Gayathri Project

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  • 8/8/2019 Gayathri Project



    With the decision of the Ministry of

    Railways to locate the Integral Coach Factory at

    Perambur, a team of engineers under the

    leadership of Mr. M.Ganapathi of Chittaranjan

    reputation took up site investigation and

    preparation of designs & drawings in May 1951.

    The factory initially consisted of 10 shops with a

    covered area of 8, 84,600 sq .ft lay out on the

    then most modern lines . Raw mater ia l s were rece ived a t oneend , p rogressed th ro ugh the fac tory in a un i t f low and f in i shed coaches

    ro l led ou t a t the o ther end . Whi le the fac tory was t ak ing shape ,

    cons t ruc t ion works fo r Adminis t ra t ive Off ice bu i ld ing , Worker s

    Canteen and S ta ff Colony a l so p rogressed rap id ly . The entire

    construction was completed within a record time of

    three years. A Sports Stadium was sanctioned at a

    cost of Rs.42, 000/- and was complet ed during 1961-


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    Iden t i f i ca t ion and procure ment o f modern p lan t & machinery was

    s imul taneous ly t aken up , to avo id any t ime lag be tween comple t ion of

    c iv i l eng ineer ing works and ins ta l l a t ion of p lan t & machiner y. Though

    machines o f ind igenous manufac ture were cons idered , manufac tur ing

    capac i ty in the count ry was no t ye t fu l ly deve loped and i t became

    inev i tab le to impor t bu lk o f them. Global tenders were

    therefore, called in Nov 1953 and were finalized by

    March-April 1954 . I t was cons idered adv isab le to l eave the t ask o f inspec t ing these machines to the exper t s o f the Swiss company in

    order to ensure tha t machines were su i tab le in every aspec t . The

    first Kirloskar 8 centre lathe was installed bythe then Railway Minister Shri Lal Bahadur

    Shastri in the machine shop on 20 t h Jan1955.

    The first railway on Indian sub-continent ran

    over a stretch of 21 miles from Bombay to

    Thane. The idea of a railway to connect Bombay

    with Thane, Kalian and the Thal and Bhore Ghats

    inclines first occurred to Mr.George Clark, the

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    chief engineer of the Bombay Government,

    during a visit to Bhandub in 1843.

    The formal inauguration ceremony was

    performed on 16 t h April 1853, when 14 railway

    carriages carrying about 400 guests left BoreBunder . The f i r s t passenger t ra in s t reamed ou t o f Howrah s ta t iondes igned for Hooghly, a d i s tance of 24 mi les , on 15 t h Augus t , 1854 .

    Thus the f i r s t sec t ion of the Eas t Ind ian Ra i lways was opened as the

    publ ic t ra ff i c , inaugura t ing th e beg inn ing of ra i lway t ransp or t on the

    Eas te rn s ide o f the sub-cont inen t .

    In south the first l ine was opened on 1 s t July 1856 by

    the Madras Railway Company. It ran between Vyasrpady

    and Wallajah road ( Arcot), a distance of 63 miles . In the

    north a length of 119 miles of l ine was laid from

    Allahabad to Kanpur on 3 r d March 1859. These were the smal l beg inn ing which in due co urse deve loped in to a ne twork of ra i lway

    l ines a l l over the count ry. By 1880 the Indian railway

    system had a route mileage of about 9000 miles.

    Indian railways, the premier transport organization of

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    the largest rail network in Asia and the worlds

    second largest under one management.


    1 . South Eas t Cent ra l Ra i lway

    2 . Cent ra l Ra i lway

    3 . Eas t Cent ra l Ra i lway

    4 . Eas t Cos t Ra i lway

    5 . Eas te rn Ra i lway

    6 . Nor th Eas te rn Ra i lway

    7 . Nor th Wes te rn Ra i lway

    8 . Nor th Eas te rn Fron t ie r Ra i lway

    9 . Nor thern Ra i lway

    10. South Cent ra l Ra i lway

    11. South Eas te rn Ra i lway

    12. South Wes te rn Ra i lway

    13. Southern Ra i lway

    14. Western Cent ra l Ra i lway

    15. Western Ra i lway.

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    1 . Chittaranjan Loco Works

    2 . Diesel-Loco Modernization of workshops

    3 . Center for railway information system

    4 . Container Corporation of India Ltd

    5 . Konkani Railway Corporation

    6 . Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation

    7. Railed Corporation of India Ltd

    8 . Pipavav Corporation Ltd.

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    1 . Rai l Vikas Nigam Ltd

    2 . Cent ra l o rgan iza t ion fo r ra i lway e lec t r i f i ca t ion

    3. Delhi Metro Rail Corporatio n

    4 . Federa t ion of Ra i lway Off ice rs Assoc ia t ions

    5. Indian Railway Accounts Service Association

    6. Indian Railway Accounting Reforms

    7 . Indian Railway Stores Services

    8 . Indian Railway Welfare Organization

    9 . Indian Railways Institute of Electrical


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    1 0 . Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering

    and Telecommunications of Railway Transport

    1 1 . National Rail Museum

    1 2 . Railway Recruitment Boards

    1 3 . Railway Staff College, Baroda

    1 4 . Research Design and Standards Organization

    1 5 . Indian Railway Institute of Mechanical and

    Electrical Engineering.


