GE Multi Vapor Lamps 'Edge' Brochure

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8/3/2019 GE Multi Vapor Lamps 'Edge' Brochure

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8/3/2019 GE Multi Vapor Lamps 'Edge' Brochure

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GE Multi~Vaporamps-for

economical daylight~quality

lighting systems

Why do you buy metalhalide lamps? To get daylight-quality light at low cost! And toprovide you that lighting value,metal halide lamp design mustproduce a balanced combina-

tion of high efficiency (lumens-per-watt); consistency of color,output and wattage; reliability(freedom from early failures),and long life. A design that

assures optimum interaction ofthe complex physical, chemicaland electrical factors of lampoperation.

lvluln-Vopor" isthe GE trade-mark for metal halide high-intensity discharge lamps. GEinvented and patented themover 13years ago - and hascontinued to improve their

design and constructionfeatures. So today, GEMulti-Vapor lamps give you unsur-passed value in metal halidelamps-for a light source

combining sparkling daylightcolor with high lumen-per-watt efficiency in relativelylarge 'packages of lighr yetpermitting good optical control.

In short, GEMulti-Vaporlamps give you the EDGEinproviding low-cost daylight-qualityJjght.

Following are the principal

areas of excellence in Multi-Vapor lamp performance,related to the GE constructionfeatures that make suchperforrnonce possible.

R E A S O N S F O R G E M U L T I - V A P O R E X C E L L E N C E IN P E R FO R M A N C E .




Precision wn~eEnd Coatings01 Ar c Tube







Resistance!oArcSwirl andFlicker





"Early Failures= lamp failures that occur within the first 20% of rated life.


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d Chambers

The shape of the arc tubeitical in controlling tempera-distribution of the metallic

pors In the arc duringeration, so as to attain colornsistency from lamp to lamp,d color stability through life.ticularly important inieving these results istheaping of the end chambersthe arc tube,GE Multi-Vapor arc tubeds are formed by blowing theartz against a mold during

GE s w

0-watt metal halide arc tubes in

GE picked at random fromoduction, others are 'worst cases'

lected from a small group of lampsrchased in the market.

pinching, which results in veryconsistent shape from lamp tolamp. Thisprocess isperformedon special equipment designedand built by GE. Other manu-facturers appear to be usingtube-forming techniques thatresult in less-precise and less-consistent shapes, as can beseen in the photos.

2. Precision End-Coating

of Arc Tube

The white coating on theends of GE Multi-Vapor arctubes reflects heat back intothe tube to attain the thermalbalance required for highefficiency and consistent colorfrom lamp to lamp. GE usesaspecial high-reflectivity materialthat stays white throughout life,thereby assuring a moreconstant arc temperature thathelps keep color constant.

Thismaintained whitenessalso results in lesslight beingabsorbed, for improved lumenmaintenance during life. Thecoating thickness and area ofcoverage are preclselv con-trolled by means of a specialdipping process, thus enhancing

"D im ple T op ft



uniformity of color and lightoutput from lamp to lamp. GEcoatings also have excellentadhesion properties, withvirtually no flake-off during life.

3. Precise Dose of

Sodium and Scandium

The deposits noticeable

inside the arc tube of anunlighted Multi-Vapor lampconsist principally of sodiumand scandium. the elementsprimarily responsible for thecolor and efficiency of thelamp. General Electric's proprie-tary method for putting smallbut very precisely proportioned

quantities of these materialsinto the tube makes possibleGeneral Electric's superior colorconsistency from lamp to lampand excellent uniformity of initiallight output.

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4. long-life Precision


GE usesthoriated-tungstenelectrodesof anadvanceddesign, andhas also

carefullyselectedthe chemi-cal ingredi-ents withinthe arctube tominimizechemical

attack of the electrodes.The result isminimal burn-back

of electrodes during life, thus re-taining a more stable arc length.

This,in turn, results in moreconstant wattage through lifethan istypical of Sylvania metalhalide lamps.

More-constant wattage isimportant for two reasons,(1 greater temperature stability,resulting in less color shiftIand(2) lower average lamp wattagethrough life results in lower energycosts (see page 6).

5. High-Sensitivity

Bi-Metal SwitchGE Multi-Vapor lamps use a

unique configuration of theclassic bi-metal switch which isused to "short out" the auxiliary



starting electrode from theelectrical circuit after the lamphas ignited, so that all the lamppower isused in the main arcstream. The bi-metal switch inmost other metal halide lamps islessheat-sensitive than GE's,sothat it must be mounted indifferent positions within the lamp.depending on whether the lampisfor base-up or base-downoperation. For example. in Sylvaniabase-down lamps, the switch isatthe end opposite the base, whereheat rising from the arc tube canactivate it. In Sylvania base-up tohorizontal lamps, the switch is nearthe base, again depending onheat convection (and radiation)to operate it.

The GE bi-metal switch is

always mounted near the baseend of the arc tube. It Issoheat-sensitive that it will operateregardless of the lamp position.thus making possible the exclusiveuniversal- burning=position featureof GE Multi-Vapor lamp§,

6. E-Bulb Shape

General Electric's uniquedimple-top bulb shape provides ameans for supporting the end ofthe arc tube mount structure

securely and precisely centeredon the base axis, using a minimumof welded-on parts that couldrattle or come loose.

An additional benefit evidentin the phosphor-coated E-bulblamps is that the entire top of thebulb iscoated. No clear areaneed be left at the top of thebulb to contain the mount support"bumpers' as isdone in otherlamps. Thus,the whole bulbprovides color-improved light.

In base-upoperations, thereis no stray lightfrom the arctube to castcolor shadows orpatterns on thefloor, as with otherbrands of phosphor-coated lamps.

7. Precision Electrostatic

Phosphor Coating

Advanced techniquesdeveloped by GE for applying thephosphor coating on " - I e " lampsprovide precise control of thethickness and uniformity ofphosphor deposits. Thiscontrol isanother factor In GeneralElectric's high light output andexcellent color uniformity lamp-

to-lamp and throughout life.

8. Mechanical Basing

The mogul screw base of 175-and 250-wott GE Multi-Vaporlamps isprecisely and securelyattached to the bulb by means of

the solder-lock mechanical basing

system. During the process ofsealing off the bottom of the glassouter bulo, a series of screwthreads are pressed into the glass.The metal base shell isscrewedonto these threads, and solder isflowed into a "keyway' in the glassadjacent to the top of the base,simultaneously locking the base inplace and attaching an electricallead to the base.

General Electric believes"soider-lock' to be an extremely

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durable and secure basingsystem. Some other lamps(Westinghouse) still use cement toattach the base.

GE 400- and 1000-wattMulti-Vapor lamps currently usethe time-tested and very effectiveconventional "mechanical base"system, which we believe also tobe more durable and secure than

bases that are cemented on.

Multi-Vapor Lamps Give

You the Performance/Econ-omy Edge

You've seen the featuresinherent in the ExtraordinaryDesign of General Electric Multi-Vapor lamps. Now, here are theways in which GEMulti-Vaporlamps have the EDGEinperformance and economy overother lamps in the market.

Superior Color Uniformity-

Initially and Throughout Life

In this chromatiCity chart'(fig. A) are shown the "color points"of several common light sourcesincluding GE lOOO-watt clearMulti-Vapor (MVlOOOjU). OtherMulti-Vapor wattages, andphosphor -coated lamps, haveslightly different color points.

Metal halide lamps, which

contain several light-emittingelements, each providing differentcolors of light, have a tendency tovary somewhat in color from lampto lamp. The range of colorvariation is represented on thechromaticity chart by a 'colortolerance ovot

The expanded section of thecolor chart Bshows 6-step and9-step ovals. One step represents ajust-noticeable difference in color.Individual GE MVlOOOjU lampsmay fall anywhere within the

smaller 6-step oval, indicating amaximum color variation of 6 just-noticeable steps Intheir initialcolor. Sylvania lOOO-watt metalarc lamps have about 50%greater color variation (9 steps)according to the tolerance ovalpublished by Svtvonlo" Thismeansthe GE lamgs are much moreuniform in initial color. GE lampsof other wattages, both clear andphosphor-coated, are also heldwithin the smaller 6-step oval.

All metal halide lamps tend toshift color somewhat during life.GE Multi-Vapor lamps ore muchmore stable and uniform in colorthroughout life, not only becausethey are more uniform initially,but also because GE long-lifeelectrodes (page 4) result in moreconstant wattage.

GE color consistency, initially

and through life, will give yourinstallation a much more pleasing,uniform appearance.

'International Standard CI.E. ChromaticityDiagram - the standard 'color map' forindicating the color appearance of lightsources.

"GTE Sylvania Engineering Bulletin 0-344,High Intensity Discharge Lamps, MetalarcLamps (10/77).

