Games Based Learning MOOC http://gamesmooc.shivtr.com

Games MOOC Overview of Week 6

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Games Based Learning MOOC


Apps, AR and ARGs

APP Application software of a mobile device. This could be a smartphone or a tablet.

AR• Augmented Reality

creates a layer of virtual reality over the real world environment using a computer generated sensory input through a GPS enabled application that can be sound, video or graphics.

ARGAn alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a platform and uses transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by participants' ideas or actions.

Social Network Knowledge



• Level 1 – Identify the Network• Level 2 – Lurk• Level 3 – Contribute• Level 4 – Create• Level 5 – Lead

Week 1

Fun, Flow & Fiero

Week 2

Apps & Possibilites

Week 3IF and AR

Interactive Fiction and Augmented Reality

Week 4

Mysteries, Puzzles and

Scavenger Hunts

Week 5

ARGAlternate Reality Game

Week 6

Clues and ClosureTransmedia and Machinima

An occasional paper on digital media and learning

Confronting the Challenges

of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century


• Designing Clues• Transmedia and Clues• Machinima• Ending this iteration of the Games MOOC


May 1st#gamemooc

tweetchat and award ceremony



Monday – Noon MT

Weekly Overviews

YouTube Channel

Wednesday – 7 pm MST

• TWEETCHAT #gamemooc• Transmedia!

Tuesday – 7 pm MST

Editors of Virtual Education Journal (VEJ)Rosie Vjotek and Robert Vjotek

Live Events Online

• Google Hangout on Air Overview Monday Noon MT

• Tuesday 7 pm MT Google Hangout and through Second Life.

• Tweetchat #gamemooc Wednesday 7 pm MT

Social Media

• Twitter - #gamemooc

• Flickr – Games Based Learning MOOC

• diigo – Apps AR and ARGs

What to Do?

• Week 6• Weekly Activities• Events• Discussion

Games Based Learning MOOC
