GB GUJARAT THEMIS ' BIOSYN LIMITED CIN: L2423OGJ1 981 PLCOO4878 REGD. OFFICE & FACTORY : 69/0 GIDC INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, VAN—396195, DIST. VALSAD, GUJARAT, INDIA TEL : 0260-2430027] 2400639 E-mail: [email protected] GTBL1CS: BSE-CORR/20l 9-20 30th July, 2019 BSE Limited, P. J. Towers, Dalal Street, Mum bai—4000Ol Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Newsgager Advertisement pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Reguirements) Regulations, 2015 Ref: l, Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 20i5 2. BSE Scrip Code: 506879 In compliance with Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 20i5, we are enclosing herewith the copy of newspaper advertisement of Notice of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Gujarat Themis Biosyn Limited scheduled to be held on Wednesday, August 7, 2019, published in English and Gujarati Newspaper on July 30, 2019. This is for your information and record. Thanking you, Yours Faithfully, For Gujarat Themis Biosyn Limited em” «Q gfo ‘- (9' ~ .: www- g ’2“ 5/ Q "o . 8.. a * .r' Abhishek D. Buddhadev Company Secretary & Compliance Officer MUMBAI OFFlCE : Themis Hosue, 11/12 Udyog Nagar, S.V Road, Goregaon (West), Mumbai —400 104 Tel .: 91—22—67607080 / 28757836 Fax : 28746621 / 67607019 E-mail :gtblmumbantlnWebsite Address : www.gtbl.in


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VAN—396195, DIST. VALSAD, GUJARAT, INDIATEL : 0260-2430027] 2400639

E-mail: [email protected]

GTBL1CS: BSE-CORR/20l 9-20 30th July, 2019

BSE Limited,P. J. Towers, Dalal Street,Mum bai—4000OlDear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Newsgager Advertisement pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligationsand Disclosure Reguirements) Regulations, 2015

Ref: l, Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements)Regulations, 20i5

2. BSE Scrip Code: 506879

In compliance with Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements) Regulations, 20i5, we are enclosing herewith the copy of newspaperadvertisement of Notice of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Gujarat ThemisBiosyn Limited scheduled to be held on Wednesday, August 7, 2019, published inEnglish and Gujarati Newspaper on July 30, 2019.

This is for your information and record.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully,For Gujarat Themis Biosyn Limited

em”«Q gfo

‘- (9'’ ~ .: www- g

’2“ 5/Q "o . 8..a * .r'

Abhishek D. BuddhadevCompany Secretary & Compliance Officer

MUMBAI OFFlCE : Themis Hosue, 11/12 Udyog Nagar, S.V Road, Goregaon (West), Mumbai —400 104Tel .: 91—22—67607080 / 28757836 Fax : 28746621 / 67607019 E-mail :gtblmumbantlnWebsite Address :



Ahmedabad, Page 7

Business Brief

Business 7AHMEDABAD TUESDAY 30/7/2019

E-mail attacks giving sleeplessnight to IT professionals

New Delhi, Email attacks like phishing and ransomware are

having a major impact on businesses globally, with overthree-quarters of organizations saying their employeesaren’t good at spotting suspicious emails, a new reporthas stressed.

Nearly 74 per cent of respondents say email attacksare having a major impact on their businesses while 78per cent of organizations said the cost of email breachesis increasing, according to the report titled “2019 EmailSecurity Trends” by the US-based cyber security firmBarracuda Networks. Spear phishing is widespread with43 per cent of organizations being the victim of a spear-phishing attack in the past 12 months. “While most ITprofessionals are more confident about their email se-curity systems than they were a year ago, email attackscontinue to have a significant impact on businesses,”said the report.The most common effects cited wereloss of employee productivity, downtime and businessdisruption, and damage to the reputation of the ITteam.“Nearly three-quarters of respondents reportedexperiencing higher stress levels, worrying about po-tential email security even when they’re not at work,and being forced to work nights and weekends to ad-dress email security issues,” the findings showed.

Jessica Alba’s Twitter account hackedSan Francisco,

American actress Jessica Alba’s Twitter account ap-peared to have been hacked during the weekend, ac-cording to reports and screenshots taken by other Twit-ter users. The screenshots show a series of racist, ho-mophobic, anti-Semitic and other offensive tweets ap-parently sent out from Alba’s account. The tweets havesince been deleted and she has not posted about theincident. The 38-year-old seems to be a target of an un-known hacker with fans tweeting back at her in shockat the hateful language of the tweets posted from herTwitter handle. In addition, some messages sent outfrom the handle include references to Nazis, US Presi-dent Donald Trump and homosexuals, news websiteThe Hollywood Reporter reported on Sunday. “JessicaAlba did not carry the entire Fantastic Four franchiseon her back to get hacked in her sleep while she wasjust trying to sell us multi-vitamins,” wrote one alongwith a sample of the hacked tweets. “Jessica Alba get-ting hacked is the most unprecedented event of 2019,”another said. According to media reports, the latest realtweet from Alba was posted on July 20, in which shesent out an Instagram photo of night at dinner with herhusband and friends. Whatever was posted on July 27-28 was posted by the hacker, reports said.

BSNL orders officers to fly economyclass to cut costs

New Delhi, In a move to cut costs further amid financial diffi-

culties, state-run telecom major BSNL has asked all itsofficers to fly by economy class on both domestic andinternational air travel, according to an office order. “Dueto present financial stress of the company, all BSNL of-ficers will now travel by economy class air journey (Do-mestic and International journey) while performingtheir official tours with immediate effect till further or-ders. “However, with the prior approval of the CMD,BSNL, the officers may travel by higher class in case ofbusiness requirements”, the order of July 26 said. Thepublic sector firm recorded a provisional loss of Rs 4,859crore in 2015-16, of Rs 4,793 crore in 2016-17 and Rs7,993 crore in 2017-18, which is estimated to rise to Rs14,202 crore in 2018-19, as per official data given toParliament. “Low tariffs due to fierce competition in themobile segment, high staff cost and absence of 4G ser-vices (except in few places) in the data-centric telecommarket are the main reasons for losses of BSNL,”Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had told Parlia-ment. Faced with the tough financial situations of bothBSNL and MTNL, the government is planning a revivalscheme for these companies designed to make themmore competitive and professional.

White hat hackers are ‘immunesystem of the Internet’

New Delhi, As governments and

organisations the worldover face cyber securitythreats on a daily basis,hackers who are actually the“immune system of theinternet” has earned a realbad name in the recent past.

The term ‘hacker’ has anegative perception aroundit but according toHackerOne, the leadinghacker-powered securityplatform, the misconcep-tions are finally changingowing to the rise of ethicalhacking or “white-hat” hack-ing.

“What previously wasviewed as a criminal offence20 or 30 years ago is nowseen as a legitimate profes-sion. In fact, with the rise ofbug bounties, hacking canbe lucrative, earning morethan physicians and archi-tects in the US,” BenSadeghipour, Head ofHacker Operations atHackerOne, told IANS.

The Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology (MIT)

first coined the term “hack-ing” in the 1950s in refer-ence to using a machine fortrial and error experimentsand its original connotationwasn not a bad one.

“In fact, MIT has a long-standing tradition of hack-ing and accepts ‘hacking’ aspart of its culture andsynonymises the word with‘curious exploration’ andcreative inventions thatdemonstrate ingenuity andcleverness,’ addedSadeghipour, himself ahacker.

More companies andgovernment organisationsare realising that in order toprotect themselves online,they too need highly-skilledand creative individuals ontheir side.

In the 1990s, Netscapecoined the term “bugbounty and was one of thefirst companies to put bud-get behind a programmededicated to financially re-warding hackers for findingvulnerabilities.Today, techgiants like Facebook,

Google, Microsoft offer theirown bug bountyprogrammes.

“A physician earns anaverage of $195,000 and anarchitect earns an averageof $115,000; meanwhile, thetop paid hackers are earn-ing over seven figures. Thisyear there have been recordbounties earned with thefirst teenager earning over$1 million in ethical hack-ing,” informed Sadeghipour.A recent study revealedthat 70 per cent of IT profes-sionals wanted the Cam-bridge dictionary definitionof a hacker changed toshow hackers in afavourable light, such aswith the more accurate defi-nition like MIT uses.Anotherstudy showed that hackers’top motivations are the op-portunity to learn, to bechallenged, and to havefun.Perhaps, those whobreak into networks andsystems with malicious pur-pose should better becalled cyber criminals, nothackers.

Kochi, In a bid to benefit mil-

lions of Internet users andconnect the next billion us-ers, global networking giantCisco has teamed up withGoogle to roll out free, high-speed public Wi-Fi accessglobally, starting with India.

The first pilot under thepartnership has been rolledout at 35 locations inBengaluru, Cisco said hereon Monday, adding that itwill work with Google’s “Sta-tion Platform” to providecommunities around thecountry access to high-speed public Wi-Fi.

By September this year,200 locations in Bengaluruwill be Wi-Fi enabled, fol-lowed by another 300 in thesecond phase, the two tech-nology giants said at the“Cisco India Summit” here.

The locations includepublic spaces like bus stops,hospitals and governmentoffices, etc.

Google said that it wascommitted to make the ser-vice secure.

“It will run on https en-vironment — the same en-vironment in which you doonline banking transac-tions,” Sajith Sivanandan,Managing Director andBusiness Head, Google Payand “Next Billion User Initia-tives”, India, told reportershere.

Cisco joins Google to launchfree public Wi-Fi in India

“The service will be sup-ported by advertisements.We will think of more prod-ucts to make the servicecommercially available”.

According to Cisco, thevision behind rolling outthis service is that Internetshould be a fundamentalright in this country.

“Moving from slow tohigh-speed Internet accesswill increase user engage-ment and benefit millions ofInternet users throughoutthe economic spectrum.The success of digitizationand digital citizen services isalso closely tied to the pro-liferation of high-speedinternet,” said SameerGarde, President, Cisco India& Saarc.

“This also represents asignificant growth opportu-nity, the demand for publicWi-Fi hotspots is expectedto go up by 100X over thenext 3 years, creating newmarkets for Cisco and ourpartners,” he added.

Currently, about half abillion people in India areonline, while 800 million arestill not connected to theInternet.

According to a TRAI re-port, globally, there is on Wi-Fi hotspot for every 150people, and in India, eightmillion additional hotspotsmust be installed to achievethe same ratio — creating

new market opportunitiesfor infrastructure providersand internet service provid-ers.

India has only 52,000 Wi-Fi hotspots today, necessi-tating a proactive strategyto make high-speed Wi-Fihotspots ubiquitous acrossthe country.

“It is an important part-nership from the context offurthering the vision of Digi-tal India, by making hi-speed public Wi-FI as perva-sive as possible in con-gested city settings,” PrabhuRam, Head-Industry Intelli-gence Group, CyberMediaResearch, told IANS.

According to the CiscoVNI (Visual Networking In-dex) report, nearly 59 percent of Internet traffic will beoffloaded from cellular net-works to Wi-Fi by 2022.

“The Cisco-Google part-nership brings together theexpertise of Cisco in net-work infrastructure, andGoogle in providing seam-less broadband experience,and expertise in developingvernacular web content andplatform innovations. Thepartnership aims at bring-ing hi-speed public Wi-Fi tothe next billion mobile us-ers, a cohort that includesunconnected and under-connected Indians acrosshighly-congested city loca-tions,” Ram explained.

New Delhi, Quick response (QR)

codes have become a com-mon payment option for In-dian smartphone users atrestaurants, grocery shopsand the like, and it wasPaytm which pioneered themethod and leads the field,which has now attracted theinterest of tech majors likeGoogle and Facebook-Whatsapp.

The first Indian com-pany to integrate paymentsinto QR and take it to thelevel of neighbourhoodstores, Paytm had hired10,000 agents duringdemonetisation to expandits merchant network andstrengthen its team to takemore users on board, so that“Paytm Karo” soon becamea slogan for digital pay-ments.

Its success in the digitalpayments space from vari-ous day to day payment use-cases to Paytm QR - has nowattracted American giants.

How Paytm QR Codes revolutioniseddigital payments in India

Media reports said thatGoogle Pay and Phonepeare increasingly looking atoffline payments and tryingto carve out a share in thePaytm-dominated market.

Offline payments are in-creasingly in focus with thegovernment proposing zerocharges on all forms of digi-tal payments to encouragetheir use.

Paytm says it has re-ported that it registeredmore than 250 millionmonthly transactionsthrough Paytm QR in 2019-20’s first quarter - more thatthe combined number ofother QR-based paymentson different platforms -making it the unquestionedleader in the space.

Paytm’s Senior VicePresident Deepak Abbotsaid: “Paytm was the firstcompany to identify theneed for a no-cost paymentmethod, which would beconvenient & secured forboth merchants and cus-

tomers. We launched our in-novative Paytm QR in 2015that customers could simplyscan with theirsmartphones & pay to themerchant.

Paytm QR, he said, “revo-lutionized the entire digitalpayments industry and mil-lions of people adopted itacross the country, rightfrom the local kirana stores,auto-rickshaws and fastfood joints to top-end ho-tels & restaurants”.

“We feel pride in seeingthat its popularity has in-spired many other digitalQR-based paymentmethod,” Abbot added.

He noted that Paytm“continues to be the digitalpayments leader in India”,seeing a three-fold growthin the last one year in bothonline and offline payments.

“With more than 12 mil-lion merchants on board, weregister over 250 millionmonthly offline transac-tions.”

Did you apply for GoogleCEO’s job on LinkedIn?

San Francisco, To the surprise of mil-

lions of LinkedIn users, thehigh-profile job of GoogleCEO Sundar Pichai was upfor grabs on Microsoft-owned professional net-working platform and somewannabes even applied tobecome what would be adream job on Earth.

Later, LinkedIn acceptedit was actually a security bugthat let users post an official-looking job opening onnearly any firm’s LinkedInbusiness page.

These unofficial listingsshowed up on a company’s“Jobs” page and looked likeany other job openingposted legitimately by theorganisation, Mashable re-ported on Sunday.

The job posting forGoogle CEO, put up byMichel Rijnders, evoked

mixed responses fromLinkedIn users. One userposted: “Applying to beCEO of Google on LinkedIn.Sundar ’s been doing agreat job so far. $GOOG Q2earnings were strong, so alittle strange to see thisopening”. LinkedIn re-sponded: “ Thank youMichel Rijnders for bring-ing this to our attention.We’ve removed the post-ing and we’re resolving theissue that allowed this postto go live. LinkedIn is aplace for real people tohave real conversationsabout their careers”. Usu-ally, creating job postingson the platform needs apremium subscription, butRijnders could post jobopening for Goofle CEO onLinkedIn at no cost. “Thefake listings appeared onthe tech giants’ LinkedIn

business pages alongsidetheir other job openings.The listings also appearedin LinkedIn’s job search.There was no approval pro-cess required,” the reportadded. LikedIn said that“It’s not a place for fakejobs-we are committed tostopping fraudulent jobsfrom ever reaching ourmembers through auto-mated technology and thehelp of our members re-porting any suspicious jobpostings.”


Executive Engineer, Sardarkrushinagar DantiwadaAgriculture University, S.K. Nagar Ta. Dantiwada

Dist: Banaskantha-385506Phone: 02748-278232

NOTICE NO.: 5 OF 2019-20

On line E-Tendering is invited for below mentioned work.

Sr. Name of Work CriteriaNo.1 CONSTRUCTION OF 3.00 “E-1” Above



The last date of On-line submission of tender is 19-8-2019, upto 15.00 hrs. The detail regarding tender will see on websitewww.sdau.edu.in/tender and all tender detail will be seen onwww.nprocure.com. No offer will be accepted without G.S.T.number and detail. The copy of Price bid (as per on-linesubmission) in sealed cover should be submit with authorizeperson at above address or at Council of State AgricultureUniversity, 1st floor, Krushi Bhavan, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagaron 19-8-2019 up to 15.00 hrs. without fail otherwise offer willbe liable for rejection. All right are reserved to accept or rejectthe offer with under sign. Work will be carried out as peravailability of grant allocation. Any correction regarding tenderwill be seen only on-line.


Bharuch NagarpalikaDist: Bharuch

Bharuch Nagarpalika invite On-line tender Under 14thFinance, SJMMSVY and M.L.A. Grant for following 9 works ofAsphalt Road, Paver Block, RCC Road, Kota Fitting,Construction of community hall and Annual rate contract forSupplying of materials. Their Estimated Cost range betweenRs 5,00,800/- to Rs.7,87,900/-.For Details regarding tender Bidders can downloads the tenderfrom www.statetenders.com & www.nprocure.com. Biddersmust bid the tender document by on-line tender process. Nagarpalika will only accept physical tender document through RPAD/Speed Post.Note: GST & EPF No. Must be compulsory required.1) Tender Download Dt. 31.07.2019 to 07.08.20192) Physical submission of tender through RPAD/Speed

Post or hand to hand process at Municipalities Dt.09.08.2019 at 4.00 P.M.

3) Opening of Technical Bid Dt. 14.08.019 at 6.00 P.M.

Sanjay G. SoniChief Officer

Deepak C. MistryChairman


Naresh B. Sutharwala Bharat D. ShahStanding Committee Vice President

Surabhiben S. TambakuwalaPresident

Bharuch Nagarpalika, Bharuch



Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 1 First Floor,Sector 10 A Gandhinagar, Mo-No. 9978441147-78

Fax No.232(079) 22396 Email: [email protected] Notice No. 09/2019

Chief General Manager (P), GWIL, Gandhinagar invites on-line tender for Selection of Consultant for PMC Services forBulk Water Supply Projects in Gujarat State to be implementedby GWIL as below.Sr Tender Particulars Tender Fee Earnest Money

ID No. Rs. Deposit CostRs.

1 370359 RFQ Cum RFP for Selection and 30,000/- 50.0 Lakhsappointment of Consultant for ProjectManagement and Construction Supervisionservices through a Quality and Cost BasedSelection (QCBS) process for various BulkWater Supply Projects in Gujarat Sate to beimplemented by Gujarat Water InfrastructureLimited

• Bid documents downloading start : 26.7.2019, 18.00 Hrs.• Pre bid meeting Date-5.8.2019, 12.00 Hrs. GWIL Board Room• Last date & time for on-line receipt of bids: 19.8.2019 up to

18.00 Hr.• Last date & time for physical submission of tender 26.8.2019

up to 18.00 hrs.• Tender Opening- 27.8.2019 12.00 Hrs.• Further information is available on site

http://gwil.nprocure.com. All documents like Tender Notice.Tender documents. Amendment and any changes will be puton web site.



Regd. Office : 69/C, GIDC Industrial,Estate, Vapi, Dist: Valsad,Gujarat 396195.,(T) 0260-2430027 / 0260-2400639.

Email ID:[email protected] Website:http://www.gtbl.in


Abhishek D. BuddhadevCompanySecretary

Date : 29.07.2019Place : Mumbai

NOTICENotice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 47 read withRegulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements) Regulations, 2015, a meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Gujarat Themis BiosynLimited will be held onWednesday, 7th August, 2019, inter alia, to consider and approvethe Unaudited Financial Resultsfor the Quarter ended on 30th June,2019. This intimation is also available on Company’s website atwww.gtbl.in and on Stock Exchange Website at www.bseindia.com.

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old name


to New Name PUJAMAHENDRAKUMAR PATELAdd. : 12, Pranami Bunglows,

Vastral,, Ahmedabad1269

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old namefrom MOMIN GULSANBANU


ADIL Add. : At & Po. PanpurPatiya (Savgadh),

Ta. HimatnagarDist. Sabarkantha-383001


Panel to meet again onfunds transfer: Jalan

By Anjana DasNew Delhi,

The Bimal Jalan panelwill meet again to finalisethe report on the transferof RBI’s surplus and prof-its to the government inwake of the earl ier Fi-nance Ministry nomineeand former Finance Secre-tar y Subhash ChandraGarg’s transfer to anotherMinistry leading to theslot falling vacant.

“Since a new nomineehas come, the RBI woulddecide on exactly whatneeds to be done and Ican’t comment more atthis time. The RBI and gov-ernment will take the callon filling up the gap thathas been created due tovacancy from governmentnominee side,” panelchairman Bimal Jalan toldIANS.

“I am not involved inthat par t, ” he added.Asked if the panel wil lmeet again he said: “Mostprobably.”

As the situation standsnow, Finance SecretarySubhash Chandra Garg’s

transfer to the Power Min-istry might see the panelmeeting again. This, how-ever, could not be con-firmed.

The report will standas was decided in the lastmeeting and the new gov-ernment nominee’s signa-ture would be incorpo-rated or there will be fur-ther discussions with thenew entrant from the Fi-nance Ministr y on thesame issues.

Atanu Chakraborty hasreplaced Garg in the Fi-nance Ministry as Eco-nomic Affairs Secretary.

The government is yetto announce the name ofthe new Finance Secretary,while Banking SecretaryRajeev Kumar is the seniormost IAS currently in theFinance Ministry.

The Bimal Jalan Panel,which had concluded dis-cussions and were to sub-mit its report on the RBI’seconomic capital frame-work now might have towait on the governmentdecision to place a nomi-nee first following the exit

of Garg, who was one ofthe members of the six-member panel.

Garg was the sole dis-senter, who opposed thecapital framework de-cided by the committeeand had refused to sign it,instead of giving a dissentnote.

However, the panelhad decided to go aheadwith the report, adding hisdissent note. Garg saidlater, after taking over thePower Garg in the FinanceMini Secretary post, thathe did not sign the reportas it was not final.

The RBI Central Boardwill meet on August 16.On July 18, the panel hadmet for the last time todecide on the exactamount of transfer to gov-ernment by the RBI andthe overall consensus wasto transfer it over three tofive years and not in onego, which Garg had ob-jected to .

(Anjana Das can becontacted [email protected])



LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

PNB Housing Finance raises$100 mn from IFC via ECB route

Mumbai, State-run Punjab Natiuonal Bank (PNB) subsidiary PNB

Housing Finance Ltd on Monday announced it has raised$100 million (around Rs 690 crore) from the InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC) under the recently allowed au-tomatic External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) route to fi-nance the purchase of affordable housing projects.

“The investment was made under the central bank’sautomatic route in the revamped external commercial bor-rowings (ECB) framework,” PNB Housing Finance said in aregulatory filing. The company is looking forward to usethe ECB route more in the coming days, it said. The IFC isthe private investment arm of the World Bank. PNB Hous-ing Finance Managing Director Sanjaya Gupta said this isthe first ECB disbursement during the current financial yearunder the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) automatic route. RBIhas allowed the company to avail ECB of up to $750 mil-lion annually under the automatic route.

Ahmedabad, Page 7

Business Brief

Business 7AHMEDABAD TUESDAY 30/7/2019

E-mail attacks giving sleeplessnight to IT professionals

New Delhi, Email attacks like phishing and ransomware are

having a major impact on businesses globally, with overthree-quarters of organizations saying their employeesaren’t good at spotting suspicious emails, a new reporthas stressed.

Nearly 74 per cent of respondents say email attacksare having a major impact on their businesses while 78per cent of organizations said the cost of email breachesis increasing, according to the report titled “2019 EmailSecurity Trends” by the US-based cyber security firmBarracuda Networks. Spear phishing is widespread with43 per cent of organizations being the victim of a spear-phishing attack in the past 12 months. “While most ITprofessionals are more confident about their email se-curity systems than they were a year ago, email attackscontinue to have a significant impact on businesses,”said the report.The most common effects cited wereloss of employee productivity, downtime and businessdisruption, and damage to the reputation of the ITteam.“Nearly three-quarters of respondents reportedexperiencing higher stress levels, worrying about po-tential email security even when they’re not at work,and being forced to work nights and weekends to ad-dress email security issues,” the findings showed.

Jessica Alba’s Twitter account hackedSan Francisco,

American actress Jessica Alba’s Twitter account ap-peared to have been hacked during the weekend, ac-cording to reports and screenshots taken by other Twit-ter users. The screenshots show a series of racist, ho-mophobic, anti-Semitic and other offensive tweets ap-parently sent out from Alba’s account. The tweets havesince been deleted and she has not posted about theincident. The 38-year-old seems to be a target of an un-known hacker with fans tweeting back at her in shockat the hateful language of the tweets posted from herTwitter handle. In addition, some messages sent outfrom the handle include references to Nazis, US Presi-dent Donald Trump and homosexuals, news websiteThe Hollywood Reporter reported on Sunday. “JessicaAlba did not carry the entire Fantastic Four franchiseon her back to get hacked in her sleep while she wasjust trying to sell us multi-vitamins,” wrote one alongwith a sample of the hacked tweets. “Jessica Alba get-ting hacked is the most unprecedented event of 2019,”another said. According to media reports, the latest realtweet from Alba was posted on July 20, in which shesent out an Instagram photo of night at dinner with herhusband and friends. Whatever was posted on July 27-28 was posted by the hacker, reports said.

BSNL orders officers to fly economyclass to cut costs

New Delhi, In a move to cut costs further amid financial diffi-

culties, state-run telecom major BSNL has asked all itsofficers to fly by economy class on both domestic andinternational air travel, according to an office order. “Dueto present financial stress of the company, all BSNL of-ficers will now travel by economy class air journey (Do-mestic and International journey) while performingtheir official tours with immediate effect till further or-ders. “However, with the prior approval of the CMD,BSNL, the officers may travel by higher class in case ofbusiness requirements”, the order of July 26 said. Thepublic sector firm recorded a provisional loss of Rs 4,859crore in 2015-16, of Rs 4,793 crore in 2016-17 and Rs7,993 crore in 2017-18, which is estimated to rise to Rs14,202 crore in 2018-19, as per official data given toParliament. “Low tariffs due to fierce competition in themobile segment, high staff cost and absence of 4G ser-vices (except in few places) in the data-centric telecommarket are the main reasons for losses of BSNL,”Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had told Parlia-ment. Faced with the tough financial situations of bothBSNL and MTNL, the government is planning a revivalscheme for these companies designed to make themmore competitive and professional.

White hat hackers are ‘immunesystem of the Internet’

New Delhi, As governments and

organisations the worldover face cyber securitythreats on a daily basis,hackers who are actually the“immune system of theinternet” has earned a realbad name in the recent past.

The term ‘hacker’ has anegative perception aroundit but according toHackerOne, the leadinghacker-powered securityplatform, the misconcep-tions are finally changingowing to the rise of ethicalhacking or “white-hat” hack-ing.

“What previously wasviewed as a criminal offence20 or 30 years ago is nowseen as a legitimate profes-sion. In fact, with the rise ofbug bounties, hacking canbe lucrative, earning morethan physicians and archi-tects in the US,” BenSadeghipour, Head ofHacker Operations atHackerOne, told IANS.

The Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology (MIT)

first coined the term “hack-ing” in the 1950s in refer-ence to using a machine fortrial and error experimentsand its original connotationwasn not a bad one.

“In fact, MIT has a long-standing tradition of hack-ing and accepts ‘hacking’ aspart of its culture andsynonymises the word with‘curious exploration’ andcreative inventions thatdemonstrate ingenuity andcleverness,’ addedSadeghipour, himself ahacker.

More companies andgovernment organisationsare realising that in order toprotect themselves online,they too need highly-skilledand creative individuals ontheir side.

In the 1990s, Netscapecoined the term “bugbounty and was one of thefirst companies to put bud-get behind a programmededicated to financially re-warding hackers for findingvulnerabilities.Today, techgiants like Facebook,

Google, Microsoft offer theirown bug bountyprogrammes.

“A physician earns anaverage of $195,000 and anarchitect earns an averageof $115,000; meanwhile, thetop paid hackers are earn-ing over seven figures. Thisyear there have been recordbounties earned with thefirst teenager earning over$1 million in ethical hack-ing,” informed Sadeghipour.A recent study revealedthat 70 per cent of IT profes-sionals wanted the Cam-bridge dictionary definitionof a hacker changed toshow hackers in afavourable light, such aswith the more accurate defi-nition like MIT uses.Anotherstudy showed that hackers’top motivations are the op-portunity to learn, to bechallenged, and to havefun.Perhaps, those whobreak into networks andsystems with malicious pur-pose should better becalled cyber criminals, nothackers.

Kochi, In a bid to benefit mil-

lions of Internet users andconnect the next billion us-ers, global networking giantCisco has teamed up withGoogle to roll out free, high-speed public Wi-Fi accessglobally, starting with India.

The first pilot under thepartnership has been rolledout at 35 locations inBengaluru, Cisco said hereon Monday, adding that itwill work with Google’s “Sta-tion Platform” to providecommunities around thecountry access to high-speed public Wi-Fi.

By September this year,200 locations in Bengaluruwill be Wi-Fi enabled, fol-lowed by another 300 in thesecond phase, the two tech-nology giants said at the“Cisco India Summit” here.

The locations includepublic spaces like bus stops,hospitals and governmentoffices, etc.

Google said that it wascommitted to make the ser-vice secure.

“It will run on https en-vironment — the same en-vironment in which you doonline banking transac-tions,” Sajith Sivanandan,Managing Director andBusiness Head, Google Payand “Next Billion User Initia-tives”, India, told reportershere.

Cisco joins Google to launchfree public Wi-Fi in India

“The service will be sup-ported by advertisements.We will think of more prod-ucts to make the servicecommercially available”.

According to Cisco, thevision behind rolling outthis service is that Internetshould be a fundamentalright in this country.

“Moving from slow tohigh-speed Internet accesswill increase user engage-ment and benefit millions ofInternet users throughoutthe economic spectrum.The success of digitizationand digital citizen services isalso closely tied to the pro-liferation of high-speedinternet,” said SameerGarde, President, Cisco India& Saarc.

“This also represents asignificant growth opportu-nity, the demand for publicWi-Fi hotspots is expectedto go up by 100X over thenext 3 years, creating newmarkets for Cisco and ourpartners,” he added.

Currently, about half abillion people in India areonline, while 800 million arestill not connected to theInternet.

According to a TRAI re-port, globally, there is on Wi-Fi hotspot for every 150people, and in India, eightmillion additional hotspotsmust be installed to achievethe same ratio — creating

new market opportunitiesfor infrastructure providersand internet service provid-ers.

India has only 52,000 Wi-Fi hotspots today, necessi-tating a proactive strategyto make high-speed Wi-Fihotspots ubiquitous acrossthe country.

“It is an important part-nership from the context offurthering the vision of Digi-tal India, by making hi-speed public Wi-FI as perva-sive as possible in con-gested city settings,” PrabhuRam, Head-Industry Intelli-gence Group, CyberMediaResearch, told IANS.

According to the CiscoVNI (Visual Networking In-dex) report, nearly 59 percent of Internet traffic will beoffloaded from cellular net-works to Wi-Fi by 2022.

“The Cisco-Google part-nership brings together theexpertise of Cisco in net-work infrastructure, andGoogle in providing seam-less broadband experience,and expertise in developingvernacular web content andplatform innovations. Thepartnership aims at bring-ing hi-speed public Wi-Fi tothe next billion mobile us-ers, a cohort that includesunconnected and under-connected Indians acrosshighly-congested city loca-tions,” Ram explained.

New Delhi, Quick response (QR)

codes have become a com-mon payment option for In-dian smartphone users atrestaurants, grocery shopsand the like, and it wasPaytm which pioneered themethod and leads the field,which has now attracted theinterest of tech majors likeGoogle and Facebook-Whatsapp.

The first Indian com-pany to integrate paymentsinto QR and take it to thelevel of neighbourhoodstores, Paytm had hired10,000 agents duringdemonetisation to expandits merchant network andstrengthen its team to takemore users on board, so that“Paytm Karo” soon becamea slogan for digital pay-ments.

Its success in the digitalpayments space from vari-ous day to day payment use-cases to Paytm QR - has nowattracted American giants.

How Paytm QR Codes revolutioniseddigital payments in India

Media reports said thatGoogle Pay and Phonepeare increasingly looking atoffline payments and tryingto carve out a share in thePaytm-dominated market.

Offline payments are in-creasingly in focus with thegovernment proposing zerocharges on all forms of digi-tal payments to encouragetheir use.

Paytm says it has re-ported that it registeredmore than 250 millionmonthly transactionsthrough Paytm QR in 2019-20’s first quarter - more thatthe combined number ofother QR-based paymentson different platforms -making it the unquestionedleader in the space.

Paytm’s Senior VicePresident Deepak Abbotsaid: “Paytm was the firstcompany to identify theneed for a no-cost paymentmethod, which would beconvenient & secured forboth merchants and cus-

tomers. We launched our in-novative Paytm QR in 2015that customers could simplyscan with theirsmartphones & pay to themerchant.

Paytm QR, he said, “revo-lutionized the entire digitalpayments industry and mil-lions of people adopted itacross the country, rightfrom the local kirana stores,auto-rickshaws and fastfood joints to top-end ho-tels & restaurants”.

“We feel pride in seeingthat its popularity has in-spired many other digitalQR-based paymentmethod,” Abbot added.

He noted that Paytm“continues to be the digitalpayments leader in India”,seeing a three-fold growthin the last one year in bothonline and offline payments.

“With more than 12 mil-lion merchants on board, weregister over 250 millionmonthly offline transac-tions.”

Did you apply for GoogleCEO’s job on LinkedIn?

San Francisco, To the surprise of mil-

lions of LinkedIn users, thehigh-profile job of GoogleCEO Sundar Pichai was upfor grabs on Microsoft-owned professional net-working platform and somewannabes even applied tobecome what would be adream job on Earth.

Later, LinkedIn acceptedit was actually a security bugthat let users post an official-looking job opening onnearly any firm’s LinkedInbusiness page.

These unofficial listingsshowed up on a company’s“Jobs” page and looked likeany other job openingposted legitimately by theorganisation, Mashable re-ported on Sunday.

The job posting forGoogle CEO, put up byMichel Rijnders, evoked

mixed responses fromLinkedIn users. One userposted: “Applying to beCEO of Google on LinkedIn.Sundar ’s been doing agreat job so far. $GOOG Q2earnings were strong, so alittle strange to see thisopening”. LinkedIn re-sponded: “ Thank youMichel Rijnders for bring-ing this to our attention.We’ve removed the post-ing and we’re resolving theissue that allowed this postto go live. LinkedIn is aplace for real people tohave real conversationsabout their careers”. Usu-ally, creating job postingson the platform needs apremium subscription, butRijnders could post jobopening for Goofle CEO onLinkedIn at no cost. “Thefake listings appeared onthe tech giants’ LinkedIn

business pages alongsidetheir other job openings.The listings also appearedin LinkedIn’s job search.There was no approval pro-cess required,” the reportadded. LikedIn said that“It’s not a place for fakejobs-we are committed tostopping fraudulent jobsfrom ever reaching ourmembers through auto-mated technology and thehelp of our members re-porting any suspicious jobpostings.”


Executive Engineer, Sardarkrushinagar DantiwadaAgriculture University, S.K. Nagar Ta. Dantiwada

Dist: Banaskantha-385506Phone: 02748-278232

NOTICE NO.: 5 OF 2019-20

On line E-Tendering is invited for below mentioned work.

Sr. Name of Work CriteriaNo.1 CONSTRUCTION OF 3.00 “E-1” Above



The last date of On-line submission of tender is 19-8-2019, upto 15.00 hrs. The detail regarding tender will see on websitewww.sdau.edu.in/tender and all tender detail will be seen onwww.nprocure.com. No offer will be accepted without G.S.T.number and detail. The copy of Price bid (as per on-linesubmission) in sealed cover should be submit with authorizeperson at above address or at Council of State AgricultureUniversity, 1st floor, Krushi Bhavan, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagaron 19-8-2019 up to 15.00 hrs. without fail otherwise offer willbe liable for rejection. All right are reserved to accept or rejectthe offer with under sign. Work will be carried out as peravailability of grant allocation. Any correction regarding tenderwill be seen only on-line.


Bharuch NagarpalikaDist: Bharuch

Bharuch Nagarpalika invite On-line tender Under 14thFinance, SJMMSVY and M.L.A. Grant for following 9 works ofAsphalt Road, Paver Block, RCC Road, Kota Fitting,Construction of community hall and Annual rate contract forSupplying of materials. Their Estimated Cost range betweenRs 5,00,800/- to Rs.7,87,900/-.For Details regarding tender Bidders can downloads the tenderfrom www.statetenders.com & www.nprocure.com. Biddersmust bid the tender document by on-line tender process. Nagarpalika will only accept physical tender document through RPAD/Speed Post.Note: GST & EPF No. Must be compulsory required.1) Tender Download Dt. 31.07.2019 to 07.08.20192) Physical submission of tender through RPAD/Speed

Post or hand to hand process at Municipalities Dt.09.08.2019 at 4.00 P.M.

3) Opening of Technical Bid Dt. 14.08.019 at 6.00 P.M.

Sanjay G. SoniChief Officer

Deepak C. MistryChairman


Naresh B. Sutharwala Bharat D. ShahStanding Committee Vice President

Surabhiben S. TambakuwalaPresident

Bharuch Nagarpalika, Bharuch



Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 1 First Floor,Sector 10 A Gandhinagar, Mo-No. 9978441147-78

Fax No.232(079) 22396 Email: [email protected] Notice No. 09/2019

Chief General Manager (P), GWIL, Gandhinagar invites on-line tender for Selection of Consultant for PMC Services forBulk Water Supply Projects in Gujarat State to be implementedby GWIL as below.Sr Tender Particulars Tender Fee Earnest Money

ID No. Rs. Deposit CostRs.

1 370359 RFQ Cum RFP for Selection and 30,000/- 50.0 Lakhsappointment of Consultant for ProjectManagement and Construction Supervisionservices through a Quality and Cost BasedSelection (QCBS) process for various BulkWater Supply Projects in Gujarat Sate to beimplemented by Gujarat Water InfrastructureLimited

• Bid documents downloading start : 26.7.2019, 18.00 Hrs.• Pre bid meeting Date-5.8.2019, 12.00 Hrs. GWIL Board Room• Last date & time for on-line receipt of bids: 19.8.2019 up to

18.00 Hr.• Last date & time for physical submission of tender 26.8.2019

up to 18.00 hrs.• Tender Opening- 27.8.2019 12.00 Hrs.• Further information is available on site

http://gwil.nprocure.com. All documents like Tender Notice.Tender documents. Amendment and any changes will be puton web site.



Regd. Office : 69/C, GIDC Industrial,Estate, Vapi, Dist: Valsad,Gujarat 396195.,(T) 0260-2430027 / 0260-2400639.

Email ID:[email protected] Website:http://www.gtbl.in


Abhishek D. BuddhadevCompanySecretary

Date : 29.07.2019Place : Mumbai

NOTICENotice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 47 read withRegulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements) Regulations, 2015, a meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Gujarat Themis BiosynLimited will be held onWednesday, 7th August, 2019, inter alia, to consider and approvethe Unaudited Financial Resultsfor the Quarter ended on 30th June,2019. This intimation is also available on Company’s website atwww.gtbl.in and on Stock Exchange Website at www.bseindia.com.

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old name


to New Name PUJAMAHENDRAKUMAR PATELAdd. : 12, Pranami Bunglows,

Vastral,, Ahmedabad1269

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old namefrom MOMIN GULSANBANU


ADIL Add. : At & Po. PanpurPatiya (Savgadh),

Ta. HimatnagarDist. Sabarkantha-383001


Panel to meet again onfunds transfer: Jalan

By Anjana DasNew Delhi,

The Bimal Jalan panelwill meet again to finalisethe report on the transferof RBI’s surplus and prof-its to the government inwake of the earl ier Fi-nance Ministry nomineeand former Finance Secre-tar y Subhash ChandraGarg’s transfer to anotherMinistry leading to theslot falling vacant.

“Since a new nomineehas come, the RBI woulddecide on exactly whatneeds to be done and Ican’t comment more atthis time. The RBI and gov-ernment will take the callon filling up the gap thathas been created due tovacancy from governmentnominee side,” panelchairman Bimal Jalan toldIANS.

“I am not involved inthat par t, ” he added.Asked if the panel wil lmeet again he said: “Mostprobably.”

As the situation standsnow, Finance SecretarySubhash Chandra Garg’s

transfer to the Power Min-istry might see the panelmeeting again. This, how-ever, could not be con-firmed.

The report will standas was decided in the lastmeeting and the new gov-ernment nominee’s signa-ture would be incorpo-rated or there will be fur-ther discussions with thenew entrant from the Fi-nance Ministr y on thesame issues.

Atanu Chakraborty hasreplaced Garg in the Fi-nance Ministry as Eco-nomic Affairs Secretary.

The government is yetto announce the name ofthe new Finance Secretary,while Banking SecretaryRajeev Kumar is the seniormost IAS currently in theFinance Ministry.

The Bimal Jalan Panel,which had concluded dis-cussions and were to sub-mit its report on the RBI’seconomic capital frame-work now might have towait on the governmentdecision to place a nomi-nee first following the exit

of Garg, who was one ofthe members of the six-member panel.

Garg was the sole dis-senter, who opposed thecapital framework de-cided by the committeeand had refused to sign it,instead of giving a dissentnote.

However, the panelhad decided to go aheadwith the report, adding hisdissent note. Garg saidlater, after taking over thePower Garg in the FinanceMini Secretary post, thathe did not sign the reportas it was not final.

The RBI Central Boardwill meet on August 16.On July 18, the panel hadmet for the last time todecide on the exactamount of transfer to gov-ernment by the RBI andthe overall consensus wasto transfer it over three tofive years and not in onego, which Garg had ob-jected to .

(Anjana Das can becontacted [email protected])



LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

PNB Housing Finance raises$100 mn from IFC via ECB route

Mumbai, State-run Punjab Natiuonal Bank (PNB) subsidiary PNB

Housing Finance Ltd on Monday announced it has raised$100 million (around Rs 690 crore) from the InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC) under the recently allowed au-tomatic External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) route to fi-nance the purchase of affordable housing projects.

“The investment was made under the central bank’sautomatic route in the revamped external commercial bor-rowings (ECB) framework,” PNB Housing Finance said in aregulatory filing. The company is looking forward to usethe ECB route more in the coming days, it said. The IFC isthe private investment arm of the World Bank. PNB Hous-ing Finance Managing Director Sanjaya Gupta said this isthe first ECB disbursement during the current financial yearunder the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) automatic route. RBIhas allowed the company to avail ECB of up to $750 mil-lion annually under the automatic route.

BusinessWhite hat hackers are ’immune Cisco joins Google to launch

system of the Internet’New Delhi,

As governments andorganisations the worldover face cyber securitythreats on a daily basis,hackerswhoare actuallythe”immune system of theinternet” has earned a realbad name in the recent past.

