GCSE Additional Science Year 11 Key Contact: Mr A Mayhew – [email protected] Specification: AQA Additional Science 4409 All external exams for GCSE Additional Science are at the end of Year 11. Topics Unit 4: 25 %: Controlled Assessment: Set by the exam board and assessed in class time. Unit 5: 35 %: Cells and simple cell transport; Tissues, organs and organ systems; Photosynthesis; Organisms and their environment; Proteins; Atomic structure, bonding and properties; Analysis and qualitative Chemistry; Forces and their effects; Kinetic energy changes; Current in electrical circuits. Unit 6: 40 %: Proteins; Aerobic and anaerobic respiration; Cell division and inheritance; Speciation; Rates of reaction; Exothermic and endothermic reactions; Acids, bases and salts; Electrolysis; Using mains electricity; Radioactive decay; Nuclear energy. Internal Assessment Homework – Fortnightly. Assessment – End of Unit tests (termly). Mock Exam – November and January. Exam dates: Unit 5: 10 th June 2016. Unit 6: 17 th June 2016. Useful Study Support Resources Afterschool Science support – Wednesdays – S16. GCSE Additional Science CGP workbooks – bought through Wisepay. GCSE Additional Science Revision guide (CGP) – bought through Wisepay.

GCSE%Additional%Science%0%Year%11% · GCSE%Additional%Science%0%Year%11% % Key%Contact:%Mr!AMayhew–[email protected]! Specification:%AQA%Additional%Science%4409% % All!external!exams!for!GCSE

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GCSE  Additional  Science  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mr  A  Mayhew  –  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  Additional  Science  4409    All  external  exams  for  GCSE  Additional  Science  are  at  the  end  of  Year  11.      Topics  

Unit  4:  25  %:  Controlled  Assessment:  Set  by  the  exam  board  and  assessed  in  class  time.    

Unit  5:  35  %:    Cells  and  simple  cell  transport;  Tissues,  organs  and  organ  systems;  Photosynthesis;  Organisms  and  their  environment;  Proteins;    Atomic  structure,  bonding    and  properties;    Analysis  and  qualitative  Chemistry;  Forces  and  their  effects;    Kinetic  energy  changes;    Current  in  electrical  circuits.    Unit  6:  40  %:  Proteins;  Aerobic  and  anaerobic  respiration;  Cell  division  and  inheritance;  Speciation;  Rates  of  reaction;  Exothermic  and  endothermic  reactions;  Acids,  bases  and  salts;  Electrolysis;  Using  mains  electricity;  Radioactive  decay;  Nuclear  energy.    Internal  Assessment  Homework  –  Fortnightly.  Assessment  –  End  of  Unit  tests  (termly).  Mock  Exam  –  November  and  January.    Exam  dates:    Unit  5:  10th  June  2016.      Unit  6:  17th  June  2016.          Useful  Study  Support  Resources  Afterschool  Science  support  –  Wednesdays  –  S16.  GCSE  Additional  Science  CGP  workbooks  –  bought  through  Wisepay.  GCSE  Additional  Science  Revision  guide  (CGP)  –  bought  through  Wisepay.      

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Year  11  expectations:    

Application  • 1  hour  of  homework  a    fortnight.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time  and  to  a  high  standard.  • Revision  for  assessments/exams.  • Complete  Progress  Trackers/Test  analysis  after  each  assessment  and  

homework  to  follow  progress.    

Organisation  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  

staff.  • If  homework  is  lost  or  lesson  missed  when  it  was  set  then  the  class  

teacher  should  be  seen  on  the  first  day  back  into  school.    

Independence  • Use  the  workbook  and  revision  guide  after  lessons  to  revise  the  content  

just  done  in  class.  • Develop  a  glossary  for  each  unit.  • Refer  to  specification/checklists  to  check  knowledge.  


Subject  specific  criteria  • Develop  your  long  answer  writing  skills  by  making  lists  of  7  key  points  

for  each  topic.  • Complete  all  the  past  papers  given  to  you  and  mark  with  the  AQA  mark  

schemes  to  develop  your  exam  technique.      For  KS4  to  KS5  scheme  routeways,  please  refer  to  the  end  of  this  booklet.    


How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Additional  Science?  

Demonstrate  precise  knowledge  and  detailed  understanding  of  Science.    Use  scientific  and  technical  knowledge  and  key  terms  appropriately  and  consistently.    Show  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  relationships  between  hypotheses,  evidence,  theories  and  explanations.    Critically  evaluate  data  and  information  systematically.    Make  reasoned  judgements  consistently  and  draw  detailed,  evidenced-­‐based  conclusions.      

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Art  –  Year  11  Key  Contact:  Mr  D  Pallett  –  [email protected]    Specification:  Edexcel  GCSE  Fine  Art  2FA01    Assessment  Homework  –   Weekly  Assessment  –     Project  One  –  Still  Life  &  Project  Two  -­‐  Cultural  Mock  Exam  –      Weeks  beginning  4th  and  11th  January      Assessment  Objectives  

All  specifications  in  art  and  design  must  require  candidates  to  demonstrate  their  ability  to:  

 AO1      Develop  their  ideas  through  investigations  informed  by  contextual  and  other  sources,  demonstrating  analytical  &  cultural  understanding.  

AO2      Refine  their  ideas  through  experimenting  and  selecting  appropriate  resources,  media,  materials,  techniques  &  processes.  

AO3    Record  ideas,  observations  and  insights  relevant  to  their  intentions  in  visual  &/or  other  forms.    

AO4      Present  a  personal,  informed  &  meaningful  response  demonstrating  analytical  &  critical  understanding,  realising  intentions  and,  where  appropriate,  making  connections  between  visual,  written,  oral  or  other  elements.  


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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• Students  are  expected  to  respond  to  their  portfolio  assessment  comments  to  further  their  grades  &  confidence.  

• Homework  to  be  planned  and  presented  in  journal  or  working  into  final  piece  work.  

• Homework  to  be  done  on  time.  • Utilise  all  skills  learnt  in  preparation  for  the  final  10  hour  exam.  


• If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  ‘open  studio’  sessions    to  work  with  staff,  Tuesdays  from  3.00pm  to  4.00pm.  


• Use  the  VLE  after  lessons  for  resources  and  extension  work.  • Work  back  into  imagery  –  responding  to  marking  and  discussion.  

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Develop  the  use  of  subject  specific  language  as  given  in  prompt  sheets.  • Draw,  paint  or  photograph  actual  objects/subjects  related  to  your  

project  (primary  resources)  and  collect  secondary  resources  from  the  research  from  internet  and  books.  

• It  is  a  very  enjoyable  course  that  does  require  a  lot  of  commitment  and  time  to  practice  the  necessary  skills  to  get  the  higher  grades.      


How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Art?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Visit  Galleries  and  develop  their  own  Visual  Language.  • Respond  to  feedback  by  trying  to  hone  skills  again.  • Explore  a  wide  range  of  materials.  • Time  to  explore.  • Continual  practice  of  skills.  • Be  positive  about  your  skills  and  take  pride  in  presentation.    

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GCSE  Biology  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Miss  A  Tytherleigh  –  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  Biology  4401    Specification:  AQA  Biology  4401    All  external  exams  for  GCSE  Biology  are  at  the  end  of  Year  11.  The  grade  awarded  will  be  separate  from  the  Physics  and  Chemistry  GCSEs.    Topics  (Other  topics  were  covered  in  Year  9/10)  Topic  11  Health  and  Drugs  Topic  12  Medicines  Topic  13  Humans  the  Environment  Topic  14  Life  on  Earth    Other  useful  information  The  remainder  of  the  time  is  spent  on  preparing  and  completing  Controlled  Assessments  and  revising  for  the  final  exams  in  the  Summer.        Assessment  Homework  –  Fortnightly  Assessment  –  End  of  Unit  tests    Mock  Exam  –  Weeks  beginning  4th  and  11th  January    Controlled  Assessments  –  Two  per  year  Biology  1:  17th  May  2016          Biology  2:  10th  June  2016      Biology  3:  10th  June  2016     Dates  are  provisional        Useful  Study  Support  Resources  Afterschool  Biology  –  Wednesdays  –  S17  Past  papers  and  access  to  mark  schemes  will  be  provided  GCSE  Biology  Revision  guide  which  can  be  bought  from  school  BBC  Bitesize  has  many  useful  activities  –  best  used  by  searching  the  appropriate  topic  in  the  search  bar  under  GCSE  Bitesize.    

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Year  11  expectations:    


• 1  hour  of  homework  a    fortnight  • Revision  for  assessments  • Complete  Progress  Trackers/Test  analysis  after  each  assessment  and  homework  to  

follow  progress  • Respond  to  all  feedback  given  by  teacher  

Organisation  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  Biology  Help  Club  sessions  to  catch  up  in  S17    to  work  with  

staff  Independence  

• Highlight  key  scientific  terms  throughout  book/notes/assessments  • Refer  to  specification/checklists  to  check  knowledge  

Subject  specific  criteria  • Ensure  that  practical  skills  are  revised  as  these  can  be  assessed  in  tests  

 For  KS4  and  KS5  scheme  routeways,  please  refer  to  the  end  of  this  booklet.    




How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Biology?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Practice  long  answer  questions  (5-­‐9  marks).  Students  will  be  assessed  on  their  ‘Quality  of  Written  Communication’  in  both  the  exams  and  Controlled  Assessments  

• Become  confident  in  thinking  about  ‘why’  things  happen  and  adding  ‘because’  into  exam  answers  

• Be  able  to  write  and  explain  how  practicals  and  risk  assessments  are  carried  out  • Students  need  to  be  able  to  critically  evaluate  data  and  provide  evidenced  based  

conclusions  • Continue  to  enjoy  Biology  –  look  up  recent  news  articles  about  advances  in  the  field.  

