condition with no discolorat ion

    After reas sem bly, aga in follow t he instructions given for


    16) Spare parts

    Spare pa rts sha ll be normally supplied in acc ordance w ith

    the clas sifica tion societies req uirement.

    Independa nt of the clas sifica tion societies req uirements ,

    w e recommend the follow ing sets of spares be ordered

    w ith the generators

    1 set of bea rings o r bea ring she lls for sleeve be aring

    1 set of rota ting rectifiers

    1 set of rectifiers for the c onsta nt-volta ge unit

    1 regulator (AVR)

    1.3 Composition

    1) Stator frame and winding

    The st at or fram e is of w elded des ign.

    The sta tor core is ce ntred in the fram e a nd locked a ga inst

    rotat ion a nd shifting.

    The st at or w inding is of a tw o-laye r coil design w ith

    insulat ion class F.

    This insulat ion is m ade in a special w ay and is comprised

    of integrated-mica &enamel coated insulating material

    impregnated w ith ca st resin.

    It is cha racte rized by high dielectric strength, resistance

    to moisture, aggressive ga ses a nd vapours, a s w ell as

    rigidity a nd long life.

    2) Rotor and windings

    The sha ft for ma chines cons truction type B3 and B20

    is designed w ith a normal cylindrica l shaft exte nsion for

    tw o bea rings. In the cas e of types B2 and B16, the shaft

    is fitte d w ith a flang e.

    The rotor core of the ma in ma chine is mo unted o n the

    shaft, tensioned axially, and supports the field and damper

    w indings. The da mper w inding ba rs lie in the s lots o f the

    rotor core and are welded to the rings.

    The rotor core of the exciter is mo unted on the s haft a nd

    supports the three-phas e exciter w inding.

    The rect ifier supporting w heel is mounte d on the sha ft

    between the two laminated cores.

    The roto r is ba lance d dyna mica lly.

    Instruction M anual>> 7

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    14) Maintenance

    Before sta rting any w ork on a machine, make sure that it

    has been disconnected from the pow er supply and tha t

    unintentional sta rting is sa fely prevented .

    Clea n the co oling air passa ges a t regular intervals,

    matching the degree of pollution and using oil-free

    compressed air, for example.

    The inside of tota lly-enc losed fa n-coo led ma chines ne ed

    only be cleane d during norma l overhauls.

    If dust or moisture has penetrated into the terminal

    compa rtment, it should be ca refully cleaned a nd dried,

    in particular the surface s of the insulat ing parts .

    Check the seals and eliminate the leak.

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    Construction of Brushless A.C Generator01


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    10) Rotor locking device

    The follow ing inst ructions supplem ent ing and m odifying

    the b as ic operating instructions apply to single be aring

    genera tors of type o f construction B2 or B16 which a re

    coupled w ith diese l engines or turbines.

    See t he instruction manua l on pages 38-39.

    Instruction M anual>> 9

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    11) Insulation for the prevention of shaft current

    (high voltage and large machines)

    To prevent the sha ft current ca used by t he unba lanc e of

    ma gnetic resistance of ma gnetic circuits, the insulat or is

    provided at the no n-drive-end s hield as sho w n in Fig. 6.

    The s haft volta ge is a high-frequency voltag e of usually

    1 volt or less a nd rarely several volts.

    When a s haft current flow s, by this volta ge the s haft a nd

    journal part are ta rnished. In the w orst condition, sparking

    results in minute b lac k spots.

    There is a poss ibility t ha t t he o il film is b roken loca lly,

    developing burn-out trouble.

    When disass embling or as sem bling, be s ure to mea sure

    the insulation resistance.

    The va lue of 1 to 3 w ill be sa tisfacto ry.

    It is gene rally sa id that sha ft voltage for bea rings is limited

    as follow s.

    1,000 m V Be arings ma y be da ma ge d in a w e ek

    to a year

    (unless insulation is provided ). Fig. 5 Rotor locking device

    End shield AS Flanged shaft Retaining ring half Fixing screw for 1 Shaft supporting ring Fixing screw for 3

    Fig. 6 Insulation for the preventation of shaft current


    Insulated Bearing

    A ny connection to this bearing m ust be insulated from it

    to prevent bearing current.12) Thermometer

    For checking the be aring temperat ure, a thermom eter is

    provided for ea ch be aring.

    In order to prevent the a ccumulation of moisture and

    condensation while the generator is idle, space heaters

    are provided within the stator frame.

    The spa ce hea ters ca n be ea sily removed from outside

    the enclosure.

    The hea ter is comprised of st ainless-sheat hed nichrome,filled w ith insulators in the she at h a nd is U-sha ped a s

    sho w n in Fig. 7.

    13) Space heater


    Hazardous voltage

    W ill cause death, serious injury, electrocution or property

    dam age.

    Disconnect all pow er before w orking on this equipm ent.

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    Construction of Brushless A.C Generator01


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    Instruction M anual>> 11

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Fig. 9 Sectional drawing for HF. 5, 7 & HS. 7 type generator (single sleeve bearing)

    HFJ 5, 7 & HSJ 7 (air to w ater cooling)

    HFC 5, 7 & HSR 7 (air to air cooling)

    Stator and stator w indings assem bly

    Rotor and w indings assem bly

    A.C exciter assem bly

    Rectifier assem bly (Fig. 9-1)

    Excitation equipm ent



    Cooling fan

    End shield D E/N-DE

    Rotor lockage device

    Insulation for prevention of shaft current (Fig. 6)

    Therm om eter

    Space heater


    Term inal box

    Fig. 9-1 Rectifier assembly

    Varistor m odule Connector rings Hub Rectifier m odule

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    Construction of Brushless A.C Generator01


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    Instruction M anual>> 13

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Fig. 11 Sectional drawing for HF. 6, 7 & HS. 7 type generator (single sleeve bearing)

    HFJ 6, 7 & HSJ 7 (air to w ater cooling)

    HFC 6, 7 & HSR 7 (air to air cooling)

    Stator fram e and stator w indings assem bly

    Rotor and w indings assem bly

    AC exciter assem bly

    Rectifier assem bly (Fig. 11-1)

    Excitation equipm ent



    Cooling fan

    End shield D E/N-DE

    Rotor lockage device

    Insulation for prevention of shaft current (Fig. 6)

    Therm om eter

    Space heater


    Term inal box

    Fig. 11-1 Rectifier assembly

    Varistor m odule Connector rings Hub Rectifier m odule

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  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    2.1 Mode of Operation (SPRESY 15)

    1) Description

    Brushless synchronous generators consist of the main

    and exciter machine.

    The m ain ma chine s field w inding is pow ered from the

    exciter rotor w inding via a rotat iona ry, three-phas e bridge-

    connected rectifier set.

