From the Acting Principal VOLUME NO. 15 – MAY 28 2018 GAZETTE Luke Livian Congratulations to our debaters last Friday evening with a memorable clean sweep of their debates. It is great to see our students put themselves into what can be a daunting position of having to speak on a topic in front of their peers, an opposition and parents. Not only can this be a unnerving experience but to also be judge while doing it! Mr Sinclair- Kydd and his team of coaches do a fantastic job and the students are reaping the benefits. This type of activity encourages confidence in our students. Parents can become more engaged with their child’s schooling through engagement at Learning Progress meetings and discussions at home. Many teenagers behave in a carefree manner, but often there can be a fragile self-esteem beneath that adolescent bravado. The good news is, nurturing self-esteem can help your child develop the confidence and resilience they need to succeed at school. Succeeding at an activity like sport, music or art can be great for a child’s self-esteem and confidence. If they succeed at their chosen activity, there’s a good chance they’ll replicate that success at school and make friends too. When your child is congratulated on successes and achievements, no matter how small, it can give their confidence a boost. Reassure your child that setbacks happen. Encourage them to see that, in every error, there is an opportunity to learn and to look positively towards learning their next achievement. By acting with confidence and self-assurance, you are modelling behaviours that your child may pick up. Improved confidence will help with things like public speaking and other interactions. Friends are important esteem-builders. The more your child brings their school friends home, the more you can get to know them too. If your teen feels comfortable raising any topic with you no matter how embarrassing, upsetting or controversial it may be they’ll be more confident expressing themselves at school. You don’t need to know everything your child is learning in high school to support them with homework. Just being there, showing interest and listening to them can help make your child feel supported even if you can’t help with the subject matter itself. A good way to help your child with their homework is to ask them if you can look through their class workbook, laptop and Rosebank Exchange together. Get them to explain some examples that they have completed in class. Explaining the processes to you will deepen their understanding. If your child has difficulty describing what they covered in class that day, encourage them to talk to their teacher. “Beanie Day” to support brain cancer research

GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love

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Page 1: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


From the Acting Principal VOLUME NO. 15 – MAY 28 2018


Luke Livian

Congratulations to our debaters last Friday evening with a memorable clean sweep of their debates. It is great to see our students put themselves into what can be a daunting position of having to speak on a topic in front of their peers, an opposition and parents. Not only can this be a unnerving experience but to also be judge while doing it! Mr Sinclair- Kydd and his team of coaches do a fantastic job and the students are reaping the benefits. This type of activity encourages confidence in our students.

Parents can become more engaged with their child’s schooling through engagement at Learning Progress meetings and discussions at home. Many teenagers behave in a carefree manner, but often there can be a fragile self-esteem beneath that adolescent bravado. The good news is, nurturing self-esteem can help your child develop the confidence and resilience they need to succeed at school.

Succeeding at an activity like sport, music or art can be great for a child’s self-esteem and confidence. If they succeed at their chosen activity, there’s a good chance they’ll replicate that success at school and make friends too.

When your child is congratulated on successes and achievements, no matter how small, it can give their confidence a boost. Reassure your child that setbacks happen. Encourage them to see that, in every error, there is an opportunity to learn and to look positively towards learning their next achievement.

By acting with confidence and self-assurance, you are modelling behaviours that your child may pick up. Improved confidence will help with things like public speaking and other interactions.

Friends are important esteem-builders. The more your child brings their school friends home, the more you can get to know them too.If your teen feels comfortable raising any topic with you no matter how embarrassing, upsetting or controversial it may be they’ll be more confident expressing themselves at school.

You don’t need to know everything your child is learning in high school to support them with homework. Just being there, showing interest and listening to them can help make your child feel supported even if you can’t help with the subject matter itself.

A good way to help your child with their homework is to ask them if you can look through their class workbook, laptop and Rosebank Exchange together. Get them to explain some examples that they have completed in class. Explaining the processes to you will deepen their understanding. If your child has difficulty describing what they covered in class that day, encourage them to talk to their teacher.

