: TT .... > i* -, '*fQ?'x. V,!*>'. -.v.w -" ?'** -. ", *" .? >-' vW;-' v'i £ ' V-J » I .- 1 V'. » 3*» '.i*/# ^ '? < ; ft ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. ! <V > 'v J important to dyspeptics. Dr. j. s. j [ougiitox's pepsin, thk true dioks- j r ; v i ' Tiv e txuiD, or ga'stric juice, prepared from rennet, A\: , * or the fourth stomach of the ox, after dircc tions of BARON LIEBIG. the great Physiological c Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON. m. D., Philadelphia, J j&Vo*- This is trulr a wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION l, DYSPEFS1A. JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT , >v '.* CONSTIPATION and DEBILITY, "curing after Na- f tore's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the GASTRIG JUICE. Pamphlets, containing Scientific evi- jj .v dence of its value, lurmsnea oy agents gratis, see no- t ; '< .. tice among the medical advertisements.- . W: . ^ e TO THE SICK. f J ... For the effectual rooting out from the system of all 'v. ""-diseases brought on by indigestion, billiousness and im- ^ f purity of the blood, it is a widely and well known fact : V that WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS J are the great PANACEA. Throughout tho entiro South, these Pills have long been held in the highest J r... . -repute, both by private individuals and by the Medical v faculty of our country. Southern fevers and Southern ^ uV ;.rdiseases generally, yield to their influence at once; and 4- - J the unfortunate victim to "earthly ills and woes" is made I 5>5'~ J to thank Heaven that a sovereign Irlm has been provided. ; » let each try them for himself and if tho medicine r fail3 to satisfy the experiment shall cost him nothing. ^ Tnos. J. Workman*, Agent for Camden, S. C., and sold by Druggists and Merchants throughout the coun- n try. Juno 23.ly. t, . a ; Jt should be universally known.for it is strictly true. e cV r that indigestion is the parent of a large proportion of the fatal diseases. Dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera nior£ ; bus, liver complaint, and many other diseases enume 4 .rated in the city inspector's weekly catalogue of deaths, v :V". ... are generated by indigestion alone. Think of that a V* dyspeptics! think of it all who suffer from disordered d stomachs, and if you are willing to be guided by advice, j founded upon experience, resort at once (don't delay a day) to Hooflalnd's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. t - M. Jackson, which, as an alterative, curative, and in- c vvigorant, stands alone and unapproachcd. General t depot 120 Arch treet. TTe have tried these Bitters, and f V _ ; know that they are excellent for the diseases specified f above..Philadelphia City Item. £ August 31. i...........i... f fc' ^ ;-JKrTho friends of Maj. A. H. BOYKIX J announce him as a candidate for Representative £ in the State Legislature at the ensuing election. [ «" v-,.'. Buffalo. f i^-w e are authorized to announce Col. JO-1 r SEPH B. KERSHAW as a candidate for Rep- J , '.v resentative in the State Legislature at the ensu f ng election. \ g JCSP We are authorized to announce Major r - JOHN ROSSER as a candidate for fepresenta- q /- tive in the State Legislature at the ensuing elec- 1 ' .tion. t jj^The friends of Col. JAMES Oil ESN UT. a Jr. announce him as a candidate for State Sena- tor, at tlie ensuing election. t " > V ...3. aawzra. SOXS OF TEMPERANCE. p WATEREE DIVISION NO. 9. * yjeF. r J "'HE regular meeting of this Division will be held on j, ?'-y JL Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. I, .. By order of the V. P. , W. A. GRAHAM, R. S. . CADETS OF TEMPERANCE. l Kershaw Section No. 4. c r MIE regular Meetingof this Section will bo held at 11 X their Hall on Friday next, at 8 o'clock. By order L '' of the W. A. W.H. KENNEDY, Secr'y. »' Fresh Tamarinds l| v "IITAY be had at " , 1YJL WORKMAN'S DRUG STORK. « ; r n Patent Excelsior Cutting Knives, h ' MANU FACTORED only E. Taylor L Co., Colum- 0 ItJL bus, Georgia. For sale by ° W. ANDERSON, Agent. " Camden, Sept 7 72 tf c NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tiie cstato of ^ XJL James Parker, deceasod are hereby notilied to u render in the same duly attested, to. ? E. PARKER, Administrator. J1 Sept. 7. 72 U_ SAMC'L HOYT, j LATE OF TIIE FIRM OF SAM'L HOTT & CO., SAVAXXAH, OA. ~I"*7 OTJLD announco to his friends that ho has ref T moved to Charleston, S. C., No. 149 East Bay, -j where ho is prepared to do a general Commission busi- J ness, and furnish to order, at all times, any articles 5 trom the North or South that may be wanted, for the usual commission, as well as receive and sell the same And I pledge myself that all business entrusted to my care shall receive such attention as will insure similar manifestation of their good will, not doubting that my * acquaintance with Northern and Southern markets will t enable me to do as well as any, and better than many. Also, dcalej in Butter, Cheese, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cement, Lime and Ilair. And, Agent for sundry Machine Manufactories, North 1 i and South, as well as Silas C. Herring's Fire Proof Safes, J Georgia and French Burr Mill Stones; all of which will be fdrni8hed on short notice, and at manufacturers prices. Cash pnid at all times for "Wool, Green, Salted and i Dry Hides, Deer and Sheep Skins, Shipping Furs, Becs0 wax, Rags, Rope Cuttings, S.<a Island Cotton Seed and Florida Moss. Also, Southern Tanned Leather in the 1 Rough. Terms Cash invariably. Refers to theciti- ^ : ' zens of Savannah generally. Sept. 7. 73 3m. Notice. i ErpHE co-partnership heretofore existing between JL Chesnut & Jones, as barbers, in the town of Camden, has been dissolved. The business will hereafter be oonducted by the subscriber, to whom all persons j indebted will please make payment RICHARD CHESNUT. f. " Sept 3. 71 tf r Wanted Immediately. A WOMAN to do the cooking and washing of a small J L il family. Apply at this Office. a .nr n, - - - . Railroad Notice. s tn consequence of'tFoTatHftg^ii^ of the Railroad A Bridge, over the Congaree fciver, find, other daina- 8 ges to tho Road, neither Passengers or Freight of any a description will bo received at the CamdenjDepot, for any station beyond Middleton on the South Carolina || 4 Railroad, for the present, y N. D. BAXLEY, Agent. \ Sept. 3. 71 tf J M . DAY BOARDERS P W /"I AX be accommodated on very reasonable terms * *v. \J at Hunter's Hotel. .1 August 31. 70 8^ miss wilson "jmbjm "IIFILL resumo her duties in Vocal and Iiis^HmHD v V V tal MUSIC, both on the Piano andG^HffigKS . the Female Academy, on tho first of Septm^^^HgSH <5®ips 01111 also be given at her residenc^^HHHHSmB ftqg. 31. fMWyfBI | CASK Gross <fc Black well's Ficl^BBBHXgGgH9 1 Received and for sale by fjf June 22. Si^^HRKBKpQtSS MM "ELECTION RESOLVES. 'n the House of Representatives, Dgcember II 1851. I^IIE Committee on Privileges aud Elections, whom were referred sundry petitions, praying tl :stablishment of new nlaces of Elections and the ai ointment of Managers for the next General electioi laving had tho same under consideration, and be save to Report, and recommend the adoption of tl allowing Resolution: Resolved, That the elections to be holden on the s :ond Monday in October next and the day followin or Senators and Representatives in the State Legisl ure, shall be held at the following places onl}', at onductod by the following persons: KERSHAW DISTRICT.MANAGERS. Camden: Samuel E. Capers, John J. Workman at ames I. Villepigue. Curelon's Mill: Frederick Bowcn, John Motley ar r. P. Richbourg. Flat Rock: James Fletcher, W. G. Kirkland ar 'esse Trusdel. Buffalo: William Mungo, James N. Sawoll and L an Ferguson. Lizenby's: L. W. R. Blair, Daniel Bethune and Jami Jell. Shrock's Mill: B T. McCoy, Henry RatclifT an Samuel Smith. Liberty Hill: John Brown, Hugh Surnmerville ar Viley Patterson. Goodwyn's Store: James Lovo, Richard Drakefoi ,nd William Clyburn. The Polls to be open two days at all the places. Mai gers to meet at Camden on tho Wednesday foliowin; ount the votes and declare the election. One Senator and two Representatives to bo elects Polls to bo oponod at 9 o clock, A. M., and closed o'clock, P. M., with convenient intervals. The bo: essel or bag to bo sealed up when the polls are close nd not to be opened except to receive votes the secor iay, and to count the votes at the regular time an ilace, A. A. 1721, 3 Stat. 136. Resolved, That the Managers of Elections, prior t heir proceeding to the elections, do take thefollowin iath or affirmation before some magistrate, or one he Managers of Elections, to wit: " That they wi aithfully and impartially conduct and attend to tl oregoing elections, agreeably to the Constitution of tt itato of South Carolina and the laws thereof' Resolved, That in future, no person qualified to vol or members of each branch of the Legislature, slia >e permitted to vote in more than one election distrh >r parish, and the Managersof Election throughout tli state are hereby required and directed, if they thin iropor, (or on application of any elector present) to a< ninister to any person or persons offering to vote, tli allowing oath. I, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the cas nay be,) that I have not, at this general election f( ne'mbersof the Legislature, voted in this or any otlic Listrict or parish, and that I am constitutionally qual ied to vote.so help me God. And if any person or persons, required as afor< aid to take said oath or affirmation, shall refus o do so, then the Managers, in their respective Di: icts or Parishes, shall be, and they are hereby r< [uired and enjoined to refuse such vote or votes, an n case the Managers shall refuse to require the oat s aforesaid when demanded, they shall be liable to a ho pains and penalties they would be liable and sul ;ct to for neglecting any other duties required of thei s Managers of. Elections for cither branch of the Lcf stature. Resolved, That the Act altering the fourth Section < ho State of South Carolina be herewith published, t vit: "Every free white man of twenty-ono years, (pai icrs, non-commissioncd officers and privates of tl) trmyof the United States excepted,) being a citize f this State, and having resided therein two yeai irevious to the day of election, and who has a fre< old of fitly acres of land, or a town lot of which li ns been Infill]v sniznil i>rw] mvs«p>«r»r! nt. Iniisf «i nontlis before such election, or nqt having such frei old or town lot, hath been a resident in the electio >istrict in which he oilers to give his vote before tli lection six months, shall have a right to vote for leinber or members to serve in either branch of th legislature lor the Election District in which he hold ueh property or residence." Resolved, That the two years' residence required b ic Constitution in a voter, arc the two years immcd telv previous to the election, and the six months' r< idence in the Election District, arc the six months in lcdiately previous to the election. But ii any pcrsu ave his homo in the State, he docs not lose the rigl f residence by temporary absence with the intcntio f returning, but if one have his home and family i nother State, the presence of such person, althoup ontinued for two years in the State, gives uo right t ote. Resolved, That it shail be the special duty of tli luuagcrs to report to the Solicitors all violations of tli Lection law, and all eases of bribery and corruptioi nd to use their best efforts to bring the offenders t istice. Wagon for Sale. 4 FIRST RATE one llorse Wagon, for sale low.. Apply curly to W. C. MOORE. Just Received. £A Ps, SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS 100 pair Blankets 000 yds Gunny Bagging 25 coils Rope. 100 kegs Nails. Sept. 3. W. C. MOORE. Beef Tongues. 'A BEEF TONGUES /V 12 pes. Smoked Beef. Just received at Sept. 3. W. C. MOORE'S. Segars. A AAA SEGARS, of the very best brands.LU.VUU For sale by W. C. MOORE. North-Carolina Flour. A FEW barrels first quality North Carolina Flou fx Forsaleby W. C. MOORF Jujube Paste. I A BOXES first quality Jujube Paste, fresh. Jui L U received by W. C. MOORE. Candies. Candies. ) A A LBS. of the handsomest Candies over offere )Ul/ in this market. W. C MOORE. St. Julian ITIedoc Claret. A FEW cases of the above just received. fi. w. C. MOORE. Notice. I THE subscriber invito ofl'ers for the purchase of tli whole of his property in Camden, viz: That Three Story House on Broad-street, opposite t\ Episcopal Church, at present occupied by Mr,^,.^ s a Store and dwelling house.the Two S^n. {b)USC °uth of the above, occupied by Mr Biljj '* a, u Storc ousc and dwe)hng-the Smal ll^e South of thl bove. and the House South ot it iod b thc sub. enber as a dwelling and Store Iq 1 The above property (som^* ^ Jg ncw) ig a. ir ood repair and all wcU^^, for busirK.as. Terms Final Notice. A indebted to the subscriber previous tc before next Rituril DaV, wil notes ana accounts in the hands o collection, as settlements muse b< H W.' C. WORKMAN. mdH 69 tf BHS^^Banilla Beans, BBS Bnc. Also, Ess. Vanilla, Extracts o fl Bee. Bitter Almond, Rose and Peach B Boams, Puddings, Custards, &c. Jus z- J- QUAY'S. " ^ s;.' ^. v .^.vs-"y r\ ?"['' G. W^WIESges & CO.," 3> Booksellers, Stationers, and dealeks in :o Cheap Publications ie No. 5G EAST-DA 7, (Opposite the Courier Office. p' CHARLESTON, S. C. I Q, rr G. W. WIENGES. A. L. SOLOMOX. o ie June 23. 3m e WAIi DCA VI & WALKErT & FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. a- NORTH ATLANTIC "WHARF, ,d CHARLESTON, S. C. w. a. wardlaw. g. 'vvalkek. . /"^UR Commission for selling Cotton will be fifty V_/ cents per bale. Supplies will bo purchased for , our friends, and special attention given to the articles 1 ordered. , Refer to Col. L. J. Patterson. ld Aug. 10. * 64 2m a- REEDER & DESAl'SSIRE, ADGER'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. PS ARE prepared to devote their undivided attention to the interests of their friends in the sale of COTTON, RICE, and produce generally; and to filling [(j their ORDERS. They will make fair advances on Consignments of Produce to their care. d OSWELL REEDER. JOHN B. DESAU8SURE. Aug. 6. 63 w7m !) a d. In Equity.Kershaw. Zack Cantey and Wife vs. John M. DeSaussurc, Trus tee, Wni. Adainson Cantey.Bill to sell Trust v, Property. TN obedience to an order in this case mado at June ld JL Term A. D. 1852, of the said Court, I will offer for 1(* sale at Public Outcry, at tlio Court House Door in Camden, on the first Mondaj- in November next, all -0 that Tract or Tared of land (except the residence on 'o the same known as Spring Dale place, and two hundred (200) acres around it) l\ing on the East side of H Watcrec River, in Kershaw District, containing by reie survey of E. Parker, Deputy Surveyor of the 17th day ie of January, 1849.Fifteen Hundred and Twenty (1520) Acres.bounded North by lands of Dr. E. A. Salmond io and lands of the Estate of John Chesnut, East by lands H of the Estate of John Chesnut, South by lands of Edward E. Adamson, and West by the Waterce River. ie The said Tract, with tlio exception above made, will k bo sold at tlio time and placo hereinbefore specified, to 1" the highest bidder for the same, provided it brings over ig Si* Thousand Dollars. fCOOOl but it will not be sold for less than Six Thousand Dollars (6000.) >e TJ?iuts..A credit of one, two and three years.pur)r chaser to give bond with approved personal security r and a mortgago of the premises. Possession of said i" lands to bo given on the 1st day of January ensuing said sale, and the purchase money to bear interest J* from the dav possession is given, e \Y. II. It. 'WORKMAN, c. E. K. n. 3" August 6. 03 tf d Iii Equity.Kershaw. jj Josiah Pierce and AVife, Zack Cantey and Wife vs. Ed" ward E. Adamson.Bill to sell land for Partition. TN compliance with an order in this case made at last 11 _L June Term of said Court, I invite proposals for the >* purchase of that portion of the Real Estate of Louis C Adamson, lately dte'd, lying on "Wateree River and " called the Brevard Place, containing it is thought about 0 Four Thousand and Eighty-three (4083) acres. Said tract adjoins lands belonging to "W. J. Taylor, Zack Bowen, E. Parker, Estate of Jno. Chesnut. e Terms to be specified in proposals as they are open 11 to agreement of parties in interest to whom all propositions are to be referred for acceptance or rejection. 3" Propositions may be made to The undersigned. 10 Sale not to be effected belorcthe 1st January next. x W. H. R. "WORKMAN, c. e. k. i». July 30. * 61 5m. le IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT n II¥ SETTING IVOEKAL TEETH. c riHTU nn/lnpoi/ynri/l Ati'noi' nnrl orrnnf nl' l~)r Allnn'c X valuable improvement, for the Southern States, . begs leave to call attention to its superiority over all other methods in the following particulars: Increased Strength Continuous Gum, Life-like i- Appearance, perfect Adaptation of the Plate, n and Cleanliness.the Teeth, Gum and Plate being ,t baked into One Piece, without interstices, and as free 11 from impurity as a piece of porcelain, n Dentists are informed that I have titted up a Laborah torv in Montgomery, Alabama, and am prepared to give ,o instruction, and Furnish Materials. Two days in the Laboratory will enable any competent Dentist to ic put up teeth in this style to his entire satisfaction. ,e The public, and especially those who cannot use the i, pieces they now wear for mastication, are informed that ,o I am willing to insert Teeth on this plan, and give the parties thirty, sixty or ninety days to tost them, after . which they may return or pay for them, at their pleasure. Thoso who wish to see me in Montgomery, must - make immediate application, at the Exchange Hotel. B. F. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist, 114 St. Charles st New Orleans. July 27. GO 2m. [^"Circulars containing full particulars csh be had at this office. £jgrDr. Smith is now in Augusta, where he will or a few days only. August 8. One to Four Dollars a Window. BEFORE purchasing call and examine the subscriber's assortment of Transparent WINDOW SHADES, which comprises manv lute and handsome atterns. C. L. CHATTEN. IT R. E. MAYER . "I") ESPECTFU1.LY informs the citizens of Camden lV and the surrounding country that he has opened ~ at the Old Stand near Mr. S. Shiver's Blacksmith's Shop, whore ho will repair Carriages, Buggies ic. on r- moderate terms. July 20. , NEW SPRINO GOODS. MDRUCKER & CO. have justrcceivedtheir new supply of Spring and Summer Clothing, to which they would invito the attention of the puhllfc at tlm same time they would recommend their Stock o d OUTIITTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats. Tj.-idenrnmients. Hosery, Gloves, Suspenders, ic. April C 1852..tf' Anothj Chance. I have jujltftCcoivcd another lot of those verv fine "°&VASSED IIAMS." Low for Cosh. i0 __ \Y. C. MOORK. Xr MIOSK persons whose accounts lmvo been standing for lust year nnd previous to that time, will please call and settle, either by note or payment, elso 1 shall place them in tho hands of an Attorney for immediate collection. " AW 0. MOORE. *r~.. t ottf iuay » UIII Tactics for Li^lil Infantry and Ri, flcmcn. (COMPILED for the Washington Light Infantry. J Charleston, S. C. Containing the now manual of nrms for the Percussion Rifle, furnished by the War Department. Tho Deployment as Skirmishers, and all hat is peculiar to Light Infantry and Riflemen. , July 12. A. YOUNG. f Charleston Prices. ) TTARNESS, Saddlery, Trunks, Military "Work, Ac 11 manufactured to order, and warranted, at Charleston prices. rar'fen per cent, discount for cash within 30 days. LUKE ARMSTRONG, f Camden, April 23. 23 sw2twtf. t A BARRELS choice Leaf Lard. Received and for saloby S1IAW ft AUSTIN. Juno 22, 1852. 50 tf ^^OTTERIOR Pino Applo Choc.se, Cnpors, Currants, GBH^kae, and Lemon Svrups. For sale by > E. w. BONXEY. ; r' : v . -i ;; -*.y """ ****'"* V*' * . CARRIAGES. At the OSd Stand of §. &, .¥. Gilbert. S& E. M..GILBERT continue tlio CARRIAGE BUSINESS at the above staud, Nos. 35 and -10 Went worth street, where they will be pleased to exhibit to their old friends aud customers a very extensive stock of VEHICLES, comprising those of their own manufacture, together with the various other styles usually found in this market. Their long acquaintance with this market as manufacturers aud dealers will enable them to offer great inducements to purchasers, both in styles aud prices. Ctifirloatnn Ann" 10 fit If , ... . LEONARD CIIAFIA, r (LATE OF THE FIRM OF GILBERTS & CIIAPIN) 1 IS NOW OPENING an extensive CARRIAGE 11: MANUFACTORY and REPOSITORY, fronting and on Wentworth-street, next door to the old stand of Gilberts & Chapin; also, on Meeting-trect, next door North of the "Pavilion Hotel," Charleston, S. 0. jp^-prdors for Carriages and Harness, promptly ex ecuted from this date, on such terms and in such manner, as to insure a continuance oflavors. June 11.47 tt" j anew goods. j r|^HE subscriber has just received, and now offers p X for inspection, 14 cases of Domestics and Plan- p tation Goods, consisting of j si ALL-WOOL PAINS, Plain and TWILLED KER- n SEYS, &c. Chiefly of Southern manufacture. The attention of Planters is particularly invited to the above Goods, as they will be sold at unusually ~i low prices. C. MATIIESON. J Aug. 20. G7 6t 0 BUY A BROOITI? THE subscriber announces to the citizens of Cam- q den and the surrounding Districts, that he is now established, and is ready to supply them with different p assortments of BROOMS, of his own manufacture. y Persons desiring to purchase will find him one door ^ above tho Post Office. R T. C. DUTTON. v Aug. 20. 77 tf * To Rout. P nPHK Dwelling on tho corner of DeKalband Church £ X streets. It is in good repair, and a desirable res- £ idence. Possession given after the 2Gth of September ® next. Por particulars apply to ~ W. E. IIUGHSON, Agent for A. Burr. 11 Aug. 17. 65 wtf WORKMAN & BOONE, v MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Leather, s And Shoe-Findings, CAMDEN, S. C. c< si STRAW CUTTERS Ac..The subscriber o have received a full assortment of t' Large Straw Cutters Small Do. Corn Shcllers U Thermometer Churns Ang. 13. MeDOWALL & COOPER. JUST RECEIVED..A general assortment ° of Ladie's SHOES and BOOTS. Somenew styles, by WORKMAN & BOONE. . August 6. 63 tf r Fresh Turnip Seed, IT'OR for Fall planting. Far sale at 1 T. J. WORKMAN'S. LaM Notice- p ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Robert L. * Tweed, either by note or account, are requested I to make payment of the some, on or before the first a day of October next, else they will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection. S. TWEED, Adm'rx. August 10. 61 tf Writing Inks. ! TnE subscriber has just received a large and vn ried assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and Red INKS, of superior quality in vials aud bottles from 5 to 50 cents each. also, 1 Harrison's, Tarrant's, Wright's David's and Maris' r INDELIBLE INKS, lor marking on cotton, lineu aud silk, with and without Preparation. . ^ March 26. Z. J. DeIIAY. Quinine. i AA OZ. QUININE, at the lowest market price. 1UU For sale by i June 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. J BRICKS FOR SAFE. 1 TIIE subscriber has on hand a large quantity of GOOD BRICK, which may be had on application January 23. ' J.'F. SUTHERLAND. C BARRELS fresh "Kennedy's Butter Crackers.". . Received and for sale by a June 22, 1850. " SHAW & AUSTIN. ii o DR. UriIAM'S Vegetable Pile Eleeluary. A CERTAIN cure for Piles, either External or Inter- 7 nal, Bleeding or Blind. Also for all Inflammatory Diseases, Affections of the Skin, and Impurities ol the Blood, arising from any source. Fof sale by e Juno 22. TilOilAS J. "WORKMAN. To Kent. rr,HE Store at present occupied by Shaw 4 Austin, i X Apply to W. ANDERSON. J Aug. 20, G7 jtf s ICE! ICE! ICE! HAVING made arrangements for a regular supply j of ICE through the summer season, I will be glad to supply the citizens of Camden and its vicinity with this luxury. Quantities under fifty pounds three cents; over filly pounds two and a half cents. CASH £ for ICE without any exception. F. L. ZEMP. May 7 s7 tf i -v Wnlop'. Tnnt! Snan. ]7*011 cleansing ;»n«l removing auimnloula: from the teeth. by . . Juno 22. ' -^vJ ifOMAS J. WORKMAN. ( ITIexiraii Hfiatang -lijnieiit, IN Bottles at Filly Cents and Ono DoHk.!-. For sale . at " Z. J. DkUvJY'S. i To Kent. rpiTe small FIOUSE on Broad-street, immediately 1 .1. North of the subscriber's Storo. For particulars *apply to JAMES M'EWEN. August 31.*C9tf . BogarriieN Planetary Horse Powers, F PATENT TYPE-BENDERS A SA IF MILL JIIONS. For sale by vc MeDOM'ALL & COOPER. 0,| r?g"0rdcrs for Castings, Ac. promptly executed. ?r Aug 27. 70 * tf pr 1}ICQUKT'S Garden Plough*. For sale by dc McDOAVALL & -COOPER. Juno 29. Sulphate ({uiniiic, ^ OJ!" superior quality, irom uiu ivtu miuwu u.iwui- tory of llosengarteu A Denis [ Also, llowand's Tonic Mixture, Jayno's Fever and J. Ague Pills, Dr. Turner's Fever and Ague Pills, Ac. A. ' Just received at Z. J. DeTTAY'S. 4) DOZION two-pound cans Fresh Salmon. Received ( * 4 and for sale by SHAW A AUSTIN. ki Juuo22,1852. PO tf w .... "r IIE^^BHTERS. -^I'V Buck Head, Aug. 24tb, 1862. I^HE BRIGADIER GEXERALS ore hereby re. quired to make returns as directed by the Act of 841, (see Section 13th.) Upon a non-compliance, the \ iw will be enforced against all defaulters. By order of the Commander-in-Chie' : '-'52 J. W. CANTEY, ' Adjutant and Insp. General.;~ "iwfSI August 31. 70 wlni a"cab5.~~ y T ESSES. G F KENNEDY, of Chester and JAMES J jM *JL M. 11UEST, formerly one of the proprietors ol tie Planters Hotel, Charleston, have leased the lMEFICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would resentfully solicit from their friends and the travelling ubli j a portion of their patronage. We pledgo out* alves that the guests of the Hotel will receive occomlodutions unsurpassed by anv in the city. ." 'Jm KENNEDY & HURST. .. Charleston May 17. 40 6m ~POSITIVEBARGArKrsT! aAVING a very large stock of LACE and FAN- "' CY SUMMER GOODS, which I wish to dispose f bclore the Fall, I will positively offer them for cash a Greatly Reduced Prices! They consist of a large variety of Fashionable Laco f2j«j apes, from one to eight Dollars. 131k. Lace Veils, Lace Sleeves, Trimming Lacetiand Idgings of every description.such as ReaL Thread, . ' ^ove Thread, Valenciennes, Linen, Cotton and Bobin; Blk. and White Blonde Laces and Edgings. Al- y ), a full assortment of 'REXCH NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIES yo omprising beautiful Worked Muslin ColIars,veiy low, Ik. Embroidered Muslin Capes, atcost prices; Imb'd Sleeves and Cuffs, of the the newest patterns; reneh Emb'd Lawn Handk'fs. at New-York cost; .< /j&m wiss Edgings and Insertings at reduced prices; arrtbric do. " do. " " " nfant's Frock Bodies, various sizes, at cost; " Embroidered Caps, " " adies' Muslin Breakfast Caps, very few left; forked Muslin Chemisettes, choice patterns and uu- -*^8 questionably cheap. 't Summer Bonnet^ at and Under Cost , ome of them quite new, and others tolerably ancient. In disposing of these, I will graduate the prices acyrding to seniority; those of two years standing coniderablv under cost; also, BONNET RIBBONS, all f them new, at prices to suit tbe Bonnets and the mcs respectively. Summer Dress Goods. Such as Printed Muslins, Ginghams, Gingham Mus- v>3 us, Barago DeLaines, "White and Colored Dotted Mus* o < / is ns, &c., ic., purchased this Spring and offered tempt- £ igly low; in fact, I am wiliiug to sacrifice the profits 'J n all of these as well as many other exclusively Sumler Goods, in orderto make room for my Fall supplies, » - ..juSa rhich I intend to be on a scale unusually complete, nd at prices calculated to increase the extensive patonage already conferred on me. ." >>; ' .^2 June 25.51t JAMES.WILSON. Hair Restoratives. [HAVE now on hand a large, and varied assort- ^ ' ; >" lag mcnt of HAIR RESTORATIVES, consisting in art of Eauel's Eau Lustral; Barry's Tricopherous; 'halon's Invigorator and Jayne's Hair Tonic; French 'omatums, &c. Having been lately received, they 'jk re fresh and fine. To be had at *3j May 2S. Z. J. DeHAYS. Notice. /Ja \ LL persons indebted to the estate of A. E Allen, , t\. who neglect to settle by the 15th of September _ .1ext, will find their accounts in tho hands of an officer )r collection. JOHN R. JOY, 0. K. D. and Adm'r. . June 29. 52 tf Colombia S. C. Insurance Company* rHE undersigned continues to act as Agents for the £ffij above Company, and are prepared to take risks on «; I luildings and Merchandize at customary rates. , A. M. & R. KENNEDY. , >.$§ June 15th, 1852. 48 tf - At SALEM WOOLEN^ / " ^ [HAVE now on hand, and daily expecting further %] supplies of brown, mixed and white % [ WILLED AND PLAIN SALEM KBRSIES, . of different qualities. Planters wishing their Negro Clothing, !an now be supplied at Manufacturer's prices. also.on hand, - " * 1 A full assort ment of BLA CK and MIXED JEANS, jul will in a few days receive a variety of these Goods jV^j a fancy colors, in qualities from fine to superfine. All f which will be sold either wholesale or retail by W. ANDERSON. Camden, Aug. 10. 64 w3m PARIS-MADE BOOTS..A few pair/just received by WORKMAN k BOONE. 7 X "ALCORN'S" superior FAMILY HAMS. Re- . i O ceived and for sale by Jung#2,1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. I CASE potted Yarmouth Herring 1 do do Anchovie Paste. Received and for ale by SlIAW k AUSTIN. June 22. 1852. 50 tf 1 * U I CASE Guava Jolly in quart Jars. Received and L for sale by SHAW k AUSTIN, June 22. 50 tf ' » t CASES Preserved Limes, Oranges, Pino Applea . and Citron. For sale by June 22. SHAW k AUSTIN. [CHOICE Gun Powder, Hyson and Imperial Teas. U1 Received and for sale by Juno 22. * SHAW k AUSTIN. ^ RAIN Cradles, Steel Forks and Rakes, Iron and JT Steel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale at . Ti.l. ni if tir T)A\T\TT?V1CI reo. .u n. w. cwuci Aromatic Spirits off Vine^ar* I >T"r .... -.flutiful stylo. Forsftlo^y THOMAS J^ AVORKMAN. )INE APPLE and v. Goshen Cl^cae, Family Hams and Bacon Sides. Ai." > jzard and Canal Flour. i st received at v X BONNEY'S. Coffee ITIillsV^ UTIIER'S Patent, Xos. 1, 2 and 3^-By the imJ proved construction of this Mill, the jgcon-^ ^ yed through the chamber to all parts of the runnCT^^y ually, and at the same time, thereby increasing the^"^ inding operations. l| ^'Merchants will be supplied at manufacturer's y^j ices. Specimens can bo seen at my store in Cam- I W ii. ikiujn, Agent. Aug. 20. G7 tC JEW RAISINS.50 quartor boxes RAISINS \ Received at MOORE'S. IEIDSICK^IIAMPAIGNLJ..10 Baa- ^ J kets, low for Cosh. W. C. MOORE. Frcfth Lard Oil, )F superior quality, which will bo sold as low as the present advanced prices of OILS of every nd will warrant. Just received at ' v'-sjij DeHAT'S DRUG store.

GASTRIG jj I^HE · South, these Pills have long beenheld in the highest J r....-repute,both byprivateindividuals andby the Medical ... cV r thatindigestion is theparentofa large proportion

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Page 1: GASTRIG jj I^HE · South, these Pills have long beenheld in the highest J r....-repute,both byprivateindividuals andby the Medical ... cV r thatindigestion is theparentofa large proportion

:TT .... >

i* -, '*fQ?'x. V,!*>'. -.v.w -" ?'** -. ", *" .? >-' *« vW;-' v'i£ ' V-J » I .- 1 V'. » 3*» '.i*/#̂'?

< ;


'v Jimportant to dyspeptics.

Dr. j. s. j [ougiitox's pepsin, thk true dioks- j r; v i '

Tive txuiD, orga'stric juice, prepared from rennet,A\: ,

* or the fourth stomach of the ox, after dircctions of BARON LIEBIG. the great Physiological c

Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON. m. D., Philadelphia, Jj&Vo*- This is trulr a wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION l,


>v '.* CONSTIPATION and DEBILITY, "curing after Na- f

tore's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the GASTRIGJUICE. Pamphlets, containing Scientific evi- jj.v dence of its value, lurmsnea oy agents gratis, see no- t; '< .. tice among the medical advertisements.- .

W: . ^e


... For the effectual rooting out from the system of all'v. ""-diseases brought on by indigestion, billiousness and im- ^f purity of the blood, it is a widely and well known fact: V that WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS J

are the great PANACEA. Throughout tho entiroSouth, these Pills have long been held in the highest J

r... . -repute, both by private individuals and by the Medicalv faculty of our country. Southern fevers and Southern ^

uV ;.rdiseases generally, yield to their influence at once; and4- - J the unfortunate victim to "earthly ills and woes" is made I

5>5'~ J to thank Heaven that a sovereign Irlm has been provided.; »

let each try them for himself and if tho mediciner fail3 to satisfy the experiment shall cost him nothing. ^

Tnos. J. Workman*, Agent for Camden, S. C., andsold by Druggists and Merchants throughout the coun- n

try. Juno 23.ly.t, . a

; Jt should be universally known.for it is strictly true. e

cV r that indigestion is the parent of a large proportion ofthe fatal diseases. Dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera nior£

; bus, liver complaint, and many other diseases enume 4.rated in the city inspector's weekly catalogue of deaths, v

:V". ... are generated by indigestion alone. Think of that a

V* dyspeptics! think of it all who suffer from disordered dstomachs, and ifyou are willing to be guided by advice, jfounded upon experience, resort at once (don't delay aday) to Hooflalnd's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. t

- M. Jackson, which, as an alterative, curative, and in- c

vvigorant, stands alone and unapproachcd. General t

depot 120 Arch treet. TTe have tried these Bitters, and fV _ ; know that they are excellent for the diseases specified f

above..Philadelphia City Item. £August 31.i...........i... f

fc'^ ;-JKrTho friends of Maj. A. H. BOYKIX Jannounce him as a candidate for Representative £

in the State Legislature at the ensuing election. [«" v-,.'. Buffalo. f

i^-we are authorized to announce Col. JO-1 r

SEPH B. KERSHAW as a candidate for Rep- J, '.v resentative in the State Legislature at the ensu f

ng election. \g

JCSPWe are authorized to announce Major r

- JOHN ROSSER as a candidate for fepresenta- q

/- tive in the State Legislature at the ensuing elec- 1'

.tion. t

jj^The friends of Col. JAMES OilESNUT. a

Jr. announce him as a candidate for State Sena-tor, at tlie ensuing election. t

" > V...3. aawzra.


yjeF. r J "'HE regular meeting of this Division will be held on j,?'-y JL Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. I,.. By order of the V. P. ,

W. A. GRAHAM, R. S. .

CADETS OF TEMPERANCE. lKershaw Section No. 4. c

r MIE regular Meetingof this Section will bo held at 11

X their Hall on Friday next, at 8 o'clock. By order L'' of the W. A. W.H. KENNEDY, Secr'y. »'

Fresh Tamarinds l|v "IITAY be had at "


Patent Excelsior Cutting Knives, h'MANUFACTORED only E. Taylor L Co., Colum- 0

ItJL bus, Georgia. For sale by °

W. ANDERSON, Agent. "

Camden, Sept 7 72tf c

NOTICE.A LL persons having demands against tiie cstato of ^

XJL James Parker, deceasod are hereby notilied to u

render in the same duly attested, to. ?E. PARKER, Administrator. J1

Sept. 7. 72U_SAMC'L HOYT,


~I"*7 OTJLD announco to his friends that ho has refT moved to Charleston, S. C., No. 149 East Bay, -jwhere ho is prepared to do a general Commission busi- Jness, and furnish to order, at all times, any articles 5trom the North or South that may be wanted, for theusual commission, as well as receive and sell the sameAnd I pledge myself that all business entrusted to my

careshall receive such attention as will insure similarmanifestation of their good will, not doubting that my *

acquaintance with Northern and Southern markets will tenable me to do as well as any, and better than many.

Also, dcalej in Butter, Cheese, Plaster, Marble Dust,Cement, Lime and Ilair.

And, Agent for sundry Machine Manufactories, North 1i and South, as well as Silas C. Herring's Fire ProofSafes, J

Georgia and French Burr Mill Stones; all of whichwillbe fdrni8hed on short notice, and at manufacturers

prices.Cash pnid at all times for "Wool, Green, Salted and i

Dry Hides, Deer and Sheep Skins, Shipping Furs, Becs0wax, Rags, Rope Cuttings, S.<a Island Cotton Seed andFlorida Moss. Also, Southern Tanned Leather in the 1Rough. Terms Cash invariably. Refers to theciti- ^


zens of Savannah generally.Sept. 7. 733m.

Notice. iErpHE co-partnership heretofore existing between

JLChesnut & Jones, as barbers, in the town of Camden,has been dissolved. The business will hereafterbe oonducted by the subscriber, to whom all persons j

indebted will please make paymentRICHARD CHESNUT.

f. " Sept 3. 71tf r

Wanted Immediately.A WOMAN to do the cooking and washing of a small J

L il family. Apply at this Office. a

.nr n, - - - .

Railroad Notice. s

tn consequence of'tFoTatHftg^ii^ of the RailroadA Bridge, over the Congaree fciver, find, other daina- 8ges to tho Road, neither Passengers or Freight of any a

description will bo received at the CamdenjDepot, forany station beyond Middleton on the South Carolina

|| 4 Railroad, for the present, y

N. D. BAXLEY, Agent. \Sept. 3. 71tf J


W /"IAX be accommodated on very reasonable terms *

*v. \J at Hunter's Hotel. .1August 31. 70

8^ miss wilson "jmbjm"IIFILL resumo her duties in Vocal and Iiis^HmHDv V V tal MUSIC, both on the Piano andG^HffigKS

. the Female Academy, on tho first ofSeptm^^^HgSH<5®ips 01111 also be given at her residenc^^HHHHSmB

ftqg.31. fMWyfBI| CASK Gross <fc Blackwell's Ficl^BBBHXgGgH91 Received and for sale by

fjf June 22. Si^^HRKBKpQtSS


"ELECTION RESOLVES.'n the House of Representatives, Dgcember II


I^IIE Committee on Privileges aud Elections,whom were referred sundry petitions, praying tl

:stablishment of new nlaces of Elections and the aiointment of Managers for the next General electioilaving had tho same under consideration, and besave to Report, and recommend the adoption of tlallowing Resolution:Resolved, That the elections to be holden on the s

:ond Monday in October next and the day followinor Senators and Representatives in the State Legislure, shall be held at the following places onl}', at

onductod by the following persons:KERSHAW DISTRICT.MANAGERS.

Camden: Samuel E. Capers, John J. Workman atames I. Villepigue.Curelon's Mill: Frederick Bowcn, John Motley ar

r. P. Richbourg.Flat Rock: James Fletcher, W. G. Kirkland ar

'esse Trusdel.Buffalo: William Mungo, James N. Sawoll and L

an Ferguson.Lizenby's: L. W. R. Blair, Daniel Bethune and Jami

Jell.Shrock's Mill: B T. McCoy, Henry RatclifT an

Samuel Smith.Liberty Hill: John Brown, Hugh Surnmerville ar

Viley Patterson.Goodwyn's Store: James Lovo, Richard Drakefoi

,nd William Clyburn.The Polls to be open two days at all the places. Mai

gers to meet at Camden on tho Wednesday foliowin;ount the votes and declare the election.One Senator and two Representatives to bo electsPolls to bo oponod at 9 o clock, A. M., and closedo'clock, P. M., with convenient intervals. The bo:essel or bag to bo sealed up when the polls are closend not to be opened except to receive votes the secor

iay, and to count the votes at the regular time an

ilace, A. A. 1721, 3 Stat. 136.Resolved, That the Managers of Elections, prior t

heir proceeding to the elections, do take thefollowiniath or affirmation before some magistrate, or onehe Managers of Elections, to wit: " That they wiaithfully and impartially conduct and attend to tloregoing elections, agreeably to the Constitution of ttitato of South Carolina and the laws thereof'Resolved, That in future, no person qualified to vol

or members of each branch of the Legislature, slia>e permitted to vote in more than one election distrh>r parish, and the Managersof Election throughout tlistate are hereby required and directed, if they thiniropor, (or on application of any elector present) to a<ninister to any person or persons offering to vote, tliallowing oath.

I, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the cas

nay be,) that I have not, at this general election f(ne'mbersof the Legislature, voted in this or any otlicListrict or parish, and that I am constitutionally qualied to vote.so help me God.And if any person or persons, required as afor<

aid to take said oath or affirmation, shall refuso do so, then the Managers, in their respective Di:icts or Parishes, shall be, and they are hereby r<

[uired and enjoined to refuse such vote or votes, ann case the Managers shall refuse to require the oats aforesaid when demanded, they shall be liable to aho pains and penalties they would be liable and sul;ct to for neglecting any other duties required of theis Managers of. Elections for cither branch of the Lcfstature.Resolved, That the Act altering the fourth Section <

ho State of South Carolina be herewith published, tvit:"Every free white man of twenty-ono years, (pai

icrs, non-commissioncd officers and privates of tl)trmyof the United States excepted,) being a citizef this State, and having resided therein two yeaiirevious to the day of election, and who has a fre<old of fitly acres of land, or a town lot of which lins been Infill]v sniznil i>rw] mvs«p>«r»r! nt. Iniisf «inontlis before such election, or nqt having such freiold or town lot, hath been a resident in the electio>istrict in which he oilers to give his vote before tlilection six months, shall have a right to vote forleinber or members to serve in either branch of thlegislature lor the Election District in which he holdueh property or residence."Resolved, That the two years' residence required b

ic Constitution in a voter, arc the two years immcdtelv previous to the election, and the six months' r<idence in the Election District, arc the six months inlcdiately previous to the election. But ii any pcrsuave his homo in the State, he docs not lose the riglf residence by temporary absence with the intcntiof returning, but if one have his home and family inother State, the presence of such person, althoupontinued for two years in the State, gives uo right tote.Resolved, That it shail be the special duty of tli

luuagcrs to report to the Solicitors all violations of tliLection law, and all eases of bribery and corruptioind to use their best efforts to bring the offenders tistice.

Wagon for Sale.4 FIRST RATE one llorse Wagon, for sale low..Apply curly to W. C. MOORE.

Just Received.£A Ps, SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS

100 pair Blankets000 yds Gunny Bagging

25 coils Rope. 100 kegs Nails.Sept. 3. W. C. MOORE.

Beef Tongues.'A BEEF TONGUES/V 12 pes. Smoked Beef. Just received atSept. 3. W. C. MOORE'S.

Segars.A AAA SEGARS, of the very best brands.LU.VUUFor sale by W. C. MOORE.

North-Carolina Flour.A FEW barrels first quality North Carolina Floufx Forsaleby W. C. MOORF

Jujube Paste.I A BOXES first quality Jujube Paste, fresh. JuiLU received by W. C. MOORE.

Candies. Candies.)AA LBS. of the handsomest Candies over offere)Ul/ in this market. W. C MOORE.

St. Julian ITIedoc Claret.A FEW cases of the above just received.

fi. w. C. MOORE.


ITHE subscriber invito ofl'ers for the purchase of tliwhole of his property in Camden, viz:

That Three Story House on Broad-street, opposite t\Episcopal Church, at present occupied by Mr,^,.^s a Store and dwelling house.the Two S^n. {b)USC°uth of the above, occupied by Mr Biljj '* a, u Storcousc and dwe)hng-the Smal ll^e South of thlbove. and the House South ot it iod b thc sub.enber as a dwelling and Store Iq 1

The above property (som^* ^ Jg ncw) ig a. irood repair and all wcU^^, for busirK.as. Terms

Final Notice.A indebted to the subscriber previous tc

before next Rituril DaV, wilnotes ana accounts in the hands o

collection, as settlements muse b<H W.' C. WORKMAN.

mdH 69 tf

BHS^^Banilla Beans,BBSBnc. Also, Ess. Vanilla, Extracts o

flBee. Bitter Almond, Rose and PeachBBoams, Puddings, Custards, &c. Jus

z- J- QUAY'S.



s;.' ^. v

.^.vs-"y r\ ?"[''

G. W^WIESges & CO.,"3> Booksellers, Stationers,

and dealeks in:o Cheap Publicationsie No. 5G EAST-DA 7, (Opposite the Courier Office.

p' CHARLESTON, S. C. IQ,rr G. W. WIENGES. A. L. SOLOMOX.oie June 23. 3m



w. a. wardlaw. g. 'vvalkek.

. /"^UR Commission for selling Cotton will be fiftyV_/ cents per bale. Supplies will bo purchased for

, our friends, and special attention given to the articles1 ordered., Refer to Col. L. J. Patterson.

ld Aug. 10. * 642m



ARE prepared to devote their undivided attentionto the interests of their friends in the sale of

COTTON, RICE, and produce generally; and to filling[(j their ORDERS. They will make fair advances on

Consignments of Produce to their care.


Aug. 6. 63w7m!) a

d. In Equity.Kershaw.Zack Cantey and Wife vs. John M. DeSaussurc, Trus

tee, Wni. Adainson Cantey.Bill to sell Trust

v, Property.TN obedience to an order in this case mado at June

ld JL Term A. D. 1852, of the said Court, I will offer for1(* sale at Public Outcry, at tlio Court House Door in

Camden, on the first Mondaj- in November next, all-0 that Tract or Tared of land (except the residence on'o the same known as Spring Dale place, and two hundred(200) acres around it) l\ing on the East side ofH Watcrec River, in Kershaw District, containing by reiesurvey of E. Parker, Deputy Surveyor of the 17th dayie of January, 1849.Fifteen Hundred and Twenty (1520)

Acres.bounded North by lands of Dr. E. A. Salmondio and lands of the Estate ofJohn Chesnut, East by landsH of the Estate of John Chesnut, South by lands of EdwardE. Adamson, and West by the Waterce River.ie The said Tract, with tlio exception above made, willk bo sold at tlio time and placo hereinbefore specified, to1" the highest bidder for the same, provided it brings overig Si* Thousand Dollars. fCOOOl but it will not be sold for

less than Six Thousand Dollars (6000.)>e TJ?iuts..A credit of one, two and three years.pur)rchaser to give bond with approved personal securityr and a mortgago of the premises. Possession of saidi" lands to bo given on the 1st day of January ensuing

said sale, and the purchase money to bear interestJ* from the dav possession is given,

e \Y. II. It. 'WORKMAN, c. E. K. n.3" August 6. 03tf

d Iii Equity.Kershaw.jj Josiah Pierce and AVife, Zack Cantey and Wife vs. Ed"ward E. Adamson.Bill to sell land for Partition.TN compliance with an order in this case made at last

11 _L June Term of said Court, I invite proposals for the>* purchase of that portion of the Real Estate of Louis C

Adamson, lately dte'd, lying on "Wateree River and" called the Brevard Place, containing it is thought about0 Four Thousand and Eighty-three (4083) acres. Said

tract adjoins lands belonging to "W. J. Taylor, ZackBowen, E. Parker, Estate of Jno. Chesnut.

e Terms to be specified in proposals as they are open11 to agreement of parties in interest to whom all propositionsare to be referred for acceptance or rejection.3" Propositions may be made to The undersigned.10 Sale not to be effected belorcthe 1st January next.

xW. H. R. "WORKMAN, c. e. k. i».

July 30. * 615m.

le IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTn II¥ SETTING IVOEKAL TEETH.c riHTU nn/lnpoi/ynri/l Ati'noi' nnrl orrnnf nl' l~)r Allnn'c

X valuable improvement, for the Southern States,. begs leave to call attention to its superiority over all

other methods in the following particulars:Increased Strength Continuous Gum, Life-like

i- Appearance, perfect Adaptation of the Plate,n and Cleanliness.the Teeth, Gum and Plate being,t baked into One Piece, without interstices, and as free11 from impurity as a piece of porcelain,n Dentists are informed that I have titted up a Laborahtorv in Montgomery, Alabama, and am prepared to give,o instruction, and Furnish Materials. Two days in

the Laboratory will enable any competent Dentist toic put up teeth in this style to his entire satisfaction.,e The public, and especially those who cannot use thei, pieces they now wear for mastication, are informed that,o I am willing to insert Teeth on this plan, and give the

parties thirty, sixty or ninety days to tost them, after. which they may return or pay for them, at their pleasure.Thoso who wish to see me in Montgomery, must- make immediate application, at the Exchange Hotel.

B. F. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist,114 St. Charles st New Orleans.

July 27. GO2m.[^"Circulars containing full particulars csh be had

at this office.£jgrDr. Smith is now in Augusta, where he will

or a few days only. August 8.

One to Four Dollars a Window.

BEFORE purchasing call and examine the subscriber'sassortment of Transparent WINDOWSHADES, which comprises manv lute and handsomeatterns. C. L. CHATTEN.

IT R. E. MAYER. "I") ESPECTFU1.LY informs the citizens of Camden

lV and the surrounding country that he has opened~ at the Old Stand near Mr. S. Shiver's Blacksmith's

Shop, whore ho will repair Carriages, Buggies ic. onr- moderate terms. July 20.


MDRUCKER & CO. have justrcceivedtheir newsupply of

Spring and Summer Clothing,to which they would invito the attention of the puhllfcat tlm same time they would recommend their Stock o

d OUTIITTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats.Tj.-idenrnmients. Hosery, Gloves, Suspenders, ic.April C 1852..tf'

Anothj Chance.I have jujltftCcoivcd another lot of those verv fine

"°&VASSED IIAMS." Low for Cosh.i0 __


XrMIOSK persons whose accounts lmvo been standingfor lust year nnd previous to that time, will please

call and settle, either by note or payment, elso 1 shallplace them in tho hands of an Attorney for immediatecollection. " AW 0. MOORE.

*r~.. t ottfiuay » UIII

Tactics for Li^lil Infantry and Ri,flcmcn.

(COMPILED for the Washington Light Infantry.J Charleston, S. C. Containing the now manual of

nrms for the Percussion Rifle, furnished by the WarDepartment. Tho Deployment as Skirmishers, and allhat is peculiar to Light Infantry and Riflemen.

, July12. A. YOUNG.

f Charleston Prices.) TTARNESS, Saddlery, Trunks, Military "Work, Ac11 manufactured to order, and warranted, at Charlestonprices.rar'fen per cent, discount for cash within 30 days.

LUKE ARMSTRONG,f Camden, April 23. 23 sw2twtf.

t A BARRELS choice Leaf Lard. Received and forsaloby S1IAW ft AUSTIN.

Juno 22, 1852. 50tf

^^OTTERIOR Pino Applo Choc.se, Cnpors, Currants,GBH^kae, and Lemon Svrups. For sale by

> E. w. BONXEY.

; r' :

v .-i ;; -*.y

""" ****'"* V*'* .CARRIAGES.

At the OSd Stand of §. &, .¥. Gilbert.

S& E. M..GILBERT continue tlio CARRIAGEBUSINESS at the above staud, Nos. 35 and -10

Wentworth street, where they will be pleased to exhibitto their old friends aud customers a very extensivestock of VEHICLES, comprising those of theirown manufacture, together with the various otherstyles usually found in this market. Their long acquaintancewith this market as manufacturers auddealers will enable them to offer great inducements topurchasers, both in styles aud prices.

Ctifirloatnn Ann" 10 fitIf, ... .




and on Wentworth-street, next door to the old stand ofGilberts & Chapin; also, on Meeting-trect, next doorNorth of the "Pavilion Hotel," Charleston, S. 0.

jp^-prdors for Carriages and Harness, promptly executed from this date, on such terms and in such manner,as to insure a continuance oflavors.June 11.47 tt" j

anew goods. j

r|^HE subscriber has just received, and now offers pX for inspection, 14 cases ofDomestics and Plan- ptation Goods, consisting of j si


SEYS, &c.Chiefly of Southern manufacture.The attention of Planters is particularly invited to

the above Goods, as they will be sold at unusually ~ilow prices. C. MATIIESON. J

Aug. 20. G76t 0


THE subscriber announces to the citizens of Cam- qden and the surrounding Districts, that he is now

established, and is ready to supply them with different passortments of BROOMS, of his own manufacture. y

Persons desiring to purchase will find him one door ^above tho Post Office. R

T. C. DUTTON. vAug. 20. 77tf *

To Rout. PnPHK Dwelling on tho corner of DeKalband Church £X streets. It is in good repair, and a desirable res- £idence. Possession given after the 2Gth of September ®

next. Por particulars apply to ~

W. E. IIUGHSON, Agent for A. Burr. 11

Aug. 17. 65wtf



Boots, Shoes, Leather, sAnd Shoe-Findings,

CAMDEN, S. C. c<si

STRAW CUTTERS Ac..The subscriber o

have received a full assortment of t'Large Straw CuttersSmall Do.Corn Shcllers UThermometer Churns


JUST RECEIVED..A general assortment °

of Ladie's SHOES and BOOTS. Somenew styles,by WORKMAN & BOONE. .

August 6. 63tf rFresh Turnip Seed,

IT'OR for Fall planting. Far sale at1 T. J. WORKMAN'S.

LaM Notice- p

ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Robert L. *Tweed, either by note or account, are requested I

to make payment of the some, on or before the first a

day of October next, else they will be placed in thehands ofan Attorney for collection.

S. TWEED, Adm'rx.August 10. 61tf

Writing Inks. !TnE subscriber has just received a large and vn

ried assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and RedINKS, of superior quality in vials aud bottles from 5

to50 cents each. also,1Harrison's, Tarrant's, Wright's David's and Maris' r

INDELIBLE INKS, lor marking on cotton, lineu audsilk, with and without Preparation. .

^March26. Z. J. DeIIAY.

Quinine.i AA OZ. QUININE, at the lowest market price.1UU For sale by i


TIIE subscriber has on hand a large quantity ofGOOD BRICK, which may be had on application

January 23.' J.'F. SUTHERLAND. C

BARRELS fresh "Kennedy's Butter Crackers.".. Received and for sale by a

June 22, 1850."


DR. UriIAM'SVegetable Pile Eleeluary.

ACERTAIN cure for Piles, either External or Inter- 7nal, Bleeding or Blind. Also for all InflammatoryDiseases, Affections of the Skin, and Impurities ol

theBlood, arising from any source. Fof sale by e

Juno 22. TilOilAS J. "WORKMAN.

To Kent.rr,HE Store at present occupied by Shaw 4 Austin, i

X Apply to W. ANDERSON. JAug. 20, G7jtf s

ICE! ICE! ICE!HAVING made arrangements for a regular supply j

of ICE through the summer season, I will beglad to supply the citizens of Camden and its vicinitywith this luxury. Quantities under fifty pounds threecents; over filly pounds two and a half cents. CASH £

for ICE without any exception.F. L. ZEMP.

May 7 s7tf i-v Wnlop'. Tnnt! Snan.

]7*011 cleansing ;»n«l removing auimnloula: from theteeth. by.


Juno 22.'

-^vJ ifOMAS J. WORKMAN. (ITIexiraii Hfiatang -lijnieiit,

IN Bottles at Filly Cents and Ono DoHk.!-. For sale. at


Z. J. DkUvJY'S. i

To Kent.rpiTe small FIOUSE on Broad-street, immediately 1.1. North of the subscriber's Storo. For particulars *applyto JAMES M'EWEN. J»

August 31.*C9tf.

BogarriieN Planetary Horse Powers, FPATENT TYPE-BENDERS ASA IF MILL JIIONS. For sale by vc

MeDOM'ALL & COOPER. 0,|r?g"0rdcrs for Castings, Ac. promptly executed. ?r

Aug 27. 70*


1}ICQUKT'S Garden Plough*. For sale by dcMcDOAVALL & -COOPER.

Juno 29.

Sulphate ({uiniiic, ^

OJ!" superior quality, irom uiu ivtu miuwu u.iwui-

toryof llosengarteu A Denis [Also, llowand's Tonic Mixture, Jayno's Fever and J.

Ague Pills, Dr. Turner's Fever and Ague Pills, Ac. A. '

Justreceived at Z. J. DeTTAY'S.

4) DOZION two-pound cans Fresh Salmon. Received (* 4 and for sale by SHAW A AUSTIN. kiJuuo22,1852. POtf



Buck Head, Aug. 24tb, 1862.

I^HE BRIGADIER GEXERALS ore hereby re.quired to make returns as directed by the Act of841, (see Section 13th.) Upon a non-compliance, the \iw will be enforced against all defaulters.

By order of the Commander-in-Chie' : '-'52J. W. CANTEY,


Adjutant and Insp. General.;~ "iwfSIAugust 31. 70wlni

a"cab5.~~yT ESSES. G F KENNEDY, of Chester and JAMES J jM*JL M. 11UEST, formerly one of the proprietors oltie Planters Hotel, Charleston, have leased thelMEFICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would resentfullysolicit from their friends and the travellingubli j a portion of their patronage. We pledgo out*alves that the guests of the Hotel will receive occomlodutionsunsurpassed by anv in the city. ." 'Jm


Charleston May 17. 406m

~POSITIVEBARGArKrsT!aAVING a very large stock of LACE and FAN- "'

CY SUMMER GOODS, which I wish to disposef bclore the Fall, I will positively offer them for cash a

Greatly Reduced Prices!They consist of a large variety of Fashionable Laco f2j«japes, from one to eight Dollars.131k. Lace Veils, Lace Sleeves, Trimming Lacetiand

Idgings of every description.such as ReaL Thread, .'

^ove Thread, Valenciennes, Linen, Cotton and Bobin;Blk. and White Blonde Laces and Edgings. Al- y), a full assortment of'REXCH NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIES yoomprising beautiful Worked Muslin ColIars,veiy low,Ik. Embroidered Muslin Capes, atcost prices;Imb'd Sleeves and Cuffs, of the the newest patterns;reneh Emb'd Lawn Handk'fs. at New-York cost; .< /j&mwiss Edgings and Insertings at reduced prices;arrtbric do. " do. " " "

nfant's Frock Bodies, various sizes, at cost;" Embroidered Caps, " "

adies' Muslin Breakfast Caps, very few left;forked Muslin Chemisettes, choice patterns and uu- -*^8

questionably cheap. 'tSummer Bonnet^ at and Under Cost ,

ome of them quite new, and others tolerably ancient.In disposing of these, I will graduate the prices acyrdingto seniority; those of two years standing coniderablvunder cost; also, BONNET RIBBONS, all

f them new, at prices to suit tbe Bonnets and themcs respectively.

Summer Dress Goods.Such as Printed Muslins, Ginghams, Gingham Mus- v>3

us, Barago DeLaines, "White and Colored Dotted Mus* o < / isns, &c., ic., purchased this Spring and offered tempt- £igly low; in fact, I am wiliiug to sacrifice the profits 'Jn all of these as well as many other exclusively SumlerGoods, in orderto make room for my Fall supplies, »

- ..juSarhich I intend to be on a scale unusually complete,nd at prices calculated to increase the extensive patonagealready conferred on me. ." >>; ' .^2June 25.51t JAMES.WILSON.

Hair Restoratives.

[HAVE now on hand a large, and varied assort- ^'

; >"lagmcnt of HAIR RESTORATIVES, consisting in

art of Eauel's Eau Lustral; Barry's Tricopherous;'halon's Invigorator and Jayne's Hair Tonic; French'omatums, &c. Having been lately received, they 'jkre fresh and fine. To be had at *3jMay2S. Z. J. DeHAYS.

Notice. /Ja\ LL persons indebted to the estate of A. E Allen, ,

t\. who neglect to settle by the 15th of September _.1ext,will find their accounts in tho hands of an officer)r collection.

JOHN R. JOY, 0. K. D. and Adm'r..

June 29. 52tf

Colombia S. C. Insurance Company*rHE undersigned continues to act as Agents for the £ffij

above Company, and are prepared to take riskson «; Iluildings and Merchandize at customary rates. ,

A. M. & R. KENNEDY. , >.$§June 15th, 1852. 48tf - At

SALEM WOOLEN^ / " ^[HAVE now on hand, and daily expecting further %]

supplies of brown, mixed and white %[ WILLED AND PLAIN SALEM KBRSIES, .

of different qualities. Planters wishing theirNegro Clothing,

!an now be supplied at Manufacturer's prices.also.on hand, -

"* 1

A full assort ment of BLA CK and MIXED JEANS,jul will in a few days receive a variety of these Goods jV^ja fancy colors, in qualities from fine to superfine. Allfwhich will be sold either wholesale or retail by

W. ANDERSON.Camden, Aug. 10. 64w3m

PARIS-MADE BOOTS..A few pair/justreceived by WORKMAN k BOONE.

7 X "ALCORN'S" superior FAMILY HAMS. Re- .

i O ceived and for sale byJung#2,1852. SHAW & AUSTIN.

I CASE potted Yarmouth Herring1 do do Anchovie Paste. Received and for

ale by SlIAW k AUSTIN.June 22. 1852. 50tf1 * U

I CASE Guava Jolly in quart Jars. Received andL for sale by SHAW k AUSTIN,June 22. 50tf '


t CASES Preserved Limes, Oranges, Pino Applea .

and Citron. For sale byJune22. SHAW k AUSTIN.

[CHOICE Gun Powder, Hyson and Imperial Teas.U1 Received and for sale byJuno 22.



^ RAIN Cradles, Steel Forks and Rakes, Iron andJT Steel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale at .

Ti.l. ni if T» tir T)A\T\TT?V1CIreo. .u n. w. cwuci

Aromatic Spirits off Vine^ar*I >T"r .... -.flutiful stylo. Forsftlo^y

THOMAS J^ AVORKMAN.)INE APPLE and v. Goshen Cl^cae, Family Hams

and Bacon Sides. Ai." > jzard and Canal Flour. i

st received atv X BONNEY'S.

Coffee ITIillsV^UTIIER'S Patent, Xos. 1, 2 and 3^-By the imJproved construction of this Mill, the jgcon-^ ^

yed through the chamber to all parts of the runnCT^^yually, and at the same time, thereby increasing the^"^inding operations. l|^'Merchants will be supplied at manufacturer's y^jices. Specimens can bo seen at my store in Cam- I W

ii. ikiujn, Agent.Aug. 20. G7tC

JEW RAISINS.50 quartor boxes RAISINS\ Received at MOORE'S.

IEIDSICK^IIAMPAIGNLJ..10 Baa- ^Jkets, low for Cosh. W. C. MOORE.

Frcfth Lard Oil,

)F superior quality, which will bo sold as low as

the present advanced prices of OILS of everynd will warrant. Just received at ' v'-sjij

DeHAT'S DRUG store.