    The e xcite r is pow ere d from THYRIPARTe xcita tion


    Excitation equipment a nd thyristor volta ge regulator a re

    com bined in the THYRIPARTexcita tion s yst em .

    The exc itat ion current req uired is supplied to t he ma in

    machine via the excitation equipment which is

    ad justed to de liver a field current res ulting in a genera toroutput voltage above the maximum reference value over

    the e ntire load range w hen the voltage controller is


    The a ctua l function of the volta ge regulator is t o provide a

    bypas s for a va riable portion of the current supplied by t he

    excitation eq uipment for controlling the genera tor volta ge.

    The thyristor regulat or module consists o f tw o as sem blies:

    the regulat or module and the firing mo dule w ith thyristor in

    buck circuit.

    The three-phase ge nerato r volta ge, ha ving bee n reduced

    to 24V by the measuring-circuit transformers, is applied

    to tem inals 17,18 and 19.

    A direct vo ltage of a pprox. 30 V (te minal 20 to t ermina l 13

    or 14) is produced at the output of the rectifier bridge

    under the rated voltage of the generator.

    This rectified volta ge provides th e a ctua l pulse signa l a nd

    the supply voltage the control am plifier.

    The regulat or module supplies output t ermina l 15 w ith a

    control voltage of approx. 1 to 10 V, which is proportional

    to the control deviat ion.

    Depending on the reference potent ial of te rminal 16,

    terminal 12 of the compa rator point of the control

    am plifier can be given a n a dditiona l D.C. pulse, e.g for

    react ive pow er cont rol in pa rallel operation.

    For tuning to the signal level, a rheosta t must be so ldered

    onto the a vailable so ldering pins.

    The pow er supply for the g at e co ntrol mod ule(s) is

    available from terminal 11.

    In the control circuit of the firing module, a time

    adjustable firing impulse for the thyristor is formed from

    the c ontrol voltage o f terminal 15 in compa rison w ith a

    saw tooth voltage.

    The overvolta ge protect or operates at volta ges o ver

    600 V betw een te rminals 1 and 5, then sw itches the

    thyristor through.

    The exc itat ion current is norma lly bucked w ith a single


    If higher excita tion is required, t w o firing modules for tw o-

    pulse " buck" operation w ill be provided.

    Instruction M anual>> 15

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Excitation System (Operation)02

    Fig. 14 Block diagram of voltage regulator; SPRESY 15

    Fig. 13 Voltage regulator; SPRESY 15

    Six-pulse recifier bridge

    Referance/actual value com parator

    Pow er supply

    Control am plifier

    Firing pulse control

    Thyristor in buck circuit

    O vervoltage protector

    Auxilary pow er thyristor

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    Excitation System (Operat ion)02


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    2) Installation

    The excitation eq uipment, thyristor volta ge regulat or,

    ma in machine and e xciter are all fact ory-w ired.

    If necessary, the mains leads and the reference-value

    selector should be connected to the terminals in the

    terminal box according to the connection diagram

    supplied w ith the ma chine.

    2.2 Operation (SPRESY 15)

    1) Thyristor voltage regulator

    When t he ge nerato r is o perating by itself, the thyristor

    voltage regulator controls the generator voltage to the

    preset reference value.Frequency cha nges due to the droop characteristics of

    the prime m over do not influence the ac curacy of the

    generator output voltage.

    Design and adjustment of the main machine, exciter,

    excitation eq uipment, t hyristor voltage regulator and

    reference-value selector permit gradual cha nges in the

    genera tor output voltage from 95%to 105%rated voltage

    via pot entiomete r Usoll under stea dy-sta te co nditions a nd

    at loads varying betw een no load to rated load a nd power

    factors between 0.8 and unity, unless otherwise specified

    on the rating plate.

    If the generators are operated at less than 95%or more

    than 105%rated voltage, their output must be reduced.

    Unrest ricted operation w ith no load (opened generat or

    breaker) and partial speeds is permissible.

    During operation, the e xcita tion circuit must not be

    interrupted since t his w ould give rise t o voltage s urges.

    If the gene rator must b e de-excited, t his can be

    ac complished by sho rt-circuiting se conda ry side of

    rec tifie r tra ns form er (T6) (Fig. 14).

    2) Transformer adjustment

    The ta ppings used on t he trans fomers are recorded a t

    tes t report. It is strongly recomme nded tha t the o riginal

    adjustments be left unchanged.

    No responsibility ca n be as sumed by the supplier for any

    da ma ge or incorrect operat ion resulting from a cha nge in

    the o riginal adjustme nts.

    In th e c as e o f identica l plan ts , th e THYRIPARTexcita tion

    system or single parts may be interchanged if necessary;

    those transformer tappings must a lw ays be used inaccordance with the original ones.

    Instruction M anual>> 17

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    3) Direction of rotation of the generator

    The ge nerato rs are g enerally suitable for clockw ise and

    anti-clock-wise operation.

    Generat ors must run only in the co rresponding direction

    of rotation as on the data plate of rotating (arrow mark).

    To cha nge t he direction of rotat ion it is neces ssry to

    change t he connections according to t he connection

    diagram e .g. phase rotation check and to check w hether

    only one definite direction of rotation is permissible for

    mechanical reasons (e.g. fan with curved fan blades).

    4) Regulator gain setpoint of voltage integral


    The regulator m odule includes the three pot entiomete rs

    Uso ll, Vr a nd Tn.

    The gene rator rate d voltage is a djusted in the fact ory

    on potentiometer Usoll and the transient response

    cha racte ristic of the regulator on pot entiomete rs Vr

    a nd Tn.

    The regulat or gain is adjuste d on the po ten tiome ter Vr,

    but the integral action time and the optimum transient

    response characteristic are adjusted on the

    pote ntiome ter Tn.

    Turning t he knob of Vr in the direction of d es cen ding

    numerals a nd tha t of Tn in the direction of as cending

    numerals norma lly stab ilizes the control circuit and

    reduces the control rate.

    The se tpoint of the ge nerato r volta ge ca n be s hifted via

    potentiometer Usoll and via a supplementary external

    referenc e-va lue select or (R = 1.5 , P 1 W) to be

    connected to auxillary terminals 20 and 21 (Fig. 14)

    with the above potentiometer set to mid-position.

    The new ad justme nt of the potent iometer must be fixed

    w ith the aid of the set screw .

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Excitation System (Operat ion)02


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    The t hyristor voltage regulat or provides a bypas s for a

    variable portion of t he current supplied b y the excitation

    unit for co ntrolling the ge nerato r volta ge.

    The volta ge regula tor 6 GA 2492 is co mprised o f the

    volta ge regulator 6 GA 2491 and the pow er module

    (rect ifier, thyristor in "b uck" circuit, a nd resist or in

    " buck" circuit).