“Beanie Day” to support brain cancer research

Page 2: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


A calendar, planner or a diary with the dates of assignments, tests and exams is also helpful. By planning ahead and starting early, they can break their study up into smaller more manageable tasks and feel more in control of their workload.

Mr Paul HardwickActing Principal

Year 10 Science


Page 3: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 29 May Year 12 LPM’s

Wednesday 30 MayCyber Bullying Presentation from 7pm till 7.30pmTerm 2, P & F Meeting 7.30pm Monday 4 June Athletics Carnival Tuesday 5 June Stage 5 Drama Evening

Friday 8 June Open Day in Lieu

Monday 11 June Queens Birthday public holiday

Tuesday 12 June 2018 Music Ensembles’ showcase

Friday 22 JuneBenedict Day

From the Acting Assistant Principal

We wish to remind our 2017 Year 12 class to come to the general office to pick up their yearbook by 12 June. Rosebank Development Team

ThinkUKnow fact sheet 2: Staying safe

Why is it important to stay safe online? It can help you avoid being a victim of online crime. Learning about some of the unsafe things that can happen, and what we can do about them, will help us to look out for ourselves, family and friends.

What can happen if I am not safe online?


Some people use the internet to bully others. Cyberbullying hurts people. In some cases it can lead to criminal charges. How to report Block and report the bully. Keep proof of the bullying and report this material to the social media service. Within 48 hours, if the content is not removed, report it to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner at www.esafety.gov.au Unwanted contact

Not everyone online is who they say they are. It is important that you know who your children are talking to online. Sometimes adults may pretend to be someone they are not to try and create a relationship with a child online. This is called “grooming”.

How to report

You might need to get the police involved. If you believe a child is in immediate danger call 000. Reports can also be made via the Report Abuse button at www.thinkuknow.org.au

Sharing personal sexual content

Sometimes young people create naked or semi-naked photos or videos, and share them with others. This can have serious consequences for those involved and can even lead to criminal charges. How to reportIf you become aware that this behaviour is happening report it to your child’s school and/or local police. Inappropriate or unsafe content

Some content on the internet may be illegal, upsetting or unsuitable for some age groups. Inappropriate or unsafe content might include:

• pornography • violence • extremist behaviour • sites that encourage criminal and anti-social behaviour • offensive content such as text, photos or videos on social

media • chatrooms or blogs that encourage racism or hate.

Hospitality students cook Lebanese food for staff

Page 4: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


Mrs Louise Chiandotto Acting Assistant Principal

The Term 2 P&F meeting will be held on Wednesday 30 May at 7pm. Constable Jim Bottalico, Ashfield Police Station will speak about cybersafety. The P&F meeting will follow. (It is a parent only event as Constable Jim has already delivered his presentation to certain Year Groups). Please book with this link https://docs.google.com

How to report

Offensive and illegal content complaints should be made to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner at www.esafety.gov.au for investigation. Online radicalisation and extremist material can be reported to www.reportextremism.livingsafetogether.gov.au

ThinkUKnow’s top tips for staying safe online

• Only talk to people on the internet you know and trust, and never meet someone in person you have only 'met' online.

• Think before you post something on the internet about another person.

• Have respectful relationships.

• Learn how to block and report on the sites you and your children use.

• Have a list of health and wellbeing services for your children to access for further support. A reminder that at Wednesday’s P&F meeting a special, free presentation will be offered to parents from the ThinkUKnow organisation.

Fundraising BBQ to raise funds for Immersion experiences

Page 5: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


ThinkUKnow Australia is a cyber safety education program that educates parents and carers of how people are using technology, the challenges they may face online, and how to help them overcome these in a safe and ethical way.

ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank. The program is delivered in collaboration with policing partners New South Wales Police Force, Northern Territory Police, Queensland Police, South Australia Police, Tasmania Police, Western Australia Police, as well as Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.

The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation covers issues relating to children and young peoples’ privacy and security online, their relationships with other users and their online reputation. It provides insight into the devices young people are using, as well as the popular websites, apps and social networking sites they are accessing.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.

Please book asasp


Our College will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation at Term 2’s P&F meeting, Wednesday 30 May at 7 pm All parents and carers are encouraged to attend.