Pages  such  as  uk.news.yahoo.com/science  will  help  you  to  apply  your  knowledge  to  real  life  examples.    


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Btec  Sport  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mr  H  Haydon  –  [email protected]    Specification:  Edexcel  Level  2  First  Award  in  Sport  –  600/4779/3    Unit  1:  Fitness  for  Sport  and  Exercise  (Exam)    Know  about  the  components  of  fitness  and  the  principles  of  training.  Explore  different  fitness  training  methods.  Investigate  fitness  testing  to  determine  fitness  levels.    Unit  2:  Practical  Sport  Performance  (Coursework)    Understand  the  rules,  regulations  and  scoring  systems  for  selected  sports.  Practically  demonstrate  skills,  techniques  and  tactics  in  selected  sports.  Be  able  to  review  sports  performance.    Unit  4:  The  Sports  Performer  in  Action  (Coursework)    Know  about  the  short-­‐term  responses  and  long-­‐term  adaptations  of  the  body  systems  to  exercise.  Know  about  the  different  energy  systems  used  during  sports  performance.    Unit  6:  Leading  Sports  Activities  (Coursework)    Know  the  attributes  associated  with  successful  sports  leadership.  Undertake  the  planning  and  leading  of  sports  activities.  Review  the  planning  and  leading  of  sports  activities.    Assessment  For  three  of  the  units,  students  will  complete  a  portfolio  of  evidence.    This  can  be  in  the  form  of  a  task  sheet,  lesson  plan,  reports  and  observation  statements.    One  unit  will  be  assessed  using  a  one  hour  online  exam.    Useful  dates    Unit  4  to  be  completed  at  the  start  of  Term  3.  Unit  6  to  be  completed  by  end  of  Term  5.    Useful  Study  Support  Resources  BTEC  First  in  Sport  Student  book/revision  guide.  www.pearson.com/activelearngo  Weekly  BTEC  catch  up  in  room  H1  –  Thursday  3-­‐4pm    

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Year  11  expectations:    

Application  • Appropriate  levels  of  effort.  • Coursework  to  be  planned  and  presented  properly.  • Coursework  to  be  done  on  time.  


• Keep  folder  up  to  date  and  tidy.  • Catch  up  if  a  lesson  is  missed.  


• Attend  study  support  to  catch  up,  maintain  of  get  ahead.  • Aspire  to  achieve  the  target  grade  above  your  own.  • Use  the  web  link/books  provided  to  read  further  about  the  topic.  • Ask  for  help  outside  of  lessons.  

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Follow  the  news  e.g.  Sky  Sports  News  App.      

How  can  students  improve  their  level?    

• Provide  the  appropriate  amount  of  detail  for  PASS,  MERIT  or  DISTINCTION.  

• Participate  in  regular  sport  to  increase  knowledge  of  rules,  regulations  and  techniques.  

• Attempt  extension  tasks  in  and  out  of  lessons.  • Use  the  feedback  from  your  ‘dry  run’  to  ensure  you  complete  the  task.  • Seek  advice  from  PE  teachers  and  coaches.  • Attend  BTEC  catch  up  in  H1.  


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GCSE  Business  Studies  –  Year  11  Key  Contact:  Mr  K  Murphy  –  [email protected]  

Specification:  OCR  J253  

Unit  A291:  Marketing  and  Enterprise  

• Market  research  and  data  collection.  • The  marketing  mix.  • Marketing  in  the  wider  business  environment.  • Enterprise  and  entrepreneur.  • The  business  plan.  

Unit  A293:  Production,  Finance  and  the  External  Business  Environment  

This  unit  is  externally  assessed  (exam  with  pre-­‐released  case  study).  

• Types  of  production  methods.  • Management  and  control  of  production.  • Production  costs.  • Financial  information  and  decision  making.  • Sources  of  finance.  • Financial  forecasting  and  analysis.  • External  influences  on  business  activity.  • The  competitive  environment.  • Environmental  influences  and  business  ethics.  • Government  and  the  UK  economy.  • Globalisation  and  UK  business.  

Assessment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Homework  –  Weekly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          A291  Controlled  Assignment  –  Three  marketing  reports  in  October/November.                                              End  of  Unit  tests  throughout  the  year.                                                                                                                                                                                                Mock  Exam  –  Week  beginning  4th  and  11th  January.                                                                                                                                                  Final  Exam  in  May/June  2016  -­‐    A292  –  1  hour  (25%),  A293  –  2  hours  (50%)                                                                                                                                                                              


Useful  Study  Support  Resources  CGP  GCSE  Business  Studies  OCR  –  The  Revision  Guide.    OCR  www.businessstudiesonline.co.uk  is  a  useful  website.  


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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• 2  hours  of  homework  a  week.  • Homework  to  be  planned  and  presented  properly.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time.  


• Files  to  have  all  work  organised  effectively.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  

staff.    Independence  

• Use  the  VLE  after  lessons  for  resources  and  extension  work.  • Develop  a  glossary  for  each  unit.  • Use  the  web  links  provided  to  read  further  about  the  topics.  

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Develop  the  use  of  ICT  for  presentation  and  enquiry.    • Develop  and  apply  their  knowledge,  understanding  and  skills  to  

contemporary  issues  in  a  range  of  local,  national  and  global  business  contexts.    


How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Business  Studies?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  • Watch  and  read  the  business  news  to  develop  knowledge  of  the  latest  

business  related  activities.    • Make  use  of  the  data    and  case  study  evidence  in  written  work  (even  when  

you  are  not  asked).  • Use  theory  to  assist,  but  only  where  it  is  appropriate  and  relevant  e.g.  

Costs,  Cash  Flow,  Recession.  • To  achieve  EVALUATION  in  your  written  work  you  must  have  Pro’s/Cons  

(balanced  view).  Your  business  decisions  must  be  justified:  “I  think…  because…”  


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GCSE  Chemistry  -­‐  Year  11    Key  Contact:  Dr  K  King  –  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  Chemistry  4402    All  external  exams  for  GCSE  Chemistry  are  at  the  end  of  Year  11.  The  grade  awarded  will  be  separate  from  the  Physics  and  Biology  GCSEs.    Topics      

11.  Chemical  calculations  12.  Acids,  bases  and  salts    13.  Chemical  analysis  14.  Organic  chemistry    

    Controlled  assessments     Revision  for  Chemistry  1,  2  and  3  exams.    Assessment  Homework  –  Fortnightly  Assessment  –  End  of  Unit  tests  (termly)  Mock  Exams    Controlled  assessment  (25%  of  GCSE  grade)  –  2  taken,  best  mark  submitted.  Exams  (3x25%  of  GCSE  grade)      Chemistry  1:  19th  May  2016          Chemistry  2:  15th  June  2016  Chemistry  3:  15th  June  2016     Dates  are  provisional      Useful  Study  Support  Resources  Afterschool  Science  support  –  Wednesdays  –  S16  GCSE  Chemistry  CGP  workbooks  –  bought  through  Wisepay  GCSE  Chemistry  Revision  guide  (CGP)  –  bought  through  Wisepay  BBC  Bitesize  has  many  useful  activities  –  best  use  by  searching  the  appropriate  topic  in  the  search  bar  under  GCSE  Bitesize.      

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Year  11  expectations:    

Application  • 1  hour  of  homework  a    week  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time  and  to  a  high  standard  • Revision  for  assessments/exams  • Complete  Progress  Trackers/Test  analysis  after  each  assessment  and  

homework  to  follow  progress    Organisation  

• If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  staff  

• If  homework  is  lost  or  lesson  missed  when  it  was  set  then  the  class  teacher  should  be  seen  on  the  first  day  back  into  school.  


• Use  the  workbook  and  revision  guide  after  lessons  to  revise  the  content  just  done  in  class  

• Develop  a  glossary  for  each  unit  • Refer  to  specification/checklists  to  check  knowledge  

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Develop  your  long  answer  writing  skills  by  making  lists  of  7  key  points  for  each  topic.  

• Complete  all  the  past  papers  given  to  you  and  mark  with  the  AQA  mark  schemes  to  develop  your  exam  technique.    

   For  KS4  and  KS5  scheme  routeways,  please  refer  to  the  end  of  this  booklet.    How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Chemistry?  

Demonstrate  precise  knowledge  and  detailed  understanding  of  Chemistry.    Use  scientific  and  technical  knowledge  and  key  terms  appropriately  and  consistently.    Show  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  relationships  between  hypotheses,  evidence,  theories  and  explanations.    Critically  evaluate  data  and  information  systematically.    Make  reasoned  judgements  consistently  and  draw  detailed,  evidenced-­‐based  conclusions.    


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CIDA  ICT  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mr  C  Adams  –  [email protected]    Certificate  in  Digital  Applications  promotes  creativity  through  authoring  software,  designing  and  developing  graphical  products.    (Spec:  Edexcel  GC2DA)    Unit  1:  Developing  Web  Products    Acting  as  a  starting  point  for  the  rest  of  the  qualification,  this  unit  gives  learners  the  knowledge  and  skills  they  need  to  produce  attention  grabbing  and  interactive  web  products  using  web  authoring  software,  multimedia  assets  and  navigation  features.  The  assessment,  set  by  Edexcel,  is  a  practical  computer-­‐based  examination  to  develop  a  prototype  website.      Learners  will  learn  to  use  web  authoring  software  so  either  Adobe  Dreamweaver  or  Serif  WebPlus.    Unit  3:  Artwork  and  Imaging    Whether  advertising  a  product,  illustrating  a  point  or  enhancing  digital  content,  images  are  all  around  us,  often  influencing  what  we  do  and  how  we  think.  This  unit  gives  the  learner  skills  to  use  the  tools  and  techniques  provided  by  artwork  and  imaging  software  to  design  and  create  effective  graphic  products.  Learners  will  demonstrate  their  ability  to  create  effective  images  and  graphic  products  through  their  work  on  a  major  project  set  by  Edexcel.  Students  will  exhibit  their  work  in  an  eportfolio.      Learners  will  learn  to  use  a  range  of  artwork  and  imaging  software  (for  example,  Adobe  Illustrator,  Fireworks,  Photoshop  and  more).      Assessment:  Marking  and  feedback  is  consistently  appl;ied  throughout  the  GCSE  using  a  specifically  made  handbook  and  tracking  system.    Useful  Study  Support  Resources:    Kingdown  VLE  website      

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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• GCSE  Booklets  -­‐  Students  work  through  the  booklet  signing  off  completed  tasks.  Self-­‐marking,  feedback  from  teachers  and  simplified  peer-­‐to-­‐peer  checklists  help  to  improve  grades.    