    Instruction M anual>> 19

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Fig. 18 Block diagram of voltage regulator "6 GA 2491"

    Fig. 16 Voltage regulator "6 GA 2491"(for generator top mounting)

    Fig. 17 Voltage regulator "6 GA 2491"(for panel mounting)

    V29 Excitation rectifiers S Droop potentiom eter Pow er supply Control am plifierU Reference value potentiom ete K Potentiom eter, controller gain Pulse unit O vervoltage protectorT Potentiom enter, reset tim e R47 Potentiom eter, disturbance feedforw ard External reference value setterV28 Thyristor in "buck" circuit R48 Resistor in "buck" circuit

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 21

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Fig. 20 Connection diagram of generator (for generator top mounted AVR): 450 Fr~

    U : Varistor


    +F1Generator side

    G 1 U

    G 2

    + V2 1 C2 1

    C122 C32

    U2 W 2V2




    +F1 -F2


    G 2

    + W -





    K G

    G:Sm aller pin size


    GK A

    K : Cathod eG : G ate

    V28 : ThyristorA : Ano de







    Generator control panel side


    W 1U1 V1





    1W 1

    3 3



    U V W

    VC B BreakerM ain



    2W 12U1 2V1


    T6 654





    X35 63








    2.2 2.254



    2.12.13 3 3













    T1...T3 : Current transform erT4 : Current transform er for droop com p.

    V2 : Rotating rectifierX1...X4 : Plug conn ection

    V29 : Rectifier m oduleR48 : By-pass resistor

    T6 : Rectifier transform er

    4 Current transform er for droop com p.N ecessary for parallel op eration

    X6...X7 : Term inal strip





    A1 : Vo ltage regulator


    G 2 : ExciterL1 : Re actor

    C1...C3 : CapacitorG1 : M ain m achine






    Shield cable

    3 400V

    1 Con nections are determ ined in the test field.2 W hen reference value setter fitted circuit breake r S 1/3 off


    A3 setter(VR)Reference value








    2V 2W












    1.1 1.1

    W 2

    W 1














    k 187X2187X3

    187X1 187X1




    decreased b y this short circuiting of exciting current.

    w ill be sh orted by "A " contact of 187X relay.

    w ill be energized and exciting current of generator

    If generator winding is faulty, the 187X relay

    Then term inal voltage of generator w ill be im m ediately

    (Supp lied b y sw itch board m aker)

    Note for 187X6

    from panel side(150Vac, 10Aac)

    T11 Differential protection C /T

    187X : D.E-M agnetizing contact



    O ptional

    Fig. 20-1 Connection diagram of generator (for panel mounted AVR): 450 Fr~

    Generator control panel side

    G 1

    Generator side


    G 2




    V2 1

    W 2


    + F1 + F1





    W -





    1 U
















    R S

    U V


    V1W 2

    W 1



    W 1 1






    1W 1

    3 3


    2U1 2V1





    2W 1




    78 1







    2.1 2.13


    T1 T2







    M ainbreaker

    G : G ateK : CathodeA : Anod e

    U : VaristorN ecessary for parallel op eration

    4 Current transform er for droop com p.

    V28 : Thyristor






    K V28



    G:Sm aller pin size

    K G




    T6 : Rectifier transform er

    R48 : By-pass resistorV29 : Rectifier m od ule

    circuit breake r S 1/3 off2 W hen reference value setter fitted1 Connection s are determ ined in the test field.

    X1...X4 : Plug con nectionV2 : Rotating rectifier

    T1...T3 : Current transform erT4 : Current transform er for droop com p.

    L1 : ReactorG 2 : ExciterG 1 : M ain m achine

    C1...C3 : CapacitorA1 : Vo ltage regulator









    3 6







    19 22





    15 3



    Shield cable


    3 400V






    + Reference value





    setter (VR)

    1.2 1.2



    VC B

    X6...X7 : Term inal strip

















    decreased by this short circuiting of exciting current.

    w ill be shorted b y "A" co ntact of 187X relay.w ill be energized and exciting current of generatorIf generator winding is faulty, the 187X relay

    Then term inal voltage of generator will be im m ediately

    (Supp lied by sw itch board m aker)

    Note for 187X6

    from panel side(150Vac, 10Aac)

    T11 Differen tial protection C /T

    187X : D.E-M agnetizing contact



    O ptional

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Excitation System (Operat ion)02


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 23

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    2) Mode of operation of regulator

    The ge nerato r volta ge is fed to the regulat or via plug

    connec tor X1 in a single-phase , tw o-circuit arrangem ent.

    Transformer T1 steps dow n the genera tor voltage w hich

    is the n rect ified by t he loa d-side rec tifier bridge V1, V4.

    This rect ified volta ge provides the ac tual pulse signal " Uist"

    the s etpoint volta ge Usoll and t he supply volta ge fo r

    the regulator.

    If the system uses a reactive current compensa tor,

    current tra nsform er T15 or interposing t rans former T4

    of the excitation unit is c onnecte d to loa d resistor R1 via

    plug-in c ont a ct s X2/5 a nd X2/9.

    In this operating mode the actual voltage is composed

    of the s econda ry volta ge of tra nsformer T1 and t he

    volta ge of load resistor R1.

    The m agnitude of the resulting reduction in genera tor

    voltage can be set w ith potentiometer S.

    If an exte rnal set point selector is used , this is conne cted

    by co nt a ct s X2/1 (A1) and X2/3 (A3).

    In this ca se microswitch S1/3 of the regulator m ust b e


    A DC voltage of 0 to 10 V ca n be fed in via plug-in

    co nta ct s X2/6 and X2/2.

    This voltage a cts o n the co mpa rator point of the control


    The se tpoint can thus, for instance , be prese t by higher-

    level equipment.

    Cont rol am plifier (proportional ag ain a djusta ble by

    potentiomet er K and rese t t ime by pot entiomete r T)

    outputs a DC voltage which is converted into a time-

    a djusta ble firing pulse for thyristo r V18 or V28 via the

    loadside pulse unit .

    The ge nera tor exc itat ion circuit is fed from rect ifier

    bridge V29.

    Resistor R48 and thyristor V28 form a parallel bypass

    circuit to the field w inding through w hich part of the

    current supplied by the excitation unit flow s.

    This met hod provides for genera tor voltage control.

    In order to optimize the co rrecting ac tion, a disturbance

    variable is injected into the control amplifier via resistor


    Overvoltages above DC 600 V in the excitation circuit

    cause the overvoltage protector to operate a nd

    continuously fire the thyristor.Protect ion is thus provided for the st at iona ry excita tion

    circuit of the gene rator.

    3) Installation

    The e xcitation eq uipment, thyristor voltag e regulat or,

    main machine, and exciter are factory-wired.

    If necess ary, the m ain lea ds a nd the reference-value

    selector must be connected to the terminals in the

    terminal box according to the connecting diagram

    supplied w ith the ma chine.