    Integral Coach Factory, the counters

    largest railway coach manufacturing unit is

    celebrating its Golden Jubilee established in

    1955 with Swiss Collaboration to built

    Integral Passenger Coaches of all weeded

    steel design; ICF has so far manufactured

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    coaches of 250 different gauges and with

    increased speed potential with turn over

    Rs.747 corers in 2004. Railway board has

    asked ICF to increase production of coaches

    from 1,100 to 1,250 per year. Modern

    machine are acquired from bond and work areonto build a new plant for automation of

    painting of coaches. By year-end, the new

    paint shop would enable automatic spray

    painting production is getting gradually

    modernized in term of use of material. A full-

    fledged research and development wing is

    currently operational at the factory whereengineers develop coaches with safety and

    travel comfort for passengers in mind besides

    sharp edges in interior fixtures were rounded

    off and upholstery work improved to impart a

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    more aesthetic look residing of coaches,

    aerodynamic front end diesel electric multiple

    units, luxury coaches for Deccan odyssey and

    others were done using indigenous


    ICF manufactured coaches for long-distance

    trains include emergency exit windows on

    both sides of second-class sleeper and AC

    coaches exit latches on roof and floor use

    fire-retardant and paints. The factory has

    manufactured luxury train for different

    tourism department like Royal Orient Express

    for Gujarat tourism co-operation palace on

    wheels for Rajasthan tourism development

    co-operation ICF has made a mark in the

    export arena against stiff competition from

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    advanced countries and has exported 359

    bogies and 452 coaches to Thailand,

    Myanmar, Taiwan, Zambia, Philippines.


    1948- N.Gopalaswamy Aiyengar Minister of Transport and Railwaysdecided to setup factory in Perambur for producing coaches.

    1951- Site investigation and planningstarts at Perambur.

    1953- Technical and agreement withSwiss car and elevator manufacturingcorporation Ltd.

    1954- Technical training schoolinaugurated to train craftsman for factory.

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    1955- ICF inaugurated by PrimeMinister Jawaharlal Nehru on October 2 nd .1956- First indigenous coach launched

    by President of Indian Rajendra Prasad.

    1961- Furnishing Factory was openedand the finished coach was gagged off.

    1968- Coaches for Rajdhani Super Fasttrains launched.

    1977- Second class sleeper coacheswith cushion berth were launched.

    1989-90- Shatabdi Coaches with speedcapacity of 160 km/hr was launched.

    1990- Moderation and productionaugmentation to 1000 coaches per year was achieved.

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    1991-92- Palaces on wheels for Rajasthan Tourism DevelopmentCorporation was built.1993-94- 100 HP Diesel ElectricMultiple Units was produced.

    1999-2000- DEMU of 1400 was produced.

    2004- DEMUs with aerodynamic profile where launched.2006- Moderncoaches for Janashatabdi, Deccan-Odyssey Luxury train and newgeneration EMU were built.


    Perhaps the most important event was

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    the inauguration of production in the factory by the

    then Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on

    02.10.1955. Thus this great factory, ICF, came into

    being with Shri K.Sadagopan, as t he first Chief

    Administrative Officer. Dignitaries present on this

    occasion included Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, Railway

    Minister ; Shr i O.V.Alagesan , Dy. Min is te r fo r Ra i lways ; Shr iK.Kamara j , Chie f Min is te r o f Madras Pres idency and Mr.U.Huber ,

    Di rec tor o f the Swiss company, fo r whom th i s was a p roud moment , a

    wi tness to the consummat ion of the e ffor t s o f h i s exper t s work ing in

    co l labora t ion wi th Ind ian eng ineers .

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    Design & Development Divis ion of ICF:-

    The design cel l has a Design & Development wing . A C AD

    C e n t r e i s i n s t a l l e d w h i c h a s s i s t s i n e v o l u t i o n a n d p r e p a r a t i o n o f n e wdrawings fas te r.

    D e s i g n o f f i c e h a s d e s i g n e d m o r e t h a n 1 7 5 t y p e s o f c o a c h e s t o t h r e e

    d i f f e r en t gauges 1676mm, 1067mm and 1000mm. I t ha s p roduced ove r

    3 , 00 ,000 drawings fo r coach layout and coach compone nts .

    Des ign off ice t akes ca re o f the changes in the ava i lab i l i ty o f the newMater ia l s , s t andard iza t ion , obso lescence , feed back repor t s f rom the

    user Ra i lways and recommendat ions by var ious s tand ing commit tees

    and s tudy groups on the Ind ian Ra i lways . Wi th the changing

    requi rements o f the Ra i lways , the des ign off ice i s cha l lenged to

    dras t i ca l ly cu t down the des ign cyc le t ime . The des ign off ice can

    proudly t ake the c red i t o f deve lopme nt o f the following newdesigns in the past three years. They are:

    Main line Electric Multiple Units (MEMUs)

    Diesel Electric Multiple Units (DEMUs)

    Diesel Hydraulic Multiple Units (DHMUs)

    Palace on Wheels Coaches (POWs)

    Diesel Electric Tower Cars (DETCs)

    High Capacity Power Cars (DMU-HHPs)

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    Accident Relief Medical Vans (ARMVs).



    In o rder to b r ing about g rea te r e ff i c iency in admin is t ra t io n , speedy

    imp lemen ta t i on of ongo ing p ro j ec t s , be t t e r cus tomer ca r e , r educ t i on o f

    w o r kl o a d o n G e n er a l M a na g e rs e t c . , Indian Railways havedecided to create seven new zones by territorial

    re-adjustment of existing zones. The new zones,

    having limited financial burden on Railways , w i l l

    h a v e t h i n a n d l e a n, e f f ic i en t a n d m o de r n a d m in i st r a ti v e s e t u p . Twoof the new zones have already started functioning.


    The financial position of Indian

    Railway has been slowly but steadily

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    improving. Some of the highlights of the

    financial performance during 2001-2002

    include: improved operating ratio from 98.8

    percent to 96.6 percent, savings in ordinary

    working expenses of Rs.1487 corers.

