Sunday, December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent 10:30 am Service for the Lord’s Day Gathered in God’s Name GATHERING “O Come, All Ye Faithful” Wade/arr. Hayes “The First Nowell” English Carol/arr. Hayes “Mary’s Boy Child” West Indies Carol/arr. Greer The Trinity Jazz Ensemble: Catherine Dimenstein, bass; Lynn Moser, piano; Errol Dimenstein and Mack Sigmon, percussion LIGHTING THE ADVENT CANDLE Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” We welcome God’s Light into our lives; we welcome the full revelation of God’s unfailing love. In the warm glow of God’s salvation, we welcome the fullness of God’s promise. Bathed in God’s light, we can clearly see the faithfulness of our God from age to age, and we remember the words of the psalmist: You spoke in a vision to your faithful one, and said: “I have set the crown on one who is mighty, I have exalted one chosen from the people. I have found my servant David; with my holy oil I have anointed him. I will make him the firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth. Forever I will keep my steadfast love for him, and my covenant with him will stand firm. I will establish his line forever, and his throne as long as the heavens endure. If his children forsake my law and do not walk according to my ordinances, then I will punish their transgression, but I will not remove from him my steadfast love, or be false to my faithfulness. I will not lie to David. His line shall continue forever, and his throne endure before me like the sun. It shall be established forever like the moon, an enduring witness in the skies.” (adapted from Ps. 89, selected verses) The candle we light today shines with God’s welcome, while we welcome God. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” We welcome God’s Light into our lives; we welcome the full revelation of God’s unfailing love.

Gathered in God’s Name - Serving God In The Heart Of The

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Sunday, December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent

10:30 am Service for the Lord’s Day

Gathered in God’s Name

GATHERING “O Come, All Ye Faithful” Wade/arr. Hayes

“The First Nowell” English Carol/arr. Hayes

“Mary’s Boy Child” West Indies Carol/arr. Greer

The Trinity Jazz Ensemble: Catherine Dimenstein, bass; Lynn Moser, piano;

Errol Dimenstein and Mack Sigmon, percussion


Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”

We welcome God’s Light into our lives; we welcome the full

revelation of God’s unfailing love.

In the warm glow of God’s salvation, we welcome the fullness of God’s

promise. Bathed in God’s light, we can clearly see the faithfulness of our

God from age to age, and we remember the words of the psalmist:

You spoke in a vision to your faithful one, and said:

“I have set the crown on one who is mighty, I have exalted one chosen

from the people. I have found my servant David; with my holy oil I have

anointed him. I will make him the firstborn, the highest of the kings of the

earth. Forever I will keep my steadfast love for him, and my covenant with

him will stand firm. I will establish his line forever, and his throne as long

as the heavens endure. If his children forsake my law and do not walk

according to my ordinances, then I will punish their transgression, but I will

not remove from him my steadfast love, or be false to my faithfulness.

I will not lie to David. His line shall continue forever, and his throne endure

before me like the sun. It shall be established forever like the moon,

an enduring witness in the skies.” (adapted from Ps. 89, selected verses)

The candle we light today shines with God’s welcome, while we welcome

God. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”

We welcome God’s Light into our lives; we welcome the full

revelation of God’s unfailing love.


HYMN #100 “My Soul Cries Out with a Joyful Shout”

My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the one who waits.

You fixed your sight on your servant's plight, and my weakness you did not spurn, so from east to west shall my name be blest. Could the world be about to turn?

My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn.

Though I am small, my God, my all, you work great things in me, and your mercy will last from the depths of the past to the end of the age to be.

Your very name puts the proud to shame, and to those who would for you yearn, you will show your might, put the strong to flight, for the world is about to turn.

My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn.

From the halls of power to the fortress tower, not a stone will be left on stone. Let the king beware for your justice tears every tyrant from his throne. The hungry poor shall weep no more, for the food they can never earn;

there are tables spread, every mouth be fed, for the world is about to turn. My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn.

Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn.

Though the nations rage from age to age, we remember who holds us fast: God's mercy must deliver us from the conqueror's crushing grasp.

This saving word that our forebears heard is the promise that holds us bound, till the spear and rod can be crushed by God, who is turning the world around.

My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn.


PRAYER OF CONFESSION Unison God of majesty and mercy, you are powerful, you are holy, and you are loving. You

come among us not as a warrior or tyrant, but as a child. And so we come to worship

you this day, trusting your wisdom with Joseph, pondering your mystery with Mary.

We offer you our love for all that you have been, all that you are, and all that you will

be: one God, holy and loving, now and forever. (silent confession)



Hearing God’s Word


OLD TESTAMENT READING 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 (Pew Bible OT, Pg 281)

SPECIAL MUSIC “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” Prichard/arr. Hayes


NEW TESTAMENT READING 2 Corinthians 5:1, 6-10 (Pew Bible NT, Pg 181)

SERMON “A House Not Made With Hands” Dr. Mack Sigmon

HYMN #145 “What Child Is This”

What child is this who, laid to rest, on Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; haste, haste, to bring him laud, the babe, the son of Mary!

Why lies he in such mean estate where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian, fear; for sinners here the silent Word is pleading.

Nails, spear, shall pierce him through; the cross be borne for me, for you. Hail, hail the Word made flesh, the babe, the son of Mary!

So bring him incense, gold and myrrh; come one and all to own him. The King of kings salvation brings; let loving hearts enthrone him.

Raise, raise the song on high. The virgin sings her lullaby. Joy, joy, for Christ is born, the babe, the son of Mary.

AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: Unison We believe in God, creator of the earth. We believe in Jesus the Christ—God

coming to us in the fragile promise of a baby—who emerges as the herald of

hope, God's joy in the face of despair. Plunged into death and hell, he broke free,

and is leading the way to the land of promise where justice and peace will flourish.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who implants the seed of truth, brings us to

birth as the body of Christ, and empowers us to confront and transform all

that is corrupt, degrading, and deceitful. We believe in the coming reign of

God. Announced by the Baptist, it has drawn near to us in Jesus, and will be

consummated in the reconciliation of earth and heaven. For the coming of that

day on this day, we work and pray: Come, Lord Jesus.



Giving Thanks to God



Sent Into God’s World

HYMN #137 “He Came Down”

He came down that we may have love; he came down that we may have love; he came down that we may have love; hallelujah forevermore.

He came down that we may have light; he came down that we may have light; he came down that we may have light; hallelujah forevermore.

He came down that we may have peace; He came down that we may have peace; he came down that we may have peace; hallelujah forevermore.

He came down that we may have joy; he came down that we may have joy; he came down that we may have joy; hallelujah forevermore.


ADVENT MINI CONCERT Praise God with Tambourine and Cymbals!


Prayer Concerns: Georgia Bach & her family, George Banghart & his family,

Roberta Crawford, Dr. John & Joan Davies (former pastor), Bob Letson, Harriet Marsh,

Dr. Brad & Laura Munroe, Colleen Shannon, Rev. Bill Voigt (former associate pastor),

Ann Walker, Marney Wasserman (former pastor)

Prayer Focus: In this Advent of expectation draw us together in mission, that the

hope within might be the song we sing, & the melody of our lives. In this Advent of

expectation draw us together in service, that the path we follow might lead us from a

stable to a glimpse of eternity.


Online Fellowship Dr. Mack hosts the after worship fellowship at 12:00 pm.

Information and your invitation for that is at www.trinitytucson.org/watch-live.

Online Wednesday Evening Vespers continue each Wednesday at 6:30 pm. This

will be a brief time of prayer and sharing with Dr. Mack. Information is on our website

at http://trinitytucson.org/wednesday-evening-vespers/.

Online Advent Mini Concerts conclude today with Praise God with Tambourine and

Cymbals! featuring The Trinity Jazz Ensemble.

