Gatekeepers in the Ribosomal Protein S6: Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Folding Pathways Revealed by a Minimalist Protein Model Antitsa D. Stoycheva 1,2,3 , Charles L. Brooks III 1,2 * and Jose ´ N. Onuchic 2,3 1 Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037 USA 2 Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, La Jolla CA 92093-0374, USA 3 Department of Physics University of California at San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093-0319, USA We investigate the effect of structural gatekeepers on the folding of the ribosomal protein S6. Folding thermodynamics and early refolding kinetics are studied for this system utilizing computer simulations of a minimalist protein model. When gatekeepers are eliminated, the thermo- dynamic signature of a folding intermediate emerges, and a marked decrease in folding efficiency is observed. We explain the prerequisites that determine the “strength” of a given gatekeeper. The investigated gatekeepers are found to have distinct functions, and to guide the folding and time-dependent packing of non-overlapping secondary structure elements in the protein. Gatekeepers avoid kinetic traps during folding by favoring the formation of “productive topologies” on the way to the native state. The trends in folding rates in the presence/absence of gate- keepers observed for our minimalist model of S6 are in very good agree- ment with experimental data on this protein. q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: protein folding; gatekeepers; S6; computer simulations *Corresponding author Introduction Protein folding has remained a topic of intensive research for several decades, becoming a truly interdisciplinary subject, the investigation of which has brought together efforts in biology, chemistry and physics. 1 A wide variety of experi- mental techniques, ranging from nuclear magnetic resonance to spectroscopic measurements and protein engineering 2–16 have been employed to elucidate the structure of proteins, as well as the dynamical processes that lead a protein molecule from its unfolded state to its biologically active native conformation. The combination of the wealth of experimental data with theoretical treat- ments of the folding problem 17 – 30 has resulted in classifying proteins as a unique set of hetero- polymers and in the emergence of the energy land- scape theory. Energy landscape ideas applied to folding suggest that a protein molecule diffuses along a funnel-shaped energy surface on its way from a denatured conformation to the folded state. Besides being characterized by a global minimum corresponding to the native state (or, to be more precise, an ensemble of nearly identical native con- formations), the folding funnel is also riddled by local minima, manifest as kinetic traps. No single predetermined pathway along the folding funnel defines the folding process of a protein molecule. Rather, an ensemble of routes leads from the denatured state to the native state. 24 Despite the fact that the folding funnel presents the protein with a “choice” of pathways, some of which pass through a number of kinetic traps on the way to the native state and are thus slower, 31 proteins manage to fold quickly on a biologically relevant time-scale, the longest folding times being of the order of milliseconds to seconds. It is of interest to ask what governs the choice of efficient folding pathways over unproductive ones. Experiments on the ribosomal protein S6 have explored the existence of “gatekeepers” in protein folding. 32,33 Some of these “special” amino acid residues appear to steer the protein away from unproductive folding routes, including slow- folding intermediates; 32 other gatekeepers prevent intermolecular aggregation. 33 We recently investi- gated these issues from a theoretical point of view utilizing a model b-barrel protein. 34 The 0022-2836/$ - see front matter q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. E-mail address of the corresponding author: [email protected] Abbreviations used: GK, gatekeeper; MC, mutant control; WT, wild-type. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2004.04.073 J. Mol. Biol. (2004) 340, 571–585

Gatekeepers in the Ribosomal Protein S6: Thermodynamics

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Page 1: Gatekeepers in the Ribosomal Protein S6: Thermodynamics

Gatekeepers in the Ribosomal Protein S6:Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Folding PathwaysRevealed by a Minimalist Protein Model

Antitsa D. Stoycheva1,2,3, Charles L. Brooks III1,2* andJose N. Onuchic2,3

1Department of MolecularBiology, The Scripps ResearchInstitute, 10550 North TorreyPines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037USA

2Center for TheoreticalBiological Physics, La JollaCA 92093-0374, USA

3Department of PhysicsUniversity of Californiaat San Diego, La JollaCA 92093-0319, USA

We investigate the effect of structural gatekeepers on the folding ofthe ribosomal protein S6. Folding thermodynamics and early refoldingkinetics are studied for this system utilizing computer simulations of aminimalist protein model. When gatekeepers are eliminated, the thermo-dynamic signature of a folding intermediate emerges, and a markeddecrease in folding efficiency is observed. We explain the prerequisitesthat determine the “strength” of a given gatekeeper. The investigatedgatekeepers are found to have distinct functions, and to guide the foldingand time-dependent packing of non-overlapping secondary structureelements in the protein. Gatekeepers avoid kinetic traps during foldingby favoring the formation of “productive topologies” on the way to thenative state. The trends in folding rates in the presence/absence of gate-keepers observed for our minimalist model of S6 are in very good agree-ment with experimental data on this protein.

q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: protein folding; gatekeepers; S6; computer simulations*Corresponding author


Protein folding has remained a topic of intensiveresearch for several decades, becoming a trulyinterdisciplinary subject, the investigation ofwhich has brought together efforts in biology,chemistry and physics.1 A wide variety of experi-mental techniques, ranging from nuclear magneticresonance to spectroscopic measurements andprotein engineering2–16 have been employed toelucidate the structure of proteins, as well as thedynamical processes that lead a protein moleculefrom its unfolded state to its biologically activenative conformation. The combination of thewealth of experimental data with theoretical treat-ments of the folding problem17–30 has resulted inclassifying proteins as a unique set of hetero-polymers and in the emergence of the energy land-scape theory. Energy landscape ideas applied tofolding suggest that a protein molecule diffusesalong a funnel-shaped energy surface on its wayfrom a denatured conformation to the folded state.

Besides being characterized by a global minimumcorresponding to the native state (or, to be moreprecise, an ensemble of nearly identical native con-formations), the folding funnel is also riddled bylocal minima, manifest as kinetic traps. No singlepredetermined pathway along the folding funneldefines the folding process of a protein molecule.Rather, an ensemble of routes leads from thedenatured state to the native state.24 Despite thefact that the folding funnel presents the proteinwith a “choice” of pathways, some of which passthrough a number of kinetic traps on the way tothe native state and are thus slower,31 proteinsmanage to fold quickly on a biologically relevanttime-scale, the longest folding times being of theorder of milliseconds to seconds.It is of interest to ask what governs the choice of

efficient folding pathways over unproductiveones. Experiments on the ribosomal protein S6have explored the existence of “gatekeepers” inprotein folding.32,33 Some of these “special” aminoacid residues appear to steer the protein awayfrom unproductive folding routes, including slow-folding intermediates;32 other gatekeepers preventintermolecular aggregation.33 We recently investi-gated these issues from a theoretical point ofview utilizing a model b-barrel protein.34 The

0022-2836/$ - see front matter q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

E-mail address of the corresponding author:[email protected]

Abbreviations used: GK, gatekeeper; MC, mutantcontrol; WT, wild-type.

doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2004.04.073 J. Mol. Biol. (2004) 340, 571–585

Page 2: Gatekeepers in the Ribosomal Protein S6: Thermodynamics

introduction of gatekeepers enhanced the earlyfolding kinetics of the b-barrel, whose wild-type(WT) has a folding landscape that is characterizedby a multitude of long-lived kinetic traps.35–37

The present work investigates the mechanismsof gatekeeper action in the ribosomal protein S6and is directly inspired by the experimental inves-tigation by Otzen et al. mentioned above.32 In thatstudy, an off-pathway intermediate of S6 wasobserved in the presence of inorganic salt.Additionally, protein engineering analysis demon-strated that mutation of either one of the threegatekeeper amino acid residues in S6 (V85, E22,or A35) stabilized the off-pathway intermediate.Kinetic data were presented suggesting that theintermediate species in the gatekeeper-lackingmutants did eventually reach the native state via adirect folding channel; however, the process wasseveral orders of magnitude slower compared tothe folding of WT S6.

Here, we address these interesting issues withthe help of computer simulations. We study a Ca

Go-like38,39 model of S6. Model variants thatinclude the experimentally suggested gatekeepers32

and without gatekeepers are explored. We reportthat mutation of the experimentally suggestedgatekeepers leads to the emergence of the thermo-dynamic signature of an intermediate. The elimin-ation of gatekeepers slows early refolding kineticsconsiderably. Mutant-control species, which wereisoenergetic to the gatekeeper-lacking mutants,

but still had the gatekeepers intact, folded as fastas WT S6. The effect of the gatekeepers appears tobe mainly topological in nature, as has beensuggested by experiment.32 Our findings regardinggatekeeper location, as well as the effect of gate-keepers on refolding rates, are in very good agree-ment with the relevant experimental observationsof the ribosomal protein S6.32

Results and Discussion

We report our findings regarding the thermo-dynamic and kinetic properties of the WT S6sequence, as well as three single mutants in whichthe experimentally determined gatekeepers E22,A35, and V85 were disabled.32 The gatekeeperswere “mutated” in the Ca Go-like models byremoving all favorable long-range native inter-actions, associated with the particular gatekeeper,from the summation of VLRðrÞ in equation (4).


Thermodynamic data were collected during con-stant-temperature simulations as described inMaterials and Methods. WT S6 undergoes a fold-ing phase transition at Tf ¼ 0:336e=kB. The dimen-sionless heat capacity, Cv=kB, is shown as afunction of temperature, in units of Tf, in Figure2(a). The behavior of the heat capacity is indicative

Figure 1. The ribosomal protein S6 (PDB accession code 1RIS.pdb44). (a) Representation of S6 in which helices areindicated by cylinders, and b-strands by ribbons. Image generated by VMD.45 (b) Association of a bead’s number inthe protein sequence of our reduced model of S6 with a secondary structure element. We define strands 1 (S1), 2 (S2),3 (S3), and 4 (S4); helices 1 (H1), and 2 (H2); and turns 1 (T1), and 2 (T2). In our model, amino acid residues thatwere experimentally found to lie between subsequent secondary structure elements, but were not explicitly definedas turns, were incorporated in either helices or strands, depending on the dihedral angle potential (see Materials andMethods) that was used to model that particular stretch of the protein sequence.

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of a first-order phase transition in a finite system.Figure 2(b) shows kQðTÞl, the average number ofnative contacts formed during a thermodynamicsampling simulation at temperature T, as a func-tion of T=Tf. A pair of beads ði; jÞ, found at a dis-tance r0ij in the native structure of S6, wasconsidered to form a native contact at step k of asimulation if the distance between them wasdij # gr0ij, with g ¼ 1:5. Our results were not alteredby small variations in the choice of g. Figure 2(b)shows kQðTÞl for g ¼ 1:2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5. Largervalues for g result in an effectively sharper foldingtransition, as illustrated by kQðTÞl, since structurescorresponding to low-temperature vibrationalstates of the protein are considered at a lowerresolution and only significant changes in the pro-tein conformation, which start to appear near thefolding transition, change the slope of the curve.In mathematical terms, since the relation betweenQðTÞ and the internal energy UðTÞ for our off-latticemodel is essentially linear (data not shown), thenfor a two-state protein the width of the transition40

in QðTÞ would be proportional to 1=ðSu 2 SfÞ2,

where Su is the entropy of the unfolded state, andSf is the entropy of the folded state. Increasing thevalue of g effectively decreases Sf and thus reducesthe width of the transition. We also comparedthe results of refolding kinetics (see Early foldingkinetics) as a function of g for 20% of WT S6 refold-ing trajectories, and observed identical foldingyields for g ¼ 1:2 and g ¼ 1:5.The Helmholtz free energy ðF ¼ U2 TSÞ of WT

S6 is shown as a function of the internal energy Uin Figure 3(a), and as a function of the foldingorder parameter Q (percentage of native contacts)in Figure 3(b) for several temperatures close to Tf.At the folding temperature T ¼ Tf, F exhibits twowells of equal depth, corroborating the first-orderphase transition in a finite system already indi-cated for our model by the peak in the heatcapacity. The free energy minimum at 211.5 U=ecorresponds to a basin of folded structures andthe minimum at 9.5 U=e corresponds to a basinof unfolded conformations. The two basins are

Figure 2. (a) The dimensionlessheat capacity, Cv=kB, for WT S6 as afunction of temperature, in units ofTf. The behavior of the heatcapacity is indicative of a first-order phase transition in a finitesystem. (b) Average number ofnative contacts kQðTÞl for WT S6 asa function of T=Tf. Curves fornative distance cutoff coefficientsg ¼ 1:2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 are shown.Our results were not altered bysmall variations in the choice of g.Larger values for g result in aneffectively sharper folding tran-sition, since structures correspond-ing to low-temperature vibrationalstates of the protein are consideredat a lower resolution and only sig-nificant changes in the proteinconformation, which start to appearnear the folding transition, changethe slope of the kQðTÞl curve.