Page 6: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


From the Dean Of MissionCommunity – deep openness to Christ

There is a logic in the Manquehue approach to encounter with Christ in his Word, his Church and his People. I can pray Lectio on my own, and for many of us that is the usual pattern. I can even engage in Tutoría as a “one on one” process of spiritual development, and again, that is not uncommon and is sometimes referred to as “spiritual direction”, a practice more associated with adult Christians than with younger people. But … I cannot be in community on my own – that makes no sense.

Lectio brings me into communion with Jesus through his Word and opens me to a more adult and mature relationship with him as the source of meaning and giver of life and authentic freedom: If you make my Word your home you will indeed be my disciples; you will come to know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8.31-32) Surely relationship with Jesus through Lectio would be enough? Jesus did not think so; nor did St Benedict, St Teresa, or any of the other great spiritual teachers throughout our history. I am too often prone to deluding myself, “kidding myself”, convincing myself that things are good enough and don’t need much work done. If that were the case there would be no need for the Church, or any form of family – we could go along our merry way quite convinced that the voice in my head was that of Jesus, and not, in fact, me talking to myself and making a lot of noise; a never ending loop of me talking to me about me.

Jesus made it clear that he would be present among his disciples whenever two or three were gathered in his name (Matthew 18.20). His presence is not some placebo to make me feel good about myself, but rather the medicine the great healer uses to restore, nourish and empower for service, for as he said quite simply it is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick (Matthew 9.12). So then Tutoría might be enough?There is truth that a one on one mentoring relationship can help me grow in my Christian life and calling, but it is still less than what the Lord had in mind. In one of the most powerful images in the Scriptures, John has Jesus describe his relationship with us as akin to a vine and its branches. It is worth quoting a portion:

‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit. You have already been cleansed by the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit,

because apart from me you can do nothing … If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete (John 15)

Community is “abiding in the vine”. Each of us lives with the other amidst all the realities of the human condition. What makes the Christian community different is the presence of Jesus the Vine who gives life to all the branches. The difference is that we, the branches, are able to take the life Jesus offers, or not. If we chose not to live in the vine, the outcome is stark: Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned (John 15.6).

Community, life in the vine, is not perfect and it would be silly to think it would be perfect. Pope Francis is fond of saying that the community of the Church is like a field hospital, or a place of smelly sheep. In this community where everyone has a home and where Christ with open arms welcomes all humanity and all creation, the first and most important commandment is what closes John 15: ‘This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another. I cannot do this on my own. Benedict knew this. Teresa knew this. Jesus knows it.

Spending time with the brothers and sisters of the Manquehue Apostolic Community taught me a lot about community. Witnessing the great love the community members have for each other, for the students in their schools, the warmth and loving welcome given to guests like me made those words of John come alive in a new and heart-centred way. I came as a visitor, a guest, but left as a brother, a friend. Community does that.

Community is the way Jesus stops me getting trapped in the voices in my head and ending up believing that I am the agent of my own salvation. Community is the way Jesus is present in every other member of the

Page 7: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


community about me as sister or brother, speaking loving truth in word and action. Community is the way Jesus lives through his disciples as they go out to proclaim the Good News and invite others to “come and see” (John 1.39). Community is the way where I deepen my relationship with Christ who comes to me in Lectio and Tutoría into communio – deep relationship – with sisters and brothers who walk with me, beside me, sometimes ahead, sometimes behind, all the time supporting me in a joyful peace that surpasses anything else in the world. Community is quite simply about being one with Christ fully embodied and grounded in his sinful and redeemed people, his much loved and beloved people for whom he willingly gave and continues to give his life, his body – the Church.

My encounter of living and praying with the community in Santiago brought back for me a renewed and deeper love of the Church in all her spotted splendour as the smelly mob of sheep for whom Jesus came as both shepherd and saviour.