Organisation  • File  management  –  All  documents  need  to  be  saved  to  the  correct  

folders  and  file  names  are  appropriate.  Documents  have  to  adhere  to  the  moderator’s  toolkit.  


• Students  work  from  the  VLE  and  the  CIDA  website.  Students  have  to  follow  criteria  and  make  sure  all  documents  produced  are  designed  to  audience  and  purpose.  


 How  can  students  improve  their  knowledge  and  skills?    

• Remote  Desktop  Connection  –  This  allows  students  to  access  work  and  programs  that  would  normally  only  be  accessible  from  the  school  network.  Ask  any  ICT/Computing  teacher  about  how  to  connect.    

• Kingdown  VLE  –  All  of  the  resources/documentation  required  for  this  course  is  fully  available  from  the  Kingdown  VLE.  All  students  have  usernames  and  passwords  to  get  onto  this  website.  

 • CIDA  Website  –  The  Edexcel  CIDA  website  includes  all  of  the  

specifications  of  the  course,  project  scenario,  individual  criteria,  and  the  steps  to  complete.  

 • Learn  how  to  use  the  software  used  on  the  course,  become  familiar  with  

the  tools,  the  menus  and  the  applications.  For  this  course  the  main  programs  used  are  Adobe  Dreamweaver,  Fireworks  and  Illustrator.  


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GCSE  Computing  -­‐  Year  11    Key  Contact:  Mr  C  Adams  –  [email protected]    

Specification:  OCR  J275  This  course  gives  students  the  opportunity  to  discover  how  computer  technology  works  and  to  take  a  look  at  what  goes  on  “Behind  the  Scenes”.    Unit  A451:  Computer  Systems  and  Programming  This  unit  covers  the  body  of  knowledge  about  computer  systems  on  which  the  examination  will  be  based.  Topics  include  fundamentals  of  computer  systems,  hardware,  software,  representation  of  data,  databases,  computer  communication  and  networking.    Unit  A452:  Practical  Investigation  An  investigative  computing  task,  which  assesses  the  following:    Research,  technical  understanding,  analysis  of  problem,  historical  perspective,  use  of  technical  writing  skills,  recommendations/evaluation.    Unit  A453:  Programming  Project  Students  will  need  to  understand  standard  programming  techniques,  be  able  to  design  a  coded  solution  to  a  problem,  identify  test  procedures  and  develop  the  code.      Candidates  will  need  to  create  suitable  algorithms,  input  and  output  formats,  identify  suitable  variables  and  annotate  the  developed  code.  Finally  students  test  their  solutions  in  order  to  show  functionality  and  how  it  matches  the  design  criteria.    Assessment  Once  each  unit  has  been  completed,  students  take  an  end  of  unit  test.  All  results  are  recorded  in  Go4Schools.    Useful  Study  Support  Resources:    Kingdown  VLE  website.  GCSE  Computing  by  Susan  Robson.    OCR  Computing  by  Sean  O’Byrne.      

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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• Assessment  Tests  -­‐  Students  need  to  revise  specific  topics  previously  taught  in  that  term.  Topics  vary  from  binary  addition  to  specifications  of  a  hard  drive.  There  are  six  tests  in  total.    

Organisation  • Homework  –  Two  hours  of  homework  is  set  every  week.  It  has  to  be  

handed  in  by  the  deadline  otherwise  students  have  to  attend  catch-­‐up  sessions.  


• Students  work  from  the  VLE  and  GCSE  Computing  books  (Look  to  Useful  Study  Support  Resources).  Students  have  to  revise  and  learn  the  topics  of  that  term.  

         How  can  students  improve  their  knowledge  and  skills?    

• Remote  Desktop  Connection  –  This  allows  students  to  access  work  and  programs  that  would  normally  only  be  accessible  from  the  school  network.  Ask  any  ICT/Computing  teacher  about  how  to  connect.    

• Kingdown  VLE  –  All  of  the  resources/documentation  required  for  this  course  is  fully  available  from  the  Kingdown  VLE.  All  students  have  usernames  and  passwords  to  get  onto  this  website.  

 • Code  Academy  Website  –  This  site  is  an  online  educational  platform  that  

offers  free  coding  classes.      

• Learn  how  to  use  Visual  Basic,  become  familiar  with  the  tools,  the  menus  and  the  applications.  Set  yourself  challenges  and  programs  to  solve.  Coding  is  all  about  practice,  practice,  practice.  Other  programming  languages  to  learn  for  this  course  are  HTML  and  Python.  


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Drama  GCSE  –  Year  11  Key  Contact:  Mr  P  Partington  –  [email protected]  

Specification:  2DR01    Term  1    

• Threads  • Rabbit  (first  coursework)  • Live  Theatre  review  

 Term  2  &  3    Final  performance  piece  –  external  examination    Assessment  There  are  3  mock  assessments  in  year  10  and  an  on-­‐going  working/collaboration  mark  that  reflects  the  responding  element  in  the  specification.  These  are  practical  performances  and  are  assessed  under  the  following  areas  –  

• Voice  and  movement.  • Characterisation.  • Communication  &  Rapport.  • Style  and  content.  • Unit  2  is  30%  of  GCSE  (10%  written  under  controlled  conditions  including  a  Theatre  

review).    Support  Resources  Drama  club  –  Thursdays  from  Term  2.  Involvement  in  school  productions.  Lamda  qualifications  -­‐  Offering  practical  examinations  in  communication  and  performance  subjects.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/drama/    Anything  else  relevant  /  subject  specific  Drama  is  often  considered  as  all  about  acting.  However  we  know  that  the  vast  majority  of  our  students  will  not  go  onto  act.  What  we  teach  is  much  more  about  life  skills.      Fundamentally  a  drama  lesson  is  an  exercise  in  problem  solving.  Students  are  required  to  present  drama  from  a  stimulus  where  their  own  creativity  is  the  only  boundary.    They  will  have  to  negotiate  with  others  to  work  towards  a  joint  outcome.  Finally  they  will  perform/present  in  front  of  their  peers,  communication  being  key  to  forming  a  successful  outcome.          

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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• Complete  research  task,  learn  lines  where  appropriate  • Keep  logs  of  lessons  where  appropriate  


• Attend  regular  rehearsals  outside  of  lessons    Group  work  GCSE  requires  excellent  and  committed  group  work.  By  its  nature  Drama  is  a  collaborative  subject.  The  best  work  is  achieved  by  the  most  diligent  teams.  Teams  that  plan  rehearsals,  stick  to  a  schedule  and  all  attend  promptly.    


How  can  students  improve  their  knowledge  and  skills?    Coursework      Unit  2  Rabbit.    Students  must  contribute  and  lead  elements  of  the  practical  workshops  and  actively  explore  the  stimulus.  They  are  required  to  demonstrate  an  understanding  of  how  drama  is  made.  The  written  element  of  this  involves  an  ability  to  deconstruct  how  drama  is  made  and  to  be  able  to  analyse  how  the  elements  of  drama  work  together  to  create  meaning.    Students  can  improve  by  asserting  themselves  in  the  practical  workshops,  focusing  on  ‘creating’  drama,  working  co-­‐operatively  with  others,  demonstrating  the  ability  to  devise  for  specific  effect.  Familiarising  themselves  and  using  Technical  terminology  both  written  and  in  verbal  feedback.    Practical  Performance    Students  perform  as  part  of  a  group.      Students  who  learn  to  take  on  character  and  situation.    Students  can  improve  by  attending  regular  rehearsals  after  school,  line  learning  and  frequent  performances  to  others.      



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GCSE  Engineering  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mr  D  Leater  –  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  Resistant  Materials,  Code  45602    All  external  exams  for  GCSE  Resistant  Materials  are  at  the  end  of  Year  11.  The  final  grade  awarded  will  be  made  up  from  coursework  (60%)  and  exam(40%).      Year  11  

Coursework  continues.  Mock  exam  –  January.  Product  Manufacture,  December  –  February.    Theory  recap  and  Revision  -­‐  April  onwards.      

Assessment:  Homework  –  controlled  assessment  means  no  coursework  can  be  done  at  home,  but  work  can  be  done  in  after  school  sessions.  (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday)  Assessment  –  Provisional  mark  awarded  for  each  Criterion,  1  -­‐  5.  Mock  Exam  –  January.    Making  deadline  Friday  4th  March  2016.  Folder  deadline  Friday  18th  March  2016.  Summer  Theory  Exam  -­‐  June  2016.      Useful  Study  Support  Resources:    Afterschool  Product  Design  support  –  specific  to  group  teacher.  Jan  –  March  after  school  product  manufacture  –  specific  to  group  teacher.  GCSE  Resistant  Materials  Technology,  Nelson  Thornes,  ISBN  978-­‐1-­‐4085-­‐0273-­‐0    GCSE  Revision  guide  (CGP)  –  Resistant  Materials  –  purchased  from  teacher.  GCSE  Exam  Practise  Workbook  (CGP)  –  Resistant  Materials,  as  above.  www.Technology  Student  –  Resistant  Materials  –  good  for  theory  and  tests.  BBC  Bitesize  has  many  useful  subject  based  activities  –  best  used  by  searching  the  appropriate  topic  in  the  search  bar  under  GCSE  Bitesize  -­‐  Resistant  Materials.      