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separated by a small barrier of 0:1e ¼ 0:3kBTf. InFigure 3(b) the high-Q values centered around Q ¼60% correspond to the folded-conformations, low-energy basin in the F–U plane (Figure 3(a)). Theseare separated from the unfolded structures(Q < 30% or less) by a barrier of 0.45 e ð1:3kBTfÞ.Structures high in internal energy (unfolded basinin Figure 3(a)), cluster around Q ¼ 10% andQ ¼ 30%. The two groups of unfolded structuresare separated by a free energy barrier of 0.35 eð1:0kBTfÞ. This additional unfolded ensemblebarrier results from the gradual dissolution of thecentral part of the protein hydrophobic core,formed by S2, S3, and T1 (Figure 1). Contactsbetween these three secondary structure elementscontribute 27% of all native interactions. Visualinspection of trajectories that yield Q ¼ 30% or Q ¼10% also shows that the loop formed by S2, S3 andT1 is present to a varying extent in these instances,with other secondary structure elements or localtertiary structure either completely random, oronly partly formed.

Slightly below Tf the C-terminal strand S4

becomes highly mobile and part or all of the 40native contacts associated with it (18.6% of allnative contacts) are easily broken. That is why, inFigure 3(b) the basin of low-energy structures iscentered around Q < 60%. For temperatures T #0:91Tf the protein populates a state with Q < 80%,i.e. the native structure (data not shown).

We proceed to discuss the thermodynamics ofthe three mutants in which gatekeeper-associatednative contacts for residues E22 (mutant M-E22),A35 (mutant M-A35), or V85 (mutant M-V85)were removed. We once again point out that deter-mining which contacts should be disabled for thegatekeeper-lacking mutants was based purely onan analysis of the contact map of WT S6 (extractedform the PDB file for this species as described inMaterials and Methods) without any additionalbias. This analysis allowed us to classify the nativecontacts of the gatekeepers according to two cri-teria: (1) which secondary structures of S6 (definedin Figure 1) were involved in a given contact; and(2) the interaction range of the contact, based onthe sequence separation of the two residues

Figure 3. (a) The Helmholtz freeenergy ðF ¼ U2 TSÞ of WT S6 as afunction of the internal energy Ufor several temperatures close to Tf.All energies are given in units of eand temperatures in units of Tf.At the folding temperatureT ¼ 1:000Tf, F exhibits two wells ofequal depth, corroborating thefirst-order phase transition in afinite system already indicated forour model by the peak in the heatcapacity (Figure 2). (b) F versus Q.The high-Q values, centered aroundQ ¼ 60%, correspond to the folded-structures, low-energy basin in theF–U plane. The structures high ininternal energy, corresponding tothe unfolded basin in (a), clusteraround Q ¼ 10% and Q ¼ 30%.This is a result of the gradual dis-solution of the central part of theprotein hydrophobic core, formedby S2, S3, and T1 (Figure 1).

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involved; the range of a gatekeeper native contactassociated with a given pair of protein secondarystructure elements was defined as “long”, “short”,etc. relative to the separation of all other nativecontacts between the same two regions of S6.Column 2 of Table 1 summarizes our findings.According to the WT contact map, the gatekeeperresidue A35 has a total of six native contacts: twoshort-range interactions between helix H1 andstrand S2, and four long-range contacts betweenS2 and S3. The gatekeeper E22 is involved in threeshort to medium-range intrahelical H1 interactionsand two long-range H1–T2 interactions. V85 isassociated with four long-range interactionsbetween S1 and T2, and three H2–T2 short-rangeinteractions. As we mentioned at the start of theResults and Discussion section, “mutating” agiven gatekeeper consisted of omitting all con-tributions to equation (4) due to native inter-actions of that gatekeeper. This alters the mutantHamiltonians as follows:

The mutants were destabilized by 5.5 e (M-V85,seven native contacts removed), 5.0 e (M-E22, fivenative contacts removed), 4.0 e (M-A35, six nativecontacts removed), compared to WT S6. (In ourkinetic studies of these mutants, discussed in theEarly folding kinetics and subsequent sections wetook special care to ensure that the differencesbetween WT and mutant Hamiltonians did notintroduce biases favoring one species over theothers in the refolding simulations. As anadditional impartial test, refolding was also pre-formed for mutant control species as describedlater on in the text.) Figure 4(a), (c), and (e) showthe dimensionless heat capacity, Cv=kB, as a func-tion of temperature, in units of Tf, for the threemutants. All three mutants exhibit a “main” fold-ing transition around T ¼ Tf, the same temperatureas WT S6. Additionally, the Cv curves for themutants show extra “bumps”, indicating the pre-sence of folding intermediates. Evidence for inter-mediates is also presented by the “bumps” and“steps” in the transition regions of the kQðTÞlcurves for the three systems (Figure 4(b), (d), and(f)). Experimentally,32 the most pronounced gate-keeper was found to be V85, closely followed byE22 and, to a lesser extent, by A35. Our minimalist

models for M-V85, M-E22, and M-A35 reflect thisfact.Figures 5–7 show the free energy profiles for