The term ’hacker’ has anegative perception aroundit but according toHackerOne, the leadinghacker—powered securityplatform, the misconcep—tions are finally changingowing to the rise of ethicalhacking or"white—hat”hack—ing.

”What previously wasviewed as a criminal offence20 or 30 ears ago is nowseen as a egitimate profes—sion. In fact, with the rise ofbug bounties, hacking canbe lucrative, earning morethan physicians and archi—tects in the US,” BenSadeghipour, Head ofHacker Operations atHackerOne, told IANS.

The Massachusetts Insti—tute of Technology (MIT)

first coined the term ”hack—ing” in the 19505 in refer—ence to using a machine fortrial and error experimentsand its original connotationwasn not a bad one.

”In fact, MIT has a long—standing tradition of hack—ing and accepts’hacking’aspart of its culture andsynonymises the word with’curious exploration’ andcreative inventions thatdemonstrate ingenuity andcleverness,’ addedSadeghipour, himself ahackeh

More companies andgovernment organisationsare realising that in order toprotect themselves online,the too need highly—skilledan creative individuals ontheir side.

In the 19905, Netscapecoined the term "bugbounty and was one of thefirst companies to put bud—get behind a programmededicated to financially re—warding hackers for findingvulnerabilities.Today, techgiants like Facebook,

Google,Microsoft offertheirown bug bountyprogrammes.

”A physician earns anaverage of$195,000 and anarchitect earns an averageof$115,000;meanwhile,thetop paid hackers are earn—ing over seven figures.Thisearthere have been recordounties earned with the

first teenager earning over$1 million in ethical hack—ing,”informed Sadeghipour.A recent study revealedthat 70 per cent of IT profes—sionals wanted the Cam—bridge dictionary definitionof a hacker changed toshow hackers in afavourable light, such aswith the more accurate defi—nition like MIT uses.Anotherstudy showed that hackers’top motivations are the op—portunity to learn, to bechallenged, and to havefun.Perhaps, those whobreak into networks andsystems with malicious pur—pose should better becalled cyber criminals, nothackers.

How Paytm QR Codes revolutioniseddigital payments in IndiaNew Delhi,

Quick response (QR)codes have become a com—mon payment option for In—dian smartphone users atrestaurants, grocery shopsand the like, and it wasPaytm which pioneered themethod and leads the field,which has now attracted theinterest of tech majors likeGoogle and Facebook—Whatsapp.

The first Indian com—pany to integrate paymentsinto QR and take it to thelevel of neighbourhoodstores, Paytm had hired10,000 agents duringdemonetisation to expandits merchant network andstrengthen its team to takemore users on board,so that”Paytm Karo” soon becamea slogan for digital pay—ments.

Its success in the digitalpayments space from vari—ous day to day payment use—cases to Paytm QR — has nowattracted American giants.

Media reports said thatGoogle Pay and Phonepeare increasingly looking atoffline payments and tryingto carve out a share in thePaytm—dominated market.

Offline payments are in—creasingly in focus with thegovernment proposing zerocharges on all forms ofdigi—tal payments to encouragetheir use.

Paytm says it has re—ported that it registeredmore than 250 millionmonthly transactionsthrough Paytm QR in 2019—20’s first quarter — more thatthe combined number ofother QR—based paymentson different platforms —making it the unquestionedleader in the space.

Pa tm’s Senior VicePresi ent Deepak Abbotsaid: ”Paytm was the firstcompany to identify theneed for a no—cost paymentmethod, which would beconvenient & secured forboth merchants and cus—

tomers.We launched our in—novative Paytm OR in 2015that customers could simplyscan with theirsmartphones & pay to themerchant.

Paytm QR, he said,”revo—lutionized the entire digitalpayments industry and mil—lions of people adopted itacross the country, rightfrom the local kirana stores,auto—rickshaws and fastfood joints to top—end ho—tels & restaurants’.’

”We feel pride in seeingthat its popularity has in—spired many other digitalQR—based paymentmethod,"Abbot added.

He noted that Paytm”continues to be the digitalpayments leader in lndia’,’seeing a three—fold growthin the last one year in bothonline and offline payments.

”With more than 12 mil—lion merchants on board,weregister over 250 millionmonthly offline transac—tions.”

Did you apply for GoogleCEO’s job on Linkedln?

San Francisco,To the surprise of mil—

lions of Linkedln users, thehigh—profile job of GoogleCEO Sundar Pichai was upfor grabs on Microsoft—owned professional net—working platform and somewannabes even applied tobecome what would be adreamjob on Earth.

Later, Linkedln accepteditwasactuallyasecurit bugthatlet users postano icial—looking job opening onnearly any firm’s Linkedlnbusiness page.

These unofficial listingsshowed up on a company’s”Jobs” page and looked likeany other job openingposted legitimately b theorganisation, Mashab e re—ported on Sunday.

The job posting forGoogle CEO, put up byMichel Rijnders, evoked

mixed responses fromLinkedln users. One userposted: ”Applying to beCEO ofGoogle on Linkedln.Sundar’s been doing agreatjob so far.$GOOG 02earnings were strong, so alittle strange to see thisopening’f Linkedln re—sponded: "Thank youMichel Rijnders for bring—ing this to our attention.We’ve removed the post—ing and we’re resolving theissue that allowed this postto go live. Linkedln is aplace for real people tohave real conversationsabout their careers’.’ Usu—ally, creating job postingson the platform needs apremium subscription, butRijnders could post jobopening forGoofle CEO onLinkedln at no cost. ”Thefake listings appeared onthe tech giants’ Linkedln

PNB Housing Finance raises$100 mn from IFC via ECB route

Mumbai,State—run Punjab Natiuonal Bank (PNB) subsidiary PNB

Housing Finance Ltd on Monday announced it has raised$100 million (around Rs 690 crore) from the InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC) under the recently allowed au—tomatic External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) route to fi—nance the purchase of affordable housing projects.

”The investment was made under the central bank’sautomatic route in the revamped external commercial bor—rowings (ECB) framework," PNB Housing Finance said in aregulatory filing. The company is looking forward to usethe ECB route more in the coming days, it said.The IFC isthe private investment arm of the World Bank. PNB Hous—ing Finance Managing Director Sanjaya Gupta said this isthe first ECB disbursement during the current financial yearunderthe Reserve Bank oflndia’s (RBI) automatic route.RBlhas allowed the company to avail ECB of up to $750 mil—lion annually under the automatic route.


E-Tender Notice No. CA.11.BVP.LED.2019, Date:25-O7-2019.Divisional Railway Manager (Commercial), Bhavnagar para, Western Railway,Bhavanagar-364 003 invites open e-tender (Single packet System) for five yearscontract in prescribed format from Firms / Companies I Advertising Agents IAgenciesintendingto havethefollowing work:

No. (Inside CL:::d:Jr:e hall of 5212i: hIESITZZ‘ifiasccgt prilzzsfzm‘ierst IERNg;Station) year (Rs.)

1 Porbandar 4’X3.6’= 14 sqft. 21000 23002 Junagadh 9’X3’ = 27 sqft. 40500 44003 Veraval 9’X9’ = 81 sqft, 121500 130004 BhavnagarTerminus 8’X3’ = 24 sqft. 36000 39005 Somnath 5’X2’ = 10 sqft. 15000 1600

Bidder/Tenderer shall be required to depositTender Document Cost & Earnest Money

business pages alongsidetheir other job openings.The listings also appearedin Linkedln’s job search.There was no approval pro—cess required,”the reportadded. Likedln said that”It’s not a place for fakejobs—we are committed tostopping fraudulent jobsfrom ever reaching ourmembers through auto—mated technology and thehelp of our members re—porting any suspicious jobpostings.”



LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad—380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider and


free public Wi—Fi in IndiaKochL

In a bid to benefit mil—lions of Internet users andconnect the next billion us—ers,global networking giantCisco has teamed up withGoogle to roll out free, high—speed public Wi—Fi accessglobally, starting with India.

The first pilot under thepartnership has been rolledout at 35 locations inBengaluru, Cisco said hereon Monday, adding that itwill work with Google’s”Sta—tion Platform” to providecommunities around thecountry access to high—speed public Wi—Fi.

By September this year,200 locations in Bengaluruwill be Wi—Fi enabled, fol—lowed by another 300 in thesecond phase,the two tech—nology giants said at the”Cisco India Summit”here.

The locations includepublic spaces like bus stops,hospitals and governmentoffices, etc.

Google said that it wascommitted to make the ser—vice secure.

"It will run on https en—vironment — the same en—vironment in which you doonline banking transac—tions," Sajith Sivanandan,Managing Director andBusiness Head, Google Payand”Next Billion User Initia—tives’,’ India, told reportershere.

”The service will be sup—ported by advertisements.We will think of more prod—ucts to make the servicecommercially available’.’

According to Cisco, thevision behind rolling outthis service is that Internetshould be a fundamentalright in this country.

”Moving from slow tohigh—speed Internet accesswill increase user engage—ment and benefit millions ofInternet users throughoutthe economic spectrum.The success of digitizationand digital citizen services isalso closely tied to the pro—liferation of high—speedinternet," said SameerGarde,President,Cisco India& Saarc.

”This also represents asignificant growth opportu—nity,the demand for publicWi—Fi hotspots is expectedto go up by 100X over thenext 3 years, creating newmarkets for Cisco and ourpartners,” he added.

Currently, about half abillion people in India areonline,while 800 million arestill not connected to theInternet.

According to a TRAI re—port,globally,there is onWi—Fi hotspot for every 150people, and in India, eightmillion additional hotspotsmust beinstalled to achievethe same ratio — creating

new market opportunitiesfor infrastructure providersand internet service provid—ers.

India has only 52,000Wi—Fi hotspots today, necessi—tating a proactive strategyto make high—speed Wi—Fihotspots ubiquitous acrossthe country.

”It is an important part—nership from the context offurthering the vision of Digi—tal India, by making hi—speed publicWi—Fl as perva—sive as possible in con—gested city settings,"PrabhuRam, Head—Industry Intelli—gence Group, CyberMediaResearch,told IANS.

According to the CiscoVNI (Visual Networking In—dex) report, nearly 59 percent of Internettraffic will beoffloaded from cellular net—works to Wi—Fi by 2022.

”The Cisco—Google part—nership brings together theexpertise of Cisco in net—work infrastructure, andGoogle in providing seam—less broadband experience,and expertise in developingvernacularweb contentandplatform innovations. Thepartnership aims at bring—ing hi—speed public Wi—Fi tothe next billion mobile us—ers, a cohort that includesunconnected and under—connected Indians acrosshighly—congested city loca—tions,” Ram explained.

Panel to meet again onfunds transfer: Jalan

By Anjana DasNew Delhi,

The Bimal Jalan panelwill meet again to finalisethe report on the transferof RBI’s surplus and prof—its to the government inwake of the earlier Fi—nance Ministry nomineeand former Finance Secre—tary Subhash ChandraGarg’s transfer to anotherMinistry leading to theslot falling vacant.

”Since a new nomineehas come, the RBI woulddecide on exactly whatneeds to be done and Ican’t comment more atthis time.The RBI and gov—ernment will take the callon filling up the gap thathas been created due tovacancy from governmentnominee side,” panelchairman Bimal Jalan toldIANS.

”I am not involved inthat part,” he added.Asked if the panel willmeet again he said:”Mostprobably.”

As the situation standsnow, Finance SecretarySubhash Chandra Garg’s

transfer to the Power Min—istry might see the panelmeeting again.This, how—ever, could not be con—firmed.

The report will standas was decided in the lastmeeting and the new gov—ernment nominee’s signa—ture would be incorpo—rated or there will be fur—ther discussions with thenew entrant from the Fi—nance Ministry on thesame issues.

Atanu Chakraborty hasreplaced Garg in the Fi—nance Ministry as Eco—nomic Affairs Secretary.

The government is yetto announce the name ofthe new Finance Secretary,while Banking SecretaryRajeev Kumar is the seniormost IAS currently in theFinance Ministry.

The Bimal Jalan Panel,which had concluded dis—cussions and were to sub—mit its report on the RBl’seconomic capital frame—work now might have towait on the governmentdecision to place a nomi—nee first following the exit

of Garg, who was one ofthe members of the six—member panel.

Garg was the sole dis—senter, who opposed thecapital framework de—cided by the committeeand had refused to sign it,instead ofgiving a dissentnote.

However, the panelhad decided to go aheadwith the report,adding hisdissent note. Garg saidlater, after taking over thePower Garg inthe FinanceMini Secretary post, thathe did not sign the reportas it was not final.

The RBI Central Boardwill meet on August 16.On July 18, the panel hadmet for the last time todecide on the exactamount oftransferto gov—ernment by the RBI andthe overall consensus wasto transfer it over three tofive years and not in onego, which Garg had ob—jected to.

(Anjana Das can becontacted [email protected])


l have changed my old namefrom POOJA


MAHENDRAKUMAR PATELAdd. : 12, Pranami Bunglows,

Vastral,, Ahmedabad1269

l have changed my old namefrom MOMIN GULSANBANU


ADIL Add. : At & Po. PanpurPatiya (Savgadh),

Bharuch NagarpalikaDist: Bharuch

Bharuch Nagarpalika invite On-line tender Under 14th

/Business Brief l\E-mail attacks giving sleeplessnight to IT professionals

New Delhi,Email attacks like phishing and ransomware are

having a major impact on businesses globally,with overthree—quarters oforganizations saying their employeesaren’t good at spotting suspicious emails,a new reporthas stressed.

Nearly 74 per cent of respondents say email attacksare having a major impact on their businesses while 78per cent oforganizations said the cost of email breachesis increasing,according to the report titled”201 9 EmailSecurity Trends" by the US—based cyber security firmBarracuda Networks.Spear phishing is widespread with43 per cent oforganizations being the victim ofa spear—phishing attack in the past 12 months.”While most ITprofessionals are more confident about their email se—curity systems than they were a year ago,email attackscontinue to have a significant impact on businesses,”said the report.The most common effects cited wereloss ofemployee productivity,downtime and businessdisruption, and damage to the reputation of the ITteam.”Nearly three—quarters of respondents reportedexperiencing higher stress levels, worrying about po—tential email security even when they’re not at work,and being forced to work nights and weekends to ad—dress email security issues,”the findings showed.

Jessica Alba’s Twitter account hackedSan Francisco,

American actress Jessica Alba’s Twitter account ap—peared to have been hacked during the weekend, ac—cording to reports and screenshots taken by otherTwit—ter users. The screenshots show a series of racist, ho—mophobic, anti—Semitic and other offensive tweets ap—parently sent out from Alba’s account.The tweets havesince been deleted and she has not posted about theincident.The 38—year—old seems to be a target ofan un—known hacker with fans tweeting back at her in shockat the hateful language of the tweets posted from herTwitter handle. In addition, some messages sent outfrom the handle include references to Nazis, US Presi—dent Donald Trump and homosexuals, news websiteThe Hollywood Reporter reported on Sunday.”JessicaAlba did not carry the entire Fantastic Four franchiseon her back to get hacked in her sleep while she wasjust trying to sell us multi—vitamins,” wrote one alongwith a sample of the hacked tweets."Jessica Alba get—ting hacked is the most unprecedented event of 201 9,”another said.According to media reports,the latest realtweet from Alba was posted on July 20, in which shesent out an Instagram photo of night at dinner with herhusband and friends. Whatever was posted on July 27—28 was posted by the hacker, reports said.

BSNL orders officers to fly economyclass to cut costs

New Delhi,In a move to cut costs further amid financial diffi—

culties, state—run telecom major BSNL has asked all itsofficers to fly by economy class on both domestic andinternational air travel,according to an office order.”Dueto present financial stress of the company, all BSNL of—ficers will now travel by economy class airjourney (Do—mestic and International journey) while performingtheir official tours with immediate effect till further or—ders. ”However, with the prior approval of the CMD,BSNL, the officers may travel by higher class in case ofbusiness requirements’,’ the order of July 26 said.Thepublic sector firm recorded a provisional loss of Rs 4,859crore in 2015—16, of Rs 4,793 crore in 2016—17 and Rs7,993 crore in 201 7—1 8, which is estimated to rise to Rs14,202 crore in 2018—19, as per official data given toParliament.”Low tariffs due to fierce competition in themobile segment, high staff cost and absence of 4G ser—vices (except in few places) in the data—centric telecommarket are the main reasons for losses of BSNL,”Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had told Parlia—ment. Faced with the tough financial situations of bothBSNL and MTNL,the government is planning a revivalscheme for these companies designed to make themmore competitive and professional. //

Deposit only through the net banking or E—payment gateway i.e. acceptable form as

Ta. Himatnagarapprove Unaudited Financial _Dist. Sabarkantha-383001Results for the quarter ended

on 30.06.2019. R091

Executive Engineer, Sardarkrushinagar DantiwadaAgriculture University, S.K. Nagar Ta. Dantiwada@ Dist: Banaskantha-385506 @

Phone: 02748-278232NOTICE NO.: 5 OF 2019-20

On line E-Tendering is invited for below mentioned work.

Finance, SJMMSVY and M.L.A. Grant for following 9 works ofAsphalt Road, Paver Block, RCC Road, Kota Fitting,Construction of community hall and Annual rate contract forSupplying of materials. Their Estimated Cost range betweenRs 5,00,800/— to Rs.7,87,900/-.For Details regarding tender Bidders can downloads the tenderfrom www.statetenders.com & www.mprocurecom. Biddersmust bid the tender document by on-Iine tender process. Nagarpalika will only accept physical tender document through RPAD/Speed Post.Note: GST & EPF No. Must be compulsory required.1) Tender Download Dt. 31.07.2019 to 07.08.20192) Physical submission of tender through RPAD/Speed

Post or hand to hand process at Municipalities Dt.09.08.2019 at 4.00 PM.

3) Opening of Technical Bid Dt. 14.08.019 at 6.00 PM.

Sanjay G. Soni Deepak C. MistryChief Officer 'Chairman


Bharat D. ShahVice President

Naresh B. SutharwalaStanding Committee

Surabhiben S. TambakuwalaPresident

Bharuch Nagarpalika, Bharuch



Regd. Office : 69/C, GIDC lndustria|,Estate, Vapi, Dist: Valsad,Gujarat 396195.,(T) 0260-2430027 / 0260-2400639.

Email ID:gtb|[email protected] Website:http://www.gtb|.inNOTICE

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 47 read withRegulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements) Regulations, 2015, a meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Gujarat Themis BiosynLimited will be held onWednesday, 7th August, 2019, inter alia, to consider and approvethe Unaudited Financial Resultsforthe Quarter ended on 30th June,2019. This intimation is also available on Company‘s website atwww.gtbl.in and on Stock Exchange Website at www.bseindia.com.



Place: Mumbai Abhishek D. BuddhadevCompanySecretary



Sr. Name of Work CriteriaNo.1 CONSTRUCTION OF 3.00 “E-1” Above


Registration Class.


“E-1 ” AboveRegistration Class.


Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 1 First Floor,Sector 10 A Gandhinagar, Mo-No. 9978441147-78

Fax No.232(079) 22396 Email: [email protected] Notice No. 09/2019

Chief General Manager (P), GWIL, Gandhinagar invites on-line tender for Selection of Consultant for PMC Services forBulk Water Supply Projects in Gujarat State to be implementedby GWIL as below.


The last date of On-Iine submission of tender is 19-8-201 9, upto 15.00 hrs. The detail regarding tender will see on websitewww.sdau.edu.in/tender and all tender detail will be seen onwww.nprocure.com. No offer will be accepted without G.S.T.number and detail. The copy of Price bid (as per on-linesubmission) in sealed cover should be submit with authorizeperson at above address or at Council of State AgricultureUniversity, 1st floor, Krushi Bhavan, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagaron 19-8-2019 up to 15.00 hrs. without fail otherwise offer willbe liable for rejection. All right are reserved to accept or rejectthe offer with under sign. Work will be carried out as per

Sr Tender Particulars Tender Fee Earnest MoneyID No. Rs. Deposit Cost

Rs.1 370359 RFQ Cum RFP for Selection and 30,000/— 50.0 Lakhs

appointment of Consultant for ProjectManagement and Construction Supen/isionsen/ices through a Quality and Cost BasedSelection (0088) process for various BulkWater Supply Projects in Gujarat Sate to beimIeriiented by Gujarat Water Infrastructure

imite- Bid documents downloading start: 26.7.2019, 18.00 Hrs.- Pre bid meeting Date-5.8.2019, 12.00 Hrs. GWIL Board Room- Last date & time for on-line receipt of bids: 19.8.2019 up to

18.00 Hr.- Last date & time for physical submission of tender 26.8.2019

up to 18.00 hrs.

TENDER NOTICE FOR PROVISION OF CATERING SERVICES[1] For and on behalf of the President of India, Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial), Ahmedabad Division, Western Railway, invites E-Bid on Open,Competitive, single stage, Single packet system, from food and catering serviceproviders for “Provision of Catering Services for the period of 05 Years forSpecial Minor Units at following Stations:Sr. BID Station & . Reserve riceNo. Notice No. Unit No. Location per ann'um EMD1. C45/SMU/ Katosan PF No.1, 1.?76,500/—+GST 38,000/—

2019-20/ Road(KTRD Nr. Water Hut applicable forKTRD-1 towards 1st three Year

Unit No. Detroj 2.?84,150/—+ GSTKTRD-1 applicable for4&5th Year

2. C45/SMU/ Dangrwa PF No. 1, 1.?72,000/-+GST ?7,500/-2019—20/ (DNW) Nr.WaterHut applicable forDNW»1 towards 1st three Year

Unit No. Mahesana 2.?79,200/-+GSTDNW-1 applicable for4&5th Year

3. C45/SMU/ Dhinoj PF No. 1 1.? 76,500/— + GST ? 8,000/-2019-20/ (DHJ) Nr. Entry applicable forDHJ—1 Gate 1stthree Year

Unit No. 2.?84,150/—+ GSTDHJ-1 applicable for4&5th Year

4. C45/SMU/ Unjha PF No.1 1.?48,750/— + GST ? 5,100/-2019-20/ (UJA) between applicable forUJA-2 Two 1st three Year

Unit No. Subways 2.?53,625/—+GSTUJA-2 applicable for4 & 5th Year

5. C45/SMU/ Santalpur PF No.1 1.? 78,000/— + GST ? 8,200/-2019—20/ (SNLR) Nr. Water applicable forSNLR-1 Hut 1stthree Year

Unit No. 2.?85,800/—+ GSTSNLR-i applicablefor4&5thYear

Reserve for: For Sr. No. 1: OBC (Women), For Sr. No. 2: CBC, For Sr. No. 3: SQESr. No.4: Minorities, For Sr. No. 5: SC (Women), Tender Form Fee: ? 5,900/— Dateand Time of Closing of Tender and Opening of Tender: Up to 15:00 hrs. on 30-08-2019 and On 15:30 hrs. on 30-08-2019. [2] Bid Document: The tender documentsare available on IREPS Portal www.ireps.gov.in and the same can be downloaded /viewed for submission of offer. The cost of tender documents as indicated in tenderdocuments will have to be deposited by the tender online IREPS portalwww.ireps.gov.in [3] The Bid Document can also be downloaded on IREPS Portal,www.ireps.gov,in and the bids can be submitted online on IREPS Portal,www.ireps.gov.in along with the payment receipt towards the cost of biddingdocuments. failing which the offerwill be summarily rejected. [4] Earnest Money: Thebid must be accompanied by Earnest Money as mentioned in front of related tendernotice. The cost of earnest money as indicated in the tender document will have todeposited by the rendered online on IREPS Portal,W[5] Receipt ofBids: the bidder should submit his bid online on IREPS Portal, www.ireps.gov.in notlaterthan15:00 hrs on date mentioned in front of each bid notice in above table. Bidsshall be opened on the same day on IREPS portal, www.ireps.gov.in at 15:30 hrs. [6]- Tender Opening- 27.8.20191200 Hrs. Railway reserves the right to accept/reject any or all Bids without assigning anyreason thereof. [7] Manual Offers are not allowed against this tender and any suchmanual offer received shall be ignored. [8] Address for Communication : Office ofDivisional Railway Manager (Commercial), Ahmedabad Division, Western Railway,Nr. Chamunda Mata Mandir, Naroda Road, PO. Saijpur Bogha, Ahmedabad-382345.Website : www.wr.indianraiIways.gov.in 165Like us on: flfacebookcomlWesteray- Follow us 0mm twitter.comlWesteray

prescribed in the tender document. Tender not accompanied with valid TenderDocument Cost & Earnest Money Deposit shall be summarily rejected. Time andDate for Closure for Submission of e-Tender Document and Opening of e-tender: Upto15:00 Hrs. on 20-08-2019and15:30 Hrs. on 20-08-2019 through onlinewebsite www.ireps.gov.inlonly 51

Like us on: fliacebookcomlWesteray- Follow us 0mm twitter.comlWesteray

availability ofgrantallocation.Any correction regarding tender . Further information is available on sitewill be seen only on-line. http://gwil.nprocure.com. All documents like Tender Notice.

Tender documents.Amendment and any changes will be putSd/— .on web S'te' lNF/757/19-20DEPUTY ENGINEERNo.DDI/ALNI200I2019-2020

Ahmedabad, Page 7Ahmedabad, Page 7

Business Brief

Business 7AHMEDABAD TUESDAY 30/7/2019

E-mail attacks giving sleeplessnight to IT professionals

New Delhi, Email attacks like phishing and ransomware are

having a major impact on businesses globally, with overthree-quarters of organizations saying their employeesaren’t good at spotting suspicious emails, a new reporthas stressed.

Nearly 74 per cent of respondents say email attacksare having a major impact on their businesses while 78per cent of organizations said the cost of email breachesis increasing, according to the report titled “2019 EmailSecurity Trends” by the US-based cyber security firmBarracuda Networks. Spear phishing is widespread with43 per cent of organizations being the victim of a spear-phishing attack in the past 12 months. “While most ITprofessionals are more confident about their email se-curity systems than they were a year ago, email attackscontinue to have a significant impact on businesses,”said the report.The most common effects cited wereloss of employee productivity, downtime and businessdisruption, and damage to the reputation of the ITteam.“Nearly three-quarters of respondents reportedexperiencing higher stress levels, worrying about po-tential email security even when they’re not at work,and being forced to work nights and weekends to ad-dress email security issues,” the findings showed.

Jessica Alba’s Twitter account hackedSan Francisco,

American actress Jessica Alba’s Twitter account ap-peared to have been hacked during the weekend, ac-cording to reports and screenshots taken by other Twit-ter users. The screenshots show a series of racist, ho-mophobic, anti-Semitic and other offensive tweets ap-parently sent out from Alba’s account. The tweets havesince been deleted and she has not posted about theincident. The 38-year-old seems to be a target of an un-known hacker with fans tweeting back at her in shockat the hateful language of the tweets posted from herTwitter handle. In addition, some messages sent outfrom the handle include references to Nazis, US Presi-dent Donald Trump and homosexuals, news websiteThe Hollywood Reporter reported on Sunday. “JessicaAlba did not carry the entire Fantastic Four franchiseon her back to get hacked in her sleep while she wasjust trying to sell us multi-vitamins,” wrote one alongwith a sample of the hacked tweets. “Jessica Alba get-ting hacked is the most unprecedented event of 2019,”another said. According to media reports, the latest realtweet from Alba was posted on July 20, in which shesent out an Instagram photo of night at dinner with herhusband and friends. Whatever was posted on July 27-28 was posted by the hacker, reports said.

BSNL orders officers to fly economyclass to cut costs

New Delhi, In a move to cut costs further amid financial diffi-

culties, state-run telecom major BSNL has asked all itsofficers to fly by economy class on both domestic andinternational air travel, according to an office order. “Dueto present financial stress of the company, all BSNL of-ficers will now travel by economy class air journey (Do-mestic and International journey) while performingtheir official tours with immediate effect till further or-ders. “However, with the prior approval of the CMD,BSNL, the officers may travel by higher class in case ofbusiness requirements”, the order of July 26 said. Thepublic sector firm recorded a provisional loss of Rs 4,859crore in 2015-16, of Rs 4,793 crore in 2016-17 and Rs7,993 crore in 2017-18, which is estimated to rise to Rs14,202 crore in 2018-19, as per official data given toParliament. “Low tariffs due to fierce competition in themobile segment, high staff cost and absence of 4G ser-vices (except in few places) in the data-centric telecommarket are the main reasons for losses of BSNL,”Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had told Parlia-ment. Faced with the tough financial situations of bothBSNL and MTNL, the government is planning a revivalscheme for these companies designed to make themmore competitive and professional.

White hat hackers are ‘immunesystem of the Internet’

New Delhi, As governments and

organisations the worldover face cyber securitythreats on a daily basis,hackers who are actually the“immune system of theinternet” has earned a realbad name in the recent past.

The term ‘hacker’ has anegative perception aroundit but according toHackerOne, the leadinghacker-powered securityplatform, the misconcep-tions are finally changingowing to the rise of ethicalhacking or “white-hat” hack-ing.

“What previously wasviewed as a criminal offence20 or 30 years ago is nowseen as a legitimate profes-sion. In fact, with the rise ofbug bounties, hacking canbe lucrative, earning morethan physicians and archi-tects in the US,” BenSadeghipour, Head ofHacker Operations atHackerOne, told IANS.

The Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology (MIT)

first coined the term “hack-ing” in the 1950s in refer-ence to using a machine fortrial and error experimentsand its original connotationwasn not a bad one.

“In fact, MIT has a long-standing tradition of hack-ing and accepts ‘hacking’ aspart of its culture andsynonymises the word with‘curious exploration’ andcreative inventions thatdemonstrate ingenuity andcleverness,’ addedSadeghipour, himself ahacker.

More companies andgovernment organisationsare realising that in order toprotect themselves online,they too need highly-skilledand creative individuals ontheir side.

In the 1990s, Netscapecoined the term “bugbounty and was one of thefirst companies to put bud-get behind a programmededicated to financially re-warding hackers for findingvulnerabilities.Today, techgiants like Facebook,

Google, Microsoft offer theirown bug bountyprogrammes.

“A physician earns anaverage of $195,000 and anarchitect earns an averageof $115,000; meanwhile, thetop paid hackers are earn-ing over seven figures. Thisyear there have been recordbounties earned with thefirst teenager earning over$1 million in ethical hack-ing,” informed Sadeghipour.A recent study revealedthat 70 per cent of IT profes-sionals wanted the Cam-bridge dictionary definitionof a hacker changed toshow hackers in afavourable light, such aswith the more accurate defi-nition like MIT uses.Anotherstudy showed that hackers’top motivations are the op-portunity to learn, to bechallenged, and to havefun.Perhaps, those whobreak into networks andsystems with malicious pur-pose should better becalled cyber criminals, nothackers.

Kochi, In a bid to benefit mil-

lions of Internet users andconnect the next billion us-ers, global networking giantCisco has teamed up withGoogle to roll out free, high-speed public Wi-Fi accessglobally, starting with India.

The first pilot under thepartnership has been rolledout at 35 locations inBengaluru, Cisco said hereon Monday, adding that itwill work with Google’s “Sta-tion Platform” to providecommunities around thecountry access to high-speed public Wi-Fi.

By September this year,200 locations in Bengaluruwill be Wi-Fi enabled, fol-lowed by another 300 in thesecond phase, the two tech-nology giants said at the“Cisco India Summit” here.

The locations includepublic spaces like bus stops,hospitals and governmentoffices, etc.

Google said that it wascommitted to make the ser-vice secure.

“It will run on https en-vironment — the same en-vironment in which you doonline banking transac-tions,” Sajith Sivanandan,Managing Director andBusiness Head, Google Payand “Next Billion User Initia-tives”, India, told reportershere.

Cisco joins Google to launchfree public Wi-Fi in India

“The service will be sup-ported by advertisements.We will think of more prod-ucts to make the servicecommercially available”.

According to Cisco, thevision behind rolling outthis service is that Internetshould be a fundamentalright in this country.

“Moving from slow tohigh-speed Internet accesswill increase user engage-ment and benefit millions ofInternet users throughoutthe economic spectrum.The success of digitizationand digital citizen services isalso closely tied to the pro-liferation of high-speedinternet,” said SameerGarde, President, Cisco India& Saarc.

“This also represents asignificant growth opportu-nity, the demand for publicWi-Fi hotspots is expectedto go up by 100X over thenext 3 years, creating newmarkets for Cisco and ourpartners,” he added.

Currently, about half abillion people in India areonline, while 800 million arestill not connected to theInternet.

According to a TRAI re-port, globally, there is on Wi-Fi hotspot for every 150people, and in India, eightmillion additional hotspotsmust be installed to achievethe same ratio — creating

new market opportunitiesfor infrastructure providersand internet service provid-ers.

India has only 52,000 Wi-Fi hotspots today, necessi-tating a proactive strategyto make high-speed Wi-Fihotspots ubiquitous acrossthe country.

“It is an important part-nership from the context offurthering the vision of Digi-tal India, by making hi-speed public Wi-FI as perva-sive as possible in con-gested city settings,” PrabhuRam, Head-Industry Intelli-gence Group, CyberMediaResearch, told IANS.

According to the CiscoVNI (Visual Networking In-dex) report, nearly 59 percent of Internet traffic will beoffloaded from cellular net-works to Wi-Fi by 2022.

“The Cisco-Google part-nership brings together theexpertise of Cisco in net-work infrastructure, andGoogle in providing seam-less broadband experience,and expertise in developingvernacular web content andplatform innovations. Thepartnership aims at bring-ing hi-speed public Wi-Fi tothe next billion mobile us-ers, a cohort that includesunconnected and under-connected Indians acrosshighly-congested city loca-tions,” Ram explained.

New Delhi, Quick response (QR)

codes have become a com-mon payment option for In-dian smartphone users atrestaurants, grocery shopsand the like, and it wasPaytm which pioneered themethod and leads the field,which has now attracted theinterest of tech majors likeGoogle and Facebook-Whatsapp.

The first Indian com-pany to integrate paymentsinto QR and take it to thelevel of neighbourhoodstores, Paytm had hired10,000 agents duringdemonetisation to expandits merchant network andstrengthen its team to takemore users on board, so that“Paytm Karo” soon becamea slogan for digital pay-ments.

Its success in the digitalpayments space from vari-ous day to day payment use-cases to Paytm QR - has nowattracted American giants.

How Paytm QR Codes revolutioniseddigital payments in India

Media reports said thatGoogle Pay and Phonepeare increasingly looking atoffline payments and tryingto carve out a share in thePaytm-dominated market.

Offline payments are in-creasingly in focus with thegovernment proposing zerocharges on all forms of digi-tal payments to encouragetheir use.

Paytm says it has re-ported that it registeredmore than 250 millionmonthly transactionsthrough Paytm QR in 2019-20’s first quarter - more thatthe combined number ofother QR-based paymentson different platforms -making it the unquestionedleader in the space.

Paytm’s Senior VicePresident Deepak Abbotsaid: “Paytm was the firstcompany to identify theneed for a no-cost paymentmethod, which would beconvenient & secured forboth merchants and cus-

tomers. We launched our in-novative Paytm QR in 2015that customers could simplyscan with theirsmartphones & pay to themerchant.

Paytm QR, he said, “revo-lutionized the entire digitalpayments industry and mil-lions of people adopted itacross the country, rightfrom the local kirana stores,auto-rickshaws and fastfood joints to top-end ho-tels & restaurants”.

“We feel pride in seeingthat its popularity has in-spired many other digitalQR-based paymentmethod,” Abbot added.

He noted that Paytm“continues to be the digitalpayments leader in India”,seeing a three-fold growthin the last one year in bothonline and offline payments.

“With more than 12 mil-lion merchants on board, weregister over 250 millionmonthly offline transac-tions.”

Did you apply for GoogleCEO’s job on LinkedIn?

San Francisco, To the surprise of mil-

lions of LinkedIn users, thehigh-profile job of GoogleCEO Sundar Pichai was upfor grabs on Microsoft-owned professional net-working platform and somewannabes even applied tobecome what would be adream job on Earth.

Later, LinkedIn acceptedit was actually a security bugthat let users post an official-looking job opening onnearly any firm’s LinkedInbusiness page.

These unofficial listingsshowed up on a company’s“Jobs” page and looked likeany other job openingposted legitimately by theorganisation, Mashable re-ported on Sunday.

The job posting forGoogle CEO, put up byMichel Rijnders, evoked

mixed responses fromLinkedIn users. One userposted: “Applying to beCEO of Google on LinkedIn.Sundar ’s been doing agreat job so far. $GOOG Q2earnings were strong, so alittle strange to see thisopening”. LinkedIn re-sponded: “ Thank youMichel Rijnders for bring-ing this to our attention.We’ve removed the post-ing and we’re resolving theissue that allowed this postto go live. LinkedIn is aplace for real people tohave real conversationsabout their careers”. Usu-ally, creating job postingson the platform needs apremium subscription, butRijnders could post jobopening for Goofle CEO onLinkedIn at no cost. “Thefake listings appeared onthe tech giants’ LinkedIn

business pages alongsidetheir other job openings.The listings also appearedin LinkedIn’s job search.There was no approval pro-cess required,” the reportadded. LikedIn said that“It’s not a place for fakejobs-we are committed tostopping fraudulent jobsfrom ever reaching ourmembers through auto-mated technology and thehelp of our members re-porting any suspicious jobpostings.”


Executive Engineer, Sardarkrushinagar DantiwadaAgriculture University, S.K. Nagar Ta. Dantiwada

Dist: Banaskantha-385506Phone: 02748-278232

NOTICE NO.: 5 OF 2019-20

On line E-Tendering is invited for below mentioned work.

Sr. Name of Work CriteriaNo.1 CONSTRUCTION OF 3.00 “E-1” Above



The last date of On-line submission of tender is 19-8-2019, upto 15.00 hrs. The detail regarding tender will see on websitewww.sdau.edu.in/tender and all tender detail will be seen onwww.nprocure.com. No offer will be accepted without G.S.T.number and detail. The copy of Price bid (as per on-linesubmission) in sealed cover should be submit with authorizeperson at above address or at Council of State AgricultureUniversity, 1st floor, Krushi Bhavan, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagaron 19-8-2019 up to 15.00 hrs. without fail otherwise offer willbe liable for rejection. All right are reserved to accept or rejectthe offer with under sign. Work will be carried out as peravailability of grant allocation. Any correction regarding tenderwill be seen only on-line.


Bharuch NagarpalikaDist: Bharuch

Bharuch Nagarpalika invite On-line tender Under 14thFinance, SJMMSVY and M.L.A. Grant for following 9 works ofAsphalt Road, Paver Block, RCC Road, Kota Fitting,Construction of community hall and Annual rate contract forSupplying of materials. Their Estimated Cost range betweenRs 5,00,800/- to Rs.7,87,900/-.For Details regarding tender Bidders can downloads the tenderfrom www.statetenders.com & www.nprocure.com. Biddersmust bid the tender document by on-line tender process. Nagarpalika will only accept physical tender document through RPAD/Speed Post.Note: GST & EPF No. Must be compulsory required.1) Tender Download Dt. 31.07.2019 to 07.08.20192) Physical submission of tender through RPAD/Speed

Post or hand to hand process at Municipalities Dt.09.08.2019 at 4.00 P.M.

3) Opening of Technical Bid Dt. 14.08.019 at 6.00 P.M.

Sanjay G. SoniChief Officer

Deepak C. MistryChairman


Naresh B. Sutharwala Bharat D. ShahStanding Committee Vice President

Surabhiben S. TambakuwalaPresident

Bharuch Nagarpalika, Bharuch



Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 1 First Floor,Sector 10 A Gandhinagar, Mo-No. 9978441147-78

Fax No.232(079) 22396 Email: [email protected] Notice No. 09/2019

Chief General Manager (P), GWIL, Gandhinagar invites on-line tender for Selection of Consultant for PMC Services forBulk Water Supply Projects in Gujarat State to be implementedby GWIL as below.Sr Tender Particulars Tender Fee Earnest Money

ID No. Rs. Deposit CostRs.

1 370359 RFQ Cum RFP for Selection and 30,000/- 50.0 Lakhsappointment of Consultant for ProjectManagement and Construction Supervisionservices through a Quality and Cost BasedSelection (QCBS) process for various BulkWater Supply Projects in Gujarat Sate to beimplemented by Gujarat Water InfrastructureLimited

• Bid documents downloading start : 26.7.2019, 18.00 Hrs.• Pre bid meeting Date-5.8.2019, 12.00 Hrs. GWIL Board Room• Last date & time for on-line receipt of bids: 19.8.2019 up to

18.00 Hr.• Last date & time for physical submission of tender 26.8.2019

up to 18.00 hrs.• Tender Opening- 27.8.2019 12.00 Hrs.• Further information is available on site

http://gwil.nprocure.com. All documents like Tender Notice.Tender documents. Amendment and any changes will be puton web site.



Regd. Office : 69/C, GIDC Industrial,Estate, Vapi, Dist: Valsad,Gujarat 396195.,(T) 0260-2430027 / 0260-2400639.

Email ID:[email protected] Website:http://www.gtbl.in


Abhishek D. BuddhadevCompanySecretary

Date : 29.07.2019Place : Mumbai

NOTICENotice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 47 read withRegulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements) Regulations, 2015, a meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Gujarat Themis BiosynLimited will be held onWednesday, 7th August, 2019, inter alia, to consider and approvethe Unaudited Financial Resultsfor the Quarter ended on 30th June,2019. This intimation is also available on Company’s website atwww.gtbl.in and on Stock Exchange Website at www.bseindia.com.

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old name


to New Name PUJAMAHENDRAKUMAR PATELAdd. : 12, Pranami Bunglows,

Vastral,, Ahmedabad1269

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old namefrom MOMIN GULSANBANU


ADIL Add. : At & Po. PanpurPatiya (Savgadh),

Ta. HimatnagarDist. Sabarkantha-383001


Panel to meet again onfunds transfer: Jalan

By Anjana DasNew Delhi,

The Bimal Jalan panelwill meet again to finalisethe report on the transferof RBI’s surplus and prof-its to the government inwake of the earl ier Fi-nance Ministry nomineeand former Finance Secre-tar y Subhash ChandraGarg’s transfer to anotherMinistry leading to theslot falling vacant.

“Since a new nomineehas come, the RBI woulddecide on exactly whatneeds to be done and Ican’t comment more atthis time. The RBI and gov-ernment will take the callon filling up the gap thathas been created due tovacancy from governmentnominee side,” panelchairman Bimal Jalan toldIANS.