    2) Transformer adjustment

    The ta ppings used on the t ransformers a re show n in the

    test report.

    It is strongly advised not t o cha nge the original


    No respons ibility ca n be as sumed by the supplier for any

    da ma ge or incorrect operat ion resulting from a cha nge in

    the original ad justme nts.

    In th e c a se of ident ical plant s, the THYRIPARTexcita tionsystem or the individual components can be interchanged

    if necessary.

    The trans former tappings, how ever, must b e use d in

    accordance with the original ones.

    2.5 Operation (6 GA 2491)

    1) Thyristor voltage regulator

    The voltage regulat es t he voltage so t hat it com plies

    w ith the setpoint selected.

    Frequency cha nges due to the droop characteristics ofthe prime m over do not a ffect t he voltage accuracy.

    The design and a djustme nt of the gene rator and t he

    excitation equipment permit continuous changes of the

    terminal volta ge in the range of 5%rat ed voltage via

    the setpoint selector under steady-state conditions and

    at loads varying from no load to rated load, and pow er

    fact ors from 0.8 to unity unless specified ot herw ise o n

    the rating plate.

    If several rated voltages and frequencies are indicated on

    the rating plate, t he above da ta apply to each of the rate d

    voltages stated.

    If the generators a re operated at voltages exceeding

    5%, the ge nerato r output must be reduced .

    Unrestricted opera tion at no load is permitted if the speed

    is reduced .

    During opera tion, the e xcitation circuit must no t be

    interrupted since this w ould give rise t o voltage s urges.

    If the generator must be de-excited, this can be

    ac complished by short-circuiting the s econd ary side of

    rec tifie r tra ns form er (T6) (Fig. 14).

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 25

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Excessive dust deposits should, however, be removed

    using dry, com pressed a ir.

    For the maintenance of generator of its related parts,

    refer to trouble-shoot ing table 4-3, as s how n on pa ge 51.

    When ordering spare pa rts, plea se st at e the type a nd

    serial number of the generator as specified on the

    rating plat e.

    No periodic ma intena nce inspect ions o f th e THYRIPART

    excitation equipment are required.

    2.6 Maintenance (6 GA 2491)

    Fig. 22 Droop characteristic curve

    Fig. 23 Position of potentiometers on the voltage regulator


    Hazardous voltage

    W ill cause death, serious injury, electrocution or property

    dam age.

    D isconnect all pow er before w orking on this equipm ent.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 27

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    1) Inspection schedule


    Check bea ring.

    L.O. c ondition.

    Oil ring.



    Tem pera ture.

    Check electric circuit.

    Earth fa ult by ea rth lam p.

    Check loading condition.

    Volta ge, output kW, current .


    Check insulation resista nce.

    Caution: Before che cking insulat ion resista nce,

    disconnect and ea rthed the leads from A.V.R.

    Bolts a nd nuts.

    Tighten a ll bolts a nd nut s.

    Check ventilat ion openings.

    Check air intake opening and its air filter, clean orreplac e t he filter if necess ary.

    Table 3-2. Installation & inspection check list


    Journal bearings

    (Lubricating oil used)

    O il grade

    Viscosity at

    Condition of bearings and shaft

    Have any shipping bearing shells

    and/or shaft blocks been

    rem oved?

    Anti-rust coating rem oved?

    shaft journals satisfactory?

    O il rings fitted in the bearings?

    Circularity of oil rings


    O il-ring slots of bearings

    shells deburred and rounded


    Joint locked?

    Bearing sealing rings properly


    Bearing therm om eters fitted?

    All bearing bolts properly

    tightened and locked?

    Bearing filled w ith oil tocentre m arks of oil-level sight


    Running of oil rings checked?

    Oil circulation system

    O il pipew ork cleaned and


    Pressure reducer fitted?

    Oil flow rates reference

    Drive-endjournal bearing /m in

    N on-drive-end

    journal bearing /m in

    The specified oil flow rates are

    indicated on the bearing instruc-

    tion plate. W ith the specified

    flow rates, about half the clear

    cross-sections of the oil drain

    pipes are filled w ith oil.

    Rolling bearings

    Grease lubrication

    Type of grease


    Check the flow of cooling w ater


    Check the safety device in

    service, or not?

    Answ er

    Yes N 0 n/aInstallation

    Answ er

    Yes N 0 n/aInstallation

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type




  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 29

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Pour in the kerosene and oil through the top s ight-glass


    Lea ve the d rain open until all the kerosene has been

    removed a nd clean oil runs out.

    Now , plug the drain and fill the bea ring w ith oil up to the

    centre of the lateral inspect ion glas s.

    When the ma chine has run up to speed, c heck the oil ring

    through the top inspection glass to see that it rotates

    correctly, and check the bearing temperature.

    Should the bearing temperature not drop to the normal

    value after the oil change, it is recommended that the

    surfaces of the bearing shells be inspected.

    If the bea rings a re fitted w ith thermomet ers for checking

    the b ea ring tem perature, fill the thermom eter w ell in the

    upper bea ring she ll for thermo feeler w ith oil to improve

    hea t trans fer and top up w ith oil every time the

    lubricating oil is changed.

    Recom mende d oil changing intervals a re ab out 3000

    and 6000 operating hours in the ca se of intermittent a nd

    continuous duty.

    When c lea ning, first flush the bea rings w ith kerosene

    and then with oil.


    If the lubrication oil contains unusual residues or its color

    looks changed, bearings shall be inspected.When disma ntling the ma chine, the low er part of the

    bearing housing need not be unscrew ed from the end

    shield. When o pening the b ea ring housing, locat e

    which side of the machine the adjusting shims

    (upper and lower pa rts) are insta lled.

    These s hims must be insta lled in the sam e place w hen

    ass embling the machine.

    Exceptions are possible if the stator core was changed.

    Drain the oil, ta ke off the upper part o f the bea ring

    housing and the upper bearing shell, lift the s haft very

    slightly and turn out t he low er bea ring she ll and the

    sealing rings in a peripheral direction.

    The oil ring ca n be w ithdraw n by holding it at a n inclined

    position to the shaft.

    4) Dismantling, assembling


    W hen insulated shaft current is applied, the accessories in

    contact w ith the bearing housing m ust be electrically


    Fig. 24 Oil pockets and oil grooves

    flattened to running face

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type




  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 31

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    3.3 Flange-Type Sleeve Bearing

    (forced lubrication system)

    1) Mounting

    The flange be arings of these electrica l machines a re of

    the split type.

    They a re lubrica ted by a n oil ring a nd provided

    a dditiona lly for force d lubrication (Fig. 27)

    They a re subject t o the follow ing inst ructions s upple-

    ment ing and mo difying the operation instructions of t he


    Corresponding to the o perating conditions, the sleeve

    bearings of new machines have a favorable bea ring

    clearance w hich should not be changed.

    Scraping (spot-grinding) is no t a llowed not t o m ake w orse

    the ant ifrictional q ualities.

    It is recommended that the contour of the transmission

    element rem ains w ithin the ha tched range (see Fig. 27)

    to remove t he upper part of the bea ring housing for

    maintenance without removing the transmission element.

    Before the machines are aligned,the bearings should be

    filled w ith lubricat ing oil (oil type is indica ted on t he na me

    plat e of the bea ring) since the m ac hines a re delivered

    w ithout oil in the bea rings.

    Connect t he bea rings to t he oil pump, oil ta nk and cooler

    before commissioning the machines.

    No reducers m ust b e fitted in the piping.

    Install a regulating orifice on the oil supply line to protect

    the bea ring from flooding.

    If the oil pump fails, the lubrication maintained by the oil

    ring is effect ive for a bout 15 to 30 minutes, provided the

    oil contained in the bearing does not drain away.

    To prevent this, connec t the oil discharge tube on tha t

    side w here the oil ring moves dow nw ard into the oil.

    In addition to this, install a non-return valve in the oil

    supply line.

    As a n a lternative raise the level of the oil in the bea ring

    to 100 mm.

    Oil discha rge tubes must terminate flush w ith the inside

    surface of the bea ring housing to prevent the oil rings

    from rubbing against the tubes.

    Fill the oil tank with the lubricating oil indicated on the

    data plate.

    This oil is use d for sta rting up the ma chine at an am bient

    temperature of above + 5.At lowe r temperat ures, preheat t he oil.

    It is recommended to use a control system adjusted in

    such a manner to have an oil temperature of 15 to 20

    in the tank and to have a preheated oil flow through the

    cold bea rings for 5 to10 minutes b efore sta rting up the


    Do not m ix oils o f different g rades .

    The nec essa ry pressure o f the o il entering the be arings

    and the oil flow rate a re indicate d on the da ta plate.

    Adjust these values when starting up the machine for the

    first time a nd correct them w hen the bea ring has atta ined

    its normal running te mperat ure.

    The oil in the bea ring housing must not a scend over the

    cente r of the lat eral inspect ion glas s.

    If the bea rings a re fitted w ith thermomete rs for checkingthe be aring tempera ture, fill the thermom eter w ell in the

    upper bea ring s hell for the t hermofeeler w ith oil to

    improve hea t trans fer and top up w ith oil every time t he

    lubricating oil is changed.

    In the case of insulated bearings, make sure that the

    insulat ion is not bridged by the t ubes.

    Interrupt the electrica l conductivity of the tubes nea r the

    bearings, e.g. by installing oil-resistant fittings of plastic

    ma terial or hoses of rubber or plas tic mat erial.

    Upon stopping, the shaft rests on the lower bearing; there

    is metal-to-metal contact.

    During the start-up phase, the shaft rubs against the anti-

    friction met al of the bea ring.Oil lubricat ion is use d.

    After having rea ched its trans ition speed , the sha ft

    creates its oil film.

    At this point, there is no further contact between the

    shaft a nd bearing.

    2) Operating description


    Before starting, check if the bearing is filled w ith oil or not

    to the sufficient oil level.


    Prolonged operation at extrem ely slow rotation speeds

    (several rpm ) w ithout lubrication could seriously dam age

    for the service life of the bearing.

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type




  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 33

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Fig. 27 Flange-type sleeve bearing for forced-oil lubrication (examples, delivered design may deviate in details)

    1. Screw plug

    (therm om eter m ounting and oil filling point)

    2. Inspection glass

    3. Sealing ring for 2

    4. Sealing ring for 1

    5. Bearing housing, upper part, drive end

    6. Cylindrical pin

    7. Sealing ring, upper half, drive end

    8. Guide pin to prevent tw isting

    9. Upper bearing shell, drive end

    10. O il ring, drive end

    11. Low er bearing shell, drive end

    12. Bearing housing, low er part, drive end

    13. Sealing ring, low er half, drive end

    14. Taper pin

    15. Guide pin to fix bolted parts

    16. Sealing ring for 17

    17. Drain plug

    18. Bearing housing, upper part, non-drive end

    19. Sealing ring, upper half, non-drive end

    20. Upper bearing shell, non-drive end

    21. O il ring, non-drive end

    22. Low er bearing shell, non-drive end

    23. Bearing housing, low er part, non-drive end

    24. Sealing ring, low er half, non-drive end

    25. Upper adjusting shim , drive end

    26. Sealing cover, drive end

    27. Low er adjusting shim , drive end

    28. Upper adjusting shim , non-drive end

    29. Sealing cover, non-drive end

    30. Low er adjusting shim , non-drive end

    31. Protactive cap

    32. Pressure com pensation opening

    33. O il supply tube w ith orifice

    34. O il discharge tube w ith sight glass

    35. Lubrication oil cooler







































    d1 (m m ) 80 100 120 150 180 215

    d2 (m m )

    a (m m ) 8 8 10 15 18 22

    140 160 170 190 210 245

    Front a nd rear cha mbers of lubrica tion oil cooler can be

    disass embled in cas e of w ater leakage.

    How ever, lubrica tion oil cooler do not need any o verhaul

    works unless oil or water leakage happen because it

    requires additional compression test when those

    chambers a re disass embled.

    Lim iting range for

    transm ission elem ent












    Cooling w ater supply

    Cooling w ater discharge

    5) Lubrication oil cooler for generator bearings

    Forced lubrica tion syste m m ay have lubrica tion oil cooler

    for technical reason.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 35

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    The sha ft should rotate during regreas ing, hence the

    mac hines need not be stopped.

    After regreasing, the bea ring te mperat ure w ill rise by a

    few degrees and w ill drop to the normal value when the

    grease has reached its normal service viscosity and the

    excess grease has been forced out of the bearing.

    It is recomme nded t hat the lubrica ting instructions be

    strictly followed .

    Special cases ma y require lubrica tion acco rding to spe cial

    instructions, e.g. where there is an extreme coolant

    temperature or aggressive vapours.

    The old greas e from seve ral regrea sing operations ga thers

    in the space inside the outer bearings caps.

    Remove the old grease when overhauling the machines.

    The m odel of be aring is fa vorably chosen for direction a nd

    size of load (type of cons truction, forces ac ting on the

    sha ft) and t herefore it should not be hung.

    The permissible va lues of a xial a nd ra dial forces ma y be

    ta ken from the list of ma chine or may be inquired a bout.

    The m ac hines should operate in only one type of

    construction as show n on the rating plate , because

    ano ther type of const ruction requires perha ps further

    measures in addition to a modification of the model of


    In this case an inquiry is always necessary.

    3) Lubrication

    Regrease t he bea rings if the machines have bee n

    unused/stored for longer tha n 2 yea rs.

    5) Locating faults

    The t rouble s hooting ta ble 4-6 helps to trace and remove

    the causes of faults a s show n on page 53.

    Sometimes, it is difficult to assess damage to the

    bearings. In this case, renew the bearings.

    4) Dismantling, assembling

    For working on the loca ting bea ring in the vertica l

    position of the ma chine, support or discharge the rotor.

    It is recomme nded t hat new rolling bea rings be insta lled

    as follows: Hea t the ball bearings or the inner ring of the

    roller bearings in oil or air to a temperature of approx 80

    and s lip them onto t he shaft.

    Heavy blow s ma y dama ge the bearings and must be


    When insta lling single ang ular-cont a ct ba ll bea rings , ma ke

    sure tha t the broad s houlder of the inner ring (and the

    narrow shoulder of the outer ring) in operating

    position points upw ards, i.e. in a direction opposite t o

    that of the axial thrust.

    When as sem bling the ma chines, avoid dama ge to the

    sealing rings.

    Rubbe r se aling rings (V-rings) sho uld be ca refully fitte d

    over the shaft as shown the illustration.

    New felt se aling rings sho uld be s o dimensioned tha t the

    sha ft ca n run ea sily w hile proper sea ling is s till effected.

    Before fitting new rings, s oa k them thoroughly in highly

    viscous oil (normal lubricating oil N68 to DIN 51 501)

    having a te mperat ure of approx 80.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 37

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Fig. 30 Locating bearings (examples, delivered design may deviate in details)

    Lubricating nipple Inner bearing cap w ith felt sealing rings 2)

    Angular-contact ball bearing Bearing slinger 2)

    Grease slinger 2)

    Circlip 2)

    O uter bearing cap 2)

    V-ring 2)

    Deep-groove ball bearing (locating bearing)or angular-contact ball bearing

    Com pression spring 2)

    Cylindrical roller bearing 2)

    Cylindrical roller bearing 2)

    O il seal for shaft1) 2) 3)

    1)floating bearing side2)locating bearing side3)special operating conditions only

    Fig. 31 Fitting instructions for V-ring and oil seal for shaft

    Single bearing, shaft does not pass through the outer bearing cap

    Angular-contact ballbearing placed below

    A ngular-contact ballbearing placed below

    Single bearing, shaftdoes not pass throughthe outer bearing cap

    Single bearing, shaftpasses through theouter bearing cap

    D uplex bearing, shaftdoes not pass throughthe outer bearing cap

    D uplex bearing, shaftpasses through theouter bearing cap

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    Instruction M anual>> 39

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    4) Position of rotor in longitudinal direction (Fig. 34)

    Originally, the genera tor rotor had been loca ted axially

    in the correct position by the bolted-on retaining-ring


    Since single-bearing generators have a floating (rolling or

    sleeve) bea ring a t the non-drive end, the axial position of

    the rotor may have been changed during alignment.

    A check should therefore be made to ensure that the axial

    clearanc e of (60.8)mm be tw een the flange faces

    of the drive-end shield and the s haft s upporting ring has

    been maintained.

    Otherwise the s ta tor frame sho uld be shifted a xially.

    5) Fixing the retaining-ring halves

    Thereupo n, scre w the ret a ining-ring halves to t he drive-

    end s hield a s s how n in Fig. 35.

    The ring joint s hould be vertica l.

    Close off the thread ed holes in the retaining-ring ha lves

    by mea ns of the screw s supplied, and lock the screws

    w ith spring w ashers.

    3.6 Coupling B-type (single-bearing generatorswith lamination plate)

    1) Transport

    The following instructions apply to the genera tors c oupled

    w ith e ngine using lam ination type co upling.

    For transportation and assembly, the generator rotor is

    cente red radially and fixed a xially by mea ns of the holding

    devices fitted betw een generator frame and lamination

    plates or fan assembled (Fig. 36).

    Therefo re, thos e holding devices m ust be fixed t ightly

    inner and oute r sides for sure w hen t ransport. This is for

    cente ring the genera tor rotor radially a nd a xially.

    3) Checking the air gap

    This t ype of coupling doe s not need to c heck a ir gap

    because engine flywheel housing/generator frame and

    engine flyw heel/genera tor rotor are directly coupled.

    2) Aligning the lamination plate coupling (Fig. 36)

    Careful alignment of coupled ma chines prevents a dditional

    bearing and sha ft stresses a s w ell as uneven and noisy

    running. It is particularly importa nt to a chieve a uniform air

    gap. The ma chine may be installed on a concrete

    foundation or a ba se frame.

    Check to see t hat the machine seating surfaces ha ve been

    ma de in accorda nce w ith the d iesel engine (the prime

    mover should have a lrea dy been insta lled and a ligned in

    accordance w ith the manufacturers instructions.

    The gene rators a re aligned a nd coupled as follow s:

    Place the generator onto the concrete foundation or base

    frame. Align the mo unting feet until the cent ering face s of

    the generator side and engine flywheel and its housing are

    in line w ith lam ination plat es b eing parallel to ea ch othe r.

    When coupling the g enerat or w ith the engine, the out er

    holding devices (No. 4) shall be removed before inserting

    genera tor guide sha ft to flyw heel. After inserting the shaft,

    inner holding device (No. 3) shall be removed and furthercoupling works carried our in accordance with standard

    instructions of the engine ma ker.

    For reference, t his type of coupling doe s not need shim

    plate under the generator.

    Removed holding devices sha ll be st ored on gene rator foot

    afte r coupling for the future t ransporta tion or repairing


    Fig. 35 Fixing of the retaining-ring halves afterassembling with prime mover

    Fig. 36 Rotor locking device (example, delivereddesign may deviate in details)











    Engine flyw heelhousing

    Engineflyw heel

    shaftG enerator foot


    Enerator fram e Lam ination plate Holding devices, inside Holding devices, outside

    Screw for Screw for Access cover for

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type




  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 41

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    When the filter is clean, rinse it w ith clea r w at er.

    Drain the filter properly (there must be no more formation

    of droplets ).

    Refit the filter on the m ac hine.

    Do not clean t he filter using compresse d a ir.

    This proced ure w ould reduce filter e fficiency.

    1) Description

    Use the attached terminal box drawing in the final

    specification.The ma in terminal box of the ma chine is locat ed on the

    top of the ma chine.

    The neutral and phase w ires a re connected t o the copper

    bus bar-one copper bus bar per phase and one copper

    bus ba r per neut ral line (option).

    See t erminal box diagram in the final specifica tion.

    The openings provide a cces s to the terminals.

    The gland plate s a re ma de of non-magnet ic ma terials in

    order to a void circulat ing currents if needed .

    Compare the supply voltage w ith the data on the rating

    plat e. Connec t the supply leads a nd the links in

    accordance with the circuit diagram in the final


    Pa y att ention to the right direction of rota tion (phase

    sequence in the ca se of three phas e a nd polarity in the

    ca se of direct current).

