GDPI ppt

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  1. 1. Presented by: Prakash Valand
  2. 2. Personal Interview
  3. 3. How to prepare for the Interview? 1. Preparatory stage 2. On the Day of the interview 3. At Interview stage
  4. 4. 1. Preparatory stage 1. Plan your CV. 2. Collect all relevant information about the organization and the post applied for. 3. Organisation need through this job?
  5. 5. 2. On the Day of the interview 1. Reach on time. 2. Venue of the interview; Note down the address, telephone numbers, name of the officer to whom you are expected to report. 3. Carry all the documents and extra copies. 4. Freshen yourself before you meet the interviewer.
  6. 6. 3. At Interview stage 1. Do not carry everything inside the interview cabin. 2. Walk in confidently at normal pace. 3. Greet the interviewers appropriately. 4. Take a deep breath and relax. 5. Listen to each question carefully. 6. Do not make your response in hurry. STOP THINK GO. 7. Try to find the purpose of the question, before making a response?
  7. 7. 8. Articulate about the work that you are good at and how your skills match the job. 9. Be crisp and to the point. 10. Do not get into deep arguments with the interviewers even if you are right. 11. Demonstrate your eagerness, determination to learn. 12. Avoid discussion on controversial and political issues. 13. Do not raise the salary issue unless asked for. 14. Give a positive and problem solving response to questions asked. 15. Leave the place on a positive note.
  8. 8. Dos and Donts 1. Dress appropriate to an interview and the type of organisation. 2. Avoid distracting jewellery. 3. Wear clean and ironed clothes. 4. Wear polished shoes. Do not wear sports shoes. 5. Do not wear white socks. Colour should match the dress. 6. Clean teeth, no chewing tobacco, pan masala or bubble gums. 7. Turn-off the mobile phone before entering the room.
  9. 9. 8. You should appear relaxed rather than nervous or in hurry 9. Do not sit until you are invited. 10. Sit up straight. 11. Show clear interest in the company and job. 12. Never tell lies. 13. Do not blame others, previous company or bosses. 14. Dont be vague in your answers.
  10. 10. Point to remember We can not make a time.... We can only manage the Time we have got