Gcse media portfolio guide video games

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Production Portfolio: controlled assessment (30%)

This is the final piece of coursework you will do for media studies and it is worth 30% of your overall mark. It’s very important that you do as well as you possibly can so you can get the best possible mark!

This is your chance to be creative and make your very own media product!

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All deadlines for each section of the coursework is clearly marked on the blue slides throughout this PowerPoint

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Your brief (print)A new computer/video game cover in an appropriate format (PC,

PlayStation, Nintendo, etc) and two magazine advertisements for the release of the new game, using some original photography

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Production Portfolio will consist of the following:

• the Production Log • the Production itself• the Evaluation•the Appendix – to include a range of additional material appropriate to the product, such as: rejected photographs and graphics, photos of props/locations, surveys and graphs for market research, and mock-ups of magazines or advertisements.

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Let’s get started!

Before you go on to make your

final product, it is vital that you

do thorough research so that

you can make your product

look as professional as possible.

The aim is to produce a final

piece that looks as good as

industry standard.

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The production log

This is a record of how many hours it has taken you to complete this project. Remember, it is a controlled assessment and you are entitled to 30 hours.

You must complete the production log at the end of each lesson

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The production log can be found on Frog as shown below. You should save it to your computer and update it every lesson

1. 2.



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Research stage

On the tracking spreadsheet there are targets that you have to meet by certain dates. This is to ensure that you stay on track and produce enough work to get you lots of marks. I will mark you off on the spreadsheet once you have completed all the necessary stages. This is so that we can keep track of your progress.

The research and planning stages have to be completed by the 30th January

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By now you will have chosen what genre of video game you would like to make and already done some research into how magazines attract their target audience through things like

• Brand identity

• Content

• Images

• Layouts

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Now you need to be sure exactly what the conventions of video games are so that you can make one to the same standard.

In order to do this, you must closely analyse 3 covers (front and back) and 3 adverts for the same video games. This can either be done on PowerPoint, or NEATLY by hand.

Extension: analyse 2 more video game covers and adverts.

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Things to consider when analysing a video game cover (front and back)

Everything is carefully designed to attract a specific target audience.Think about every thing you can see on the cover and ask yourself why

it has been put there. Such as;• Colours used• Main image (including what person is wearing, how they are posing,

whether they are looking directly at the audience)• Language used• Styles of fonts used• Design of the title• Position of the title• The layout of the text• Where the console logo is• where the age certificate is• Where the console logo is• How many images used

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Note: to get top marks you will need to be more detailed than this

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Defines the sections in the game and shows you what to expect

More explanation of the game. The back cover is dominated by images and production logos

Slogan. It is also a challenge to the players

Note: to get top marks you will need to be more detailed than this

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Game logo

Slogan and challenge to players

Big and bold main image

Images to show different parts of the game

Different console logos

Note: to get top marks you will need to be more detailed than this

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Things to consider when analysing a video game advert

• What are the important bits of information?

• Why are images laid out in that way?

• Why is the text laid out in that way?

• Who are the main characters of the game and how are they represented?

• How do we know it’s a video game?

• How do we know who is the target audience?

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You have 3 lessons to do this

To be completed by the 13th

January 2014

Record your progress in your production log

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All game companies conduct extensive market research before the final designs were drawn up and the product was made. This is to ensure that the game appeals to the largest number of people possible!

One way of doing this is by conducting a survey.

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In Word, design a survey/questionnaire in order to find out what people want from your chosen genre of game. These can be given to classmates, friends and family. The results should be analysed and will influence your final design.

Example market research question:

4. What would catch your eye on the front cover of a game?a. Bold writing [ ]b. One main picture [ ]c. Lots of written information [ ]d. Photographic information about the game [ ]e. Lots of different pictures [ ]f. Distinctive colour scheme [ ]

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Other questions you might want to consider:

• How much will people pay for a game?

• Is it important to include the main character(s) on the poster and cover

• What would make people buy a game?

• What colour schemes do people like?

• How often do people play video games?