Next week – a lay community in the spirit of St Benedict

Dr Paul O’Shea Dean of Mission

4pm: https://www.trybooking.com/VQQT

7pm: https://www.trybooking.com/VQRB

Hospitality students cook Lebanese food for staff

Page 8: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


From the Co-curricular TeamWeek 4 CBSA and SCC Results

Competition Team Opposition Result Player of the match

SCC Junior Netball Bethany College Defeated 7 - 18 Jasmine Gilligan

SCC Intermediate Netball Bethany College Defeated 15 - 25 Vanessa Giardina

SCC Senior Netball Holy Spirit Lakemba Won 40 - 7 Lucinda Della Marta

SCC Senior Soccer Bye

CBSA Junior Soccer Marist Penshurst Defeated 1 - 3 Cameron Duong

CBSA Intermediate Soccer Marist Penshurst Drew 0 - 0 Eren Arslan

CBSA Senior Soccer Marist Penshurst Won 1 - 0 Peter Derkatch

CBSA Intermediate Rugby League Marist Penshurst Won 20 - 4 Kyle Leaver

CBSA Intermediate Rugby League Marist Penshurst Defeated 28 - 30 Jordan Cassonoti

CBSA Senior Rugby League Bye

Week 2 Club Results

Competition Team Opposition Result Player of Match

FDLC Futsal U14’s Kangaroos U14’s Wallabies Win 7-1 Sienna Lyras and Sofia Arciuli

FDLC Futsal U18’S Echidnas RBC Wombats 16’s Defeated 4-1 Melita Georgiadis

FDLC Futsal U18’s Kookaburras Schols White 18’s Win 11-0 Bianca Quast

FDLC Futsal U16’s Emus Schols Red 16’s Win 4-0 Brianna Mitchell-Lane

FDLC Futsal U16’s Koalas Schols Blue 16’s Win 9-1 Sophia Mifsud

FDLC Futsal U16’s Wombats RBC Echidnas 18’s Win 4-1 Peta Constantinou

FDLC Futsal U16’s Lorikeets Schols Black 16’s Win 5-2 Christina Campagna

IWSNA Netball U13’s Darters Greenlees Win 18-10 Sofia Karmalis

IWSNA Netball U13’s Falcons Schols Lime Win 7-4 Angelina Tornatore

IWSNA Netball U13’s Swans Schols Silver Defeated 14-13 Celia Di Mento

IWSNA Netball U14’s Kookaburras HNC Panthers Win 30-8 Eve Colangelo

IWSNA Netball U14’s Bluebirds Greenlees Barinas Defeated 17-14 Tahlia Tilocca

IWSNA Netball U14’s Raptors FDAS Ravens Defeated 31-11 Felicity Speranza

IWSNA Netball U15’s Finches BYE

IWSNA Netball Cadet Lorikeets Inner West Reps Defeated 39-22 Jessica Callender

IWSNA Netball Cadet Eagles GNC Statesman Defeated 42-25 Ella Batchelor

IWSNA Netball Cadet Hawkes LWNC Blackbirds Defeated 31-21 Whole Team

Page 9: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


From the Scholastica Research and Study Centre

Anthony Gray , Kathy Johnson Co-Curricular Coodinator Assistants

Rosebank boys WIN! CBSA Champions

After six months of intense training and development in the Rosebank Table Tennis Academy and after a tough selection tournament, the Rosebank boys have won the CBSA Table Tennis Championships for the first time.

Team results:

Juniors = Champions Intermediates = 2nd Seniors = 2ndOverall Aggregate = Champions.

Individual results.

Xavier Ricci-Carter Junior Age ChampionJoshua Robuffo Senior Age Champion

Another great result for Rosebank College.

Kind Regards,

Anthony TaylorCo-curricular Coordinator

Term 2 CBSA and SCC Training Days

Competition Team Training Day

SCC Intermediate Netball Monday

CBSA Junior Soccer Monday

CBSA Intermediate Soccer Monday

SCC Senior Netball Tuesday

CBSA Intermediate League Tuesday

CBSA Senior Soccer Tuesday

SCC Junior Netball Wednesday

SCC Senior Soccer Wednesday

CBSA Junior Rugby League Wednesday

CBSA Junior Rugby League Wednesday

Page 10: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


From the Scholastica Research and Study Centre

Extended Day ProgramThe Extended Day Program is a new initiative of Rosebank College. The program allows students to remain onsite in a safe, supervised environment. Students can participate in extra-curricular activities, complete and receive assistance with homework, study and assessments and will be provided with afternoon tea. The program relieves the burden on parents and allows quality family time in the evening.