M-V85, M-E22, and M-A35, respectively. In allthree Figures, part (a) refers to the correspondingfolding intermediate transitions observed in theCv curves at 0.740 Tf for M-V85, 0.920 Tf forM-E22, and 0.914 Tf for M-A35. Part (b) illustratesthe behavior of the systems around Tf, the “main”folding transition. For all three mutants, the tran-sition associated with the intermediate is character-ized by a very small barrier in both the F–U andF–Q planes, and the protein populates an “inter-mediate” structure in which about 60% of thenative contacts are formed (the native state hasabout 80% of the PDB contacts formed, as shownin Figures 2(b) and 4(c)–(e)).The structure of the intermediate is essentially

identical for all three mutants, as judged by a com-parison of the respective contact maps (data notshown). This “thermodynamic” intermediate,which gets significantly populated in the absenceof gatekeepers, also corresponds to the protein con-formations with Q < 60% that are only transientlyobserved for the WT species around Tf. In allcases, the C-terminal strand S4 becomes entropi-cally rich and mobile, and “detaches” itself fromthe rest of the protein, which remains in a near-native configuration. Some native contacts asso-ciated with S4’s neighboring turn T2 and helix H2are also broken.Our simplified models of the gatekeeper-lacking

mutants of S6 clearly identify the importance ofreinforcing certain local secondary structureelements, such as turns, as well as long-range inter-actions that facilitate native packing. These find-ings broaden our understanding of the role of thestructural gatekeepers of S6. However, we pointout that in order to directly compare the nature ofa model misfolded “intermediate” to the experi-mentally suggested one,32 a more detailed modelincluding side-chains would likely offer furtherinsights.

Early folding kinetics

In this section we discuss the effect that

Table 1. The nature of gatekeeper and control contacts mutated in this study

Gatekeeper (GK) Native contacts for GK Mutant controls–removed contacts

V85 S1–T2; long-range S1–S4; longer-range than GKH2–T2; short-range H2–S4; longer-range than GK

E22 H1–H1; i, iþ 4 and i, iþ 8 H1–H1; i, iþ 5H1–T2; long-range H1–T2; long-range

A35 H1–S2; short-range H1–S2; long-rangeS2–S3; longest-range S2–S3; medium long-range

Gatekeeper native contacts are characterized in column 2 of the Table; contributions due to these contacts were excluded from thesummation of favorable native interactions in our studies of gatekeeper-lacking mutants (M-A35, M-E22 and M-V85). The types ofnative contacts that were removed in the mutant controls for which gatekeepers were left intact (MC-A35, MC-E22 and MC-V85) aresummarized in column 3 of the Table. All contacts are classified according to secondary structure involved and interaction range.

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gatekeepers have on the early folding kinetics ofS6. We have investigated the refolding behavior ofWT S6, M-V85, M-E22, and M-A35 according tothe simulation procedure outlined in Materialsand Methods. The systems were refolded at the fol-lowing Tref temperatures: 0.888 Tf (WT S6), 0.666 Tf

(M-V85), 0.843 Tf (M-E22), and 0.858 Tf (M-A35).Tref values were chosen to be lower than andapproximately equally offset from the correspond-ing folding transition temperatures indicated bythe heat capacities of the four systems (Figures 2and 4) which reflect the thermodynamic stabilities

of the different species (see Thermodynamics).Our choice of refolding temperatures ensured thatthe WT and the mutants were refolded “on anequal footing” from an energetic point of view:since the mutant species were destabilized com-pared to WT S6 (as discussed in the Thermo-dynamics section), the native protein was refoldedat a higher temperature.

Folding progress was measured by trackingPvðtÞ, the fraction of unfolded trajectories as a func-tion of time.31,34 The percentage of native contactsQ was used as the measure for nativeness during

Figure 4. Left column of panels: the dimensionless heat capacity, Cv=kB, as a function of temperature, in units of Tf,for the gatekeeper-lacking mutants M-A35, M-E22, and M-V85. All three mutants exhibit a “main” folding transitionaround T ¼ Tf, the same temperature as WT S6. Additionally, the Cv curves for the mutants show extra “bumps”, indi-cating the presence of folding intermediates. Right column of panels: kQðTÞl curves for the three systems. The evidenceof intermediates is corroborated by the “bumps” and “steps” in the transition regions of kQðTÞl. Experimentally,the most pronounced gatekeeper was found to be V85, closely followed by E22, and to a lesser extent by A35.32 Ourminimalist models for M-V85, M-E22, and M-A35 reflect this fact.

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refolding, and the cutoff value Qc separatingfolded from unfolded states was determined separ-ately for WT S6, M-V85, M-E22, and M-A35 fromthe kQðTÞl thermodynamic data (Figures 2 and 4)at the appropriate temperature. (Exact Q valueswere available for all Tref, so no extrapolation wasdone for Qc.)

Figure 8 characterizes the early refolding kineticsof WT S6 and its three gatekeeper-lacking mutants.WT-species trajectories (75%) folded within2.0 £ 106 time steps (13.46 ns). An equivalent fold-ing yield (78%) is observed for M-A35, the mutantthat lacks the least significant experimentallysuggested gatekeeper.32 On the other hand, M-V85and M-E22, for which efficient gatekeepers32 havebeen removed, show a marked decrease in pro-ductive early folding, with only 54% and 49% oftrajectories leading to the folded state, respectively.The refolding trends we observe are in very goodagreement with the experimentally measuredkinetics of S6 and its mutants.32

We have also investigated the refolding kineticsof three mutant control (MC) species: MC-V85,MC-E22, and MC-A35. The purpose of the controlstudies was to clearly demonstrate that gate-keepers are located in crucial positions in theprotein.32,33 As with M-V85, M-E22, and M-A35,certain native interactions were excluded from theHamiltonians of the mutant controls. The type ofnative contacts that were removed in the mutant

control for each gatekeeper (V85, E22, or A35) aresummarized in the third column of Table 1. In allthree MC cases, the actual gatekeepers were left inplace, and other native interactions were elimi-nated such that the mutant control and its corre-sponding gatekeeper-lacking mutant weredestabilized by the same amount of native inter-action energy, compared to WT S6, namely: 5.5 efor M-V85 and MC-V85, 5.0 e for M-E22 and MC-E22, and 4.0 e for M-A35 and MC-A35. In themutant controls, native contacts between the samesecondary structure elements, as in the originalgatekeeper-lacking mutant being tested, wereremoved. (V85 is the only residue that contributesnative contacts between H2 and T2 in WT S6, asdetermined by the procedure described inMaterials and Methods. Therefore, for MC-V85,native contacts between H2 and S4 were removed.S4 follows immediately after T2, as shown inFigure 1.) Additionally, all native interactionsbetween the secondary structures of interest wereexamined and native contacts that involved V85,E22, and A35 were classified as either short-rangeor long-range, based on sequence separation ofthe gatekeeper and its contact (column 2 of Table1). Most native interactions that were removed inMC-V85, MC-E22, and MC-A35 were deliberatelyof different range than those eliminated in M-V85,M-E22, and M-A35 (column three of Table 1).Figure 9 compares the early folding of WT S6,

Figure 5. Free energy profiles for M-V85. All energies are given in units of e and temperatures in units of Tf.(a) Native-to-intermediate transition observed at 0.740 Tf. Curves are drawn in intervals of DT ¼ 0:006Tf. The con-tinuous lines correspond to T ¼ 0:740Tf. (b) “Main” folding transition (i.e. intermediate-to-unfolded) at T ¼ 1:000Tf.

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M-V85, M-E22, and M-A35 (already shown inFigure 8) to the behavior of the mutant controls.Folding progress is measured by PvðtÞ, the fractionof unfolded trajectories as a function of time. Allthree mutant controls exhibit folding yields thatare essentially the same as those of the WT protein(i.e. the best anticipated folder of all consideredsystems) and the mutant of the “weakest” gate-keeper, M-A35. This demonstrates that the gate-keepers’ locations, as well as the particularcombination of long-range and short-range inter-actions in which they are involved, are essential tothe protein’s ability to choose productive foldingpathways early on in the folding process.

Analysis of trajectories that did not fold withinthe investigated time-scale (data not shown) hasdemonstrated that the protein conformationsassociated with the kinetic traps correspond to the“thermodynamic” intermediate discussed in theThermodynamics section.

Folding pathways

To gain further insight into how exactly the fold-ing mechanism of S6 is influenced by the gate-keepers, we have examined the refolding kineticsdata presented above using ensemble-averagedlocal native contact values as a function of time

kQijlðtÞ.34 Here, i and j are any of the secondarystructure elements of S6 given in Figure 1: S1, S2,S3, S4, H1, H2, T1, or T2. There are 36 unique ði; jÞpairs, but only 22 of these actually share nativecontacts, and kQijlðtÞ were calculated just for them.The local native contact values monitor thedynamics of folding of individual parts of the pro-tein and are thus capable of distinguishing differ-ences in folding events that arise due to theabsence of gatekeepers.

The results of our local contact order investi-gations are graphically illustrated in Figure 10.Regardless of the type of species (WT or mutants),folding occurs at five distinct stages. (Using rawdata, we distinguished the different stages fromeach other by observing the time-dependent, steepincrease in native contact formation betweenthe secondary structure elements of the above-discussed ði; jÞ pairs, which maps the sequenceof folding events.) At each stage, more than one“discrete” event of secondary structure formationor tertiary packing occurs. Each stage in the foldingprocess is represented in Figure 10 by a backbonetrace and a projection diagram (top view), inwhich residues along the protein sequence werecolored depending on whether they had formednative contacts at that particular point duringrefolding. The coloring scheme used in Figure 10

Figure 6. Free energy profiles for M-E22. All energies are given in units of e and temperatures in units of Tf.(a) Native-to-intermediate transition observed at 0.920 Tf. Curves are drawn in intervals of DT ¼ 0:006Tf. The continu-ous lines correspond to T ¼ 0:920Tf. (b) “Main” folding transition (i.e. intermediate-to-unfolded) at T ¼ 1:000Tf.

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is as follows: navy, non-native conformation; red,native contacts associated with helix H1; green,native contacts associated with helix H2; golden,native contacts associated with the b-sheet (consist-ing of strands S1, S2, S3, and S4); purple, nativecontacts associated with turn T1; and ice-blue,native contacts associated with turn T2. (Certain

residues participate in the formation of differentnative contacts at different stages during folding.The “folded color” of these residues in the back-bone trace representations changes to reflect thatfact. For instance, V85 forms H2–S4 contacts atstage 4 of folding and is colored green in the Ca

trace at that stage. At stage 5, V85 participates in

Figure 7. Free energy profiles for M-A35. All energies are given in units of e and temperatures in units of Tf.(a) Native-to-intermediate transition observed at 0.914 Tf. Curves are drawn in intervals of DT ¼ 0:006Tf. The con-tinuous lines correspond to T ¼ 0:914Tf. (b) “Main” folding transition (i.e. intermediate-to-unfolded) at T ¼ 1:000Tf.

Figure 8. Early refolding kineticsof WT S6 and its three gatekeeper-lacking mutants, characterized bythe fraction of unfolded trajectoriesas a function of time PvðtÞ. For theWT, 75% of the refolding trajec-tories folded within 2.0 £ 106 timesteps (13.46 ns). An equivalent fold-ing yield (78%) is observed forM-A35, the least significant experi-mentally suggested gatekeeper.32

On the other hand, M-V85 andM-E22, for which efficientgatekeepers32 have been removed,show a marked decrease in pro-ductive early folding, with only54% and 49% of trajectories leadingto the folded state, respectively.The refolding trends we observeare in very good agreement withthe experimentally measured kin-etics for S6 and its mutants.32

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additional native contacts between T2 and S4 andtherefore its color changes to ice-blue. “Old foldedcolors” are retained at all times in the projection dia-grams, e.g. T2, which contains residue V85, has bothgreen and ice-blue sections at stage 5 of folding.)

We first discuss Figure 10 in terms of WT S6, andsubsequently point out the differences in the fold-ing mechanism of the gatekeeper-lacking mutants.

Short-range contacts are the ones that form mostrapidly during refolding, as is shown in the firststage of events in Figure 10. These contacts involvethe establishment of intrahelical structure withinH1 and H2, and the formation of the turn betweenS3 and H2. The E22 gatekeeper is involved in16.7% of H1–H1 interactions.