    3.9 Terminal Box

    The supply lea ds sho uld be m at ched t o the ra ted c urrent

    in line w ith VDE0100 and t heir cross s ect ion must n ot be


    The ma in circuit is norma lly connec ted at both sides of

    the circuit bars with conductor cross sections of max.

    300 and ma y be made by ca ble lugs or w hen

    connecting parts used in hazardous locations which are

    present without any lugs.

    The end s of t he co nductors s hould be stripped in such a

    w ay tha t the remaining insulation almost reaches up to

    the lug or t erminal (5 mm).

    In the ca se of ca ble lugs w ith long sleeves , it ma y be

    necessary to insulate the latter to maintain the proper

    clearance s in air.

    If using ca ble lugs, see tha t the d imens ion of the cablelugs a nd its fa stening element s (norma lly M12) agree w ith

    the holes in the copper bus ba r.

    Use hexagon-head screws with a min. breaking point of

    500 N/ , hexagon nuts and s pring elements w hich a re

    protected aga inst corrosion a ccording to DIN 43673.

    The conne ction of ac cess ories is a chieved by terminal


    Use a 5 mm maximum screwdriver to work on the

    blocking screws .

    See the terminal connection diagra m in the final


    The s upply lea dsparticularly the protect ive cond uctor

    should be laid loose ly in the terminal box w ith a n extra

    length for protec ting the c able insulat ion aga inst splitting

    and to prevent the t erminals and circuit ba rs from the

    tension load of the leads.

    They sho uld be introduced into the terminal box through

    cable entry fittings and sealed.

    Protected fittings with strainrelief cleats should be used

    for loose leads to prevent them from becoming twisted.Close off any unused ca ble-entry openings.


    D o not use w ater w ith a tem perature higher than 50.

    D o not use solvents.


    High voltage

    Pow er source m ust be disconnected before w orking on

    equipm ent.

    Failure to disconnect pow er source could result in injury

    or death.

    Term inal box only to be opened by skilled personnel.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 43

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Fig. 40 For double bearing type A.C. generator


    7. Insert protective sheet

    8. Take aw ay bolts

    9. Draw out fan


    10. Hang the shaft end w ith rope both side.

    (shaft journal should be protected from

    any dam ages by w rapping in cloth )

    11. Shift the rotor tow ard anti-coupling side.


    12. Shift the rotor assem bly to anti-coupling

    side as left description.13. Hang the rotor assem bly at its center

    position by the rope.

    14. Take aw ay the rope of coupling side.


    15. Take aw ay the rotor out of the stator.

    Fig. 40 For double bearing type A.C. generator






    1. Take aw ay bolts

    2. Take aw ay bolts

    3. Take aw ay bearing upper part

    4. Take aw ay bearing shell and oil ring

    5. Take aw ay bolts and bearing under


    6. Take aw ay endshield

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    3.11 Cooler

    1) General points

    The purpose of the cooler is to remove ma chine heat

    losses (mec hanical, ohmic et c).

    The excha nger is locat ed on the top of the m ac hine.

    Normal operation:

    The a ir is pulsed by a fan fixed to t he sync hronous

    mac hine shaft.

    Description of air-water double tube exchanger

    The do uble-tube tec hnique kee ps the coo ling circuit from

    being a ffected by possible w ater leakage.

    The doub le tube provides a high safe ty level.

    In ca se of leakage, the w ater goes from the inside of theinternal tube to the coa xial space betw een the tw o tubes.

    The w at er is drained a xially to a leakage cha mber w here

    it ma y activate a s ensor.

    An e xchange r comprises a fin-tube block conta ining:

    a st eel frame.

    a fin-tube block expanded m echa nica lly to the t ubes.

    The tub e bund le is roll-expa nde d in the end plate s.

    The w at er distribution in the tubes is provided b y tw o

    removable w ater boxes.

    A w at er box is eq uipped w ith co llars for fitting the inlet

    and outlet lines.

    Neoprene sea ls ensure wa ter tightness betw een the

    w ater boxes and the end plates .

    Instruction M anual>> 45

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    2) Cleaning

    The frequenc y of cleaning operat ions depends ess entially

    on the purity of the w ater used.

    We recomm end to inspect a nnually at leas t.

    The life of z inc block for anti-corrosion is a bout a yea r.

    Therefore, replac e it w ith a new one e very year.

    Cut off the w at er supply by isolat ing the inlet a nd outlet

    lines, a nd drain the w ater.

    Disconne ct the leak senso r (option w ith d ouble-tube

    cooler), and make sure that there are no leaks.

    Remove the w ater boxes on ea ch side of the machine.

    Rinse a nd brush each w ater box.


    D o not use a hard w ire brush as this w ill rem ove the

    protective tar-epoxy layer w hich has form ed on the

    surfaces of the w ater boxes.

    Clean each tube w ith a m etal scraper.

    Rinse in soft w ater.

    Keep the leakage cham ber dry (double-tube w ater-cooler


    3) Stop the machine

    Lea k detect ion for a d ouble-tube e xchange r:

    If a leak is detected, cut off the power supply of the water

    in/outlet lines a nd cha nge to eme rgency operat ions

    according to Fig. 45, 47, 49 immediately.

    The problem must b e a scerta ined a nd repaired.

    Remove the two water boxes, apply a slight positive

    pressure in the leakage cham ber and betw een the tw o

    tubes (only concerns double-tue coolers).

    If a tube is damaged, plug it at both ends.

    Use a tapered plug.

    Preferably the plug should be made of salt-water

    resistant a luminium bronze or a s ynthetic ma terial.

    Fig. 42 Leakage detector

    4) Leak detection (float system)A magnet float activates a sw itch located in the float case.

    5) Cooler removal

    The c ooler unit is s lid into its ho using.

    It is poss ible to remo ve the cooler from t he housing

    without removing the water boxes as shown in Fig. 43.

    The coo ler is fa ste ned to the hous ing via a series of

    screws on the housing.

    Remove t he w at er supply and return pipes.

    Provide two eye-bolts to hold the cooler when it comes

    out of its ho using.

    Remove the cooler using slings tha t ca n be a ttached to

    the connecting flanges.

    6) Cooler re-assembly

    Carry out the operat ions of the " Cooler Remova l" Fig. 43in the reverse order. Be ca reful to push t he coo ler

    completely into its housing before t ightening the

    fastening screw s of the cooler to the ca sing.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    The elect rica l version of the alte rnat or rema ins


    [Type I]

    Open the air vents a t the non drive end for the air inlet

    and at the drive end for the a ir outlet (Figs. 44 and 45 -

    No. 3 &5),

    Rem ove e nclosure o r cover 2 (Fig. 44)

    Inse rt a ir cut -off plate 6 (Fig. 45) into th e s lot in the

    raised sec tion on the housing on the hot a ir side of

    the cooler and secure.