    Depreciation Reserve Fund (DRF) balancegoes up from Rs.78.04 corers during March in

    last year to Rs.632.99 corers this year.

    Railways have established a new

    milestone in incremental freight loading

    during July this year by carrying 5.70 million

    tones of goods. Freight loading for the lastfinancial year crossed the target and attained

    492.31 million tones.

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    When the factory was initially planned, it

    was decided that coach shells produced would

    be furnished in railway workshops. With the

    increasing tempo of activities under the

    second Five Year Plan and consequent

    increase in the work load in the railway

    workshops, Railway Board decided in 1956 to

    set up a furnishing annexes to ICF so thatthe factory could deliver complete coaches

    ready for service instead of steel shells only.

    Preliminary examination work for setting up

    the Rs.3.69 crore furnishing unit was taken in

    hand on 17.02.1956 and the first furnished

    coach was flagged off by Shri K.Swarup,

    CAO(R) on 16.01.1962.

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    ICF is completing its 50 years of service to the

    Nation by 2nd October 2005. I t has been p lanned to ce lebra tei t s Golden Jub i lee in a bef i t t ing manner. F rom a modes t beg inn ing to

    manufac ture jus t a few th i rd c lass she l l s in 1955 , ICF is nowcapable of producing over 1100 coaches per year

    and that to in more than 170 varieties. ICF can pe rhaps be compared wi th the be s t o f coach produc t ion fac i l i t i e s and s t i l l

    r emains a p ioneer in in t roduc ing new types o f coaches .

    In the 151 years o f Ind ian Ra i lways , ro le o f ICF in i t s 50 yea rs i s

    ce r ta in ly a remarkab le one and wi l l con t inue to be so in the years to




    M/s Car and Elevator Manufacturing

    Corporation Ltd., Schl ie ren-Zur ich (Swi tze r land) were

    invited by Indian Railways for collaboration in

    connection with the manufacture of all-steel,

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    light-weight passenger coaches of modern design

    in India. An agreement between the Government

    of India and M/s Car and Elevator Manufacturing

    Corporation Ltd., was signed on the 28th May

    1949. A supplementa l agreement was conc lude d on the 27 th June1953 .

    By the end of Ju ly 1951 an appropr ia te l ayout fo r the coach

    bu i ld ing fac tory wi th the p res c r ibed capac i ty o f 300 unfur n i shed coach

    she l l s a year had been worked ou t and submi t ted to the Board . La te r the

    expec ted maximum year ly p roduc t ion ou tpu t was f ixed a t 350

    unfurn i shed coach body she l l s wi th per ta in ing bogies . Dec is ion had

    a l so been taken tha t the p roduc t ion s ta r t shou ld fa l l wi th in the second

    ha l f o f 1955 . The produc t ion of 350 coach she l l s wi th the respec t ive

    bogies a year i . e . , one un i t fo r every s ix work ing hour s was the in i t i a l ly

    se t t a rge t o f the ICF.

    The evolut ion of Light-Weight Coach :

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    In t he pa s t i t was gene ra l ly accep t ed t ha t heavy veh i c l es

    p os se ss ed b et te r r id in g Q ua li ti es t ha n l ig ht o ne s. E xp er ie nc e h as

    howeve r, shown tha t i n t e l l i gen t de s ign l e ads t o improved e f f i c i ency i n

    o p e ra t i on . O l d- f a sh i o ne d c o n si d e ra t io n s b a s ed o n s t a ti c d e s ig n d o n o t

    mee t the requ i rement o f modern des ign .

    Lightweight design and improved efficiencies are

    synonymous. If greater effectiveness is required,

    a reduction in weight is essential. The improved

    effectiveness becomes economically effective in

    a number of ways, in increased capacity, in

    reduced operation expenses, in improved service

    and life. By taking these principles into

    consideration, we succeeded to reduce the weight

    of our passenger coach f rom 42.5 tons to 35.5


    S t r e s sed sk in ca r r i ages pos se s s ve ry f avo rab l e s t a t i c and

    d y n a m i c q u a l i t i e s . T h i s a p p l i e s p a r t i c u l a r l y t o t h e r e s i s t a n c e a g a i n s t

    t o r s ion and bend ing s t r e s se s , wh ich i s cons ide rab ly be t t e r t han t ha t o f

    h e av y s ta n da r d c ar r ia g es . T h e v eh i cl e p os s es s es e x tr a or d in a ry h ig h

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    c om pr es si on r ig id it y, p ar ti cu la rl y o ve r t he e nt ir e l en gt h of t he

    passenger compar tments . The end por t ions i . e . , l ava tor ies possess lower

    compres s ion r i g id i t y and t hus i n ca se o f a cc iden t s t he se pa r t s wou ld be

    des t royed f i r s t and thus absorb the co l l i s ion energy.

    Ho l low g i rde r s a r e f a r supe r io r t o so l i d g i rde r s so f a r a s

    the u t i l i z a t i on o f ma te r i a l i s conce rned . A l though ho l low g i rde r s have been known for so me t ime , i t was no t o r ig in a l ly poss ib le to u t i l i ze them

    to the ex ten t now made pos s ib le by the use o f s t r e ssed sk in

    cons t ruc t i on . The ho l l ow g i rde r pos se s se s a h igh momen t o f r e s i s t ance

    a n d a h i g h w o r k i n g c a p a c i t y b o t h i n t o r s i o n a n d b e n d i n g . I t i s t h u s

    eminen t ly su i t ab l e fo r be ing dynamica l ly s t r e s sed i n eve ry d i r ec t i on . I t

    i s a t i ts b es t w he n u ni fo rm ly t hi n g ir de r w al ls a re e mp lo ye d. T her e d u c t i o n i n w e i g h t o f t h e l i g h t w e i g h t c o a c h e s h a s b e e n a c h i e v e d b y

    making fu l l use o f the s t ressed sk in cons t ruc t ion and by the use o f l igh t

    a l l oy f i t ti ngs , e t c . The unde r f r ame , s i de wa l l s and roo f a r e un i t ed i n to

    wha t migh t be t e rmed a s a s t a t i c t ube r ep re sen t i ng t he t h in wa l l ho l l ow

    g i rde r cons i s t ing o f s t e e l shee t s . S ince t h in a r e capab l e o f dea l i ng w i th

    c o m p r e s s i o n a n d s h e a r i n g s t r e s s e s o n l y t o a v e r y l i m i t e d e x t e n t , t h er e s i s t ance mus t be i nc r ea sed . Th i s ha s been ach i eved by t he p rov i s ion

    of su i tab le p ressed grooves o r welded r ibs .

    Co r ruga t ed shee t s , c a r l i ne s a r e u t i l i z ed fo r t he unde r f r ame

    and roo f r e spec t i ve ly and t he se dea l t o a l a rge ex t en t w i th t he bu ff i ng

    s t resses . The s idewal l p i l l a r s toge ther wi th the ca r l ines and under f rame

    c ros s member s , f o rm f r ames wh ich ensu re t he neces sa ry r i g id i t y t o t he

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    s t ruc tu r e . The end wa l l s a r e made o f s t e e l shee t s . These , t oge the r w i th

    the s i dewa l l s , f l oo r and roo f fo rm a compres s ion and bend ing r e s i s t an t

    t u b e . T h e l a v a t o r y a n d t h e v e s t i b u l e s a r e l e s s r i g i d t h a n t h e c e n t r a l

    pa s senge r ca r ry ing pa r t o f t he veh i c l e . The above p r inc ip l e s have been

    a p pl ie d r i gi d ly t o t he c o ac h b e in g m a nu fa c tu r ed a t I n te gr a l C oa ch

    Fac to ry. Th i s was t he de s ign o f t he coach when t he p roduc t i on s t a r t ed

    a t ICF dur ing 1955 .

    Establ ishment of Furnishing Divis ion:

    The production was inaugurated on 2nd October

    1955 and initially ICF manufactured only 12 coaches in

    the first year. As mentioned earlier, furnishing of coaches

    was carried out by the zonal Railway workshops .Ca tegor ized as convent ion a l coaches , the f i r s t f ew years a t ICF was

    to ta l ly ded ica ted to the p roduc t ion of convent iona l she l l s .

    Al l these were b road gauge she l l s on ly. La te r dur ing the year

    1958 , ICF started furnishing of coaches also in the

    shell division itself. During the year 1962, a

    separate furnishing division was set up and the production was inaugurated on 2nd October


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    Modific ations in the Side Wall :

    The four-door design has been modified to

    three-door design for Second Class coaches that have

    increased the seating capacity from 80 to 90 . Th is des ign hassh i f ted the l ava tor ies to the ends o f the coach thus making way to keep

    the passenger a rea c leaner and t idy. However, the s leeper coaches have

    only two doors per s idewal l . In the recen t deve lopments , the bod y p i l l a r s a re be ing man ufac tured wi th aus ten i t i c s ta in less s tee l mate r ia l

    ins tead of convent iona l c ro ton s tee l .

    Modific ations in End Wall :

    There were no much

    modifications in the end wall design except

    that the provision for the vestibule

    arrangement . The recen t deve lopment i s tha t the box type ends tanch ions have been rep la ced wi th the ' I ' sec t ion g i rders . Th is has a l so

    resu l ted in coach weigh t reduc t ion wi thout compr omis ing the sa fe tyaspec t s fo r which the end s tanch ions have been prov ided

    Modific ations in the Roof :

    The roof is probably the only major component

    of the coach that has not undergone much change. Internal

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    fi t t ings however will be changing according to the

    individual coach design.


    Beginning with third class coaches ICF slowly added to i ts

    conventional category many other types of coaches. These

    include First Class, First and Second Class, First-Second

    and third class coaches, Third class sleeper coaches,Second class sleeper coaches, pantry cars, day coaches,

    kitchen cars, luggage racks and so on..

    Firs t c lass coaches and se cond c lass coaches :

    These are Luxury coaches with limited

    accommodation and comfort. One coach consists of

    accommodation for about 18 passengers. In case of

    First and Second class coaches (FS), half the portion

    of the coach consists of first class furnishing and the

    remaining portion is made as second class sleeper


    Third c lass coaches and Day coaches :

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    These are of s imple des ign wi th wooden seats

    with a seating capacity up to 90 passengers per

    coach. Initially there were 4 doors aside and later

    the four door sidewalls were also replaced with

    three doors aside i n t h e s u b s e q u e n t d e s i g n s . T h e d a y c o a c h e sare on ly fo r day t rave l and prov is ion fo r ber th i s no t g iven

    Pantry cars and ki tchen cars :

    These are manufactured with a view to provide

    food and snacks to the passengers during the long

    distance travels. Hence these coaches are

    particularly attached to the long dis tance trains.

    Third c lass and Second class s leeper coaches:

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    Initially two types of sleeper coaches were designed and

    manufactured viz. , two-tier sleeper and three t ier sleeper

    coaches, the latter having more number of berths .

    Second Class Luggage and brake van:

    These coaches are to carry huge volume of luggagefor long distances with ease and at less cost.