“I am not involved inthat par t, ” he added.Asked if the panel wil lmeet again he said: “Mostprobably.”

As the situation standsnow, Finance SecretarySubhash Chandra Garg’s

transfer to the Power Min-istry might see the panelmeeting again. This, how-ever, could not be con-firmed.

The report will standas was decided in the lastmeeting and the new gov-ernment nominee’s signa-ture would be incorpo-rated or there will be fur-ther discussions with thenew entrant from the Fi-nance Ministr y on thesame issues.

Atanu Chakraborty hasreplaced Garg in the Fi-nance Ministry as Eco-nomic Affairs Secretary.

The government is yetto announce the name ofthe new Finance Secretary,while Banking SecretaryRajeev Kumar is the seniormost IAS currently in theFinance Ministry.

The Bimal Jalan Panel,which had concluded dis-cussions and were to sub-mit its report on the RBI’seconomic capital frame-work now might have towait on the governmentdecision to place a nomi-nee first following the exit

of Garg, who was one ofthe members of the six-member panel.

Garg was the sole dis-senter, who opposed thecapital framework de-cided by the committeeand had refused to sign it,instead of giving a dissentnote.

However, the panelhad decided to go aheadwith the report, adding hisdissent note. Garg saidlater, after taking over thePower Garg in the FinanceMini Secretary post, thathe did not sign the reportas it was not final.

The RBI Central Boardwill meet on August 16.On July 18, the panel hadmet for the last time todecide on the exactamount of transfer to gov-ernment by the RBI andthe overall consensus wasto transfer it over three tofive years and not in onego, which Garg had ob-jected to .

(Anjana Das can becontacted [email protected])



LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

PNB Housing Finance raises$100 mn from IFC via ECB route

Mumbai, State-run Punjab Natiuonal Bank (PNB) subsidiary PNB

Housing Finance Ltd on Monday announced it has raised$100 million (around Rs 690 crore) from the InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC) under the recently allowed au-tomatic External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) route to fi-nance the purchase of affordable housing projects.

“The investment was made under the central bank’sautomatic route in the revamped external commercial bor-rowings (ECB) framework,” PNB Housing Finance said in aregulatory filing. The company is looking forward to usethe ECB route more in the coming days, it said. The IFC isthe private investment arm of the World Bank. PNB Hous-ing Finance Managing Director Sanjaya Gupta said this isthe first ECB disbursement during the current financial yearunder the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) automatic route. RBIhas allowed the company to avail ECB of up to $750 mil-lion annually under the automatic route.

Ahmedabad, Page 7

Business Brief

Business 7AHMEDABAD TUESDAY 30/7/2019

E-mail attacks giving sleeplessnight to IT professionals

New Delhi, Email attacks like phishing and ransomware are

having a major impact on businesses globally, with overthree-quarters of organizations saying their employeesaren’t good at spotting suspicious emails, a new reporthas stressed.

Nearly 74 per cent of respondents say email attacksare having a major impact on their businesses while 78per cent of organizations said the cost of email breachesis increasing, according to the report titled “2019 EmailSecurity Trends” by the US-based cyber security firmBarracuda Networks. Spear phishing is widespread with43 per cent of organizations being the victim of a spear-phishing attack in the past 12 months. “While most ITprofessionals are more confident about their email se-curity systems than they were a year ago, email attackscontinue to have a significant impact on businesses,”said the report.The most common effects cited wereloss of employee productivity, downtime and businessdisruption, and damage to the reputation of the ITteam.“Nearly three-quarters of respondents reportedexperiencing higher stress levels, worrying about po-tential email security even when they’re not at work,and being forced to work nights and weekends to ad-dress email security issues,” the findings showed.

Jessica Alba’s Twitter account hackedSan Francisco,

American actress Jessica Alba’s Twitter account ap-peared to have been hacked during the weekend, ac-cording to reports and screenshots taken by other Twit-ter users. The screenshots show a series of racist, ho-mophobic, anti-Semitic and other offensive tweets ap-parently sent out from Alba’s account. The tweets havesince been deleted and she has not posted about theincident. The 38-year-old seems to be a target of an un-known hacker with fans tweeting back at her in shockat the hateful language of the tweets posted from herTwitter handle. In addition, some messages sent outfrom the handle include references to Nazis, US Presi-dent Donald Trump and homosexuals, news websiteThe Hollywood Reporter reported on Sunday. “JessicaAlba did not carry the entire Fantastic Four franchiseon her back to get hacked in her sleep while she wasjust trying to sell us multi-vitamins,” wrote one alongwith a sample of the hacked tweets. “Jessica Alba get-ting hacked is the most unprecedented event of 2019,”another said. According to media reports, the latest realtweet from Alba was posted on July 20, in which shesent out an Instagram photo of night at dinner with herhusband and friends. Whatever was posted on July 27-28 was posted by the hacker, reports said.

BSNL orders officers to fly economyclass to cut costs

New Delhi, In a move to cut costs further amid financial diffi-

culties, state-run telecom major BSNL has asked all itsofficers to fly by economy class on both domestic andinternational air travel, according to an office order. “Dueto present financial stress of the company, all BSNL of-ficers will now travel by economy class air journey (Do-mestic and International journey) while performingtheir official tours with immediate effect till further or-ders. “However, with the prior approval of the CMD,BSNL, the officers may travel by higher class in case ofbusiness requirements”, the order of July 26 said. Thepublic sector firm recorded a provisional loss of Rs 4,859crore in 2015-16, of Rs 4,793 crore in 2016-17 and Rs7,993 crore in 2017-18, which is estimated to rise to Rs14,202 crore in 2018-19, as per official data given toParliament. “Low tariffs due to fierce competition in themobile segment, high staff cost and absence of 4G ser-vices (except in few places) in the data-centric telecommarket are the main reasons for losses of BSNL,”Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had told Parlia-ment. Faced with the tough financial situations of bothBSNL and MTNL, the government is planning a revivalscheme for these companies designed to make themmore competitive and professional.

White hat hackers are ‘immunesystem of the Internet’

New Delhi, As governments and

organisations the worldover face cyber securitythreats on a daily basis,hackers who are actually the“immune system of theinternet” has earned a realbad name in the recent past.

The term ‘hacker’ has anegative perception aroundit but according toHackerOne, the leadinghacker-powered securityplatform, the misconcep-tions are finally changingowing to the rise of ethicalhacking or “white-hat” hack-ing.

“What previously wasviewed as a criminal offence20 or 30 years ago is nowseen as a legitimate profes-sion. In fact, with the rise ofbug bounties, hacking canbe lucrative, earning morethan physicians and archi-tects in the US,” BenSadeghipour, Head ofHacker Operations atHackerOne, told IANS.

The Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology (MIT)

first coined the term “hack-ing” in the 1950s in refer-ence to using a machine fortrial and error experimentsand its original connotationwasn not a bad one.

“In fact, MIT has a long-standing tradition of hack-ing and accepts ‘hacking’ aspart of its culture andsynonymises the word with‘curious exploration’ andcreative inventions thatdemonstrate ingenuity andcleverness,’ addedSadeghipour, himself ahacker.

More companies andgovernment organisationsare realising that in order toprotect themselves online,they too need highly-skilledand creative individuals ontheir side.

In the 1990s, Netscapecoined the term “bugbounty and was one of thefirst companies to put bud-get behind a programmededicated to financially re-warding hackers for findingvulnerabilities.Today, techgiants like Facebook,

Google, Microsoft offer theirown bug bountyprogrammes.

“A physician earns anaverage of $195,000 and anarchitect earns an averageof $115,000; meanwhile, thetop paid hackers are earn-ing over seven figures. Thisyear there have been recordbounties earned with thefirst teenager earning over$1 million in ethical hack-ing,” informed Sadeghipour.A recent study revealedthat 70 per cent of IT profes-sionals wanted the Cam-bridge dictionary definitionof a hacker changed toshow hackers in afavourable light, such aswith the more accurate defi-nition like MIT uses.Anotherstudy showed that hackers’top motivations are the op-portunity to learn, to bechallenged, and to havefun.Perhaps, those whobreak into networks andsystems with malicious pur-pose should better becalled cyber criminals, nothackers.

Kochi, In a bid to benefit mil-

lions of Internet users andconnect the next billion us-ers, global networking giantCisco has teamed up withGoogle to roll out free, high-speed public Wi-Fi accessglobally, starting with India.

The first pilot under thepartnership has been rolledout at 35 locations inBengaluru, Cisco said hereon Monday, adding that itwill work with Google’s “Sta-tion Platform” to providecommunities around thecountry access to high-speed public Wi-Fi.

By September this year,200 locations in Bengaluruwill be Wi-Fi enabled, fol-lowed by another 300 in thesecond phase, the two tech-nology giants said at the“Cisco India Summit” here.

The locations includepublic spaces like bus stops,hospitals and governmentoffices, etc.

Google said that it wascommitted to make the ser-vice secure.

“It will run on https en-vironment — the same en-vironment in which you doonline banking transac-tions,” Sajith Sivanandan,Managing Director andBusiness Head, Google Payand “Next Billion User Initia-tives”, India, told reportershere.

Cisco joins Google to launchfree public Wi-Fi in India

“The service will be sup-ported by advertisements.We will think of more prod-ucts to make the servicecommercially available”.

According to Cisco, thevision behind rolling outthis service is that Internetshould be a fundamentalright in this country.

“Moving from slow tohigh-speed Internet accesswill increase user engage-ment and benefit millions ofInternet users throughoutthe economic spectrum.The success of digitizationand digital citizen services isalso closely tied to the pro-liferation of high-speedinternet,” said SameerGarde, President, Cisco India& Saarc.

“This also represents asignificant growth opportu-nity, the demand for publicWi-Fi hotspots is expectedto go up by 100X over thenext 3 years, creating newmarkets for Cisco and ourpartners,” he added.

Currently, about half abillion people in India areonline, while 800 million arestill not connected to theInternet.

According to a TRAI re-port, globally, there is on Wi-Fi hotspot for every 150people, and in India, eightmillion additional hotspotsmust be installed to achievethe same ratio — creating

new market opportunitiesfor infrastructure providersand internet service provid-ers.

India has only 52,000 Wi-Fi hotspots today, necessi-tating a proactive strategyto make high-speed Wi-Fihotspots ubiquitous acrossthe country.

“It is an important part-nership from the context offurthering the vision of Digi-tal India, by making hi-speed public Wi-FI as perva-sive as possible in con-gested city settings,” PrabhuRam, Head-Industry Intelli-gence Group, CyberMediaResearch, told IANS.

According to the CiscoVNI (Visual Networking In-dex) report, nearly 59 percent of Internet traffic will beoffloaded from cellular net-works to Wi-Fi by 2022.

“The Cisco-Google part-nership brings together theexpertise of Cisco in net-work infrastructure, andGoogle in providing seam-less broadband experience,and expertise in developingvernacular web content andplatform innovations. Thepartnership aims at bring-ing hi-speed public Wi-Fi tothe next billion mobile us-ers, a cohort that includesunconnected and under-connected Indians acrosshighly-congested city loca-tions,” Ram explained.

New Delhi, Quick response (QR)

codes have become a com-mon payment option for In-dian smartphone users atrestaurants, grocery shopsand the like, and it wasPaytm which pioneered themethod and leads the field,which has now attracted theinterest of tech majors likeGoogle and Facebook-Whatsapp.

The first Indian com-pany to integrate paymentsinto QR and take it to thelevel of neighbourhoodstores, Paytm had hired10,000 agents duringdemonetisation to expandits merchant network andstrengthen its team to takemore users on board, so that“Paytm Karo” soon becamea slogan for digital pay-ments.

Its success in the digitalpayments space from vari-ous day to day payment use-cases to Paytm QR - has nowattracted American giants.

How Paytm QR Codes revolutioniseddigital payments in India

Media reports said thatGoogle Pay and Phonepeare increasingly looking atoffline payments and tryingto carve out a share in thePaytm-dominated market.

Offline payments are in-creasingly in focus with thegovernment proposing zerocharges on all forms of digi-tal payments to encouragetheir use.

Paytm says it has re-ported that it registeredmore than 250 millionmonthly transactionsthrough Paytm QR in 2019-20’s first quarter - more thatthe combined number ofother QR-based paymentson different platforms -making it the unquestionedleader in the space.

Paytm’s Senior VicePresident Deepak Abbotsaid: “Paytm was the firstcompany to identify theneed for a no-cost paymentmethod, which would beconvenient & secured forboth merchants and cus-

tomers. We launched our in-novative Paytm QR in 2015that customers could simplyscan with theirsmartphones & pay to themerchant.

Paytm QR, he said, “revo-lutionized the entire digitalpayments industry and mil-lions of people adopted itacross the country, rightfrom the local kirana stores,auto-rickshaws and fastfood joints to top-end ho-tels & restaurants”.

“We feel pride in seeingthat its popularity has in-spired many other digitalQR-based paymentmethod,” Abbot added.

He noted that Paytm“continues to be the digitalpayments leader in India”,seeing a three-fold growthin the last one year in bothonline and offline payments.

“With more than 12 mil-lion merchants on board, weregister over 250 millionmonthly offline transac-tions.”

Did you apply for GoogleCEO’s job on LinkedIn?

San Francisco, To the surprise of mil-

lions of LinkedIn users, thehigh-profile job of GoogleCEO Sundar Pichai was upfor grabs on Microsoft-owned professional net-working platform and somewannabes even applied tobecome what would be adream job on Earth.

Later, LinkedIn acceptedit was actually a security bugthat let users post an official-looking job opening onnearly any firm’s LinkedInbusiness page.

These unofficial listingsshowed up on a company’s“Jobs” page and looked likeany other job openingposted legitimately by theorganisation, Mashable re-ported on Sunday.

The job posting forGoogle CEO, put up byMichel Rijnders, evoked

mixed responses fromLinkedIn users. One userposted: “Applying to beCEO of Google on LinkedIn.Sundar ’s been doing agreat job so far. $GOOG Q2earnings were strong, so alittle strange to see thisopening”. LinkedIn re-sponded: “ Thank youMichel Rijnders for bring-ing this to our attention.We’ve removed the post-ing and we’re resolving theissue that allowed this postto go live. LinkedIn is aplace for real people tohave real conversationsabout their careers”. Usu-ally, creating job postingson the platform needs apremium subscription, butRijnders could post jobopening for Goofle CEO onLinkedIn at no cost. “Thefake listings appeared onthe tech giants’ LinkedIn

business pages alongsidetheir other job openings.The listings also appearedin LinkedIn’s job search.There was no approval pro-cess required,” the reportadded. LikedIn said that“It’s not a place for fakejobs-we are committed tostopping fraudulent jobsfrom ever reaching ourmembers through auto-mated technology and thehelp of our members re-porting any suspicious jobpostings.”


Executive Engineer, Sardarkrushinagar DantiwadaAgriculture University, S.K. Nagar Ta. Dantiwada

Dist: Banaskantha-385506Phone: 02748-278232

NOTICE NO.: 5 OF 2019-20

On line E-Tendering is invited for below mentioned work.

Sr. Name of Work CriteriaNo.1 CONSTRUCTION OF 3.00 “E-1” Above



The last date of On-line submission of tender is 19-8-2019, upto 15.00 hrs. The detail regarding tender will see on websitewww.sdau.edu.in/tender and all tender detail will be seen onwww.nprocure.com. No offer will be accepted without G.S.T.number and detail. The copy of Price bid (as per on-linesubmission) in sealed cover should be submit with authorizeperson at above address or at Council of State AgricultureUniversity, 1st floor, Krushi Bhavan, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagaron 19-8-2019 up to 15.00 hrs. without fail otherwise offer willbe liable for rejection. All right are reserved to accept or rejectthe offer with under sign. Work will be carried out as peravailability of grant allocation. Any correction regarding tenderwill be seen only on-line.


Bharuch NagarpalikaDist: Bharuch

Bharuch Nagarpalika invite On-line tender Under 14thFinance, SJMMSVY and M.L.A. Grant for following 9 works ofAsphalt Road, Paver Block, RCC Road, Kota Fitting,Construction of community hall and Annual rate contract forSupplying of materials. Their Estimated Cost range betweenRs 5,00,800/- to Rs.7,87,900/-.For Details regarding tender Bidders can downloads the tenderfrom www.statetenders.com & www.nprocure.com. Biddersmust bid the tender document by on-line tender process. Nagarpalika will only accept physical tender document through RPAD/Speed Post.Note: GST & EPF No. Must be compulsory required.1) Tender Download Dt. 31.07.2019 to 07.08.20192) Physical submission of tender through RPAD/Speed

Post or hand to hand process at Municipalities Dt.09.08.2019 at 4.00 P.M.

3) Opening of Technical Bid Dt. 14.08.019 at 6.00 P.M.

Sanjay G. SoniChief Officer

Deepak C. MistryChairman


Naresh B. Sutharwala Bharat D. ShahStanding Committee Vice President

Surabhiben S. TambakuwalaPresident

Bharuch Nagarpalika, Bharuch



Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 1 First Floor,Sector 10 A Gandhinagar, Mo-No. 9978441147-78

Fax No.232(079) 22396 Email: [email protected] Notice No. 09/2019

Chief General Manager (P), GWIL, Gandhinagar invites on-line tender for Selection of Consultant for PMC Services forBulk Water Supply Projects in Gujarat State to be implementedby GWIL as below.Sr Tender Particulars Tender Fee Earnest Money

ID No. Rs. Deposit CostRs.

1 370359 RFQ Cum RFP for Selection and 30,000/- 50.0 Lakhsappointment of Consultant for ProjectManagement and Construction Supervisionservices through a Quality and Cost BasedSelection (QCBS) process for various BulkWater Supply Projects in Gujarat Sate to beimplemented by Gujarat Water InfrastructureLimited

• Bid documents downloading start : 26.7.2019, 18.00 Hrs.• Pre bid meeting Date-5.8.2019, 12.00 Hrs. GWIL Board Room• Last date & time for on-line receipt of bids: 19.8.2019 up to

18.00 Hr.• Last date & time for physical submission of tender 26.8.2019

up to 18.00 hrs.• Tender Opening- 27.8.2019 12.00 Hrs.• Further information is available on site

http://gwil.nprocure.com. All documents like Tender Notice.Tender documents. Amendment and any changes will be puton web site.



Regd. Office : 69/C, GIDC Industrial,Estate, Vapi, Dist: Valsad,Gujarat 396195.,(T) 0260-2430027 / 0260-2400639.

Email ID:[email protected] Website:http://www.gtbl.in


Abhishek D. BuddhadevCompanySecretary

Date : 29.07.2019Place : Mumbai

NOTICENotice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 47 read withRegulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements) Regulations, 2015, a meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Gujarat Themis BiosynLimited will be held onWednesday, 7th August, 2019, inter alia, to consider and approvethe Unaudited Financial Resultsfor the Quarter ended on 30th June,2019. This intimation is also available on Company’s website atwww.gtbl.in and on Stock Exchange Website at www.bseindia.com.

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old name


to New Name PUJAMAHENDRAKUMAR PATELAdd. : 12, Pranami Bunglows,

Vastral,, Ahmedabad1269

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old namefrom MOMIN GULSANBANU


ADIL Add. : At & Po. PanpurPatiya (Savgadh),

Ta. HimatnagarDist. Sabarkantha-383001


Panel to meet again onfunds transfer: Jalan

By Anjana DasNew Delhi,

The Bimal Jalan panelwill meet again to finalisethe report on the transferof RBI’s surplus and prof-its to the government inwake of the earl ier Fi-nance Ministry nomineeand former Finance Secre-tar y Subhash ChandraGarg’s transfer to anotherMinistry leading to theslot falling vacant.

“Since a new nomineehas come, the RBI woulddecide on exactly whatneeds to be done and Ican’t comment more atthis time. The RBI and gov-ernment will take the callon filling up the gap thathas been created due tovacancy from governmentnominee side,” panelchairman Bimal Jalan toldIANS.

“I am not involved inthat par t, ” he added.Asked if the panel wil lmeet again he said: “Mostprobably.”

As the situation standsnow, Finance SecretarySubhash Chandra Garg’s

transfer to the Power Min-istry might see the panelmeeting again. This, how-ever, could not be con-firmed.

The report will standas was decided in the lastmeeting and the new gov-ernment nominee’s signa-ture would be incorpo-rated or there will be fur-ther discussions with thenew entrant from the Fi-nance Ministr y on thesame issues.

Atanu Chakraborty hasreplaced Garg in the Fi-nance Ministry as Eco-nomic Affairs Secretary.

The government is yetto announce the name ofthe new Finance Secretary,while Banking SecretaryRajeev Kumar is the seniormost IAS currently in theFinance Ministry.

The Bimal Jalan Panel,which had concluded dis-cussions and were to sub-mit its report on the RBI’seconomic capital frame-work now might have towait on the governmentdecision to place a nomi-nee first following the exit

of Garg, who was one ofthe members of the six-member panel.

Garg was the sole dis-senter, who opposed thecapital framework de-cided by the committeeand had refused to sign it,instead of giving a dissentnote.

However, the panelhad decided to go aheadwith the report, adding hisdissent note. Garg saidlater, after taking over thePower Garg in the FinanceMini Secretary post, thathe did not sign the reportas it was not final.

The RBI Central Boardwill meet on August 16.On July 18, the panel hadmet for the last time todecide on the exactamount of transfer to gov-ernment by the RBI andthe overall consensus wasto transfer it over three tofive years and not in onego, which Garg had ob-jected to .

(Anjana Das can becontacted [email protected])



LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

PNB Housing Finance raises$100 mn from IFC via ECB route

Mumbai, State-run Punjab Natiuonal Bank (PNB) subsidiary PNB

Housing Finance Ltd on Monday announced it has raised$100 million (around Rs 690 crore) from the InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC) under the recently allowed au-tomatic External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) route to fi-nance the purchase of affordable housing projects.

“The investment was made under the central bank’sautomatic route in the revamped external commercial bor-rowings (ECB) framework,” PNB Housing Finance said in aregulatory filing. The company is looking forward to usethe ECB route more in the coming days, it said. The IFC isthe private investment arm of the World Bank. PNB Hous-ing Finance Managing Director Sanjaya Gupta said this isthe first ECB disbursement during the current financial yearunder the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) automatic route. RBIhas allowed the company to avail ECB of up to $750 mil-lion annually under the automatic route.

BusinessWhite hat hackers are ’immune Cisco joins Google to launch

system of the Internet’New Delhi,

As governments andorganisations the worldover face cyber securitythreats on a daily basis,hackerswhoare actuallythe”immune system of theinternet” has earned a realbad name in the recent past.

The term ’hacker’ has anegative perception aroundit but according toHackerOne, the leadinghacker—powered securityplatform, the misconcep—tions are finally changingowing to the rise of ethicalhacking or"white—hat”hack—ing.

”What previously wasviewed as a criminal offence20 or 30 ears ago is nowseen as a egitimate profes—sion. In fact, with the rise ofbug bounties, hacking canbe lucrative, earning morethan physicians and archi—tects in the US,” BenSadeghipour, Head ofHacker Operations atHackerOne, told IANS.

The Massachusetts Insti—tute of Technology (MIT)

first coined the term ”hack—ing” in the 19505 in refer—ence to using a machine fortrial and error experimentsand its original connotationwasn not a bad one.

”In fact, MIT has a long—standing tradition of hack—ing and accepts’hacking’aspart of its culture andsynonymises the word with’curious exploration’ andcreative inventions thatdemonstrate ingenuity andcleverness,’ addedSadeghipour, himself ahackeh

More companies andgovernment organisationsare realising that in order toprotect themselves online,the too need highly—skilledan creative individuals ontheir side.

In the 19905, Netscapecoined the term "bugbounty and was one of thefirst companies to put bud—get behind a programmededicated to financially re—warding hackers for findingvulnerabilities.Today, techgiants like Facebook,

Google,Microsoft offertheirown bug bountyprogrammes.

”A physician earns anaverage of$195,000 and anarchitect earns an averageof$115,000;meanwhile,thetop paid hackers are earn—ing over seven figures.Thisearthere have been recordounties earned with the

first teenager earning over$1 million in ethical hack—ing,”informed Sadeghipour.A recent study revealedthat 70 per cent of IT profes—sionals wanted the Cam—bridge dictionary definitionof a hacker changed toshow hackers in afavourable light, such aswith the more accurate defi—nition like MIT uses.Anotherstudy showed that hackers’top motivations are the op—portunity to learn, to bechallenged, and to havefun.Perhaps, those whobreak into networks andsystems with malicious pur—pose should better becalled cyber criminals, nothackers.

How Paytm QR Codes revolutioniseddigital payments in IndiaNew Delhi,

Quick response (QR)codes have become a com—mon payment option for In—dian smartphone users atrestaurants, grocery shopsand the like, and it wasPaytm which pioneered themethod and leads the field,which has now attracted theinterest of tech majors likeGoogle and Facebook—Whatsapp.

The first Indian com—pany to integrate paymentsinto QR and take it to thelevel of neighbourhoodstores, Paytm had hired10,000 agents duringdemonetisation to expandits merchant network andstrengthen its team to takemore users on board,so that”Paytm Karo” soon becamea slogan for digital pay—ments.

Its success in the digitalpayments space from vari—ous day to day payment use—cases to Paytm QR — has nowattracted American giants.

Media reports said thatGoogle Pay and Phonepeare increasingly looking atoffline payments and tryingto carve out a share in thePaytm—dominated market.

Offline payments are in—creasingly in focus with thegovernment proposing zerocharges on all forms ofdigi—tal payments to encouragetheir use.

Paytm says it has re—ported that it registeredmore than 250 millionmonthly transactionsthrough Paytm QR in 2019—20’s first quarter — more thatthe combined number ofother QR—based paymentson different platforms —making it the unquestionedleader in the space.

Pa tm’s Senior VicePresi ent Deepak Abbotsaid: ”Paytm was the firstcompany to identify theneed for a no—cost paymentmethod, which would beconvenient & secured forboth merchants and cus—

tomers.We launched our in—novative Paytm OR in 2015that customers could simplyscan with theirsmartphones & pay to themerchant.

Paytm QR, he said,”revo—lutionized the entire digitalpayments industry and mil—lions of people adopted itacross the country, rightfrom the local kirana stores,auto—rickshaws and fastfood joints to top—end ho—tels & restaurants’.’

”We feel pride in seeingthat its popularity has in—spired many other digitalQR—based paymentmethod,"Abbot added.

He noted that Paytm”continues to be the digitalpayments leader in lndia’,’seeing a three—fold growthin the last one year in bothonline and offline payments.

”With more than 12 mil—lion merchants on board,weregister over 250 millionmonthly offline transac—tions.”

Did you apply for GoogleCEO’s job on Linkedln?

San Francisco,To the surprise of mil—

lions of Linkedln users, thehigh—profile job of GoogleCEO Sundar Pichai was upfor grabs on Microsoft—owned professional net—working platform and somewannabes even applied tobecome what would be adreamjob on Earth.

Later, Linkedln accepteditwasactuallyasecurit bugthatlet users postano icial—looking job opening onnearly any firm’s Linkedlnbusiness page.

These unofficial listingsshowed up on a company’s”Jobs” page and looked likeany other job openingposted legitimately b theorganisation, Mashab e re—ported on Sunday.

The job posting forGoogle CEO, put up byMichel Rijnders, evoked

mixed responses fromLinkedln users. One userposted: ”Applying to beCEO ofGoogle on Linkedln.Sundar’s been doing agreatjob so far.$GOOG 02earnings were strong, so alittle strange to see thisopening’f Linkedln re—sponded: "Thank youMichel Rijnders for bring—ing this to our attention.We’ve removed the post—ing and we’re resolving theissue that allowed this postto go live. Linkedln is aplace for real people tohave real conversationsabout their careers’.’ Usu—ally, creating job postingson the platform needs apremium subscription, butRijnders could post jobopening forGoofle CEO onLinkedln at no cost. ”Thefake listings appeared onthe tech giants’ Linkedln

PNB Housing Finance raises$100 mn from IFC via ECB route

Mumbai,State—run Punjab Natiuonal Bank (PNB) subsidiary PNB

Housing Finance Ltd on Monday announced it has raised$100 million (around Rs 690 crore) from the InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC) under the recently allowed au—tomatic External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) route to fi—nance the purchase of affordable housing projects.

”The investment was made under the central bank’sautomatic route in the revamped external commercial bor—rowings (ECB) framework," PNB Housing Finance said in aregulatory filing. The company is looking forward to usethe ECB route more in the coming days, it said.The IFC isthe private investment arm of the World Bank. PNB Hous—ing Finance Managing Director Sanjaya Gupta said this isthe first ECB disbursement during the current financial yearunderthe Reserve Bank oflndia’s (RBI) automatic route.RBlhas allowed the company to avail ECB of up to $750 mil—lion annually under the automatic route.


E-Tender Notice No. CA.11.BVP.LED.2019, Date:25-O7-2019.Divisional Railway Manager (Commercial), Bhavnagar para, Western Railway,Bhavanagar-364 003 invites open e-tender (Single packet System) for five yearscontract in prescribed format from Firms / Companies I Advertising Agents IAgenciesintendingto havethefollowing work:

No. (Inside CL:::d:Jr:e hall of 5212i: hIESITZZ‘ifiasccgt prilzzsfzm‘ierst IERNg;Station) year (Rs.)

1 Porbandar 4’X3.6’= 14 sqft. 21000 23002 Junagadh 9’X3’ = 27 sqft. 40500 44003 Veraval 9’X9’ = 81 sqft, 121500 130004 BhavnagarTerminus 8’X3’ = 24 sqft. 36000 39005 Somnath 5’X2’ = 10 sqft. 15000 1600

Bidder/Tenderer shall be required to depositTender Document Cost & Earnest Money

business pages alongsidetheir other job openings.The listings also appearedin Linkedln’s job search.There was no approval pro—cess required,”the reportadded. Likedln said that”It’s not a place for fakejobs—we are committed tostopping fraudulent jobsfrom ever reaching ourmembers through auto—mated technology and thehelp of our members re—porting any suspicious jobpostings.”



LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad—380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider and


free public Wi—Fi in IndiaKochL

In a bid to benefit mil—lions of Internet users andconnect the next billion us—ers,global networking giantCisco has teamed up withGoogle to roll out free, high—speed public Wi—Fi accessglobally, starting with India.

The first pilot under thepartnership has been rolledout at 35 locations inBengaluru, Cisco said hereon Monday, adding that itwill work with Google’s”Sta—tion Platform” to providecommunities around thecountry access to high—speed public Wi—Fi.

By September this year,200 locations in Bengaluruwill be Wi—Fi enabled, fol—lowed by another 300 in thesecond phase,the two tech—nology giants said at the”Cisco India Summit”here.

The locations includepublic spaces like bus stops,hospitals and governmentoffices, etc.

Google said that it wascommitted to make the ser—vice secure.

"It will run on https en—vironment — the same en—vironment in which you doonline banking transac—tions," Sajith Sivanandan,Managing Director andBusiness Head, Google Payand”Next Billion User Initia—tives’,’ India, told reportershere.

”The service will be sup—ported by advertisements.We will think of more prod—ucts to make the servicecommercially available’.’

According to Cisco, thevision behind rolling outthis service is that Internetshould be a fundamentalright in this country.

”Moving from slow tohigh—speed Internet accesswill increase user engage—ment and benefit millions ofInternet users throughoutthe economic spectrum.The success of digitizationand digital citizen services isalso closely tied to the pro—liferation of high—speedinternet," said SameerGarde,President,Cisco India& Saarc.

”This also represents asignificant growth opportu—nity,the demand for publicWi—Fi hotspots is expectedto go up by 100X over thenext 3 years, creating newmarkets for Cisco and ourpartners,” he added.

Currently, about half abillion people in India areonline,while 800 million arestill not connected to theInternet.

According to a TRAI re—port,globally,there is onWi—Fi hotspot for every 150people, and in India, eightmillion additional hotspotsmust beinstalled to achievethe same ratio — creating

new market opportunitiesfor infrastructure providersand internet service provid—ers.

India has only 52,000Wi—Fi hotspots today, necessi—tating a proactive strategyto make high—speed Wi—Fihotspots ubiquitous acrossthe country.

”It is an important part—nership from the context offurthering the vision of Digi—tal India, by making hi—speed publicWi—Fl as perva—sive as possible in con—gested city settings,"PrabhuRam, Head—Industry Intelli—gence Group, CyberMediaResearch,told IANS.

According to the CiscoVNI (Visual Networking In—dex) report, nearly 59 percent of Internettraffic will beoffloaded from cellular net—works to Wi—Fi by 2022.

”The Cisco—Google part—nership brings together theexpertise of Cisco in net—work infrastructure, andGoogle in providing seam—less broadband experience,and expertise in developingvernacularweb contentandplatform innovations. Thepartnership aims at bring—ing hi—speed public Wi—Fi tothe next billion mobile us—ers, a cohort that includesunconnected and under—connected Indians acrosshighly—congested city loca—tions,” Ram explained.

Panel to meet again onfunds transfer: Jalan

By Anjana DasNew Delhi,

The Bimal Jalan panelwill meet again to finalisethe report on the transferof RBI’s surplus and prof—its to the government inwake of the earlier Fi—nance Ministry nomineeand former Finance Secre—tary Subhash ChandraGarg’s transfer to anotherMinistry leading to theslot falling vacant.

”Since a new nomineehas come, the RBI woulddecide on exactly whatneeds to be done and Ican’t comment more atthis time.The RBI and gov—ernment will take the callon filling up the gap thathas been created due tovacancy from governmentnominee side,” panelchairman Bimal Jalan toldIANS.

”I am not involved inthat part,” he added.Asked if the panel willmeet again he said:”Mostprobably.”

As the situation standsnow, Finance SecretarySubhash Chandra Garg’s

transfer to the Power Min—istry might see the panelmeeting again.This, how—ever, could not be con—firmed.

The report will standas was decided in the lastmeeting and the new gov—ernment nominee’s signa—ture would be incorpo—rated or there will be fur—ther discussions with thenew entrant from the Fi—nance Ministry on thesame issues.

Atanu Chakraborty hasreplaced Garg in the Fi—nance Ministry as Eco—nomic Affairs Secretary.

The government is yetto announce the name ofthe new Finance Secretary,while Banking SecretaryRajeev Kumar is the seniormost IAS currently in theFinance Ministry.

The Bimal Jalan Panel,which had concluded dis—cussions and were to sub—mit its report on the RBl’seconomic capital frame—work now might have towait on the governmentdecision to place a nomi—nee first following the exit

of Garg, who was one ofthe members of the six—member panel.

Garg was the sole dis—senter, who opposed thecapital framework de—cided by the committeeand had refused to sign it,instead ofgiving a dissentnote.

However, the panelhad decided to go aheadwith the report,adding hisdissent note. Garg saidlater, after taking over thePower Garg inthe FinanceMini Secretary post, thathe did not sign the reportas it was not final.

The RBI Central Boardwill meet on August 16.On July 18, the panel hadmet for the last time todecide on the exactamount oftransferto gov—ernment by the RBI andthe overall consensus wasto transfer it over three tofive years and not in onego, which Garg had ob—jected to.

(Anjana Das can becontacted [email protected])


l have changed my old namefrom POOJA


MAHENDRAKUMAR PATELAdd. : 12, Pranami Bunglows,

Vastral,, Ahmedabad1269

l have changed my old namefrom MOMIN GULSANBANU


ADIL Add. : At & Po. PanpurPatiya (Savgadh),

Bharuch NagarpalikaDist: Bharuch

Bharuch Nagarpalika invite On-line tender Under 14th

/Business Brief l\E-mail attacks giving sleeplessnight to IT professionals

New Delhi,Email attacks like phishing and ransomware are

having a major impact on businesses globally,with overthree—quarters oforganizations saying their employeesaren’t good at spotting suspicious emails,a new reporthas stressed.

Nearly 74 per cent of respondents say email attacksare having a major impact on their businesses while 78per cent oforganizations said the cost of email breachesis increasing,according to the report titled”201 9 EmailSecurity Trends" by the US—based cyber security firmBarracuda Networks.Spear phishing is widespread with43 per cent oforganizations being the victim ofa spear—phishing attack in the past 12 months.”While most ITprofessionals are more confident about their email se—curity systems than they were a year ago,email attackscontinue to have a significant impact on businesses,”said the report.The most common effects cited wereloss ofemployee productivity,downtime and businessdisruption, and damage to the reputation of the ITteam.”Nearly three—quarters of respondents reportedexperiencing higher stress levels, worrying about po—tential email security even when they’re not at work,and being forced to work nights and weekends to ad—dress email security issues,”the findings showed.

Jessica Alba’s Twitter account hackedSan Francisco,

American actress Jessica Alba’s Twitter account ap—peared to have been hacked during the weekend, ac—cording to reports and screenshots taken by otherTwit—ter users. The screenshots show a series of racist, ho—mophobic, anti—Semitic and other offensive tweets ap—parently sent out from Alba’s account.The tweets havesince been deleted and she has not posted about theincident.The 38—year—old seems to be a target ofan un—known hacker with fans tweeting back at her in shockat the hateful language of the tweets posted from herTwitter handle. In addition, some messages sent outfrom the handle include references to Nazis, US Presi—dent Donald Trump and homosexuals, news websiteThe Hollywood Reporter reported on Sunday.”JessicaAlba did not carry the entire Fantastic Four franchiseon her back to get hacked in her sleep while she wasjust trying to sell us multi—vitamins,” wrote one alongwith a sample of the hacked tweets."Jessica Alba get—ting hacked is the most unprecedented event of 201 9,”another said.According to media reports,the latest realtweet from Alba was posted on July 20, in which shesent out an Instagram photo of night at dinner with herhusband and friends. Whatever was posted on July 27—28 was posted by the hacker, reports said.

BSNL orders officers to fly economyclass to cut costs

New Delhi,In a move to cut costs further amid financial diffi—

culties, state—run telecom major BSNL has asked all itsofficers to fly by economy class on both domestic andinternational air travel,according to an office order.”Dueto present financial stress of the company, all BSNL of—ficers will now travel by economy class airjourney (Do—mestic and International journey) while performingtheir official tours with immediate effect till further or—ders. ”However, with the prior approval of the CMD,BSNL, the officers may travel by higher class in case ofbusiness requirements’,’ the order of July 26 said.Thepublic sector firm recorded a provisional loss of Rs 4,859crore in 2015—16, of Rs 4,793 crore in 2016—17 and Rs7,993 crore in 201 7—1 8, which is estimated to rise to Rs14,202 crore in 2018—19, as per official data given toParliament.”Low tariffs due to fierce competition in themobile segment, high staff cost and absence of 4G ser—vices (except in few places) in the data—centric telecommarket are the main reasons for losses of BSNL,”Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had told Parlia—ment. Faced with the tough financial situations of bothBSNL and MTNL,the government is planning a revivalscheme for these companies designed to make themmore competitive and professional. //

Deposit only through the net banking or E—payment gateway i.e. acceptable form as

Ta. Himatnagarapprove Unaudited Financial _Dist. Sabarkantha-383001Results for the quarter ended

on 30.06.2019. R091

Executive Engineer, Sardarkrushinagar DantiwadaAgriculture University, S.K. Nagar Ta. Dantiwada@ Dist: Banaskantha-385506 @

Phone: 02748-278232NOTICE NO.: 5 OF 2019-20

On line E-Tendering is invited for below mentioned work.

Finance, SJMMSVY and M.L.A. Grant for following 9 works ofAsphalt Road, Paver Block, RCC Road, Kota Fitting,Construction of community hall and Annual rate contract forSupplying of materials. Their Estimated Cost range betweenRs 5,00,800/— to Rs.7,87,900/-.For Details regarding tender Bidders can downloads the tenderfrom www.statetenders.com & www.mprocurecom. Biddersmust bid the tender document by on-Iine tender process. Nagarpalika will only accept physical tender document through RPAD/Speed Post.Note: GST & EPF No. Must be compulsory required.1) Tender Download Dt. 31.07.2019 to 07.08.20192) Physical submission of tender through RPAD/Speed

Post or hand to hand process at Municipalities Dt.09.08.2019 at 4.00 PM.

3) Opening of Technical Bid Dt. 14.08.019 at 6.00 PM.

Sanjay G. Soni Deepak C. MistryChief Officer 'Chairman


Bharat D. ShahVice President

Naresh B. SutharwalaStanding Committee

Surabhiben S. TambakuwalaPresident

Bharuch Nagarpalika, Bharuch



Regd. Office : 69/C, GIDC lndustria|,Estate, Vapi, Dist: Valsad,Gujarat 396195.,(T) 0260-2430027 / 0260-2400639.

Email ID:gtb|[email protected] Website:http://www.gtb|.inNOTICE

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 47 read withRegulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements) Regulations, 2015, a meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Gujarat Themis BiosynLimited will be held onWednesday, 7th August, 2019, inter alia, to consider and approvethe Unaudited Financial Resultsforthe Quarter ended on 30th June,2019. This intimation is also available on Company‘s website atwww.gtbl.in and on Stock Exchange Website at www.bseindia.com.



Place: Mumbai Abhishek D. BuddhadevCompanySecretary



Sr. Name of Work CriteriaNo.1 CONSTRUCTION OF 3.00 “E-1” Above


Registration Class.


“E-1 ” AboveRegistration Class.


Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 1 First Floor,Sector 10 A Gandhinagar, Mo-No. 9978441147-78

Fax No.232(079) 22396 Email: [email protected] Notice No. 09/2019

Chief General Manager (P), GWIL, Gandhinagar invites on-line tender for Selection of Consultant for PMC Services forBulk Water Supply Projects in Gujarat State to be implementedby GWIL as below.


The last date of On-Iine submission of tender is 19-8-201 9, upto 15.00 hrs. The detail regarding tender will see on websitewww.sdau.edu.in/tender and all tender detail will be seen onwww.nprocure.com. No offer will be accepted without G.S.T.number and detail. The copy of Price bid (as per on-linesubmission) in sealed cover should be submit with authorizeperson at above address or at Council of State AgricultureUniversity, 1st floor, Krushi Bhavan, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagaron 19-8-2019 up to 15.00 hrs. without fail otherwise offer willbe liable for rejection. All right are reserved to accept or rejectthe offer with under sign. Work will be carried out as per

Sr Tender Particulars Tender Fee Earnest MoneyID No. Rs. Deposit Cost

Rs.1 370359 RFQ Cum RFP for Selection and 30,000/— 50.0 Lakhs

appointment of Consultant for ProjectManagement and Construction Supen/isionsen/ices through a Quality and Cost BasedSelection (0088) process for various BulkWater Supply Projects in Gujarat Sate to beimIeriiented by Gujarat Water Infrastructure

imite- Bid documents downloading start: 26.7.2019, 18.00 Hrs.- Pre bid meeting Date-5.8.2019, 12.00 Hrs. GWIL Board Room- Last date & time for on-line receipt of bids: 19.8.2019 up to

18.00 Hr.- Last date & time for physical submission of tender 26.8.2019

up to 18.00 hrs.