Online Traditional Christmas Eve Service December 24 7:00 pm. A candlelight

service led by Dr. Mack with musical selections from several members of our Trinity

Family. Join us online at trinitytucson.org/watch-live as we celebrate our Lord’s birth on

this holy day!

Thank you to everyone for the gifts of food and money so that Trinity’s Food

Pantry can continue their mission of “Serving God in the Heart of the City”

Special thanks to Peggy Chamberlain (Lay Reader), Catherine & Errol Dimenstein (Candle Light-ers) & the Trinity Jazz Ensemble: Catherine Dimenstein, Lynn Moser,

Errol Dimenstein, Mack Sigmon (Special Music) for helping with today’s service.

Trinity Presbyterian Church Ministry Staff Dr. Mack Sigmon, Pastor

Dr. Bruce Chamberlain, Choral Director Mr. Lynn Moser, Organist & Director of Handbells


Sing We Now of Christmas French Carol/arr. Curry

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen English Carol/arr. Wolaver

Go, Tell It on the Mountain Spiritual/arr. Curry

Jesus, What a Wonderful Child Spiritual/arr. Drennan

Joy to the World Handel/arr. Hayes Jingle Bells Pierpont/arr. Curry

2020 Christmas Poinsettia Dedications

Presented By: Memory/Honor: Anonymous In Honor of Trinity’s Staff

Anonymous In Honor of the Worship & Mission Committees & their


Wendy Baker In Memory of my parents, Bill and Jan Bond

Peggy Bartlett In Honor of Robert Letson and Sherry Letson

Peggy Bartlett In Memory of Marcia Sisley

Terry Boerhave In Memory of Wesley & Delores Boerhave

Ed & Nancy Buck In Memory of Our Parents

Carolynn Carter In Memory of Dean Carter

Lily Chacon In Memory of my Mom and Dad, Carmen & Enrique


Bruce & Peggy Chamberlain In Memory of Pete & Deloris Nielsen and Doris & Clarence


Lynn Chapman In Memory of Evelyn & William Chapman

David & Sheila Croteau In Memory of Our Parents

Derry Dean & Family In Memory of the Rev. William F. Dean

Charity Everitt In Memory of My Parents, Don & Mary Everitt

Janet & Bill Goodhue In Memory of Our Parents

Ed Hawley & Beth Hawley In Honor of Our Mother, Ruth C. Hawley

Ed Hawley & Beth Hawley In Memory of Our Father, Edward B. Hawley, Family,

Sally Kaminski and those who have gone before.

2020 Christmas Poinsettia Dedications

Tom & Vade Henderson In Memory of Tom & Kay Henderson, Dr. John R. &

Grace Phillips, Harry Phillips, Jennifer Hester & Jeff Phillips

Jim & Janet Hooper In Honor of first responders, nurses and doctors

Marilyn Markin In Honor of Dede Markin for all she does for God and

being my precious sister

Dale McCray & Jeanette


In Memory of Ryan Mark McCray

Ida & Ignacio Medina In Memory of Our Daughter, Evelyn

Leone Mohney In Memory of Ruth & Curtis Mohney

Ruth & Don Myers In Honor of Rose Myers, and Jill, John & Kevin O’Rourke

Ruth & Don Myers In Memory of Douglas L. Myers

John Pankey In Memory of Audrey & Edwin Pankey

Marilyn & Jim Slagle In Memory of Robert Crowder, Russ Wyman & Bonnie


Liz Strong In Memory of Edie McConnell

Liz Strong In Memory of Austin & Barbara Strong

Bonnie Stull In Memory of John Stull, Jr. and Marsha Stull

Will Tilley & Janet Munson In Honor of Our Parents

Roberta Westergaard In Memory of Gerald & Elizabeth Westergaard

Randi Windsor, Tom Roof,

Tony & Valeria

In Memory of Charlotte & David Windsor

Presented By: Memory/Honor: