GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996

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  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.

    [DOT 2027

    S T A T U T O R Y I N S T R U M E N T S

    1996 No. 2089


    The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Regulations 1996

    Made - - - - 8th August 1996

    Laid before Parliament 9th August 1996

    Coming into force - - 1st September 1996

    The Secretary of State, in exercise of powers conferred on him by section 15(1), (2), (3)(a), (4), (5)(b), (6)(b), 43(2) to (6) and 82(3)(a) of and paragraphs 1(1), (2), (3) and (4), 3, 4(1), 6, 12, 14 and16 of Schedule 3 to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974(a) and of all other powers enablinghim in that behalf and for the purpose of giving effect without modifications to proposals submittedto him by the Health and Safety Commission under section 11(2)(d) of the said Act after the carrying

    out by the said Commission of consultations in accordance with section 50(3) of that Act, herebymakes the following Regulations:

    PART I:


    Citation, commencement and interpretation

    1.(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Regulations1996 and shall come into force on 1st September 1996.

    (2) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires

    the 1983 Regulations means the Classification and Labelling of Explosives Regulations1983(b);

    the 1991 Regulations means the Packaging of Explosives for Carriage Regulations 1991(c);

    ADR has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    (a) 1974 c. 37; sections 15(1) and 50(3) were amended by the Employment Protection Act 1975 ( 1975 c. 71), Schedule 15,

    paragraphs 6 and 16(3) respectively. The general purposes of Part I referred to in section 15(1) were extended by section 117(2)of the Railways Act 1993 (1993 c. 43). Section 1(1)(c) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 was modified byThe Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (Application to Environmentally Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1996.(S.I. 1996/2075.)
  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    Approved Carriage List means the list referred to in regulation 3(1)(a) as revised in

    accordance with regulation 3(2);approved documents means the documents approved and published by the Health and SafetyCommission in accordance with regulation 3(1) as revised in accordance with regulation 3(2);

    Approved Methods means the document entitled Approved Requirements and TestMethods for the Classification and Packaging of Dangerous Goods for Carriage approvedby the Health and Safety Commission under regulation 4(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations asrevised in accordance with regulation 4(2) of those Regulations;

    approved person means a person approved by the competent authority for the purpose ofcarrying out functions in connection with the examination, testing and certification of tanks,as specified by the competent authority in the approval;

    Approved Tank Requirements means the document referred to and described in

    regulation 3(1)(b) as revised in accordance with regulation 3(2);the CDGCPL Regulations means the Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Classification,Packaging and Labelling) and Use of Transportable Pressure Receptacles Regulations1996(d);

    carriage means carriage by rail and shall be construed in accordance with regulation 2(8),and related words shall be construed accordingly;

    Carriage Information means the information referred to and described in regulation 11(1)and (2);

    the CER Regulations means the Carriage of Explosives by Road Regulations 1996(e);

    classification has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    classification code in relation to dangerous goods means the code referred to inregulation 4(1)(a)(i)(cc) of the CDGCPL Regulations and any reference to classificationcode or class followed by a number means the particular classification code for those goodsspecified in the Approved Carriage List;

    Compatibility Group and Compatibility Group letter have the meanings assigned to themin regulation 2(1) of the 1983 Regulations;

    competent authority means a person or organisation in any country which is for the timebeing a competent authority for the purposes of

    (a) the examination, testing and certification of tanks; and

    (b) the approval of persons to carry out such examinations, test and certifications, and forGreat Britain the competent authority means the Secretary of State;

    computer means a computer system including its software;consignor has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    consignors declaration means the declaration referred to and described in regulation 11(2)(b)(iv);

    container has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    corrosive substance means dangerous goods so classified in accordance with regulation 5of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    COTIF means the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail, as revised or re-issued from time to time(f);

    dangerous goods has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPLRegulations;

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    danger sign has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations,

    except in the case of explosives where it has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) ofthe CER Regulations 1996;

    designation means the designation for dangerous goods ascertained in accordance withregulation 5(4)(a) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    the Directive means Council Directive 96/49/EC on the approximation of the laws of theMember States with regard to the transport of dangerous goods by rail;

    Division and Division number have the meanings assigned to them in regulation 2(1) ofthe 1983 Regulations;

    emergency action code means the code, ascertained in accordance with the ApprovedCarriage List, required to be displayed on tank containers and tank wagons which are beingused for the carriage of certain dangerous goods;

    explosives means explosive articles or explosive substances which

    (a) have been assigned on classification to Class 1 in accordance with the 1983 Regulations;or

    (b) are unclassified;

    explosive article means an article containing one or more explosive substances;

    explosive substance means

    (a) a solid or liquid substance; or

    (b) a mixture of solid or liquid substances or both,

    which is capable by chemical reaction in itself of producing gas at such a temperature andpressure and at such a speed as could cause damage to surroundings or which is designed to

    produce an effect by heat, light, sound, gas or smoke or a combination of these as a result ofnon-detonative self-sustaining exothermic chemical reactions;

    facility owner has the meaning assigned to it by section 17(6) of the Railways Act 1993(g);

    factory has the meaning assigned to it by section 175 of the Factories Act 1961(h);

    flammable gas means dangerous goods so classified in accordance with regulation 5 of theCDGCPL Regulations;

    flammable liquid means dangerous goods so classified in accordance with regulation 5 ofthe CDGCPL Regulations;

    flammable solid means dangerous goods so classified in accordance with regulation 5 of theCDGCPL Regulations;

    food means food within the meaning of section 1(1) and (2) of the Food Safety Act 1990(i);fragile package means a package containing a fragile receptacle which

    (a) is made of glass, porcelain, stoneware or similar materials; and

    (b) is not enclosed in a packaging with complete sides protecting it effectively against shock;

    gas has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    gunpowder and smokeless powder have the meanings assigned to them in regulation 2(1)of the Carriage of Explosives by Road Regulations 1996(j);

    harbour area has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the Dangerous Substancesin Harbour Areas Regulations 1987(k);

    hazardous properties has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL

    Regulations;hazard warning panel means the panel referred to and described in paragraph 7 of Schedule 5;
  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    IMDG Code means the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, as revised or re-

    issued from time to time by the International Maritime Organisation(l);infectious substance means dangerous goods so classified in accordance with regulation 5of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    infrastructure controller has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the Railways(Safety Case) Regulations 1994(m);

    intermediate bulk container has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPLRegulations;

    large container means a container having an internal volume of more than 3 cubic metres;

    locomotive has the meaning assigned to it in section 83(1) of the Railways Act 1993;

    military establishment means an establishment intended for use for naval, military or airforce purposes or the purposes of the department of the Secretary of State having responsibilityfor Defence;

    military explosive has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the 1983 Regulations;

    mine and quarry have the meanings assigned to them by section 180 of the Mines andQuarries Act 1954(n);

    motor vehicle has the same meaning as in the Table contained in regulation 3(2) of the RoadVehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986(o);

    multi-load means a load consisting of two or more dangerous goods carried other than inpackages in