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Course  expectations:    Application  

• Completion  of  coursework  (including  after  school  sessions).  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time  and  to  a  high  standard  (revision  period).  • Revision  for  assessments/exams.  


• If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  staff.  

• Coursework  is  controlled  assessment,  students  work  will  be  retained  by  the  class  teacher  when  submitted.  


• Use  lesson  time  efficiently  and  effectively.  • Develop  a  glossary  of  the  technical  vocabulary  covered  in  lessons.  • Refer  to  the  GCSE  folder  pro-­‐forma  to  check  progress  and  knowledge.  • Use  their  Personal  Learning  Check  list  to  evaluate  progress  and  revise.  

   Subject  specific  criteria  

• Ensure  you  research  and  practise  your  given  exam  design  theme,  Q’s  1-­‐4.    

• Complete  all  past  papers  given  to  you  and  evaluate  your  performance  and  depth  of  knowledge.    


How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge,  skills  &  performance  in  Engineering?  

Demonstrate  precise  knowledge  and  detailed  understanding  of  Resistant  Materials  theory.    Accurately  use  technical  knowledge  and  vocabulary  throughout  your  coursework  folder.  Show  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  Coursework  Folder  layout:  Problem,      Research,  Ideas,  Development,  Final  Design,  Make,  Evaluate,  Modify.    Plan  a  detailed  and  thorough  revision  guide  for  mocks  and  final  exams.  


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GCSE  English  Language  –  Year  11  

Key  Contacts:  Mrs  S  Ashton  –  [email protected]                                                                  Miss  E  Mears  –  [email protected]    

Specification  –  AQA  4702      Please  find  below  the  list  of  units  that  Year  11  students  will  study  throughout  the  year.  Each  unit  is  designed  to  both  engage  students  with  a  range  of  exciting  material  as  well  as  prepare  them   for   their  GCSE  exam.  40%  of   the  course   is  made  up  of  Controlled  Assessments.   The  remaining  60%  is  one  exam  paper.    Term  1:  Recreation  GCSE  English  Language  Unit  3  part  b:  Producing  creative  texts  (creative  writing).  7.5  %  of  total  mark.  Controlled  Assessment  Task.  +  Moving  Images  GCSE  English  Language  Unit  3  part  b:  Producing  creative  texts  (creative  writing).  7.5  %  of  total  mark.  Controlled  Assessment  Task.    Term  2:  Mock  preparation  (Unit  1:  Non-­‐Fiction  Texts)    Term  3:  Spoken  Language  GCSE  English  Language  Unit  3  part  c:  Spoken  Language.  10  %  of  total  mark.  Controlled  Assessment  Task.    Term  4:  ‘Of  Mice  and  Men’    GCSE  English  Language  Unit  3  part  a:  Understanding  Written  Texts  (extended  reading).  15%  of  total  mark.  Controlled  Assessment  Task.    Term  5:  Exam  Preparation    (Unit  1:  Non-­‐Fiction  Texts)    


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Year  11  expectations:      

Application  • Up  to  2  hours  of  homework  a  week  • Homework  to  be  planned  and  presented  accurately  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time  


• Equipment  must  be  brought  to  every  lesson.  Students  are  expected  to  keep  their  class  folders  tidy  


• Students  will  be  expected  to  complete  homework  independently,  but  can  request  support.  Students  are  expected  to  read  in  their  own  time  and  will  be  required  to  do  so  each  week.  English  Club  is  run  on  Wednesdays  by  Miss  Mears  for  catch  up,  revision  and  extra  support.    

Aims  and  learning  outcomes:    

• Demonstrate  skills  in  speaking,  listening,  reading  and  writing  necessary  to  communicate  with  others  confidently,  effectively,  precisely  and  appropriately    

• Express  themselves  creatively  and  imaginatively    • Become  critical  readers  of  a  range  of  texts,  including  multi-­‐modal  texts    • Use  reading  to  develop  their  own  skills  as  writers    • Understand  the  patterns,  structures  and  conventions  of  written  and  spoken  English  • Understand  the  impact  of  variations  in  spoken  and  written  language  and  how  they  

relate  to  identity  and  cultural  diversity    • Select  and  adapt  speech  and  writing  to  different  situations  and  audiences.  


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GCSE  Food  Technology  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Miss  A  Gavin  –  [email protected].    

Specification:  AQA  Food  Technology  4545    

All  external  exams  for  GCSE  Food  Technology  are  at  the  end  of  Year  11.  The  final  grade  awarded  will  be  based  on  the  Controlled  Assessment  (60%)  and  the  exam  (40%).    

Topics     Controlled  Assessments       Criterion  1  –  Investigating  the  Design  Context     Criterion  2  –  Development  of  Design  Proposals       Criterion  3  –  Making         Criterion  4  –  Testing  and  Evaluation     Criterion  5  –  Communication  and  Presentation     Theory    Revision  of  Year  10  topics  

1. Health  &  Safety  and  Food  Hygiene  2. The  functions  and  properties  of  food            3. The  nutritional  properties  of  food  4. Combining  ingredients  –  food  science  5. Acids  and  alkalis  6. Standard  components  in  food  processing  7. Additives  8. Food  production  (CAD/CAM)  9. Labelling  and  packaging  


Assessment  Homework  –  Fortnightly.  Mock  Exams  –  January  2016.  Controlled  assessment  (60%  of  GCSE  grade)  Due  in  Thursday  24th  March  2016.  Exam  May  2016.    Study  Support  Resources    –  Food  Technology  revision  guides  and  workbooks.    

Useful  Study  Support  Resources  Afterschool  Food  Technology  support  GCSE  Chemistry  CGP  workbooks  –  bought  through  Wisepay  GCSE  Chemistry  Revision  guide  (CGP)  –  bought  through  Wisepay  BBC  Bitesize  has  many  useful  activities  –  best  use  by  searching  the  appropriate  topic  in  the  search  bar  under  GCSE  Bitesize.    

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Course  expectations:      

Application  • 1  hour  on  Controlled  Assessment  per  week    • Homework  once  per  fortnight  • Revision  for  exams  


• If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  staff  

• If  homework  is  lost  or  lesson  missed  when  it  was  set  then  the  class  teacher  should  be  seen  on  the  first  day  back  into  school.  


• Use  the  revision  guide  to  developed  knowledge  of  the  function/properties  of  food  

• Develop  knowledge  of  food  science  and  nutrition  –  when  making  think  about  the  changes  

• Refer  to  specification/check  knowledge  requirements      Subject  specific  criteria  

• Develop  your  long  answer  writing  skills  • Develop  making  skills  –  practice  and  read  recipes  ahead  on  your  

practical  work    • Complete  all  the  past  papers  given  to  you  and  mark  with  the  AQA  mark  

schemes  to  develop  your  exam  technique.      How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Food  Technology?  


Demonstrate  precise  knowledge  and  detailed  understanding  of  Food  Technology  

• Use  technical  knowledge  and  key  terms  appropriately  and  consistently  • Show  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  multiple  functions  of  

ingredients  (nutritional,  technical,  chemical  and  sensory)  • Critically  evaluate  products  made  and  developed  to  demonstrate  

detailed  understanding  of  the  technical      

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GCSE  French  –  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mrs  E  Rossetti–  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  French  (Reference  4658)    GCSE  topics:  Lifestyle:  Health;  discussing  various  lifetsyles  and  their  consequences.  Relationships  and  choices;  relationships  with  family  and  friends,  future  plans,  social  issues  and  equality.    Leisure:  Freetime  and  the  media;  free  time  activities,  shopping,  money,  fashion  and  pros  and  cons  of  new  technology.    Holidays;  plans,  preferences,  transport  and  travel  and  new  experiences.    Home  and  local  environment:  Home  and  local  area;  special  occasions  and  celebrations,  describing  your  home  town  and  region.                                                          

Environment;  current  problems  facing  the  planet  and  possible  solutions,  how  to  be  environmentally  friendly  within  the  local  area  and  give  advice  to  others.  

Work  and  Education;  school/college  and  future  plans,  pressures  and  problems,  current  and  future  jobs  and  their  advantages/disadvantages.  

Assessment:  Homework  –  Weekly.  Year  10  Assessment  –  Controlled  Assessment  2  x  Writing  (November  and  March)  and  1  x  Speaking  (June).    Year  11  Assessment  –  Controlled  Assessment  1  x  writing  (November)  and  1  x  speaking  (March).  Mock  Exams  –  Year  10  June  /    Year  11  December.    GCSE  exam:    Writing  30%,  Speaking  30%  (throughout  the  two  years).  Listening  20%,  Reading  20%  (at  the  end  of  Year  11).    

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GCSE  expectations:    Application  

• Homework  every  lesson  (practising  a  variety  of  language  skills).  • Homework  to  be  planned  and  presented  properly.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time.  


• Files  /  books  to  have  a  contents  page  and  all  work  organised  effectively.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed,  copy  up  work  and  use  department  catch  up  

sessions.      Independence  

• Learn  vocabulary  after  lessons  for  resources  and  extension  work.  • Develop  a  vocabulary  list  for  each  topic.  • Use  the  web  links  provided  to  practise  your  French  vocabulary  and  

grammar.    Subject  specific  criteria  

• Develop  your  language  by  increasing  your  vocabulary  and  adding  more  details  to  your  paragraphs  to  improve  writing  skills.  