During the second stage of folding the

hydrophobic core begins to form, starting at theturn between strands S2 and S3 then followed bythe packing of H1 against S2 and S3. The gatekeeperA35 is involved in 14.3% of H1–S2 interactions and7.5% of S2–S3 interactions. The slowest process atthe second stage of folding is the formation of nativecontacts between H2 and T2 (i.e. the turn regionbetween helix H2 and strand S4 in the native struc-ture). Notably, all these contacts involve the strongestgatekeeper V85.

At the third stage of the folding process, helix H1and strand S1 are completely associated into thecore, after the correct formation of H1–T1 contactsand S1–H2, S1–T1, and S1–S3 interactions,respectively. H1 and H2 adopt native mutualorientation.

Figure 9. Comparison of the earlyfolding of WT S6, M-V85, M-E22,and M-A35 (already shown inFigure 8) to the mutant controlsMC-V85, MC-E22, and MC-A35.Folding progress is measured bythe fraction of unfolded trajectoriesas a function of time PvðtÞ. Allthree mutant controls exhibit fold-ing yields that are essentially thesame as those of the WT protein(i.e. the best anticipated folder ofall considered systems) and themutant of the “weakest” gate-keeper, M-A35. This demonstratesthat the gatekeepers’ locations, aswell as the particular combinationof long-range and short-range inter-actions in which they are involved,are essential to the protein’s abilityto choose productive foldingpathways early on in the foldingprocess.

Figure 10. Folding mechanism of S6. Each stage in the folding process is represented by a backbone trace and a pro-jection diagram (top view), in which residues along the protein sequence were colored depending on whether they hadformed native contacts at that particular point during refolding as follows: navy, non-native conformation; red, nativecontacts associated with helix H1; green, native contacts associated with helix H2; golden, native contacts associatedwith the b-sheet (consisting of strands S1, S2, S3, and S4); purple, native contacts associated with turn T1; and ice-blue, native contacts associated with turn T2.

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During the remaining two slowest stages ofnative contact formation, the two helices fall intonative arrangement with respect to the b-strands(H1–T2 and H2–S4 contacts), and the incorpo-ration of the entropically rich strands S1 and S4into the hydrophobic core is completed (S1–H1,S1–S2, S1–S4, S1–T2, T1–S4, and S3–S4 contacts).The gatekeeper E22 is involved in 50.0% of thecontacts that bring H1 and T2 together. V85 partici-pates in 66.7% of S1–T2 contacts.

The above discussion elucidates why V85 isthe most significant gatekeeper observedexperimentally:32 it exclusively controls the inter-actions between H2 and T2, reinforcing correctturn formation between helix H2 and strand S4,and is responsible for a large fraction of the nativeinteractions between the entropically rich strandS1 and turn T2. V85 is followed in significance byE22,32 which largely determines proper interactionbetween helix H1 and turn T2. V85 and E22 havesignificant impact on the proper packing of theprotein. The guiding function of A35, on the otherhand, is diminished in importance32 because theabsence of this gatekeeper is potentially compen-sated by a large number of other “A35 redundant”native hydrophobic core contacts between H1 andS2, and S2 and S3. Our analysis shows that thethree “structural gatekeepers”32 that guide the fold-ing of S6 and are at the focus of the present theo-retical investigation are not mutually redundant,i.e. they are not involved in native interactionsbetween the same elements of secondary structure.(In terms of amino acid properties, their side-chains are either hydrophilic, or hydrophobic. Onthe other hand, “conformational gatekeepers”,33

which are thought to prevent aggregation by inter-rupting contiguous stretches of hydrophobic resi-dues, have been experimentally found to resideclose to each other in protein sequence and are allcharged.33)

Gatekeepers have a pronounced effect on thefolding of S6. When they are eliminated, newdynamic bottlenecks, untypical of the WT, emerge.Removal of V85 alters the packing of the hydro-phobic core. It drastically slows the formation ofH2–T2 contacts at stage 2 of folding. This leads tofaster and more compact packing of S2, S3, T1,and H1, creating a kinetic trap. The elimination ofV85 also inhibits the interactions of S1 with H2and S3 at stage 3 of folding. Instead, S1 is seen toassociate faster with H1 than in WT S6, eventhough the gatekeeper is not involved directly innative contacts between these secondary structureelements. S1–T2 interactions are slower than WTfor M-V85.

Mutation of E22 has negligible effect on H1–H1intrahelical interactions at stage 1 of folding. Theabsence of this gatekeeper does not impact hydro-phobic core assembly at stages 2 or 3; however, itsomewhat slows the formation of H1–H2 nativecontacts at stage 3, even though the native list forthose does not include E22. This is likely due tothe slight disruption of H1 intrahelical native

structure around the E22 position (about halfwaythrough helix H1). At stage 4 of folding, the inter-actions of helix H1 with the core (i.e. T2) is ham-pered, and instead H1 packs against S1prematurely, compared to the WT.Elimination of A35 does not markedly change

the folding mechanism of S6, and M-A35 behavesrather similarly to the WT species. The mutant con-trols MC-V85, MC-E22, and MC-A35 generallyexhibit the same folding characteristics as WT S6,as well.The above observations shed light on why and

how gatekeepers steer S6 along productive foldingpathways. The gatekeepers ensure that a “proper”sequence of folding events (secondary structureformation and tertiary packing) is followed. Thegatekeepers’ role appears to be closely related totopology: these special amino acid residuesincrease the protein’s chances of sampling “pro-ductive” conformations as it moves along itsenergy landscape. Establishing a correlationbetween protein topology and folding rates hasbeen the focus of a number of experimental andtheoretical works to date. A concise summary ofthese efforts,41 as well as a new variant of thetopomer search model41,42 and an application tosystems with smooth energy landscapes43 havebeen reported recently. These works suggest thatthe search for unfolded conformations withroughly native-like topology largely determinesthe height of the folding barrier, and hence thefolding rate, for simple single-domain proteins.The gatekeeper perspective explains a mechanismthat proteins have apparently “devised” to success-fully find their native topomers.The above discussion is based on observations