• What type of game to people play most?

• What excites people about playing games?

***Also, try out initial ideas for names that you have for your game! See which one is the most appealing...***

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Once you have done this, you need to enter the data into Excel and create graphs which illustrate your findings

Enter your data as shown in the picture. Once you have done this. Highlight both the options and the number of people

Then go to Insert – Pie (or column if you prefer) and select 2-D Pie

A colour coded pie chart will then be created displaying your results

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Research summaryThe next stage is to write a 250-400 word research summary

on your findings from your analysis of magazines and your market research.

Both these stages should influence your final designs.

Things to consider in your research summary:• What were the most popular answers in your survey and

why?• What makes the game covers and posters you have

researched stand out?• What are the features that you will include in your own

game and poster designs and why?

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To be completed by the 23rd

January 2015

Record your progress in your production log

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Now it’s time to start your final designs!Design 2 mock-ups for your game cover and both posters complete with annotations stating why you have chosen to design it in this way.Consider carefully how each one will be laid out. At this stage, layout is more important than content!Here is an example of a GCSE student’s mock up of her magazine pages. The same consideration can be applied to the video game mock-ups. Think about where you text is going to go and where your images will be placed. As well as the console logo and other production logos

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In your mock-ups...

Experiment with;

• Different layouts

• Different fonts

• Different colour schemes

And then ask your classmates for feedback to help you inform you final decision.

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You have 2 lessons to draw up your mock-ups

This will be completed by the 30th


Record your progress in your production log

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Now plan your photo shoot!

• Who or what are you going to photograph?

• What camera angles/ shots are you going to use?

• Where are you going to take your photos?

• Are you going to use any props or costumes?

• How are you going to make the photos look interesting and appealing?

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Once you have finished your photo shoot select the ones that you are going to use.

Do not discard the rest- they can go in the appendix, along with your final choices, as evidence of your creative journey.

Also, state in your appendix

why you chose some images

over others.

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A useful video: ‘how to think like a photographer’


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All photo shoots must be completed by 2nd


Record your progress in your production log

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Carefully select which photos you are going to use for each product you are making and plan how they will be laid out.

Extension: explain why you have chosen specific ones and why you have chosen not to include other.

Record your progress in your production log

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Now it’s time to put your creation together!

Here is an example of a video game advert

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Advert 2

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Video game cover

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There are Photoshop templates available on Frog to help you layout your work. After all, you must makes sure everything fits and is the right size. This has to be as identical to the real thing as possible

1. 2.

3.4. 5.


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Helpful tools in Photoshop: the magnetic lasso tool

This allows you to draw around an image really accurately- the line automatically snaps to the outline for your image this is really handy for cutting out parts of your image

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Helpful tools for Photoshop: Fonts

Here is a link to a website which offers 50 free font types that you can use.

Remember, play around with colour and styles.


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Helpful tools in Photoshop: changing colours

This is useful if you want to make the colours of certain body parts/ clothing a different or vibrant colour. A step by step guide on how to do this is here


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Helpful tools in Photoshop: turning your images into polaroid pictures

This is useful for making your content page look interesting or adding some more images on your front cover or double page spread. Also to border additional photos on the back of your game cover.

A guide on how to do this is here


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Helpful Photoshop tools: creating different lighting effects

This is useful for making images look funky. Perfect for video game covers or magazine front covers.


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All designs need to be finished by Friday the 13th March 2015

Record your progress in your production log.

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Now it’s time to evaluate your work!

You must write between 500 and 800 words for you evaluation. You should include include pictures, screen shots, scanned images to show your journey and decision making.

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• You must include how your research has influenced your final products.

• You must demonstrate your understanding of the conventions of your chosen product (use the image of your final products to show your understanding).

• You must mention any artistic decisions you have made and why you made them (add in images here to illustrate your answer)

• You must mention how you have tried to appeal to your target audience. Do you think you did a good job?

• You can include images and any other piece of information which shows your journey

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Your final deadline is 23rd March

Make sure you have recorded everything in your production log