TENDER NOTICE FOR PROVISION OF CATERING SERVICES[1] For and on behalf of the President of India, Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial), Ahmedabad Division, Western Railway, invites E-Bid on Open,Competitive, single stage, Single packet system, from food and catering serviceproviders for “Provision of Catering Services for the period of 05 Years forSpecial Minor Units at following Stations:Sr. BID Station & . Reserve riceNo. Notice No. Unit No. Location per ann'um EMD1. C45/SMU/ Katosan PF No.1, 1.?76,500/—+GST 38,000/—

2019-20/ Road(KTRD Nr. Water Hut applicable forKTRD-1 towards 1st three Year

Unit No. Detroj 2.?84,150/—+ GSTKTRD-1 applicable for4&5th Year

2. C45/SMU/ Dangrwa PF No. 1, 1.?72,000/-+GST ?7,500/-2019—20/ (DNW) Nr.WaterHut applicable forDNW»1 towards 1st three Year

Unit No. Mahesana 2.?79,200/-+GSTDNW-1 applicable for4&5th Year

3. C45/SMU/ Dhinoj PF No. 1 1.? 76,500/— + GST ? 8,000/-2019-20/ (DHJ) Nr. Entry applicable forDHJ—1 Gate 1stthree Year

Unit No. 2.?84,150/—+ GSTDHJ-1 applicable for4&5th Year

4. C45/SMU/ Unjha PF No.1 1.?48,750/— + GST ? 5,100/-2019-20/ (UJA) between applicable forUJA-2 Two 1st three Year

Unit No. Subways 2.?53,625/—+GSTUJA-2 applicable for4 & 5th Year

5. C45/SMU/ Santalpur PF No.1 1.? 78,000/— + GST ? 8,200/-2019—20/ (SNLR) Nr. Water applicable forSNLR-1 Hut 1stthree Year

Unit No. 2.?85,800/—+ GSTSNLR-i applicablefor4&5thYear

Reserve for: For Sr. No. 1: OBC (Women), For Sr. No. 2: CBC, For Sr. No. 3: SQESr. No.4: Minorities, For Sr. No. 5: SC (Women), Tender Form Fee: ? 5,900/— Dateand Time of Closing of Tender and Opening of Tender: Up to 15:00 hrs. on 30-08-2019 and On 15:30 hrs. on 30-08-2019. [2] Bid Document: The tender documentsare available on IREPS Portal www.ireps.gov.in and the same can be downloaded /viewed for submission of offer. The cost of tender documents as indicated in tenderdocuments will have to be deposited by the tender online IREPS portalwww.ireps.gov.in [3] The Bid Document can also be downloaded on IREPS Portal,www.ireps.gov,in and the bids can be submitted online on IREPS Portal,www.ireps.gov.in along with the payment receipt towards the cost of biddingdocuments. failing which the offerwill be summarily rejected. [4] Earnest Money: Thebid must be accompanied by Earnest Money as mentioned in front of related tendernotice. The cost of earnest money as indicated in the tender document will have todeposited by the rendered online on IREPS Portal,W[5] Receipt ofBids: the bidder should submit his bid online on IREPS Portal, www.ireps.gov.in notlaterthan15:00 hrs on date mentioned in front of each bid notice in above table. Bidsshall be opened on the same day on IREPS portal, www.ireps.gov.in at 15:30 hrs. [6]- Tender Opening- 27.8.20191200 Hrs. Railway reserves the right to accept/reject any or all Bids without assigning anyreason thereof. [7] Manual Offers are not allowed against this tender and any suchmanual offer received shall be ignored. [8] Address for Communication : Office ofDivisional Railway Manager (Commercial), Ahmedabad Division, Western Railway,Nr. Chamunda Mata Mandir, Naroda Road, PO. Saijpur Bogha, Ahmedabad-382345.Website : www.wr.indianraiIways.gov.in 165Like us on: flfacebookcomlWesteray- Follow us 0mm twitter.comlWesteray

prescribed in the tender document. Tender not accompanied with valid TenderDocument Cost & Earnest Money Deposit shall be summarily rejected. Time andDate for Closure for Submission of e-Tender Document and Opening of e-tender: Upto15:00 Hrs. on 20-08-2019and15:30 Hrs. on 20-08-2019 through onlinewebsite www.ireps.gov.inlonly 51

Like us on: fliacebookcomlWesteray- Follow us 0mm twitter.comlWesteray

availability ofgrantallocation.Any correction regarding tender . Further information is available on sitewill be seen only on-line. http://gwil.nprocure.com. All documents like Tender Notice.

Tender documents.Amendment and any changes will be putSd/— .on web S'te' lNF/757/19-20DEPUTY ENGINEERNo.DDI/ALNI200I2019-2020

Ahmedabad, Page 7


BusinessWhite hat hackers are ’immune Cisco joins Google to launch

system of the Internet’New Delhi,

As governments andorganisations the worldover face cyber securitythreats on a daily basis,hackers who areactuallythe”immune system of theinternet” has earned a realbad name in the recent past.

The term ’hacker’ has anegative perception aroundit but according toHackerOne, the leadinghacker-powered securityplatform, the misconcep—tions are finally changingowing to the rise of ethicalhacking or”white-hat”hack—ing.

”What previously wasviewed as a criminal offence20 or 30 ears ago is nowseen as a egitimate profes—sion. In fact, with the rise ofbug bounties, hacking canbe lucrative, earning morethan physicians and archi-tects in the US,” BenSadeghipour, Head ofHacker Operations atHackerOne, told IANS.

The Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology (MIT)

first coined the term "hack—ing” in the 19505 in refer-ence to using a machine fortrial and error experimentsand its original connotationwasn not a bad one.

”In fact, MIT has a long—standing tradition of hack-ing and accepts’hacking’aspart of its culture andsynonymises the word with’curious exploration’ andcreative inventions thatdemonstrate ingenuity andcleverness,’ addedSadeghipour, himself ahackeh

More companies andgovernment organisationsare realising that in order toprotect themselves online,the too need highly—skilledan creative individuals ontheir side.

In the 19905, Netscapecoined the term ”bugbounty and was one of thefirst companies to put bud-get behind a programmededicated to financially re-warding hackers forfindingvulnerabilities.Today, techgiants like Facebook,

Google, Microsoft offer theirown bug bountyprogrammes.

"A physician earns anaverage of$195,000 and anarchitect earns an averageof$115,000;meanwhile,thetop paid hackers are earn—ing over seven figures.Thisear there have been recordounties earned with the

first teenager earning over$1 million in ethical hack—ing,”informed Sadeghipour.A recent study revealedthat 70 per cent of IT profes—sionals wanted the Cam—bridge dictionary definitionof a hacker changed toshow hackers in afavourable light, such aswith the more accurate defi-nition like MIT uses.Anotherstudy showed that hackers’top motivations are the op-portunity to learn, to bechallenged, and to havefun.Perhaps, those whobreak into networks andsystems with malicious pur—pose should better becalled cyber criminals, nothackers.

How Paytm QR Codes revolutioniseddigital payments in IndiaNew Delhi,

Quick response (QR)codes have become a com-mon payment option for In-dian smartphone users atrestaurants, grocery shopsand the like, and it wasPaytm which pioneered themethod and leads the field,which has now attracted theinterest of tech majors likeGoogle and Facebook-Whatsapp.

The first Indian com-pany to integrate paymentsinto OR and take it to thelevel of neighbourhoodstores, Paytm had hired10,000 agents duringdemonetisation to expandits merchant network andstrengthen its team to takemore users on board,so that“Paytm Karo” soon becamea slogan for digital pay-ments.

Its success in the digitalpayments space from vari-ous day to day payment use-cases to Paytm QR- has nowattracted American giants.

Media reports said thatGoogle Pay and Phonepeare increasingly looking atoffline payments and tryingto carve out a share in thePaytm-dominated market.

Offline pa ments are in-creasingly in ocus with thegovernment proposing zerocharges on all forms ofdigi—tal payments to encouragetheir use.

Paytm says it has re—ported that it registeredmore than 250 millionmonthly transactionsthrough Paytm OR in 2019-20’s first quarter - more thatthe combined number ofother QR—based paymentson different platforms —making itthe unquestionedleader in the space.

Pa tm’s Senior VicePresi ent Deepak Abbotsaid:”Paytm was the firstcompany to identify theneed for a no-cost paymentmethod, which would beconvenient & secured forboth merchants and cus—

tomers.We launched our in-novative Paytm OR in 2015that customers could simplyscan with theirsmartphones & pay to themerchant.

Paytm QR, he said,”revo-lutionized the entire digitalpayments industry and mil-lions of people adopted itacross the country, rightfrom the local kirana stores,auto—rickshaws and fastfood joints to top-end ho-tels & restaurants’.’

“We feel pride in seeingthat its popularity has in-spired many other digitalQR-based paymentmethod,”Abbot added.

He noted that Paytm"continues to be the digitalpayments leader in India’;seeing a three-fold growthin the last one year in bothonline and offline payments.

“With more than 12 mil-lion merchants on board,weregister over 250 millionmonthly offline transac-tions.”

Did you apply for GoogleCEO’s job on Linkedln?

San Francisco,To the surprise of mil-

lions of Linkedln users, thehigh-profile job of GoogleCEO Sundar Pichai was upfor grabs on Microsoft-owned professional net-working platform and somewannabes even applied tobecome what would be adream job on Earth.

Later, Linkedln accepteditwas actuallyasecurit bugthatletuserspostano icial-looking job opening onnearly any firm’s Linkedlnbusiness page.

These unofficial listingsshowed up on a compan ’5“Jobs” page and looked lilieany other job openingposted legitimately b theorganisation, Mashab e re-ported on Sunday.

The job posting forGoogle CEO, put up byMichel Rijnders, evoked

mixed responses fromLinkedln users. One userposted: ”Applying to beCEO ofGoogle on Linkedln.Sundar’s been doing agreatjob so far. $GOOG 02earnings were strong, so alittle strange to see thisopening’f Linkedln re—sponded: ”Thank youMichel Rijnders for bring—ing this to our attention.We’ve removed the post-ing and we’re resolving theissue that allowed this postto go live. Linkedln is aplace for real people tohave real conversationsabout their careers’f Usu—ally, creating job postingson the platform needs apremium subscription,butRijnders could post jobopening forGoofle CEO onLinkedln at no cost. ”Thefake listings appeared onthe tech giants’ Linkedln

PNB Housing Finance raises$100 mn from IFC via ECB route

Mumbai,State-run Punjab Natiuonal Bank (PNB) subsidiary PNB

Housing Finance Ltd on Monday announced it has raised$100 million (around Rs 690 crore) from the InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC) under the recently allowed au—tomatic External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) route to fi—nance the purchase of affordable housing projects.

"The investment was made under the central bank’sautomatic route in the revamped external commercial bor-rowings (ECB) framework,”PNB Housing Finance said in aregulatory filing. The company is looking forward to usethe ECB route more in the coming days, it said.The IFC isthe private investment arm ofthe World Bank. PNB Hous—ing Finance Managing Director Sanjaya Gupta said this isthe first ECB disbursement during the current financial yearunderthe Reserve Bank oflndia’s (RBI) automatic route.RBlhas allowed the company to avail ECB of up to $750 mil—lion annually under the automatic route.


E-TenderNotice No. CA.11.BVP.LED.2019, Date225-01-2019.Divisional Railway Manager (Commercial), Bhavnagar para, Western Railway,Bhavanagar—364 003 invites open e-tender (Single packet System) for five yearscontract in prescribed format from Firms l Companies I Advertising Agents IAgencies intending to have the following work:

Location ReserveNo. (Inside Concourse hall of sgrlfiahIESEIzitifiaghft price for first :ERNE;

Station) q year (Rs.) '1 Porbandar 4'X3.6' = 14 sqft. 21000 23002 Junagadh 9‘X3‘ = 27 sqft. 40500 44003 Veraval 9’X9‘ = 81 sqft. 121500 130004 BhavnagarTerminus 8’X3’ = 24 sqft. 36000 39005 Somnath 5’X2’ = 10 sqft. 15000 1600

business pages alongsidetheir other job openings.The listings also appearedin Linkedln’s job search.There was no approval pro-cess required,” the reportadded. Likedln said that"It’s not a place for fakejobs-we are committed tostopping fraudulent jobsfrom ever reaching ourmembers through auto-mated technology and thehelp of our members re-porting any suspicious jobpostings.”



(Formerly known asSantaram Spinners Limited)

The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad—380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider and


free public Wi—Fi in IndiaKochi,

In a bid to benefit mil—lions of Internet users andconnect the next billion us—ers,global networking giantCisco has teamed up withGoogle to roll out free,high—speed public Wi-Fi accessglobally, starting with India.

The first pilot under thepartnership has been rolledout at 35 locations inBengaluru, Cisco said hereon Monday, adding that itwill work with Google’s”Sta—tion Platform” to providecommunities around thecountry access to high—speed public Wi—Fi.

By September this year,200 locations in Bengaluruwill be Wi-Fi enabled, fol—lowed by another 300 in thesecond phase,the two tech—nology giants said at the”Cisco India Summit”here.

The locations includepublic spaces like bus stops,hospitals and governmentoffices, etc.

Google said that it wascommitted to make the ser—vice secure.

”It will run on https en—vironment — the same en-vironment in which you doonline banking transac-tions,” Sajith Sivanandan,Managing Director andBusiness Head, Google Payand”Next Billion User Initia-tives’,’ India, told reportershere.

”The service will be sup-ported by advertisements.We will think of more prod-ucts to make the servicecommercially available’.’

According to Cisco, thevision behind rolling outthis service is that Internetshould be a fundamentalright in this country.

”Moving from slow tohigh-speed Internet accesswill increase user engage-ment and benefit millions ofInternet users throughoutthe economic spectrum.The success of digitizationand digital citizen services isalso closely tied to the pro-liferation of high-speedinternet,” said SameerGarde, President,Cisco India& Saarc.

”This also represents asignificant growth opportu-nity, the demand for publicWi-Fi hotspots is expectedto go up by 100X over thenext 3 years, creating newmarkets for Cisco and ourpartners,”he added.

Currently, about half abillion people in India areonline,while 800 million arestill not connected to theInternet.

According to a TRAI re-port,globally,there is onWi-Fi hotspot for every 150people, and in India, eightmillion additional hotspotsmust be installed to achievethe same ratio — creating

new market opportunitiesfor infrastructure providersand internet service provid—ers.

India has only 52,000Wi—Fi hotspots today, necessi—tating a proactive strategyto make high—speed Wi—Fihotspots ubiquitous acrossthe country.

”It is an important part—nership from the context offurthering the vision of Digi—tal India, by making hi—speed publicWi-FI as perva—sive as possible in con—gested city settings,”PrabhuRam, Head-Industry Intelli—gence Group, CyberMediaResearch,told IANS.

According to the CiscoVNI (Visual Networking In—dex) report, nearly 59 percent of Internet traffic will beoffloaded from cellular net—works to Wi-Fi by 2022.

”The Cisco-Google part-nership brings together theexpertise of Cisco in net—work infrastructure, andGoogle in providing seam—less broadband experience,and expertise in developingvernacular web content andplatform innovations. Thepartnership aims at bring—ing hi—speed public Wi-Fi tothe next billion mobile us—ers, a cohort that includesunconnected and under-connected Indians acrosshighly—congested city loca—tions,” Ram explained.

Panel to meet again onfunds transfer: Jalan

By Anjana DasNew Delhi,

The Bimal Jalan panelwill meet again to finalisethe report on the transferof RBI’s surplus and prof—its to the government inwake of the earlier Fi-nance Ministry nomineeand former Finance Secre—tary Subhash ChandraGarg’s transfer to anotherMinistry leading to theslot falling vacant.

”Since a new nomineehas come, the RBI woulddecide on exactly whatneeds to be done and Ican’t comment more atthis time.The RBI and gov—ernment will take the callon filling up the gap thathas been created due tovacancy from governmentnominee side,” panelchairman Bimal Jalan toldIANS.

”I am not involved inthat part,” he added.Asked if the panel willmeet again he said:”Mostprobably.”

As the situation standsnow, Finance SecretarySubhash Chandra Garg’s

transferto the Power Min-istry might see the panelmeeting again.This, how-ever, could not be con-firmed.

The report will standas was decided in the lastmeeting and the new gov-ernment nominee’s signa-ture would be incorpo-rated or there will be fur-ther discussions with thenew entrant from the Fi-nance Ministry on thesame issues.

Atanu Chakraborty hasreplaced Garg in the Fi-nance Ministry as Eco-nomic Affairs Secretary.

The government is yetto announce the name ofthe new Finance Secretary,while Banking SecretaryRajeev Kumaris the seniormost IAS currently in theFinance Ministry.

The Bimal Jalan Panel,which had concluded dis-cussions and were to sub-mit its report on the RBI’seconomic capital frame-work now might have towait on the governmentdecision to place a nomi-nee first following the exit

of Garg, who was one ofthe members of the six-member panel.

Garg was the sole dis—senter, who opposed thecapital framework de-cided by the committeeand had refused to sign it,instead ofgiving a dissentnote.

However, the panelhad decided to go aheadwith the report,adding hisdissent note. Garg saidlater, after taking over thePower Garg in the FinanceMini Secretary post, thathe did not sign the reportas it was not final.

The RBI Central Boardwill meet on August 16.On July 18, the panel hadmet for the last time todecide on the exactamount oftransferto gov-ernment by the RBI andthe overall consensus wasto transfer it over three tofive years and not in onego, which Garg had ob—jected to.

(Anjana Das can becontacted [email protected])


I have changed my old namefrom POOJA


MAHENDRAKUMAR PATELAdd. : 12, Pranami Bunglows,

Vastral,, Ahmedabad1269

I have changed my old namefrom MOMIN GULSANBANU


ADIL Add. :At & Po. PanpurPatiya (Savgadh),

Bharuch NagarpalikaDist: Bharuch

Bharuch Nagarpalika invite On-line tender Under 14th

Ta. Himatnagarapprove Unaudited Financial _Dist. Sabarkantha-383001Results for the quarter ended

on 30.06.2019. R091

Executive Engineer, Sardarkrushinagar DantiwadaAgriculture University, S.K. Nagar Ta. Dantiwada@ Dist: Banaskantha-385506 @

Phone: 02748-278232NOTICE NO.: 5 OF 2019-20

On line E-Tendering is invited for below mentioned work.

Finance, SJMMSVY and M.L.A. Grant for following 9 works ofAsphalt Road, Paver Block, RCC Road, Kota Fitting,Construction of community hall and Annual rate contract forSupplying of materials. Their Estimated Cost range betweenRs 5,00,800/- to Rs.7,87,900/-.For Details regarding tender Bidders can downloads the tenderfrom www.5tatetenders.com & www.nprocure.com. Biddersmust bid the tender document by on-Iine tender process. Nagarpalika will only accept physical tender document through RPAD/Speed Post.Note: GST & EPF No. Must be compulsory required.1) Tender Download Dt. 31.07.2019 to 07.08.20192) Physical submission of tender through RPAD/Speed

Post or hand to hand process at Municipalities Dt.09.08.2019 at 4.00 PM.

3) Opening of Technical Bid Dt. 14.08.019 at 6.00 PM.

Sanjay G. Soni Deepak C. MistryChief Officer 'Chairman


Bharat D. ShahVice President

Naresh B. SutharwalaStanding Committee

Surabhiben S. TambakuwalaPresident

Bharuch Nagarpalika, Bharuch


@usiness Brief PE-mail attacks giving sleeplessnight to IT professionals

New Delhi,Email attacks like phishing and ransomware are

having a major impact on businesses globally,with overthree-quarters oforganizations saying their employeesaren’t good at spotting suspicious emails,a new reporthas stressed.

Nearly 74 per cent of respondents say email attacksare having a major impact on their businesses while 78per cent oforganizations said the cost ofemail breachesis increasing, according to the report titled”201 9 EmailSecurity Trends” by the US-based cyber security firmBarracuda Networks.Spear phishing is widespread with43 percent oforganizations being the victim ofa spear-phishing attack in the past 12 months.”While most ITprofessionals are more confident about their email se-curity systems than they were a year ago, email attackscontinue to have a significant impact on businesses,”said the report.The most common effects cited wereloss of employee productivity,downtime and businessdisruption, and damage to the reputation of the ITteam.”Nearly three—quarters of respondents reportedexperiencing higher stress levels, worrying about po-tential email security even when they’re not at work,and being forced to work nights and weekends to ad-dress email security issues,”the findings showed.

Jessica Alba’s Twitter account hackedSan Francisco,

American actress Jessica Alba’s Twitter account ap-peared to have been hacked during the weekend, ac-cording to reports and screenshots taken by otherTwit-ter users. The screenshots show a series of racist, ho-mophobic, anti—Semitic and other offensive tweets ap-parently sent out from Alba’s account.The tweets havesince been deleted and she has not posted about theincident.The 38—year—old seems to be a target ofan un-known hacker with fans tweeting back at her in shockat the hateful language of the tweets posted from herTwitter handle. In addition, some messages sent outfrom the handle include references to Nazis, US Presi-dent Donald Trump and homosexuals, news websiteThe Hollywood Reporter reported on Sunday.”JessicaAlba did not carry the entire Fantastic Four franchiseon her back to get hacked in her sleep while she wasjust trying to sell us multi—vitamins,” wrote one alongwith a sample of the hacked tweets.”Jessica Alba get-ting hacked is the most unprecedented event of201 9,”another said.According to media reports,the latest realtweet from Alba was posted on July 20, in which shesent out an Instagram photo of night at dinner with herhusband and friends. Whatever was posted on July 27-28 was posted by the hacker, reports said.

BSNL orders officers to fly economyclass to cut costs

New Delhi,In a move to cut costs further amid financial diffi-

culties, state—run telecom major BSNL has asked all itsofficers to fly by economy class on both domestic andinternational air travel,according to an office order.”Dueto present financial stress of the company, all BSNL of-ficers will now travel by economy class airjourney (Do-mestic and International journey) while performingtheir official tours with immediate effect till further or-ders. “However, with the prior approval of the CMD,BSNL, the officers may travel by higher class in case ofbusiness requirements’,’ the order of July 26 said. Thepublic sector firm recorded a provisional loss of Rs 4,859crore in 2015—16, of Rs 4,793 crore in 2016-17 and Rs7,993 crore in 201 7—1 8, which is estimated to rise to Rs14,202 crore in 2018—19, as per official data given toParliament.”Low tariffs due to fierce competition in themobile segment, high staff cost and absence of4G ser—vices (except in few places) in the data-centric telecommarket are the main reasons for losses of BSNL,”Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had told Parlia-ment. Faced with the tough financial situations of bothBSNL and MTNL,the government is planning a revivalscheme for these companies designed to make themfire competitive and professional. /


Regd. Office : 69/C, GIDC Industrial,Estate, Vapi, Dist: Valsad,Gujarat 396195.,(T) 0260-2430027 / 0260-2400639.

Email ID:[email protected] Website:htlp://www.gtbl.in

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 47 read withRegulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements) Regulations, 2015, a meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Gujarat Themis BiosynLimited will be held onWednesday, 7th August, 2019, inter alia, to consider and approvethe Unaudited Financial Resultsfor the Quarter ended on 30th June,2019. This intimation is also available on Company‘s website atwww.gtbl.in and on Stock ExchangeWebsite atwww.bseindia.com.



Place: Mumbai Abhishek D. BuddhadevCompanySecretary



Sr. Name of Work CriteriaNo.1 CONSTRUCTION OF 3.00 “E-1" Above


Registration Class.


“E-1 " AboveRegistration Class.


Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 1 First Floor,Sector 10 A Gandhinagar, Mo-No. 9978441147-78

Fax No.232(079) 22396 Email: [email protected] Notice No. 09/2019

Chief General Manager (P), GWIL, Gandhinagar invites on-line tender for Selection of Consultant for PMC Services forBulk Water Supply Projects in Gujarat State to be implementedby GWIL as below.


The last date ofOn-Iine submission oftender is 19-8-2019, upto 15.00 hrs. The detail regarding tender will see on websitewww.sdau.edu.in/tender and all tender detail will be seen onwww.nprocure.com. No offer will be accepted without G.S.T.number and detail. The copy of Price bid (as per on-linesubmission) in sealed cover should be submit with authorizeperson at above address or at Council of State AgricultureUniversity, 1st floor, Krushi Bhavan, Sector 1 O-A, Gandhinagaron 19-8-2019 up to 15.00 hrs. without fail othenNise offer will

Sr Tender Particulars Tender Fee Earnest MoneyID No. Rs. Deposit Cost

Rs.1 370359 RFQ Cum RFP for Selection and 30,000/- 50.0 Lakhs

appointment of Consultant for ProjectManagement and Construction Supervisionservices through a Quality and Cost BasedSelection (QCBS) process for various BulkWater Supply Projects in Gujarat Sate to beiiripleriiented by Gujarat Water Infrastructure

imite‘ Bid documents downloading start: 26.7.2019, 18.00 Hrs.‘ Pre bid meeting Date-5.8.2019, 12.00 Hrs. GWIL Board Room‘ Last date & time for on-line receipt of bids: 19.8.2019 up to

18.00 Hr.

TENDER NOTICE FOR PROVISION OF CATERING SERVICES[1] For and on behalf of the President of India, Divisional Railway Manager(Commercial), Ahmedabad Division, Western Railway, invites E-Bid on Open,Competitive, single stage, Single packet system, from food and catering serviceproviders for “Provision of Catering Services for the period of 05 Years forSpecial Minor Units at following Stations:Sr. BID Station & . Reserve riceNo. Notice No. Unit No. Location per annliim EMD1. C45/SMU/ Katosan PF No.1, 1.?76,500/—+GST ?8,000/—

2019-20/ Road(KTRD Nr. Water Hut applicable forKTRD-1 towards 1st three Year

Unit No. Detroj 2.?84,150/—+ GSTKTRD-1 applicable for4&5th Year

2. C45/SMU/ Dangrwa PF No. 1, 1.?72,000/-+GST ?7,500/-2019—20/ (DNW) Nr.WaterHut applicable forDNW»1 towards 1st three Year

Unit No. Mahesana 2.?79,200/-+GSTDNW-1 applicable for4&5th Year

3. C45/SMU/ Dhinoj PF No.1 1.? 76,500/— + GST ? 8,000/-2019-20/ (DHJ) Nr. Entry applicable forDHJ—1 Gate 1stthree Year

Unit No. 2.?84,150/—+ GSTDHJ-1 applicable for4&5th Year

4. C45/SMU/ Unjha PF No.1 1.?48,750/— + GST ? 5,100/-2019-20/ (UJA) between applicable forUJA-2 Two 1st three Year

Unit No. Subways 2.?53,625/—+GSTUJA-2 applicable for4 & 5th Year

5. C45/SMU/ Santalpur PF No.1 1.? 78,000/— + GST ? 8,200/-2019—20/ (SNLR) Nr. Water applicable forSNLR-1 Hut 1stthree Year

Unit No. 2.?85,800/—+ GSTSNLR-t applicablefor4&5thYear

Reserve for: For Sr. No. 1: OBC (Women), For Sr. No. 2: CBC, For Sr. No. 3: SQESr. No. 4: Minorities, For Sr. No. 5: SC (Women), Tender Form Fee: ? 5,900/— Dateand Time of Closing of Tender and Opening of Tender: Up to 15:00 hrs. on 30-08-2019 and On 15:30 hrs. on 30-08-2019. [2] Bid Document: The tender documentsare available on IREPS Portal www.ireps.gov.in and the same can be downloaded /viewed for submission of offer. The cost of tender documents as indicated in tenderdocuments will have to be deposited by the tender online IREPS portalwww.ireps.gov.in [3] The Bid Document can also be downloaded on IREPS Portal,www.ireps.gov.in and the bids can be submitted online on IREPS Portal,www.ireps.gov.in along with the payment receipt towards the cost of biddingdocuments. failing which the offerwill be summarily rejected. [4] Earnest Money: Thebid must be accompanied by Earnest Money as mentioned in front of related tendernotice. The cost of earnest money as indicated in the tender document will have todeposited by the rendered online on IREPS Portal,W[5] Receipt ofBids: the bidder should submit his bid online on IREPS Portal, www.ireps.gov.in not‘ Last date & time for physical submission of tender 26.8.2019laterthan15:00 hrs on date mentioned in front of each bid notice in above table. Bidsshall be opened on the same day on IREPS portal, www.ireps.gov.in at 15:30 hrs. [6]Railway reserves the right to accept/reject any or all Bids without assigning anyreason thereof. [7] Manual Offers are not allowed against this tender and any suchmanual offer received shall be ignored. [8] Address for Communication : Office ofDivisional Railway Manager (Commercial), Ahmedabad Division, Western Railway,Nr. Chamunda Mata Mandir, Naroda Road, PO. Saijpur Bogha, Ahmedabad-382345.Website : www.wr.indianraiIways.gov.in 165Like us on: flfacebookcomlWesteray- Follow us 0mm twitter.comlWesteray

Bidder/Tenderer shall be required to deposit Tender Document Cost & Earnest MoneyDeposit only through the net banking or E-payment gateway i.e. acceptable form asprescribed in the tender document. Tender not accompanied with valid TenderDocument Cost & Earnest Money Deposit shall be summarily rejected. Time andDate for Closure for Submission of e-Tender Document and Opening of e-tender: Up to 15:00 Hrs. on 20—08—201 9 and 15:30 Hrs. on 20-08-2019 through onlinewebsite www.ireps.gov.inl only 61

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be liable for rejection. All right are reserved to accept or reject t 18 00 h- - - - up 0 . rs.the 'offer With under srgn. Work Will be. carried out as per . Tender Opening- 27.8.2019 12.00 Hrs.

availability ofgrantallocation.Any correction regarding tender . Further information is available on sitewill be seen only on-line. http://gwil.nprocure.com. All documents like Tender Notice.

Tender documents.Amendment and any changes will be putSdl- .on web S'te' INF/757/19-20DEPUTY ENGINEERNo.DDI/ALNI200I2019-2020

Ahmedabad, Pace 7


7{tøk¤ðkh, íkk. 30 sw÷kE, 2019 30/7/2019 Gandhinagar

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yk Äx™k yuðe Au fu, …rŒ™k{]íÞwŒƒkË yk rðÄðk ð]æÄke…kuŒk™k Ëefhk ‚kÚku hnuŒe nŒe.Œu{™e ðnw Œ{k{ fk{ku yk ð]æÄk……k‚u fhkðŒe y™u ™k™e ™k™e ¼w÷kufkZe …rŒ™u VrhÞkË fhe ð]æÄkðrðYæÄð W~fu ]hýe fhŒe nŒe.Ëefhku …ý …Jeh™e ðkŒ {k™e™uð]æÄk1™u y…þçËku6 ƒku÷Œku y™ufÞkhuf nkÚk …ý W…kzŒku nŒku.suÚke ftxk¤e™u yk ð]æÄk¼ …kuŒk™wtÄh Akuze ¼kzk™k {fk™{kt hnuðksŒe hne nŒe. yk ð]æÄkT ‚VkRfk{ fhe …kuŒk™wt „wshk™ [÷kðŒenŒe. …kuŒk™k …rŒ™wt {fk™ fu sÞktnk÷ Œu™ku Ëefhku y™u ðnw hnu Au Œu

{fk™ [ku{k‚k™e ÉŒw{kt …ze ™òÞ Œu {kxu {hk{Œ fhŒk nŒk.suÚke Ëefhku-ðnw W~fu{hkÞ sR™u„k¤ku ƒku÷e™u {khðk ykÔÞk nŒk.y™u VheÚke yk ½h ŒhV ™ykððk™e Ä{fe ‚kÚku Í„zku fÞkuonŒku. yk Í„zk{kt …kzkuþeykuAkuzkððk ykðŒk Œu{™u …ý „k¤kuƒku÷e yt„Œ ƒkƒŒ{kt ðå[uku ™neykððk sýkÔÞwt nŒwt.

yk ƒ™kð{kt {ËË™e òýÚkŒkt yÇÞ B?™e xe{ ½hu …nkut[eíÞkðhu Ëefhku ðnw Vhkh ÚkR „ÞknŒk. 181™e xe{ îkhk …whŒe‚{s yk…ðk{kt ykðe nŒe.…rŒ™k {fk™™k Œ{u nfËkh AkuŒ{u ynet s hne þfku Aku. …htŒwËefhk™k ºkk‚Úke zhe „Þu÷kð]æÄktyu sýkÔÞwt fu Œ{u sŒk hnuþku…Ae {khe ‚kÚku {khÍwz fhþu. {™ufkÞ{e hûký {¤e hnu Œu {kxu…ku÷e‚ VrhÞkË yk…ðe Au. …htŒwyk yt„u™e rð„Œ ¾ƒh ™Úke.ð]æÄku™e …rhrMÚkhrŒ™u æÞkŒ™u ÷R181™e xe{ îkhk r¼÷kz …ku÷e‚Mxu þ™{kt VrhÞkË ™kutÄkððk{kt{ËË fhe nŒe. yk{ 181yÇG{ {rn÷k nuÕ…1÷kR™rðÄðk ð]æÄkk™u Ônkýhu ykðe nŒe.

f…hkzk Œk÷wfk™k ¾wtx÷e „k{™k ykƒw¼kR „kÞ™e‚khe {kðsŒ Úkfe ƒuMx. Vk{oh yuðkuzo™k nfËkh ƒLÞk

({krníke îkhk)ð÷‚kz,yu„úefÕ[÷h÷ xuf™ku÷kuS

{u™us{uLxe yusL‚e ‘ykí{k 'SÕ÷k fûkkyu fkÞohŒ hSMx?zo‚ku‚kÞxe Au. yk yusL‚eku™wt {wÏÞfkÞo SÕ÷k™e Œ{k{ ‚tþkuÄ™ y™urðMŒðhý «ð]rŒyku™w t ‚tf÷™fhðk™w t ŒÚkk f]r»k Œs¿kŒk™k«‚kh™e «ð]rŒyku nkÚk Ähðk y™uf]r»k rðfk‚ ‚kÚk u ‚tf¤kÞu÷e‚tMÚkkÄyku ‚kÚku SðtŒ skuzkýMÚkk?r…Œ fhðk™wt Au.

ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k™k f…hkzkŒk÷wfk™k ¾wx÷e „k{™k ykƒw¼kR¼kt„w¼kR òËð™u „kÞ™e ‚khe{kðsŒ fhðk ƒË÷ ð»ko 2017-18{kt …þw…k÷™ {kxu ykí{keƒuMxÚk Vk{oh™k yuðkuzoÚke ‚L{kr™Œ fhkÞk Au. …þw…k÷™ ûkuºkuyk„ðe ‚w̓wÍ nkuðkÚke ¾uŒe ‚kÚku…þw…k÷™ …ý fhu Au. ‚hfkh™e‚nkÞÚke -ykí{kþ «kusufx nuX¤ƒu „kÞku ÷uðk {kxu ÷ku™ ÷eÄe. 55

nòh™e yuf yuðe ykuMxe ™òŒ™e ƒu „kÞku ÷eÄe.

„kÞku {kxu ÷e÷ku ½k‚-[khku…kuŒk™k ¾uŒh{kt s W„kzu Au. su{ktƒkshe, {fkR, swðkh ð„uhu™ku[khku y™u ‚kÚku Ëký …ý yk…u Au.hkus™k yuf „kÞ™u 15 Úke 17

fe÷ku [khku ¾ðzkðu Au. „kÞku {kxufk uZ{kt stŒwyku y™u „h{e™e…huþk™e™u Ëwh fhðk {kxu …t¾k …ý÷„kÔÞk÷ Au. W…hktŒ ƒÄe „kÞ™kuðe{ku …ý fhkÔÞkuu Au. yksu Œu{™e…k‚u [kh „kÞku Au su{kt Ëh yuf„kÞ rËð‚™wt 12 Úke 13 ÷exh ËwÄyk…u Au. „kÞku™wt ËwÄ zuhe{kt ¼he™u{rn™u 20 Úke 25 nòh™e ykðf{u¤ðu Au.

ykƒw¼kR sýkðu Au f u,„kÞku™u ‚khku ¾kuhkf™e ‚kÚku-‚kÚku‚khe heŒu {kðsŒ …ý yk…ðk{ktykðu Œku „kÞku ðÄkhu ŒtËwhMŒ{ hnuAu y™u ËwÄ …ý ðÄkhu yk…u Au.ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k{k t ½ýk…þw…k÷fkuyu ykí{kð «kusufxnuX¤ ÷k¼ ÷eÄku Au.

(«ríkrLkrÄ){kuzk‚k,yhðÕ÷e rsÕ÷k{k t

ƒkÞz{kt ¼h ƒòhu ykt„rzÞk…uZe™k f{o[khe …h Sð÷uýnw{÷ku fhe™u ÷kune ÷wnký fhe÷qtx [k÷kðkŒk ‚™‚™kxe {[esðk …k{e Au.su{kt ÷k¾ku™e÷qtx™e ykþtfk ‚uðkR hne Au-

ƒkÞz{kt ykt„rzÞk …uZe™kf{o[khe …h Sð÷uý nw{÷ku

ƒkÞz{kt su. fu. ykt„rzÞk …uZe{kt½ w‚e™u ÷q tx [÷kðkE nŒw t.¼hƒòh{kt ykðu÷e ykurV‚{kt½w‚e™u nw{÷ku fhðk{kt ykÔÞku nŒku.ykurV‚{kt ytËhÚke ƒtÄ fhe ÷qtxfhðk{kt ykðe nŒwt.÷k¾ku™e ÷qtx™eþfâŒkAu. ykt„rzÞk …uZe™kf{o[khe …h Sð÷uý nw{÷ku ÚkŒk

Rò„úMŒ ÷kune÷wnký nk÷Œ{ktyk f{o[khe™u ‚khðkh {kxu¾‚uzkÞk u nŒk u.…k u÷e‚½x™kMÚk¤u Ëkuze frð nŒe.ƒeSŒhV ÷kufku™k xku¤uxku¤k W{xe…zTÞk nŒk. ykurV‚{kt hnu÷k‚e‚exeðe Œkuze™u DVR ƒkuõ‚÷qtxkÁyku ÷R „Þk nŒk.

økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuz

økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuz ðíkeyr¼»kuf ze. çkwÄËuð

ftÃkLke Mku¢uxheíkkhe¾ : 29.07.2019MÚk¤ : {wtçkR


CIN: L24230GJ1981PLC004878hS.ykuVeMk : 69/Mke. SykRzeMke RLzMxÙeÞ÷ yuMxux, ðkÃke, S.ð÷Mkkz, økwshkík-396195,

VkuLk Lkt.0260-2430027 / 2400639ðuçkMkkRx : http://www.gtbl.in E-mail : [email protected]

MkuçkeLkk (÷eMxªøk ykuç÷eøkuþLk íkÚkk rzMkõ÷kuÍh hefðkÞh{uLxMk) huøÞw÷uþLk,h01ÃkLkk huøÞw÷uþLk 47 íkÚkk huøÞw÷uþLk h9 yLðÞu LkkuxeMk ÃkkXððk{kt ykðu Au fuíkk.7{e ykuøkMx, h019 çkwÄðkhLkk hkus økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuzLkeçkkuzo r{®xøk {¤þu su{kt íkk.30{e sqLk, h019 Lkk hkus Ãkwhk Úkíkk ftÃkLkeLkk ºke{kMkefyLkykuzexuz LkkýktfeÞ Ãkheýk{ku Ãkh rð[khýk Úkþu íku{s {tswh fhðk{kt ykðþu.f]Ãkk fhe LkkUÄ ÷uþku fu çkkuzo {exªøk ytøkuLke rðMík]ík {krníke ftÃkLkeLkk MkÇÞkuLku ftÃkLkeLkeðuçkMkkEx www.gtbl.in yLku çkeyuMkE ÷e{exuzLke ðuçkMkkExwww.bseindia.com. Ãkh Ãký WÃk÷çÄ Úkþu.

ðuMxLko xkRBMk{kt «fkrþíkònuhkíkku ytøku ðkt[fkuyuÃkkuíkkLke heíku [fkMkýe fherLkýoÞ ÷uðku.

-ònuh¾çkh {uLkush


LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

nhkSf{ ðu[ký {kxu ònuh LkkuxeMk Ãkrhrþü-4yu (rLkÞ{ 8(6) nuX¤)ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e{exuz (yøkkW òýeíke ELzeÞk ELVku÷kELk nkWMkªøk VkELkkLMk r÷{exuz)Lkk yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe rMkõÞwhexkRÍuþLk yuLz rhfLMxÙõþLk ykuV VkÞLkkLMkeÞ÷ yuMkuxTMk yuLzyuLVkuMko{uLx ykuV rMkõÞwhexe RLxhuMx yuõx, 2002Lke nuX¤ Lke[u Ëþkoðu÷ rMkõÞkuzo r{÷fíkLkku fçòu ÷eÄku Au. ËuðkËkh íkhVÚke ÷uýe Lkef¤íke hf{Lke ðMkq÷kík {kxu yk fçòu ÷uðk{kt ykÔÞku Au. yk {kxu Lke[u MknefhLkkh yk MÚkkR r{ÕfíkLke ¾heËe {kxu Mke÷çktÄ fðh{kt ykuVh {tøkkððk{kt ykðu Au. yk r{ÕfíkLke rðøkíkku Lke[u {wsçk Au yLku “su ßÞkt Au íÞkt”, yLku su ykÄkhu Au íku ÂMÚkrík{kt Au.