    (a) separate containers or tanks of tank wagons; or

    (b) separate compartments of a container or tank of a tank wagon,

    whether or not carried in conjunction with goods which are not dangerous goods;

    net explosive content means the net mass of explosive substance in that explosive article;

    nominally empty means in relation to a storage tank, that it is not in fact empty but that asmuch of the dangerous goods which the storage tank contained as it was reasonably practicableto discharge therefrom has been so discharged;

    non-flammable, non-toxic gas means dangerous goods so classified in accordance withregulation 5 of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    orange-coloured means that colour which has the same colour and luminance properties asthat of an orange-coloured panel;

    orange-coloured panel means a non-reflectorised orange-coloured panel having the same

    colour and luminance properties as those specified in relation to orange-coloured plates inmarginal 1800(1) of Appendix VIII of the Annex to the Directive;

    organic peroxide means dangerous goods so classified in accordance with regulation 5 ofthe CDGCPL Regulations;

    organic peroxide, type b or c means dangerous goods whose designation includes the phraseORGANIC PEROXIDE TYPE B or the phrase ORGANIC PEROXIDE TYPE C, whenclassified in accordance with regulation 5 of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    oxidizing substance means dangerous goods so classified in accordance with regulation 5of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    overpack has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    package has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    packagings has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    packing group has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations

    and any reference to the phrase packing group followed by I, II, or III, in relation tocertain dangerous goods, means the particular packing group for those goods ascertained inaccorance with regulation 5 of those Regulations;

    piggyback transport means the carriage of a road vehicle on a wagon;

    radioactive material has the meaning assigned to it in section 1(1) of the Radioactive Material(Road Transport) Act 1991(p);

    rail vehicle means any conveyance which is used for the carriage of dangerous goods ona railway;

    railway means a system of transport employing parallel rails which provide support andguidance for vehicles carried on flanged wheels, except any such system which

    (a) is a tramway within the meaning of section 67(1) of the Transport and Works Act

    1992(q); or

    (b) is operated wholly within a factory, harbour area, military establishment, mine or quarry;

    railway facility has the meaning assigned to it by section 83(1) of the Railways Act 1993;

    receptacle has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    RID has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    risk group means one of the risk groups referred to in the Approved Methods to whichinfectious substances are assigned and any reference to a risk group followed by a numbermeans the specific risk group to which an infectious substance has been assigned in accordancewith the said Approved Methods;

    road tanker has the same meaning as in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    road vehicle means any conveyance which is used for the carriage of dangerous goods ona road;

    self-reactive substance means dangerous goods whose designation includes the phraseSELF-REACTIVE when classified in accordance with regulation 5 of the CDGCPLRegulations;

    small container means a container having an internal volume of not more than 3 cubic metres;

    spontaneously combustible substance means dangerous goods so classified in accordancewith regulation 5 of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    storage tank means a tank used or intended to be used solely for the storage of dangerousgoods;

    subsidiary hazard has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPLRegulations;

    subsidiary hazard sign has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPLRegulations, except in the case of explosives where it has the meaning assigned to it inregulation 2(1) of the CER Regulations;

    surveillance inspection means an inspection of such premises, equipment and documentsand the making of such enquiries as the person carrying out the inspection thinks appropriatefor the purpose of verifying compliance by an approved person with regulation 9(11);

    tank has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    tank container has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    tank wagon has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    temperature controlled substance means dangerous goods whose designation includes the

    phrase TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED, when classified in accordance with regulation 5of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    toxic gas means dangerous goods so classified in accordance with regulation 5 of theCDGCPL Regulations;

    toxic goods means dangerous goods which, in accordance with regulation 5 of the CDGCPLRegulations, are either classified as TOXIC SUBSTANCE or have the subsidiary hazardTOXIC;

    train has the meaning assigned to it by section 83(1) of the Railways Act 1993;

    train operator in relation to any train, means any person who has the management of thattrain for the time being, and related expressions shall be construed accordingly;

    transportable pressure receptacle has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the

    CDGCPL Regulations;

    UN number has the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the CDGCPL Regulationsand any reference to the letters UN followed by a number, in relation to certain dangerousgoods, means the particular UN number for those goods specified in the Approved CarriageList;

    wagon means a railway vehicle, other than a tank wagon, used for the carriage of goods.

    (3) For the purposes of these Regulations

    (a) the operator of a container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon shall be either

    (i) the person who, having a place of business in Great Britain, owns the container, tankcontainer, tank wagon or wagon concerned, or

    (ii) if no person satisfies the requirements of head (i) above, the person who, having aplace of business in Great Britain, acts as agent for the owner of the said container,tank container, tank wagon or wagon, or

    (iii) if no person satisfies the requirements of either head (i) or head (ii) above, theoperator of the train on which the container or tank container is carried or of whichthe tank wagon or wagon forms part;

    (b) the members of the crew of a train shall include the driver, guard and any other person onboard who has responsibilities in connection with the carriage of dangerous goods on thattrain, and related expressions shall be construed accordingly;

    (c) carriage in bulk means the carriage of solid dangerous goods without packagings;

    (d) any reference to dangerous goods being carried in a wagon or large container under sole

    use shall be a reference to the carriage of a load of dangerous goods which originate fromone consignor in respect of which

    (i) the use of the wagon or large container concerned is exclusively reserved; and

    (ii) all operations for the loading and unloading are carried out in conformity with theinstructions of the consignor or the consignee.

    (4) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(a), a person to whom a container, tank container, tankwagon or wagon is leased or hired shall be deemed to be the owner thereof unless the lessor or, asthe case may be, the hirer has made a written agreement with the person to whom he has leased orhired the container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon to the effect that the lessor or hirer shallassume the responsibilities of the owner imposed by or under these Regulations.

    (5) In these Regulations

    (a) a train owned by the armed forces means a train which is owned by

    (i) Her Majestys Forces,

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (ii) visiting forces within the meaning of Part I of the Visiting Forces Act 1952(r), or

    (iii) any headquarters or organisation designated for the purposes of the International andHeadquarters and Defence Organisations Act 1964(s);

    (b) a train under the control of the armed forces means a train on board which there is, asa member of its crew

    (i) a member of Her Majestys Forces,

    (ii) a member of a visiting force within the meaning of any of the provisions of Part Iof the Visiting Forces Act 1952, or

    (iii) a civilian who is an employee of Her Majestys Forces,

    acting in the course of his duties

    (6) Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference in these Regulations to

    (a) a numbered regulation or Schedule is a reference to the regulation or Schedule in theseRegulations so numbered;

    (b) a numbered paragraph is a reference to the paragraph so numbered in the regulation orSchedule in which the reference appears.


    2.(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) to (4), these Regulations shall apply to and in relation to thecarriage of any dangerous goods in a container, package, tank container, tank wagon, or wagon,except where

    (a) the goods (other than any liquid nitrogen in the jacket of the tank of a tank container ortank wagon which is being carried exclusively for the purpose of insulating any liquid

    helium or liquid hydrogen) are being carried in a locomotive, container, tank container,tank wagon or wagon solely for use in connection with the operation of the locomotive,container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon concerned;

    (b) the goods are being carried in a road vehicle and are intended for use solely in connectionwith the operation of that vehicle;

    (c) the goods are commercial butane, commercial propane, or any mixture thereof, and arebeing carried in a cylinder either

    (i) in a rail vehicle designed for a purpose which includes the use of such goods and thegoods concerned are being carried solely for use in connection with the operationof that vehicle, or

    (ii) as part of the equipment carried on that vehicle,

    provided that the number of cylinders carried thus (including any spare cylinders) doesnot exceed two;

    (d) the goods, are





    being carried on a train owned by the armed forces or on a train under the control of thearmed forces;

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (e) the goods are petroleum spirit, intended for use as fuel in any internal combustion engine

    and not wholly or partly for the purposes of sale, and are being carried in a receptablewhich conforms with the requirements of

    (i) the Petroleum-spirit (Motor Vehicles, &c.) Regulations 1929(t), or

    (ii) regulation 3 to 7 of the Petroleum-spirit (Plastic Containers Regulations 1982(u);

    (f) the goods are a pesticide or a plant protection product, (other than sulphuric acid ora wood preservative), diluted ready for use or otherwise in a condition ready for useand in relation to which there has been given an approval under regulation 5, and aconsent under regulation 6, of the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986(v) or an approvalunder regulation 5 of the Plant Protection Products Regulations 1995(w); and in this sub-paragraph pesticide has the meaning assigned to it in section 16(15) of the Food andEnvironment Protection Act 1985(x), plant protection product has the meaning assignedto it in regulation 2(1) of the Plant Protection Products Regulations 1995 and woodpreservative means a pesticide for preserving wood;

    (g) the goods are radioactive material;

    (h) the goods are being carried solely for use in connection with the provision of train cateringfacilities;

    (i) the carriage commences and terminates within the same factory, harbour area, militaryestablishment, mine or quarry.

