Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13

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  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13



    Electronics 3

    No. NS Answer

    109 Lower Power Shottky

    110 1kb

    111 super critical112 1H to 20H

    113 both external and internal

    114 absent

    115 FALSE

    116 voltage drop

    117 unity, zero degrees (0)

    118 relay is used

    119 x type of circulation method used

    120 -

    229 BJT

    230 count-hold circuit

    231tuning the receiver electronically to different


    232 dielectric constant

    233 4.7k

    234 absent

    235increase wattage rating compared to one resistor


    236 controller, manipulator, end effector, power source

    237 10W valve357 -

    477 VOM

    240 tapped capacitance

    349 because it is impossible to define zero decibel

    350 power is 1/2 its maximum value

    351 minimizing the capacitance

    352 coupling and bypass capacitor

    353 pink noise generator

    354 fr

    355 negative feedback356 coil capacitance & inductance

    357no current will flow into a circuit, during a no signal

    induction bond

    477 Barkhausen Criterion

    597 negative

    360 ion implantation

    469 noise limitter

    470 net computer

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  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13



    March 1,2013


    in LS746xxx, what is LS?

    the size of an empty folder is approximately _____

    which is not solidmost commonly used range in selected value of radio frequency

    main variation of a capacitor


    paper capacitor generally have shorter shelf life among capcaitors, this is a _____ statement

    _____ is the difference in pontentials between two points

    in compensating oscillation in an oscillator, the feedback factor is _____ and _____ phase shift

    _____ to decrease the current in the circuit

    type of calorimeter


    controlling element used in voltage regulator

    the major cause of frequency error will be called _____

    what is the purpose of varactor diode

    relative permittivity of a material for a frequency of zero is known as _____

    value of resistor tagged with 4K7


    resistors in a series-parallel connection will _____

    what are the basic components of a robotic system?

    the spit speed of an induction motor is 100%, itsmotor moves then it flows into a _____-

    a measuring device wherein a combination of ohmmeter, milliammeter and voltemeter

    a colpits oscillator uses

    why is zero watt is not defined as being zero decibel?

    a negative 3dB power gain versus frequency amplifier will result in _____

    th bandwidth maybe increased by _____

    used by oscillator to operate determine/operate at low frequencies

    It is essentially a flat frequency response noise source, and will quickly show any anomalies in speaker systems

    the total gain-bandwidth product is also called _____

    electronic oscillators are amplifiers with ______ feedbackthe frequncy of an oscillator of an elemental LC oscillator depends on _____

    If the PN junction of a diode is reversed bias

    condition to determine when a linear electronic circuit will oscillate

    in a transistor Hartley Oscillator ______ feedback is used

    process of doping high impurities for the purpose of modulating its electrical properties

    forward voltage of a series single diode can be exploited using _____

    when a personal computer interfaces with television set, it is called _____

  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


    which of the following effects used in..

    commonly used in oscillator


    the flow of magnetic field is attributed by which of the following _____

    op-amp cut-off frequency is achieved by dividing the unity gain by _____

    what oscillator uses quartz crystal to determine its frequencyalgebraic sum of the voltages across any set of branches in a closed loop is zero

    it controls the open loop cut-off frequency in an op-amp

    in a BJT amplifier topologies,the amplifier that gives an inverted output and having the highest gain


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  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13



    EST 6

    No. NS Answer

    109 0.3R + 0.59G + 0.11B

    110 Precedent Effect

    111 Twisted Pair for copper wire112 Binaural Discriminant

    113 1pW

    114 CDMA

    115 45 MHz

    116 80 MHz

    117 Instrumentation Error

    118 Antenna

    119 9600 bps

    120 Pilot Channel

    229 0.1 dB

    230 10-15 MHz231 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz

    232 Inexpensive, last a lifetime

    233 30 channel

    234 2 dB

    235 GMSK

    236 Broadside Action


    238 88 % to 98 %

    239 Resonant Antenna

    240 ASK349 frustration in receiving more than 1 station

    350 36 MHZ

    351 x 139

    352 2460 Mbps

    353 Moving Average

    354 0.2 dB

    355 Superframe

    356 Wireless Fiber

    357 Pink Noise

    358 Pink Noise

    359 1602.15 MHz to 1615.56 MHz360 1

    469 Law of First Wavefront

    470 Error Correction Protocol

    471 Cocktail Party Effect

    472 3 MHz

    473 K.E Butcher

    474 RTC and CTS

    475 x Not a Good

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  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13



    April 1, 2013


    composition of Y signal

    also known as law of first wavefrotn

    transmission line for local loopexample of cocktail effect

    reference power in telephony

    the cellular standard, 297 to 1332 MHz

    in IS-95, the base station frequency is above mobile stx frequency

    In PCS, the base station transmit frequency

    error in navigation are due to random noise..