F IG . A

CI.E. Chromaticity Diagram

.32 .34 .36 .38 .40 .42 .44


Resistance to

Arc Swirl and Flicker

GE Multi-Vapor arc tubes areconservatively designed in termsof watt-loading per unit of surfacearea, and tube walls are straightand parallel. Thisdesign approach,

combined with General Electric'sprecision scandium/sodium arctube dosing, results in highly staboperation of the arc.

s GE

In contrast. the higher-loaded, contoured-side arc tubein some other lamps exhibit atendency for the arc to wanderaround the lower electrode or tswirl or 'snake" across the arc gaFor example, in connection withtheir MS1000 lamp, Sylvaniastotes" that the arc is 'slightly lestable than the arc in a straight-walled tube and there may bealmost imperceptible shifting orwandering effect: GeneralElectric's observations of such

lamps indicate that the effect isoften quite noticeable, resultingmeasurable fluctuations in lightoutput and bursts of strong coloras the arc wanders within thetube. A photo of the effect isshown here, GEMulti-Vapor lamore virtually free from suchdistracting effects.

"GTE Sylvania Engineering Bulletin 0-34High Intensity Discharge Lamps, MetalarLamps (10/77).

Minimum Wattage RiseThroug h Life

The long-life electrodeconstruction of GEMulti-Vaporlamps, plus their precise dose ofcarefully designed sodium/scandium mixture, results in a velow rate of wattage rise throughlife on commercial metal halideballasts - as compared toSylvania lamps ..••

••,According to GE tests.

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GENERAL . ELECTR IC205-9143 (R2) 11/79

Figure A" ' ' ' ' '


e ,<140

~ to ro




0 1000

Wattage rise during life - typical lampson typical commercial halide ballasts,

Figure' A shows wattage riseover the first 4000 hours of lifefor GE vs Sylvania 1000-wattlamps, operated on typicalcommercial metal halide ballasts,Because of lamp design differ-ences, the Sylvania lamp startsabout 28 watts higher than GE.During life, Sylvania wattageincreases faster. The 36 wattsdifference at 4000 hours can betaken as a conservative estimateof the average difference duringthe 10,000 hour rated life of thetwo lamps. At 4¢ per kwh, the GElamp will save you at least $14.40in energy cost per lamp overSylvania's (36 watts x 10,000hours/1000 x $0.04/kwh =$14,40)' A significant savings. Youcan find your savings at yourenergy rates in figure C.

Figure 826





Additional wattage increase of Sylvaniametal halide lamps beyond GEMulti-Vaporwattage rise during life - typical lampson typical metal halide ballasts.

4000 46: B to'~ 14

Y OU R E N .. . . . V R AIE - ~ P E R K W H

Dollars saved per lamp (because of lowerGEMulti-Vapor wattage rise through lifevs.Sylvania),

Wattage-rise differences existfor other standard wattage metalhalide lamps on typicalcommercial metal halide ballasts(see figure B),Again assuming the4000-hour watt-difference torepresent the average differencethrough rated lamp life,. the GE400-watt Multi-Vapor will save

you at least $13.60 during its20,000-hour life (4¢/kwh).Similarly, the GE l75-watt lamp willreduce your energy cost at least$6.30 per lamp during its 7500-hour life, Again, your savings at'y'ourenergy rates are indicated inFigure C. General ElectricMulti-Vapor lamps will holddown your energy costs, duringlamp life, to a very significantdegree.

Minimal Ear1yFailures

The excellence of GeneralElectric's present Multi-Vapor lampdesigns, plus careful quality controlduring manufacture have resulted inan excellent record of lamp relia-bility, assuring fewer early failures.

For example, GE 2S0W, 400Wand 1000W Multi-Vapor lampsaverage lessthan four failures per100 lamps during the first 20%of rated lifel

A low, early failure rate saveslamp-changing labor costs innew installations. Statements herein are based on

information available to GE as of July 1.1979.

Universal Burning Position

GE offers Multi-Vapor lamps - inall wattages-that are capableof starting andoperating in anyburning position,thanks to the

unique high-sensi-tivity bi-metalswitch and use of awhite reflective coating on bothends of the arc tube. Thisuniversalburning feature, a GE exclusive,eliminates the possibility ofoperating a lamp in the wrongposition, which could lead tovery short lamp life. One lamptype does the job of two com-petitive listings, thus simplifyingordering and stocking, You canspecify the GE ·-/U·lampsregardless of whether your fixturescall for base-up, base-down orhorizontal-operating lamps.

Certified Performance

General Electric certifies thatGE Multi-Vapor lamps will meettheir published ratings of averagelife, initial and maintained lumens,If any 400-watt lamp fails within

4000 hours of use at 10 hours ormore per start in approved

systems, a new lamp will befurnished at no charge (2000hours for 175-,250- and 1000-wattlamps, 7S0 hours for lS00-wattlamps at 5 hours or more per start).