• Use  French  specific  websites  and  Apps  to  develop  your  skills  e.g.  memrise,  duolingo  and  youtube  to  improve  listening  skills.    



How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  French?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  • Watch  French  videos  and  news  clips  to  improve  understanding  and  

listening  skills.  • Practise  speaking  out  loud  with  a  friend  or  family  member  or  record  

yourself.  Learn  vocabulary  on  www.vocabexpress.com.  • Use:  AQA  GCSE  French  Revision  Guide,  AQA  website  –  past  papers  and  

mark  schemes,  and  for  grammar  www.languagesonline.org.uk      

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Further  Maths  -­‐  Year  11  –  ONLY  for  Sets  F1  and  G1    

Key  Contact:  Mr  D  Munro  –  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  L2  Further  Mathematics  (Reference  8360)    The  AQA  Level  2  Certificate  in  Further  Maths  places  an  emphasis  on  higher  order  technical  proficiency,  rigorous  argument  and  problem-­‐solving  skills.  The  course  builds  on  the  Higher  Maths  GCSE,  further  developing  skills  in  the  key  Mathematical  areas.  Importantly,  it  is  designed  to  give  high  achieving  students  an  introduction  to  AS  level  topics  that  will  help  them  to  develop  skills  in:  Areas  of  study:  Algebra,  Functions  and  Graphs  Algebraic  fractions,  quadratic  identities,  function  notation,  domain  and  rang,  graphs,  simultaneous  equations,  factor  theorem,  algebraic  proof.    Geometry  and  Trigonometry  Co-­‐ordinate  geometry  and  straight  lines,  circle  theorems  and  geometric  proof,  sine  and  cosine  graphs  and  rules,  trigonometrical  identities    Calculus  Gradient  of  a  curve,  differentiation,  tangents  and  normal,  stationary  points    Matrices  Mulitplying  and  transforming  matrices,  identity  matrix,  combining  transformations    Further  Maths  is  taught  alongside  GCSE  Maths,  with  the  majority  of  the  course  complete  by  Easter  of  Year  11.            Assessment  Homework  –  Fortnightly  in  conjunction  with  Maths  GCSE  teaching.  Mock  -­‐  Weeks  beginning  4th  and  11th    January  Exams  –  June  20th  and  24th  2016            Useful  Study  Support  Resources  www.mymaths.co.uk  login:  kingdown  password:  range  (will  change)  This  has  an  excellent  section  dedicated  to  GCSE  Statistics  with  lots  of  questions  to  practice.    

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Year  11  expectations:    

Application  • Up  to  an  hour  of  homework  per  fortnight.  • Homework  to  be  completed  fully  and  presented  properly.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time.  • Use  afterschool  revision  sessions  if  work  not  understood  fully  (3-­‐4pm  on  Tuesday  or  

Wednesday  in  M4).    

Organisation  • Ensure  books  and  equipment  (particularly  pens,  calculator,  compass  and  protractor)  

are  brought  to  every  lesson.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions  to  work  with  staff.  


• Use  the  suggested  website  after  lessons  for  practice  and  extension  work.  • Review  work  to  ensure  that  it  is  understood.  Writing  revision  notes  throughout  the  

year  will  help  consolidate  knowledge.    Subject  specific  criteria  

• Students  may  benefit  greatly  by  upgrading  from  the  standard  Casio  scientific  calculator  to  the  silver  model  (available  from  Kingdown  at  £13).  This  calculator  would  also  be  appropriate  for  AS  and  A2  Maths.  






How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Mathematics?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Practice,  practice,  practice.  Mathematics  is  a  skills  based  subject  and  performance  can  be  improved  enormously  by  practicing  the  work  done  in  class  at  home.  

• Attend  the  afterschool  sessions,  particularly  if  work  has  been  missed  or  not  understood.    


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Geography  –  Year  11  Key  Contact:  Mr  D  O’  Callaghan  –  [email protected]  


Specification:  OCR  Geography  B  (Reference  J385)  

Unit  B562:  Geographical  Enquiry  is  an  internally  assessed  Controlled  Assessment  based  on  students  work  completed  at  Bath  in  Year  10.  

Unit  B561:  Sustainable  Decision  Making  Exercise  (SDME)  this  exercise  will  be  based  on  material  linked  to  one  of  four  key  themes  and  will  develop  real-­‐life  skills  relevant  to  future  decision  making.  

Unit  B563:  (Key  Geographical  Themes)  is  externally  assessed;  it  covers  the  units  studied  in  Year  11.                                                                                                                                                                                  Theme  1:  Rivers  and  Coasts  -­‐  Theme  2:  Population  and  Settlement                          Theme  3:  Natural  Hazards  –  Theme  4:  Economic  Development.  


Homework  –  Weekly.                                                                                                                                                                                    Geographical  Enquiry  –  (25%)  60  marks.                                                                                                                              Mock  Exam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SDME  –  (25%)  1  hour  30  minutes  (40  marks).                                                                                                                Key  Geographical  Themes  –  (50%)  1  hour  30  minutes  written  paper  (99  marks)  

Key  Dates                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Coursework  completed  in  lessons  –  deadline  23rd  October  2015.                                        Mock  –  in  exam  weeks  4th  to  15th  January  2016.                                                                                    Fieldwork  –  Hengistbury  Head  in  week  commencing  14th  March  2016.                  SDME  Exam  provisionally  24th  May  2016.                                                                                                                                Key  Geographical  Themes  provisionally  8th  June  2016.                            

Useful  Text  Books                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CGP  GCSE  Geography  OCR  Specification  –  The  revision  guide.                                                      OCR  Website  –  past  papers  and  mark  schemes  http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse-­‐geography-­‐b-­‐j385-­‐from-­‐2012/  


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Year  11  Expectations:  


• 2  hours  of  homework  a  week.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time.  • Students  to  catch  up  on  any  lessons  or  work  missed.  


• Files/books  to  have  a  contents  page  and  all  work  organised  effectively.  • Create  a  series  of  revision  notes  for  each  unit.  


• Use  the  VLE  after  lessons  for  resources  and  extension  work  http://media.kingdown.wilts.sch.uk/.  

• Develop  a  glossary  for  each  unit.  • Use  the  web  links  provided  check  understanding.  • Learn  the  specific  details  of  the  case  studies.  

Subject  specific  criteria  

• Students  need  to  practise  revision  skills  and  working  under  timed  conditions.  

• Develop  and  extend  knowledge  of  locations,  places,  environments  and  processes  by  reading  around.    

How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Geography?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Watch  the  news  to  develop  knowledge  of  places  and  current  affairs.  • Learn  and  understand  what  the  question  command  words  mean.  

• Use  the  ‘Dropbox’  for  revision  resources  and  feedback.  • Use  the  mocks  to  determine  the  best  way  for  you  to  revise.  

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Hairdressing  and  Beauty  Therapy  –  Year  11  Key  Contact:  Mrs  H  Gordon  –  [email protected]  


Specification:  City  and  Guilds  30001  -­‐  02  


Level  1  Certificate  in  an  Introduction  to  the  Hair  and  Beauty  Sector  

A  learner  portfolio  of  assignment  work  is  internally  assessed  and  externally  verified.    Assessments  are  both  written  and  practical.    There  are  four  units  delivered  in  year  11:      Unit  102:    Presenting  a  Professional  Image  in  the  Salon:  

• Present  and  maintain  a  professional  image  in  the  salon  • Communicate  and  behave  professionally    

 Unit  004:    Hair  Plaiting  

• Using  twists  and  on/off  scalp  plaits  to  achieve  a  finished  look  • Explore  cultural  hair  diversity  and  recognise  hair  as  an  expression  of  

individuality  • Use  products  and  tools  effectively  

 Unit  108  Nail  Art  Application:  

• Prepare  for  and  carry  out  nail  art  techniques  • Work  safely  and  hygienically  • Communicate  effectively  with  clients  

   A  local  industry  specialist  will  be  invited  to  deliver  a  learner  workshop  in  the  spring  term.          

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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• 1-­‐2  hours  of  homework  a    week.  • Homework  to  be  planned,  presented  properly  and  on  time.  


• Files/  books  to  be  organised  in  unit  order.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  

staff.    Independence  

• Develop  a  glossary  for  each  unit.    • Use  the  web  links  provided  in  class  to  read  further  about  the  topic.  • Read  you  complementary  trade  journals.    

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Continue  to  develop  practical  skills  at  home  or  at  the  planned  after  school  department  catch-­‐up  sessions.    

• Build  a  portfolio  of  coursework.    • Willingness  to  participate  as  a  model,  working  as  part  of  a  team.  •  

Assessment  • Practical  observation  and  written  assignment  tasks.  • Respond  to  written  and  verbal  feedback  to  plan  own  progress.  • Internal  mock  exam  in  December  and  February.  


How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Hair  and  Beauty?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Note  current  trends  in  the  hair,  beauty  and  fashion  industry.  • Use  a  wide  range  of  resources  including  television,  radio,  magazines,  

newspapers  and  trade  journals.  • Seek  work  experience  in  a  salon  environment.  • Develop  written  assignment  tasks  to  a  high  level  and  in  an  original  way.  