ËuðkËkhku/ ò{eLkËkhku

1) {kunB{Ë R{hkLk ¾kLk2) ÷k÷ {kunB{Ë ¾kLk3) Mkççkku çkuøk{4) huMk{kLke SíkuLÿ hksÃkwík(þu»k{kLke hksÃkwík)(Prospect No.834912)

ze{kLz LkkuxeMkíkkhe¾ yLku hf{

25-òLÞw-2019Yk.18,25,851/-(YrÃkÞk yZkh ÷k¾Ãkå[eMk nòh ykXMkkuyu¬kðLk Võík)

¼kiríkf fçkò™e Œkhe¾

íkkhe¾ 27-sq÷kE-2019MkwÄe ÷uýe Lkef¤íke hf{


Yk.19,17,870/-(YrÃkÞk ykuøkýeMk÷k¾ Mk¥kh nòhykXMkku Mke¥kuh Võík)

MÚkkÞe r{÷fíkLkwt ðýoLkÞwrLkx/^÷ux/yuÃkkxo{uLx Lkt.yu-701, Mkkík{ku {k¤, xkðh-yu,rððuf huMkezuLMke, Ã÷kux/ç÷kuf Lkt.24, yuMk.Lkt.-18/1, MkkrLkÞknu{Ë, [kuÞkoMke, S.Mkwhík, økwshkík(rçkÕxyÃk yuheÞk :- 798Mfu.Vex) Lkk çkÄk ¼køkku MkrníkheÍðo «kRÍ (Y)Yk.15,00,000/-(YrÃkÞk ÃktËh ÷k¾ Võík)

çkkLkkLke hf{ zeÃkkuÍex (EMD)Yk.1,50,000/-(YrÃkÞk yuf ÷k¾ Ãk[kMk nòh Võík)

r{ÕfíkLkk RLMÃkuõþLkLke íkkhe¾28-ykuøkMx-2019,

11.00 Úke 14.00 f÷kf

Ryu{zeLke AuÕ÷e íkkhe¾30-ykuøk-2019 Mkktsu

05.00 MkwÄe

nhkSLke íkkhe¾-Mk{Þ03-MkÃxuBçkh-2019,

11.00 Úke 13.00 f÷kf

MktçktrÄík þk¾kLkwt MkhLkk{wt : ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e., ykuVeMk Lkt.701, Mkkík{ku {k¤, 21{e MkuL[wherçkÍLkuMk MkuLxh, WÄLkk ËhðkòLke ÃkkMku, hªøk hkuz, Mkwhík-395002 (yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe : {neÃkk÷®Mk½ MkeMkkuËeÞk {kuLktçkh : 9712991246)

1. MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ™wt r™heûký fhðk™e Œkhe¾ 28-ykuøkMx-2019, 1100 f÷kfÚke-1400 f÷kf™e ðå[u.2. Ryu{ze ‚kÚku™k r™rùŒ xuLzh Vku{o{kt ‚e÷ fhu÷ ykuVh™e hsqykŒ {kxu™e AuÕ÷e Œkhe¾ 30-ykuøkMx-2019Úke 5 ðkøÞk ‚wÄe ykurV‚™e þk¾k f[uhe …h Au.3. r{÷fŒ™e ykìVh þY fhðk™e Œkhe¾ 03-MkÃxu-2019, W…h™k þk¾k f[uhe™k ‚h™k{u 11.00 f÷kfku - 13.00 f÷kf, xuLzh™k yrÄfkhe™e nkshe{kt ¾w÷þu4. ™kurx‚{kt ƒkfe hnu÷e hf{ y™u ykfrM{f ¾[o, ¾[o, ð„uhu …h ÷ku™ fhkh {wsƒ, ÷k„w ÔÞks ð‚q÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu y™u Œu™e ð‚q÷kŒ ‚wÄe [qfððk…kºk hnuþu.5. ™kurx‚ îkhk ÷uýËkh y™u ƒktÞÄhe yk…™kh™u òýfhðk{kt ykðu Au, ðu[ký ‚{Þu ÔÞrõŒ„Œ Y…u nksh hnuðk {kxu y™u Œuyku WÆurþŒ ¾heËËkh / ¾heËËkhku ÷kðe

þfu Au. ðu[ký™e þhŒku y™u r™Þ{ku™k ykÄkhu W…h sýkðu÷ ðýoðu÷ MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ ¾heËðk {kxu.6. ƒkuhkuðh / ƒktÞÄhe yk…™kh (yku) îkhk ynet îkhk SARFAESI yuõx, 2002 nuX¤ 30 rËð‚™e ™kurx‚ yk…ðk{kt ykðe Au Œu …nu÷kt W…h sýkðu÷ hf{™e

[wfðýe fhðe. nhkS™e Œkhe¾u su MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ™e nhkS fhðk{kt ykðþu y™u ‚tŒw÷™ sku fkuE nkuÞ Œku, ÔÞks y™u ¾[o ‚kÚku ð‚q÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu. sku÷uýËkh ðu[ký™e Œkhe¾ …qðuo ‚t…qýo hf{ ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkR™kL‚ r÷r{xuz™u [qfðe Ëu íkku, nhkS yxfkðe þfkÞ Œuðe sðkƒËkhe ÷u Au.

7. ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkR™kL‚ r÷r{xuz(ykRykRyuVyu÷ yu[yuVyu÷) økwzøkkð™e ŒhVuý{kt zeze îkhk Ryu{ze [qfððk…kºk hnuþu. y™u íku ‚tƒtrÄŒ þk¾k/ fku…kuohux ykìrV‚{kt hsq fhðk{kt ykðþu.

8. nhkS™k ðu[ký {kxu rð„Œðkh r™Þ{ku y™u þhŒku r™ÞwõŒ xuLzh Vku{o{kt þk{u÷ Au. xuLzh ykìrV‚ þk¾k f[uhe{kt W…÷çÄ Au.yÚkðk ík{u www.iifl.com. Mkt˼o÷E þfku Aku yÚkðk WÃkhkuõík yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe Lkku MktÃkfo fhe þfku Aku.

9. MÚkkÞe r{÷fík ‚kiÚke ðÄw xuLzh …h ðu[ðk{kt ykðþu. Œu{ AŒkt, sku Œu sYhe {k™ðk{kt ykðu Œku RLxh-çkezªøk yk…ðk {kxu ‚t…qýo MðŒtºkŒk y™k{Œ hk¾u Au.10.AuÕ÷e Œkhe¾ …Ae ¼hu÷k fkuE yÄwhk xuLzh yÚkðk xuLzh y{kLÞ Œhefu {k™ðk{kt ykðþu y™u Œu {wsƒ Œu™u hË fhðk{kt ykðþu. Ryu{ze fkuEÃký ÔÞks [qfðþu ™net.11.ft…™e yk r{÷fŒ çkkçkíku fkuE …ý sðkƒËkheyku {kxu ft…™e sðkƒËkh ™Úke.ðÄw {krnŒe {kxu, ©e MktsÞ Ík @8657474302, Email : [email protected], fku…kuohux ykìrV‚™ku ‚t…fo fhku: Ã÷kux ™tƒh 98, VuÍ -4, Wãku„ rðnkh,„wz„ktð, nrhÞkýk -122015.MÚk¤ : Mkwhík íkkhe¾ : 30-07-2019

Mkne/- yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe, ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e{exuz/ (yøkkW òýeíke ELzeÞk ELVku÷kELk nkWMkªøk VkELkkLMk r÷{exuz) ðíke.

‚hËkh «rŒ{k™u skuzŒk nkEðu …h¾kzk …whðk fe[z™ku W…Þku„ !

(«ríkrLkrÄ)¼Y[,ͽrzÞk™e yk‚…k‚ ‚hËkh

«rŒ{k™u sk uzŒk nkRðu …hfkuLxÙõxh îkhk ðh‚kË{kt …zu÷¾kzkyku …whðk {kxu fe[z™kuW…Þku„ fhkÞku,fe[z ðzu ¾kzkyku…whðk™k ƒu õ÷kf{kts ðh‚kË…zŒk fe[z ÄkuðkE sE VheÞÚkkðŒ …rhrMÚkrŒ{kt hkuz ykðe„Þku Au.yk Mxux nkRðu …hͽrzÞk Úke „w{k™Ëuð ðå[u fk[khMŒk suðk [e÷k …ze „Þk Au.

‚hËkh «rŒ{k™u sk uzŒknkEðu™k rðMŒ]Œefhý™efk{„ehe™e þYykŒ Úkes ͽrzÞkŒk÷wfk{k t [k÷Œe fk{„eherððkË{kt hne Au.fkuLxÙkõxh îkhkŒf÷kËe fk{„ehe fhðk{kt ykðŒkhkuz™e …rhrMÚkrŒ yíÞtŒ ¾hkƒy™u yÄqhe …ze Au.„w{k™Ëuð …k‚u,ͽrzÞk ‚uðk‚Ë™ …k‚u, hŒ™…wh…k‚u,¾zkì÷e …k‚u, ¼qtzðk ¾kze…k‚u, hks…khze …w÷ ™e fk{„eheƒkfe Au.sux÷ku hkuz ƒLÞku Au Œu™wt…ý ‚{khfk{ sðkƒËkhfkuLxÙkõxh Ëðkhk ƒhkƒh fhðk{kt

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nk÷ík fVkuze çkLku÷e Au. nk÷{kt÷uðk{kt ykðu÷k swËk swËk Ãkøk÷kLkeyMkh ykuxku{kuçkkR÷ Mkuõxh Ãkh òuðk{¤e hne Au. ykuxk u {kuçkkR÷Mkuõxh{kt {tËeLkk fkhýu 286rz÷hkuLku Ëuþ¼h{kt íku{Lkk ykuÃkhuþ™LkuMk{uxe ÷uðkLke Vhs Ãkze Au.ykuxku{kuçkkR÷ Mkuõxh{kt 32000÷kufkuLke hkusøkkhe Ãkh MktfxLkk ðkˤkuAu. íku{Lke LkkufheLku {kXe yMkh ÚkRhne Au. {kuxk ¼køkLkk ykuÃkhuþLkLkuþnuhe yLku yÄo þnuhe {kfuox{kt çktÄfhðkLke Vhs Ãkze hne Au. {kuxk ¼køkufkh Mkuø{uLx{kt {tËe Au. RLzMxÙeÍLkk«ríkrLkÄeyku {kLku Au fu yk ð»koLkk çkeòA {rnLkkLkk økk¤k{kt çkòh{kt íkuSykðe þfu Au. Mkðkuoå[ ykuxku{kuçkkR÷rhxu÷ RLzMxÙeÍ çkkuze VuzhuþLk ykuVykuxku{kuçkkR÷ rz÷Mko yuMkkurMkyuþLkLkkfnuðk {wsçk çkòh{kt Vhe yufðkhíkuS òuðk {¤e þfu Au.

(íkMðeh:-Sík rºkðuËe, r¼÷kuzk)

(íkMðeh : Rfçkk÷ r[Míke - {kuzkMkk)

(íkMðeh:-rð…w÷ sku»ke, rðh…wh)

(íkMðeh : çkfkuh Ãkxu÷ - {kuzkMkk)

7{tøk¤ðkh, íkk. 30 sw÷kE, 2019 30/7/2019 Gandhinagar

‚kXtƒk-„kƒx ðå[u™ku {k„o rƒM{khnk÷Œ{kt:{k„o ™ðku ƒ™kððk ÷kuf {kt„

(«ríkrLkrÄ)r¼÷kuzk,yhðÕ÷e SÕ÷k™k ƒkÞz

Œk÷wfk™k ‚kXtƒk Úke „kƒx ðå[u™krƒM{kh ƒ™u÷k {k„oÚke yk {k„oW…h yfM{kŒku™w «{ký ðæÞw Auy™u «ò …ý rƒM{kh {k„oÚkeºkkne{k{ …kifkhe WrX Au íÞkhu yk{k„o ŒkfeËu ™ðku ƒ™kððk «ò{kt{kt„ WXe Au. ‚kXtƒk Úke „kƒxðå[u™k u {k„o AuÕ÷k fux÷kÞ‚{ÞÚke rƒM{kh ƒLÞku Au y™u yk{k„o W…h ƒkÞz {k÷…wh™k …qðoÄkhk‚ÇÞ™w …ý r™ðk‚ MÚkk™ykðu÷w Au íÞkhu …qðo Äkhk‚ÇÞ™k½h ŒhV sŒku {k„o s rƒM{khnkuðkÚke {ŒrðMŒkh™k ÷kufku …ýyk {k„oÚke ºkkne{k{ …kufkheWXTÞk Au y™u yk {k„o rƒM{khƒLÞku nkuðkÚke yk {k„o Q…h XuhXuh „wtxý‚{k ¾kzk …zTÞk Au su{kt[ku{k‚k Ëhr{Þk™ yk ¾kzk{kt…kýe ¼hkÞ hnuŒk ðkn™ [k÷fku

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s÷khk{ ykhkuøÞ xÙMx {u½hs{ktLkuºkrLkËkLk fuBÃk{kt 19h ËËeoykuLke íkÃkkMk

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yk„k{e rËð‚ku{kt Ëþk{kðúŒ, ©kðý {k‚, ƒfhe RË ‚rnŒswËkt-swËkt Œnuðkhku þku¼kÞkºkk,fkÞo¢{ku, hu÷eyku ‚rnŒ y™uffkÞo¢{ku ÞkuòŒk nkuÞ Au. ðzkuËhkþnuh{kt ‚w÷un þktrŒ™ku ¼t„ ™ ÚkkÞŒu {kxu ònuh ‚÷k{Œe y™u fkÞËkuÔÞðMÚkk s¤ðkR hnu Œu {kxu«Ëq»kýhrnŒ ðkŒkðhý hk¾ðky™u yLÞ fkuR …ý heŒu „wLnk‚tƒtrÄŒ «ð]r¥k ™ ÚkkÞ Œu {kxu…ku÷e‚ fr{§h©eyu „wshkŒ…ku÷e‚ yrÄr™Þ{-1951™ef÷{-37(f) yLðÞu nwf{ ƒnkh…kzTÞk u Au. þkherhf ®n‚k{kt{ËËY… þMºkku, Ëtzk, ÷kfze,÷kXe,Œ÷ðkh, ¼k÷k, ‚kuxe, ƒtËqf,

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181 yÇÞ{ {rn÷k nuÕ…÷kR™rðÄðk ð]æÄk™u Ônkhu

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yk Äx™k yuðe Au fu, …rŒ™k{]íÞwŒƒkË yk rðÄðk ð]æÄke…kuŒk™k Ëefhk ‚kÚku hnuŒe nŒe.Œu{™e ðnw Œ{k{ fk{ku yk ð]æÄk……k‚u fhkðŒe y™u ™k™e ™k™e ¼w÷kufkZe …rŒ™u VrhÞkË fhe ð]æÄkðrðYæÄð W~fu ]hýe fhŒe nŒe.Ëefhku …ý …Jeh™e ðkŒ {k™e™uð]æÄk1™u y…þçËku6 ƒku÷Œku y™ufÞkhuf nkÚk …ý W…kzŒku nŒku.suÚke ftxk¤e™u yk ð]æÄk¼ …kuŒk™wtÄh Akuze ¼kzk™k {fk™{kt hnuðksŒe hne nŒe. yk ð]æÄkT ‚VkRfk{ fhe …kuŒk™wt „wshk™ [÷kðŒenŒe. …kuŒk™k …rŒ™wt {fk™ fu sÞktnk÷ Œu™ku Ëefhku y™u ðnw hnu Au Œu

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yk ƒ™kð{kt {ËË™e òýÚkŒkt yÇÞ B?™e xe{ ½hu …nkut[eíÞkðhu Ëefhku ðnw Vhkh ÚkR „ÞknŒk. 181™e xe{ îkhk …whŒe‚{s yk…ðk{kt ykðe nŒe.…rŒ™k {fk™™k Œ{u nfËkh AkuŒ{u ynet s hne þfku Aku. …htŒwËefhk™k ºkk‚Úke zhe „Þu÷kð]æÄktyu sýkÔÞwt fu Œ{u sŒk hnuþku…Ae {khe ‚kÚku {khÍwz fhþu. {™ufkÞ{e hûký {¤e hnu Œu {kxu…ku÷e‚ VrhÞkË yk…ðe Au. …htŒwyk yt„u™e rð„Œ ¾ƒh ™Úke.ð]æÄku™e …rhrMÚkhrŒ™u æÞkŒ™u ÷R181™e xe{ îkhk r¼÷kz …ku÷e‚Mxu þ™{kt VrhÞkË ™kutÄkððk{kt{ËË fhe nŒe. yk{ 181yÇG{ {rn÷k nuÕ…1÷kR™rðÄðk ð]æÄkk™u Ônkýhu ykðe nŒe.

f…hkzk Œk÷wfk™k ¾wtx÷e „k{™k ykƒw¼kR „kÞ™e‚khe {kðsŒ Úkfe ƒuMx. Vk{oh yuðkuzo™k nfËkh ƒLÞk

({krníke îkhk)ð÷‚kz,yu„úefÕ[÷h÷ xuf™ku÷kuS

{u™us{uLxe yusL‚e ‘ykí{k 'SÕ÷k fûkkyu fkÞohŒ hSMx?zo‚ku‚kÞxe Au. yk yusL‚eku™wt {wÏÞfkÞo SÕ÷k™e Œ{k{ ‚tþkuÄ™ y™urðMŒðhý «ð]rŒyku™w t ‚tf÷™fhðk™w t ŒÚkk f]r»k Œs¿kŒk™k«‚kh™e «ð]rŒyku nkÚk Ähðk y™uf]r»k rðfk‚ ‚kÚk u ‚tf¤kÞu÷e‚tMÚkkÄyku ‚kÚku SðtŒ skuzkýMÚkk?r…Œ fhðk™wt Au.

ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k™k f…hkzkŒk÷wfk™k ¾wx÷e „k{™k ykƒw¼kR¼kt„w¼kR òËð™u „kÞ™e ‚khe{kðsŒ fhðk ƒË÷ ð»ko 2017-18{kt …þw…k÷™ {kxu ykí{keƒuMxÚk Vk{oh™k yuðkuzoÚke ‚L{kr™Œ fhkÞk Au. …þw…k÷™ ûkuºkuyk„ðe ‚w̓wÍ nkuðkÚke ¾uŒe ‚kÚku…þw…k÷™ …ý fhu Au. ‚hfkh™e‚nkÞÚke -ykí{kþ «kusufx nuX¤ƒu „kÞku ÷uðk {kxu ÷ku™ ÷eÄe. 55

nòh™e yuf yuðe ykuMxe ™òŒ™e ƒu „kÞku ÷eÄe.

„kÞku {kxu ÷e÷ku ½k‚-[khku…kuŒk™k ¾uŒh{kt s W„kzu Au. su{ktƒkshe, {fkR, swðkh ð„uhu™ku[khku y™u ‚kÚku Ëký …ý yk…u Au.hkus™k yuf „kÞ™u 15 Úke 17

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ykƒw¼kR sýkðu Au f u,„kÞku™u ‚khku ¾kuhkf™e ‚kÚku-‚kÚku‚khe heŒu {kðsŒ …ý yk…ðk{ktykðu Œku „kÞku ðÄkhu ŒtËwhMŒ{ hnuAu y™u ËwÄ …ý ðÄkhu yk…u Au.ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k{k t ½ýk…þw…k÷fkuyu ykí{kð «kusufxnuX¤ ÷k¼ ÷eÄku Au.

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ƒkÞz{kt ¼h ƒòhu ykt„rzÞk…uZe™k f{o[khe …h Sð÷uýnw{÷ku fhe™u ÷kune ÷wnký fhe÷qtx [k÷kðkŒk ‚™‚™kxe {[esðk …k{e Au.su{kt ÷k¾ku™e÷qtx™e ykþtfk ‚uðkR hne Au-

ƒkÞz{kt ykt„rzÞk …uZe™kf{o[khe …h Sð÷uý nw{÷ku

ƒkÞz{kt su. fu. ykt„rzÞk …uZe{kt½ w‚e™u ÷q tx [÷kðkE nŒw t.¼hƒòh{kt ykðu÷e ykurV‚{kt½w‚e™u nw{÷ku fhðk{kt ykÔÞku nŒku.ykurV‚{kt ytËhÚke ƒtÄ fhe ÷qtxfhðk{kt ykðe nŒwt.÷k¾ku™e ÷qtx™eþfâŒkAu. ykt„rzÞk …uZe™kf{o[khe …h Sð÷uý nw{÷ku ÚkŒk

Rò„úMŒ ÷kune÷wnký nk÷Œ{ktyk f{o[khe™u ‚khðkh {kxu¾‚uzkÞk u nŒk u.…k u÷e‚½x™kMÚk¤u Ëkuze frð nŒe.ƒeSŒhV ÷kufku™k xku¤uxku¤k W{xe…zTÞk nŒk. ykurV‚{kt hnu÷k‚e‚exeðe Œkuze™u DVR ƒkuõ‚÷qtxkÁyku ÷R „Þk nŒk.

økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuz

økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuz ðíkeyr¼»kuf ze. çkwÄËuð

ftÃkLke Mku¢uxheíkkhe¾ : 29.07.2019MÚk¤ : {wtçkR


CIN: L24230GJ1981PLC004878hS.ykuVeMk : 69/Mke. SykRzeMke RLzMxÙeÞ÷ yuMxux, ðkÃke, S.ð÷Mkkz, økwshkík-396195,

VkuLk Lkt.0260-2430027 / 2400639ðuçkMkkRx : http://www.gtbl.in E-mail : [email protected]

MkuçkeLkk (÷eMxªøk ykuç÷eøkuþLk íkÚkk rzMkõ÷kuÍh hefðkÞh{uLxMk) huøÞw÷uþLk,h01ÃkLkk huøÞw÷uþLk 47 íkÚkk huøÞw÷uþLk h9 yLðÞu LkkuxeMk ÃkkXððk{kt ykðu Au fuíkk.7{e ykuøkMx, h019 çkwÄðkhLkk hkus økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuzLkeçkkuzo r{®xøk {¤þu su{kt íkk.30{e sqLk, h019 Lkk hkus Ãkwhk Úkíkk ftÃkLkeLkk ºke{kMkefyLkykuzexuz LkkýktfeÞ Ãkheýk{ku Ãkh rð[khýk Úkþu íku{s {tswh fhðk{kt ykðþu.f]Ãkk fhe LkkUÄ ÷uþku fu çkkuzo {exªøk ytøkuLke rðMík]ík {krníke ftÃkLkeLkk MkÇÞkuLku ftÃkLkeLkeðuçkMkkEx www.gtbl.in yLku çkeyuMkE ÷e{exuzLke ðuçkMkkExwww.bseindia.com. Ãkh Ãký WÃk÷çÄ Úkþu.

ðuMxLko xkRBMk{kt «fkrþíkònuhkíkku ytøku ðkt[fkuyuÃkkuíkkLke heíku [fkMkýe fherLkýoÞ ÷uðku.

-ònuh¾çkh {uLkush


LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

nhkSf{ ðu[ký {kxu ònuh LkkuxeMk Ãkrhrþü-4yu (rLkÞ{ 8(6) nuX¤)ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e{exuz (yøkkW òýeíke ELzeÞk ELVku÷kELk nkWMkªøk VkELkkLMk r÷{exuz)Lkk yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe rMkõÞwhexkRÍuþLk yuLz rhfLMxÙõþLk ykuV VkÞLkkLMkeÞ÷ yuMkuxTMk yuLzyuLVkuMko{uLx ykuV rMkõÞwhexe RLxhuMx yuõx, 2002Lke nuX¤ Lke[u Ëþkoðu÷ rMkõÞkuzo r{÷fíkLkku fçòu ÷eÄku Au. ËuðkËkh íkhVÚke ÷uýe Lkef¤íke hf{Lke ðMkq÷kík {kxu yk fçòu ÷uðk{kt ykÔÞku Au. yk {kxu Lke[u MknefhLkkh yk MÚkkR r{ÕfíkLke ¾heËe {kxu Mke÷çktÄ fðh{kt ykuVh {tøkkððk{kt ykðu Au. yk r{ÕfíkLke rðøkíkku Lke[u {wsçk Au yLku “su ßÞkt Au íÞkt”, yLku su ykÄkhu Au íku ÂMÚkrík{kt Au.

ËuðkËkhku/ ò{eLkËkhku

1) {kunB{Ë R{hkLk ¾kLk2) ÷k÷ {kunB{Ë ¾kLk3) Mkççkku çkuøk{4) huMk{kLke SíkuLÿ hksÃkwík(þu»k{kLke hksÃkwík)(Prospect No.834912)

ze{kLz LkkuxeMkíkkhe¾ yLku hf{

25-òLÞw-2019Yk.18,25,851/-(YrÃkÞk yZkh ÷k¾Ãkå[eMk nòh ykXMkkuyu¬kðLk Võík)

¼kiríkf fçkò™e Œkhe¾

íkkhe¾ 27-sq÷kE-2019MkwÄe ÷uýe Lkef¤íke hf{


Yk.19,17,870/-(YrÃkÞk ykuøkýeMk÷k¾ Mk¥kh nòhykXMkku Mke¥kuh Võík)

MÚkkÞe r{÷fíkLkwt ðýoLkÞwrLkx/^÷ux/yuÃkkxo{uLx Lkt.yu-701, Mkkík{ku {k¤, xkðh-yu,rððuf huMkezuLMke, Ã÷kux/ç÷kuf Lkt.24, yuMk.Lkt.-18/1, MkkrLkÞknu{Ë, [kuÞkoMke, S.Mkwhík, økwshkík(rçkÕxyÃk yuheÞk :- 798Mfu.Vex) Lkk çkÄk ¼køkku MkrníkheÍðo «kRÍ (Y)Yk.15,00,000/-(YrÃkÞk ÃktËh ÷k¾ Võík)

çkkLkkLke hf{ zeÃkkuÍex (EMD)Yk.1,50,000/-(YrÃkÞk yuf ÷k¾ Ãk[kMk nòh Võík)

r{ÕfíkLkk RLMÃkuõþLkLke íkkhe¾28-ykuøkMx-2019,

11.00 Úke 14.00 f÷kf

Ryu{zeLke AuÕ÷e íkkhe¾30-ykuøk-2019 Mkktsu

05.00 MkwÄe

nhkSLke íkkhe¾-Mk{Þ03-MkÃxuBçkh-2019,

11.00 Úke 13.00 f÷kf

MktçktrÄík þk¾kLkwt MkhLkk{wt : ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e., ykuVeMk Lkt.701, Mkkík{ku {k¤, 21{e MkuL[wherçkÍLkuMk MkuLxh, WÄLkk ËhðkòLke ÃkkMku, hªøk hkuz, Mkwhík-395002 (yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe : {neÃkk÷®Mk½ MkeMkkuËeÞk {kuLktçkh : 9712991246)

1. MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ™wt r™heûký fhðk™e Œkhe¾ 28-ykuøkMx-2019, 1100 f÷kfÚke-1400 f÷kf™e ðå[u.2. Ryu{ze ‚kÚku™k r™rùŒ xuLzh Vku{o{kt ‚e÷ fhu÷ ykuVh™e hsqykŒ {kxu™e AuÕ÷e Œkhe¾ 30-ykuøkMx-2019Úke 5 ðkøÞk ‚wÄe ykurV‚™e þk¾k f[uhe …h Au.3. r{÷fŒ™e ykìVh þY fhðk™e Œkhe¾ 03-MkÃxu-2019, W…h™k þk¾k f[uhe™k ‚h™k{u 11.00 f÷kfku - 13.00 f÷kf, xuLzh™k yrÄfkhe™e nkshe{kt ¾w÷þu4. ™kurx‚{kt ƒkfe hnu÷e hf{ y™u ykfrM{f ¾[o, ¾[o, ð„uhu …h ÷ku™ fhkh {wsƒ, ÷k„w ÔÞks ð‚q÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu y™u Œu™e ð‚q÷kŒ ‚wÄe [qfððk…kºk hnuþu.5. ™kurx‚ îkhk ÷uýËkh y™u ƒktÞÄhe yk…™kh™u òýfhðk{kt ykðu Au, ðu[ký ‚{Þu ÔÞrõŒ„Œ Y…u nksh hnuðk {kxu y™u Œuyku WÆurþŒ ¾heËËkh / ¾heËËkhku ÷kðe

þfu Au. ðu[ký™e þhŒku y™u r™Þ{ku™k ykÄkhu W…h sýkðu÷ ðýoðu÷ MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ ¾heËðk {kxu.6. ƒkuhkuðh / ƒktÞÄhe yk…™kh (yku) îkhk ynet îkhk SARFAESI yuõx, 2002 nuX¤ 30 rËð‚™e ™kurx‚ yk…ðk{kt ykðe Au Œu …nu÷kt W…h sýkðu÷ hf{™e

[wfðýe fhðe. nhkS™e Œkhe¾u su MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ™e nhkS fhðk{kt ykðþu y™u ‚tŒw÷™ sku fkuE nkuÞ Œku, ÔÞks y™u ¾[o ‚kÚku ð‚q÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu. sku÷uýËkh ðu[ký™e Œkhe¾ …qðuo ‚t…qýo hf{ ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkR™kL‚ r÷r{xuz™u [qfðe Ëu íkku, nhkS yxfkðe þfkÞ Œuðe sðkƒËkhe ÷u Au.

7. ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkR™kL‚ r÷r{xuz(ykRykRyuVyu÷ yu[yuVyu÷) økwzøkkð™e ŒhVuý{kt zeze îkhk Ryu{ze [qfððk…kºk hnuþu. y™u íku ‚tƒtrÄŒ þk¾k/ fku…kuohux ykìrV‚{kt hsq fhðk{kt ykðþu.

8. nhkS™k ðu[ký {kxu rð„Œðkh r™Þ{ku y™u þhŒku r™ÞwõŒ xuLzh Vku{o{kt þk{u÷ Au. xuLzh ykìrV‚ þk¾k f[uhe{kt W…÷çÄ Au.yÚkðk ík{u www.iifl.com. Mkt˼o÷E þfku Aku yÚkðk WÃkhkuõík yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe Lkku MktÃkfo fhe þfku Aku.

9. MÚkkÞe r{÷fík ‚kiÚke ðÄw xuLzh …h ðu[ðk{kt ykðþu. Œu{ AŒkt, sku Œu sYhe {k™ðk{kt ykðu Œku RLxh-çkezªøk yk…ðk {kxu ‚t…qýo MðŒtºkŒk y™k{Œ hk¾u Au.10.AuÕ÷e Œkhe¾ …Ae ¼hu÷k fkuE yÄwhk xuLzh yÚkðk xuLzh y{kLÞ Œhefu {k™ðk{kt ykðþu y™u Œu {wsƒ Œu™u hË fhðk{kt ykðþu. Ryu{ze fkuEÃký ÔÞks [qfðþu ™net.11.ft…™e yk r{÷fŒ çkkçkíku fkuE …ý sðkƒËkheyku {kxu ft…™e sðkƒËkh ™Úke.ðÄw {krnŒe {kxu, ©e MktsÞ Ík @8657474302, Email : [email protected], fku…kuohux ykìrV‚™ku ‚t…fo fhku: Ã÷kux ™tƒh 98, VuÍ -4, Wãku„ rðnkh,„wz„ktð, nrhÞkýk -122015.MÚk¤ : Mkwhík íkkhe¾ : 30-07-2019

Mkne/- yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe, ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e{exuz/ (yøkkW òýeíke ELzeÞk ELVku÷kELk nkWMkªøk VkELkkLMk r÷{exuz) ðíke.

‚hËkh «rŒ{k™u skuzŒk nkEðu …h¾kzk …whðk fe[z™ku W…Þku„ !

(«ríkrLkrÄ)¼Y[,ͽrzÞk™e yk‚…k‚ ‚hËkh

«rŒ{k™u sk uzŒk nkRðu …hfkuLxÙõxh îkhk ðh‚kË{kt …zu÷¾kzkyku …whðk {kxu fe[z™kuW…Þku„ fhkÞku,fe[z ðzu ¾kzkyku…whðk™k ƒu õ÷kf{kts ðh‚kË…zŒk fe[z ÄkuðkE sE VheÞÚkkðŒ …rhrMÚkrŒ{kt hkuz ykðe„Þku Au.yk Mxux nkRðu …hͽrzÞk Úke „w{k™Ëuð ðå[u fk[khMŒk suðk [e÷k …ze „Þk Au.

‚hËkh «rŒ{k™u sk uzŒknkEðu™k rðMŒ]Œefhý™efk{„ehe™e þYykŒ Úkes ͽrzÞkŒk÷wfk{k t [k÷Œe fk{„eherððkË{kt hne Au.fkuLxÙkõxh îkhkŒf÷kËe fk{„ehe fhðk{kt ykðŒkhkuz™e …rhrMÚkrŒ yíÞtŒ ¾hkƒy™u yÄqhe …ze Au.„w{k™Ëuð …k‚u,ͽrzÞk ‚uðk‚Ë™ …k‚u, hŒ™…wh…k‚u,¾zkì÷e …k‚u, ¼qtzðk ¾kze…k‚u, hks…khze …w÷ ™e fk{„eheƒkfe Au.sux÷ku hkuz ƒLÞku Au Œu™wt…ý ‚{khfk{ sðkƒËkhfkuLxÙkõxh Ëðkhk ƒhkƒh fhðk{kt

ykðŒwt ™Úke.nk÷{kt ðh‚kË{ktͽrzÞk Úke „w{k™Ëuð ðå[uðkhtðkh hkuz ¾kuËkÞ sE Au.hkuz¾kuËkÞ „Þk ƒkË Œu™u ÞkuøÞ heŒu‚{khfk{ ™rn ÚkŒw t nk uðkÚkehknËkheyku y™u ‚hËkh «rŒ{kyusŒk ykðŒk «ðk‚eyku™u ¼khuy„ðz …ze hne Au.nk÷{kt„Œhkus fkuLxÙkõxh îkhk su søÞkyu{kuxk ¾kzk …ze „Þk Au íÞkt {ux÷f…[e™w t {xeheÞ÷ ðk…he‚{khfk{ fhðk™k ƒË÷u hkuz™e‚kEz {ktÚke fe[z ¼he™u ¾kzk÷uð÷ fhðk{kt ykÔÞk Au.fe[z ðzu¾kzk …whkðk™e fk{„ehe™k ƒu sf÷kf{kt ðh‚kË …zŒk …whkÞu÷¾kzk Vhe Œu ™u Œus …rhrMÚkrŒ{ktykðe „Þk Au y™u fk[k hMŒk™esu{ Mxux nkRðu …h heŒ‚h™k[e÷k …ze „Þk Au.suÚke ðkn™[k÷fku™u ¼khu nkz{khe ™ku ‚k{™kufhðku …ze hÌkku Au.‚íðhu ÞkuøÞ heŒu‚{khfk{ nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykðu suÚkehkus …zŒk ðh‚kË{kt hkusu hkus…whkÞu÷ ¾kzk hes …qðo™e ™kuƒŒ ™kykðu.

ƒuhkus„kh Þwðk™ku™u Œk÷e{ îkhk Mðr™¼ohŒk™ku hkn ƒŒkðŒe …kxý™e

Ëu™k „úk{eý Mðhkus„kh Œk÷e{ ‚tMÚkk({krníke îkhk)…kxý,

Ëuþ™k ykrÚkof rðfk‚™kuËh ô[ku ykðu Œu {kxu f]r»k,fku…kuohux ûkuºk ð„uhu™e su{ „úkBÞfûkkyu Mð-hk us„kh îkhkykrÚkofku…kso™ {níð™wt Au. {kºkþnuhe rðMŒkhku{kt W…÷çÄhk us„khe™e Œfk u W…hk tŒ„k{zkyku{kt ð‚Œk Þwðkð„oîkhk Œu{™k nw™h-f‚ƒ™uhk us„kh™w t {kæÞ{ ƒ™kðeykrÚkof «„rŒ ‚kÄðk{kt ykðuíÞkhu ‚{ks™ku ‚ðkO„e rðfk‚þfâ ƒ™u Au. ¼khŒ ‚hfkh™k„úk{eý rðfk‚ {tºkk÷Þ îkhk‚qû{ Wãku„ku y™u ykSrðfk™kMºkkuŒ rðf‚kððk Yh÷ ‚uÕVyìBÃ÷k uÞ{uLx xÙ uE®™„ELMxexâwx™e MÚkk…™k fhðk{ktykðe Au. rsÕ÷k™e ÷ez ƒutfîkhk [÷kððk{kt ykðŒe ykELMxexâwxT‚ {kxu „úk{eýrðfk‚ {tºkk÷Þ îkhkEL£kMxÙõ[h zuð÷…{uLx ŒÚkkŒk÷e{ ¾[o™u …nkut[e ð¤ðkðÄkhk™ku ™kýkfeÞ ‚nÞku„…qhku …kzðk{kt ykðu Au. {wÏÞíðuºký rð¼k„ku{kt ðnu t[kÞu÷e‚tMÚkk™e «ð]r¥kyku{k tWã{þe÷Œk ò„]rŒ fkÞo¢{îkhk ƒuhkus„kh ÷kufku™u Œu{™k‚k uV Tx-rMf÷™u rðf‚kðef{kýe™w t ‚kÄ™ ƒ™kððkò„]rŒ fu¤ðe Œk÷e{{kt skuzkðk«uhýk yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au.íÞkhƒkË xurõ™f÷-™k u™xurõ™f÷ yuðk y÷„y÷„ Œk÷e{ fkÞo¢{ku ÞkuS

Œk÷e{ yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au y™uŒk÷e{ fkÞo¢{ ƒkË W{uËðkh™u…kuŒk™ku ÄtÄku fu hkus„kh þY fhðksYhe ™kýkrfÞ ‚nkÞy…kððk{kt {ËËY… ÚkkÞ Au. ¾uŒey™u …þw…k÷™ …h r™¼oh …kxýrsÕ÷k{kt Wãku„ku ™rnðŒ Au íÞkhursÕ÷k™k „k{zkyku{kt ð‚ŒkÞwðkyku y™u {rn÷kyku™u Mðr™¼ohƒ™u Œu {kxu Ë u™k „úk{eýMðhkus„kh Œk÷e{ ‚tMÚkk, …kxýîkhk hkus„kh Œk÷e{™wt ykÞkus™fhðk{kt ykðu Au. „úkBÞ fûkkyuyuLxh«uLÞkuh yðuh™u‚ «ku„úk{yux÷u fu Wã{þe÷Œk ò„]rŒfkÞo¢{ ÞkuS ƒuhkus„kh Þwðk™kuy™u {rn÷kyku™u Œu{™e Y[e{wsƒ Œk÷e{ ÷E Mðhkus„khîkhk …„¼h Úkðk ŒÚkk «uhýkyk…ðk{kt ykðu Au. ‚tMÚkk îkhky÷„ y÷„ rðMŒkh™kƒuhkus„kh ÷kufku™e ykðzŒ y™u«kÃÞ ‚kÄ™ku Úkfe ykrÚkof W…kso™{kxu «uheŒ fhe Œu{™u Œk÷e{yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au. Ëu™k „úk{eýMðhkus„kh Œk÷e{ ‚tMÚkk îkhkfBÃÞwxh yufkWLxet„, xw rÔn÷hr{fur™f, ‚e.‚e.xe.ðe. fu{uhk

ELMxku÷uþ™ yuLz ‚rðo‚et„,ðkÞh{u™ suðk xurõ™f÷ Œk÷e{fkÞo¢{ku™e ‚kÚku ‚kÚku {rn÷kr‚ðý, çÞwxe …k÷oh, „]nWãku„™e ƒ™kðxku ‚rnŒ 30sux÷k Œk÷e{ fkÞo¢{k u[÷kððk{kt ykðu Au. 10Úke 45rËð‚ sux÷k ‚{Þ„k¤k{k t[÷kððk{k t ykðŒk fux÷kfŒk÷e{ fkÞo¢{k u Úkfe fk uEsøÞkyu ™kufhe {¤e þfu Au Œku{kuxk¼k„™k Œk÷e{ fkÞo¢{ Úkfe…kuŒu s Wã{þe÷ ƒ™e yk„ðkuÄtÄku-hkus„kh þY fhe þfkÞ Au.‚tMÚkk{kt Œk÷e{ ÷uŒk W{uËðkh {kxuhnuðk ŒÚkk s{ðk™e ‚„ðz …ýyk…ðk{kt ykðu Au. ynetŒk÷e{ð„kuo W…hktŒ ðfoþku…, …wY»kkuy™u Mºkeyku {kxu y÷„ zku{uoxhe™eÔÞðMÚkk, fuLxe™ y™u ÷kEƒúuhe‚rnŒ™e ‚wrðÄk …whe …kzðk{kt ykðuAu. rþrûkŒ ŒÚkk yrþrûkŒ Œ{k{ƒuhkus„kh ÷kufku™u Mðr™¼oh ƒ™ðkŒk÷e{ yk…Œe yk ‚tMÚkk îkhk…kuŒk™ku ÄtÄku þY fhðk {kxu™kýkfeÞ {w~fu÷e y™w¼ðŒkŒk÷e{kÚkeoyku™u ÷ku™™e ÔÞðMÚkk …ýfhe yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au.