    Provision for guard is also made in these coaches


    The air-condi t ioned coaches have been the

    prest igious coaches manufactured at ICF. The f i rs t AC coach

    was rol led out during the year 1966-67 wherein three types of

    coaches in this category were manufactured. There are many

    types of coaches in this group viz . , two-t ier s leeper coaches,

    f i rs t c lass coaches, composi te coaches, pantry cars , chair cars ,

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    execut ive chair cars and so on. Special rakes were also

    manufactured to run prest igious t ra ins l ike Rajadhani and

    Shatabdi expresses which ful ly air-condi t ioned formations are .

    The AC composi te coaches consis t of two-t ier AC port ion and

    Firs t Class AC port ions.

    Some spec ia l coaches l ike Pa lace on Whee ls , were a l so ma nufac turedto ca te r the needs o f the tour i sm corpora t ions . These a re fu l ly a i r-

    condi t ioned coaches . The Pa lac e on Whee ls i s a mas te rp iece in the

    h is to ry o f ICF. Dur ing 1991-92 spec ia l ly des igned and manufac tured

    for the Ra jas than Tour i sm Deve lopment Corpora t ion , these coaches

    were fu rn i shed in the s ty le o f anc ien t a rch i tec tu re tha t can be seen on ly

    in the Ra jas than pa laces .

    These coaches were o f Mete r Gauge . La te r dur ing the year

    1995-96 , s imi la r Pa lace on Whee ls was manufac tured fo r b road gauge

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    The 'Export Era' of ICF had commenced during

    the year 1967-68 with just two bogies s upplied to

    Thailand. The first export order of coach was

    accomplished during the year 1971-72 with 113 coaches

    exported to Taiwan against a stiff international

    competit ion. As a proof of satisfie d quality requirements,ICF has got repeated orders from various countries, thus

    ICF so far manufactured and supplied 425 coaches and 359

    bogies and many spares to 11 Afro-Asian countries.

    These inc lude convent iona l coaches and a i r-condi t ioned coaches

    depending on the requ i rement o f the respec t ive count r ies wi th respec t

    to the t rack gauge and o ther fea tu res under the i r con t rac t . Every expor t

    o rder was un ique wi th respec t to the requ i re ments and ameni t i es

    p rov ided in the coache s . I t has been a d i ffe r en t exper ience to p r ov ide

    spec ia l fea tu res l ike a i r opera ted s l id ing doors , r evers ib le sea t s , a i r

    b rakes , spec ia l meta l l i c ves t ibu les fo r sa fe p assage , a i r condi t ion ing e tc

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    In tegra l Coach Fac tory i s an ISO-9001 comp any. I t has i t s ownDes ign and Deve lopment wing , the in f ras t ruc ture and technica l

    knowhow to manufac ture sophis t i ca ted modern coaches . ICF a l l - s tee l ,

    a l l -welded , l igh t -weigh t ; in tegra l coaches wi th an t i - t e lescopic and

    cons t ruc t ion . The ICF combines the th re e major fac tors o f modern

    passenger t ran spor t : - Speed , Comfor t and Safe ty.

    In i t i a l ly, ICF was des igned to p roduce on ly b road gauge she l l s ,

    which were to be fu rn i shed by the zona l ra i lways . La te r, a separa te

    furn i sh ing d iv i s ion was se t up in v iew of the se rve l imi ta t ion capac i ty

    of ra i lway workshops and a l so to t ake advantages o f mass p r oduc t ion

    techniques . Presen t ly, Coach Pro duc t ion i s done in she l l d iv i s ion and

    Furn ish ing d iv i s ion .

    ICF manufac tured a round 125 d i ffe re n t types o f coaches . They can be

    b road ly c lass i f i ed in to Se l f - p rope l led coaches , Tra i le r coaches , AC

    coaches , Convent iona l coaches and Spec ia l coaches l ike pa lace on

    whee ls . ICF produced 34 ,022 coaches as on March 2004 . ICF

    manufac tured and suppl ied 150 con ta iners to Conta iner Corpora t ion

    Ind ia in add i t ion to coaches ; p roduc t ion in the l as t four years . ICF h asexpor ted Coaches , Bogies and Spares to 11 count r ies .


    1 . Shel l Div i s ion

    2 . Furn ish ing Div i s ion .

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    Sheet metal shop.

    Side wall and end wall assembly


    Main assembly shop.

    Bogie assembly shop.

    Tool room shop.

    Machine shop.

    Forge and smithy shop. Electrical and mechanical maintenance


    Bogie frame shop.

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    Store wards shell.

    Light mental machine shop.


    Here seating, electrical work, paintingassembling are taken. For the purpose\ of technical and cost control, the factory has beendivided into major departments.

    Furnishing division taken care of the interior decoration and the furnishing works of theincomplete shell, manufactured by the shell

    division.When the factory was initially planned, it wasdecided that coach shells produced would befurnished in railway workshops. With theincreasing tempo of activities under the secondFive Year Plan and consequent increase in thework load in the railway workshops


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    ICF- Ind ia s p remier coach bu i ld ing fac tory was s ta r ted in t echn ica l

    co l labora t ion wi th Swish Car and Eleva tor Manufac tur ing Corpora t ion

    Ltd . , Swi tze r land . The cons t ruc t ion commen ced on March 1952 and the

    f i r s t machine was commiss ioned by Sher i La l Bagadur Sha s t r i , Min is t ry

    for Ra i lway, on 2 n d October o f 1955 a red le t t e r day fo r ICF when

    Pandi t Jawahar la l Nehru , Pr ime Min is te r o f Ind ia , f l agged off the f i r s t

    coach . The fu rn i sh ing d iv i s ion of ICF was inaugur a ted on 2 n d October

    o f 1962 .

    ICF th rough the years has been engaged manufac tur ing

    many types o f coaches year a f te r year. The maximum number o f types

    ever p roduced in a year i s 32 d i ffe ren t types o f coaches in the year

    2000 to 2001 . S ta r t ing wi th a humble beg inn ing of about 350 coaches

    per year, ICF has g r own to a p roduc t ion capa c i ty o f more than 1000

    coaches annua l ly. In the year 1998-1999 over 1057 coaches were


    ICF has expor ted a to ta l o f bog ies and 425 coaches to Tha i land ,

    Burma, Ta iwan , Zambia , Ph i l ipp ines , Tanzan ia , Uganda , Vie tnam,

    Niger ia , Mozambique and Bangladesh .

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    ICF has a factory are of 189.5 acres.

    Covered area in shops is 47 acres. Township is

    spread over 285.5acres.

    ICF employs more than 13,000 people.

    The self-contained townships consist of 3000

    residential quarters with schools, auditorium,

    stadium , rec rea t ion fac i l i t i e s and hosp i ta l

    ICF has l everaged i t s coach bu i ld ing exp er ience of 48 years and

    33 ,000 coaches to s tay a t the fo re f ron t o f innova t ive coach bu i ld ing and

    re ta ins i t s l eadersh ip pos i t ion over the years .

    ICF has success fu l ly incorpora ted cu t t ing edge technolog ies

    in to the coach bu i ld ing process . ICF i s commit ted to improvin g

    passenger sa fe ty, passenger comfor t an d main ta inab i l i ty o f the coaches .

    ICF has a d ivers i f i ed p roduc t por t fo l io in to many types o f

    coaches , a l l bu i l t to exac t ing cus tomer requ i rements .

    The main ob jec t ive o f ICF i s to manufac ture a l l meta l

    l igh tweigh t coaches f rom ord inary 2 n d c lass to mos t compl ica ted types

    of coaches i . e . , AC and DC, EMUs, AC Expresses , Ra jdhan i Express

    e tc . ICF has en te red in to expor t marke t a l so supply ing co aches fo r

    fo re ign count r ies .

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    The organ iza t ion cons i s t o f depar tme nts o f func t iona l bas ic v iz

    administration, personnel, mechanical, electrical, civil ,

    engineering, finance and accounts, etc .For the purpose of

    technical, f inancial and cost control the factory has been

    broadly categorized under the following departments.

    1 . Production shops

    2 . Service department inside the workshops

    3 . Service department outside the workshops

    4 . Stores department

    5 . General Department.

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    Materia ls Management - Overview

    ICF is an ISO 9001 certified organization,

    manufacturing different types of coaching stock for

    the Indian Railways, and other customers. The raw

    materials and components required for themanufacture of coaches is procured by the Materials

    Management Department, through tenders. TheDepar tment i s headed by the Cont ro l le r o f S tores . In the year 2000-0 1 ,

    the to ta l va lue o f p rocurement by ICF was in the reg ion of Rs .305

    co re r s .

    The procurement i s a r ranged th rough the t ender ing sys tem, as de ta i l ed below:

    o Bulletin Tenders

    o Limited Tenders

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    o Open Tenders

    The Bul le tin Tenders a re i ssued to a ll r eg is te red

    suppliers of ICF. For registration with ICF,

    the suppliers are required to furnish the

    required information in the prescribed form,

    available with the Registration Section of the

    office of the Controller of Stores/ ICF . Thesupp l i e r s mee t ing t he cond i t i ons men t ioned i n t he fo rm r e r eg i s t e r ed fo r

    t he i t em g roups app l i ed fo r. I n i t i a l r eg i s t r at i on i s f o r two yea r s and on

    satisfactory performance, the registration is

    made permanent.

    Limited Tenders are issued to vendors on aselective basis, generally to the registered

    vendors. Open Tenders are published in

    the leading newspapers . U nr eg is te re d s up pl ie rs c an par t i c ipa te aga ins t the Op en Tender sub jec t

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    o Genera l ly d i scharg ing o ther management account ingfunc t ions such as p rov id ing f inanc ia l da ta fo r management

    repor t ing , ass i s t ing inven tory management , pa r t i c ipa t ion in purchase /con t rac t ing dec i s ions and surveys fo r major sche mesin accordance wi th re levan t ru les and orders .

    Electr ical Depar tment :-

    The Elec t r i ca l Depar tment a t ICF works under the over a l l

    con t ro l o f the Chie f E lec t r i ca l Engineer. There a re f ive func t iona l

    Wings and namely.

    a . Des igns Respons ib le fo r evo lv ing des igns , d rawings and

    spec i f ica t ions components , a ssembl ies and sys tems requ i red fo r coach

    product ion.

    b . P roduc t ion respons ib le fo r p roduc t ion of coaches , po le mounted

    ba t te ry chargers , we ld ing se t s , 110 V DC Ref r iger a to rs and deep

    f reezers .

    c . Inspec t ion - respons ib le fo r inspec t ion and qua l i ty assurance of

    components and sys tem used fo r coach produc t ion and comple ted

    coaches .

    d . Cont rac t s and Deve lopment - respons ib le fo r l i a i s ing wi th the

    purchase depar tment fo r ensur ing t imely ava i lab i l i ty o f mate r ia l s fo r

    coach produc t ion , cus tomer compla in t redress and d i scharge war ran ty

    obl iga t ions , fa i lu re ana lys i s and cor rec t ive and preven t ive ac t ions ,

    deve lopment o f new I tems for coach produc t ion and dev e lopment o f

    add i t iona l sources fo r l imi ted source i t ems .

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    e . Main tenance - respons ib le fo r main tenance of P lan t Machinery

    inc lud ing numer ica l ly con t ro l led & CNC machines and power su pply.