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Health  and  Social  Care  (BTEC)  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mrs  M  Bolwell  –  [email protected]    

Specification:  OCR  Health  and  Social  Care  (Reference  J406)  For  GCSE  Health  and  Social  Care  candidates  must  take  units  A911  and  A912.  Unit  A911  -­‐  Health,  Social  Care  and  Early  Years  Provision  Unit  A912  -­‐  Understanding  Personal  Development  and  Relationships    

Unit  A911  -­‐  Health,  Social  Care  and  Early  Years  Provision  This  unit  is  internally  assessed  and  externally  moderated.    It  is  worth  60  marks  -­‐    60%  of  the  total  GCSE  marks  for  this  course.    This  is  a  Controlled  Assessment  Task.    Students  will  have  the  opportunity  to  research  tasks  in  class  and  for  homework.    This  controlled  assessment  will  be  based  around  the  recent  work  placement  that  students  completed  in  July  2015.    Under  exam  conditions  students  will  have  access  to  their  notes  and  will  work  independently  in  silence  producing  evidence  for  this  assessment.  

ü The  range  of  care  needs  of  major  client  groups  ü The  ways  people  can  obtain  services  and  the  possible  barriers  that  could  prevent  

people  from  gaining  access  to  services  ü The  types  of  services  that  exist  to  meet  client  group  needs  and  how  they  are  

organised  ü The  principles  of  care  that  underpin  all  care  work  ü The  main  work  roles  and  skills  of  people  who  provide  health,  social  care  and  early  

year’s  services.  Students  will  be  working  on  this  unit  to  at  least  February  2016.  Unit  A912  Understanding  Personal  Development  and  Relationships  This  unit  is  externally  assessed  and  worth  40%  of  the  total  GCSE  marks  for  this  course.    It  consists  of  a  1  hour  written  paper  and  candidates  must  answer  all  questions.    We  have  covered  all  the  content  of  this  exam  unit  and  students  now  have  the  year  to  revise  and  be  thoroughly  prepared.    All  students  have  a  revision  folder  and  have  already  completed  past  papers.  Revision  topics:  

ü The  stages  and  pattern  of  human  growth  and  development  ü The  different  factors  that  can  affect  human  growth  and  development  ü The  development  of  self-­‐concept  and  different  types  of  relationships  ü Major  life  changes  and  sources  of  support  

 Assessment  Homework  –  Weekly  Controlled  Assessment  Classroom  tests/mock  examinations  Mock  Exam  –  Week  beginning  4th  and  11th  January    Useful  Study  Support  Resource  OCR  Health  and  Social  Care  website  –  past  papers  and  mark  schemes    

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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• 2  hours  of  homework  a    week  • Homework  to  be  planned  and  presented  properly  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time  

Organisation  • Files  to  be  organised  effectively  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  staff  

Independence  • Actively  engage  in  the  processes  of  health  and  social  care  to  develop  as  effective  and  

independent  learners  • Use  a  wide  range  of  sources  to  obtain  up  to  date  information  e.g.  newspapers,  

Internet,  text  books  etc.    Subject  specific  criteria  

• Develop  the  use  of  ICT  for  presentation    • Develop  a  critical  and  analytical  approach  to  problem  solving  within  health,  social  

care  and  early  years  sectors.    





How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Health  and  Social  Care?      

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Watch  the  news  to  keep  up  to  date  with  the  constant  change  within  this  sector.    

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GCSE  History  -­‐  Year  11    Key  Contact:  Mr  R  Clarke  -­‐  [email protected]    Specification:  OCR  History  A  J417    Unit  A954  Study  in  development  and  study  in  depth.    Section  B:  Medicine  through  time      Medicine  in  the  Middle  Ages:  What  was  the  impact  of  the  collapse  of  Rome?  How  did  Islam  and  Christianity  impact  upon  medical  developments?  What  developments  were  made  in  surgery?  How  did  hospitals  progress  throughout  the  period?    The  Medical  Renaissance  and  the  growth  of  modern  medicine:  What  impact  did  individuals  like  Vesalius,  Pare  and  Harvey  have  on  developments  in  medicine?  Did  the  progress  in  medical  knowledge  have  an  impact  upon  the  majority  of  the  population  of  Europe?  How  did  the  medical  profession  emerge?  How  did  Jenner  introduce  inoculation  and  who  opposed  him?    Medicine  in  the  nineteenth  and  twentieth  centuries:  The  role  of  Pasteur  and  germ  theory.  The  development  of  drugs  and  vaccines.  Who  really  invented  penicillin?  The  significance  of  Florence  Nightingale  and  Mary  Seacole.  Who  were  Simpson  and  Lister?  What  impact  has  history  had  upon  modern  surgical  techniques?  How  did  public  health  improve  in  Britain  and  what  impact  has  the  NHS  had  on  people’s  lives?    Assessment:  Homework  –  Fortnightly.  Assessment  –  End  of  year  public  exams  75%  (2  exams),  Controlled  Assessment  25%.  Mock  Exam  –  January.      Useful  Study  Support  Resources:  My  Revision  Notes  GCSE  History  OCR  (SHP)  Revision  Guide.  OCR  website  –  past  papers  and  mark  schemes.      

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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• 2  hours  of  homework  a    fortnight.  • Homework  to  be  planned  and  presented  properly.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time.  


• Files  /  books  to  have  a  contents  page  and  all  work  organised  effectively.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  

staff.    Independence  

• Use  initiative  to  work  independently  throughout.  • Start  revising  and  preparing  for  exams  and  assessments  in  your  own  

time.    Subject  specific  criteria  

• Develop  source  skills.  • Develop  understanding  of  change  and  continuity,  cause  and  

consequence,  significance  and  interpretation.  • Work  on  skills  in  historical  enquiry.  

     How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  History?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Watch  the  news  to  develop  knowledge  of  how  events/developments  are  interpreted  in  the  media.  

• View  revision  as  an  on-­‐going  process  rather  than  a  last  minute  thing.  • Read  widely  around  the  issues  they  being  studied-­‐  all  topics  matter  today  

and  are  still  relevant.  • Practice  exam  skills  throughout  the  year.    

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GCSE  Mathematics  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mr  D  Munro  –  [email protected]    Specification:  Edexcel  Mathematics  A  (Reference  1MA0)      Areas  of  study:  Number  Types  of  number,  fractions,  percentage,  decimals,  indices,  order  of  operations,  ratio  and  proportion,  estimation,  accuracy,  calculator  and  non-­‐calculator  methods.    Algebra  Using  letters  and  symbols,  simplifying  expressions,  solving  equations,  substitution,  inequalities,  trial  and  improvement,  sequences,  coordinates  and  plotting  graphs.    Geometry  Properties  of  shapes  and  angle  facts,  transforming  shapes,  similar  and  congruent  shapes,  Pythagoras’  theorem,  circle  facts  and  formula,  drawing  in  3-­‐D,  construction  using  a  compass,  area  and  volume.    Measure  Maps  and  bearings,  scales,  converting  units,  measuring  lengths  and  angles.    Statistics  Types  and  sources  of  data,  the  data  handling  cycle,  using  tables  and  diagrams  to  process  data,  averages  and  spread,  interpreting  data  and  diagrams,  correlation  and  drawing  conclusions.    Probability  Calculating  theoretical  probability  and  relative  frequency,  listing  outcomes,  understanding  the  language  of  probability.              Assessment  Homework  –  Weekly  Assessment  –  End  of  Unit  tests  throughout  the  year  Mock  Exams  –  Weeks  beginning  4th  and  11th    January  Exams  –  May  26th  and  9th  2016.  Useful  Study  Support  Resources  www.mymaths.co.uk  login:  kingdown  password:  range  (will  change)  www.mathswatchvle.com  centre:  kingdown  login/password:  as  school’s  The  Kingdown  Maths  website  can  be  found  via  the  School’s  website.  Students  will  continue  to  have  access  to  www.pearsonactivelearn.com    

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Year  11  expectations:    

Application  • Up  to  an  hour  of  homework  per  week.  • Homework  to  be  completed  fully  and  presented  properly.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time.  • Use  afterschool  revision  sessions  if  work  not  understood  fully  (3-­‐4pm  on  Tuesday  or  

Wednesday  in  M4).    

Organisation  • Ensure  books  and  equipment  (particularly  pens,  calculator,  compass  and  protractor)  

are  brought  to  every  lesson.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions  to  work  with  staff.  


• Use  the  suggested  websites  after  lessons  for  practice  and  extension  work.  • Review  work  to  ensure  that  it  is  understood.  Future  topics  regularly  build  on  current  

understanding  in  Mathematics.    Subject  specific  criteria  

• Students  simply  must  have  the  correct  equipment,  particularly  a  scientific  calculator  (available  from  Kingdown  at  £7  if  needed).  







How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Mathematics?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Practice,  practice,  practice.  Mathematics  is  a  skills  based  subject  and  performance  can  be  improved  enormously  by  practicing  the  work  done  in  class  at  home.  

• Attend  the  afterschool  sessions,  particularly  if  work  has  been  missed  or  not  understood.  


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GCSE  Music  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Miss  E  North  –  [email protected]      

Specification:  AQA  GCSE  Music  4270    Unit  1:  Listening  and  Appraising  Music  (20%)  -­‐  Students  will  learn  about  the  key  features  of  five  areas  of  study  and  be  able  recognise  and  comment  on  these  elements  of  music  when  listening  to  different  genres  of  music  including:  The  Western  Classical  Tradition,  Popular  Music  of  the  20th  &  21st  centuries  and  World  Music.  

• Rhythm  &  Metre  • Harmony  &  Tonality  • Texture  &  Melody  • Timbre  &  Dynamics  • Structure  &  Form  

 Units  2&4:  Composing  (40%)  -­‐  Students  will  learn  about  different  compositional  techniques  and  will  be  composing  two  pieces  of  music  as  coursework  and  write  a  written  appraisal  on  each.    Unit  3:  Performing  Music  (40%)  -­‐  Students  will  learn  about  performance  conventions  in  a  range  of  styles  and  perform  as  a  soloist  and  in  a  group.  Recordings  of  a  solo  and  group  performance  will  take  place  in  February  and  make  up  the  coursework  for  this  unit.    