regarding the ensembles of folded trajectories gen-erated for each investigated species during kineticrefolding. Performing a similar analysis on thecorresponding ensembles of unfolded trajectoriesprovides additional insights into the role of gate-keepers. We have already pointed out that, accord-ing to our minimalist model of S6, the long-livedkinetic traps we observe are very similar in naturefor both good folders (with gatekeepers) and badfolders (without gatekeepers). The importantdifference is that the species with gatekeepers fallinto the kinetic traps much less frequently. Com-parison of the WT S6 ensemble of unfolded trajec-tories to the unfolded ensembles of the twomutants that lack strong gatekeepers, M-V85 andM-E22, has revealed that gatekeepers preventnative but premature tertiary structure packingand thus ensure a smooth passage to the foldedstate. The unfolded ensembles of M-A35 and themutant control species exhibit characteristics simi-lar to those of the WT.We conclude by summarizing our findings and

pointing to future directions. We have designedand studied a minimalist Go-like38,39 model of S6that successfully reproduces the experimentallyobserved folding characteristics32 of this ribosomalprotein. Our work sheds light on the mechanisms

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by which the experimentally suggested structuralgatekeepers of S632 ensure fast folding kinetics andguide the protein along productive folding path-ways to the native state. We have demonstratedthat the three gatekeepers V85, E22, and A3532

have non-overlapping functions in ensuringproper folding by acting in different regions of S6.The gatekeepers regulate local secondary structureformation, as well as the overall gradual assemblyof the protein during folding. By reinforcing pro-ductive topologies on the way to the native state,the gatekeepers prevent native but prematuretertiary packing that can cause kinetic traps andhamper refolding. The strong correlation betweenefficient gatekeepers and protein topology isemphasized by the fact that a simplified Go-typemodel is capable of reproducing gatekeeper-related effects. Additionally, our analysis eluci-dates that “gatekeeping strength” depends on therelative number of native contacts between twosecondary structure elements that are controlledby the gatekeeper. The weakest gatekeeper, A35, isfound to have the largest number of native contactalternatives, while the strongest gatekeeper, V85,entirely controls native turn formation betweenthe second helix and the C-terminal strand of S6.

Our experience with designing structural gate-keepers into an all-b model protein,34 combinedwith the findings of the present study of the ribo-somal protein S6, have revealed some persistenttrends that are beginning to outline the essentialprerequisites for a good gatekeeper. This puts usin a position to theoretically predict possible gate-keeper sites for an arbitrary protein. As far aslocal interactions are concerned, we expect to findgatekeepers in turn regions, especially if thesecondary structure elements that precede/followthe turn do not share numerous native contactsbetween residues located in the turn’s immediatevicinity. Predictions regarding tertiary packingguided by long-range contacts are less obvious. Inthose instances, an analysis of the protein nativecontact map, combined with in silico observationsof productive refolding of the WT is likely to yieldadditional clues regarding the location of effectivegatekeepers. We are currently starting to test thisapproach on S6, and anticipate providing newgatekeeper candidates for experimental validation.

Materials and Methods

Model system

The 101 residue long ribosomal protein S6 (PDB acces-sion code 1RIS.pdb44) is a mixed a–b protein thatconsists of two helices packed against a four-strandedb-sheet. Figure 1(a) shows a representation of S6 inwhich the helices are indicated by cylinders, and theb-strands by ribbons. (Image generated by VMD.45) Wehave constructed a minimalist off-lattice model represen-tation of S6. The positions of residues 98–101 in the pro-tein sequence were not experimentally observable in theelectron density44 and were not reported in 1RIS.pdb.

Therefore, we included only residues 1–97 in ourmodel. We first outline the general characteristics ofthe model and subsequently discuss each term in theHamiltonian in detail.

As is typical of Go-like38,39 models, amino acid resi-dues in our reduced model of S6 are represented byidentical beads of mass m, connected by bonds of uni-form length s. Figure 1(b) identifies the association of abead’s number in the protein sequence with a secondarystructure element, as revealed by 1RIS.pdb.44 We definestrands 1 (S1), 2 (S2), 3 (S3), and 4 (S4); helices 1 (H1),and 2 (H2); and turns 1 (T1), and 2 (T2), as shown inFigure 1(b). In 1RIS.pdb,44 amino acid residues thatwere experimentally found to lie between subsequentsecondary structure elements were not assigned tobelong to either one of them. In our model, these “transi-tional” residues were incorporated in either helices orstrands, depending on the dihedral angle potential (seebelow) that was used to model that particular stretch ofthe protein sequence.

In our reduced model, beads interact via bond, angle,and dihedral angle potentials, determined by chainconnectivity. Additionally, each bead interacts withevery other bead in the system via excluded volume,preventing the superposition of protein residues.A favorable long-range interaction is assigned to“native” pairs of beads, i.e. beads corresponding to resi-dues that interact in the folded state of the protein. Thelist of native contacts (native bead pairs) was derivedfrom the PDB crystal structure of S6,44 based on eitherone of the following cutoff distance criteria:

rðCai;CajÞ # 7:5 �A ð1Þ

where rðCai;CajÞ is the distance between Ca backboneatoms of residues i and j, or:

rðschi; schjÞ # 4:0 �A ð2Þ

where rðschi; schjÞ is the distance between any two atomsthat belong to the side-chains of residues i and j, respec-tively. For both cutoffs above, the condition j $ iþ 4was also imposed. A total of 215 native contacts for S6were determined.