    The Inspec t ion , Cont rac t s & Deve lopments and Des ign Wings work under the con t ro l o f Chie f Des ign Engineer /E lec t r i ca l .


    Canteens . Clubs .

    Dispensar ies .

    Hol iday Home.

    Ins t i tu te .

    Kalyana Mandapams .


    Scouts & Guides .

    Schools .

    Loss o f ID Card /Pass /PTO.

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    Canteens p rov ided under the s t a tu te : -

    The s ta ff se rved by Canteens should be ac t ive ly assoc ia ted inthe management . For th i s purpose , a Commit tee o f management o f s ta ff should be fo rmed in accordance wi th the ru les f rame d by the S ta teGovernment concern ed in th i s regard to he lp in the day- to -day work ingof the can teen .

    Canteen p rov ided o t he rwise than under the s t a tu te : -

    These can teens should be run by a Commit tee o f Managementto be fo rmed for the purpose .

    The Commit tee o f Management should cons i s t o f the du lye lec ted represen ta t iv es o f the s ta ff fo r whose benef i t the can teen i s run ,and a represen ta t ive o f the Ra i lway Adminis t ra t ion to be nomina tede i ther as a Cha i rman or Secre ta ry o r as Member o f the Commit tee ,

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    UNI FORM S :-

    Keep ing in v iew the san i ta ry condi t ions and t idyappearance of the can teen s ta ff in genera l and bea re rs in

    par t i cu la r, the un i form sha l l be suppl ied by the Ra i lwayAdminis t ra t ion

    Periodical Check : -

    The equ ipment made over by the Ra i lway to the managing commit teewi l l be sub jec t to per iod ica l ve r i f i ca t ion by the Ra i lway and anyshor tage found wi l l have to be made good by the managing commit teeas a par t o f the work ing expenses o f the can teen .

    Quality and cost contro l :-

    Necessary a r rang ement should be made to ensure adequa tecont ro l over qua l i ty and cos t o f the foods tuff s se rved in the can teen anda lso over the cos t o f can teen es tab l i shment .


    Railway Inst i tutes and clubs

    A R a i l w a y I n s t i t u t e s h o u l d b e l o o k e d u p o n a s a c l u b p r o v i d e d b y t h eR ai lw ay, r en t f re e, f or t he b en ef it o f i ts e mp lo ye es . A s a g en er al

    p r i nc i p le , t h er e f or e , t h e R a il w a y s h o ul d p r o vi d e e v e ry t hi n g w h ic h al a n d l o r d o r d i n a r i l y w o u l d a n d t h e I n s t i t u t e s h o u l d p a y f o r a l l t h a t atenan t would usua l ly be l i ab le .

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    In cases where l a rge quan t i t i es o f wate r a re suppl ied by theRai lway Adminis t ra t ions , as in the case o f swimming ba ths , the ac tua lcos t o f wate r suppl ied should be recovered .

    The growth of these c lubs should be encourag ed , the a im be ing toinduce the g rea tes t number o f ra i lway se rvan ts to par t i c ipa te in hea l thy

    phys ica l exerc i ses , r a ther th an to encourage ind iv idua l p rowess d i r ec tedonly to record-break ing .

    Swimming Pools :-

    These can be a t t ached to ins t i tu tes o r Spor t s Clubs o r o r gan ized asa separa te ameni ty p rov ided i t can be fo reseen wi th reas onablecer ta in ty tha t the need wi l l con t inue .

    Children 's parks sewing and kni t t ing centers : -

    A ch i ld ren ' s pa rk should be p rov id ed in a l l ins t i tu tes where there i sa demand and where there a re good pros pec t s o f the fac i l i t i e s be ing ,ava i led o f by the ch i ld ren of the ra i lway se rvan ts . There should a l so bea p rov is ion in the Ins t i tu te Rules fo r the use o f the p remises by lad iesas sewing and kn i t t ing cen te rs . Th is aspec t o f Ins t i tu tes ac t iv i t i esshould be ac t ive ly p romoted .

    Holiday Homes :-

    Hol iday Homes have been . Es tab l i shed as a measur e o f ameni ty to s ta ff .

    The use o f Hol iday Homes se t u p by a par t i cu la r Ra i lway may bea l lowed to the s ta ff o f the o ther Ind ian Ra i lways , p rov ided i t i s

    poss ib le to do so a f te r mee t ing the demands f ro m the s ta ff o f the homeRai lway.

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    Scouts and Guides :-

    The scout ing organ iza t ion on the Ra i lway i s a Separa te S ta te

    Assoc ia t ion on each Rai lway as a b ranch of the Bhara t Scouts andGuides on condi t ions s imi la r to those app l icab le to o ther S ta teAssoc ia t ions d i rec t ly under the Bhara t Scouts and Guides .

    Appointment of scouts against Cul tural quota : -

    Genera l Managers may rec ru i t no t more than 2 pers ons per Div i s ion in Group D (Class IV) pos t s in unsk i l l ed o r semi-sk i l l edca tegory sub jec t to the candida te fu l f i l l ing such qua l i f i ca t ion as may be

    p resc r ibed by the Ra i lway Ad minis t ra t ion in consu l ta t ion wi th S ta teChie f Commiss ioner o f Scouts & Guides . The min imum qua l i f i ca t ion

    should however p re fe rab ly be a p res iden t s scou t bes ides o ther educa t iona l / t echn ica l qu a l i f i ca t ion and exper ience , i f any. This wi l l be

    p resc r ibed fo r e ach pos t . The power to r ec ru i t in the i r respec t iveDiv is ion can be de lega ted by the Genera l Manager to the Div i s iona lRai lway Manager.