Professional tutors facilitate the program in a supportive group tutoring environment. Students will have opportuni-ties for academic assistance with study, assessments and homework for all subject areas. Along with academic help, students will be able to develop enhanced study and research skills, better time management and understand their preferred learning styles for exam preparation.

The Extended Day Program is offered to all students, Monday to Friday to 6:00pm, with the option of either a casual or regular basis.

Register Now!Regular RegistrationsCasual Registrations

For more information please contact Ms Danielle Puhlmann, Extended Day Program Manager, Phone: 02 9713 3108 Email: [email protected]

Senior Study TipsThis week has been a big one for the SRSC, with Library and Information Week held nationally from 21 – 27 May. This year’s theme is “Find Yourself in A Library.” In the spirit of the theme, we held a scavenger hunt all week with multiple book prizes available. Thank you to all the students who participated!

Our display for this week “Banned and Contested Books” focused on novels which have been forbidden by libraries or strongly campaigned against by patrons over the last one hundred years. Students took great delight at reading the range of thought-provoking, humorous, and sometimes bizarre reasons that have taken books we know to be classics from the shelves.

Miss Hannah Lawrence – SRSC Library Technician

The SRSC has created an ‘Ask the SRSC’ form in Exchange. Students can use it if they have a question or enquiry about the services or resources that we offer.

Students can find the link by navigating to:

Navigate to the Student Portal

Click on ‘Exchange’

Navigate to the Dashboard or click on ‘Courses’

Click on the SRSC tile

Click on the yellow icon

As always we welcome students to visit the SRSC and discuss any questions or issues about resources and services that they may have, before school from 7.45am, lunch, recess and after school until 5pm every week day during term time.

Mrs Connie Ross – SRSC Manager

Page 11: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love



6:30pm12 JuneBenedict AuditoriumRosebank College

Book tickets @ https://www.trybooking.com/

12 June, 6.30pm Benedict Auditorium Rosebank Collegewww.trybooking.com/VWYT

Rehearsals Underway for the Ensembles’ Showcase

Page 12: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


International Exchange ProgramIBSSSEP

Thank you to those students who have submitted their Expression of Interest for Travel 2018.This year Rosebank students may apply to travel to one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, China, England (Downside School), Germany, Italy, Spain (Catalonia) and the USA (Delbarton School). Travel is at the end of December or early January for approx. 4 weeks. All students in years 9, 10 and 11 are eligible to apply. If you are interested in travelling to one of our partner schools please contact me on the email address below.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Karin WilliamsPhone 9713 3188 or email [email protected]

Duke of Edinburgh NewsRosebank College has now become one of the largest participating schools in Duke of Edinburgh with one hundred students participating in the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.

Through this challenging journey of self-discovery, Rosebank students:

• Are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best;

• Learn to take responsibility for their goals and choices;

• Become connected to and actively engaged with-in their immediate community;

• Make a real difference to society through their positive contributions and involvement;

• Learn to persevere and overcome barriers to success;

• Learn important life skills; and

• Increase their career opportunities.

Recently Lliam Ferrier of Year 12 completed his volunteer service component of the Gold Award through creating a partnership with his local cricket club. Here Lliam participated in running junior coaching clinics aimed at developing local juniors. It was through this partnership that Lliam was identified by NSW Cricket who invited him to take part in their recent National Volunteer Week ad campaign. This campaign can be viewed through the link below. Lliam is a great example of Rosebank students “getting on the bus” and seeking

out new adventures and personal challenges.

The growth of the Duke of Edinburgh program could not have been achieved without the enthusiasm, drive and passion for our students of Ms Natasha Mohamad our Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator. We would also like to thank Mr Benjamin Lomnicki, Ms Anriana Mellick, Ms Jessica Quarmby and Mr Nicholas De Bressac for their ongoing support of the program.