The Hamiltonian of the system is thus a sum of fiveterms:

Hðr; u;fÞ ¼ VLRðrÞ þ VEVðrÞ þ VBðrÞ þ VAðuÞ þ VDðfÞ ð3Þ

The long-range interactions between native contacts arecalculated using:

VLRðrijÞ ¼Xkijl

e 5r0ij






35 ð4Þ

The summation above goes over pairs of native contactresidues ði; jÞ, and rij is the distance between the Ca

atoms of residues i and j. The distance at which thefunction in equation (4) gives a minimum, r0ij, is specificto each native pair of beads and was extracted from1RIS.pdb.44 e is the amount by which the system’s energyis lowered upon the formation of one native contact,and is used to define the energy scale for the model. eand the bond length s define the reduced units utilizedthroughout this work. Energies are presented in units ofe, temperatures in units of e=kB, lengths in units of s,and time in units of t ¼ ðms2=eÞ1=2. For native contactsformed between residues that both belong to a b-strandof S6 (see Figure 1(b) for the locations of strands inthe sequence), a value of 1=2e was used instead of ein equation (4). This was done in order to avoid

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overstabilizing of the protein hydrophobic core (formedby strands 2 and 3, and the turn between them) whichconcentrates a large number of native contacts (<30%)in a relatively limited region of the protein.

Excluded volume interactions are modeled by:

VEVðrÞ ¼Xkijl



� �12


where the summation goes over all pairs of atoms ði; jÞ,and s is the bond length between successive residues.

All bonds are held fixed at an equilibrium bond lengthvalue of r0 ¼ 3:78 �A using SHAKE.46 Bond-angle inter-actions are harmonic:

VAðuÞ ¼Xangles

Kaðu2 u0Þ2 ð6Þ

with Ka set to 20 e/deg2, and u0 ¼ 1058.The dihedral potential describes rotations around

three successive bonds involving four beads. Two differ-ent forms were used for the dihedral potential, depend-ing on the type of secondary structure involved: a-helixor b-sheet (turns were modeled using the potential forb-sheets). The dihedral potential for helices is given by:

VaDðfÞ ¼


Kd½1þ cosðf2 f0Þ� ð7Þ

where Kd ¼ 0:2e, and f0 ¼ 2308. The choice of f0 is basedon the fact that the average dihedral angle from 1RIS.pdbfor the two helices of S6 is approximately 508. The sum-mation is performed over all dihedral angles formed bybeads that belong to the two helices. Dihedral inter-actions for b sheets (and turns) are of the form:

VbDðfÞ ¼


Kd½1þ cosð3fÞ� ð8Þ

which gives minima of equal depth at dihedral anglevalues of 608 and 1808. The above summation is per-formed over all dihedral angles formed by beads thatbelong to b-strands or turns. These dihedral potentialsdo not specifically impose a constraint that would guar-antee the natural “left-handedness” of the protein in theturn regions preceding the two helices. Both the left andright-handed isomer were considered to be “valid” out-comes of refolding in this work.

Computer simulations

We have investigated models representing WT S6 andseveral mutants. Both the thermodynamics and earlyfolding kinetics of these systems were characterized.All simulations were performed using the CHARMMpackage.47

Constant-temperature thermodynamic sampling

The thermodynamic properties of S6 and its mutantswere calculated from data generated by constant tem-perature Nose–Hoover48,49 molecular dynamics simu-lations using the Hamiltonian described above. Theintegration time step was set to 0.0075t. For each system(WT or mutant), independent constant T simulationswere performed at 22–29 temperature values, corre-sponding to a temperature range of 0:149e=kB to0:547e=kB for WT S6, and 0:0995e=kB to 0:497e=kB for themutants. Low-T and high-T collection temperature pointswere spaced 0:0249e=kB from each other, while tempera-ture points around the folding transitions were spaced

0:00497e=kB from each other. At temperatures that werefar from the folding phase transition region, data werecollected for 2.0 £ 106 steps (13.46 ns), following1.0 £ 105 steps of equilibration, at 1.0 £ 103 step intervals(to ensure the sampling of uncorrelated protein confor-mations). Around the folding transition, data collectioninvolved up to 1.0 £ 107 simulation time steps (67.30 ns)for WT S6, and 4.0 £ 106 simulation time steps (26.92 ns)for the mutants, all at 1.0 £ 103 step intervals. Thermo-dynamic properties were extracted from raw data usingWHAM.50–54 The simulation protocol provided goodsampling, as measured by the relative error in the den-sity of states53 for our system:






vuuuut ð9Þ

where X denotes either the order parameter Q, or theinternal energy U. g ¼ 1, i runs over all constant-tem-perature simulations for a given system (WT or mutant),and NiðXÞ is the number of times the value X wassampled during simulation i. Our simulation protocolensured dVðQÞ=VðQÞ # 5%, and dVðUÞ=VðUÞ # 10%.

Langevin dynamics

To investigate the early folding kinetics of S6 and itsmutants, Langevin molecular dynamics (MD) simu-lations were performed. The friction coefficient was setto 0.2 t21, and the integration time step to 0.0075 t.Bond lengths were kept constant using the SHAKE46

algorithm. Starting with the folded conformation, thesystem (WT S6 or mutant) was unfolded at high tem-perature T $ 0:597e=kB. The protein was subsequentlyquenched to a “refolding temperature”, chosen slightlybelow the folding phase transition, as indicated by thedivergence (in the context of a finite system) of the heatcapacity, calculated from the thermodynamic simu-lations for the corresponding system. For each system(WT S6 or mutant), 100 independent refolding MD simu-lations of 2.0 £ 106 steps (13.46 ns) each were performed.Data were collected at 1.0 £ 103 step intervals (to ensurethe sampling of uncorrelated protein conformations).


A.D.S. thanks Leslie Chavez, Scott Brozell, San-deep Patel, Wonpil Im, Mike Crowley, John Finke,and Margaret Cheung for helpful discussions. Weare indebted to Mikael Oliveberg and MagnusLindberg for stimulating conversations andinsightful suggestions. Fellowship and equipmentsupport received from the La Jolla Interfaces inScience Program sponsored by the Burroughs Well-come Fund is gratefully acknowledged. The NSF-sponsored CTBP is supported by grants PHY-0216576 and 0225630. Additional financial supportfrom the NIH for C.L.B. III (GM48807) and fromthe NSF for J.N.O. (NCB-0084797) is also gratefullyacknowledged.

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Edited by C. R. Matthews

(Received 10 February 2004; received in revised form 20 April 2004; accepted 29 April 2004)

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