    [Type II]

    Open the air vents a t the drive end for a ir inlet a nd a t

    the non d rive e nd for a ir outlet (Fig. 46, No. 1 &2)

    Remove the access cover (Fig. 47, No. 7)Insert air cut-off plate (No. 4) and secure inside of

    cooler housing

    (2) Changing over to closed-circuit cooling

    Operation should be changed back from emergency to

    norma l opera tion w ith air-to-wa ter closed -circuit cooling

    as soon a s possible in the reverse s equence de scribed


    Instruction M anual>> 47

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Fig. 46 Normal operation with air-to-waterclosed-circuit cooling





    Air vent w ith cover, closed Air vent w ith cover, closed Air-to-w ater cooler Air cut-off plate

    Drive end Non drive end

    Fig. 47 Emergency operation with open cooling circuitfollowing failure of the cooling water supply

    5 6




    Air vent, open Air vent, open Access cover for

    Drive end Non drive end

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  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 49

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    4.1 Excitation Part for SPRESY 15

    In the ca se of fa ults, it is advisable to chec k the volta ge

    controller, excitation equipment, and main machine with

    an exciter separately.

    For troubleshooting in the thyristor voltage controller, all

    the leads connecting excitation equipment and thyristor

    voltage controller must be disconnected, and if present,

    the intermediate transformers of the droop-compensating

    eq uipment seco nda ries short-circuited.

    In this case, the generator voltage must rise above the

    ma ximum reference value as given under "Desc ription".

    In this ca se, the t hyristor voltage controller is defective.

    Troubleshoo ting should be continued a ccording to

    Ta ble 4-2.

    If the voltage is not induced, e ither the excitation

    equipment, the main machine or the exciter can be

    defe ctive. Troublesho ot a cco rding to Ta ble 4-4.

    Information conc erning voltage values for the t hyristor

    regulat or module is given overlea f and as sists in the

    location of faults.

    Troublesho oting sha ll be ca rried out a cco rding to

    Ta ble 4-3.

    If the remnant should not be adequate for exciting the

    genera tor, a D.C. voltage (6 to 24 V) must be c onnect ed

    to t ermina ls F1 an d F2 (+ to F1, - to F2) for a s hort t ime.

    Please note that the terminals F1 and F2 start carrying a

    voltage as soon as self-excitation sets in.

    When ordering spare pa rts plea se, st at e the type a nd

    serial number of the generator, as they are show n on the

    rating plat e.


    Hazardous voltage

    W ill cause death, serious injury, electrocution or property

    dam age.

    D isconnect all pow er before w orking on this equipm ent.

    Table 4-1. Excitation part

    Term inal 20-14 < 30 V > 30 V

    Term inal 15-14



    m odule


    m odule


    m odule


    m odule

    about 1 V about 10 V about 1 V about 10 V

    Trouble Shooting04

    4.2 Excitation Part for 6 GA 2491


    Hazardous voltage

    W ill cause death, serious injury, electrocution or property

    dam age.

    Disconnect all pow er before w orking on this equipm ent.

  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Trouble Shooting04


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 51

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator

    Table 4-3. Fault diagnosis chart for thyristor voltage regulators





























































    Possible cause


    Pow er thyrister

    M easuring

    transform er

    (AVR inside)

    Reference value

    setter [VR]

    Series resister


    Interm ediate

    transform er [T4]

    Potentiom eter

    (AVR inside) [S]

    Reactor [L1]


    transform er [T6]

    Rotating rectifier




    transform ers

    [T1, T2, T3]

    +F1 & -F2

    N o w iring link

    W iring link w rong point

    U w rong setting

    K, T, R47 w rong setting

    Internal defect


    Blocking fail

    Gate electrode fail


    Internal defect

    W iring link w rong point


    W iring link w rong point

    Incorrect no-load setting

    Short circuit in leads

    Im proper contact at T/B


    Excessive resistance

    Low er resistance


    Short circuit in leads

    W iring link w rong point


    Excessive resistance

    Low er resistance

    Different resistances

    W iring link w rong point


    Sm aller reactor gap


    Im proper tap setting


    Burnt or internal defect

    Internal short circuit


    W iring link w rong point

    Internal defect

    Setting to low er pow er

    W rong polarity

    Parallel operation

    N ote: w ith high possibility, check first

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    Trouble Shooting04


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    4.4 Bearing Part

    Instruction M anual>> 53

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator


    Hazardous voltage

    W ill cause death, serious injury, electrocution or property

    dam age.

    D isconnect all pow er before w orking on this equipm ent.

    Table 4-5. Sleeve bearing


    Possible cause Bearing




    O il in

    m achine


    tem perature


    Rem edy

    O il aged or dirtyO il ring does not rotate evenly

    Excessive axial thrust or radial load

    Too little crest clearance 1)

    O il grooves too sm all or not w edge-shaped

    O il viscosity too high

    O il viscosity too low

    Defective bearing surface

    Defective seals

    Incorrect oil discharge from sealing rings

    Bearing too cold during start-up

    Gap betw een sealing cover and shaft too large

    Pressure com pensation opening clogged

    Forced-lubrication system failure

    O il flow too high

    Clean bearing housing; renew oilStraighten and deburr the ring or renew it

    Check alignm ent and coupling

    Rescrape bearing surface

    Refinish the oil grooves

    Check Viscosity; change oil

    Renew lining

    Renew seals

    Clean return openings and grooves

    Preheat the bearing or oil

    Bush or replace the cover

    Clean com pensation opening

    Inspect system

    Readjust the flow rate; check oil discharge

    1) Crest clearance = Inside diam eter of bearing shells m inus diam eter of shaft.

    Table 4-6. Roller bearing


    Possible cause Bearingoverheats


    O il inm achine

    Rem edy

    Felt sealing rings pressing on shaft

    Strain applied from coupling

    Excessive belt tension

    Bearing contam inated

    Am bient tem perature higher than 40

    Lubrication insufficient

    Bearing canted

    Too little bearing play

    Bearing corroded

    Scratches on racew ays

    ScoringExcessive bearing play

    Fit rings better into grooves or replace them

    Im prove alignm ent of m achine

    Reduce belt tension

    Clean or renew bearing, inspect seals

    Use special high-tem perature grease

    Lubricate according to instructions

    Check m ounting conditions, install outer ring w ith lighter fit

    Fit bearing w ith larger play

    Renew bearing, inspect seals

    Renew bearing

    Renew bearing, avoid vibration w hile at a standstillInstall bearing w ith sm aller play

    O il


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Trouble Shooting04


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type


    Instruction M anual>> 55

    Operating InstructionsSynchronous Generator


  • 8/10/2019 Gen Manual Book Neew Type



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