Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation

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  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation



    F lo w e r s f o r b i r d s

    Aster Coneower CoreopsisSunower

    N e c t a r p l a n t s f o rh u m m i n g b i r d s

    Hummingbirds are typicallyattracted to red and yellowtubular owers, althoughthey frequently visit othersas well.

    Bee balmColumbine


    Honeysuckle Jewel weed LobeliaPenstem onPhloxSalviaTru m pet creeper

    A d d i t io n a l f o o d a n ds h e l t e r f o r b ir d s

    You c an p rovide additionalfood and shelter for birds

    and other wildlife by build-ing or p urchasing feedersand houses and by settingout certain foods.Watchingbirds feeding can be anenjoyable pastime. Find outwhich birds s p e n d t hew in t e r in or m i g r a t et h r o u g h yo u r a r e a ,andprovide food for them.Check to see which birds

    are most common andwhich are rare or in specialneed of food and shelter.Many species of birds can beattracted by a v a r i e t y o ff e e d in different styles of feeders. Be sure to p ut feed-ers o u t o f r e a c h o fp r e d a t o r s .

    C o m m o n f o o df o r b i r d s

    Hummingbird:Sugar water (1 part sugar to4 parts water) in a feeder.Every 3-4 days, wash feederwith soap and water,r insethoroughly, and add newsugar water.Oriole:Citrus fruit on a nailTitm ouse, nuthatch, chick-adee, and man y others:Black oil sunower seedsGoldnch, pine siskin:Thistle seedWoodpecker, wren :Plain suet in a suet feeder

    N O T E : Use of feeders could attract som e wildlife speciesthat you may not want to

    feed, such as starlings, crows,an d squ irrels.Type an d

    placement of feeders and thetype of food can help deter unwanted species.

    B i r d h o u s e s

    Choose a location that birds will nd a p p e a l i n ga n d s e c u r e , usually away from th e bustle of humanactivity. Make or b uy a bird house s p e c i c a l l y

    d e s i g n e d for the species of bird you want to attract.Thesize of the hole is most critical to prevent the eggs and youngfrom being destroyed by larger birds; always check a list of approp riate hole sizes.

    PREVIOUS PAGE(top) Northerncardinal, male;(bottom right)Supplemen tal food

    for birds;(bottom left)

    Interspersed native plants.

    THIS PAGE(top right) Annashummingbird;(bottom right)

    Eastern bluebird,male, at nest box. R i

    c h a r

    d D a y , D

    a y b r e a

    k I m a g e r y

    V i r g

    i l K e t n e r

    Susan Day, Daybrea

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    W I L D L I F E H A B I T A T


    Dead, dy ing, and hollow trees and logsMany people are not aware of the value of dead, dying,and hollow trees, as well as logson the ground, for wildlife.Dead trees p rovide home s to over 400 species of birds,mammals, and amphibians. Fish, plants, and fungi also benet from dead and dying

    trees. Consider leaving standing dead and dying trees in your yard unless the y pose a humansafety or p roperty h azard, and use dow ned w oody materials in gardens and landscaping.

    Attra cting butteries to y our yar d Colorful butteries add beauty and interest to your backyard.There are hundre ds of differentspecies of butteries in North America. Butteries require food in liquid form, such as nect arproduc ed b y plants.They get some of it from owers and from juices of extra-ripe fruits.Thetypes of o w e r i ng p l a n t s you grow will determine th e kinds of butteries you will attractto your backyard. Observe species nearby, and use plants that attract them . Provide n e c t a r -r ic h o w e r s for adult butteries and foliage for caterpillars. Do not use insecticides nearplants for butt eries.

    N e c t a r p l a n t s f o rb u t t e r i e s

    Aster Azalea Buttery bu sh Buttery weed and

    other milkweedsConeower

    Lantana Lupine Milkweed Phlox


    P l a n t s f o r c a t e r p i lla r s

    Caterpillars, the larval stage

    of butteries, need nour ish-ment as well. N a t i v ep l a n t s are the choice of many species. Plants forcaterp illars include:

    Aspen Birch Buttery weed and

    other milkweeds Dill Hollyhock SennaSorrel


    Attra cting bees to your ya rd

    In the United States, thereare nearly 5,000 differentspecies of native beesalmost all of them s o l i t a r y ,f r ie n d ly b e e s that nest inholes in the ground or bur-rows in twigs and dead treelimbs.These bees dont havehives to p rotect so th ey arenot aggressive and rarely

    sting. Bumblebees, carpenterbees, sweat bees, leafcutterbees,digger bees, and othersp o l lin a t e m a n y d i f f e r -

    e n t k i n d s o f p l a n t s ,andplay a critical role in healthywild plant communities andgardens.Some 30 percent of our diet is the direct re sultof a pollinating visit by abee to a owering fruit tree

    S t e p h e n

    L . B u c

    h m a n n

    S t e p h e n

    L . B u c

    h m a n n

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    Som e co rpora te lands

    are set aside and

    m anaged just for wildlifehabitat. The Wildlife

    Habitat Cou ncil has

    implem ented w ildlife

    enhancement programs

    on mo re than 550,000

    acres in the United States

    and eight other countries.

    Habitat projects on

    corporate lands are

    corpora te-dr iven

    cooperativeeffor ts amo ng

    managemen t ,

    emp loyees , the

    community, local


    groups , and

    local, State, and




    or vegetable plant. Providingbee habitat in your yard canincrease the quality andquantity of your fruit andvegetable harvests.

    N e c t a r p la n t s f o r b e e s

    Bees are attracted to mostowering plants, and areespecially fond of blue andyellow owers.Try plantingyour garden so you haved i f f e r e n t s p e c ie s

    b l o o m i n g in t h e s p r i n g ,

    s u m m e r , a n d f a l l . Plantsfor bees include:

    Bee balm Black-eyed SusanCardina l ower Clover an d other legum esCosm osCrape myrtleGoldenrods

    Lupine Mallows Milkweeds MintsSunowers

    B e e h o u s e s

    A good use fors c r a p lu m b e r (atleast 3-5 inches

    thick) is to drill holes (from

    1/8-inch to 5/16-inch in diam-eter) about 90 percent of theway into the thick woodenblock.Space the holes about1/2-inch to 3/4-inch apart.The 5/16-inch holes work best as homes for orchardbees, which are excellent pol-linators of fruit trees. Hangyour bee blocks u n d e r t h ee a v e s of your house or gar-den shed, protected fromdirect sun and rain.

    Attracting bats to your ya rd Bats can be benecial andinteresting mammalianspecies in yourneighborhood. Bats areamong the most importantconsumers of n i g h t - y i n gi n s e c t s , includingmosquitoes,moths, andbeetles. For example, a

    O n c o r p o r a t e la n d s

    PREVIOUS PAGE(top) Monarch bu ttery onconeower; (bottom right)

    Digger bee; (left) Giant swallowtail after em erging

    from chrysalis.

    THIS PAGE(top right) Canada goose;(bottom) Egret over w etland;(left) Pallid bat with insect.

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A

    Bill W

    Lynn Betts, USDA

    M e r

    l i n D

    . T u t

    t l e , B

    a t C o n s e r v a t

    i o n

    I n t e r n a t

    i o n a


  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    W I L D L I F E H A B I T A T


    single little brown bat cancatch more than 6 0 0m o s q u i t o e s i n a n h o u r .Watching bats y aroundlight posts catching bugscan be an interestingnighttime activity.

    To help attract bats and pro-vide them with much-need-ed roosting habitat, you maywant to c onsider pu tting abat house in your yard.Thehouses should be placed onp o l e s o r b u i ld i n g s a t

    le a s t 15 f e e t h i g h in aspot that receives 6 or morehours of sun per day. Treetrunks are usually too shady

    for bat boxes. Some species,such as red bats and hoarybats, will use foliage of shrubs and trees,w hile oth-ers, such as evening andIndiana bats, will roost underloose bark or in cavities.

    As with all wildlife, batsshould be w a t c h e d b u tn o t h a n d l e d or chased.Bats are generally shy of humans, and rarely attackor y after a per son, but if caught or picked up fromthe ground, a bat may bitein self-defense. Bats shouldnot be handled.

    Water for w ildlifeClean, fresh water is as important to birds, bats, and otherwildlife as it is for people.Water in a s a u c e r , b ir d b a t h ,o r b a c k y a r d p o n d gives wildlife the water they need.Remember to change the water every few days to k e e p i tf r e s h . In hot weather, it may be necessary to rell the con-tainer every day.

    Logs, rocks, and other in-water structu res provide drinkingand basking habitat for turtles, butteries,and songbirds.Stones with depressions that collect water will help attractbutteries.

    HintButter ies, birds, bees, and all wildlife are very vulnerable tomany pesticides and other che micals.Probably the be st singlething a gardener can do for wildlife is to m i n im i z e c h e m i -c a l u s e . If you u se chemicals,always f o l lo w la b e li n s t r u c t i o n s .

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A J e

    s s e

    G r a n t

    h a m

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation



    Farmers are installing grass,

    tree, and shrub plantings, ponds,

    and o ther w ildlife habitat at

    record rates. Buffer strips along

    waterways, grass areas, and

    native prairie plantings are some

    of the practices used on farms.

    Nesting structures such as bird

    and bat houses are somet imes

    provided for w ildlife. Some farm-

    ers plant or leave food plots of

    corn, m illet , or othe r grains

    spe cically fo r w ildlife.

    Pheasants, grouse, quail, prairie

    chickens, mourning doves, and

    songb irds, as w ell as leopard

    frogs, diamond-back terrapin,

    red b ats, and o ther w ildlife,

    benet from habitat that farmers

    and ranche rs establish on their

    land. Farme rs appreciate and

    enjoy wildlife suppo rted b y goo d

    habitat and also benet from

    pollination and p est c ontrol by

    benecial insects.

    O n t h e f a r m

    PREVIOUS PAGE(top) Backyard pond with lily pads and frogs;(bottom) Cleaning birdbath; (left) Thistle feeder with pine siskin an d American goldnches.

    THIS PAGE(top right) Rose-breasted grosbeak, m ale;(bottom right) Stream side buffer of trees an d other plants; (bottom left) Red-eared and

    painted turtles; (top left) Eastern bluebirds.

    R o n

    N i c h o l s

    , U S D A

    R i c h a r d

    D a y , D

    a y b r e a

    k I m a g e r y

    Richard Day, Daybrea

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A

    Lynn B

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    B A C K Y A R D P O N D


    A backyard pond will likely

    becom e the focal point for all your backyard conservation.

    Where to put a backya rd p ond Consider locating your backyard pond in view of a deck orpatio where everyone can enjoy it. Have it blend in with its nat-ural surroundings.Plan to la n d s c a p e a r o u n d t h e p o n dto p rovide habitat for frogs and birds that need land and water.Be sure elec trical service is available for a pump , lter system tokeep w ater fresh, or for lighting.There will be less maintenanceand cleanup and most aquatic plants will grow bette r if yourpond is not under trees.

    When to install a ba ckya rd p ond You can p ut in a backyard pond any time the groun d isntfrozen or overly wet. Plan on taking at least a weekend to installand landscape.

    Backyard po nd sup pliesMost sites will require lining with an impervious material tohold a constant water level. A e x i b l e lin e r made of sheetsof strong plastic is generally the easiest way to line your pond.Flexible liners may make it easier for the pond to t into thenatural surroundings of your yard. Pre-formed r igid liners alsoare available, but generally are more exp ensive and moredifcult to install. A wooden half barrel with a liner makes anice small, above-ground pon d.Youll also need a p u m p a n d l t e r to maintain clean water and healthy sh.You can addplants, landscaping, heaters, or special effects like fountains andwaterfalls.

    Siz e and dep thCommon regrets of backyard pond owners are that the pondwas too small or too shallow. Minimum depth for sh is 18inches; a deep end o f 2 or 3 feet is recommended . Size andshape of ponds with rigid liners are dictated by the liners.Apond with a exible liner may be any shape or size.

    Establishing plantsF r e e - o a t i n g p la n t s , such as duckweed,are an integralpart of keep ing the water in your pond clear. Use native plantsthat are recommended for your area.

    I n yo u r b a c k y a r d

    Backyard ponds are for birds, butteries, frogs, sh,andyou and your family. These ponds are typically small,sometimes no larger than 3 to 4 feet in diameter.

    Water is very effective in d r a w in g w ild l if e to your back-

    yard. It is also a natural, relaxing,and scenic addition that canprovide interest and enjoyment.

    J i m

    A r c

    h a m

    b e a u

    l t

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation



    Also use s u b m e r g e d p o ts of water lilies,iris, spikerush,arrow-arum, duck potato,marsh marigold, and other native wetlandplants. N a t iv e s a r e h a r d y , and typicallysurvive over winter in the backyard pond,unlike most non-native, trop ical species.

    Plants should cover 50 to 70 percent of thewater surface. Set the plants 1 to 2 inchesunder water;the pots may need to be sup-ported by submerged rocks or bricks.If youare using native plants, there is usually noneed to fertilize them. For some exoticwater lilies, limited fertilizingonce yearlymay be required. Check with your nurseryon care of plants and how deep to placepotted plants. Be aware that overfert ilizing

    may cause unwanted algae blooms whichcan rob the water of oxygen.

    Add sh a nd scavengersConsider stocking your backyard pond withsh.They are fun to watch, and help keepthe pond free of unw anted insects.Youllalso need scavengers, such as aquatic snailsand tadpoles, to help control algae. In coldclimates, a heater may be necessary for shto survive the w inter.Be aware that heaterscan use large amounts of electricity.

    HintFill a small area with sand or gravel to cre-ate a shallow area where bees and butter-ies can drink.

    SafetyLocate the backyard pond where it is unlike-ly that unattended children may be attractedto it. Check local safety ordinances to deter-mine if a fence is required for the specic

    depth and size of your pond. Check localbuilding ordinances for depth and safetyrestrictions and permits.Equip outdoor out-lets with a ground-fault circuit interrupter.

    More h elpYour local nursery, landscaper, or other sup-plier can give you more information on th estep-by-step process of building a backyardpond, selecting and establishing suitableplants in and around it, and landscaping.

    A properly located

    and maintained farmpond can help s top

    gully erosion and

    improve w ater quality.

    Ponds provide w ater

    for l ivestoc k,

    waterfowl , and sh;

    s tore water for

    emergencies ; and

    add beauty to the


    Wildlife use p onds forwater and habitat . As

    one Iowa farmer says

    about h is pond, I

    was a lways taught

    that one genera t ion

    does for the next ,

    and we thought

    leaving the land an d

    water in bet ter

    condi t ion w ould be

    something good to

    leave to ou r children

    and grandchildren.

    O n t h e f a r m

    PREVIOUS PAGE Recirculating water in backyard pond.

    THIS PAGE(top) Landscaped backyard pond;

    (right)Fishing in farm pon d;

    (left)Your pondm ay be a s simple as abirdbath.

    J i m A r c

    h a m

    b e a u

    l t

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A

    T i m

    M c C a b e ,

    U S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    B A C K Y A R D W E T L A N D


    Wetlands lter excess nutrients,

    chem icals, and sedim ent, and provide habitat for a host of interesting creatures.

    Many yards can support a backyard wetland thatbenets you and your community. Letting runo ff from your roof,parking area, and lot slowly lter

    through a mini-wetland helps prevent pollution of neighbor-ing creeks and may help prevent ooding.

    I n y o u r b a c k y a r d

    Where to p ut a w etland Low areas that remain wet or damp much of the year are theeasiest p laces to establish wetlands. Any d e p r e s s io n t h a tc o l le c t s r a in w a t e r or runoff from downspouts, or servesas the path o f drainwate r leaving your yard, is an excellentspot to p la n t w e t l a n d p l a n t s .Youll create a backyardwetland area that will be very l o w m a i n t e n a n c e . Therewill be no more bogged dow n lawn m owers bec ause nomowing will be needed! The area will attract wildlife and lterthe w ater draining off your prop erty. If you do not have anapprop riate natural site, you can create a wetland the sameway you would a backyard pon d. Do not put excess fertilizeror pesticides on your lawn or other areas feeding yourwetland.

    How to build a w etland Partially blocking an existing drainage way or digging a shal-low basin may be all you need to do if you have clay soil thatnaturally holds water. In better drained soil or w here you w antyour wetland to stay wet most of the time, you can dig a shal-low depression and bury a plastic liner as you would to createa backyard pond. How long the area stays ooded or w et dur-ing the growing season is key to the types of plants to use. If runoff will not naturally keep the area w et en ough, you willneed to have a supply of water available for occasional use. G e

    n e W h i t a k e r

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation



    I m p o r t a n t ! Because of the variety of potential conditionsthat you can create, and the poten tial side-effects of blockingdrainage ways, you should always consu lt an expert beforestarting a wetland project.

    What to plantA wide variety of attractive plants can grow in wet areas.Cattails and many varieties of reeds thrive in the open sunand are easy to care for.Many species are not harmed by longdry periods during the summer. Cardinal owers, sweet ag,and pickerel weed thrive in wet areas. Trees and shrubs likeblack gum, water oak, red-osier dogwood, button bush, andsweet pepper bush a d d t e x t u r e , c o l o r , a n d b e a u t y toany landscape, and are adapted to p oorly drained soil. A vari-ety of attract ive ferns, skunk cabbage, and Jack-in-the -pulp it

    grow well in woode d wetlands that are damp and shaded. If you create bog con ditions of permanent ly damp organic soil,you can grow native orch ids,Venus ytrap, and sundew.

    Wildlife in your w etland Many birds and small animals will quickly start using yourwetland. Usually frogs, toads, salamanders, and aquatic insectswill nd your wetland during the rst spring. A deep, perma-nent po ol in the wetland can support native frogs, toads, andpossibly sh that will eat mosquito larva and othe r insects.Most frogs and toads need spring pools in which to breed;their tadpoles nee d shallow w ater for several weeks wh ilethey mature.Wetlands that dry out in the summer can sup-port a variety of plants and wildlife and will not producemosquitoes.

    Wetlands lter excess nutrients, chemicals, and sediment from runoff,

    keep ground water p ure , hold b ack ood w aters , provide habi ta t for

    migratory birds and local wildlife, and add beauty to the landscape.

    Across the country, many farmers are restoring wet areas in cropland

    and p asture to fully functioning wet lands that ben et their land and

    the environment .

    O n t h e f a r m

    PREVIOUS PAGEWetland plants in low areabetween bu ildings.

    THIS PAGE(top) Colorful m ix of w etland

    plants; (right) Goldnch onconeower;(bottom) Restored prairie

    pothole wetland.

    L y n n

    B e t t s , U

    S D A

    Richard Day, Daybrea

    T i m

    M c C a b e ,

    U S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    C O M P O S T I N G


    All organic matter eventually decomposes.Composting speeds the process by providing anideal environment for bacteria and other decompos-

    ing micro-organisms. The nal produc t, humus or compost,lo o k s a n d f e e l s lik e f e r t i le g a r d e n s o il . This dark,crumbly, earthy-smelling stuff works wonders on all kinds of soil and p rovides vital nutrients to help p lants grow and look better.

    Decomposing micro-organisms need four key elements tothrive: nitrogen, carbon, moisture, and oxygen.For best results,m i x m a t e r i a l s h ig h i n n it r o g e n (such as clover and freshgrass clippings) a n d t h o s e h ig h i n c a r b o n (such as driedleaves and twigs). If the re is not a good supply of nitrogen-richmaterial, a handful of general lawn fertilizer will help the nitro-gen-carbon ratio. Moisture is provided by rain, but you mayneed to w a t e r o r c o v e r t h e p i le t o k e e p i t d a m p . Becareful not to saturate the pile. Oxygen is supplied by t u r n i n go r m i x in g the pile. More tu rning yields faster decomposition.

    Com posting tu rns

    hou sehold wastes in tovaluable fertilizer.

    I n y o u r b a c k y a r d

    Getting s tar ted Many materials can be added to a compost pile, includingleaves, grass clipp ings, straw, woody brush, vegetable and fruitscraps, coffee grounds, livestock manure, sawdust, and shreddedpaper. Avoid using diseased plants, meat scraps that may attractanimals, and dog or cat manure w hich can carr y disease.

    Composting can be as simple or as involved as you wouldlike, and depends on h ow much yard waste you have, how

    fast you want results, and the effort youre willing to invest.

    Cold comp ostingWith co ld composting, you can just pile grass clip-pings and dry leaves on the ground or in a bin.Thismethod requires no maintenance, but youll have to

    wait several months to a year for the pile to decom pose. Coldcomposting works well if youre short on time or have littleyard waste. Keep weeds and diseased plants out of the mix.Add yard waste as it accumulates.

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation



    O n t h e f a r m

    Like com post ing, waste

    management on the farm turns

    a potential waste into a

    resource that saves money and

    helps the environment.

    Producers use l ivestock manure

    to ferti l ize crops. When manure

    is properly handled, it can b e

    safely applied t o the land

    without the risk of po lluting


    Composting is also practiced in

    some poultry operations. The

    compost is used as ferti l izer on

    the farms and for lawns and

    gardens .

    Hot comp os tingHot composting requires more work, but with a few minutesa day and the right ingredients you can have nished compostin a few weeks. Hot piles must be bu ilt all at once in a4- to 5-foot cube and tu rned regularly. As decomp ositionoccurs, the p ile will shrink. A 3-foot cube is needed to main-

    tain nec essary heat. Hot piles can reach 110 to 160 degreesFarenhe it, killing most wee d seeds and plant diseases.

    s On a level site, lay down bricks or pr unings to promote aircirculation.

    s Spread several inches of the high-carbon material, then m ixhigh-carbon and high-nitrogen material together. Waterperiodically.

    s Punch holes in the sides of the pile for aeration.s The pile will heat up and then begin to cool. Start turning

    when the p iles temperature be gins to drop.

    Move materials from the center to the outside and vice versa.Turn every day or two and you should get compost in lessthan 4 weeks.Turning every other week will give compost in1 to 3 months. Finished comp ost will smell sweet and be cooland crumbly to the touch.

    PREVIOUS PAGE Nutrien t-rich compost

    THIS PAGE(top) American cranberrybush Viburnu m ; (top right)Compost bin m ade of fencing wire;(bottom right)Wooden com post bins;( bottom ) Manure storagetank. R i c

    h a r d

    D a y , D

    a y b r e a

    k I m a g e r y

    Christi Carter from Gran

    Christi Carter from Gran

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    M U L C H I N G



    cools, protects,and enrichesthe soil.

    Leaving the previous

    year s crop stubble

    on the soil surface is

    called c onservationtillage. This practice

    helps keep wind

    from blowing so il particles and helps stop rain from

    wa shing soil aw ay. Also, research is showing that

    leaving cro p residues helps ho ld carbon in the so il

    and aids in reducing greenhouse gases. This

    practice is often used in combination with other

    conservation measures such as wind strips or

    contour farming.

    O n t h e f a r m

    Mulching involves p lacing a layer of organic materi-al around plants.As mulch decom poses, it addsorganic matter to the soil.This provides important

    nutrients for plants and an ideal environment for earthwormsand other organisms that help e n r ic h t h e s o i l.

    Mulching can recycle yard wastes and improve your soil.Mulch p r o t e c t s s o i l f r o m e r o s i o n , prevents weedgrowth, conserves soil moisture, stabilizes soil temperature,reduces comp action, and keeps clean and dry any fruit orvegetable that touches the ground.

    Mulch ma teria ls

    The best place to look for mulch materials is in your ownyard. G r a s s c l ip p i ng s a n d le a v e s work well formulching if they are dry and wee d free. Avoid adding clip-pings to your vegetable garden from lawns that have beentreated with w eed killer w ithin the last two m owings.If youlive near farming areas, you may be able to get old hay from afarmer or feed store.

    Compost makes an excellent organic mulch material. It addsnutrients to the soil and has a natural appearance.Wood chipsand bark work well around trees and shrubs and make attrac-tive walkways through gardens.

    Ap p lying mulchApply mulch w h e n p l a n t s a r e e s t a b l is h e d a n d s o i lis w a r m . First, water your garden well.Then place a layer of mulch around the p lants.Thickness of the m ulch layer variesfor each material:

    Dry grass clippings 2 inchesShredded hardwood mulch,straw, or wood chips 2 to 4 inchesCompost 3 to 4 inchesDry leaves 6 inches

    You will help insulate the root zone and lower evaporationrates if you liberally apply mulch. Be careful not to smotherthe plants. As the mulch breaks down, add more material tothe top th roughout the growing season. After harvest, w o r kt h e m u lc h in t o t he s o i l to integrate the organic matter, orleave it on the surface to d e c a y n a t u r a l ly and be carriedinto the soil by earthworms.

    I n y o u r b a c k y a r d

    June Davi

    Gene Alexan

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    O n t h e f a r mAgricultural produc ers

    sam ple soils for nu tri-

    ent needs . As tech-

    nology becomes

    available and afford-

    able , mo re producers

    are varying fertilizer

    rates within each

    eld, depending on

    soil test results. This

    precision farming

    method places the

    correct amount of

    fertilizer where it is

    needed. Applying only

    those nutrients plants

    can use improves the

    farm economically

    and environment ally.

    N U T R I E N T M A N A G E M E N T


    Apply only those

    nutrients the plants can use.

    Nutrients are essential for good plant growth, butoverapplying nut rients is not good for plants or forthe environment. Excess nutrients leach through

    the soil and end up in ground water, or run off into stormsewers and end up choking a lake or stream.

    The three primary plant nutrients are nitrogen,phosphorus, and potassium. Generally, nitrogenpromotes top growth, phosphorus helpsdevelop stronger roots and more ower andfruit production, and potassium builds durabilityand disease resistance.

    Remember to c o n s i d e r n a t i v e p la n t s or others w ith lowfertilizer nee ds.

    Soil test is keyThe key to good nutrient management on the farm and in yourbackyard is a reliable soil test.Without a soil test, you could beapplying too much , too little, or the w rong nutrients.Youll wanta separate soil test for your lawn and for your garden.

    Commercial soil test kits are available at nurseries and lawn andgarden suppliers. Ask for information on how to take your soilsamples. Apply o n ly t h e n u t r ie n t s n e e d e d according tothe soil test, and at the right time. Never exceed the recom-mended rate.

    Fertiliz ing law nss Use slow-release nitrogen fertilizers.s Mow often, and leave grass clippings on the lawn for fertilizer.

    s Be careful not to spread fertilizer on sidewalks and driveways.s Be sure to calibrate your spreader correctly.

    Fertiliz ing gardenss Use compost to enhance or replace fertilizers.s Choose a level site, or terrace th e garden, to avoid runoff

    and erosion.s Place fertilizer near plants rather than broadcast it over the

    entire garden.s Add organic matter to the soil by using manures and organic

    fertilizers at a conservative rate.

    I n yo u r b a c k y a r d


    PREVIOUS PAGE(top) Applyin g shredded mulch; (bottom) Soybeansgrowing through cornresidue.

    THIS PAGE(top right) Using soil test kit in yard; (bottom)Testing soil on the farm ;

    (top left) Curbside runoff drains to lake.


    Amy Janssen Smith, USDA

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    T E R R A C I N G



    m akes ower and vegetablegardening

    possible onsteep slopes.

    Terraces can break your backyard into several mini-gardens.On steep slopes, terracing can make plantinga garden feasible. Terraces prevent erosion by

    shortening the long slope into a series of shorter, more levelsteps.This allows heavy rains to s o a k in r a t h e r t h a n r u no f f and cause soil erosion.

    Mater ials for terr acesBuilding terraces is like building a staircase.The mate rial youuse to make the face of the stair may be treated lumbersuchas railroad ties, poles, or postsor bricks, rocks, concreteblocks, or similar materials.

    Height of wallsThe steepness of th e slope o ften dictates wall height. Makethe ter races in your yard high enou gh so the land areabetween them is f a i r l y l e v e l . Be sure th e terrace material iss t r o n g enough and a n c h o r e d w e l l enough to stay in

    place through freezing and thawing,rainstorms, and so forth.Large projects, such as retaining walls, may require a profes-sional design and specialized assistance and equipment. Besure to c h e c k lo c a l b u i ld in g c o d e s regarding the instal-lation of high walls, and w o r k s a f e ly .

    Eros ion control is a consid era tionHeavy rains can cause erosion betw een ter races, and createsmall gullies if water conc entrate s as it goes over a terrace . Tohelp prevent erosion, a d d m u l c h o r o t h e r g o o dg r o u n d c o v e r on land between terraces.

    I n yo u r b a c k y a r d

    Terraces catch runoff

    water, le t the w ater

    soak into the g round,

    and deliver the excess

    safe ly to the bot tom of

    a hillside m uch like

    eavespouts on ahouse . The ear then

    ridges built around a

    hillside on the contour

    cut a long slope into

    shor ter s lopes ,

    prevent ing w ater f rom

    building to a highly

    erosive force.

    Som e ter races are

    seeded to grass , which

    provides erosioncontrol and a nesting

    area for birds. Terraces

    are of ten used in

    com binat ion w ith o ther

    conservat ion pract ices

    to provide more

    complete soi l

    protec t ion.

    O n t h e f a r m

    Ron Nic

    Gene Alexan

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    W A T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N


    If you rely on watering to make your lawn grow and yourgarden productive, consider a more efcient system.There are several ways to improve the use of water.

    Use w ater againWhen it rains, if no water recycling system has been p lanned,the water that runs off your house keep s on going to thestorm sewer. By saving that water, and reusing it on your gar-den or lawn later, you save energy and water.

    A simple recycling system directs water from eavespouts to astorage barrel.You ll a bucket with water from th e storagebarrel and carry the water to your garden.This is a simple andeffective system. However, you may want a more elaboratemethod of capturing and distributing rain water.

    Water ing to sa ve energyWhenever practical, w a t e r in t h e e a r l y m o r n in g .In arid climates, its okay to water in the evenings andat night.Youll lose less water to evaporation than if

    you watered in the middle of the day, and the p lants are less

    stressed and can take up the water more efciently.

    Mulch or ber cloth p reserves soil moisture.You can nd sup -plies and information at a nursery or hardware store.

    Consider planting native species.They usually use little or nowater beyond normal rainfall.

    Drip irrigation benetsA drip irrigation system will provide water directly to theplant.You can c ontrol the ow to each p lant.

    Drip irrigation

    and other water conservation practices cansave water and money.

    I n yo u r b a c k y a r d

    O n t h e f a r m

    Drip irrigation ranges from inexpensive soaker hoses toelaborate computerized systems.There may be an up-frontinvestment, but youll u s e l e s s w a t e r a n d h a v eb e t t e r w a t e r d is t r ib u t io n .

    Garden or hardware stores w ill have the supplies you nee d.You may even want to engineer your ow n system from a gar-den h ose. Be sure n ot to overapp ly fertilizer w hen using adrip system.

    Drip irrigation,

    comm only used on

    fruits and vegetables,

    minimizes the am ount

    of water that

    evaporates, and it

    maximizes the am ountthat is used by plants.

    By placing the water

    directly on the plant, or

    next to it, less water

    evaporates and less is

    wasted on bare soil.

    High-efciency irrigation

    systems for row crops

    use less energy to

    pum p w ater and, since

    they spray waterdownward, less water

    evaporates before it

    reaches the crop.

    Farme rs imp leme nt

    other water

    management practices

    to reduce the amount

    of water used to

    produce a crop.


    PREVIOUS PAGE(top) Terraced owerbeds; (bottom) Farm in g grassed terraces on the cont our.

    THIS PAGE(top) Drip irrigation in vegetable garden; (bottom) Efcient drip irrigation on the farm.

    Ron Nic

    Ron Nic

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    P E S T M A N A G E M E N T


    Early detection and

    treatm en t of pestsm ean s a healthier growing environment.

    Preventing pestss Plant disease and pest-resistant species.s Select a variety of hardy plant species and space them

    properly.s Select plants that bloom and bear fruit at different times of

    the year.s Plant owers, herbs, and vegetables together and change

    the location of annuals every year to prevent buildup of certain pests.

    s Clean up plant litter and remove weeds before they go to seed.s Add bird and bat houses to the garden.s Provide habitat for benecial insects that prey on pests.s Water and add nutrients properly to increase plant vigor.

    Physical pest control s Remove insects by hand.s Wash p ests away using a sp ray nozzle.s Set traps.s Make physical barriers around plants,such as a wire

    mesh fence partially sunk into the ground for rabbits,aluminum foil wrapped around vegetable plants forcutworms, and solid barriers to prevent weeds from

    invading ower beds or vegetable gardens.

    Bene cial inse ctsHaving the right insects in your garden or backyard can keeppests and weeds in check. Benecial insects, such as ladybugs,assassin bugs, and praying mantises, prey on insects that canharm your plants. The following insects can help con trol pestsin your backyard:

    s Ladybugs and lacewing larvae for controlling aphids and awide variety of other insects.

    s Preying mantises for con trolling many insect s.

    Good p lanning canput you a s t e pa h e a d of

    unwanted insects, weeds,anddiseases.Healthy, vigorousplants minimize pest damage.

    R e g u la r m o n i t o r in g of your lawn or garden is the

    best way to stay on top of potential plant health andpest problems. If you seeminimal damage, it is ofteneasiest to just tolerate it andcontinue monitoring.If pestsbegin to cause seriousdamage, there are a numberof treatment methods.

    I n y o u r b a c k y a r d R u n

    k / S c h o e n b e r g e r

    f r o m

    G r a n t

    H e i

    l m a n

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation



    s Seedhead weevils and other beetles for controlling weeds.s Predatory mites for controlling pest mites, thrips, and

    many others.s Ground beetles feed primarily on caterpillars that attack

    trees and shrubs.

    Chem ical contro lsIf the methods listed above fail to solve your pest problem,use chemicals of lo w t o x i c i t y and r a p i d d e c o m p o s i-t i o n . Always read the label, f o l lo w d i r e c t io n s , wear pro-tect ive clothing, and spot-spray. Some of these chemicals are:s Pesticidal soaps for aphids, scale crawlers, whiteies,

    and thrips.s Insecticidal dusts for aphids, beetles, eas, ticks, ants,

    and cr ickets.s Horticultural oils for aphids, mites, leafhopp ers, mealybugs,

    scales, plant lice, and mosquito larvae.s Botanicals for leafminers, eas, and ticks.

    Proper pest management on the farm involves a variety

    of practices, l ike rotating crops t o reduc e disease and

    insect p roblems, and establishing tall grass hedges to

    provide habitat for benecial insects. Most farm ers now

    m onitor their elds regularly, a practice c alled sco uting,

    to keep track of insect and weed populations. Only when

    populations reach a level where an unacceptable amount

    of dam age is likely are direct c ontrol m easures initiated.

    When pesticides

    are nece ssary,

    farmers ll and

    clean tanks

    away f rom

    water sources ,

    mix only necessary amounts, and apply only to land

    where p roblems exist .

    Before you app ly pesticides, make sure that they will not harmbenecial insects or be h azardous to hum ans, pets, or w ildlife .

    Living in harmony with wildlifeIn some instances, practices described in this book couldattract unwanted wildlife, or more of a species than is desir-able. If you have problems with any wildlife spec ies, mostnurseries or garden stores, and organizations listed in theWhere To Get Additional Assistance section at th e back o f this book can provide information on preventing or control-ling them.The government agencies listed can provide infor-mation on Federal and State regulations regarding protectionof wildlife species. Equipp ed with the right information andtools,m ost peop le are able to solve their own problems andlive in h armony w ith w ildlife.

    O n t h e f a r m


    Bluebird at nest box;(bottom)Spot sprayin gdandelion;(top left)Seven-spotted lady beetle.

    THIS PAGEScouting a

    farm eld. R i c h a r d

    D a y , D

    a y b r e a

    k I m a g e r y

    T i m

    M c C a b e ,

    U S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    Even if you dont have a backyard of your own, the reare many opportun ities to use t he p ractices in thisbook to contr ibute to a healthy environment.

    Backyard p onds, wetlands,n ative grass plantings, and p lantsthat attract wildlife can improve school grounds, areas aroundapartments and businesses, community gardens, parks, andother community areas.

    Consider starting a backyard conservation project in yourcommunity. Any vacant lot or unused sp ace is a candidate forimprovement with natural plantings. A community garden canbe a source o f pride as well as a source of food. A garden alsocan be a hands-on te aching center for natural resource conser-vation conc epts.

    Businesses often sponsor community improvement projects incooperation with schools and civic organizations, which c on-tribute labor.

    E V E R Y B O D Y H A S A B A C K Y A R D


    Backyard practices

    can be used inshared spaces and pu blic places, too.

    I n y o u r s c h o o l o r c o m m u n i t y


    V i r g

    i l K e t n e r

    B o b

    N i c h o l s

    , U S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation



    Ways to p romote backya rd conservation in your neighborhood s Encourage public ofcials to practice backyard conservation on parks and other public

    property.s Plan projects in coope ration w ith neighboring property own ers.s Encourage community involvement.s Encourage your building owner to use backyard conservation practices on the grounds

    around th e b uilding.s Encourage school classes and other organizations to become involved in planning and

    caring for the areas.

    PREVIOUS PAGE(top) Restored com mu nity w etland;(center) Scrub jay drink ing from birdbath;(bottom) Urban community garden.

    THIS PAGE(top left) Planting to enhance communityareas; (top center) Robins; (top right) Mulchof grass clippings on v egetable garden;(bottom right) Native plants add interest to

    pond; (bottom left) Fun and learning inschool garden.

    C o l

    l e e n

    S c h n e

    i d e r , U

    S D A

    L y n n

    B e t

    t s , U

    S D A

    R i c h a r d D a y ,

    D a y

    b r e a k

    I m a g e r y

    Jim A

    B o b

    N i c h o l s

    , U S D A

    B o b

    N i c h o l s

    , U S D A

  • 8/8/2019 Gardening) USDA - Backyard Conservation


    A u d u b o n a n d A u d u b o n h a b i t a t s

    For chapter information regarding habitatprojects, call: 212-979-3117,o r write:s National Audub on Society

    Audubo n Habitats555 Audubo n PlaceSacramen to, CA 95825

    B a c k y a r d c o n s e r v a t io np r a c t i c e s

    s Bat Conservation InternationalP.O. Box 162603Austin,TX 78716-2603512-327-9721Fax: 512-327-9724

    s Wildlife Habitat Council1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 920Silver Spr ing, MD 20910301-588-8994Fax: 301-588-4629E-mail: wh c@wildlifehc .org

    s Your local USDA Service Center (listed inyour phone book under U.S. government,Department of Agriculture)

    s USDA Natural Resources ConservationServiceConservation Comm unications Staff,Room 6105-S1400 Indepen dence Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20250202-720-3210

    s USDA Farm Service AgencyPublic Affairs Staff, Stop 05061400 Indepe ndence Ave,SWWashington, D.C. 20250-0506202-720-5237

    B a c k y a r d W ild l i f e H a b i t a t

    s National Wildlife Federation BackyardWildlife Habitat Program8925 Leesburg PikeVienna,VA 22184-0001703-790-4434

    D e v e l o p in g a n d m a n a g i n gw ild l if e h a b i t a t s a n d c o n t r o l lin gu n w a n t e d w i ld l if e

    s Your State sh and wildlife agency (listedin your phone book under Stategovernment)

    s Intern ational Association o f Fish andWildlife Agencies444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 544Washington, DC 20001202-624-7890Fax: 202-624-7891E-mail: [email protected]

    s The Wildlife Services ofce neare st you(listed in your phone book under U. S.government)

    s USDA Animal and Plant Health InspectionServiceWildlife Services301-734-7921

    H o r t i c u l t u r e , w ild l if e , u r b a nf o r e s t r y

    s Your local ext ension o fce (listed in yourphone book under local government)

    s A land-grant university

    s Cooperat ive State Research, Education andExtension ServiceU.S. Departm ent of AgricultureWashington, DC 20250-0900202-720-3029Fax: 202-690-0289

    E-mail: csre es@ree usda.gov

    L o c a l ly - le d c o n s e r v a t i o ni n it i a t i v e s

    s Your loc al conser vation district (listed inyour phone book under countygovernment)

    s National Association of Conser vationDistrictsP.O. Box 855League City,TX 77574 -08551-800-825-5547

    P o l lin a t o r g a r d e n s , b e eg a r d e n s

    s Forgotten Pollinators CampaignArizona-Sonora Desert Museum2021 N. Kinne y RoadTucson , AZ 85743E-mail: fpollen @azstarne t.comhttp://www.Desert.Net/museum/fp/

    R e s t o r i n g a n d p r o t e c t i ngw ild l if e h a b i t a t

    s Your local U.S.Fish and Wildlife Serviceofce (listed in your ph one book underU.S. government, Department of theInterior)

    s U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceDivision of Habitat Conser vation4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room 400Arlington, VA 11103703-358-2201

    W a t e r s h e d , o c e a n s , a n dw e t la n d s p r o t e c t io n

    s U.S. Environmen tal Protec tion AgencyOfce of Wetlands, Oceans andWatershedsMail Code 4501FWashington, DC 20460Wetlands Hotline : 1-800-832-7828Safe Drinking Water Hotline:1-800-426-4791http://www.epa/gov/OWOW/

    O t h e r s o u r c e s o f in f o r m a t i o n

    s Local garden centers

    s Landscaperss Garden clubss Native plant societies

    W H E R E T O G E T A D D I T I O N A L A S S I S T A N C E Additiona l information on Backyard Conservation is available onthe Web at http:/ / ww m ore information on the

    followin g topics, please conta ct the organ iza tion s listed below:

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) p rohibitsdiscrimination in all its programs and activities on thebasis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion,age,d isability,po litical beliefs,sexual orientation , andmarital or family status. (Not all prohibited b asesapply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities whorequire alternative means for communication of pro-gram information (Braille, large print , audiotape, etc.)shou ld c ont act USDAs TARGET Center at 2 02-720-2600 (voice and TDD).

    To le a complaint of discrimination, write USDA,Director,Ofce o f Civil Rights, Room 326W,WhittenBuilding, 14th and Indep enden ce Avenue, SW,

    F EB R U A R Y 19 9 8Program Aid 1621

    FRONT COVER (top) Contour stripcropping,Tim McCabe, USDA; (center)

    Mocki ngbird eatin g chokecherry, Richard Day, Daybreak Ima gery.