    (2) Regulations 3 to 14, 16 to 19 and 24 shall not apply to the carriage of dangerous goods where

    (a) the carriage forms part of an international transport operation which is subject to anybilateral or multilateral special agreement made under the terms of article 4.3 of ADR to

    which the United Kingdom is a signatory and conforms with any conditions attached tothat agreement;

    (b) the carriage forms part of an international transport operation within the meaning ofCOTIF and conforms in every respect with the provisions of RID; or

    (c) the carriage forms part of an international transport operation which is subject to anybilateral or multilateral special agreement made under the terms of COTIF to whichthe United Kingdom is a signatory and conforms with any conditions attached to thatagreement.

    (3) Regulation 4(a) to (c) and regulation 9 and paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 shall not apply to or inrelation to the carriage of a storage tank which is, nominally empty, provided

    (a) in the case where the tank is subject to the Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas

    Containers Regulations 1989(y), it has been examined by a competent person and there isin existence a valid report of that examination in accordance with those Regulations;

    (b) as much of the pipe-work which was connected to the tank as it was reasonably practicableto remove from it has been so removed;

    (c) a suitable pressure relief valve, which shall remain operational during the carriage, is fittedto the tank; and

    (d) subject to sub-paragraph (c) above, all openings in the tank and in any pipe-work attachedthereto have been sealed to prevent the escape of any dangerous goods, insofar as it isreasonably practicable to do so.

    (4) Regulations 5 to 10, 16 and 19 shall not apply to or in relation to the carriage of dangerousgoods in a road vehicle where, prior to being carried by rail, that road vehicle carried thse goods by

    road in accordance with the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Regulations 1996(z) or, in the

    (z) S.I. 1996/2095.
  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    case where the goods being carried in the road vehicle are explosives, the Carriage of Explosives

    by Road Regulations 1996(aa).(5) Regulation 7(2) and (3) shall not apply to or in relation to the carriage of tanks constructed

    before 1st January 1999.

    (6) Regulations 11 to 14 shall not apply to or in relation to the carriage of dangerous goods from acontainer, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which has been damaged as the result of an accidenton a railway or has broken down on a railway, (other than on the siding on which it was loaded), tothe nearest suitable, safe place with a view to that container, tank container, tank wagon or wagonor any other receptacle which is carrying those goods being repaired, cleaned or purged prior to thesafe removal of those goods provided

    (a) all reasonable steps have been taken to prevent any leakage of those goods; and

    (b) the prior consent is obtained of the train operator and each infrastructure controller on

    whose railway the goods are to be carried.(7) Schedule 1 shall only apply to or in relation to the carriage of the tanks of tank containers

    and tank wagons constructed before 1st January 1999.

    (8) For the purposes of these Regulations, a container, package, tank container, tank wagon orwagon shall be deemed to be engaged in the carriage of dangerous goods throughout the periodcommencing

    (a) in the case where the relevant container, package, tank container, tank wagon or wagon hasbeen loaded with the dangerous goods concerned before being brought onto the railway,from the time when the container, package, tank container, tank wagon or wagon is broughtonto the railway for the purpose of carrying those goods; or

    (b) in the case where the relevant container, package, tank container, tank wagon or wagon

    has been brought onto the railway before the commencement of loading, from thecommencement of loading the container, package, tank container, tank wagon or wagonwith the dangerous goods concerned for the purpose of carrying them,

    until the time when either

    (c) the container, package, tank container, tank wagon or wagon is removed from the railway;or

    (d) the container, package, tank container, tank wagon or wagon and, where appropriate, anycompartment of the same has been unloaded and, where necessary cleaned, purged ordecontaminated so that any of the goods or their vapours which remain therein are notsufficient to create a significant risk to the health or safety of any person.

    PART II:


    Meaning of the Approved Carriage List and other approved documents

    3.(1) The Health and Safety Commission shall approve and publish for the purposes of theseRegulations the following documents, in these Regulations referred to as the approved documents,entitled

    (a) Approved Carriage List, which shall contain the information specified in regulation 4(1)(a) of the CDGCPL Regulations;

    (b) Approved Tank Requirements, which shall contain

    (aa) S.I. 1996/2093.
  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


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    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (i) the requirements for the design and construction of tanks for the carriage of

    dangerous goods, other than explosives and radioactive material,(ii) the requirements for the filling of such tanks,

    (iii) the requirements for the examination, testing and certification of such tanks; and

    (iv) explanatory notes and other material requisite for the use of the document.

    (2) The Health and Safety Commission may approve a revision of either of the approveddocuments referred to in paragraph (1) and, when it does so, the Commission shall within 3 monthsof the date of that approval publish in such manner as it considers appropriate a notice specifyingthe revision, the date on which it was approved and the date on which it takes effect, which last-mentioned date shall be not less than 6 months after the date of the approval of the revision.

    Duties in relation to the approved documents

    4. Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in these Regulations

    (a) the operator of a container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which is being used forthe carriage of dangerous goods shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that such of therequirements specified in any of the approved documents as are relevant to that container,tank container, tank wagon or wagon are complied with in relation thereto;

    (b) the operator of any train which is being used for the carriage of dangerous goods inany container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon and each infrastructure controller onwhose railway the goods are carried shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that suchof the requirements specified in any of the approved documents as are relevant to thatcontainer, tank container, tank wagon or wagon are complied with in relation thereto;

    (c) any person who designs, manufactures, imports, supplies, modifies, repairs, examines,

    tests, certifies or fills a tank which is intended to be, or is being, used for the carriageof dangerous goods shall ensure, insofar as they are matters within his control, that suchof the requirements in the Approved Tank Requirements as are relevant to that tank arecomplied with in relation thereto.



    Carriage in bulk in wagons and large containers

    5. No operator of a wagon or large container shall cause or permit to be carried therein anydangerous goods in bulk unless

    (a) the letter Y appears in column 8 of the Approved Carriage List in relation to those goods;

    (b) any requirements specified in Schedule 2 relating to the carriage of those goods in thatwagon or container are complied with;

    (c) in the case of a wagon it is

    (i) closed,

    (ii) open and sheeted, or

    (iii) has a moveable roof; and

    (d) in the case of a large container it is

    (i) closed, or

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    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (ii) open and sheeted.

    Carriage in small containers

    6. No operator of a small container shall cause or permit to be carried therein any dangerousgoods unless the requirements specified in Schedule 3 relating to those goods are complied with.

    Carriage in tanks

    7.(1) No operator of a tank container or tank wagon shall cause or permit to be carried thereinany dangerous goods unless the letter Y appears in column 7 of the Approved Carriage List inrelation to those goods.

    (2) No operator of a tank container or tank wagon shall cause or permit to be carried therein anydangerous goods if the pressure of that tank exceeds the maximum working pressure stated in thecertificate referred to in regulation 9(2).

