More Possibilities. The Scaffolding System. Made of galvanised steel or corrosion-proof aluminium General construction approvals Z-8.1-16.2, Z-8.1-840 and Z-8.1-844 Certification according to DIN ISO 9001/ EN 29 001 by TÜV-CERT Fast. Safe. Complete. SpeedyScaf ®

galvanised steel or DIN ISO 9001/EN 29 001 Ü V-CERT … Possibilities. The Scaffolding System. Made of galvanised steel or corrosion-proof aluminium General construction approvals

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M o r e P o s s i b i l i t i e s . T h e S c a f f o l d i n g S y s t e m .

Made ofgalvanised steel or

corrosion-proof aluminium

General construction approvalsZ-8.1-16.2, Z-8.1-840 and


Certification according toDIN ISO 9001/EN 29 001
















More possibi l i t ies. From the sum of i ts advantages.

F a s t . S a f e . C o m p l e t e .

Layher SpeedyScaf.®

The locking wedges of theguardrails sit tightly,stiffening the rails andenhancing the feeling ofsecurity in the scaffolding.

The Layher scaffoldingdecks slide effortlessly intothe frames, with optimumsafety assured by threeclaws. With Layher you canchoose between steel,aluminium and wood. Thatgives you the right deck forevery requirement, with topquality as you’d expect fromLayher.

A particular systemadvantage

is the possibilityof subsequent alignment

of the diagonalsthanks to the adjustable

guard rail coupler.

With Layher’s SpeedyScaf, you benefit fromthe sum of all Layher’s advantages in theirmost compact form. Besides the comprehens-ive technical concept, perfected down to thesmallest detail, and the tried-and-tested pre-cision of Layher production, you are alsosupported by unequalled delivery capability,stock volumes and after-sales service.

SimpleThe system concept – with claw mountingof the scaffolding decks in U-profile tran-soms, with bolt-free connection technologyand a self-explanatory constructionsequence – assures unbeatably fast assem-bly and dismantling.

HandyContinuous development work hasresulted in consistent weight reduc-tions, and ergonomic and easy hand-ling.

Well thought outLayher SpeedyScaf always has a fastsolution up its sleeve. It doesn’t matterwhether ground irregularities need tobe compensated, the scaffolding needswidening, or recesses, projections,gaps etc. are in the way – there arespecially developed extension parts forevery structure, saving time and mate-rial.

Three systems in oneDepending on the required loadingcapacity, the application, and your trans-portation and storage capacity, you canput together scaffolding that’s tailored toyour own specific requirements: youhave the choice between 0.73 m or 1.09 mwidth in hot-dip galvanised steel, or0.73 m in aluminium, with decking andextension parts for either width. Thisflexibility provides you with incompar-able variability, plus optimum loadingand lowest possible use of materials.

Layher – das Gerüst-System

Layher – das Gerüst-System

More possibi l i t ies. From flexibi l i ty within the system.

Safe to use.Q u i c k a s l i g h t n i n g .

Widening the scaffolding up to1.09 m using console bracketsis possible; there’s no simplerway of putting up scaffoldingaround buildings with chang-ing facade contours or provid-ing intermediate decks foroptimum working heights.

The top deck level(for example in 1.09 m widescaffolding): the top levelof the scaffolding endswith system-conformingseries parts.

Dependably safe and simpleextension potential can betaken for granted with LayherSpeedyScaf®.

Risks involved in work onscaffolding are eliminated

by the protective roof.

For bridging gaps orconstructing large

platforms, a wide varietyof lattice beams are

available, in many casestype-tested.

More possibi l i t ies . From dependable safety .

M i n i m u m u s e o f m a t e r i a l s , m a x i m u m s a f e t y .

Standard for scaffold erecting.

The Layher system advantages:

Comprehensive approvals for bothsteel and aluminiumSafe to use

Precision fittingSaves time in assembly and dismantling –ergonomically comfortable handling andhigh erection output

Flexible useSuitable for any trade, usable with otherLayher systems and products

Extensive and complete rangeProject-based standard lengths –0.73 and 1.09 metres wide

Layher SpeedyScaf®

With only a few basic elements, and afew manual operations, this Layher clas-sic will provide you with a safe founda-tion for any job at lightning speed. It hasbeen the leading frame scaffolding onthe market for decades now, and withthis unbeatably lightweight yet strongand stable system you can cope withalmost every requirement. And in sodoing lay the foundation for lastingprofitability!Layher SpeedyScaf can be used equallywell both for scaffolding work and forbuilding trades thanks to its versatileand well-thought-out parts range.

Layher – das Gerüst-System

Layher – das Gerüst-System