Assessment  Homework  –  Weekly.  Coursework  Deadline    –  Friday  18th  March  2016.    

Other  Key  Dates  Christmas  Concert  –  Thursday  10th  December  2015.  GCSE  Performance  Evening  –  Thursday  11th  February  2016.  Spring  Concert  –  Thursday  24th  March  2016.  Summer  Concert  –  Monday  11th  July  2016.    Useful  Study  Support  Resources  CGP  GCSE  Music  –  The  Revision  Guide  www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/music      

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Year  11  expectations:    

Application  • 1  hour  of  homework  a  week.  • At  least  1  hour  a  week  of  regular  practise  on  their  instrument  or  voice.  

Regular  short  bursts  of  practise  are  often  better  than  one  long  session.  • Homework  should  be  presented  as  per  expectations.  • Homework  should  be  handed  in  on  time  as  we  will  often  go  through  the  

answers  in  lesson  time.    

Organisation  • A  ring-­‐binder  will  be  provided  to  organise  work  effectively  or  students  

can  provide  their  own.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  students  need  to  use  department  catch  up  sessions  

to  work  with  staff.    Independence  

• Organise  rehearsal  times  with  other  students  when  performing  in  a  group.  

• Learn  key  vocabulary  including  Italian  terms.  • Use  the  web  links  provided  to  read  further  about  the  topic.  

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Students  are  expected  to  take  part  in  all  the  music  department  performances  during  the  year.  This  can  be  in  a  solo  or  group  situation.  See  Key  Dates.  




How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Music?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Listen  to  a  wide  variety  of  music  and  attend  live  performances  of  music  where  possible.  

• Be  practising  on  their  instrument/voice  regularly.  • Get  involved  with  extra-­‐curricular  activities  as  much  as  possible  and  take  up  

any  performance  opportunities  inside  and  outside  of  school.    

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GCSE  PE  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mr  H  Haydon  –  [email protected]      Specification:  AQA  Physical  Education  (Full  Course  -­‐  4892)  

Unit  3:  Knowledge  and  Understanding  for  the  Active  Participant.  • Written  Paper  –  1  hour  30  mins.  • 80  marks  –  40%.  • Scenario  issued  to  centres  in  advance  of  the  examination.  

 Unit  4:  The  Active  Participant.  

• Controlled  Assessment  –  90  marks  –  60%.  • Students  assessed  in  4  sports  (20  marks  each)  as  either  Performer,  

Leader,  Official  or  Organiser.  • Coursework  (10  marks).  

 Course  Content:  

• Individual  Differences.  • The  Demands  of  Performance.  • Health,  Fitness  and  a  Healthy  active  Lifestyle.  • Training.  • Diet.  • School  Influences.    • Opportunities  and  pathways  available  for  becoming  or  remaining  

involved  in  physical  activities.  • International  and  other  factors.  

 Assessment:  Homework  –  Weekly.  Assessment  –  End  of  Unit  tests.    Mock  Exam  –  Week  beginning  4th  and  11th  January.      Other  Key  Dates:  Internal  practical  moderations  6th  Oct/10th  Dec/11th  Feb/16th  March/24th  May.    External  practical  moderations  throughout  the  year.    

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Year  11  expectations:    

Application  • 1-­‐2  hours  of  homework  a    week.  • Homework  to  be  planned  and  presented  properly,  response  to  feedback  to  

be  completed.  • Homework  to  be  completed  and  handed  in  on  time.  • Attend  1  club  a  week.    Organisation  • Files  /  books  to  have  a  contents  pages  and  all  work  organised  effectively.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  staff.  • Kit  for  practical  lessons;  notes  if  unable  to  take  part.  • Attend  internal  and  external  moderations.    Independence  • Attendance  to  revision/  catch-­‐up  sessions.    • Practice  sports,  attend  training  sessions  and  play  competitively.  • Use  the  web  links  provided  to  read  further  about  the  topic.      Subject  specific  criteria  • Work  on  selected  practical  sports  to  develop  Unit  4  scores.      How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  PE?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Watch  chosen  sports  to  develop  knowledge  of  rules/laws  and  regulations.  • Develop  written  explanations  ensuring  that  they  are  supporting  answers  

with  relevant  practical  examples.  • Play  and  practice  their  chosen  sports  as  often  as  possible  attending  all  

practical  moderations.    Useful  Study  Support  Resources  • My  Revision  Notes:  AQA  GCSE  PE.  • AQA  website  –  past  papers  and  mark  schemes.    

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Performing  Arts  -­‐  BTEC  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Miss  S  Welch    -­‐  [email protected]      

Specification:  Edexcel HXP75    

Subject  Content:  1. Unit  1  –  The  Individual  Showcase  

A  unit  which  teaches  students  how  to  prepare  for  an  audition  within  the  entertainment  industry.    Students  are  encouraged  to  take  part  in  workshops  in  Drama,  Music  and  Dance  and  put  together  an  audition  piece  which  will  showcase  their  talents  effectively.      This  unit  is  externally  assessed  and  is  worth  25%  of  the  overall  BTEC  qualification.      

2. Unit  2  –  Preparation,  Performance  and  Production  This  unit  encourages  students  to  work  as  a  group.    They  will  be  expected  to  devise/perform  and  produce  as  a  performance  company.    Students  will  take  part  in  various  workshops  where  they  will  learn  how  to  lead,  direct  and  work  as  part  of  an  effective  team.      This  unit  is  internally  assessed  and  is  worth  25%of  the  overall  BTEC  qualification.    

3. Unit  3  –  Acting  Skills  This  unit  focuses  on  students’  acting  skills.    They  will  learn  how  to  use  a  variety  of  acting  skills  such  as  movement,  gesture,  posture,  pitch,  tone,  balance  and  many  more.    Students  will  work  on  two  pieces  simultaneously.    One  will  be  a  whole  class  performance  of  a  song  from  a  musical.    The  other  will  be  a  monologue  by  Shakespeare.      The  unit  is  internally  assessed  and  is  worth  50%  of  the  overall  BTEC  qualification.    

Assessment  Students  are  assessed  at  the  end  of  each  unit.    The  grading  is  as  follows:  PASS  MERIT  DISTINCTION    There  is  also  a  Level  1  qualification  which  is  also  available  for  students  who  do  not  achieve  a  pass  grade.    End  of  year  exam  –  There  is  no  end  of  year  exam  but  students  are  expected  to  perform  regularly  throughout  the  year  and  keep  a  log  book  containing  written  evidence.    


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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• Learning  lines  where  appropriate.  • Performing  frequently.  • Homework  should  be  presented  as  per  expectations.  • Students  are  also  expected  to  take  it  in  turns  to  prepare  a  starter  activity  

linked  to  the  course  ready  to  lead  with  the  rest  of  the  group.  • Students  are  also  expected  to  rehearse/perform  outside  of  school.    


• Ready  to  learn,  scripts  etc.  • A  folder  and  log  book  will  be  provided  to  organise  work  effectively  or  

students  can  provide  their  own.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  students  need  to  use  department  catch  up  sessions  

to  work  with  staff.    Group  Work  

• Group  work  is  essential  and  collaborative  and  cooperation  being  key  to  success  in  this  specification.  

• Organise  rehearsal  times  with  other  students  when  performing  in  a  group.  

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Students  are  expected  to  take  part  in  all  the  Performing  Arts  department  performances  during  the  year.  This  can  be  in  a  solo  or  group  situation.  

 How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Performing  Arts?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Make  themselves  aware  of  the  wide  variety  of  theatrical  performances  that  a  currently  popular  and  attend  live  performances  where  possible.  

• Be  practising  regularly  inside  and  outside  of  school.  • Get  involved  with  extra-­‐curricular  activities  as  much  as  possible  and  take  up  

any  performance  opportunities  inside  and  outside  of  school.    


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GCSE  Philosophy  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Miss  V  Bunting  –  [email protected]    Specification:  WJEC  Religious  Studies  B  (4450LA)    Unit  4451:  Religion  and  Life  Issues  Topic  1:  Religion  and  Conflict:  What  is  peace?  Why  do  people  suffer?  Should  we  forgive  people?  Should  we  ever  go  to  war?  Topic  4:  Authority:  What  are  human  rights?  What  is  duty?  How  should  we  punish  people?  Where  do  people  look  for  guidance?    Unit  4452:Religion  and  Human  Experience  Topic  2:  Is  it  Fair?:  Why  do  we  treat  people  differently?  Is  equality  possible?  How  should  we  use  our  wealth?  How  does  the  media  influence  our  attitudes? Topic  4:  Our  World:  How  was  the  world  created?  How  should  humans  use  their  talents?  What  rights  do  animals  have?      

 Assessment:    Homework  –  Fortnightly.  Assessment  –  2  practice  papers  per  unit  –  one  in  exam  conditions.  Mock  Exam  –    Weeks  commencing  4th  and  11th  January.    Exams  –      Unit  4451:  Monday  16th  May  am  (provisional  dates)                Unit  4452:  Tuesday  7th  June  pm  (provisional  dates)    Useful  Study  Support  Resources:    http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/rs/  WJEC  website  –  past  papers  and  mark  schemes.  OCR  Philosophy  for  GCSE.  OCR  Ethics  for  GCSE.    

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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• 2  hours  of  homework  a    week.  • Homework  to  be  planned  and  presented  properly.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time.  


• Books  to  have  all  work  organised  effectively.  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  

staff.    Independence  

• Develop  a  glossary  for  each  unit.  • Discuss  the  issues  raised  with  others  to  gather  different  opinions.  

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Develop  the  ability  to  consider  different  points  of  view,  and  assess  their  merits.  

• Learn  to  support  your  own  views  using  evidence  and  logical  argument.            How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Philosophy?  