    (3) No operator of a tank container or tank wagon shall cause or permit to be carried therein anydangerous goods unless the information relating to certification of tanks specifed in the ApprovedTank Requirements is indelibly marked on one or more corrosion-resistant plates which are securelyfastened to the tank of the tank container or tank wagon concerned, or to a support which is weldedto the tank, in a position readily accessible for inspection.

    Suitability of containers, packages, tank containers, tank wagons and wagons

    8.(1) No operator of any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon shall cause or permitto be carried therein any dangerous goods unless the container, tank container, tank wagon or wagonconcerned

    (a) is suitable for the purpose for such carriage; and

    (b) has been adequately maintained.

    (2) No train operator shall cause or permit to be carried in his train any dangerous goods in anycontainer, tank container, tank wagon or wagon unless he has taken all reasonable steps to ensurethat paragraph (1) has been complied with.

    (3) No train operator shall cause or permit to be carried in his train any dangerous goods in apackage unless he has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the package

    (a) is suitable for such carriage; and

    (b) has been adequately maintained.

    (4) In this regulation the expression suitable for such carriage means suitable having regard


    (a) the nature and circumstances of the journey to be undertaken; and

    (b) the hazardous properties and quantities of the dangerous goods and of all other goods tobe carried with them.

    Examination, testing and certification of tanks

    9.(1) The provisions of this Regulation shall only apply to or in relation to tanks constructedafter 31st December 1998.

    (2) No person shall manufacture, import or supply a tank intended for the use of the carriageof dangerous goods unless it is of a design in respect of which a certificate has been signed, dated

    and issued by the competent authority or an approved person stating that such a design (hereinafterreferred to in these regulations as an approved design)

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (a) conforms with such requirements concerning construction, equipment and the dangerous

    goods to be carried as have been approved and published in the Approved TankRequirements; and

    (b) is suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.

    (3) Subject to paragraph (11), no operator of a tank container or tank wagon shall cause or permitto be carried therein any dangerous goods unless a certificate has been signed, dated and issued bythe competent authority or an approved person, stating that the tank of the tank container or tankwagon concerned

    (a) has been examined and tested by the competent authority or approved person, as the casemay be, in accordance with such requirements as have been approved and published inthe Approved Tank Requirements;

    (b) conforms to an approved design; and

    (c) is suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.

    (4) Following the examination and test referred to in paragraph (3), the operator of a tankcontainer or tank wagon which is being used for the carriage of dangerous goods shall ensure that acertificate has been signed, dated and issued by the competent authority or an approved person, at theintervals specified in the Approved Tank Requirements, stating that the tank of the tank containeror tank wagon concerned

    (a) has been examined and tested by the competent authority or approved person, as the casemay be, in accordance with the Approved Tank Requirements; and

    (b) remains suitable for the purpose for which it is being used.

    (5) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (4), the operator of a tank container or tankwagon whose tank has been damaged, modified or repaired in such a way as might impair its safety

    since the last certificate was issued in accordance with paragraph (4) shall ensure that dangerousgoods are not carried therein until a further certificate has been signed, dated and issued by thecompetent authority or an approved person stating that the tank of the tank container or tank wagonconcerned

    (a) has been examined and tested by the competent authority or approved person, as the casemay be, in accordance with such requirements as have been approved and published inthe Approved Tank Requirements; and

    (b) remains suitable for the purpose for which it is being used.

    (6) It shall be sufficient compliance with paragraphs (3) to (5), if the information required to bestated in the certificate is entered in a computer under the control of the operator by the competentauthority or approved person who carried out the examination and test, or by another person acting

    on the instructions of that competent authority or approved person, provided that information(a) is secure from unauthorised interference;

    (b) can be authenticated only by the authority or person who carried out the examination andtest; and

    (c) is capable of being produced in the form of a certificate at the appropriate place referredto in paragraph (7).

    (7) The certificates referred to in paragraphs (3) to (5) shall be kept by the operator of the tankcontainer or tank wagon concerned

    (a) at his principal place of business within Great Britain; or

    (b) at the address within Great Britain from which the deployment of the tank container ortank wagon is controlled.

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (8) It shall be sufficient compliance with paragraph (7) in circumstances where the operator of

    that tank container or tank wagon is not the owner thereof, if either(a) an authenticated photocopy of the relevant certificate is kept

    (i) at the operators principal place of business within Great Britain; or

    (ii) in the case where the operator does not have a place of business in Great Britain, onthe tank container or tank wagon; or

    (b) the certificate is readily available from the owner of the tank container or tank wagonconcerned.

    (9) Where the operator of a tank container or tank wagon changes, the previous operator thereof,insofar as he was required to keep the certificates referred to in paragraphs (3) to (5) at an addressin Great Britain in accordance with paragraph (8), shall give those certificates to the new operator.

    (10) Where the information required for any of the certificates referred to in paragraphs (3),to (5) is entered in a computer in accordance with paragraph (6), it shall be sufficient compliancewith paragraph (7) if that computer is kept at the appropriate place in the said paragraph (7); andwithout prejudice to the generality of paragraph (9), if the operator of the tank container or tankwagon changes in these circumstances, the previous operator thereof shall provide the new operatorwith that information in writing.

    (11) Notwithstanding paragraphs (4) and (5), the operator of a tank container or tank wagon maytransport by rail empty, uncleaned tanks in respect of which the relevant certificate has expired forthe sole purpose of undergoing the tests with a view to renewing that certificate.

    (12) Any approved person who examines, tests and certifies a tank under paragraphs (3) to (5)shall do so properly and in accordance with such criteria as have been approved and published inthe Approved Tank Requirements.

    (13) Following the approval of a person as an approved person, the competent authority or personacting on its behalf shall carry out, upon reasonable notice, a surveillance inspection of the approvedperson at such intervals as the competent authority considers appropriate and for that purpose theapproved person shall afford, at his own cost, any facilities and assistance and make available anyinformation which may reasonably be required by or on behalf of the competent authority.

    (14) Schedule 4 shall have effect with respect to fees for approvals and surveillance inspectionsunder this regulation.

    PART IV:


    Classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous goods

    10. No operator of a container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon shall cause or permit to becarried therein any dangerous goods

    (a) to which the 1983 Regulations apply, unless he has taken all reasonable steps to ensurethat those goods have been classified and labelled in accordance with those Regulations;

    (b) to which the 1991 Regulations apply, unless he has taken all reasonable steps to ensurethat those goods have been packaged in accordance with those Regulations;

    (c) to which the CDGCPL Regulations apply, unless he has taken all reasonable steps toensure that those goods have been classified, packaged and labelled in accordance with

    those Regulations.

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    Carriage Information to be provided by consignors

    11.(1) Subject to paragraph (3), any consignor of dangerous goods shall ensure that anyoperator of a container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon engaged by him to carry those goodsis provided with the information specified in paragraph (2), in these Regulations referred to as theCarriage Information.