    Refers to metallic structure that sometimes transmit complex signal.

    currently in IS-95A transmission has ___ rate of transfer

    in cellular communication and overhead link that uses channel zero.

    recent RF system uses microelectromechanical switch which has an insertion loss of ____

    RF ID intermediate frequency

    2 frequency in DS1 using TDMA

    2 major advantage of passive RF over active RFID

    channel in FDM used in FM.

    the branching of loss directivity

    Hiperlan is one of the most leading wireless comm, 802.11 in united states, it uses _____

    an array that is directional at right angles


    the position system "OMEGA" has a global range up to..


    modulation wherein frequency and phase remains constant but amplitude changesmajor disadvantage of TRF

    typical bandwidth of satellite transponder

    number of bits..

    transmission rate of SONET

    important process in smoothing

    the divert of body heat with frequency of 30 to 300 MHz has ..

    a group of 12 Ds-1 frame

    it has the shortest coverage among broadcast fixed and wirelss alternatives

    refers to noise has equal power per octave

    equal for octave

    carrier frequency of GLONASSGPS and GLONASS uses ___ samples per second

    overlapping of first sound receive.

    MNP2,3,4 and 10 are called _____

    In acoustic, easy to carry.

    DSSS direct space spectral spectru

    invented switch before banyan switch

    hardware control uses ..

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    Manchester Coding

    is the ratio of the maximum radiation intensity to the average intensity.


    pertains to a man illegally acess through wireless LAN

    combination of IP address and TC port numbers

    real time access over internetscattering loss, may produce less than ___

    "beam ray"

    a type of inverter, LC circuit.

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  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


    475 atleast 3

    476 Section 7

    477 niconel

    478 -

    479 15 days, official gazzette

    480 35

    95 recrystallization215 bernoulli's equation

    335 32

    455 civil obligation


  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13



    April 2, 2013


    The impossibility of identifying the precise location and velocity of a subatomic particle at the same time

    fully annealing, ______ steel

    which of the following is a ternary compoundbinary compound carrier load perpendicular to

    direct cutting such as scissors and puncher


    any activity undertaken by the organization of gaining info about potential customer

    the max value of the poisson's ratio of any object subjected to uniform triaxial stress is _____

    how many sections are there in R.A. 9292

    the process of acquiring potential employees for the company

    appreciable elongation in graph where there is no allowable force

    measured in essential cost and feedback control loop

    Regardless whether the offense is grave or serious, the maximum penalty imposed on violator on TV or radio is

    who shall rate and correct the ECE licensure exam

    alpha particles produced

    its long axis while support is in stable manner

    in metals, it is considered to be ductile if its percent elongation is greater than _____

    how many article are there in R.A. 9292?


    measure of the material's stiffness determined by the slope of the straight line

    the members of the board shall hold office for a term of _____ from the date of appointment or until their succ

    alpha particles within an atom emits _____of the speed of light

    in coordination bond, composed of _____ , positive and negative ions

    small sample of radioactive substances..Tempering is a heating process wherein _____

    3rd highest electrical conductivity

    elementary added to steel


    when selenium is added to steel, the steel increases its _____

    what is the result of mixing austine and ferrite?

    Wrought iron alloy for silicon alloy

    3rd most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust

    0.3 m to 10^-3 m wavelength

    two principal elements for amking an alloy of Molybdenummost common form of silica

    polymeric materials with molecular weight greater than 10,000 g/mol

    the element which has the greatest ability to attract electrons


    months for sanction to whom shall violate the code ethics under R.A. 9292

    fine required by a person who shall violate the code of ethics under RA 9292



  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


    for ECT applicants, all submittals/ documents shall be accompanied by a certification from PECE's vouching for i

    Powers and Functions of the Board, board is vested with the authority to administer, adopt,issue, maintain, gran

    ionic compound that has toughness about 1400MPa


    in R.A. 9292, article 43, effectivitiy

    penal provision of R.A. 9292 stated at what section?

    equiaxed, grain size, charge in materialspressure is decreased and speed is increased

    period 6 has how many elements

    juan borrowed P10, 000 to Pedro on Jan 16, 1981 Juan was been entitled to court

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  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


    ____ pesos

    ssors shall have been appointed

  • 8/12/2019 Geas Coaching6 Team Assorted 06apr13


    tegrity, tachnical capability and good moral character of the applicant

    t, promulgate