    Whi le f i l l ing up the vacanc ies in Scouts /Guides ce l l s , p re fe ren ce shoulda lways be g iven to person who has suff ic ien t exper ience s and t ra in ingin th i s f i e ld .

    Ra i lway se rvan ts , inc lud ing Appren t ices and Tra inees , who a reScouts /Guides o f the Ra i lway S ta te Assoc ia t ions may be g ran ted spec ia lcasua l l eave l imi ted to 30 days in a ca lendar year fo r a t t end ing t ra in ingcamps or ra l l i es o r when engaged und er ins t ruc t ions f rom the i r scou t ingau thor i t i es , on scou t ing du t ies whe ther in o r ou t s ide Ind ia , p rov idedtha t th i s i s done wi thout de t r iment to the i r Ra i lway du t ies .

    Spec ia l Casua l l eave may be permi t ted to be combined wi th Casua lLeave or recorded leave when sanc t ioned on scou t ing da tes . However,

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    when regu la r l eave i s g ran ted in combina t ion wi th spec ia l casua l l eave ,casua l l eave wi l l no t be g ran ted in combina t ion .


    S c h oo l in g f a c ul t ie s a n d e d uc a t io n a l a s s i s t an c e f o r t h e c h il d r en o f Ra i lway se rvan t s

    Po l icy regard ing Ra i lway Schools - Educa t ion be ing the concern of S ta te Governments , the p o l icy o f the Ra i lway Min is t ry i s no t to en te r the f i e ld excep t to the l imi ted ex ten t ind ica ted be low:

    (a ) Prov is ion of fac i l i t i e s in ra i lway co lon ies to the ex ten t tha t theSta te Governments o r o ther educa t iona l o rgan iza t ions a re no t wi l l ing to

    p rov ide them. E lementa r y educa t ion and , where no h igh schools a reava i lab le in the ne ighborhood , educa t ion up to the High school should be deemed as an ines capab le respons ib i l i ty in ra i lway co lon ies , i f theonly a l t e rna t ive i s to l e t the ch i ld ren of ra i lway workers a re wi thoutany educa t iona l fac i l i t i e s .

    (b ) Where ra i lway se rvan ts a re pos ted in ou t o f the way p laces , some prov is ion should be made for ge t t ing the i r ch i ld r en educa ted in HighSchools and co l leges .

    Author i ty competen t to incur expend i tu re : - All expendi tu re onschools , o therwise than prov ide fo r in the ru les requ i res the sanc t ion of the Ra i lway Board .

    Gran ts - in -a id to non- ra i lway schoo ls : - Genera l managers may, inconsu l ta t ion wi th the f inanc ia l adv ise r and ch ie f accoun t o ff ice rs ,sanc t ion gran ts - in -a id to non- ra i lway school in accordance wi th

    paragraph 24 04 of Chapte r XXIV.

    P r o v i d e d t h a t i f t u i t i o n f e e c h a rg e d f r o m a s c i e n c e s t u d e n t i s h i g h e r

    t han cha rged f rom a non - sc i ence s t uden t , s c i ence f ee , t hough s epa ra t e ly

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    c h a rg e d , s h a l l n o t b e i n c l u d e d i n t u i t i o n f e e f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s eo rde r s .

    Explana t ion : - Tu i t ion fees does no t , however, inc lude

    ( I) D om es ti c S ci en ce Fu nd c ha rg es ,( i i ) Lib ra r y fee .( ii i) G am es f ee ,( iv ) a dm is s io n f ee , a n d( v ) E xt r a- c ur r ic u la r a c ti vi ty f ee .

    Procedure for Payment of Chi ldren 's educat ional a l lowance,Reimbursement Tui t ion of fees and hostel subsidy : -

    (1 ) A Rai lway se rvan t , c la iming ch i ld ren ' s educa t iona l a l lowance ,re imbursement o f tu i t ion fees o r hos te l subs idy sha l l fu rn i s h acer t i f i ca te in the p resc r ibed f rom 1 , 2 & 3 or 6 & 7 , as the case may be ,to the Head of Off ice a t the t ime of p re fe r r ing h i s in i t i a l c la im andthereaf te r in the months o f March and Ju ly every year. Where the

    Government se rvan t i s h imse l f the Head of the Off ice , he sha l l fu rn i shcer t i f i ca te to the nex t h igher au thor i ty.

    (2 ) The Head of o ff ice in regard to o ff ice rs work ing in h i s o ff ice andthe nex t h igher au thor i ty in regard to the Head of Off ice sha l l , a f t e r making such enqui ry as may be cons idered nece ssary, i s sue a ce r t i f i ca teind ica t ing the amount o f a l lowance admiss ib le to the Ra i lway se rvan t ,

    on the bas i s o f which the a l lowance sha l l be d rawn by the d rawing anddisburse o ff ice r :

    Prov ided tha t in the case o f Chi ld ren ' s educa t ion a l a l lowance i t sha l l be permiss ib le fo r the a l lo wance be ing drawn on p rov is iona l bas i s , pending ver i f i ca t ion as above ; fo r shor t pe r iods no t exceed ing th reemonths , sub jec t to an under tak ing be ing ob ta in ed f rom the Government

    se rvan t tha t i f , a s a resu l t o f ver i f i ca t ion , i t i s es tab l i shed tha t a school

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    of the requ is i t e s tandard and does ex i s t a t the s ta t ion of pos t ing / res idence or nea r such s ta t ion as re fe r red to in o rder 12 ,

    Prov ided fur ther tha t the Head of o ff ice o r the nex t h igher au thor i ty. a sthe case may be , may a t h i s d i sc re t ion , make enqui ry a t pe r iod icin te rva l s regard ing admiss ib i l i ty o f ass i s tance under these o rders .