    (2) The Carriage Information shall be provided in documentary form prior to carriage and shallcomprise

    (a) in relation to each of the dangerous goods being consigned

    (i) the designation,

    (ii) the classification code, preceded by the word Class or the classification,

    (iii) the UN number, preceded by the letters UN,

    (iv) the packing group, where appropriate,

    (v) in the case of explosives, the Compatibility Group and Division of each type of explosivecarried and the net explosive content,

    (vi) in the case of explosives within a Compatibility Group whose Compatibility Groupletter is C, D or G, whether the explosives are explosive articles or explosivesubstances, and

    (vii) the mass or volume of those goods;

    (b) in relation to the consignment as a whole

    (i) the total mass or volume of the dangerous goods consigned,

    (ii) the name and address of the consignor,

    (iii) the name and address of the consignee, if known,(iv) the name and telephone number where specialist advice concerning the dangerous

    goods being carried can be obtained in English at any time,

    (v) such other information as will enable the operator to comply with regulation 12(1), and

    (vi) a statement dated and signed or authenticated by or on behalf of the consignor, (inthese Regulations referred to as the consignors declaration), confirming that inaccordance with the relevant provisions of these Regulations, the 1983 Regulations,the 1991 Regulations and the CDGCPL Regulations

    (aa) the dangerous goods as presented may be carried,

    (bb) the dangerous goods and any packaging, intermediate bulk container, tankcontainer or tank wagon in which they are contained are in a fit condition

    for carriage and are properly labelled, and

    (cc) where several packages are packed together in an overpack or in a singlecontainer, that this mixed packing is not prohibited.

    (3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in circumstances where the consignor is also the operatorprovided he is carrying those goods on his own behalf.

    (4) No consignor or anyone acting on his behalf shall provide false or misleading information toany operator concerning the dangerous goods to be carried.

    Carriage Information to be provided to operators and infrastructure controllers

    12.(1) Any operator of any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which is being

    used for the carriage of dangerous goods shall ensure that any train operator who has undertaken tocarry that container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon is provided with the Carriage Information.

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (2) Any consignor of dangerous goods for carriage other than in a container, tank container,

    tank wagon or wagon, shall ensure that any train operator engaged by him to carry those goods isprovided with the Carriage Information.

    (3) Any train operator who engages another train operator to carry dangerous goods shall ensurethat that train operator is provided with the Carriage Information.

    (4) The operator of any train which is being used for the carriage of dangerous goods shall ensurethat each infrastructure controller on whose railway the dangerous goods are to be carried is providedwith the Carriage Information.

    (5) No operator of a container, tank container, tank wagon, wagon or train or anyone actingon his behalf shall provide false or misleading information to any other operator engaged by himconcerning the dangerous goods to be carried.

    Keeping of information by operators

    13. The operator of any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which is used for thecarriage of dangerous goods and the train operator on whose train such goods are carried shall keepa record of all the information contained within the Carriage Information in respect of each journeyby train undertaken by the container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon concerned for a periodof at least three months after the completion of the relevant journey.

    Information to be displayed on containers, tank containers, tank wagons and wagons

    14.(1) The operator of any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which is being usedfor the carriage of dangerous goods shall ensure that information concerning those goods is displayedon the container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon concerned in accordance with Schedule 5.

    (2) No person shall cause or permit any of the information referred to in Schedule 5 to bedisplayed on any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon concerning any dangerous goodswhich are no longer being carried therein.

    (3) No person shall cause or permit any information to be displayed on any container, tankcontainer, tank wagon or wagon which would be likely to confuse the emergency services whenread in conjunction with any information displayed in accordance with Schedule 5.

    (4) Nothing in these Regulations or in any of the approved documents shall prevent the displayof information on any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon, in addition to the informationrequired to be displayed in accordance with Schedule 5, concerning any dangerous goods which arebeing carried therein, provided such information is not displayed on orange-coloured panels.

    (5) The operator of any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which is being used for

    the carriage of dangerous goods shall ensure that any danger sign, hazard warning panel, orange-coloured panel or subsidiary hazard sign affixed thereto in accordance with Schedule 5 is clean andfree from obstruction when the container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon concerned is handedover to the train operator.

    (6) No operator of a train shall cause or permit to be carried therein any dangerous goods in acontainer, tank container, tank wagon or wagon unless he has taken all reasonable steps to ensurethat information concerning those goods is displayed on the container, tank container, tank wagonor wagon concerned in accordance with Schedule 5.

    (7) The operator of any train which is being used for the carriage of dangerous goods in acontainer, tank container, tank wagon or wagon shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that anydanger sign, hazard warning panel, orange-coloured panel and subsidiary hazard sign affixed theretoin accordance with Schedule 5 is kept clean and free from obstruction until the container, tank

    container, tank wagon or wagon concerned is handed over to the consignee.

    (8) No person shall

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (a) remove any danger sign, hazard warning panel, orange-coloured panel or subsidiary

    hazard sign affixed in accordance with Schedule 5 from a container, tank container, tankwagon or wagon which is being used for the carriage of dangerous goods, except for thepurpose of updating the information thereon;

    (b) falsify any of the information on any such panel or sign.

    Information, instruction and training for train crews and other persons connected with the

    carriage of dangerous goods

    15.(1) The operator of any train which is being used for the carriage of dangerous goods shallensure that those members of the crew of that train who have responsibilities in connection withthe carriage of the dangerous goods concerned have received adequate information, instruction andtraining to enable them to understand

    (a) the nature of the dangers to which the goods being carried may give rise and the actionthey should take in an emergency concerning them; and

    (b) their duties under these Regulations and sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Worketc. Act 1974.

    (2) The train operator shall keep a record of any training received by members of a train crewpursuant to paragraph (1) whilst in his employment and shall make available a copy of that recordto the crew members concerned.

    (3) The infrastructure controller shall ensure that those of his employees who have responsibilitiesin connection with the carriage of dangerous goods on his railway have received adequateinformation, instruction and training to enable them to understand

    (a) the nature of the dangers to which the goods being carried may give rise and the action

    they should take in an emergency concerning them; and(b) their duties under these Regulations and sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work

    etc. Act 1974.

    (4) The infrastructure controller shall keep a record of any training received by employeespursuant to paragraph (3), and shall make available a copy of that record to the employees concerned.

    PART V:


    Prohibition on overfilling tank containers and tank wagons16. No person shall cause or permit any tank container or tank wagon, or any compartment

    thereof, to be filled beyond its safe level with any dangerous goods.

    Prohibitions on mixed loading and segregation of certain dangerous goods

    17.(1) No person shall cause or permit to be carried in any container or wagon any of themixed loads of dangerous goods specified in Schedule 6.

    (2) No train operator shall cause or permit to be carried in his train any consignment of dangerousgoods unless that consignment is adequately segregated from any other consignment of dangerousgoods carried with it in such a way as to prevent the creation of a significantly greater risk than eachof the consignments of dangerous goods is liable to create separately.

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    Loading, stowage, unloading and cleaning of containers, tank containers, tank wagons and


    18.(1) The operator of a container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which is being usedfor the carriage of dangerous goods and any other person engaged in such carriage shall take suchsteps as it is reasonable for them respectively to take to ensure that nothing in the manner in whichdangerous goods are loaded, stowed or unloaded from the container, tank container, tank wagon orwagon concerned is liable to create a significant risk or significantly increase any existing risk tothe health or safety of any person.

    (2) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1), no person shall cause or permit to becarried in any container or wagon

    (a) any package containing dangerous goods unless any requirements specified in Part I ofSchedule 7 relating to those goods have been complied with;

    (b) any empty, uncleaned packagings unless any requirements specified in Part II ofSchedule 7 relating to the residues therein have been complied with.

    (3) The operator of any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which is to be loadedwith dangerous goods shall ensure that those goods will not, in conjunction with any productremaining in the container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon concerned, create a significant riskor significantly increase any existing risk to the health or safety of any person which arises out ofthe presence of that remaining product.

    (4) No person shall cause or permit any food to be carried in any container, tank container, tankwagon or wagon which is being used for the carriage of toxic goods unless that food is effectivelyseparated from those goods or is otherwise adequately protected from the risk of contamination bythose goods.