We would encourage all students to continue to seek out one of the many wonderful opportunities like the Duke of Edinburgh program offered through the Co-curricular program. “Get on the bus”.NSW Cricket volunteer campaign:https://youtu.be/HkeokpP-Y7E

Mr Anthony Taylor Co-curricular Coordinator

Page 13: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love



Real Estate Info SessionsLaing + Simmons | 5 June | 6.30pm | Parramatta

Defence Careers Information SessionMay 28 | Parramatta – Parramatta Defence Force Recruiting Centre. Find out more - https://www.defencejobs.gov.au/events/events-detail/gxh9e3

Defence force Health Careers Info SessionMay 29 – Parramatta Defence Force Recruiting Centre. Find out more - https://www.defencejobs.gov.au/events UNIVERSITY

UNSW Engineering Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evening29 May | 6:00pm to 9:00pm |John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington Register - https://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/upcoming-events UNSW Sydney – Year 10 Subject Selection & Info Evening May 29 | UNSW Kensington. Find out more https://www.futurestudents.unsw.edu.au/year-10-subject-selection-information-evening Young Social PioneersYoung Social Pioneers is open to Australians aged 18 to 29 years who are using their influence, platform or initiative to change the world. Applications close June 1 Find out more - https://www.fya.org.au/programs/young-social-pioneers/

Western Sydney University Parent Info EveningJune 14 | Parramatta South Campus. Find out more https://www.


NIDA Open Day Applications for 2019June 16 | NIDA, Anzac Parade, Kensington, NSWBy registering to attend, you will receive advance info about performances, workshops and presentations for the day, event schedule, and after the event when recordings are available. Find out more - https://www.nida.edu.au/courses/open-day

Torrens University Australia – Day In The Life Creative WorkshopJuly 7 | Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane CampusFind out more - http://www.billyblue.edu.au/news-events/upcoming-events/sydney/day-in-the-life-creative-workshops-july-sydney UTS Engineering and IT Work Experience ProgramNovember 26 – 30 Get hands-on experience with this 5-day program designed to give you an insight into what it’s like to choose a career in engineering or IT. Find out more - https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/undergraduate/our-courses/find-right-course/events-and-info-sessions

Macquarie Uni Co-op ProgramsIn 2019 we're excited to offer two Co-op programs:

● Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with the degree of Bachelor of Professional Practice

● Bachelor of Commerce - Professional Accounting with the degree of Bachelor of Professional Practice

Applications are now open for both programs. Find out more - https://

www.mq.edu.au/study/why-study-here/employability/cooperative-education-program ACU Teacher Selection Statement AdviceThere is some great advice to help you write this statement here - http://www.acu.edu.au/about_acu/faculties,_institutes_and_centres/education_and_arts/schools/suitability_for_teachingNOTE: the advice could help you write similar statements required by other universities, not just ACU.

Engineering Australia + Sydney Uni present Experience IT! Friday 20 July | Sydney UniversityFor female students from Years 8-10, it’s a full day of experiential engineering activity. Find out more Register now >


Blue Mountain International Hotel Management School Info Afternoon. July 7 – SydneyFind out more - http://www.bluemountains.edu.au/events/

Exploring STEM Careers Holiday Program9 July to 11 July. Join Science 50:50 and Women in Engineering for an exciting week exploring careers in STEM! Female year 10 students are eligible to apply. Applications close Friday 1 June 2018. Find out more https://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/all-events/exploring-stem-careers-holiday-program Girls Programming NetworkThe Girls' Programming Network is a group of women and girls into computer science, programming and information technology. We run workshops once per school term for high school girls. Upcoming

From the Careers Team

Page 14: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


Workshops Saturday 11 August | Sunday 4 November | University of Sydney, Darlington. Find out more - https://sites.google.com/site/girlsprogrammingnetwork/home

Macquarie Global Leadership Entry Program ExpansionYour students can now:

● choose up to five course preferences

● receive multiple offers for different degrees

● apply directly through our application portal

Applications close Monday 27 August. Find out more https://www.mq.edu.au/study/admissions/entry-requirements/domestic/macquarie-entry/global-leadership-entry-program

