GATE Strength of Materials Book

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  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Strength of Materials


    Mechanical Engineering


    wwwthegateacademy com
  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Syllabus SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, KeshavaKrupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d

    Syllabus for

    Strength of Materials

    Stress and strain, stress-strain relationship and elastic constants, Mohrs circle for plane stress and plane

    strain, shear force and bending moment diagrams, bending and shear stresses, deflection of beams,

    torsion of circular shafts, thin and thick cylinders, Eulers theory of columns, strain energy methods,

    thermal stresses.

    Analysis of GATE Papers

    (Strength of Materials)

    Year Percentage of marks Overall Percentage

    2013 5.00


    2012 11.00

    2011 9.00

    2010 5.00

    2009 6.00

    2008 13.33

    2007 8.00

    2006 8.00

    2005 9.33

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Content SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P i

    C O N T E N T S

    Chapters Page no.

    1. Simple Stress and Strain 1 33

    Introduction 1

    Simple Stress & Strain 1

    Hookes Law 1 2

    Stress Strain Diagram 3 4 Possions Ratio 4 5

    Cylindrical Pressure Vehicle 5 6

    Spherical Pressure Vehicle 7

    Solved Examples 8 21

    Assignment 1 22 24

    Assignment 2 24 27

    Answer keys 28

    Explanations 28 33

    2. Shear Force and Bending Moment 34 - 58

    Introduction 34

    Shear and Moment 34 35

    Shear Force and Bending Moment Relationships 35 37

    Propped Means & Fixed Beams 37 40

    Singularity Function 40 41

    Solved Examples 42 48

    Assignment 1 49 52

    Assignment 2 52 54

    Answer keys 55 Explanations 55 58

    3. Stresses in Beams 59- 76

    Introduction 59

    Bending Stress 59 60

    Important Points 60

    Shear Stress 61 62

    Composite Beams 62

    Solved Examples 63 67

    Assignment 1 68 70

    Assignment 2 70 71

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Content SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P ii

    Answer keys 72

    Explanations 72 76

    4. Deflection of Beams 77 - 105

    Introduction 77

    Double Integration Method 77 78

    Area Moment Method 78 79

    Maxwells Law of Reciprocal Deflections 79 85

    Solved Examples 86 94

    Assignment 1 95 97

    Assignment 2 98 99

    Answer keys 100 Explanations 100 105

    5. Torsion 106 - 133

    Introduction 106

    Torsion 106 - 107

    Torsion of Shafts 108 109

    Combined Bending and Torsion 109 110

    Solved Examples 111 118

    Assignment 1 119 122 Assignment 2 123 124

    Answer keys 125

    Explanations 125 - 133

    #6. Mohrs ircle

    134 - 150

    Introduction 134

    Mohrs Circle 134 135

    Applications : Thin Walled Pressure Vessel 135 136

    Solved Example 137 141

    Assignment 1 142 144

    Assignment 2 145 147

    Answer key 148

    Explanation 148 150

    7. Strain Energy Method 151 - 163

    Introduction 151

    Elastic strain Energy in Uniaxial Loading 151

    Elastic strain Energy in Flexural Loading 151 152

    Elastic strain Energy in Torsional Loading 152 Castiglianos Theorem 152

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Content SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P iii

    Impact or Dynamic Loading 152 - 153

    Solved Examples 154 157

    Assignment 1 158 159

    Assignment 2 159 160

    Answer keys 161

    Explanations 161 163

    8. Columns and Struts 164


    Introduction 164

    Columns & Struts 164 165

    Eulers Theory of Buckling 165 166

    Effective Length of Columns 166 167 Limitations of Eulers Formula 167

    Rankines Formula 168

    Solved Examples 169 174

    Assignment 1 175 176

    Assignment 2 176 177

    Answer keys 178

    Explanations 178180

    Module Test 181 205

    Module Test 181 191

    Answer keys 192

    Explanations 192 205

    Reference 206

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Chapter 1 SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P 1


    Simple Stress and Strain


    Strength of materials deals with the elastic behavior of materials and the stability of members.The concept of strength of materials is used to determine the stress and deformation of axially

    loaded members, connections, torsion members, thin-walled pressure vessels, beams,eccentrically loaded members and columns. In this chapter we will study the stress and strain

    due to axial loading, temperature change and thin walled pressure vessels.

    Simple Stress Strain

    Stress is the internal resistance offered by the body per unit area. Stress is represented as forceper unit area. Typical units of stress are N/m2, ksi and MPa. There are two primary types of

    stresses: normal stress and shear stress. Normal stress,is calculated when the force is normal

    to the surface area whereas the shear stress is calculated when the force is parallel to the

    surface area.

    normal to areaP



    parallel to areaP=


    Linear strain (normal strain, longitudinal strain, axial strain is a change in length per unit

    length. Linear strain has no units. Shear strainis an angular deformation resulting from shearstress. Shear strain may be presented in units of radians, percent or no units at all.




    = = tan Height

    [in radians]

    Hookes Law: xial and Shearing Deformations

    Hookes law is a simple mathematical relationship between elastic stress and strain: Stress is

    proportional to strain. For normal stress, the constant of proportionality is the modulus ofelasticity (Youngs Modulus) E.


  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Chapter 1 SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P 2

    The deformation of an axially loaded member of original length L can be derived from Hookes

    law. Tension loading is considered to be positive, compressive loading is negative. The sign of

    the deformation will be the same as the sign of the loading.




    This expression for axial deformation assumes that the linear strain is proportional to the

    normal stressE

    and that the cross-sectional area is constant.

    When an axial member has distinct sections differing in cross-sectional area or composition,

    superposition is used to calculate the total deformation as the sum of individual deformations.





    When one of the variables (e.g., A), varies continuously along the length,





    The new length of the member including the deformation is given by


    The algebraic deformation must be observed.

    Hookes law may also be applied to a plane element in pure shear. For such an element, the shear

    stress is linearly related to the shear strain, by the shear modulus (also known as the modulus ofrigidity), G.


    The relationship between shearing deformation, s and applied shearing force, V is then

    expressed by



  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Chapter 1 SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P 3

    Stress-Strain Diagram

    Proportional Limit:

    It is the point on the stress strain curve up to which stress is proportional to

    strain.Elastic Limit:

    It is the point on the stress strain curve up to which material will return to itsoriginal shape when unloaded.

    Yield Point:

    It is the point on the stress strain curve at which there is an appreciable elongationor yielding of the material without any corresponding increase of load indeed the load actually

    may decrease while the yielding occurs.

    Ultimate Strength:

    It is the highest ordinate on the stress strain curve.

    Rupture Strength:It is the stress at failure

    Modulus of Resilience

    The work done on a unit volume of material, as a simple tensile force is gradually increased fromzero to such a value that the proportional limit of the material is reached, is defined as the

    modulus of resilience. This may be calculated as the area under the stress-strain curve from the

    origin up to the proportional limit

    Modulus of Toughness

    The work done on a unit volume of material as a simple tensile force is gradually increased fromzero to the value causing rupture is defined as the modulus of toughness. This may be calculated

    as the entire area under the stress-strain curve from the origin to rupture. Toughness of a

    material is its ability to absorb energy in the plastic range of the material.




    Yield point

    Elastic limitProportional limit



    Ultimate strength

    Actual rupture




  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Chapter 1 SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P 4

    Percentage Elongation

    The increase in length of a bar after fracture divided by the initial length and multiplied by 100 isthe percentage elongation. Both the percentage reduction in area and the percentage elongationare considered to be measures of the ductility of a material.

    Strain Hardening

    If a ductile material can be stressed considerably beyond the yield point without failure, it is said

    to strain-harden. This is true of many structural metals.

    Poissons Ratio: Biaxial and Triaxial Deformations

    Poissons ratio , is a constant that relates the lateral strain to the axial strain for axially loaded




    Theoretically Poissons ratio could vary from zero to 0.5, but typical values are 0.33 for

    aluminum and 0.3 for steel and maximum value of 0.5 for rubber.

    Poissons ratio permits us to extend Hookes law of uniaxial stress to the case of biaxial stress.Thus if an element is subjected simultaneously to tensile stresses in x and y direction, the strain

    in the x direction due to tensile stress x is x/E. Simultaneously the tensile stress y will

    produce lateral contraction in the x direction of the amount y/E, so the resultant unitdeformation or strain in the x direction will be



    Similarly, the total strain in the y direction is




    Hookes law can be further extended for three-dimensional stress-strain relationships andwritten in terms of the three elastic constants, E, G and. The following equations can be used to

    find the strains caused due to simultaneous action of triaxial tensile stresses:





    yxzz E1

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book


    Chapter 1 SOM

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P 5









    For an elastic isotropic material, the modulus of elasticity E, shear modulus G and Poissons ratio

    are related by




    Thebulk modulus (K) describes volumetric elasticity or the tendency of an object's volume to

    deform when under pressure; it is defined as volumetric stress over volumetric strain, is theinverse of compressibility. The bulk modulus is an extension of Young's modulus to three


    For an elastic, isotropic material, the modulus of elasticity E, bulk modulus K, Poissons ratio

    are related by


    Thermal stresses

    Temperature causes bodies to expand or contract. Change in length due to increase intemperature can be expressed as

    L L. .t

    Where, L is the length, (/oC) is the coefficient of linear expansion, t (oC) is the temperature


    From the above equation thermal strain can be expressed as:

    If a temperature deformation is permitted to occur freely no load or the stress will be induced in

    the structure. But in some cases it is not possible to permit these temperature deformations,which results in creation of internal forces that resist them. The stresses caused by theseinternal forces are known as thermal stresses.

    When the temperature deformation is prevented, thermal stress developed due to temperature

    change can be given as:


    Cylindrical Pressure Vehicle

    Hoop Stress :

    A pressure vessel is a container that holds a fluid (liquid or gas) under pressure.

    Examples include carbonated beverage bottles, propane tanks and water supply pipes. In a smallpressure vessel such as a horizontal pipe, we can ignore the effects of gravity on the fluid. If the
  • 8/10/2019 GATE Strength of Materials Book