    Openings, valves and caps of tank containers and tank wagons to be securely closed

    19.(1) Subject to paragraph (3), the operator of a tank container or tank wagon which is to beused for the carriage of any dangerous goods shall ensure that

    (a) all openings in the tank container or tank wagon concerned; and

    (b) in the case where any discharge or filling opening in the tank container or tank wagonconcerned is fitted with more than one valve or is fitted with a cap, all such valves andthat cap,

    are securely closed prior to carriage.

    (2) Subject to paragraph (3), the train operator whose train is being used to carry any tankcontainer or tank wagon containing dangerous goods shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that

    (a) all openings in the tank container or tank wagon concerned; and

    (b) in the case where any discharge or filling opening in the tank container or tank wagonconcerned is fitted with more than one valve or is fitted with a cap, all such valves andthat cap,

    remain securely closed during carriage.

    (3) Nothing in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be taken as permitting the proper functioning of anysafety device to be compromised.

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    PART VI:



    Marshalling and formation of trains

    20. The operator of a train which is being used for the carriage of dangerous goods shall ensurethat all necessary precautions are taken during the marshalling or formation of that train to preventthe creation of a significant risk or the significant increase of any existing risk to the health or safetyof any person.

    Safe carriage and security

    21. Every person engaged in the carriage of dangerous goods shall take all reasonable steps toensure that

    (a) nothing is done during that carriage to create a significant risk or significantly increaseany existing risk to the health or safety of any person; and

    (b) unauthorised access to the dangerous goods concerned is prevented.

    Prevention of fire, explosion and leakage

    22. No person shall cause or permit anything to be done which is liable to create a significantrisk or significantly increase any existing risk of a fire or an explosion whilst dangerous goods arebeing carried in any container, package, tank container, tank wagon or wagon.

    Emergency arrangements

    23. Each train operator, facility owner and infrastructure controller shall

    (a) draw up and, where appropriate, give effect to such safety systems and procedures as willadequately deal with any emergency involving dangerous goods

    (i) being carried by the relevant train,

    (ii) present at the relevant railway facility, or

    (iii) present on the relevant railway, and

    (b) co-operate with each other so as to ensure effective co-ordination of their respective safetysystems and procedures.



    Restrictions on the carriage of explosives

    24.(1) No person shall cause or permit to be carried any unclassified explosives.

    (2) No person shall cause or permit to be carried any explosives, except in accordance with theseRegulations.

    (3) No person shall cause or permit to be carried any explosives in a tank container or tank wagon.

    (4) No person shall cause or permit to be carried any explosives within a Compatibility Groupwhose Compatibility Group letter is K unless

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (a) the explosives are to be carried for the purpose of explosive ordnance disposal under the

    direction of a member of Her Majestys Forces or a person authorised by the Secretaryof State for Defence; and

    (b) the approval has been obtained of

    (i) the train operator, in whose train the explosives are to be carried; and

    (ii) the infrastructure controller, on whose railway those goods are to be carried.

    (5) No person shall cause or permit to be carried any explosive substances in an open containeror open wagon.

    (6) No person shall cause or permit to be carried any explosive substances within a CompatibilityGroup whose Compatibility Group letter is A.

    (7) No person shall cause or permit to be carried in any container or wagon explosives with a netexplosive content exceeding 20 tonnes unless such explosives are within a Division whose Divisionnumber is 1.4.

    (a) No person shall cause or permit to be carried in any adjacent group of containers or wagonsexplosives of the type specified in column 1 of Schedule 8 with a net explosive contentexceeding that specified for that type of explosives in the corresponding entry in column2 thereof;

    (b) where a train comprises more than one such group of adjacent containers or wagons thetrain operator shall ensure that the minimum separation distance between the nearest partsof each such group shall be that specified in the corresponding entry in column 3 thereof.

    (9) Subject to paragraph (10), no person shall cause or permit to be carried any explosives wihtindifferent Compatibility Groups, (other than those within a Division whose Division number is 1.4),in the same container or wagon unless effective measures have been taken to ensure that the carriage

    of such a mixed load is no more dangerous than the carriage of the same quantity of explosiveswithin any one of the Compatibility Groups in the load would be.

    (10) Nothing in paragraph (9) shall apply to the carriage of explosives within differentCompatibility Groups mixed in accordance with Schedule 9 to these Regulations.

    (11) No person shall cause or permit to be carried any explosive articles in an open container oropen wagon unless, by reason of their packaged weight or dimension, it is not possible to carry thearticles concerned in a closed container or closed wagon.

    (12) Any person who causes or permits to be carried any explosive articles in an open container oropen wagon in accordance with paragraph (11) shall ensure that the articles concerned are completelycovered by sheeting and that the sheeting is securely fixed to the open container or open wagonconcerned except where

    (a) it would not be reasonably practicable to cover the explosive articles with such sheeting;and

    (b) it would not be necessary for their protection.

    Carriage of explosives on passenger trains

    25.(1) Subject to paragraph (2), no person shall carry any explosives on a passenger train.

    (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1),

    (a) gunpowder or smokeless powder or any mixture thereof; and

    (b) explosives within a Compatibility Group whose Compatibility Group letter is S;

    may be carried in a passenger train provided the conditions specified in paragraph (3) are complied


    (3) The conditions referred to in paragraph (2) are

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    (a) subject to paragraph (4), the person concerned has obtained the approval of the train

    operator;(b) subject to paragraph (4), the explosives are kept with the person concerned and are kept

    properly packed;

    (c) the net explosive content of explosives carried by the person concerned does not exceed2 kilograms; and

    (d) all reasonable precautions are taken by the person concerned to prevent accidents arisingfrom the explosives being carried.

    (4) Nothing in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph (3) shall apply to the carriage of railwayfog signals.

    Loading and stowage requirements for explosives for carriage in containers and wagons

    26.(1) The consignor of explosives, other than explosives contained in a sealed container orsealed wagon, shall

    (a) appoint a responsible person; and

    (b) ensure that that person is in constant attendance during the loading of those explosives.

    (2) The consignee of the explosives referred to in paragraph (1) shall

    (a) appoint a responsible person; and

    (b) ensure that that person is in constant attendance during the unloading of those explosives.

    (3) The operator of a container or wagon which is being used for the carriage of explosives shallensure that

    (a) prior to loading, the floor of the container or wagon concerned is properly cleaned;(b) the explosives are stowed in the container or wagon so that they cannot move or shift in

    such a way as to create a significant risk or significantly increase any existing risk to thehealth or safety of any person during carriage.

    (4) No person, other than any person directly concerned with the carriage of the explosives, shallcome within 25 metres of those explosives without reasonable cause whilst they are being loadedinto or unloaded from any container or wagon.

    (5) No person shall smoke or carry any source of ignition in the vicinity of explosives whilst theyare being loaded into or unloaded from any container or wagon.

    Security measures for explosives

    27.(1) Where explosives are to be carried in a closed container or closed wagon the operatorthereof shall ensure that the container or wagon concerned is sealed prior to carriage to preventunauthorised access.

    (2) The train operator and the infrastructure controller shall ensure that the security of anycontainer or wagon which is being used for the carriage of explosives is maintained whenever thetrain is stationary.

    (3) The train operator shall ensure that the carriage of the explosives is completed within areasonable length of time, having regard to the distance involved.

    (4) The consignee of explosives which have been carried by train shall ensure that the explosivesare removed from the railway facility to which they have been carried as soon as is practicable aftertheir arrival there.

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    Interpretation of this Part of the Regulations

    28.(1) For the purposes of regulations 25 to 28, where explosives are being carried by apassenger, the members of the crew of the train on which they are being carried shall not be treatedas though they too are carrying those explosives.

    (2) In regulations 25 to 28

    (a) railway fog signal means a railway signals explosive within a Division whose Divisionnumber is 1.4, within a Compatibility Group whose Compatibility Group Letter is S andwith a UN number 0193;

    (b) unclassified in relation to any explosives means those explosives which have not beenclassified in accordance with the 1983 Regulations.



    Prohibition on carriage of temperature controlled substances

    29. No person shall cause or permit to be carried any temperature controlled substances.

    PART IX:


    Exemption certificates

    30.(1) Subject to paragraph (2), and to any provisions imposed by the Communities in respectof the transport of dangerous goods by rail, the Health and Safety Executive may, by a certificatein writing, exempt

    (a) any person or class of persons;

    (b) any dangerous goods or class of dangerous goods; or

    (c) any container, package, tank container, tank wagon or wagon,

    from all or any of the requirements or prohibitions imposed by these Regulations and any suchexemption may be granted subject to conditions and to a limit of time and may be revoked at anytime.

    (2) The Health and Safety Executive shall not grant any such exemption unless, having regardto the circumstances of the case and in particular to

    (a) any conditions which it proposes to attach to the exemption; and

    (b) any other requirements imposed by or under any enactments which apply to the case,

    it is satisfied that neither the health or safety of persons who are likely to be affected by theexemption, nor in the case of explosives the security of those explosives, will be prejudiced inconsequence of it.

    (3) The Secretary of State for Defence may, in the interests of national security, by a certificatein writing exempt any person from all or any of the requirements or prohibitions imposed by theseRegulations insofar as they relate to the carriage of any dangerous goods and any such exemption

    may be granted subject to conditions and to a limit of time and may be revoked by the said Secretaryof State at any time by a further certificate in writing.

  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.



    31.(1) In any proceedings for an offence consisting of a contravention of any of the provisionsof these Regulations it shall be a defence, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), for the person chargedto prove

    (a) that the commission of the offence was due to the act or default of another person notbeing one of his employees (hereinafter called the other person); and

    (b) that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to avoid commissionof the offence.

    (2) The person charged shall not be entitled to rely upon the defence referred to in paragraph (1)without leave of the court unless, within a period ending seven clear days

    (a) before the hearing to determine the mode of trial, where the proceedings are in Englandor Wales; or

    (b) before the trial, where the proceedings are in Scotland,

    he has served on the prosecutor a notice in writing giving such information identifying or assistingin the identification of the other person as was then in his possession.

    (3) For the purpose of enabling the other person to be charged with and convicted of the offenceby virtue of section 36 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, a person who establishes adefence under this regulation shall nevertheless be treated for the purposes of that section as havingcommitted the offence.

    International provisions

    32.(1) Where, in relation to the carriage of any dangerous goods, any provision of regulations 3

    to 14, 16 to 19 or 24 applies to a matter to which any specified international provision applies, it shallbe sufficient compliance, in relation to that matter, with the provision of the particular regulation ifthe specified international provision is satisfied in respect of that matter.

    (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), the specified international provision means any provisionof

    (a) ADR;

    (b) the IMDG Code; or

    (c) the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, as revisedor re-issued from time to time by the International Civil Aviation Organisation(ab).

    Transitional defence

    33. In any proceedings for an offence consisting of a contravention of any of the provisions ofthese Regulations prior to 1st January 1997 it shall be a defence for the accused to prove that thegoods were carried, or in the case of an alleged contravention of regulation 11 intended to be carriedbefore 1st January 1997, in a container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon in accordance with theCarriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Regulations 1994.(ac)

    Repeals, revocations and amendments

    34.(1) Section 35 of the Explosives Act 1875(ad) is hereby repealed to the extent that itimposes a duty upon every railway company over whose railway any explosives are carried and in

    (ac) S.I. 1994/670.(ad) 1875 (38 & 39 Vict. c.17).
  • 8/6/2019 GB Carriage Dangerous Goods Rail 1996


    Document Printed: 2010-10-27

    Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). UK

    Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.


    this paragraph the expression railway company has the meaning assigned to it in section 108 of

    that Act.(2) The Conveyance by Rail of Military Explosives Regulations 1977(ae) are hereby revoked.

    (3) The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Regulations 1994(af) are hereby revoked.

    (4) In sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 59 of Schedule 2 to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseasesand Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995(ag), for the words has the same meaning as inregulation 1(2) of the Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations 1994 there shall be substitutedthe words have the meaning assigned to it in regulation 2(1) of the Carriage of DangerousGoods (Classification, Packaging and Labelling) and Use of Transportable Pressure ReceptaclesRegulations 1996 (S.I. 1996/2092.).

    Signed by the authority of the Secretary of State for Transport.

    Department of Transport.8th August 1996

    John Bowis

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,

    (ae) S.I. 1977/889.(af) S.I. 1994/670.(ag) S.I. 1995/3163.
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    SCHEDULE 1 Regulation 2(7)


    Testing, examination and maintenance of tank containers and tank wagons

    1.(1) No train operator or operator of any tank container or tank wagon shall cause or permitto be carried therein any dangerous goods unless

    (a) for the purpose of ensuring that it is properly maintained, there has been prepared and thereis carried into effect (in each case by or on behalf of the operator of the tank container ortank wagon concerned) a suitable written scheme for

    (i) the initial and periodic examination, and

    (ii) the initial and, where appropriate, periodic testing,

    (a) of the tank of the tank container or tank wagon concerned by a competent person;

    (b) prior to being used for the first time for the carriage of dangerous goods, a competentperson acting on behalf of the operator of the tank container or tank wagon concerned hasissued a certificate stating that the tank of the tank container or tank wagon concerned issuitable for the purposes specified therein;

    (c) there is in the possession of the operator of the tank container or tank wagon concerned acurrent report signed by the competent person who carried out the most recent examinationand test in accordance with the scheme required by paragraph (a) above, stating

    (i) the date or dates on which the said examination and test were carried out and theresults thereof,

    (ii) the date before which any further examination and, where appropriate, test must becarried out, the interval to that date being that specified in the written scheme referredto in paragraph (a) of this sub-paragraph or such longer interval as the competentperson may specify, and

    (iii) that the tank of the tank container or tank wagon concerned remains suitable for thepurposes specified in the certificate for that tank referred to in paragraph (b) aboveor, if it is no longer suitable for any of those purposes, the purposes for which it issuitable.

    (2) Subject to sub-paragraph (3), no train operator or operator of any tank container or tank wagonshall cause or permit to be carried therein any dangerous goods if the tank of the tank container ortank wagon concerned or any fittings attached to that tank have been damaged, modified or repaired

    in such a way as might affect their safety since either the report referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(c)was issued or, where the tank is such as is specified in sub-paragraph (7) below, the tank and itsfittings were last examined under

    (a) ADR;

    (b) RID; or

    (c) the IMDG Code.

    (3) A train operator may carry dangerous goods in a tank container or tank wagon where thetank of the tank container or tank wagon concerned is in a state of disrepair, for the sole purpose oftransporting such tank to a place for repair, provided it is safe to do so.

    (4) It shall be sufficient compliance with sub-paragraph (1)(c) if

    (a) the competent person referred to in that sub-paragraph first enters his report in a computerunder the control of the operator of the tank container or tank wagon concerned and thenduly authenticates it; or

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    (b) in the case where the competent person does not enter it in a computer under the control

    of the operator of the tank container or tank wagon concerned, the report is transferred tosuch a computer by or on the instructions of the competent person as soon as is practicableafter he first enters it in a computer and duly authenticates it.