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Open Day. September 8 | Leura, NSWFind out more - http://www.bluemountains.edu.au/events/ Questacon Invention ConventionThe Questacon Invention Conventions are multi-day workshops for 14-18 year olds, where you can work with mentor makers from Questacon and innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs from around Australia, to turn your ideas into reality.Armidale | 10-12 OctoberCanberra | January 2019Register to find out when applications open - https://www.questacon.edu.au/outreach/programmes/questacon-smart-skills-initiative/questacon-invention-convention Global Leaders Delegation – Europe with Crimson Education Are you a leader of your generation? Apply to be a part of Crimson Education Global Leaders' Delegation going to Europe in January, 2019. Check out this link to see the full itinerary and

to learn more of how to apply. Find out more - https://learn.crimsoneducation.org/GLD National Computer Science SchoolFriday 4th to Sunday 13th January 2019NCSS is about challenging students to think like computer scientists and providing an intensive programming experience in a university setting. Applications will open in September. Find out more - http://ncss.edu.au/summer-school/program Remote Pilot’s (Drone) Licence CoursesThe course will consist of both theory and practical elements. At the completion of the course, you will be required to pass a theory exam, as well as a practical flight demonstration on a multicopter. Find out more - https://fpvaustralia.com.au/rpas-training-courses/ Coles Graduate Programs – Australia· Store Support Graduate Program· Operations Graduate ProgramFind out more - https://www.colescareers.com.au/students-and-graduates Affording a US College EducationUS Universities offer generous financial aid and scholarships for students https://blog.crimsoneducation.org/videos-all/cost-of-us-uni

HSC Maths Course Selection Advice from UNSWHow to make the right choice at High School to prevent issues later. Read the advice - https://www.maths.unsw.edu.au/highschool/hsc-course-selection

UTAS Pharmacy Taster DayFind out more - http://www.utas.edu.au/health/study/taster-days For further information on any of the above, please contact Mrs Angela Pavicic, phone 97133169, [email protected] or Mrs Jenine Smith, phone 97133105, [email protected]


Real Estate Institute of NSW TraineeshipsREINSW offers traineeships in Cert III in Property Services (Agency) and Cert IV in Property Services (Real Estate). You need to be over 15 years old and no longer at school. Find out more - http://reinsw.canopi.com.au/Training/traineeships

MEGT Australian ApprenticeshipsInformation and job vacancies for students, job seekers and employers.1st year Engineering Apprentice1st year Carpentry ApprenticeSee more jobs at - http://www.megt.com.au/ HIA Apprenticeships AustraliaFind out more - https://hia.com.au/

Salon Assistant - Mandala HairMandala Hair are based in Mortlake and are looking for a Salon Assistant on a Thursday night (5pm-9pm) & Saturday (8am-3pm). They are looking for someone from years 10, 11 or 12 who is interested in the beauty industry and is enthusiastic & reliable. Please contact Diana or Samantha at [email protected] or 02 8757 3539

Page 15: GAZETTE - Rosebank College · My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love


The Uniform Shop

Opening Hours Tuesdays: 8.00am - 12.45pm Wednesdays: 12.30pm - 4.15pm Thursdays: 8.00am - 12.00pm and 12.30pm - 4.45pm

Homework Support

Homework Support will now take place every Monday and Wednesday lunchtime in O102.

The SRSC will still be open each afternoon for individual study.

This is a drop-in service for ANY student who would like assistance with homework

and/or assessment tasks.

Students who attend receive a stamp in their diary so that parents and coordinators can

acknowledge their committment to achieving their best.

Diverse Learning Team

(M@L) Rosebank College Maths Teachers are available to help you during lunch every

week for the entire year. Maths @ Lunch is being held in

J202 on Wednesday and Friday of every week during Lunch - no booking required, just come in

whenever you need some extra support.

Do you have a second hand uniform which is clean (unstained), presentable and would be appreciated by another student? If so please drop it off at the Uniform Shop during open-ing hours.Lost property is now located at the Uniform shop.

Extended Day Program


Phone: 02 9713 3108 Website: www.rosebank.nsw.edu.au/extended-day-program