To  support  the  achievement  of  top  grades,  students  should:  

• Watch  the  news  to  develop  knowledge  of  topical  moral  and  ethical  issues.  • Develop  written  explanations  using  the  PEE  approach.  • Use  quotes  from  religious  scriptures  and  leaders  to  support  their  answers.  • Read  novels,  watch  documentaries  and  view  web  discussions  related  to  the  

issues  covered.  • Be  aware  of  bias.    

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GCSE  Physics  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mr  A  Mayhew  –  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  Physics  4403    All  external  exams  for  GCSE  Physics  are  at  the  end  of  Year  11.  The  grade  awarded  will  be  separate  from  the  Chemistry  and  Biology  GCSEs.    Topics:  

• Using  mains  electricity  • Medical  applications  of  physics  • Using  physics  to  make  things  work  • Keeping  things  moving  • 2  x  controlled  assessments  • Revision  for  physics  1,  2  and  3  exams.  


Homework  –  Fortnightly.  Assessment  –  End  of  Unit  tests  (termly).  Mock  Exams  –  2  papers  in  January.  Controlled  assessment  (25%  of  GCSE  grade)  –  2  taken,  best  mark  submitted.  Exams  (3x25%  of  GCSE  grade).      Physics  1:  25th  May  2016.          Physics  2:  17th  June  2016.      Physics  3:  17th  June  2016.          Useful  Study  Support  Resources:    Afterschool  Science  support  –  Wednesdays  or  Thursdays  –  S16.  GCSE  Physics  CGP  workbooks  –  bought  through  Wisepay.  GCSE  Physics  Revision  guide  (CGP)  –  bought  through  Wisepay.  BBC  Bitesize  has  many  useful  activities  –  best  use  by  searching  the  appropriate  topic  in  the  search  bar  under  GCSE  Bitesize.    

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Year  11  expectations:    

Course  expectations:    

Application  • 1  hour  of  homework  a    week.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time  and  to  a  high  standard.  • Revision  for  assessments/exams.  • Complete  Progress  Trackers/Test  analysis  after  each  assessment  and  

homework  to  follow  progress.    

Organisation  • If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  

staff.  • If  homework  is  lost  or  lesson  missed  when  it  was  set  then  the  class  

teacher  should  be  seen  on  the  first  day  back  into  school.    

Independence  • Use  the  workbook  and  revision  guide  after  lessons  to  revise  the  content  

just  done  in  class.  • Develop  a  glossary  for  each  unit.  • Refer  to  specification/checklists  to  check  knowledge.  


Subject  specific  criteria  • Develop  your  long  answer  writing  skills  by  making  lists  of  7  key  points  

for  each  topic.  • Complete  all  the  past  papers  given  to  you  and  mark  with  the  AQA  mark  

schemes  to  develop  your  exam  technique.      For  KS4  and  KS5  scheme  routeways,  please  refer  to  the  end  of  this  booklet.    How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Physics?  

Demonstrate  precise  knowledge  and  detailed  understanding  of  Physics.    Use  scientific  and  technical  knowledge  and  key  terms  appropriately  and  consistently.    Show  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  relationships  between  hypotheses,  evidence,  theories  and  explanations.    Critically  evaluate  data  and  information  systematically.    Make  reasoned  judgements  consistently  and  draw  detailed,  evidenced-­‐based  conclusions.    

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GCSE  Product  Design  -­‐  Year  11  Key  Contact:  Mr  D  Leater  –  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  Resistant  Materials,  Code  45602    All  external  exams  for  GCSE  Resistant  Materials  are  at  the  end  of  Year  11.  The  final  grade  awarded  will  be  made  up  from  coursework  (60%)  and  exam(40%).      

Coursework  continues  Mock  exam  –  January  Product  Manufacture,  middle  January  –  early  March  Theory  recap  and  Revision  -­‐  April  onwards.      

Assessment    Homework  –  continuous  coursework  progression.  Assessment  –  Provisional  mark  awarded  for  each  Criterion,  1  -­‐  5.  Mock  Exam  –  First  two  weeks  after  Christmas.    Making  deadline  Friday  4th  March  2016.  Folder  deadline  Friday  18th  March  2016.  Summer  Theory  Exam  -­‐  June  2016.      Useful  Study  Support  Resources    Afterschool    Product  Design  support  –  specific  to  group  teacher.  Jan  –  March  after  school  product  manufacture  –  specific  to  group  teacher.  GCSE  Resistant  Materials  Technology,  Nelson  Thornes,    ISBN  978-­‐1-­‐4085-­‐0273-­‐0    GCSE  Revision  guide  (CGP)  –  Resistant  Materials  –  purchased  from  teacher.  GCSE  Exam  Practise  Workbook  (CGP)  –  Resistant  Materials,  as  above.  www.Technology  Student  –  Resistant  Materials  –  good  for  theory  and  tests.  BBC  Bitesize  has  many  useful  subject  based  activities  –  best  used  by  searching  the  appropriate  topic  in  the  search  bar  under  GCSE  Bitesize  -­‐  Resistant  Materials.      

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Year  11  expectations:    

Course  expectations:  Application  

• 1  hour  of  homework  a    week.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time  and  to  a  high  standard.  • Revision  for  assessments/exams.  


• If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  staff.  If  coursework  is  lost,  it  will  need  to  be  replaced.  The  class  teacher  should  be  kept  informed.  


• Use  lesson  time  efficiently  and  effectively.  • Develop  a  glossary  of  the  technical  vocabulary  covered  in  lessons.  • Refer  to  the  GCSE  folder  pro-­‐forma  to  check  progress  and  knowledge.  • Use  their  Personal  Learning  Check  list  to  evaluate  progress  and  revise.  

 Subject  specific  criteria  

• Ensure  you  research  and  practise  your  given  exam  design  theme,  Q’s  1-­‐4.    

• Complete  all  past  papers  given  to  you  and  evaluate  your  performance  and  depth  of  knowledge.    

   How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge,  skills  &  performance  in  Product  Design?  

Demonstrate  precise  knowledge  and  detailed  understanding  of  Resistant  Materials  theory.    Accurately  use  technical  knowledge  and  vocabulary  throughout  your  coursework  folder.  Show  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  Coursework  Folder  layout:-­‐  Problem,      Research,  Ideas,  Development,  Final  Design,  Make,  Evaluate,  Modify.    Plan  a  detailed  and  thorough  revision  guide  for  mocks  and  final  exams.  


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Science  KS4  Routeways  Year  11  

Year  10:  Science  in  Context  

Students  will  have  two  Science  teachers  who  teach  the  whole  course.  

Year  11:  Additional  Applied  


Equivalent  to  ‘A  Level:    Applied  Science’  

Waiting  for  course  details  to  be  released  

Year  11:  Additional  Traditional  


Separate  Sciences    3  Separate  GCSE’s              that  span  2  years.  

 Biology,    Chemistry      Physics.  


A  Level:    Biology

A  Level:    Chemistry

A  Level:    Physics  

Year  10:  BTEC  Science  

Year  11:  Science  A      

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Textiles  -­‐  Year  11    

Key  Contact:  Mrs  J  Dyson  –  [email protected]    Specification:  AQA  Textiles  Technology.    All  external  exams  for  GCSE  Textiles  are  at  the  end  of  Year  11.  The  overall  grade  awarded  is  made  up  of  two  parts.  40%  =  Exam.  60%=  Coursework.        Topics  

• Completion  of  the  coursework  folder.  • Criterion  2  -­‐The  design  process  and  design  development  stage.  • Criterion  3  -­‐  The  made  outcome.  • Criterion  4  -­‐  The  evaluation  process.    

     Assessment  Homework  –As  is  appropriate  to  the  work  going  on.  Assessment  –  on-­‐going  assessment  of  each  criterion  completed.  Mock  Exams    Controlled  assessment  (60%  of  GCSE  grade)  Exams  (40%  of  GCSE  grade)                    Useful  Study  Support  Resources    Afterschool  catch  up  sessions  –  Tuesdays  –  D9  GCSE  Textiles  CGP  workbooks  –  bought  through  the  department.  GCSE  Textiles  Revision  guide  (CGP)  –  bought  through  the  department.  BBC  Bitesize  has  many  useful  activities  –  best  use  by  searching  the  appropriate  topic  in  the  search  bar  under  GCSE  Bitesize.      

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Year  11  expectations:    Application  

• Homework  set  when  appropriate  to  the  task.  • Homework  to  be  done  on  time  and  to  a  high  standard  • Revision  for  assessments  • Extra  time  put  in  to  completing  practical  work  and  where  appropriate  

coursework  at  after  school  catch  up  sessions.  Organisation  

• If  a  lesson  is  missed  use  department  catch  up  sessions    to  work  with  staff  

• If  homework  is  lost  or  lesson  missed  when  it  was  set  then  the  class  teacher  should  be  seen  on  the  first  day  back  into  school.  

• Time  management  is  essential.    Independence  

• Use  the  workbook  and  revision  guide  after  lessons  to  revise  the  content  just  done  in  class.  

• Develop  a  glossary  for  each  unit.  • Refer  to  specification/checklists  to  check  knowledge  

     Subject  specific  criteria.  

• Develop  your  design  skills  and  watch  your  ideas  evolve  into  realisation.  • Complete  all  the  past  papers  given  to  you  and  mark  with  the  AQA  mark  

schemes  to  develop  your  exam  technique.          

How  can  students  extend  their  knowledge  and  skills  in  Textiles?  • Demonstrate  precise  knowledge  and  detailed  understanding  of  textiles  

technology.    • Use  technical  knowledge  and  key  terms  appropriately  and  consistently.    • Show  an  understanding  of  technical  making  skills.  • Critically  evaluate  designs  and  made  outcomes  with  a  view  to  

modifying  them.