‚tsu÷e Œk÷wfk {Úkfu 66 fu.ðe ‚ƒMxuþ™ y™uMÚkkr™f ðes f[uhe þÁ fhðk «ò™e {kt„

(«ríkrLkrÄ)‚tsu÷e,‚tsu÷e Œk÷wfk yrMŒíð{kt

ykÔÞk™u ‚kŒ ð»ko sux÷ku ‚{Þ ÚkE„Þku Œk÷wfk{kt rðrðÄ «ò÷ûkef[uheyku Ä{Ä{Œe ÚkR „R AuíÞkhu ðes ft…™e ‚tsu÷e Œk÷wfk™es™Œk skuzu ykuh{kÞwt ðŒo™ hk¾e™uŒk÷wfk™k 56 sux÷k „k{ku«ò™unuhk™ fhðk™e Ëk™Œ nkuÞ Œu{ykþhu 15000 sux÷k ðes„úknfku™u Œk÷wfku yrMŒíð{kt ykÔÞkuAŒkt …ý …i‚k y™u ‚{Þ™ku ÔÞÚkofhe 50 rf÷ku{exh Ík÷kuË ‚wÄe÷ktƒku Úkðk™ku ðkhku ykÔÞku Au ò„]Œ™k„rhf îkhk Äkhk‚ÇÞ™u ðkhtðkhhsqykŒ fhŒkt ðes Œtºk y™uŒkífkr÷f ðes f[uhe þY fhðk™e¼÷k{ý fhe nŒe ŒtºkÄkhk‚ÇÞ™k ¼÷k{ý…ºk …ºk™u…ý ½ku¤e™u …e „Þwt nkuÞ Œu{ ƒkRƒkR [kÞýe fhe hne Au íÞkhu‚tsu÷e Œk÷wfk {Úkfu Œkífkr÷f 66fuðe Mxuþ™ y™u ðes f[uhe þYfhðk{kt ykðu Œuðe Œk÷wfk™e«ò™e {kt„ Au. ‚tsu÷e Œk÷wfkuyrMŒíð{kt ykÔÞkŒk r™ ‚kÚku sŒk÷wfk{kt Œk÷wfk {k{÷ŒËkhf[uhe Œk÷wfk …t[kÞŒ f[uher‚rð÷ fkuxo M{kxo …ku÷e‚ {ÚkfÄ{Ä{Œk ÚkÞk Au íÞkhu ðes Œtºkîkhk ‚tsu÷e Œk÷wfk™u òýu

hk{¼hku‚u {qfe ËeÄku nkuÞ Œu{Œk÷wfk {Úkfu ðes ft…™e™wt fkuR …ýòŒ™wt Ônef÷ Vk¤ððk{kt ykÔÞku™Úke ðes …whðXku …qhŒk «{ký{kt{¤Œku ™Úke Œu{s yðkh ™ðkhðes¤e „w÷ ÿ~Þku …ý ‚òoÞ Auðes rƒ÷ku{kt …ý {kuxk «{ký{ktAƒhzk ykðŒk Ík÷kuË ðes {Úkf‚wÄe ÷ktƒw Úkðwt …zu Au 66 fuðe‚ƒMxuþ™r™ s{e™ …ý V¤ðkEAu Œu{ AŒkt …ý ðesŒtºk ™u ‚tsu÷e«íÞu fkuE {kuxe Ëw~{™e nkuÞ Œu{2 ð»k Úke fk{ xÕ÷u [Zkðe {qfâwtAu ÷„¼„ yuf ð»ko …nu÷k ‚tsu÷eŒk÷wfk ™k ƒesu…e™k fkÞofhku y™uyk„uðk™ku îkhk ðes f[uhe þYfhðk {kxu Äkhk‚ÇÞ™u hsqykŒfhe nŒe hsqykŒ™u æÞk™u ÷RÄkhk‚ÇÞ h{uþ¼kR fxkhk îkhk‚tsu÷e ¾kŒu ðes f[uhe þY fhðk{kxu ðes Œtºk™u ¼÷k{ý fhe nŒeyuf ð»ko ÚkR „Þk AŒkt …ý ðesŒtºk îkhk Äkhk‚ÇÞ™k ¼÷k{ý™u…ý ½ku¤e™u …e „Þk nkuÞ Œu{ nsw‚wÄe fkuR …ý òŒ™e fkÞoðknefhðk{kt ykðŒe ™Úke íÞkhu ‚tsu÷e¾kŒu Ak‚ fuðe ‚ƒMxuþ™ y™uðes f[uhe þY fhðk{kt ykðu y™uÞwØ™k Äkuhýu Œkífk÷ef ðes f[uhey™u Ônef÷ Vk¤ððk{kt ykðu Œuðe‚tsu÷e Œk÷wfk™e «ò™e {kt„ Au.

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(«ríkrLkrÄ)ƒkÞz, yhðÕ÷e SÕ÷k{kt fkÞËku

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91912113 [932211-11 s112131&12s1-11 12a 91111-11 91112911123911121911123 931211 91191-11 211211119193& s2911612<1 9111 2010-12111 221311911 1112 91121111612291 21112-11 919113911 21-111[1& 621911 29. 22111121 91191191911 2311231 21911911 I1&l 2119111211119111 I121 s2 29. 212s12-11212191911 -911c1112191192sa 266111 911911 219111112 <11-1 91111. I111

29312-11 91s 91911 911261 -121&11 61 911911 <11911.

911911 1112 <11<11 91121-91121I11&1-11I1&2111 93 @9113 29. 921116119221, 11s123, 929112 91912-1191121 911 21191 2121I121 91111 29.2193-11 91s 911911 111 911 10

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9116121191911 29 6, I1[?1-11«2&6112 911 [9161911 9396111

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91162911123 9321191 29 6,9119111 2112161121611 21191-2119121121 211 1119193& I1219111191111191191 &1 911911 919112 &229111 2229 911 291 I121 916112 911I1 29.91<12113 192221111 9121111211126191 911211191 91193sa2661 am 21191129.

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311911 <1231 211611-11 91191211 2911212 123 621911 291129 6116161 I11219199112 211611111 111911-11 I11211-1l21191911 11 21911911 [2191s1 2121I11211-11 9391 9112191911111 91191 2993 [9121 9112211929161161s1110011122 9119111 @911? 11 91&1 2191129&1 93211111 s2l1 69161 1 91191?29 93' 211611-11 1219161 6112 21211931s911& 29 959112 916 6112 212s12 2121[2191212 2911-1 (9'2 <1191911 11129131911 <1231 111911 291121 9212<1911911 221 29 {1911611 911911 211611-11E19161 2121 1111 61161s1 I1121s2191911111 91191&1 119221 989112111-11s 91211911 [2191219991&-1l21112112 621 126 1911 29 999112F1222 &1261-11 91211 9191191&[291161 21161191111 21<1 112191191193 29 9199112 [2191s1 2121F1911111 191 12611 1112191 1619112912 s2911111 9119121 2191 29 931&91 2121 911991 911 91911-1s &I1121s29111119111c1211611-11I11<1 612129111 111 29.

9151221 212ml Hail-0191911201911(Hlféd'l &I2|)9151621,

911911111 1291211111 221111191&, 911912111121, 61s2l 232 2112&9221-9221 &291121 2119111911911,s1916111, 2911911 2112& 911ss1916111 911931&12191 29. 91312212122611 <12 211191-11 91191-1911911 1112 931 2 21<1111&l 911 s19121991912911 936191123 22 :1 111291232121212& 911&191221 2161911911 91-91 6123 1121 211 2212161131& 9192111 -1 91191 1 111211121121 6111991291191 921,9321&11121121 911911119161-129111-11s<111-ae (s) 91-9191 2s11 612121113911 29. 2112112s [22111111122311 212211, 2'31, <11s3l,<1161,&<19112, (111<11, 21121, 6126,

2116016911013 91922111101 10121112019101111110101911 0101191311 9116

(91131131131) 10101151,912c1<-<11 292211-11 611913

&1261-11 2116611911 911612 91991-110121112 611<11 11191911 911 11191GI12 91s2911&1 91111219119229911 91931 1121 6121112 111919119112111161 116121 613 29 c9112 91111191 &1612 19116111919119193111111191 (361 29. 2116611 911 91161291991-11 11191 292<11 6a<1191216191911 111121112 61-91129 911 91111191 C1I12 611913 111222-11 1291911212199912 1121 [191121 2911-1911912 29 r9112 1291 611212169111912 &22 93&1 11191 93 [912111221911911 11&[912&12-11 <11s1 1121911 11191911 7112111111 I11s12‘l@3911 29 911 911 11191 012111261-911 21q1911 911 11191131112 6262 2122121111 61131 I13911 29 92111911111211 221119111 911 61131111I112[l 9112191 22&1 9112-1 911<1s1

112161131111 93121 9193121 611616&1911 61131911 211911111219162111&1 919911 21911911 9112-1911<1s1 I121 9112111111 1116121(93911 29 911 211612s161111911912912211 @«11 132911192” 919112‘1q1911 2116611 [912911211 9192111121 911 11191 61112 91231912912-211 229221-11 9131 1191s111312111112 91911219112 932 I132


(0129112913321 5191211, 19316151)

- 2191 29 11193 @1991 s911-1l s1<1931I121 11131211111 911c1<1 21911911919311 911 1912119119111 I121 9110121112 11191I12 91231 91113161s22> 113 2 2191191101211911929121 911<1s1911 91931I121 0121112 11191911 7112111111I11s12l (32911 29 c9112 2116611911612 q991-11 0126112 11191111s1611191911 91921111 11191 C361 29.

61932 9311 21161-11 21191 216111112. 92122 939911 3 11611-21111621 219111111291111911611 219191121<1 112 939116 2911111221912 622112. 2212s I121911, 1199121 s61931 212611 3 $sq1-11—1161911-1191911-2116111 21191 <123 93911 691661 62911 3 111 9191121 62911112. 216191&l 11211<1 21191 2129121612911 6 99113&911-11 I2&61161161911, <12s1919116 31211 91111911112. 611111 22911 9193-2111121911<1s-s119112'l 9212211111291111911611 21919112 21191 932321621 112. <11s1-1 6211 1113911,

9[l&1 911911 2 911211 919113911 11291116191 29. 219291-11 21<1111&l93161111&1 2191 2911 39911 11291116161 $2111q911111 9119911 29.&1.2<:92<1123-201e9[l&1.12911912-201211 2193 23.00s<116 22611 911 2611 2111919131221 2122111 9111<11 2221.2292 I12-11 2126121-9191212s12l11621 6 s111911211112191 c1111 9112611 91121, 11321 112. 2s11-1191191/(322911 s2-112 2932MI11<1121 911911119161-129111-11s<111-1311(1) 2661 [2191121916221.

920112111 211121021 32?. 11212921“01911516101 émni 102 6612111011 clul2l

(91161131131) 9191292,911 93<112111 91121991 21911

222 1191292 &911 6161211 2191221s-32l 211611- 1113121111 2126&611611 191 1-‘121-1 21129112 &911911112211 3611 911931911 929111 1 «22619111 &I1121r11 129 221111&l911-11 911112211 1112 1911291911 61611-11 112m 911I1221-1,17111321, 2911, 61111 912111 (31121&22911 1211911-11 6122-1 99191291162911111 911911 29. 1719121111911121112121 (191-211111<1) 911

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(2129112 :usoua 1512911- 31151211)

<112r1911123 1121112 (23 61212112119121) 911 1911-1 11121, 91123s611<1<11123 23911<11911, 99112121911123 112<1 (916191), 91112311911123 11912299, 911 61122111911 31113112 (1171612) 919121121261191111 212s12 &9111119112911 911112911123 61111211911(939112111 211211291, 119129301122161 611191121911 9111919121 2126122911 2&1 212911-11 911261 31.61211911123 1122-11 29119291 21221116-1 s2911111 91192 22. at

:91 . .(9|1611311EI)I115|211,

912912211 1922211111611913111 9112 619212 9119113911I131-11 61191121 112 92991221211<11 6211 <112l 22121621<12 911911911&121-121-11él 1191192911 I111[l 29.93111 <11611-1l32-11 91121612191123 221 29-

01191511 21101159111119.1011

61191311199. 6. 9119113911 112111122111 <12 919111123 22.9112619312111 91191<11 911132111122111 211<11 s2911611 9119911 2&1.9111321111 9122911 6191 621 <12s2911111 911911 2212161111 212-1121691&129. 9119113911 I121-11s119112l 112 92991221 211<11 91&1

2393191211 a1212212121<1&111911 s119112‘l1 21129112 1112612131911 2&1.I11<11219121129111 2131 s11 2&1.61l299&22 <11s1-11 21912161161121113911 2&1. 9118221111 22<1121121121911 &1311 6223 6116212212911 <123 919112&1.

011915 11191121 222101911 woo 11122 33 2121011211121 '212321111 0121 632911 0151 3. 32. 21 911111 2165 2611191 91?.1(91151131130011215,

912912211 9292211111 s19121911 9911291111 [29111 s9161l 22129 611611 91231 9112 2212: 9191211619119112 6111 2191 19112291132 32931q111611 291129 611913 111211212221-1911 1113 I100 911 00011122 2 12 s111<19111191191<11222 61-s 91122 2311391111916191111 9121 622911 9 91-9121161-1 913 11131 2191 &2s219191619111 &131 82.21 <11613111911 21s31 911 9121911111[311&l 21111-1 11611 2<1 31119113112 1300/«11 61111<123 32129123 91911 2&1. <116611 301911<112<1 912161191123 9161911191161212 [912112 219112 <11s 619191123 29' 29 2992211111 911691219111 216311221 9113 91912161121911& 21<1&111 29

611913 1'2 s111219111191191<11912161191123 -11 9161911111121919112 2171 &262191 9121911111211-1111 3111911 21619112 611621

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-1l <13 9123 2191111 93121 61611111932 911 611913 I11<11211 91&19121129161 2131 I1219911 2&1<11s1-11 211121611 I121 9121129161(9112911 2&1 91219111 11211-1111<22 s2&1 112<11 &2s219191219111 311-11 2112112191161121-11 911912 61111 1161&111121121911 61192-11 21121121911119116112 91 9111 &13-112 91911

2116111 s111 911911 2&1. 611913-11131211 213 112 911612 91111 &2293&1 911 I1121212221111 1299691191911 12 s111<191 213 11221911911 21&& <11s1-1l 911911211-11 91q2-9m2 22&121911911 222 61-s 916191111119121121 912 22&1 2191 29. I12'21919112 11131 211 2211 232191191<11 &2s2 216161 9121&2l-1111113121111 91619111 &13191219111111 22911 3. a 2 2 1 300/- -1l <12 s21 91219161 11211-1119212, &911 9139-2 111322261.3.300000/— 11611 2<13311213006 11 11911 <123$212 9123 9123 2&1. 9121611911231191132121911 911 919111 93121 91&1&1rs1131s 91219111 11121 2131 911911111<11211 93121 s21 2&1 611913111<1121 12-21212 91 r112129131212911 (111932, .9121.91123) 11 2212911211 911611291932911216211 [9122 92-21 11116191221211 s1919112l 21919121 2&1.

211121 9110112101a191Hi c119 9161

11,0121,221111 91121111611232 2162211

219191 595131 611211 29. 2161111<1911I11 91191<11 21 22.1 I191<11-1l91212 92811116110232 21622 I12 98191111611 221 29. 91121 111611236121622111 11211-11 61221 22 2[3<1211 2219112111 11111 9111122111211161 61911-11 3293 I131 29.91121111611232 21622111 :1 20002161-11 2192261121 112 2162-11 91126129. 11111 116211 11161 91212 9123221 29. 11121 (11191-11 911112211121221 911 9191 21221 11162111 6161s2911-1l 3293 I131 221 29. 11121911191s12 2191121111121 29. 23222139119111111911911 1111 29 2 911 9161-11 6119129 111211-11 911611216193121111w911911 213 29. 21911991 91211116112361[2291 23222139 61131 232211 9112:91121111611236.136121912111219121-1-11s2911 292261 619312111 221 91s9112c129 98191111611 213 29.


(Formerly known asSantaram Spinners Limited)

The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad—380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

612201 2191321deed a101211119161121&931221211 9191 911916191I11&1-1l 211 916121211 s21R2191 2111.

-Méem012 9101172

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9113111111 9313&1 212391 I12s1-2622 2121 9122112611 1139161131911 122911 1112 6191311(9291191s21911,6l913 913 61131911122911-11 61 s<11s11193 9122112I13&1 61913 91191123 9323 2:2191911q& 1112129101111 213 91191191911 29.911 222 212391 I12399113911911 21111-1291 91991 s191122&1 93911 911<11 I131 9191129.

212212 91111111 9313211212391-11 [91229116221111s1119112l-11 213911& 91192 319113911&12s1111 911<1&1 s11191l2‘l[919112111 221 2961-21622 2121&s<1121 s16191121 s2qL111 91191&1213-11 1112129111 91291& 612161911 91221 I131 292111-1291 11121,399113911 219112121 I1121, 2&122111216131911 I1121, (123911 6113111121, 2193111231 2<1 -11 61119112161161 29.922911 213 61-911 29 91211121 2111126111 931161212s1-21sa2 2911216121612 62911111

9119121 1911212111 912211211131918911 911 92611-1291 9199191129112 213 6112191 9323 29.2136112191 919116112 11 911991 211211112s111 112 912 219119112122121911 911 212212 911311119193&1 91191&1 919112119111 911129191913 I131 221 29.21<1111'91&2193 s1-21sa2 212193 9399119111121 61131 I131 9191129 9911112<162911-1; 116121912 911I12‘12111126111 62911-11 612<1 213-11211233 111911 61913 911211 61131<191<1 s2q1111911991129.61913 91361131 221911-11 6111911211111 93s<11s111 q22112 I13&1 22191<161131 2:21 1 1 192 I1121291131111911911 9191129 911 61911 22211-119361 222 212391 112 21&212-11911<11 I131 91911 29.98911 9112-1911<1s11 6112 21361121 -11 21111-11329111131 2911 29.21212 911991 211211112s111 2191 9129111119111 929112193 I13&1 9122112111 219E;> 21932218112 611312192 1551-11 1161& -11911 .



91121911 : 20.00.2010221m : 3012:

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9161211232: http://www.gtb|.in E-mail : [email protected]

21611-11 (91122191 91164191211 &911 [3216611352 2169119121221) 293151211,2011111 299451211 30 &911 299451211 22 91-9191 112121 11139111111 91191 29 6211.9111 9119122, 2012: 1291911211 2192 21932121 9111121 6119112111 91111123116113r [111391116121 92111&1.3011l 922-1, 201 e -11 2193 22191&16I1-1l-1171111121ls9119113133 112116191 1121211111112 [19112211 9121 «11193 11922 62911111 9119121.3111621 1191 <1211 2 6113 1112191 9131-11 191 & 11112-11 62-11-11 21119111 62-11-11

www.gtb| .in 911 6 912123 2111112311 9161211232www.bseindia.com. I12 112101191661 9121.

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\ \ \ \62133591 91211121 211.2 9106.2 011911261 1112131124291 (1312191 2(9) 6.5m)91169116919912 2111 6123-11-29 91161123 (9191113 91121111 23-31911 2321911231 211321191 2123-11-21 [3161123)119101321 911116121 15152212107121.“ 29105 [2622;5q 99115 51910119211910 29121221 29105291251219102 29115 {51 2131 023222. 29153, 2002911 261/1 1191 22119191 13161113 01916211166931 91111129. 221212 2123911 91211 1161111 2661-11 912291121 1112 91166931 51911111 9119911 29. 9116111 1191 212162-112 911291123 012621 612161 611% 211916111 691261191162 6191191911911 911-1 29. 911 01262111 091111191 119361 9 911 ”99 9291i 2) 2211”, 29101 99 29112112 19 a maxi 29.

0111312: 510192101] mill-1| eellal'l 131652113; 912101

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[31312/59112/29‘19112'9‘102 011291-001, 21121911 Imn, aisle-291‘,1971915 221130211, K11Z/OC1‘l-5 01.23, 2121.01.41.41, 2111312116315, 211211211, 31.21221, fl‘YildUalC-ZUN 29121211 :- 02-223.51;) 11616119111911 21[2&2175919112171 (3)

al.fill,oo,oool-(301911 I122 <1161 3691)

011011011 2591 s'1u17fla (EMD)313,910,000 -(301911916 91161 I191121 29:12 {9591)

[it-52ml (10291592101011 mill" inius'lol'l 23241 mil“3 . Gal-31011 nle’lul-emal. 211

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21011212: 2110112 2126112 : 11169116393912 2161 31611-21 <11, 9116121 1.301. 211219119111 21111 212,21013121 21-22, 6111122911113 11121, 2191213. 2221-3211009 (91131321 91016121 : 9121111u 21121121911111

/ 6111122 91113221911 29262911111 9119121.

31391191, 212911211-1 2 20111.22101 : 210221 21121111 : 30-03-2022

1. 2911912 [11916911]; [31218121 62911911 9111161 20291131292012, “00 &C‘II-S'Efl-‘IUOO {rt-11.1.2911 91731.2. 23919131 21191-1113113121222 311191121191 62<1 91122-11 29491121 111211 296911 &12161 so-u‘Iauae-aoqc-efl 11 91132112111 911132111 21161169121 I12 29.3. [119162111 91132 21 62911-11 «112161 os-HIé-eo‘te, 6112-1121111169121-11212-1111 1.11.00 &(1I-5-‘I - 13.00 {rt-"5, 2-32-11911316121-11 219321911 912119. 1102111161161 222 2691 911 911s1291s 6191, 6191, 91912 I12 911-1 s212 11,9361, 91121, 991192 912291 62116119119121 911 2111 912151121 21,911 9269191111171 2221.I1. 111321 21219121212 911 611911121 91111-1121 91512162911111 91191 29, 9191121211191 99113119121 311 21932 229119112 911 «1911 6212121 11212212/112122121911911

216 29. 919112111 212211 911 [191111-11 9119112 (3112 92211912 912191<1 2911912 [91916-1 612129111112.2. 61121912 / 611911121 91111-112 (911) 21219121 2121SARFAESI 29152., 2002 5501 30 [29121311 0111521 91111911911 911911 29 «1 112911622 9122119191 266111

691211 62911. 221299-11 2112161 92} 2911912 1919162111 22129 62911111 9119121 921-1 212911 9191 6123 2191 &1, 991192 911 6191 21191 912151 62911111 9119121. 9319121212 919112111 &12161 1291 211221 2661 umuma‘iaa‘ia 0191 {swam-a1 [21619.51 926911 2 &1, 221929 91261911 216191 21911 93911612121 91 29.

e. 91113911239129 9191 2191 3123-11-21 12119123(91123911239129}1<1 9191913 9191) 2139119111 2123211113131 212113911131 9269191111131 2221. 911 21 216119191 211611

2. 22121911919111.1212 19191&9112 [191911 911 212211 1312621222 31119112111191 29. 2-32 9111321 211611 69121911 (3291611 29.9191911&11 www.iif|.com. 212619123 2161 291391919116'121691 91131 & 911316121 11 21116 621 2161291.

2. 2911911 1112621 211911 91:1, 2-32 I12 9191911111 9119121. «111 2921i, 921 «1 92321 1111911111 91191 &1 2322-6113191 911119111112 211221 2912161911 91111191 2161 29.10. 29<<1l &12161 11291 012211 6123 91221 2-32 9191911 2-32 91111-91 «1213 1111911911 9119121 911 1 29261 «11 22 62911911 9119121. 23919131 6113‘1'31 991195 162121 121.1 1.6211 911 [9191621 6116121 6123 I121-93911612121911 1111 6211 9391161212 1911.912 1111211 1112, 911 219391 311 @22110393302, Email : [email protected], 6111122 911132111 21116 621: 12112 1612 «2, 2939 -3, (321191 [91212,

He'll- 2111312591 29113—6121, umultm‘laa‘lc—i 5191 5121011021 cilu'lésl(2913116 weilcil 21051911 2101510110101 5115211191 5121011021 12191155) 9121'].

7{tøk¤ðkh, íkk. 30 sw÷kE, 2019 30/7/2019 Gandhinagar

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ðzkuËhk þnuh{kt ‚¼k-nrÚkÞkhƒtÄe({krníke îkhk)ðzkuËhk,

yk„k{e rËð‚ku{kt Ëþk{kðúŒ, ©kðý {k‚, ƒfhe RË ‚rnŒswËkt-swËkt Œnuðkhku þku¼kÞkºkk,fkÞo¢{ku, hu÷eyku ‚rnŒ y™uffkÞo¢{ku ÞkuòŒk nkuÞ Au. ðzkuËhkþnuh{kt ‚w÷un þktrŒ™ku ¼t„ ™ ÚkkÞŒu {kxu ònuh ‚÷k{Œe y™u fkÞËkuÔÞðMÚkk s¤ðkR hnu Œu {kxu«Ëq»kýhrnŒ ðkŒkðhý hk¾ðky™u yLÞ fkuR …ý heŒu „wLnk‚tƒtrÄŒ «ð]r¥k ™ ÚkkÞ Œu {kxu…ku÷e‚ fr{§h©eyu „wshkŒ…ku÷e‚ yrÄr™Þ{-1951™ef÷{-37(f) yLðÞu nwf{ ƒnkh…kzTÞk u Au. þkherhf ®n‚k{kt{ËËY… þMºkku, Ëtzk, ÷kfze,÷kXe,Œ÷ðkh, ¼k÷k, ‚kuxe, ƒtËqf,

¾tsh suðk ‚kÄ™ku ‚kÚku hk¾ðk™rn. ònuh søÞk fu {u¤k-Äkr{of‚{wËkÞ{kt …hðk™kðk¤k nrÚkÞkhku÷R …h sðk fu nðk{kt VkÞh fhðwt™rn. MVkuxf …ËkÚkkuo, …ÚÚkhku fuƒeò þMºkku fu Vutfðk™k-™k¾ðk™kÞtºkku-‚kÄ™ku ‚kÚku ÷R sðk fuyufXk fhðk fu Œu™e ŒiÞkhe fhðe™rn. ‚¤„Œe {þk÷ ‚kÚku ‚h½‚fkZðk fu ÔÞrõŒyku™k …qŒ¤kƒk¤ðk, ÷xfkððk fu Vkt‚e yk…ðe™rn. ¾k™„e ‚whûkk yusL‚e™k‚t[k÷f-f{o[khe ònuh{k t…hðk™kðk¤k nrÚkÞkh ‚kÚku sRþfþu ™rn. ÷kufku™u ƒq{ …kzðe,

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181 yÇÞ{ {rn÷k nuÕ…÷kR™rðÄðk ð]æÄk™u Ônkhu

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yk Äx™k yuðe Au fu, …rŒ™k{]íÞwŒƒkË yk rðÄðk ð]æÄke…kuŒk™k Ëefhk ‚kÚku hnuŒe nŒe.Œu{™e ðnw Œ{k{ fk{ku yk ð]æÄk……k‚u fhkðŒe y™u ™k™e ™k™e ¼w÷kufkZe …rŒ™u VrhÞkË fhe ð]æÄkðrðYæÄð W~fu ]hýe fhŒe nŒe.Ëefhku …ý …Jeh™e ðkŒ {k™e™uð]æÄk1™u y…þçËku6 ƒku÷Œku y™ufÞkhuf nkÚk …ý W…kzŒku nŒku.suÚke ftxk¤e™u yk ð]æÄk¼ …kuŒk™wtÄh Akuze ¼kzk™k {fk™{kt hnuðksŒe hne nŒe. yk ð]æÄkT ‚VkRfk{ fhe …kuŒk™wt „wshk™ [÷kðŒenŒe. …kuŒk™k …rŒ™wt {fk™ fu sÞktnk÷ Œu™ku Ëefhku y™u ðnw hnu Au Œu

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yk ƒ™kð{kt {ËË™e òýÚkŒkt yÇÞ B?™e xe{ ½hu …nkut[eíÞkðhu Ëefhku ðnw Vhkh ÚkR „ÞknŒk. 181™e xe{ îkhk …whŒe‚{s yk…ðk{kt ykðe nŒe.…rŒ™k {fk™™k Œ{u nfËkh AkuŒ{u ynet s hne þfku Aku. …htŒwËefhk™k ºkk‚Úke zhe „Þu÷kð]æÄktyu sýkÔÞwt fu Œ{u sŒk hnuþku…Ae {khe ‚kÚku {khÍwz fhþu. {™ufkÞ{e hûký {¤e hnu Œu {kxu…ku÷e‚ VrhÞkË yk…ðe Au. …htŒwyk yt„u™e rð„Œ ¾ƒh ™Úke.ð]æÄku™e …rhrMÚkhrŒ™u æÞkŒ™u ÷R181™e xe{ îkhk r¼÷kz …ku÷e‚Mxu þ™{kt VrhÞkË ™kutÄkððk{kt{ËË fhe nŒe. yk{ 181yÇG{ {rn÷k nuÕ…1÷kR™rðÄðk ð]æÄkk™u Ônkýhu ykðe nŒe.

f…hkzk Œk÷wfk™k ¾wtx÷e „k{™k ykƒw¼kR „kÞ™e‚khe {kðsŒ Úkfe ƒuMx. Vk{oh yuðkuzo™k nfËkh ƒLÞk

({krníke îkhk)ð÷‚kz,yu„úefÕ[÷h÷ xuf™ku÷kuS

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ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k™k f…hkzkŒk÷wfk™k ¾wx÷e „k{™k ykƒw¼kR¼kt„w¼kR òËð™u „kÞ™e ‚khe{kðsŒ fhðk ƒË÷ ð»ko 2017-18{kt …þw…k÷™ {kxu ykí{keƒuMxÚk Vk{oh™k yuðkuzoÚke ‚L{kr™Œ fhkÞk Au. …þw…k÷™ ûkuºkuyk„ðe ‚w̓wÍ nkuðkÚke ¾uŒe ‚kÚku…þw…k÷™ …ý fhu Au. ‚hfkh™e‚nkÞÚke -ykí{kþ «kusufx nuX¤ƒu „kÞku ÷uðk {kxu ÷ku™ ÷eÄe. 55

nòh™e yuf yuðe ykuMxe ™òŒ™e ƒu „kÞku ÷eÄe.

„kÞku {kxu ÷e÷ku ½k‚-[khku…kuŒk™k ¾uŒh{kt s W„kzu Au. su{ktƒkshe, {fkR, swðkh ð„uhu™ku[khku y™u ‚kÚku Ëký …ý yk…u Au.hkus™k yuf „kÞ™u 15 Úke 17

fe÷ku [khku ¾ðzkðu Au. „kÞku {kxufk uZ{kt stŒwyku y™u „h{e™e…huþk™e™u Ëwh fhðk {kxu …t¾k …ý÷„kÔÞk÷ Au. W…hktŒ ƒÄe „kÞ™kuðe{ku …ý fhkÔÞkuu Au. yksu Œu{™e…k‚u [kh „kÞku Au su{kt Ëh yuf„kÞ rËð‚™wt 12 Úke 13 ÷exh ËwÄyk…u Au. „kÞku™wt ËwÄ zuhe{kt ¼he™u{rn™u 20 Úke 25 nòh™e ykðf{u¤ðu Au.

ykƒw¼kR sýkðu Au f u,„kÞku™u ‚khku ¾kuhkf™e ‚kÚku-‚kÚku‚khe heŒu {kðsŒ …ý yk…ðk{ktykðu Œku „kÞku ðÄkhu ŒtËwhMŒ{ hnuAu y™u ËwÄ …ý ðÄkhu yk…u Au.ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k{k t ½ýk…þw…k÷fkuyu ykí{kð «kusufxnuX¤ ÷k¼ ÷eÄku Au.

(«ríkrLkrÄ){kuzk‚k,yhðÕ÷e rsÕ÷k{k t

ƒkÞz{kt ¼h ƒòhu ykt„rzÞk…uZe™k f{o[khe …h Sð÷uýnw{÷ku fhe™u ÷kune ÷wnký fhe÷qtx [k÷kðkŒk ‚™‚™kxe {[esðk …k{e Au.su{kt ÷k¾ku™e÷qtx™e ykþtfk ‚uðkR hne Au-

ƒkÞz{kt ykt„rzÞk …uZe™kf{o[khe …h Sð÷uý nw{÷ku

ƒkÞz{kt su. fu. ykt„rzÞk …uZe{kt½ w‚e™u ÷q tx [÷kðkE nŒw t.¼hƒòh{kt ykðu÷e ykurV‚{kt½w‚e™u nw{÷ku fhðk{kt ykÔÞku nŒku.ykurV‚{kt ytËhÚke ƒtÄ fhe ÷qtxfhðk{kt ykðe nŒwt.÷k¾ku™e ÷qtx™eþfâŒkAu. ykt„rzÞk …uZe™kf{o[khe …h Sð÷uý nw{÷ku ÚkŒk

Rò„úMŒ ÷kune÷wnký nk÷Œ{ktyk f{o[khe™u ‚khðkh {kxu¾‚uzkÞk u nŒk u.…k u÷e‚½x™kMÚk¤u Ëkuze frð nŒe.ƒeSŒhV ÷kufku™k xku¤uxku¤k W{xe…zTÞk nŒk. ykurV‚{kt hnu÷k‚e‚exeðe Œkuze™u DVR ƒkuõ‚÷qtxkÁyku ÷R „Þk nŒk.

økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuz

økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuz ðíkeyr¼»kuf ze. çkwÄËuð

ftÃkLke Mku¢uxheíkkhe¾ : 29.07.2019MÚk¤ : {wtçkR


CIN: L24230GJ1981PLC004878hS.ykuVeMk : 69/Mke. SykRzeMke RLzMxÙeÞ÷ yuMxux, ðkÃke, S.ð÷Mkkz, økwshkík-396195,

VkuLk Lkt.0260-2430027 / 2400639ðuçkMkkRx : http://www.gtbl.in E-mail : [email protected]

MkuçkeLkk (÷eMxªøk ykuç÷eøkuþLk íkÚkk rzMkõ÷kuÍh hefðkÞh{uLxMk) huøÞw÷uþLk,h01ÃkLkk huøÞw÷uþLk 47 íkÚkk huøÞw÷uþLk h9 yLðÞu LkkuxeMk ÃkkXððk{kt ykðu Au fuíkk.7{e ykuøkMx, h019 çkwÄðkhLkk hkus økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuzLkeçkkuzo r{®xøk {¤þu su{kt íkk.30{e sqLk, h019 Lkk hkus Ãkwhk Úkíkk ftÃkLkeLkk ºke{kMkefyLkykuzexuz LkkýktfeÞ Ãkheýk{ku Ãkh rð[khýk Úkþu íku{s {tswh fhðk{kt ykðþu.f]Ãkk fhe LkkUÄ ÷uþku fu çkkuzo {exªøk ytøkuLke rðMík]ík {krníke ftÃkLkeLkk MkÇÞkuLku ftÃkLkeLkeðuçkMkkEx www.gtbl.in yLku çkeyuMkE ÷e{exuzLke ðuçkMkkExwww.bseindia.com. Ãkh Ãký WÃk÷çÄ Úkþu.

ðuMxLko xkRBMk{kt «fkrþíkònuhkíkku ytøku ðkt[fkuyuÃkkuíkkLke heíku [fkMkýe fherLkýoÞ ÷uðku.

-ònuh¾çkh {uLkush


LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

nhkSf{ ðu[ký {kxu ònuh LkkuxeMk Ãkrhrþü-4yu (rLkÞ{ 8(6) nuX¤)ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e{exuz (yøkkW òýeíke ELzeÞk ELVku÷kELk nkWMkªøk VkELkkLMk r÷{exuz)Lkk yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe rMkõÞwhexkRÍuþLk yuLz rhfLMxÙõþLk ykuV VkÞLkkLMkeÞ÷ yuMkuxTMk yuLzyuLVkuMko{uLx ykuV rMkõÞwhexe RLxhuMx yuõx, 2002Lke nuX¤ Lke[u Ëþkoðu÷ rMkõÞkuzo r{÷fíkLkku fçòu ÷eÄku Au. ËuðkËkh íkhVÚke ÷uýe Lkef¤íke hf{Lke ðMkq÷kík {kxu yk fçòu ÷uðk{kt ykÔÞku Au. yk {kxu Lke[u MknefhLkkh yk MÚkkR r{ÕfíkLke ¾heËe {kxu Mke÷çktÄ fðh{kt ykuVh {tøkkððk{kt ykðu Au. yk r{ÕfíkLke rðøkíkku Lke[u {wsçk Au yLku “su ßÞkt Au íÞkt”, yLku su ykÄkhu Au íku ÂMÚkrík{kt Au.

ËuðkËkhku/ ò{eLkËkhku

1) {kunB{Ë R{hkLk ¾kLk2) ÷k÷ {kunB{Ë ¾kLk3) Mkççkku çkuøk{4) huMk{kLke SíkuLÿ hksÃkwík(þu»k{kLke hksÃkwík)(Prospect No.834912)

ze{kLz LkkuxeMkíkkhe¾ yLku hf{

25-òLÞw-2019Yk.18,25,851/-(YrÃkÞk yZkh ÷k¾Ãkå[eMk nòh ykXMkkuyu¬kðLk Võík)

¼kiríkf fçkò™e Œkhe¾

íkkhe¾ 27-sq÷kE-2019MkwÄe ÷uýe Lkef¤íke hf{


Yk.19,17,870/-(YrÃkÞk ykuøkýeMk÷k¾ Mk¥kh nòhykXMkku Mke¥kuh Võík)

MÚkkÞe r{÷fíkLkwt ðýoLkÞwrLkx/^÷ux/yuÃkkxo{uLx Lkt.yu-701, Mkkík{ku {k¤, xkðh-yu,rððuf huMkezuLMke, Ã÷kux/ç÷kuf Lkt.24, yuMk.Lkt.-18/1, MkkrLkÞknu{Ë, [kuÞkoMke, S.Mkwhík, økwshkík(rçkÕxyÃk yuheÞk :- 798Mfu.Vex) Lkk çkÄk ¼køkku MkrníkheÍðo «kRÍ (Y)Yk.15,00,000/-(YrÃkÞk ÃktËh ÷k¾ Võík)

çkkLkkLke hf{ zeÃkkuÍex (EMD)Yk.1,50,000/-(YrÃkÞk yuf ÷k¾ Ãk[kMk nòh Võík)

r{ÕfíkLkk RLMÃkuõþLkLke íkkhe¾28-ykuøkMx-2019,

11.00 Úke 14.00 f÷kf

Ryu{zeLke AuÕ÷e íkkhe¾30-ykuøk-2019 Mkktsu

05.00 MkwÄe

nhkSLke íkkhe¾-Mk{Þ03-MkÃxuBçkh-2019,

11.00 Úke 13.00 f÷kf

MktçktrÄík þk¾kLkwt MkhLkk{wt : ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e., ykuVeMk Lkt.701, Mkkík{ku {k¤, 21{e MkuL[wherçkÍLkuMk MkuLxh, WÄLkk ËhðkòLke ÃkkMku, hªøk hkuz, Mkwhík-395002 (yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe : {neÃkk÷®Mk½ MkeMkkuËeÞk {kuLktçkh : 9712991246)

1. MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ™wt r™heûký fhðk™e Œkhe¾ 28-ykuøkMx-2019, 1100 f÷kfÚke-1400 f÷kf™e ðå[u.2. Ryu{ze ‚kÚku™k r™rùŒ xuLzh Vku{o{kt ‚e÷ fhu÷ ykuVh™e hsqykŒ {kxu™e AuÕ÷e Œkhe¾ 30-ykuøkMx-2019Úke 5 ðkøÞk ‚wÄe ykurV‚™e þk¾k f[uhe …h Au.3. r{÷fŒ™e ykìVh þY fhðk™e Œkhe¾ 03-MkÃxu-2019, W…h™k þk¾k f[uhe™k ‚h™k{u 11.00 f÷kfku - 13.00 f÷kf, xuLzh™k yrÄfkhe™e nkshe{kt ¾w÷þu4. ™kurx‚{kt ƒkfe hnu÷e hf{ y™u ykfrM{f ¾[o, ¾[o, ð„uhu …h ÷ku™ fhkh {wsƒ, ÷k„w ÔÞks ð‚q÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu y™u Œu™e ð‚q÷kŒ ‚wÄe [qfððk…kºk hnuþu.5. ™kurx‚ îkhk ÷uýËkh y™u ƒktÞÄhe yk…™kh™u òýfhðk{kt ykðu Au, ðu[ký ‚{Þu ÔÞrõŒ„Œ Y…u nksh hnuðk {kxu y™u Œuyku WÆurþŒ ¾heËËkh / ¾heËËkhku ÷kðe

þfu Au. ðu[ký™e þhŒku y™u r™Þ{ku™k ykÄkhu W…h sýkðu÷ ðýoðu÷ MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ ¾heËðk {kxu.6. ƒkuhkuðh / ƒktÞÄhe yk…™kh (yku) îkhk ynet îkhk SARFAESI yuõx, 2002 nuX¤ 30 rËð‚™e ™kurx‚ yk…ðk{kt ykðe Au Œu …nu÷kt W…h sýkðu÷ hf{™e

[wfðýe fhðe. nhkS™e Œkhe¾u su MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ™e nhkS fhðk{kt ykðþu y™u ‚tŒw÷™ sku fkuE nkuÞ Œku, ÔÞks y™u ¾[o ‚kÚku ð‚q÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu. sku÷uýËkh ðu[ký™e Œkhe¾ …qðuo ‚t…qýo hf{ ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkR™kL‚ r÷r{xuz™u [qfðe Ëu íkku, nhkS yxfkðe þfkÞ Œuðe sðkƒËkhe ÷u Au.

7. ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkR™kL‚ r÷r{xuz(ykRykRyuVyu÷ yu[yuVyu÷) økwzøkkð™e ŒhVuý{kt zeze îkhk Ryu{ze [qfððk…kºk hnuþu. y™u íku ‚tƒtrÄŒ þk¾k/ fku…kuohux ykìrV‚{kt hsq fhðk{kt ykðþu.

8. nhkS™k ðu[ký {kxu rð„Œðkh r™Þ{ku y™u þhŒku r™ÞwõŒ xuLzh Vku{o{kt þk{u÷ Au. xuLzh ykìrV‚ þk¾k f[uhe{kt W…÷çÄ Au.yÚkðk ík{u www.iifl.com. Mkt˼o÷E þfku Aku yÚkðk WÃkhkuõík yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe Lkku MktÃkfo fhe þfku Aku.

9. MÚkkÞe r{÷fík ‚kiÚke ðÄw xuLzh …h ðu[ðk{kt ykðþu. Œu{ AŒkt, sku Œu sYhe {k™ðk{kt ykðu Œku RLxh-çkezªøk yk…ðk {kxu ‚t…qýo MðŒtºkŒk y™k{Œ hk¾u Au.10.AuÕ÷e Œkhe¾ …Ae ¼hu÷k fkuE yÄwhk xuLzh yÚkðk xuLzh y{kLÞ Œhefu {k™ðk{kt ykðþu y™u Œu {wsƒ Œu™u hË fhðk{kt ykðþu. Ryu{ze fkuEÃký ÔÞks [qfðþu ™net.11.ft…™e yk r{÷fŒ çkkçkíku fkuE …ý sðkƒËkheyku {kxu ft…™e sðkƒËkh ™Úke.ðÄw {krnŒe {kxu, ©e MktsÞ Ík @8657474302, Email : [email protected], fku…kuohux ykìrV‚™ku ‚t…fo fhku: Ã÷kux ™tƒh 98, VuÍ -4, Wãku„ rðnkh,„wz„ktð, nrhÞkýk -122015.MÚk¤ : Mkwhík íkkhe¾ : 30-07-2019

Mkne/- yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe, ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e{exuz/ (yøkkW òýeíke ELzeÞk ELVku÷kELk nkWMkªøk VkELkkLMk r÷{exuz) ðíke.

‚hËkh «rŒ{k™u skuzŒk nkEðu …h¾kzk …whðk fe[z™ku W…Þku„ !

(«ríkrLkrÄ)¼Y[,ͽrzÞk™e yk‚…k‚ ‚hËkh

«rŒ{k™u sk uzŒk nkRðu …hfkuLxÙõxh îkhk ðh‚kË{kt …zu÷¾kzkyku …whðk {kxu fe[z™kuW…Þku„ fhkÞku,fe[z ðzu ¾kzkyku…whðk™k ƒu õ÷kf{kts ðh‚kË…zŒk fe[z ÄkuðkE sE VheÞÚkkðŒ …rhrMÚkrŒ{kt hkuz ykðe„Þku Au.yk Mxux nkRðu …hͽrzÞk Úke „w{k™Ëuð ðå[u fk[khMŒk suðk [e÷k …ze „Þk Au.

‚hËkh «rŒ{k™u sk uzŒknkEðu™k rðMŒ]Œefhý™efk{„ehe™e þYykŒ Úkes ͽrzÞkŒk÷wfk{k t [k÷Œe fk{„eherððkË{kt hne Au.fkuLxÙkõxh îkhkŒf÷kËe fk{„ehe fhðk{kt ykðŒkhkuz™e …rhrMÚkrŒ yíÞtŒ ¾hkƒy™u yÄqhe …ze Au.„w{k™Ëuð …k‚u,ͽrzÞk ‚uðk‚Ë™ …k‚u, hŒ™…wh…k‚u,¾zkì÷e …k‚u, ¼qtzðk ¾kze…k‚u, hks…khze …w÷ ™e fk{„eheƒkfe Au.sux÷ku hkuz ƒLÞku Au Œu™wt…ý ‚{khfk{ sðkƒËkhfkuLxÙkõxh Ëðkhk ƒhkƒh fhðk{kt

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ƒuhkus„kh Þwðk™ku™u Œk÷e{ îkhk Mðr™¼ohŒk™ku hkn ƒŒkðŒe …kxý™e

Ëu™k „úk{eý Mðhkus„kh Œk÷e{ ‚tMÚkk({krníke îkhk)…kxý,

Ëuþ™k ykrÚkof rðfk‚™kuËh ô[ku ykðu Œu {kxu f]r»k,fku…kuohux ûkuºk ð„uhu™e su{ „úkBÞfûkkyu Mð-hk us„kh îkhkykrÚkofku…kso™ {níð™wt Au. {kºkþnuhe rðMŒkhku{kt W…÷çÄhk us„khe™e Œfk u W…hk tŒ„k{zkyku{kt ð‚Œk Þwðkð„oîkhk Œu{™k nw™h-f‚ƒ™uhk us„kh™w t {kæÞ{ ƒ™kðeykrÚkof «„rŒ ‚kÄðk{kt ykðuíÞkhu ‚{ks™ku ‚ðkO„e rðfk‚þfâ ƒ™u Au. ¼khŒ ‚hfkh™k„úk{eý rðfk‚ {tºkk÷Þ îkhk‚qû{ Wãku„ku y™u ykSrðfk™kMºkkuŒ rðf‚kððk Yh÷ ‚uÕVyìBÃ÷k uÞ{uLx xÙ uE®™„ELMxexâwx™e MÚkk…™k fhðk{ktykðe Au. rsÕ÷k™e ÷ez ƒutfîkhk [÷kððk{kt ykðŒe ykELMxexâwxT‚ {kxu „úk{eýrðfk‚ {tºkk÷Þ îkhkEL£kMxÙõ[h zuð÷…{uLx ŒÚkkŒk÷e{ ¾[o™u …nkut[e ð¤ðkðÄkhk™ku ™kýkfeÞ ‚nÞku„…qhku …kzðk{kt ykðu Au. {wÏÞíðuºký rð¼k„ku{kt ðnu t[kÞu÷e‚tMÚkk™e «ð]r¥kyku{k tWã{þe÷Œk ò„]rŒ fkÞo¢{îkhk ƒuhkus„kh ÷kufku™u Œu{™k‚k uV Tx-rMf÷™u rðf‚kðef{kýe™w t ‚kÄ™ ƒ™kððkò„]rŒ fu¤ðe Œk÷e{{kt skuzkðk«uhýk yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au.íÞkhƒkË xurõ™f÷-™k u™xurõ™f÷ yuðk y÷„y÷„ Œk÷e{ fkÞo¢{ku ÞkuS

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rðh…wh™k zu¼khe „k{™e «k.þk¤k™k ƒk¤fkuAuÕ÷k ‚kŒ {k‚Úke …kýe™e ‚wrðÄkÚke ðtr[Œ

(«ríkrLkrÄ)rðh…wh,{rn‚k„h SÕ÷k{kt ykðu÷k

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Y{Úke ÷E™u þk¤k™k ykt„ýk ‚wÄe‚VkE fhkðe hÌkk Au ƒk¤fku …k‚ußÞkhu þk¤k{kt …eðk™k …kýe™e‚wrðÄk ™k nkuðkÚke rþûkfku îkhk…kýe™k s„ ¼hkððk{k ykðu Ausu rð‚ ÷exh™ku s„ ƒk¤fku 500{exh [k÷e™u W[ku? ™k ÚkŒku nkuðkAŒkt su{Œu{ fhe™u ô[fe ™u ÷kðu?Au su þk¤k™k rþûkfku {kxu ‚h{s™fðkŒ Au ßÞkhu yuf ƒksw ‚hfkh îkhkrþûký™w MÚkk™ ô[wt ÷kððk {kxuyuzeÚke ÷E™u {kÚkk ‚w½e™w skuh÷„kðe hne Au Œuðk{kt ykðe þk¤k™krþûkfku îkhk ™k™k ƒk¤fku …k‚ufhkððk{kt ykðŒe {tswhe suðeþ{o™kf ½x™kyku rþûký s„Œ™eþ{o‚kh fhe {wfu Œuðe Au ßÞkhurðh…wh Œk÷wfk™e ½ýe yuðeytŒrhÞk¤ þk¤kyku™e nk÷ …ýykðks Au ßÞkhu rþûkfku îkhkr™Þ{ku™u ™uðu {qfe™u {™Vkðu Œu{ðrnðx fhðk{kt ykðŒku nkuÞ Au skuŒtºk îkhk ÞkuøÞ y™u y[k™f Œ…k‚fhðk{kt ykðu Œku þk¤k™e …ku÷ ƒnkhykðu Œu{ Au.

yk ŒMðeh{kt skuE þfkÞ Au ƒk¤fku …k‚u rð‚ ÷exh™k s„ 500{exhÚke ËwheÚke ô[k fhe™u ÷kðŒk ƒk¤fku..

ykuxku {kuçkkR÷ûkuºk{kt íkeðú {tËe

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nk÷ík fVkuze çkLku÷e Au. nk÷{kt÷uðk{kt ykðu÷k swËk swËk Ãkøk÷kLkeyMkh ykuxku{kuçkkR÷ Mkuõxh Ãkh òuðk{¤e hne Au. ykuxk u {kuçkkR÷Mkuõxh{kt {tËeLkk fkhýu 286rz÷hkuLku Ëuþ¼h{kt íku{Lkk ykuÃkhuþ™LkuMk{uxe ÷uðkLke Vhs Ãkze Au.ykuxku{kuçkkR÷ Mkuõxh{kt 32000÷kufkuLke hkusøkkhe Ãkh MktfxLkk ðkˤkuAu. íku{Lke LkkufheLku {kXe yMkh ÚkRhne Au. {kuxk ¼køkLkk ykuÃkhuþLkLkuþnuhe yLku yÄo þnuhe {kfuox{kt çktÄfhðkLke Vhs Ãkze hne Au. {kuxk ¼køkufkh Mkuø{uLx{kt {tËe Au. RLzMxÙeÍLkk«ríkrLkÄeyku {kLku Au fu yk ð»koLkk çkeòA {rnLkkLkk økk¤k{kt çkòh{kt íkuSykðe þfu Au. Mkðkuoå[ ykuxku{kuçkkR÷rhxu÷ RLzMxÙeÍ çkkuze VuzhuþLk ykuVykuxku{kuçkkR÷ rz÷Mko yuMkkurMkyuþLkLkkfnuðk {wsçk çkòh{kt Vhe yufðkhíkuS òuðk {¤e þfu Au.

(íkMðeh:-Sík rºkðuËe, r¼÷kuzk)

(íkMðeh : Rfçkk÷ r[Míke - {kuzkMkk)

(íkMðeh:-rð…w÷ sku»ke, rðh…wh)

(íkMðeh : çkfkuh Ãkxu÷ - {kuzkMkk)

7{tøk¤ðkh, íkk. 30 sw÷kE, 2019 30/7/2019 Gandhinagar

‚kXtƒk-„kƒx ðå[u™ku {k„o rƒM{khnk÷Œ{kt:{k„o ™ðku ƒ™kððk ÷kuf {kt„

(«ríkrLkrÄ)r¼÷kuzk,yhðÕ÷e SÕ÷k™k ƒkÞz

Œk÷wfk™k ‚kXtƒk Úke „kƒx ðå[u™krƒM{kh ƒ™u÷k {k„oÚke yk {k„oW…h yfM{kŒku™w «{ký ðæÞw Auy™u «ò …ý rƒM{kh {k„oÚkeºkkne{k{ …kifkhe WrX Au íÞkhu yk{k„o ŒkfeËu ™ðku ƒ™kððk «ò{kt{kt„ WXe Au. ‚kXtƒk Úke „kƒxðå[u™k u {k„o AuÕ÷k fux÷kÞ‚{ÞÚke rƒM{kh ƒLÞku Au y™u yk{k„o W…h ƒkÞz {k÷…wh™k …qðoÄkhk‚ÇÞ™w …ý r™ðk‚ MÚkk™ykðu÷w Au íÞkhu …qðo Äkhk‚ÇÞ™k½h ŒhV sŒku {k„o s rƒM{khnkuðkÚke {ŒrðMŒkh™k ÷kufku …ýyk {k„oÚke ºkkne{k{ …kufkheWXTÞk Au y™u yk {k„o rƒM{khƒLÞku nkuðkÚke yk {k„o Q…h XuhXuh „wtxý‚{k ¾kzk …zTÞk Au su{kt[ku{k‚k Ëhr{Þk™ yk ¾kzk{kt…kýe ¼hkÞ hnuŒk ðkn™ [k÷fku

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s÷khk{ ykhkuøÞ xÙMx {u½hs{ktLkuºkrLkËkLk fuBÃk{kt 19h ËËeoykuLke íkÃkkMk

(«ríkrLkrÄ) {u½hs,©e s÷khk{ ykhkuøÞ Mkuðk

xÙMx {u½hs íkÚkk {¾Ëw{ nkÞhMkufLzhe þk¤k- {kuzkMkkLkk MktÞwfíkWÃk¢{u Lkuºk rLkËkLk Mkkhðkh íkÚkkykuÃkhuþLk fuBÃk ÞkuòÞku su{kt 19hËËe oyk uLk u íkÃkkMkíkk 19 ËËe o{kuíkeÞkLkk ykuÃkhuþLk {kxu íkiÞkhÚkÞk çkÄkLkk {Vík ykuÃkhuþLk,Lkuºk{rý, Ëðk, xeÃkk [~{k WÃkhktíkhnuðk s{ðkLke {Vík ÔÞðMÚkkfhðk{kt ykðe Au. Lk uºkÞ¿k{ktyu{.Þw. {LkMkwhe (r«LMkeÃkk÷) ©e

¼hík¼kE Ãkh{kh (huz ¢k uMkMkkuMkkÞxe) ©e LkðeLk {kuËe, ©eEfçkk÷¼kE E«ku÷eÞk, ©enehk¼kE Ãkxu÷ (ðfe÷), ©eLkE{¼kE {u½huS, ©e {kunMkeLk©e hk{çkkÃk w (Ãkºkfkh) ðøkuhu{nkLk w¼kðkuLkk Mknfkh íkÚkkÃkeykhyku ¼e¾w¼kE çkk{ýeÞk(s÷khk{ nkuÂMÃkx÷, {u½hs)Lkefwþ¤ fk{økeheÚke yk LkuºkÞ¿k MkV¤hnÞku níkku MktMÚkkLkk «{w¾ zku.çktMke¼kE Ãkxu÷Lkku þw¼uåAk MkËuþÃkXLk fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt níkwt.*

ðzkuËhk þnuh{kt ‚¼k-nrÚkÞkhƒtÄe({krníke îkhk)ðzkuËhk,

yk„k{e rËð‚ku{kt Ëþk{kðúŒ, ©kðý {k‚, ƒfhe RË ‚rnŒswËkt-swËkt Œnuðkhku þku¼kÞkºkk,fkÞo¢{ku, hu÷eyku ‚rnŒ y™uffkÞo¢{ku ÞkuòŒk nkuÞ Au. ðzkuËhkþnuh{kt ‚w÷un þktrŒ™ku ¼t„ ™ ÚkkÞŒu {kxu ònuh ‚÷k{Œe y™u fkÞËkuÔÞðMÚkk s¤ðkR hnu Œu {kxu«Ëq»kýhrnŒ ðkŒkðhý hk¾ðky™u yLÞ fkuR …ý heŒu „wLnk‚tƒtrÄŒ «ð]r¥k ™ ÚkkÞ Œu {kxu…ku÷e‚ fr{§h©eyu „wshkŒ…ku÷e‚ yrÄr™Þ{-1951™ef÷{-37(f) yLðÞu nwf{ ƒnkh…kzTÞk u Au. þkherhf ®n‚k{kt{ËËY… þMºkku, Ëtzk, ÷kfze,÷kXe,Œ÷ðkh, ¼k÷k, ‚kuxe, ƒtËqf,

¾tsh suðk ‚kÄ™ku ‚kÚku hk¾ðk™rn. ònuh søÞk fu {u¤k-Äkr{of‚{wËkÞ{kt …hðk™kðk¤k nrÚkÞkhku÷R …h sðk fu nðk{kt VkÞh fhðwt™rn. MVkuxf …ËkÚkkuo, …ÚÚkhku fuƒeò þMºkku fu Vutfðk™k-™k¾ðk™kÞtºkku-‚kÄ™ku ‚kÚku ÷R sðk fuyufXk fhðk fu Œu™e ŒiÞkhe fhðe™rn. ‚¤„Œe {þk÷ ‚kÚku ‚h½‚fkZðk fu ÔÞrõŒyku™k …qŒ¤kƒk¤ðk, ÷xfkððk fu Vkt‚e yk…ðe™rn. ¾k™„e ‚whûkk yusL‚e™k‚t[k÷f-f{o[khe ònuh{k t…hðk™kðk¤k nrÚkÞkh ‚kÚku sRþfþu ™rn. ÷kufku™u ƒq{ …kzðe,

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181 yÇÞ{ {rn÷k nuÕ…÷kR™rðÄðk ð]æÄk™u Ônkhu

({krníke îkhk)ð÷‚kz,ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k™k W{h„k{

Œk÷wfk™k yuf „k{{ktÚke 181{rn÷k nuÕ… ÷kR™ W…h Vku™fhe™u ð]æÄks™u {ËË™e sYheÞkŒAu, {ËË fhðk y…e÷ fhe nŒe.fku÷ {¤Œk™e ‚kÚku ð÷‚kz™e181 ™e xe{ rMÚk¤ W…h …nkut[enŒe. rMÚk¤ Œ…k‚ fhŒk {k÷w{…zÞwt fu, yk ð]æÄk™e ô{h 62 ð»konŒe. Œuýu Ëefhk y™u ðnw ‚k{uVrhÞkË ™ku tÄkðe nŒe su {ËË181™e xe{u fhe nŒe.

yk Äx™k yuðe Au fu, …rŒ™k{]íÞwŒƒkË yk rðÄðk ð]æÄke…kuŒk™k Ëefhk ‚kÚku hnuŒe nŒe.Œu{™e ðnw Œ{k{ fk{ku yk ð]æÄk……k‚u fhkðŒe y™u ™k™e ™k™e ¼w÷kufkZe …rŒ™u VrhÞkË fhe ð]æÄkðrðYæÄð W~fu ]hýe fhŒe nŒe.Ëefhku …ý …Jeh™e ðkŒ {k™e™uð]æÄk1™u y…þçËku6 ƒku÷Œku y™ufÞkhuf nkÚk …ý W…kzŒku nŒku.suÚke ftxk¤e™u yk ð]æÄk¼ …kuŒk™wtÄh Akuze ¼kzk™k {fk™{kt hnuðksŒe hne nŒe. yk ð]æÄkT ‚VkRfk{ fhe …kuŒk™wt „wshk™ [÷kðŒenŒe. …kuŒk™k …rŒ™wt {fk™ fu sÞktnk÷ Œu™ku Ëefhku y™u ðnw hnu Au Œu

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yk ƒ™kð{kt {ËË™e òýÚkŒkt yÇÞ B?™e xe{ ½hu …nkut[eíÞkðhu Ëefhku ðnw Vhkh ÚkR „ÞknŒk. 181™e xe{ îkhk …whŒe‚{s yk…ðk{kt ykðe nŒe.…rŒ™k {fk™™k Œ{u nfËkh AkuŒ{u ynet s hne þfku Aku. …htŒwËefhk™k ºkk‚Úke zhe „Þu÷kð]æÄktyu sýkÔÞwt fu Œ{u sŒk hnuþku…Ae {khe ‚kÚku {khÍwz fhþu. {™ufkÞ{e hûký {¤e hnu Œu {kxu…ku÷e‚ VrhÞkË yk…ðe Au. …htŒwyk yt„u™e rð„Œ ¾ƒh ™Úke.ð]æÄku™e …rhrMÚkhrŒ™u æÞkŒ™u ÷R181™e xe{ îkhk r¼÷kz …ku÷e‚Mxu þ™{kt VrhÞkË ™kutÄkððk{kt{ËË fhe nŒe. yk{ 181yÇG{ {rn÷k nuÕ…1÷kR™rðÄðk ð]æÄkk™u Ônkýhu ykðe nŒe.

f…hkzk Œk÷wfk™k ¾wtx÷e „k{™k ykƒw¼kR „kÞ™e‚khe {kðsŒ Úkfe ƒuMx. Vk{oh yuðkuzo™k nfËkh ƒLÞk

({krníke îkhk)ð÷‚kz,yu„úefÕ[÷h÷ xuf™ku÷kuS

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ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k™k f…hkzkŒk÷wfk™k ¾wx÷e „k{™k ykƒw¼kR¼kt„w¼kR òËð™u „kÞ™e ‚khe{kðsŒ fhðk ƒË÷ ð»ko 2017-18{kt …þw…k÷™ {kxu ykí{keƒuMxÚk Vk{oh™k yuðkuzoÚke ‚L{kr™Œ fhkÞk Au. …þw…k÷™ ûkuºkuyk„ðe ‚w̓wÍ nkuðkÚke ¾uŒe ‚kÚku…þw…k÷™ …ý fhu Au. ‚hfkh™e‚nkÞÚke -ykí{kþ «kusufx nuX¤ƒu „kÞku ÷uðk {kxu ÷ku™ ÷eÄe. 55

nòh™e yuf yuðe ykuMxe ™òŒ™e ƒu „kÞku ÷eÄe.

„kÞku {kxu ÷e÷ku ½k‚-[khku…kuŒk™k ¾uŒh{kt s W„kzu Au. su{ktƒkshe, {fkR, swðkh ð„uhu™ku[khku y™u ‚kÚku Ëký …ý yk…u Au.hkus™k yuf „kÞ™u 15 Úke 17

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ykƒw¼kR sýkðu Au f u,„kÞku™u ‚khku ¾kuhkf™e ‚kÚku-‚kÚku‚khe heŒu {kðsŒ …ý yk…ðk{ktykðu Œku „kÞku ðÄkhu ŒtËwhMŒ{ hnuAu y™u ËwÄ …ý ðÄkhu yk…u Au.ð÷‚kz rsÕ÷k{k t ½ýk…þw…k÷fkuyu ykí{kð «kusufxnuX¤ ÷k¼ ÷eÄku Au.

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Rò„úMŒ ÷kune÷wnký nk÷Œ{ktyk f{o[khe™u ‚khðkh {kxu¾‚uzkÞk u nŒk u.…k u÷e‚½x™kMÚk¤u Ëkuze frð nŒe.ƒeSŒhV ÷kufku™k xku¤uxku¤k W{xe…zTÞk nŒk. ykurV‚{kt hnu÷k‚e‚exeðe Œkuze™u DVR ƒkuõ‚÷qtxkÁyku ÷R „Þk nŒk.

økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuz

økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuz ðíkeyr¼»kuf ze. çkwÄËuð

ftÃkLke Mku¢uxheíkkhe¾ : 29.07.2019MÚk¤ : {wtçkR


CIN: L24230GJ1981PLC004878hS.ykuVeMk : 69/Mke. SykRzeMke RLzMxÙeÞ÷ yuMxux, ðkÃke, S.ð÷Mkkz, økwshkík-396195,

VkuLk Lkt.0260-2430027 / 2400639ðuçkMkkRx : http://www.gtbl.in E-mail : [email protected]

MkuçkeLkk (÷eMxªøk ykuç÷eøkuþLk íkÚkk rzMkõ÷kuÍh hefðkÞh{uLxMk) huøÞw÷uþLk,h01ÃkLkk huøÞw÷uþLk 47 íkÚkk huøÞw÷uþLk h9 yLðÞu LkkuxeMk ÃkkXððk{kt ykðu Au fuíkk.7{e ykuøkMx, h019 çkwÄðkhLkk hkus økwshkík Úku{eMk çkkÞkuMkeLk ÷e{exuzLkeçkkuzo r{®xøk {¤þu su{kt íkk.30{e sqLk, h019 Lkk hkus Ãkwhk Úkíkk ftÃkLkeLkk ºke{kMkefyLkykuzexuz LkkýktfeÞ Ãkheýk{ku Ãkh rð[khýk Úkþu íku{s {tswh fhðk{kt ykðþu.f]Ãkk fhe LkkUÄ ÷uþku fu çkkuzo {exªøk ytøkuLke rðMík]ík {krníke ftÃkLkeLkk MkÇÞkuLku ftÃkLkeLkeðuçkMkkEx www.gtbl.in yLku çkeyuMkE ÷e{exuzLke ðuçkMkkExwww.bseindia.com. Ãkh Ãký WÃk÷çÄ Úkþu.

ðuMxLko xkRBMk{kt «fkrþíkònuhkíkku ytøku ðkt[fkuyuÃkkuíkkLke heíku [fkMkýe fherLkýoÞ ÷uðku.

-ònuh¾çkh {uLkush


LIMITED(Formerly known as

Santaram Spinners Limited)The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

nhkSf{ ðu[ký {kxu ònuh LkkuxeMk Ãkrhrþü-4yu (rLkÞ{ 8(6) nuX¤)ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e{exuz (yøkkW òýeíke ELzeÞk ELVku÷kELk nkWMkªøk VkELkkLMk r÷{exuz)Lkk yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe rMkõÞwhexkRÍuþLk yuLz rhfLMxÙõþLk ykuV VkÞLkkLMkeÞ÷ yuMkuxTMk yuLzyuLVkuMko{uLx ykuV rMkõÞwhexe RLxhuMx yuõx, 2002Lke nuX¤ Lke[u Ëþkoðu÷ rMkõÞkuzo r{÷fíkLkku fçòu ÷eÄku Au. ËuðkËkh íkhVÚke ÷uýe Lkef¤íke hf{Lke ðMkq÷kík {kxu yk fçòu ÷uðk{kt ykÔÞku Au. yk {kxu Lke[u MknefhLkkh yk MÚkkR r{ÕfíkLke ¾heËe {kxu Mke÷çktÄ fðh{kt ykuVh {tøkkððk{kt ykðu Au. yk r{ÕfíkLke rðøkíkku Lke[u {wsçk Au yLku “su ßÞkt Au íÞkt”, yLku su ykÄkhu Au íku ÂMÚkrík{kt Au.

ËuðkËkhku/ ò{eLkËkhku

1) {kunB{Ë R{hkLk ¾kLk2) ÷k÷ {kunB{Ë ¾kLk3) Mkççkku çkuøk{4) huMk{kLke SíkuLÿ hksÃkwík(þu»k{kLke hksÃkwík)(Prospect No.834912)

ze{kLz LkkuxeMkíkkhe¾ yLku hf{

25-òLÞw-2019Yk.18,25,851/-(YrÃkÞk yZkh ÷k¾Ãkå[eMk nòh ykXMkkuyu¬kðLk Võík)

¼kiríkf fçkò™e Œkhe¾

íkkhe¾ 27-sq÷kE-2019MkwÄe ÷uýe Lkef¤íke hf{


Yk.19,17,870/-(YrÃkÞk ykuøkýeMk÷k¾ Mk¥kh nòhykXMkku Mke¥kuh Võík)

MÚkkÞe r{÷fíkLkwt ðýoLkÞwrLkx/^÷ux/yuÃkkxo{uLx Lkt.yu-701, Mkkík{ku {k¤, xkðh-yu,rððuf huMkezuLMke, Ã÷kux/ç÷kuf Lkt.24, yuMk.Lkt.-18/1, MkkrLkÞknu{Ë, [kuÞkoMke, S.Mkwhík, økwshkík(rçkÕxyÃk yuheÞk :- 798Mfu.Vex) Lkk çkÄk ¼køkku MkrníkheÍðo «kRÍ (Y)Yk.15,00,000/-(YrÃkÞk ÃktËh ÷k¾ Võík)

çkkLkkLke hf{ zeÃkkuÍex (EMD)Yk.1,50,000/-(YrÃkÞk yuf ÷k¾ Ãk[kMk nòh Võík)

r{ÕfíkLkk RLMÃkuõþLkLke íkkhe¾28-ykuøkMx-2019,

11.00 Úke 14.00 f÷kf

Ryu{zeLke AuÕ÷e íkkhe¾30-ykuøk-2019 Mkktsu

05.00 MkwÄe

nhkSLke íkkhe¾-Mk{Þ03-MkÃxuBçkh-2019,

11.00 Úke 13.00 f÷kf

MktçktrÄík þk¾kLkwt MkhLkk{wt : ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e., ykuVeMk Lkt.701, Mkkík{ku {k¤, 21{e MkuL[wherçkÍLkuMk MkuLxh, WÄLkk ËhðkòLke ÃkkMku, hªøk hkuz, Mkwhík-395002 (yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe : {neÃkk÷®Mk½ MkeMkkuËeÞk {kuLktçkh : 9712991246)

1. MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ™wt r™heûký fhðk™e Œkhe¾ 28-ykuøkMx-2019, 1100 f÷kfÚke-1400 f÷kf™e ðå[u.2. Ryu{ze ‚kÚku™k r™rùŒ xuLzh Vku{o{kt ‚e÷ fhu÷ ykuVh™e hsqykŒ {kxu™e AuÕ÷e Œkhe¾ 30-ykuøkMx-2019Úke 5 ðkøÞk ‚wÄe ykurV‚™e þk¾k f[uhe …h Au.3. r{÷fŒ™e ykìVh þY fhðk™e Œkhe¾ 03-MkÃxu-2019, W…h™k þk¾k f[uhe™k ‚h™k{u 11.00 f÷kfku - 13.00 f÷kf, xuLzh™k yrÄfkhe™e nkshe{kt ¾w÷þu4. ™kurx‚{kt ƒkfe hnu÷e hf{ y™u ykfrM{f ¾[o, ¾[o, ð„uhu …h ÷ku™ fhkh {wsƒ, ÷k„w ÔÞks ð‚q÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu y™u Œu™e ð‚q÷kŒ ‚wÄe [qfððk…kºk hnuþu.5. ™kurx‚ îkhk ÷uýËkh y™u ƒktÞÄhe yk…™kh™u òýfhðk{kt ykðu Au, ðu[ký ‚{Þu ÔÞrõŒ„Œ Y…u nksh hnuðk {kxu y™u Œuyku WÆurþŒ ¾heËËkh / ¾heËËkhku ÷kðe

þfu Au. ðu[ký™e þhŒku y™u r™Þ{ku™k ykÄkhu W…h sýkðu÷ ðýoðu÷ MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ ¾heËðk {kxu.6. ƒkuhkuðh / ƒktÞÄhe yk…™kh (yku) îkhk ynet îkhk SARFAESI yuõx, 2002 nuX¤ 30 rËð‚™e ™kurx‚ yk…ðk{kt ykðe Au Œu …nu÷kt W…h sýkðu÷ hf{™e

[wfðýe fhðe. nhkS™e Œkhe¾u su MÚkkðh r{÷fŒ™e nhkS fhðk{kt ykðþu y™u ‚tŒw÷™ sku fkuE nkuÞ Œku, ÔÞks y™u ¾[o ‚kÚku ð‚q÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu. sku÷uýËkh ðu[ký™e Œkhe¾ …qðuo ‚t…qýo hf{ ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkR™kL‚ r÷r{xuz™u [qfðe Ëu íkku, nhkS yxfkðe þfkÞ Œuðe sðkƒËkhe ÷u Au.

7. ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkR™kL‚ r÷r{xuz(ykRykRyuVyu÷ yu[yuVyu÷) økwzøkkð™e ŒhVuý{kt zeze îkhk Ryu{ze [qfððk…kºk hnuþu. y™u íku ‚tƒtrÄŒ þk¾k/ fku…kuohux ykìrV‚{kt hsq fhðk{kt ykðþu.

8. nhkS™k ðu[ký {kxu rð„Œðkh r™Þ{ku y™u þhŒku r™ÞwõŒ xuLzh Vku{o{kt þk{u÷ Au. xuLzh ykìrV‚ þk¾k f[uhe{kt W…÷çÄ Au.yÚkðk ík{u www.iifl.com. Mkt˼o÷E þfku Aku yÚkðk WÃkhkuõík yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe Lkku MktÃkfo fhe þfku Aku.

9. MÚkkÞe r{÷fík ‚kiÚke ðÄw xuLzh …h ðu[ðk{kt ykðþu. Œu{ AŒkt, sku Œu sYhe {k™ðk{kt ykðu Œku RLxh-çkezªøk yk…ðk {kxu ‚t…qýo MðŒtºkŒk y™k{Œ hk¾u Au.10.AuÕ÷e Œkhe¾ …Ae ¼hu÷k fkuE yÄwhk xuLzh yÚkðk xuLzh y{kLÞ Œhefu {k™ðk{kt ykðþu y™u Œu {wsƒ Œu™u hË fhðk{kt ykðþu. Ryu{ze fkuEÃký ÔÞks [qfðþu ™net.11.ft…™e yk r{÷fŒ çkkçkíku fkuE …ý sðkƒËkheyku {kxu ft…™e sðkƒËkh ™Úke.ðÄw {krnŒe {kxu, ©e MktsÞ Ík @8657474302, Email : [email protected], fku…kuohux ykìrV‚™ku ‚t…fo fhku: Ã÷kux ™tƒh 98, VuÍ -4, Wãku„ rðnkh,„wz„ktð, nrhÞkýk -122015.MÚk¤ : Mkwhík íkkhe¾ : 30-07-2019

Mkne/- yrÄf]ík yrÄfkhe, ykRykRyuVyu÷ nku{ VkRLkkLMk ÷e{exuz/ (yøkkW òýeíke ELzeÞk ELVku÷kELk nkWMkªøk VkELkkLMk r÷{exuz) ðíke.

‚hËkh «rŒ{k™u skuzŒk nkEðu …h¾kzk …whðk fe[z™ku W…Þku„ !

(«ríkrLkrÄ)¼Y[,ͽrzÞk™e yk‚…k‚ ‚hËkh

«rŒ{k™u sk uzŒk nkRðu …hfkuLxÙõxh îkhk ðh‚kË{kt …zu÷¾kzkyku …whðk {kxu fe[z™kuW…Þku„ fhkÞku,fe[z ðzu ¾kzkyku…whðk™k ƒu õ÷kf{kts ðh‚kË…zŒk fe[z ÄkuðkE sE VheÞÚkkðŒ …rhrMÚkrŒ{kt hkuz ykðe„Þku Au.yk Mxux nkRðu …hͽrzÞk Úke „w{k™Ëuð ðå[u fk[khMŒk suðk [e÷k …ze „Þk Au.

‚hËkh «rŒ{k™u sk uzŒknkEðu™k rðMŒ]Œefhý™efk{„ehe™e þYykŒ Úkes ͽrzÞkŒk÷wfk{k t [k÷Œe fk{„eherððkË{kt hne Au.fkuLxÙkõxh îkhkŒf÷kËe fk{„ehe fhðk{kt ykðŒkhkuz™e …rhrMÚkrŒ yíÞtŒ ¾hkƒy™u yÄqhe …ze Au.„w{k™Ëuð …k‚u,ͽrzÞk ‚uðk‚Ë™ …k‚u, hŒ™…wh…k‚u,¾zkì÷e …k‚u, ¼qtzðk ¾kze…k‚u, hks…khze …w÷ ™e fk{„eheƒkfe Au.sux÷ku hkuz ƒLÞku Au Œu™wt…ý ‚{khfk{ sðkƒËkhfkuLxÙkõxh Ëðkhk ƒhkƒh fhðk{kt

ykðŒwt ™Úke.nk÷{kt ðh‚kË{ktͽrzÞk Úke „w{k™Ëuð ðå[uðkhtðkh hkuz ¾kuËkÞ sE Au.hkuz¾kuËkÞ „Þk ƒkË Œu™u ÞkuøÞ heŒu‚{khfk{ ™rn ÚkŒw t nk uðkÚkehknËkheyku y™u ‚hËkh «rŒ{kyusŒk ykðŒk «ðk‚eyku™u ¼khuy„ðz …ze hne Au.nk÷{kt„Œhkus fkuLxÙkõxh îkhk su søÞkyu{kuxk ¾kzk …ze „Þk Au íÞkt {ux÷f…[e™w t {xeheÞ÷ ðk…he‚{khfk{ fhðk™k ƒË÷u hkuz™e‚kEz {ktÚke fe[z ¼he™u ¾kzk÷uð÷ fhðk{kt ykÔÞk Au.fe[z ðzu¾kzk …whkðk™e fk{„ehe™k ƒu sf÷kf{kt ðh‚kË …zŒk …whkÞu÷¾kzk Vhe Œu ™u Œus …rhrMÚkrŒ{ktykðe „Þk Au y™u fk[k hMŒk™esu{ Mxux nkRðu …h heŒ‚h™k[e÷k …ze „Þk Au.suÚke ðkn™[k÷fku™u ¼khu nkz{khe ™ku ‚k{™kufhðku …ze hÌkku Au.‚íðhu ÞkuøÞ heŒu‚{khfk{ nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykðu suÚkehkus …zŒk ðh‚kË{kt hkusu hkus…whkÞu÷ ¾kzk hes …qðo™e ™kuƒŒ ™kykðu.

ƒuhkus„kh Þwðk™ku™u Œk÷e{ îkhk Mðr™¼ohŒk™ku hkn ƒŒkðŒe …kxý™e

Ëu™k „úk{eý Mðhkus„kh Œk÷e{ ‚tMÚkk({krníke îkhk)…kxý,

Ëuþ™k ykrÚkof rðfk‚™kuËh ô[ku ykðu Œu {kxu f]r»k,fku…kuohux ûkuºk ð„uhu™e su{ „úkBÞfûkkyu Mð-hk us„kh îkhkykrÚkofku…kso™ {níð™wt Au. {kºkþnuhe rðMŒkhku{kt W…÷çÄhk us„khe™e Œfk u W…hk tŒ„k{zkyku{kt ð‚Œk Þwðkð„oîkhk Œu{™k nw™h-f‚ƒ™uhk us„kh™w t {kæÞ{ ƒ™kðeykrÚkof «„rŒ ‚kÄðk{kt ykðuíÞkhu ‚{ks™ku ‚ðkO„e rðfk‚þfâ ƒ™u Au. ¼khŒ ‚hfkh™k„úk{eý rðfk‚ {tºkk÷Þ îkhk‚qû{ Wãku„ku y™u ykSrðfk™kMºkkuŒ rðf‚kððk Yh÷ ‚uÕVyìBÃ÷k uÞ{uLx xÙ uE®™„ELMxexâwx™e MÚkk…™k fhðk{ktykðe Au. rsÕ÷k™e ÷ez ƒutfîkhk [÷kððk{kt ykðŒe ykELMxexâwxT‚ {kxu „úk{eýrðfk‚ {tºkk÷Þ îkhkEL£kMxÙõ[h zuð÷…{uLx ŒÚkkŒk÷e{ ¾[o™u …nkut[e ð¤ðkðÄkhk™ku ™kýkfeÞ ‚nÞku„…qhku …kzðk{kt ykðu Au. {wÏÞíðuºký rð¼k„ku{kt ðnu t[kÞu÷e‚tMÚkk™e «ð]r¥kyku{k tWã{þe÷Œk ò„]rŒ fkÞo¢{îkhk ƒuhkus„kh ÷kufku™u Œu{™k‚k uV Tx-rMf÷™u rðf‚kðef{kýe™w t ‚kÄ™ ƒ™kððkò„]rŒ fu¤ðe Œk÷e{{kt skuzkðk«uhýk yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au.íÞkhƒkË xurõ™f÷-™k u™xurõ™f÷ yuðk y÷„y÷„ Œk÷e{ fkÞo¢{ku ÞkuS

Œk÷e{ yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au y™uŒk÷e{ fkÞo¢{ ƒkË W{uËðkh™u…kuŒk™ku ÄtÄku fu hkus„kh þY fhðksYhe ™kýkrfÞ ‚nkÞy…kððk{kt {ËËY… ÚkkÞ Au. ¾uŒey™u …þw…k÷™ …h r™¼oh …kxýrsÕ÷k{kt Wãku„ku ™rnðŒ Au íÞkhursÕ÷k™k „k{zkyku{kt ð‚ŒkÞwðkyku y™u {rn÷kyku™u Mðr™¼ohƒ™u Œu {kxu Ë u™k „úk{eýMðhkus„kh Œk÷e{ ‚tMÚkk, …kxýîkhk hkus„kh Œk÷e{™wt ykÞkus™fhðk{kt ykðu Au. „úkBÞ fûkkyuyuLxh«uLÞkuh yðuh™u‚ «ku„úk{yux÷u fu Wã{þe÷Œk ò„]rŒfkÞo¢{ ÞkuS ƒuhkus„kh Þwðk™kuy™u {rn÷kyku™u Œu{™e Y[e{wsƒ Œk÷e{ ÷E Mðhkus„khîkhk …„¼h Úkðk ŒÚkk «uhýkyk…ðk{kt ykðu Au. ‚tMÚkk îkhky÷„ y÷„ rðMŒkh™kƒuhkus„kh ÷kufku™e ykðzŒ y™u«kÃÞ ‚kÄ™ku Úkfe ykrÚkof W…kso™{kxu «uheŒ fhe Œu{™u Œk÷e{yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au. Ëu™k „úk{eýMðhkus„kh Œk÷e{ ‚tMÚkk îkhkfBÃÞwxh yufkWLxet„, xw rÔn÷hr{fur™f, ‚e.‚e.xe.ðe. fu{uhk

ELMxku÷uþ™ yuLz ‚rðo‚et„,ðkÞh{u™ suðk xurõ™f÷ Œk÷e{fkÞo¢{ku™e ‚kÚku ‚kÚku {rn÷kr‚ðý, çÞwxe …k÷oh, „]nWãku„™e ƒ™kðxku ‚rnŒ 30sux÷k Œk÷e{ fkÞo¢{k u[÷kððk{kt ykðu Au. 10Úke 45rËð‚ sux÷k ‚{Þ„k¤k{k t[÷kððk{k t ykðŒk fux÷kfŒk÷e{ fkÞo¢{k u Úkfe fk uEsøÞkyu ™kufhe {¤e þfu Au Œku{kuxk¼k„™k Œk÷e{ fkÞo¢{ Úkfe…kuŒu s Wã{þe÷ ƒ™e yk„ðkuÄtÄku-hkus„kh þY fhe þfkÞ Au.‚tMÚkk{kt Œk÷e{ ÷uŒk W{uËðkh {kxuhnuðk ŒÚkk s{ðk™e ‚„ðz …ýyk…ðk{kt ykðu Au. ynetŒk÷e{ð„kuo W…hktŒ ðfoþku…, …wY»kkuy™u Mºkeyku {kxu y÷„ zku{uoxhe™eÔÞðMÚkk, fuLxe™ y™u ÷kEƒúuhe‚rnŒ™e ‚wrðÄk …whe …kzðk{kt ykðuAu. rþrûkŒ ŒÚkk yrþrûkŒ Œ{k{ƒuhkus„kh ÷kufku™u Mðr™¼oh ƒ™ðkŒk÷e{ yk…Œe yk ‚tMÚkk îkhk…kuŒk™ku ÄtÄku þY fhðk {kxu™kýkfeÞ {w~fu÷e y™w¼ðŒkŒk÷e{kÚkeoyku™u ÷ku™™e ÔÞðMÚkk …ýfhe yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au.

‚tsu÷e Œk÷wfk {Úkfu 66 fu.ðe ‚ƒMxuþ™ y™uMÚkkr™f ðes f[uhe þÁ fhðk «ò™e {kt„

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91199111 211& 9161 922<11 211191 912391911 &1261111 [910191 919292191169121911 91116111&1 9123 9123 29c9112 91193 611-11 2192<11 &12s1-1193-1&19313 91121112 91&1 216111&1261-11 I12 92a<11 911611919311221-1 s2911-[l 211& 2191 111911212 111000 932911 911939112s11 &12s1 911221291111 911991129&1 I1219211 911 211191-11 99191621 I10 132111122 311<112 2911<11611 91911-11 911219119911 29 931%1191126 2121 61121216911 9112'q12292911& s2&1 91193 &>1 911&1rs1131s 91192 s912l 213 s2911-1l01<111121 s2‘l 2&1 91716112121969111 <11<111121I171 I121I121 9116111 I11 912', 2191 161 6112361123 91191211 621 221 29 «91122193<11 &126111916 &1cs11316 2 23911 2221-1 911 91193 s912l 21362911111 91191 1911 &1261-119192111 11191 29. 2192<11 &126191121991111911c91m111 21191 93&1261111 &1261 11111<1&212s912‘l &1< s1 I191191& s912'11211912 612 21112‘ I11<1121 1191661119111&1 91911 29 r9112 91192 91912121 2198211 &12s11 93121

21619112121 1:61 21611 2191 111&126111913 91193 61111-215 s123 I12121&21 921s<1 216191911111 91199111911 91193 E29161 23.“ 9111121111116111 -19 11193 919112 -1q1291193611 9 <1 22911 I121 2192191 2991193 1111<1 111I121 11121 9111121111296123191191&1391<112 91193 1191s22911 <1112 912 I13 29 22 9911216123211F1 93111-1 1121 261q12329 111 29&1 I121 911932191 1 2192<1191291 s123 11121 2211-11 2191 1112 9161 911 6111 22219131911 6%29 919191191916 261112611212&1< s1 -11 6119211111s191s219119119 911-11 2121 91192 s912l 213s2911 1112 911212196911 292321191s21 2&1 2922911211 69111 <1236112121691 21121911123 62121 21212193911 6111 91193 s912l 213 s29111112 91193 c1311 911<111121 s21 2&191s 9161 9123 9191129&1I12191193&91 2121 911212169111 <11<1111211I121 9116111 I11 91911 2191 111 222911 s123 I121 921111 s191911s2911111 91191&l 1911 c9112 21929111111 29121 3911 216122211 91191193 s9121 213 s2q1111 91191 9112211 911221 &1cs1<11s 91192 s912l911 921s<1 2216191911111 91191 19112193911 &12s1-1l 91921-11 11191 29.


(claim-[€136 611111, 191232)

9999112110 11121211 Illeiloi

29110201291102121218121 99 0110159111121 19121 (1122611623120091132211 29.121162119621921 (1191010110181.


(9112-1151131) 1312 2,1112211912 2992211111911 <11

[12 2 &12s1-11 3911121 91111-1191191116 211611111 292<11 211&111211911 I11911-11I11211-1l 99112911-1 21911911 61161611 91112 &69112I131 221 29 91121 11112&l 912121123911121 91191111s 211611611 199611621 919691121 911 91191 29 11129&1 29111 111211-11 2201911C9I1<1661 -11 219111 s1221911211911111 91112 9116121 931911116911 29 212612 2121 2191 1219119113119111 91&9[& 62131 301911911I12l 221 29 99112 3911121 911911116211611-11 61161611 911911116211911911911 91191& 22 29 111911-112191911911 I121 911 61161s1 1 211191212 1161&1 1911 981 <123191121191611 91112 1912191 93191161691129. 22s 911<11 I11&1-11 611616199113 1219121 11611 22 :1 229116116161 -11 919691121 1112961 211191911 311191121191 I111 9121123 93&12191 29 211611111 l2191s1 2121 s<1121

311911 <1231 211611-11 91191211 2911212 123 621911 291129 6116161 I11219199112 211611111 111911-11 I11211-1l21191911 11 21911911 [2191s1 2121I11211-11 9391 9112191911111 91191 2993 [9121 9112211929161161s1110011122 9119111 @911? 11 91&1 2191129&1 93211111 s2l1 69161 1 91191?29 93' 211611-11 1219161 6112 21211931s911& 29 959112 916 6112 212s12 2121[2191212 2911-1 (9'2 <1191911 11129131911 <1231 111911 291121 9212<1911911 221 29 {1911611 911911 211611-11E19161 2121 1111 61161s1 I1121s2191911111 91191&1 119221 989112111-11s 91211911 [2191219991&-1l21112112 621 126 1911 29 999112F1222 &1261-11 91211 9191191&[291161 21161191111 21<1 112191191193 29 9199112 [2191s1 2121F1911111 191 12611 1112191 1619112912 s2911111 9119121 2191 29 931&91 2121 911991 911 91911-1s &I1121s29111119111c1211611-11I11<1 612129111 111 29.

9151221 212ml Hail-0191911201911(Hlféd'l &I2|)9151621,

911911111 1291211111 221111191&, 911912111121, 61s2l 232 2112&9221-9221 &291121 2119111911911,s1916111, 2911911 2112& 911ss1916111 911931&12191 29. 91312212122611 <12 211191-11 91191-1911911 1112 931 2 21<1111&l 911 s19121991912911 936191123 22 :1 111291232121212& 911&191221 2161911911 91-91 6123 1121 211 2212161131& 9192111 -1 91191 1 111211121121 6111991291191 921,9321&11121121 911911119161-129111-11s<111-ae (s) 91-9191 2s11 612121113911 29. 2112112s [22111111122311 212211, 2'31, <11s3l,<1161,&<19112, (111<11, 21121, 6126,

2116016911013 91922111101 10121112019101111110101911 0101191311 9116

(91131131131) 10101151,912c1<-<11 292211-11 611913

&1261-11 2116611911 911612 91991-110121112 611<11 11191911 911 11191GI12 91s2911&1 91111219119229911 91931 1121 6121112 111919119112111161 116121 613 29 c9112 91111191 &1612 19116111919119193111111191 (361 29. 2116611 911 91161291991-11 11191 292<11 6a<1191216191911 111121112 61-91129 911 91111191 C1I12 611913 111222-11 1291911212199912 1121 [191121 2911-1911912 29 r9112 1291 611212169111912 &22 93&1 11191 93 [912111221911911 11&[912&12-11 <11s1 1121911 11191911 7112111111 I11s12‘l@3911 29 911 911 11191 012111261-911 21q1911 911 11191131112 6262 2122121111 61131 I13911 29 92111911111211 221119111 911 61131111I112[l 9112191 22&1 9112-1 911<1s1

112161131111 93121 9193121 611616&1911 61131911 211911111219162111&1 919911 21911911 9112-1911<1s1 I121 9112111111 1116121(93911 29 911 211612s161111911912912211 @«11 132911192” 919112‘1q1911 2116611 [912911211 9192111121 911 11191 61112 91231912912-211 229221-11 9131 1191s111312111112 91911219112 932 I132


(0129112913321 5191211, 19316151)

- 2191 29 11193 @1991 s911-1l s1<1931I121 11131211111 911c1<1 21911911919311 911 1912119119111 I121 9110121112 11191I12 91231 91113161s22> 113 2 2191191101211911929121 911<1s1911 91931I121 0121112 11191911 7112111111I11s12l (32911 29 c9112 2116611911612 q991-11 0126112 11191111s1611191911 91921111 11191 C361 29.

61932 9311 21161-11 21191 216111112. 92122 939911 3 11611-21111621 219111111291111911611 219191121<1 112 939116 2911111221912 622112. 2212s I121911, 1199121 s61931 212611 3 $sq1-11—1161911-1191911-2116111 21191 <123 93911 691661 62911 3 111 9191121 62911112. 216191&l 11211<1 21191 2129121612911 6 99113&911-11 I2&61161161911, <12s1919116 31211 91111911112. 611111 22911 9193-2111121911<1s-s119112'l 9212211111291111911611 21919112 21191 932321621 112. <11s1-1 6211 1113911,

9[l&1 911911 2 911211 919113911 11291116191 29. 219291-11 21<1111&l93161111&1 2191 2911 39911 11291116161 $2111q911111 9119911 29.&1.2<:92<1123-201e9[l&1.12911912-201211 2193 23.00s<116 22611 911 2611 2111919131221 2122111 9111<11 2221.2292 I12-11 2126121-9191212s12l11621 6 s111911211112191 c1111 9112611 91121, 11321 112. 2s11-1191191/(322911 s2-112 2932MI11<1121 911911119161-129111-11s<111-1311(1) 2661 [2191121916221.

920112111 211121021 32?. 11212921“01911516101 émni 102 6612111011 clul2l

(91161131131) 9191292,911 93<112111 91121991 21911

222 1191292 &911 6161211 2191221s-32l 211611- 1113121111 2126&611611 191 1-‘121-1 21129112 &911911112211 3611 911931911 929111 1 «22619111 &I1121r11 129 221111&l911-11 911112211 1112 1911291911 61611-11 112m 911I1221-1,17111321, 2911, 61111 912111 (31121&22911 1211911-11 6122-1 99191291162911111 911911 29. 1719121111911121112121 (191-211111<1) 911

_ 1- u...- I...502111-01


(2129112 :usoua 1512911- 31151211)

<112r1911123 1121112 (23 61212112119121) 911 1911-1 11121, 91123s611<1<11123 23911<11911, 99112121911123 112<1 (916191), 91112311911123 11912299, 911 61122111911 31113112 (1171612) 919121121261191111 212s12 &9111119112911 911112911123 61111211911(939112111 211211291, 119129301122161 611191121911 9111919121 2126122911 2&1 212911-11 911261 31.61211911123 1122-11 29119291 21221116-1 s2911111 91192 22. at

:91 . .(9|1611311EI)I115|211,

912912211 1922211111611913111 9112 619212 9119113911I131-11 61191121 112 92991221211<11 6211 <112l 22121621<12 911911911&121-121-11él 1191192911 I111[l 29.93111 <11611-1l32-11 91121612191123 221 29-

01191511 21101159111119.1011

61191311199. 6. 9119113911 112111122111 <12 919111123 22.9112619312111 91191<11 911132111122111 211<11 s2911611 9119911 2&1.9111321111 9122911 6191 621 <12s2911111 911911 2212161111 212-1121691&129. 9119113911 I121-11s119112l 112 92991221 211<11 91&1

2393191211 a1212212121<1&111911 s119112‘l1 21129112 1112612131911 2&1.I11<11219121129111 2131 s11 2&1.61l299&22 <11s1-11 21912161161121113911 2&1. 9118221111 22<1121121121911 &1311 6223 6116212212911 <123 919112&1.

011915 11191121 222101911 woo 11122 33 2121011211121 '212321111 0121 632911 0151 3. 32. 21 911111 2165 2611191 91?.1(91151131130011215,

912912211 9292211111 s19121911 9911291111 [29111 s9161l 22129 611611 91231 9112 2212: 9191211619119112 6111 2191 19112291132 32931q111611 291129 611913 111211212221-1911 1113 I100 911 00011122 2 12 s111<19111191191<11222 61-s 91122 2311391111916191111 9121 622911 9 91-9121161-1 913 11131 2191 &2s219191619111 &131 82.21 <11613111911 21s31 911 9121911111[311&l 21111-1 11611 2<1 31119113112 1300/«11 61111<123 32129123 91911 2&1. <116611 301911<112<1 912161191123 9161911191161212 [912112 219112 <11s 619191123 29' 29 2992211111 911691219111 216311221 9113 91912161121911& 21<1&111 29

611913 1'2 s111219111191191<11912161191123 -11 9161911111121919112 2171 &262191 9121911111211-1111 3111911 21619112 611621

' L -. "' \ .1}' é!

.. ' ,1 _

-1l <13 9123 2191111 93121 61611111932 911 611913 I11<11211 91&19121129161 2131 I1219911 2&1<11s1-11 211121611 I121 9121129161(9112911 2&1 91219111 11211-1111<22 s2&1 112<11 &2s219191219111 311-11 2112112191161121-11 911912 61111 1161&111121121911 61192-11 21121121911119116112 91 9111 &13-112 91911

2116111 s111 911911 2&1. 611913-11131211 213 112 911612 91111 &2293&1 911 I1121212221111 1299691191911 12 s111<191 213 11221911911 21&& <11s1-1l 911911211-11 91q2-9m2 22&121911911 222 61-s 916191111119121121 912 22&1 2191 29. I12'21919112 11131 211 2211 232191191<11 &2s2 216161 9121&2l-1111113121111 91619111 &13191219111111 22911 3. a 2 2 1 300/- -1l <12 s21 91219161 11211-1119212, &911 9139-2 111322261.3.300000/— 11611 2<13311213006 11 11911 <123$212 9123 9123 2&1. 9121611911231191132121911 911 919111 93121 91&1&1rs1131s 91219111 11121 2131 911911111<11211 93121 s21 2&1 611913111<1121 12-21212 91 r112129131212911 (111932, .9121.91123) 11 2212911211 911611291932911216211 [9122 92-21 11116191221211 s1919112l 21919121 2&1.

211121 9110112101a191Hi c119 9161

11,0121,221111 91121111611232 2162211

219191 595131 611211 29. 2161111<1911I11 91191<11 21 22.1 I191<11-1l91212 92811116110232 21622 I12 98191111611 221 29. 91121 111611236121622111 11211-11 61221 22 2[3<1211 2219112111 11111 9111122111211161 61911-11 3293 I131 29.91121111611232 21622111 :1 20002161-11 2192261121 112 2162-11 91126129. 11111 116211 11161 91212 9123221 29. 11121 (11191-11 911112211121221 911 9191 21221 11162111 6161s2911-1l 3293 I131 221 29. 11121911191s12 2191121111121 29. 23222139119111111911911 1111 29 2 911 9161-11 6119129 111211-11 911611216193121111w911911 213 29. 21911991 91211116112361[2291 23222139 61131 232211 9112:91121111611236.136121912111219121-1-11s2911 292261 619312111 221 91s9112c129 98191111611 213 29.


(Formerly known asSantaram Spinners Limited)

The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad—380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

612201 2191321deed a101211119161121&931221211 9191 911916191I11&1-1l 211 916121211 s21R2191 2111.

-Méem012 9101172

2.1201291151111111 191301012191112911151 291161215011 61191101! 1

(91 9113113001321,39911391111 9112111121 212212

9113111111 9313&1 212391 I12s1-2622 2121 9122112611 1139161131911 122911 1112 6191311(9291191s21911,6l913 913 61131911122911-11 61 s<11s11193 9122112I13&1 61913 91191123 9323 2:2191911q& 1112129101111 213 91191191911 29.911 222 212391 I12399113911911 21111-1291 91991 s191122&1 93911 911<11 I131 9191129.

212212 91111111 9313211212391-11 [91229116221111s1119112l-11 213911& 91192 319113911&12s1111 911<1&1 s11191l2‘l[919112111 221 2961-21622 2121&s<1121 s16191121 s2qL111 91191&1213-11 1112129111 91291& 612161911 91221 I131 292111-1291 11121,399113911 219112121 I1121, 2&122111216131911 I1121, (123911 6113111121, 2193111231 2<1 -11 61119112161161 29.922911 213 61-911 29 91211121 2111126111 931161212s1-21sa2 2911216121612 62911111

9119121 1911212111 912211211131918911 911 92611-1291 9199191129112 213 6112191 9323 29.2136112191 919116112 11 911991 211211112s111 112 912 219119112122121911 911 212212 911311119193&1 91191&1 919112119111 911129191913 I131 221 29.21<1111'91&2193 s1-21sa2 212193 9399119111121 61131 I131 9191129 9911112<162911-1; 116121912 911I12‘12111126111 62911-11 612<1 213-11211233 111911 61913 911211 61131<191<1 s2q1111911991129.61913 91361131 221911-11 6111911211111 93s<11s111 q22112 I13&1 22191<161131 2:21 1 1 192 I1121291131111911911 9191129 911 61911 22211-119361 222 212391 112 21&212-11911<11 I131 91911 29.98911 9112-1911<1s11 6112 21361121 -11 21111-11329111131 2911 29.21212 911991 211211112s111 2191 9129111119111 929112193 I13&1 9122112111 219E;> 21932218112 611312192 1551-11 1161& -11911 .



91121911 : 20.00.2010221m : 3012:

349:2c 911-i121 01121121101 c-ilH'lésCIN: L2423OGJ1981PLC004878

2299112121: 224211. 209112331211 2322219191 91222, 911111, 2991912113, 222121-302 12911,3111.0220-2330023/ 23002392

9161211232: http://www.gtb|.in E-mail : [email protected]

21611-11 (91122191 91164191211 &911 [3216611352 2169119121221) 293151211,2011111 299451211 30 &911 299451211 22 91-9191 112121 11139111111 91191 29 6211.9111 9119122, 2012: 1291911211 2192 21932121 9111121 6119112111 91111123116113r [111391116121 92111&1.3011l 922-1, 201 e -11 2193 22191&16I1-1l-1171111121ls9119113133 112116191 1121211111112 [19112211 9121 «11193 11922 62911111 9119121.3111621 1191 <1211 2 6113 1112191 9131-11 191 & 11112-11 62-11-11 21119111 62-11-11

www.gtb| .in 911 6 912123 2111112311 9161211232www.bseindia.com. I12 112101191661 9121.

04922c $91121 01121121101 c-ilu'lés 910112111931915 5']. 03.1291

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911512] 911191 01:12 5 was 01 a a:alilul 2:101 225'"


3|.ac,eu,cuql-(311191191912 9116111991121 29212 911321191661911 6611)

\ \ \ \62133591 91211121 211.2 9106.2 011911261 1112131124291 (1312191 2(9) 6.5m)91169116919912 2111 6123-11-29 91161123 (9191113 91121111 23-31911 2321911231 211321191 2123-11-21 [3161123)119101321 911116121 15152212107121.“ 29105 [2622;5q 99115 51910119211910 29121221 29105291251219102 29115 {51 2131 023222. 29153, 2002911 261/1 1191 22119191 13161113 01916211166931 91111129. 221212 2123911 91211 1161111 2661-11 912291121 1112 91166931 51911111 9119911 29. 9116111 1191 212162-112 911291123 012621 612161 611% 211916111 691261191162 6191191911911 911-1 29. 911 01262111 091111191 119361 9 911 ”99 9291i 2) 2211”, 29101 99 29112112 19 a maxi 29.

0111312: 510192101] mill-1| eellal'l 131652113; 912101

' ou-filiIa-eoqc-211261 20- (11 401:-gu'l (11211 01 201211 25-3131.10,w,200/-(3111911 911912112191161 21912 293129116211 21112 $691)

[31312/59112/29‘19112'9‘102 011291-001, 21121911 Imn, aisle-291‘,1971915 221130211, K11Z/OC1‘l-5 01.23, 2121.01.41.41, 2111312116315, 211211211, 31.21221, fl‘YildUalC-ZUN 29121211 :- 02-223.51;) 11616119111911 21[2&2175919112171 (3)

al.fill,oo,oool-(301911 I122 <1161 3691)

011011011 2591 s'1u17fla (EMD)313,910,000 -(301911916 91161 I191121 29:12 {9591)

[it-52ml (10291592101011 mill" inius'lol'l 23241 mil“3 . Gal-31011 nle’lul-emal. 211

111.00 ail 1115.00 50115 011.00 2911 1 1.00 911 13.00 6q Mac-31212291932)

21011212: 2110112 2126112 : 11169116393912 2161 31611-21 <11, 9116121 1.301. 211219119111 21111 212,21013121 21-22, 6111122911113 11121, 2191213. 2221-3211009 (91131321 91016121 : 9121111u 21121121911111

/ 6111122 91113221911 29262911111 9119121.

31391191, 212911211-1 2 20111.22101 : 210221 21121111 : 30-03-2022

1. 2911912 [11916911]; [31218121 62911911 9111161 20291131292012, “00 &C‘II-S'Efl-‘IUOO {rt-11.1.2911 91731.2. 23919131 21191-1113113121222 311191121191 62<1 91122-11 29491121 111211 296911 &12161 so-u‘Iauae-aoqc-efl 11 91132112111 911132111 21161169121 I12 29.3. [119162111 91132 21 62911-11 «112161 os-HIé-eo‘te, 6112-1121111169121-11212-1111 1.11.00 &(1I-5-‘I - 13.00 {rt-"5, 2-32-11911316121-11 219321911 912119. 1102111161161 222 2691 911 911s1291s 6191, 6191, 91912 I12 911-1 s212 11,9361, 91121, 991192 912291 62116119119121 911 2111 912151121 21,911 9269191111171 2221.I1. 111321 21219121212 911 611911121 91111-1121 91512162911111 91191 29, 9191121211191 99113119121 311 21932 229119112 911 «1911 6212121 11212212/112122121911911

216 29. 919112111 212211 911 [191111-11 9119112 (3112 92211912 912191<1 2911912 [91916-1 612129111112.2. 61121912 / 611911121 91111-112 (911) 21219121 2121SARFAESI 29152., 2002 5501 30 [29121311 0111521 91111911911 911911 29 «1 112911622 9122119191 266111

691211 62911. 221299-11 2112161 92} 2911912 1919162111 22129 62911111 9119121 921-1 212911 9191 6123 2191 &1, 991192 911 6191 21191 912151 62911111 9119121. 9319121212 919112111 &12161 1291 211221 2661 umuma‘iaa‘ia 0191 {swam-a1 [21619.51 926911 2 &1, 221929 91261911 216191 21911 93911612121 91 29.

e. 91113911239129 9191 2191 3123-11-21 12119123(91123911239129}1<1 9191913 9191) 2139119111 2123211113131 212113911131 9269191111131 2221. 911 21 216119191 211611

2. 22121911919111.1212 19191&9112 [191911 911 212211 1312621222 31119112111191 29. 2-32 9111321 211611 69121911 (3291611 29.9191911&11 www.iif|.com. 212619123 2161 291391919116'121691 91131 & 911316121 11 21116 621 2161291.

2. 2911911 1112621 211911 91:1, 2-32 I12 9191911111 9119121. «111 2921i, 921 «1 92321 1111911111 91191 &1 2322-6113191 911119111112 211221 2912161911 91111191 2161 29.10. 29<<1l &12161 11291 012211 6123 91221 2-32 9191911 2-32 91111-91 «1213 1111911911 9119121 911 1 29261 «11 22 62911911 9119121. 23919131 6113‘1'31 991195 162121 121.1 1.6211 911 [9191621 6116121 6123 I121-93911612121911 1111 6211 9391161212 1911.912 1111211 1112, 911 219391 311 @22110393302, Email : [email protected], 6111122 911132111 21116 621: 12112 1612 «2, 2939 -3, (321191 [91212,

He'll- 2111312591 29113—6121, umultm‘laa‘lc—i 5191 5121011021 cilu'lésl(2913116 weilcil 21051911 2101510110101 5115211191 5121011021 12191155) 9121'].


612201 2121321 110101012, CH. 30 I125-1121, 201c- 30l7/2019Gandhinagar 7

(uliécil &I2I)UIZBI,22111 21111213 [P1312111

22 (1211 211:1 1 I112 301,311122 2171 1212-11 1I1 2.11m321121 2:1-2112112 2121211121311111 Héflj 11. I1171212.21 [112112111 (31:11-112112112111 131 (1I12i121112121111 :12111 {1:11:1212121 1I111 2512-321111121121121; mum 6111:112111213 112111 2111:1111 211:12112 21I11111 21:11211 [P1312121321 611 11. (I1121 212312111111121 [13121 I1711:1:1 2121213141 (121121 211 21122181311127111 [13211111 22:1 216221II:11I1I1-2 21311121131212321 2211I111 32:11I112:11:11 11. 11::11-11 :112 :132121 21:11:1:11I1[ 2111-11 2:1113121221221 I112 2.111121[13121 I1'711:1:1 212113111223212 3:1:1I1I1-a 121111:11I1 6121-1 I121211 161111112111 112113191 21211121I121I112c11I11 2:111 11. 3621117121 [121121111 :12: 211:1:11212211-11 11 [1121111(321121111 112 3121312121 612112112 :1 31-1 1I11121122-12311 [213211213112111; 21111 6111111112101 3:11:11 11:11I1I11 112111112211 2111:1111 211:1 11.11126112 211-13:1—111-128-1321 2:1:11 21:1212:1:121 11:-11I1 31:13I11 2112:)

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2011911111121 2:12112112 cllC-ilH 211211o

11:11I1 2111:1111 211:1 11 2:1111:11I1 312131 6112 (19121121I111111 I[:11 2 2112112 21.3 32:111321 11211131 2121212:1I11:1:11I11 I122§I1 21121 11. I111211-1 I121I11:11 I12 [-1012 I11a21[1:211I11 (3211211 112:11 11 «I11211::1111 211I121211I11 :12111311211 2:1-1 1122112111 2:11-1:1261-1 1 I112 211 2.11112121211112 11:-11I1 212211, 112212121 2112112 1121111 21121111321111 21:1 11. 2.11221 321121211-22111112 21:12-121 1112.11I1212:1 3 (3211211111 12111312121 21121 612112112 311112:1-1 112112111 1I111 .32111161 11:-[1I1 :1113 2121121122121 I121<I12 21:11 1211 1122112111:1111 211:1 11. 212211 212121:11 21121 [1211211612112112 :113111 211121 211-1111I21 2111111 2131 2111213 @1111I112 11211 321 1I1-1 11:-[1I12:11I1c11I11 211:1 11. 211 1111121212112112 11:11I1 212211 21213II 22 61310-2121, 2 [32:12[213 13, 3I121

13-221:121-1 211-2 2112121121,:11212I11 1:11 2131321 11:11I1312131111 21121 21121 “12:11[21:121, 62121 I11:-[2, 212(121121-11 6111121 21121 3012:11 11:-[1I1 312131121:11:1:11I1[ 211:1 11. 10211 101[1:121 12:11 211112116111121:11:1:11I11 2:11:111 312:11311:11I1 3121311 2121 31131221161 11321 I1611 212 11 111121011211 11:-11I1 31:13I1 9121I111 1 (32112111 6111 211-21:11I[I11-2112112 21: 321 213121 11.212211I11 11:11I1 :111 (1I12:112 I11222:11 1211 111111 21112 I1212112:1111 211:1 11. 2121112111121 @1211 :1321I1, 3.321611 27121 I112 2111 215122112112211, 3-211 211-1 :1113212121121-11 11111132112111211111. [211211 1211 2111211211 1I11I1I12112112 21131-1 211-1012 611:1111:11I1 2:11I1c11 211 212211 2121I111111 1211 21.3 32:11 I11211211211 23:11 21101111112111911211 211-11 :z1c12211I121321 2111:1111 21161 11.

1112151 111321011 1.7.1 011111 2111010111: 91121111121121 111211 21210122. 51112 21

(Hliécil 2121):.1012115,212113221121 2311:1122

I1-11I1-21 211-211 ‘211cI11 ‘2:92:11 321121 311121 222922172211211121 11. 211 2311-21111 36:131:1 20:01-11 1I11I1 212111 211-11221:1221 111112111: 213:1132:11 ' 1211 3111 11211111112112 1131121 2121 I12:11211-13111 [13121 21121 213611212112122111211 21121 29:11 1121212211? [I11 32:11:; 11.

112-12112 [12:11-11 3I121211121311161211 211I111 2111011130112101113 1121-11 21121-11 2112111111 32:11 612:1 :161 2010-12I11 I121I11c1-1 I112 211-I111612221 211211 21112211 21-I11F11 321211 11. I12131111 21712112121 23316121 21:11211 6111 21121I121I11c11 I121 32 11. 212312-11212121211 2111121111132 226161 211211 :1:11I112 :111 211211. I1I1

2112-11 2:13 2:1:11 211221 1111-11 61 211111 :11611.

211111 I112 :-11:11 21121-21121I1111116112I111 (12112 11. 1I11611121, I13113, 1:112 12121121121 2:11 21121 2121121211111 11.21111 2:13 21121-1 1I1 211 10

121 21102111 3110011 (161011801[Elam 51821101 «212

(Hliécil 2121):.1012115,112112 [121111 (1122111

11:;13111 213 211I1I11211 1 2 1I1[2:11 2:11 :1113-1 (3I12 211321-1 21111-1 I122-11 1321211111, I122 32:11 21I111 321 21.31:1 I16111-[1 21121 112112-111 2 1 -11 21I1 [22161 (3I12 I121211211. [29161 1I1121 3211 “1:131I122; 3, 211 28-11-11 (3'I12 2 2 :161211. 121 21321 211-1 :12, 211I1511-12112 111121 211 1 I1221 2 1-11 21I1 321 2.11.

2116121129121 11 2, I11F1111116112 211 [11:11 :162111

I1 1111 21321 21121 22.11 2.11.1I1-11 :12, 1I11I1 31I11 2:11 226111I1121 321111 21-1 11-11 11-11 (3:113121 I1[F1-1 2122112 321 3166111[136611 (3212211 3211 2.11.21321 I121 I1 2-11 :111 I11-11136111-1 211216212 611:111 21-1391123 2121 I121 (111211 2.11.1211 3216111 2:11 1261101 21111:12 19121 o112111I1311I1122:11111 221 211. 2111:1611 21211331I1 321 2111-1' 2111211 21:11:112.11. I111111I11F1 ' I13113 121121:1 111 2132121 :12, 22 11 1

I1311 211I11211-11 7121311 I121 111:1 1 I112 I121I11 3211 211.1211 21321-:12, (32312121 113-1211611 611:11-1 I112:11 2:11:11 211.21-1 221211 211 :12 122 1211111-11 1131 21191 312121 3:11211. 211 31212111 112121121119121111 211:1111I1-1 I121 211011611:11 21211 611611I11 :12211 121211111121121, 21',

211 6111q I122-[1 1121211121021 I?-11 21I1 :12 I12121111112 21321 131212 2113 21211211. 121-11 I1 2121 I121121I11 2101:1111 2:11:11 211.I1[?111 I131-1-11 1I1 23212 1911I1 2121 1 221 2131 191. I1212132111 71121211 221 11:113121121121231 21I1 11122211I1111 I1121 21121 112332 3221. I1131I1I11 22121 I1611 22. :1 I112I11:-[121 2129112 2:11I1:11 11. I1212:11 2121-11 [1211 61612 1211.39:11-11 I11212212111 61111-1 :1131 2 1-11 21I1 2121 [612112 I11:112122 211I11 $122112 11:11:111I11I122 321 211. 211I1 12121021 112:11 2:111:11131[312111381111 :21212 211:11 2.11.

:11s'o11 125212 01111

3&6" ..31:11 21121 6112181 11. 211211 I112312311 11211 611 212I11-[1I12211-11-1 2 32:11I112 I1611I121:1211:I11:1 . (1I12i1 61211 2112111:11I11I121321:I11 11. 2:111 1I111I1121 2112 211111 11 1I11 22 21321111121211 1 2 911 1a :1122 612101 11. 21121131 221 321I11 (I1 -1I112-1 20 911 2I1 2112-11 2:11:13I161:1 11.

2116101113 12111 11 2,21111-1 2112161121311 21121-2119121121 211 11111 I121 2112:1111211:1 11 211211 :1112 122211 22.11 211-1 221 I121 112 21101 11.:1:12112 11::11I11 212111212113121 21111111 1111322561 c1101 c1111 11.

11:11 alga 11212 99 11.:11 210122211 211122111315 c111 22121 2121 22:11 111111 11111

(Hfifim)eiQC-n,211211 11: 31 2111211111

2:11:211-1 2111 161 12:11 2111 211321:11 11:1,31I11 [F1911 1111:121132121211 E1I11=1I1c11 2113 2113 11«I112 :111 3I1-11 211:11 11:;131-111111113 211121121 :111 21611-111:1,3111 I12 12:11 211I111111-1221-1 32:11-11 2111 21:1 1I1211212 1I1000 12:11 :[112.1123131 11131 2121-1112111211191i I121212112131 21I12111 :1121321 I10 [2111122 11:12 21,111:11611 211111 :1121 21:11 11 112111121123 2121 I1121212211 1121122131111 3211 :[11 171 21-111:311313 :111 32121 21 32:11-11<I1<11I121 321 2. 17111212102111 01:11I121I171 I171-1I121 2112111 I11 2131', 2.121 Fm 6111361113 21121211 321 221 11 «2112211:11 1121,31 I1213 11:311213 2 23:11 22211 211-1 :111 32121 212321111 211:1 1:11 1131-111111-11 I1121 11. 211211 11:3121121cc1I11611c211111-‘1 21191 111:131I11 11:131 I11I1:1121232121 11: 31 I1'211I11 32121[2113121 312 2I112r I11:-1121 I1213E1I1E1I111 21:11 11 «I112 :111 1712121 211211 1121311 1121

21I1<I12121 I131 2111 211 Pm11:131I1212 :111 3I1-111' 3113 I121111-1 :213:1 216111011 212111211 :111932:11.1 I121111I1121I11I16111 -1 1I11 2:1:112 1112:111611 2 :1 22:11 I121 211121 11:111 [1:1 I11I121 I112111I1121I111961221 21:11 311:112 :111 I191321,111 :1161, 2131', I1211 22 3:1121612221111 1I111 I121 $01111311 1I1 1911 I121 :111171 -1 211:111111 3113 I1121 221-11 2121 1I12 :161 911 31I1 2:21 2121:11 '11 1210121213 :1I1r I12.:11 2111-1111: 31 -11 611121-11 3121321 2:1-12112 :11-11 2121 :111 32121 21232:11 I112 21121210211 2131111321 2.11 2131111 6211-1 :113I112121011 2I121<I1113 32121 2121211211 6111 :111 32121 21.3 32:11I112 :111 171-1 <I1:11I121 321 211213 :161 2113 21211 1911 I121 :111171 2121 611212102111 01:11I121-1I121 2116111 I11 21911 2.111 1I1 221,211 3113 I121 111-11 31:1:1132:11I11 2:11:111 1211 1112 2112116111 19121 3:11 216122211 21-1:111 32121 21; 321111 21:1 21132111221 11:31:13 :111 3212121-1 :213:1 2 161:1:11I11 211:1 1:11211211 112131-11 1111-11 I1121 11.


(nadir-[€136 11151, [21232)

111111 2111 11121211 I112ilail

211102012I111111218121 21 0110181 I1121 1:121 (1122611 101 I10011122911232191'1621182'101 C-llClcll 01111181 ..

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(HE-liaiélflila 2,112211212 22921011211 :11

[312 2 11:;13111 301121 211I11111121I13 21161111 11:-:11 2111I112-11211 I11:1111I11211-11 :I1:122111 21:11211 61161311 0112 13:11::I121 221 11 11111 111211 2112112201121 11211113 211611I11 1906116131 21021121 2191‘ 211:1 11 1I11911 1211-1 I11211-11 2191211(31:11-61 11 21111 3122111:11211I11 (I112 2113121 11:11I10211 11 212312 2121 21:1 [2121121111111 211211 32121 2111211:11I121 221 11 «2112 201121 11191113211611-11 61161311 111211113211111211911 :11211 22. 11 I11211-1121121611211 I121 211 6110131 -1 21I191212 I16111 1211 1-1 :113-1:11:-11611I1'1 (I112 [F1211 11:11 I12111. 223 :11:-11 I1111-11611613-12112 [212121 I1611 22 1 212116116131 -11 21021121 I111961 21I191211-1 211121121121 I111 2121113 1112191 11 21161111 [212131 2121 3:1121

@1211 :113-1 21161111 21121211 21:11212113 32111 221111 6116131 I112112112 21161111 I11:1111 I11-211112111111 11 21:11211 [212131 2121I1121111121:I121q:11I112111-=1 111 [?121 :1122-11 121 6116131 I100I122 211:-11-1 (1211‘? 112111 21:11191i1I1'1I1 321-1 (32131 -1 :11?1112110111 [212131112 212I11-13:111 11 12112 2:13 6111 212312 2121[2121211 2211-1 621 :11:111 I1122121211 :113-1 I11211 1:11-1 112:1211:11 221 11 1:11I11 211:11 211611-11[212131 2121 1111 6110131 I1121321:1:11I11 211:111 I1121 1:1121I1-113 I12-11211 1212121 1211-1121I12112 321 I13 1:11 11 12112[1232 11:131-11 21211 21:112111221161 21161121111 21:1 I1212:11:111 11 1112 [212131 2121[-‘1:1I11-1 1:1 I121-1 112181 1I111212 32:11I1'1211:111 21:1 11 11171 2121 111221 2:11 21211-13 1I11213211112111211611-1111612122:111 1I1 11.

111221 212211 Hail-2121211201811(Hliécil 21120051221,

211211I11 [2:1211I11 2211I11:11, 211121 I1121, 61321 132 211210221-151 121121 2110111711,31:13I11, 2:112:11 21121 211331:13I11 21111112111 11. :121221212211 :1221i[111o121-1211I11 I112 11 2 21:11I111 21-11 31121:I1:12211 161:1113 22 1 I11211231212121 1111:1221 2161:11611 2.1.2 3113 I121 211 21,-2121611111 113111 1 211:1 :1 I112I11:-[121 311121221161 211211I11:1121 211111111211113:1I1-ae(3) 21.2111 231 61212112111 11. 21121123 [2211I11I122QI1 212711, 221, :11321,:1121,1:1:112, «11:11, 21121, 611,3,

2116011011012. 222111 111010121112211111111101 1:11 0111:1511 c115

(11051120011151,2112:1211 2292:1111 611212

11213111 216611211 211612 122111[E12I112 61-1:11I1121211 211 I1121(1I12 21321111 1111211211112:11 1111 I121 612I112 I112121171121I11I1 I113121 (113 11 1112 211I1121 11312 1:11 6111:1:11 1111I11I1121 (321 11. 2112611 211 211612122111 I1121 11::11 22:112121121211 [8122112 61-211 11 2:1-1 211I1121 (3I12 611212 I12-13211 I1011121210211, I121 [11121 22111211:1:1 11 111211“ I11212101111:12 122 111 I1121 1 [81211221:11211 1111211211 :1131 I1212:11 1121211 71121I11I1 I113121(12:11 11 211-1 211 I1121 [312111261-211 2111211 211 I1121 61I12 2222 21'22121I11I1121I1221111 1I11211I11211 221119111 211 6112111I11211 «121:1 2211 :1121 211:131

I12161121I11 1121 211121 61161311211 61121211 2111111112:132I1111 12:11 2111911 :1121211:131 I121 71121I11I1 I113121(32:11 11 21-1 216123120112112:121:11 229::11 [1011291 21:1121:11211 2112611 [312112-11 1111-1I121 2:11 I1121 61I12 2113-121212211 2292:1111 c121 I1213I1121211I112 211121112 13 I121

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(0124129311 51:12], [516151)

2121 11 1I11 61221 321111 31:111I121 I1121211I11 211:1:1 21:112111111-1 2:1-1 [312112112111 I121 211[312112 I1121I12 2113-1 211I121(3132:1, I121, 21:11211[12112112111121 211:131 21-1 1111I121 [B12112 I1121211 71121I11I1I113121 (12311 11 1112 2116611211612 122111 [E12I112 I1121I11316111:1:11 1111I11 I1121 (321 11.

6112 111 2116111 21191 216111112. 1122 12:11 2 91611-11121321 21I1I11I12:1111:11611 2121:1121:1 I12 1:113 2111121212 323;,112. 22123 I121211, I122121 361111 212711 2 231111-1161111121711-211111 21121 :113 1:11 3291351 32:11 2 91-11 11121 32:11112. 21612111 I1211:1 21121 212212131211 2 :211‘31211111 110116116111, :1231111 3 21211 211111112. 6111211 212211 211-2111121211213-3I12112‘1 112.211I12:1111c11011 21212112 21121 11321321 -1[2. :1131-1 6131 I112:[1,

21111 211:11 2 :11211 :12112:11I121111611 11. 2112111 211111111611111 2121 c111 3111 I121111611 $2I11:1:11I11 2:11:211 11.11.22121113-2012’211111221121122012211 211 21.003:113 21611 211 2,3I1 21I121121221 212211 21I111 2221.221 I1211 2123121—2121'212312111321 3 31121121112121 1I1-1 2:112,31 :1121, I1221 112. 231-11(I121/(121211 32112 211211I11:-1121 211111111211113:1I1-13I1(1) 2261 [2121121712221.

1012111 101121221 222 I12121I1i111911512101 émui 102 2212111011 c1I1121

(1112151121) 212121,211 1:1121I1 21121221 21:11

222 I1121 1211 161231 21:12213-221 211611— I112121111 2131,31(1I13I1 -171 [-1211 2112112 121121122211 2II1 21111211 1I11 1 «222121111 11112111 1:: 22111111111 21112211 I112 11221211 611111 I131 2111112211,-171I1[21, 2:11, 21I11212I11C1I12i122:11 111111 I121 :I1c1221132:11I11 2:11:11 11. 1712121112:113. 112121 ([11-211I11:1) 211

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(1112115112021151211,21212211 11::11I11

61121911 (I12 61112 2112113211I12111 3I121121 I12 2191:12121:11 321-1 :1121 :12121321:12 211:-11:1111 211211121 I12111:11 I11I11 11.1I11 :11I11-11:12-[1 2112131 211113 221 11-

01121511 2111115211 1211151111

611212111. 3. 2112113211 I121I1121,2111 :13 21111113 21;.0126111211 211:1:11 2111321113211-1 21:11 32:11I11 211:11 2.11.211122111 2122911 611 321 :1232:11I11 2:11:11 211161111 :12-11213211111. 2112113911 I121113I121121 I12 2291:3121 21:11 2111

(212412 :01&12 1126 - 31151211)

13112121 1121:12121 2.1:11I11211 3Ii21121-1 2112:112 I112612121211 2111111211121122111 2121 311 211.6111)122 :113111 21121611 (1I121I121 211. 21181211 22:112112112121 1121-1 2213 6113211212211113 21:11211.

011215 I11c1'121 22211211 1900 1112.2 23 2121011211111 '212112111 0121 52.2211 c1151 3. 32.21

(1.112131120011215,2112-1:211 2232:1111 312121

211-1 211221111 [22111 321611 22111 611611 :121 2112 :1212- 212121121:112112 61-11 2121 1112221122 2211:11I1611 221111 611212 I11:-112122211211 I112 I100 211 000I1122 2 12 31II:121I11 211:1:11222 61-3 2112 1302111121212111 2121 322211 3 2:1-212111 :13 I1121 2171 12321212121211 1121 32.21 :11612111911 21321 2:11 2112161111[2111 21I111 I1611 3:1 3111113221200111 I111:113 22122113 21:11 211. :116611 3111211012:1 212161121113 212121121131212 [1212; 2111-3; :113 612121113 2 ' 11 1123:2111 2:1 321212111 213211121 2112 1212111212111 21:11I11 11

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111 2125 25111 :122112111 31I1 :11211 211. 611212-I1121211 21: I12 211612 211I1 122111 21-1 I11:-11212221-1-11 1293211:1:11 12 3121:1121 212 I1221:11211 2111 :113111 2:11:112-11-11 2112-112 221121:11211 222 61-3 21121211112121121 :135 2211 2121 11. I122[?1:112 I1121 2171 :1211 13216119111 1232 216131 212112111[11112111 61212911 112122121211111213.1133 2 2 1 100/- -11 :12 321 29121211 I12111-112212, 1211 1131-2 1122121221.3.300000/- I1611 3:1131211001 -11 I111 :113$212 2113 2113 21. 2121611211131121121312121111 2:11 2121-11 1121211112311313 2121211 I1121 2121 211:11I11:1121-1 1121 321 2.11 611112I11:1121 12-21212 2:1 “11212.2121211111 (I1-112, .2121.21113) 11 212111211 21121122112121621 [122 21,-2.1 1121311221213121112121212121211.

211121 311011210121q 01191 2121

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(Formerly known asSantaram Spinners Limited)

The Board Meeting will beheld on Monday, 05.08.2019at 1, Laxminagar co.op. SocLtd., Naranpura, Ahmedabad—380013 in which the Board ofDirectors will consider andapprove Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter endedon 30.06.2019.

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