    (5) The relevant procedure referred to in sub-paragraph (4) may only be used if the report

    (a) is capable of being reproduced in written form;

    (b) is secure from unauthorised interference; and

    (c) can be authenticated only by the competent person.

    (6) Where, since the report referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(c) was issued, the tank of a tankcontainer or tank wagon or any fittings attached to the tank concerned have fallen into a state ofdisrepair, or have been modified or repaired in such a way as might affect the safety of the said tank,the provisions of sub-paragraph (1) shall apply in respect of any such tank as if it had not previously

    been used for the carriage of dangerous goods.

    (7) Sub-paragraph (1) above shall not apply to the tank of a tank container or tank wagon usedfor the carriage of any dangerous goods where such a tank and its fittings have been examined andtested in accordance with the requirements of

    (a) ADR;

    (b) RID; or

    (c) the IMDG Code.

    Certification of testing, examination and maintenance of tank containers and tank wagons

    2. No operator of any tank container or tank wagon shall cause or permit to be carried therein

    any dangerous goods unless he certifies to the operator of the train on which that tank container isto be carried or of which that tank wagon is to form part that he has complied with paragraph 1 inrespect of the tank of the tank container or tank wagon concerned.

    Keeping of documents

    3. The operator of any tank container or tank wagon shall ensure that all the documents referredto in paragraph 1 are kept throughout the period that they remain valid at the address within GreatBritain from which the deployment of the tank container or tank wagon concerned is controlled.

    (2) It shall be sufficient compliance with sub-paragraph (1) in circumstances where (by virtue ofthe fact that the owner does not have a place of business in Great Britain) the operator of the tankcontainer or tank wagon is not its owner, if

    (a) photocopies of the documents concerned are kept at the operators place of business; or

    (b) the documents concerned are readily available from the owner of the tank container ortank wagon.

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    SCHEDULE 2 Regulation 5


    Flammable solids (classification code 4.1)

    1.(1) Carriage in bulk of the goods UN 1334 NAPHTHALENE, CRUDE ORNAPHTHALENE REFINED shall be in

    (a) steel wagons with a movable-roof; or

    (b) open, steel, large containers or wagons covered with non-flammable sheets.

    (2) Carriage of the following goods in bulk shall be in

    (a) sheeted, open large containers;(b) moveable-roof wagons; or

    (c) wagons with adequate ventilation



    and in the case of UN 3178 FLAMMABLE SOLID, INORGANIC, N.O.S. suitable measures shallbe taken to ensure that those goods cannot escape.

    Substances liable to spontaneous combustion (classification code 4.2)

    2. Where the following goods are carried in bulk in

    (a) sheeted, open large containers;

    (b) moveable-roof wagons; or

    (c) other wagons

    the large containers or wagons concerned shall be metal



    UN 1363 COPRA


    UN 1365 COTTON, WET




    UN 1386 SEEDCAKE

    UN 2217 SEEDCAKE


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    Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases (classification code 4.3)

    3.(1) Carriage in bulk of any of the following goods shall be in large containers or wagonsdesigned and constructed so that the openings for loading and unloading can be closed hermetically





    UN 1435 ZINC ASHES









    (2) Carriage of the goods UN 3170 ALUMINIUM SMELTING BY-PRODUCTS orALUMINIUM RE-MELTING BY-PRODUCTS in bulk shall be in moveable-roof wagons.

    Oxidizing substances (classification code 5.1)

    4.(1) Where OXIDIZING SUBSTANCES are being carried in bulk in metal wagons or largecontainers, measures shall be taken to prevent those substances from coming into contact with anyother combustible dangerous goods or any wooden part of the wagon or container concerned.

    (2) Where OXIDIZING SUBSTANCES are being carried in bulk in wooden lined containersor wooden wagons their flooring and sides shall be completely covered with a waterproof andincombustible lining, or with a coating of sodium silicate or a similar product.

    Toxic substances (classification code 6.1)

    5. Wagons or large containers used for the carriage of the goods UN 3243 SOLIDS

    CONTAINING TOXIC LIQUID, N.O.S. in bulk shall be leak-proof or made leak-proof.

    Infectious substances (classification code 6.2)

    6.(1) Carriage in bulk of the goods UN 3291 CLINICAL WASTE, UNSPECIFIED, N.O.S.shall be in large containers or wagons designed and constructed so that the openings for loading andunloading can be closed hermetically.

    (2) The goods in sub-paragraph (1) above shall be loaded in such a way that dangers to man,animals and the environment are avoided.

    Corrosive substances (classification code 8)

    7.Wagons or large containers used for the carriage of the goods UN 3244 SOLIDSCONTAINING CORROSIVE LIQUIDS, N.O.S. in bulk shall be leak-proof or made leak-proof.

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    Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles (classification code 9)

    8. Wagons or large containers used for the carriage of the goods UN 2211 POLYMERICBEADS, EXPANDABLE shall be properly ventilated.

    SCHEDULE 3 Regulation 6


    Explosive substances and articles (classification code 1)

    1.(1) The carriage of EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES OR ARTICLES in small containers ispermitted provided the goods are contained in packages.

    (2) Where explosive substances of Division 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1G, 1.3C and 1.3G and fireworks ofDivision 1.1G, 1.2G and 1.3G are carried in small containers the floor of those containers shall havea non-metallic surface or covering.

    Gases: compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure (classification code 2)

    2. The carriage of packages containing GASES: COMPRESSED, LIQUEFIED ORDISSOLVED UNDER PRESSURE in small containers is permitted, with the exception of thefollowing gases












    Flammable liquids (classification code 3)

    3. The carriage of packages containing FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS in small containers ispermitted.

    Flammable solids (classification code 4.1)

    4.(1) The carriage of packages containing FLAMMABLE SOLIDS, other than UN 3221SELF-REACTIVE LIQUID TYPE B AND UN 3222 SELF-REACTIVE SOLID TYPE B, in small

    containers is permitted, provided the packages are not fragile packages.

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    (2) The carriage in bulk of any of the following goods in small containers is permitted provided

    the containers are of the closed type with complete sides.UN 1309 ALUMINIUM POWDER, COATED

    UN 1312 BORNEOL










    UN 1350 SULPHUR
















    Substances liable to spontaneous combustion (classification code 4.2)

    5.(1) The carriage of packages containing SUBSTANCES LIABLE TO SPONTANEOUSCOMBUSTION in small containers is permitted.

    (2) The carriage in bulk of any of the following goods in small containers is permitted providedthe containers are of the closed type with complete walls and are made of metal.

    UN 1361 CARBON



    UN 1363 COPRA


    UN 1365 COTTON, WET

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    UN 1373 FIBRES, ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR SYNTHETIC N.O.S., impregnated with oil

    UN 1373 FABRICS, ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR SYNTHETIC, N.O.S., impregnated with oil



    UN 1379 PAPER, UNSATURATED OIL TREATED, incompletely dried

    UN 1386 SEEDCAKE, with more than 1.5% (mass) oil and not more than 11% (mass) moisture

    UN 2217 SEEDCAKE, with not more than 1.5% (mass oil) and not more than 11% (mass) moisture


    Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases (classification code 4.3)

    6.(1) The carriage of packages containing SUBSTANCES WHICH, IN CONTACT WITHWATER, EMIT FLAMMABLE GASES in small containers is permitted.

    (2) The carriage in bulk of any of the following goods in small containers is permitted providedthe containers are so constructed that the openings designed for loading and unloading can be closedhermetically.





    UN 1435 ZINC ASHES

    UN 1436